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Liturgical Leaflet for an Active Participation in the Celebration of the Eucharist

29 July 2018 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B


Signs and Instruments of God’s Generosity

oday is Fil. Mission Sunday – a day devoted to remember our
brothers and sisters who work in the foreign missions. In re-
sponse to God’s call, they have left our land and their families
to proclaim the Gospel in the nations where Christianity is still a tiny mi-
nority, or where the local Church still needs the help of new evangelizers.
It is our duty to remember with admiration, sincere love, and practi-
cal solidarity all our missionaries – priests, nuns, religious brothers, and
lay volunteers. They are expected to be the best showcase of what the
Church is all about. Let us pray for them and be generous toward them,
for much of the good they can do depends on the generosity with which
we reach out to them.

P –Lord Jesus, you used the mercy on us; you take away the
generosity of that boy to sins of the world, receive our
feed a crowd of thousands. prayer; you are seated at the right
Christ, have mercy! hand of the Father, have mercy
Entrance Antiphon All – Christ, have mercy! on us. For you alone are the Holy
(To be recited only when no Entrance
P –Lord Jesus, you continue to One, you alone are the Lord, you
Hymn is sung.)
feed the world through the alone are the Most High, Jesus
God is in his holy place, Christ, with the Holy Spirit,
work of our missionaries.
God who unites those who in the glory of God the Father.
dwell in his house; he himself Lord, have mercy!
All – Lord, have mercy! Amen!
gives might and strength to his
people. P –May almighty God have
mercy on us, forgive us our sins, Collect (Opening Prayer)
Greeting and bring us to everlasting life. P –O God, protector of those
P –Blessed be Jesus, the mis- All – Amen! who hope in you, without whom
sionary of the Father. May his grace nothing has firm foundation,
and peace be with you all! Gloria nothing is holy, bestow in abun-
All – And with your spirit!
All – Glory to God in the high- dance your mercy upon us and
Penitential Act est, and on earth peace to people grant that, with you as our ruler
P –As we prepare ourselves to of good will. We praise you, and guide, we may use the good
celebrate the sacred mysteries, we bless you, we adore you, we things that pass in such a way as
let us reflect on what makes us glorify you, we give you thanks to hold fast even now to those
unworthy to do so. (Pause) for your great glory, Lord God, that ever endure.
P –Lord Jesus, you accepted heavenly King, O God, almighty Through our Lord Jesus
with gratitude the offering Father. Christ, your Son, who lives and
of the boy who gave you all Lord Jesus Christ, Only Be- reigns with you in the unity of
the food he had. Lord, have gotten Son, Lord God, Lamb of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever
mercy! God, Son of the Father, you take and ever.
All – Lord, have mercy! away the sins of the world, have All – Amen!
* The Lord is just in all his Galilee. A large crowd followed
ways and holy in all his works. him, because they saw the signs
The Lord is near to all who call he was performing on the sick.
upon him, to all who call upon Jesus went up on the moun-
1st Reading 2 Kgs 4:42-44 him in truth. R. tain, and there he sat down
Elisha’s generosity and his with his disciples. The Jew-
firm faith in God’s power to work 2nd Reading Eph 4:1-6 ish feast of Passover was near.
miracles enabled him to feed a As disciples of the Lord, When Jesus raised his eyes
crowd of one hundred men. This we create unity by bearing one and saw that a large crowd was
miracle foreshadows the even another with patience and love. coming to him, he said to Phil-
greater one performed by Jesus Such is the challenge presented ip, “Where can we buy enough
when he fed a crowd of five thou- by the apostle Paul to the believ- food for them to eat?” He said
sand men with just five loaves ers of Ephesus and to us who live this to test him, because Je-
and two fish. in a society characterized by sus himself knew what he was
rivalries and fault-finding. going to do. Philip answered
R –A proclamation from the him, “Two hundred days’
Second Book of Kings R –A proclamation from the wages worth of food would not
Letter of Paul to the Ephe- be enough for each of them to
A man came from Baal- sians
shalishah bringing to Elisha, have a little.”
the man of God, twenty bar- Brothers and sisters: I, a One of his disciples, An-
ley loaves made from the first prisoner for the Lord, urge drew, the brother of Simon Pe-
fruits, and fresh grain in the you to live in a manner worthy ter, said to him, “There is a boy
ear. Elisha said, “Give it to the of the call you have received, here who has five barley loaves
people to eat.” But his servant with all humility and gentle- and two fish; but what good are
objected, “How can I set this ness, with patience, bearing these for so many?” Jesus said,
before a hundred people?” with one another through love, “Have the people recline.”
Elisha insisted, “Give it to the striving to preserve the unity Now there was a great deal
people to eat. For thus says the of the spirit through the bond of grass in that place. So the
Lord, ‘They shall eat and there of peace. One body and one men reclined, about five thou-
shall be some left over.’ ” Spirit, as you were also called sand in number. Then Jesus
And when they had eaten, to the one hope of your call; one took the loaves, gave thanks,
there was some left over, as the Lord, one faith, one baptism; and distributed them to those
Lord had said. one God and Father of all, who who were reclining, and also as
is over all and through all and much of the fish as they wanted.
The Word of the Lord! in all. When they had had their
All – Thanks be to God! fill, he said to his disciples,
The Word of the Lord! “Gather the fragments left
Responsorial Psalm Ps 145 All – Thanks be to God! over, so that nothing will be
R –The hand of the Lord feeds Gospel Acclamation wasted.” So they collected
us; he answers all our them, and filled twelve wicker
All – Alleluia! Alleluia! baskets with fragments from
R. M. Velez A great prophet has risen the five barley loaves that had
in our midst. been more than they could eat.
F Gm God has visited his people. When the people saw the
    
