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Artifact #5: Science Lesson Using Technology

I am including my science lesson plan using technology in this elementary portfolio

because it demonstrates my ability to not only effectively lesson plan for a science unit, but my

ability to do so using technology. The particular piece of technology that I used is a sway

presentation. This presentation allowed me to provide students with bright visuals that are

accompanied by simple text that is easy to follow. This format is developmentally appropriate

for the grade two students in which this lesson is geared. In addition, the lesson assesses students

at the end via an online quiz. This lesson is not only developmentally appropriate, but it caters to

the learning styles of children who may benefit from the use of visuals in their learning.

Moreover, it also caters to the auditory learners in that this lesson can be implemented in a

manner that the teacher explains the lesson while he/she shows it or can be adapted for

independent use whereby students can log on to a computer and independently view the lesson

much like independently reading a book. This lesson can also lend itself to a kinesthetic learner

whereby students can be required to act out the various animals within the specific animal

classifications as learned about in the lesson. Therefore, this lesson demonstrates my competency

in accommodating the different learning styles of the students in my class coinciding with

Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences and my ability to use technology as an effective

teaching tool.

Connections to Standards

INTASC Standards

Standard #4: Content Knowledge

The teacher understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the

discipline(s) he or she teaches and creates learning experiences that make these aspects of the

discipline accessible and meaningful for learners to assure mastery of the content.

4(a) The teacher effectively uses multiple representations and explanations that capture

key ideas in the discipline, guide learners through learning progressions, and promote each

learner’s achievement of content standards

NYS Code of Ethics for Educators

Principle 2: Educators nurture the intellectual, physical, emotional, social, and civic

potential of each student.

Educators promote growth in all students through the integration of intellectual, physical,

emotional, social and civic learning. They respect the inherent dignity and worth of each

individual. Educators help students to value their own identity, learn more about their cultural

heritage, and practice social and civic responsibilities. They help students to reflect on their own

learning and connect it to their life experience. They engage students in activities that encourage

diverse approaches and solutions to issues, while providing a range of ways for students to

demonstrate their abilities and learning. They foster the development of students who can

analyze, synthesize, evaluate and communicate information effectively.

Ontario Ethical Teaching Standards

Care: The ethical standard of Care includes compassion, acceptance, interest and

insight for developing students’ potential. Members express their commitment to students’ well-

being and learning through positive influence, professional judgment and empathy in practice.

TEAC/CAEP Claims 1-3

Claim 1: Medaille College graduates know the subject matter in their certification


Claim 2: Medaille College graduates meet the needs of diverse learners through

effective pedagogy and best teaching practices.

Claim 3: Medaille College graduates are caring educators.

NYS P-12 Common Core Learning Standards


NYS Learning Standards

A. Standards:

B. Category: Science

Sub Category – Biological Evolution: Unity and Diversity

Grade: 2

Standard and Statement: 2-LS4-1. Make observations of plants and animals to compare

the diversity of life in different habitats

Ontario Curriculum Standards

2.2 observe and compare the physical characteristics and the behavioral characteristics of a

variety of animals, including insects, using student generated questions and a variety of methods

and resources.

ISTE Standards

1. Learner: Educators continually improve their practice by learning from and with

others and exploring proven and promising practices that leverage technology to improve student

learning. Educators:
a. Set professional learning goals to explore and apply pedagogical approaches made possible by

technology and reflect on their effectiveness.

b. Pursue professional interests by creating and actively participating in local and global

learning networks.

c. Stay current with research that supports improved student learning out

ILA Standards


CEC Standards

Presentation Using Technology

Linda Saleh

Instructor: Dan Wodarczak

April 7, 2018
Ontario Science Standard: Developing Investigation and Communication Skills.

2.2 observe and compare the physical characteristics and the behavioral characteristics of a

variety of animals, including insects, using student generated questions and a variety of methods

and resources.

New York Common Core Standard

2-LS4-1. Make observations of plants and animals to compare the diversity of life in different


Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to determine the physical attributes

that differ from an insect, reptile, amphibian, mammal, fish, and birds

Anticipatory Set: Hang posters of the six different animal types and play some nature music.

Gather children to the carpet area and discuss the purpose for the pictures and music. Ask the

students, “What comes to your mind when we say the word animal? What do we know about the

different types of animals? And, who thinks that humans are animals?” Explain to the students

that this lesson will teach them about the variety of different animal classifications and the

physical features unique to each animal classification.


1. After provoking thought and eliciting children’s responses during conversation during the

anticipatory set, start the sway presentation. Begin with slide 1 and go over the six animal

classifications. To gain a better understanding of students’ prior knowledge, ask the

students the question at the end of the slide, “What do you already know about any one of

these animals?”

2. Move on to next slide entitled, Mammals. Go over the listed features indicative of

mammals and ask the question at the end of the slide.

3. Move on to next slide about Reptiles. Go over the points and ask the question at the end.

4. Move on to next slide about Insects. Go over points and ask question at the end of the


5. Move on to next slide about Amphibians and ask question at the end of the slide.

6. Move on to next slide about Fish and ask question at the end of the slide.

7. Move on to next question about Birds and ask question at the end of the slide

8. Move on to next slide and click on YouTube link. Show the students the quick 1.43 video

that recaps all the information just provided from the previous slides. Ask the students if

they have any questions after viewing the video.

9. Ask the students to choose and animal category such as a reptile or mammal and research
the following questions?

What is the name of your animal?

What are some physical features of your animals? (i.e wings, fur, scales)
Where does your animal live? (i.e water, land, both)
How does your animal move? (i.e fly, walk, slither)

10. Move on to the next slide and provide the students with the information about the newly

added library resources.

11. Move on to the next slide which will provide a quiz for students to test their knowledge

about the information provided in the lesson.

12. Closure

Provide students with an exit ticket and ask them what to list two things that they learned

from today’s lesson. To extend the learning segment, ask students to think of others ways

to sort and classify animals such as wild animals, farm animals etc.

Materials Needed
 Pictures of the various 6 animal classifications

 Computer with sound and overhead to facilitate sway presentation

 Exit tickets

 Pencils

 Worksheets

 I-Pads or Chrome books for research

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