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A. At the end of lesson the student will be able to:

1.List down the parts and their functions in the digestive process
2.Locate the parts of the digestive system
3. Enumerate the importance of the digestive system

Teacher's Activity Student's Activities

GREETING “Good morning
"Good morning class"
“Classmates are you ready to
PRAYER pray?” “Yes we are.”
"Okay class. Mr / Ms. ________, please lead us in “Lord, we thank You for this day that you have given. Please
prayer." help us understand our lessons and guide us in everything
we do. Thank You once again, Lord. In Jesus name we pray,

MOTIVATIONAL ACTIVITY Students will be divided into 5 groups- They will count from
1-5 then they will be group according to the number
Food Roulette ( Game of food) assigned to them. They be arranged like in this diagram.




Mechanics: One Student will read the Mechanics:

1. Groupings
2. The Teacher will say a Food Word and Group 1 will say
another food from the last letter of the food given by the
Teacher, Then Group 2 will say another Food from the Last
letter of the food given by Group 1; Group 3 from Group 2;
Group 4 from Group 3; Group 5 from Group 4. (End)
3. Another Set will start - same sequence as No. 2. It will be
3 sets.

One will read the Rules:

1. Each Group will be given 3 seconds to
2. Brand Name is not allowed but Proper noun will.
3. Beverage is allowed.
4. After Group 5, Teacher will begin another set.
5. The team/s who get/s the highest score will be the
6. There will be three teachers who will be the time
keeper and will help facilitate the game.
7. Price will be given to a

Group 1 will say
Teacher will say … “Fried Chicken” “Nuggets”. Group 2 will
say “Soup”. Group 3 will
say “Popcorn”. Group 4
will say “Nuts”. Group 5
will say “Suha”.

Group 1 will answer

Round 1. “_________”. Group 2 will
answer “_________”.
I was doing house chores and I think of Group 3 will answer
… “Jackfruit”. “_________”. Group 4 will
answer “_________”.
Group 5 will answer

Round 2.

Group 1 will answer “_________”.

I went to Mall, while driving I am thinking of … Group 2 will answer “_________”.
“Seafood Marinara” for lunch. Group 3 will answer “_________”.
Group 4 will answer “_________”.
Round 3.
Group 5 will answer “_________”.

I got hungry while Shopping and I am thinking of Group 1 will answer “_________”.
… “Ice cream” for merienda. Group 2 will answer “_________”.
Group 3 will answer “_________”.
Are you Hungry now
Group 4 will answer “_________”.
Group 5 will answer “_________”.

In a little while it will be lunch already. Yes, we are!




Thank you. Tr. Warren. Okay class. Don’t return to

your seats just yet. Let’s do another activity. Here
are 5 envelopes. (5 Students approaches in front)

Choose one representative of your group and

proceed in front.
(Students return to their groups with own envelopes)

Choose one envelope. Then proceed to your

respective groups. (Student discussion)

Now, open your envelopes and identify the

specific image and discuss its function in
3minutes. They are parts of the digestive system.

Okay, time is up! What have you noticed with

the pictures?

Yes. You have learned the following parts in your

previous year. Now will
discuss the Digestive process in detail. So with The system responsible for food after we eat is
that what is the function of the digestive Digestive System.”

Yes. The digestive system Is responsible for We have it!

breakdown and absorption of nutrients from
food thereby bringing energy for the body. So
now, One representative per group will discuss
their collaboration in front. Who among you have The mouth offers an entry of food into the body. It is
the mouth image? also where the mechanical breakdown begins.

Okay! Be the first to discuss your work.

Good job! Yes!

The mouth breaks down food into bits to facilitate

transfer thru the esophagus to the stomach. This is a
process called mastication. It also serves as the initial
stage of digestion with the enzyme converting
carbohydrates. What is that enzyme? Salivary amylase!

And now let’s follow the food as it passes through

the digestive system. From the mouth, food passes
through the? What connects the mouth and Esophagus!

The esophagus transact food from the mouth to the

Yes. And who have the esophagus? Can you share
stomach by a movement.
your ideas?

That’s correct! So what do we call that rhythmic Peristalsis!