  
Alleluia! Alleluia! sign he had done, they said,
“This is truly the Prophet,
Gospel Jn 6:1-15 the one who is to come into
The hand of the Lord feeds us; The miraculous feeding of the world.” Since Jesus knew
Bb C F a huge crowd with just a few that they were going to come
      loaves of bread and two fish
far outshines the miracle per-
and carry him off to make him
king, he withdrew again to the
formed by the prophet Elisha mountain alone.
he an-swers all our needs!
in his time. It also foreshadows The Gospel of the Lord!
* Let all your works give the even greater miracle of the All – Praise to you, Lord Jesus
you thanks, O Lord, and let Eucharist through which Jesus Christ!
your faithful ones bless you. has been feeding the believers of
Let them discourse of the glory all generations. Homily
of your kingdom and speak of P –The Lord be with you!
your might. R. All –And with your spirit! Profession of Faith
* The eyes of all look hope- P – A proclamation from the (Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed)
fully to you, and you give them holy Gospel according to All –I believe in one God, the Fa-
their food in due season. You John ther almighty, maker of heaven
open your hand and satisfy the All – Glory to you, O Lord! and earth, of all things visible
desire of every living thing. R. Jesus went across the Sea of and invisible.

29 July 2018
I believe in one Lord Jesus C – That all Filipino missionar- P –Let us give thanks to the
Christ, the Only Begotten Son ies: priests, nuns, religious broth- Lord our God!
of God, born of the Father be- ers, and lay volunteers may be All –It is right and just!
fore all ages. God from God, credible witnesses of the Gospel P –It is truly right and just,
Light from Light, true God from in the areas where they exercise our duty and our salvation, al-
true God, begotten, not made, their apostolate, let us pray! R. ways and everywhere to give
consubstantial with the Father; you thanks, Lord, holy Father,
through him all things were C –That all our missionaries almighty and eternal God.
made. For us men and for our who are sick or discouraged may For we know it belongs to
salvation he came down from find in God’s grace and our soli- your boundless glory, that you
heaven, (bow)* and by the Holy darity the strength and consola- came to the aid of mortal be-
Spirit was incarnate of the Vir- tion they need, let us pray! R. ings with your divinity and even
gin Mary, and became man.* For C –That all Filipino Catholics fashioned for us a remedy out of
our sake he was crucified under mortality itself, that the cause of
may ever more contribute to
Pontius Pilate, he suffered death our downfall might become the
the evangelization of the world
and was buried, and rose again means of our salvation, through
through their prayers, good ex- Christ our Lord.
on the third day in accordance ample, and active support of all
with the Scriptures. He ascended Through him the host of An-
missionaries, let us pray! R. gels adores your majesty and re-
into heaven and is seated at the
right hand of the Father. He will C – Let us pray in silence for our joices in your presence for ever.
come again in glory to judge personal intentions. (Pause) May our voices, we pray, join
the living and the dead and his Let us pray! R. with theirs in one chorus of ex-
kingdom will have no end. ultant praise, as we acclaim:
P –Lord Jesus, bless the work All – Holy, holy, holy . . .
I believe in the Holy Spirit, of our missionaries that they may
the Lord, the giver of life, who see the fruit of their labor. Make
proceeds from the Father and Memorial Acclamation
us sensitive to the needs of our
the Son, who with the Father brothers and sisters, and make P –The mystery of faith!
and the Son is adored and glori- us instruments of your provident All –When we eat this Bread
fied, who has spoken through love for them. You who live and and drink this Cup, we pro-
the prophets. claim your Death, O Lord,
reign for ever and ever.
I believe in one, holy, cath- until you come again!
All – Amen!
olic and apostolic Church. I
confess one Baptism for the
forgiveness of sins and I look
forward to the resurrection of
the dead and the life of the world All – Our Father . . .
to come. Amen! Preparation of the Gifts P –Deliver us, Lord . . .
P –Pray, brethren . . . All –For the kingdom, the
Prayer of the Faithful power, and the glory are
All – May the Lord accept the
P –The celebration of Fil. Mis- sacrifice at your hands, for the yours, now and for ever!
sion Sunday and today’s liturgi- praise and glory of his name,
cal readings invite us to share for our good and the good of all Sign of Peace
generously with others the bless- his holy Church.
ings the Lord has granted us. Let Breaking of the Bread
us ask the good Lord to open our Prayer over the Offerings All – Lamb of God, you take
hearts to the needs of our neigh- away the sins of the world: have
bor. And so we pray: P –Accept, O Lord, we pray, the
offerings which we bring from mercy on us. (2x)
All –Lord Jesus, hear our the abundance of your gifts, that Lamb of God, you take
prayer! through the powerful working away the sins of the world:
of your grace these most sacred grant us peace.
C –That the Church may always
be attentive to the needs of the mysteries may sanctify our pres- Communion
poor and take concrete action to ent way of life and lead us to
improve their conditions, let us eternal gladness. P –This is the Lord Jesus who
pray! R. Through Christ our Lord. feeds mankind with the Bread of
All – Amen! Life. He is the Lamb of God who
C –That the Catholics who are takes away the sins of the world.
rich or hold important positions Blessed are those called to his
Preface III
may use their financial resourc- Supper.
es and influence to create an P –The Lord be with you! All –Lord, I am not worthy
attitude of solidarity toward the All –And with your spirit! that you should enter under
less gifted and the poor, let us P –Lift up your hearts! my roof, but only say the word
pray! R. All – We lift them up to the Lord! and my soul shall be healed.

