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Brief idea about Lungs:

• Lung is a part of respiratory system. You use your

lungs when you breathe. The lungs are in the
chest, one on each side of the heart.
• The right lung has 3 main parts, called Lobes. The
left lung is a bit smaller and has 2 lobes. The lungs
are cushioned and protected by a thin covering
called Pleura.
What is Lungs Cancer ?

• Lung cancer is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells that start off
in one or both lungs.
• The abnormal cells do not develop into healthy lung tissue, they divide
rapidly and form tumors.
• A cancerous (malignant) tumor is a group of cancer cells that can grow
into and destroy nearby tissue
• When cancer starts in lung cells, it is called primary Lungs cancer.
Classification of Lungs Cancer :

a) Non-Small Cell Lungs Cancer

b) Small Cell Lungs Cancer

Non-Small Cell Lungs Cancer:
• Adenocarcinoma

• Squamous cell carcinoma

• Large-cell undifferentiated carcinoma

• Bronchi alveolar carcinoma

Some Facts on Lungs Cancer :
• Lung cancer is the number one cause of cancer deaths
in both men and women in the U.S. and worldwide.
• Cigarette smoking is the principal risk factor for
development of lung cancer.
• Passive exposure to tobacco smoke (passive smoking)
also can cause lung cancer.
• The stage of lung cancer refers to the extent to which
the cancer has spread in the body.
Significance of PET-CT Scan :
• A CT scan creates a 3D picture of the lungs, but it may miss small
tumors if part of the lung has collapsed, as is sometimes the case.
• A PET scan goes beyond anatomy to show what is happening at a
cellular level in the tissues of the lung.
• Combining PET/CT technology enables our doctors to know where the
healthy lung tissue ends and the tumor begins.
• A PET scan also reveals cancerous cells before any structural changes
are present.
• This precisely pinpoints tumors, so that we may properly diagnose and
stage the disease, and focus treatment on the cancerous tissues.
A short overview on PET-CT:
• A PET (Positron Emission Tomography) scan is an imaging test that allows
your doctor to check for diseases in your body. The scan uses special dye that
has radioactive tracers. These tracers are either swallowed, inhaled, or injected
into a vein in your arm depending on what part of the body is being examined.
PET scan are most commonly used to detect :- CANCER, HEART PROBLEMS,
 A PET-CT scan combines a CT scan and a PET scan
 It gives detailed information about your cancer.
 The CT scan takes a series of x-rays from all around your body.
 The PET scan uses a mildly radioactive drug to show up areas of your body
where cells are more active than normal.
 PET Scans are sensitive, able to detect cancers that are more than one
centimeter in size
 PET Scans can detect the spread of cancer. It is critical at the start of the
cancer process to accurately "stage the patient."
 PET Scans are used to monitor patients who are in remission, to be certain
that cancer has not returned
 For this reason in some cancers, PET Scans are repeated 6–12 months after
finishing treatment.
Get the CHEAPEST price & Schedule your scan
@ multiple Cities
Starting from Rs.10000/-INR Only
Market price @ multiple cities Price @ BookMyScans

• Bangalore : Rs.17000/-INR  Bangalore : Rs.14999/-INR

• Mumbai : Rs.20000/-INR  Mumbai : Rs.9999/-INR
• Delhi : Rs.15000/-INR  Delhi : Rs.9999/-INR
• Hyderabad : Rs.15000/-INR  Hyderabad : Rs.9999/-INR
• Chennai : Rs.20000/-INR  Chennai : Rs.14999/-INR
• Jaipur : Rs.18000/-INR  Jaipur : Rs.12000/-INR

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