That’s right. So through peristalsis, the food, or now The cardiac sphincter!
called chyme, goes through the cardiac sphincter, a
ring-shaped muscle where food enters from
esophagus to stomach that prevents food reflux. The
food then is transported to the stomach. So again,
what is that muscle that prevent reflux?
Correct. Now, which group now hold the stomach? The stomach further forms the food into smaller
Can you discuss it in front? portions and contains HCl that aids digestion and
destroys the bacteria present in the ingested food. It
also has pepsin the breaks down protein into smaller

Yes that’s correct. Now, where does the food go after Small intestines!
passing the stomach?

Now who among you the small intestine picture?

The small intestine is where pancreatic juices aids in
Please go in front and discuss.
digestion of protein, carbohydrates and fats. It is also
Yes, that’s correct. You may return to your seat. the longest part of the digestive system.
Furthermore in the small intestine, bile acts on the
food. Bile is produced in the liver and stored in the
gallbladder. It break down fats into smaller droplets.

What organ produces bile? Liver!

How about the one that stores bile? Gallbladder!

That’s correct! Small intestines the remains of the

digestion and absorption are now enters the large
intestine who happens to be in the last group.

Yes, that true. You may now return to your seat. The
large intestine is composed by the ascending,
transverse and descending colon, the appendix, anus The large intestine is composed by the ascending,
and rectum. It is also where absorption of water transverse and descending colon, the anus and
occurs. The remains after water has been absorbed rectum. It is also where the appendix is. It also
are now called STOOL or FECES then it will be stored contains the feces ready for excretion.
in the rectum then excrete to the anus.

So in summary, the digestive system is composed

The mouth, esophagus, stomach, large and small

All are which function to do what?

They are responsible for breakdown and absorption of

nutrients from food thereby bringing energy for the
Very good! So now, I will turn you over to Tr. Rose for body.
the next activity.



Direction: Choose the best answer and write the

letter on the space provided. ______

1. Digestion is ___________.
“ Direction: Choose the best answer and write
a. The breakdown of food into the letter on the space provided.”
smaller substance that can be absorbed
by the body
b. The breakdown of food in the mouth
which contains salivary amylase
c. The breakdown of starches into
simple sugars to be easily swallowed
in the esophagus
d. The breakdown of protein into smaller
______ 2. It is where the process of
digestion begins.
a. Tongue
b. Teeth c.
d. Esophagus
______ 3. The enzyme which is responsible
for protein digestion.
a. Chyme
b. Salivary amylase c.
d. Hydrochloric acid
______ 4. A ring-shaped muscle where food enters
from esophagus to stomach.
a. Pyloric
b. Cardiac sphincter
c. Epiglottis
d. Pyloric valve
______ 5. Where does the absorption of
water occur?
a. Stomach
b. Liver
c. Small intestine

d. Large intestine

Exchange papers with your seatmates. Students raise their hands

Who want to read and answer number 1? "Ma'am"

1. Digestion is ___________.

a. The breakdown of food into

smaller substance that can be absorbed
by the body
b. The breakdown of food in the mouth
which contains salivary amylase
c. The breakdown of starches into
simple sugars to be easily swallowed in
the esophagus
What is the correct answer? d. The breakdown of protein into smaller
"CORRECT!" The answer is A
Alright number 2.

(Teacher calls another student) "Ma'am" (another student raises his/her hand)

______ 2. It is where the process of digestion

a. Tongue
b. Teeth c.
d. Esophagus
Okay! Great! Next let's have number 3. The answer is C

"Ma'am" (another student raises his/her hand)

(Teacher calls a student) ______ 3. The enzyme which is responsible

for protein digestion.
a. Chyme
b. Salivary amylase c.
d. Hydrochloric acid
The answer is C.

That is right! its C! "Ma'am" (student raises his/her hand)

Lets continue with number 4 ______ 4. A ring-shaped muscle where food enters
from esophagus to stomach.
( teacher call another student)
a. Pyloric
b. Cardiac sphincter
c. Epiglottis
d. Pyloric valve
the answer is B
Okay ! correct!
let's have the last number "Ma'am" ( student raise hand)
(teacher call another student)
______ 5. Where does the absorption of
water occur?
a. Stomach
b. Liver
c. Small intestine

d. Large intestine
Okay ! correct!
That's all anyone has a question? The answer is D

Alright class who got 5? Students raise their hands

Okay pass your papers.

Pass your paper according to your scores!






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