17th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)

Communion Antiphon P –May He direct your steps
(To be recited only when no to Himself, and show you
Communion Hymn is sung.) how to walk in charity and
Bless the Lord, O my soul, peace.
and never forget all his ben- P –The Lord be with you. All – Amen!
efits. All – And with your spirit! P – May almighty God bless
P –Bow your heads and pray you: the Father, and the
Prayer after Communion for God’s blessing. (Pause) Son, and the Holy Spirit.
May the Lord God make All – Amen!
P –We have consumed, O Lord,
this divine Sacrament, the per- you generous toward the P –Go in peace to love and
petual memorial of the Passion needy and reward your gen- serve your neighbor as Je-
of your Son; grant, we pray, that erosity. sus did.
this gift, which he himself gave All – Amen! All – Thanks be to God!
us with love beyond all telling, P –May He strengthen your
may profit us for salvation. faith so that you will perse-
Through Christ our Lord. vere in good works.
All – Amen! All – Amen!


he vast crowds that kept following Jesus of distribution and solidarity. More than a problem
because of the “signs” he had been performing of “multiplication,” it is a problem of “division” – a
(see Jn 6:2) could become a heavy burden if, problem of lack of sharing. Too many affluent nations
by meal time, there was no food at hand, nor money give the crumbs, rather than the full loaves.
to buy it. The suggestion of the Twelve to dismiss What the world needs today is to remember that the
them (see Mt 14:15) is not particularly impressive, fruits of God’s blessings are for all. We Christians have
though – under the circumstances – it could also be a special responsibility in reminding mankind about this
seen as prudent and rational. truth, and especially in putting it into practice. We are to
But Jesus’ plan was different. And in a short while consider ourselves the descendants of the selfless boy
the disciples found themselves involved in a prodigal who put his “baon” at the disposal of Jesus.
distribution of food. The similar miracle performed by We are challenged to imitate him. If we do imitate
Elisha (see First Reading) was a far cry from what him, then miracles will happen everywhere, every
these five thousand men – not counting the women day.
and children (see Mt 14:21) – experienced by the
shore of the Lake of Gennesareth!
One of the decisive factors which
made that miracle possible was the Enjoy Pope Francis’ heart-warming
generosity of the boy who offered the latest Apostolic Exhortation:
five barley loaves and the two fish
– his “baon” for the day. Of course, In addition to the Holy
Jesus did not need such help. Yet, he Father’s Exhortation, this mini
did accept that simple gift and made encyclopedia on “MIDDLE-CLASS
it the starting point for an unprec- HOLINESS”
edented miracle. Those five loaves of
bread and two fish, generously placed includes:
at the disposal of Jesus, made all the * An extensive Subject Index
difference that day. * Quotable Quotes from
Mankind has been and is periodi- Gaudete et Exsultate
cally tormented by want and famine. * Methodological Suggestions
Today, the undernourished and * A collection of Pope Francis’
the starving have become a huge definitions of holiness
multitude of some three billion people! * Filipino Way to Holiness
The root of this tragedy is not scarcity . . . and much more!
of resources, but lack of wisdom
Order now from
and generosity. It is not so much a Word & Life Publications
problem of production, as a problem

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• Editorial Team: Fr. S. Putzu, G. Ramos, J. Domingo, A. Adsuara, V. David, D. Daguio
• Illustrations: A. Sarmiento, B. Cleofe • Marketing: Fr. B. Nolasco and T. Mojica • Circulation: R. Saldua

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