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Physical Sciences


Objects All

Standard Set 1. Physical Sciences

1. Properties of materials can be
observed, measured, and predicted. As
a basis for understanding this concept:

1.a. Students know objects can be

described in terms of the materials
they are made of (e.g., clay, cloth,
paper) and their physical properties
(e.g., color, size, shape, weight,
texture, flexibility, attraction to
magnets, floating, sinking).

Genre Comprehension Skill Text Feature Science Content

Nonfiction Classify and • Labels Physical

Categorize Properties

Scott Foresman Science K.1

ISBN 0-328-23458-3

ì<(sk$m)=cdefif< +^-Ä-U-Ä-U by Nathan Tardiff

Objects All
object Around
shapes by Nathan Tardiff

Picture Credits
4 Carol Stutz.

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ISBN: 0-328-23458-3

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 V010 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06
An object can be big. An object can be hard.
An object can be small. An object can be soft.

2 3
see smell


taste touch

You can use your senses

to learn about objects.

4 5



Objects are made of materials.

6 7
Objects have shapes. Objects can be light.
Objects can be heavy.

8 9
Some objects make loud sounds. Some objects make soft sounds.

10 11
can bend


can not bend

Objects have texture. Some objects can bend.

Texture means rough or smooth. Some objects can not bend.

12 13
float sink

Some objects float. Some objects sink.

14 15
What did you learn?
Classify and Categorize Which objects
float? Which objects sink? Which objects are
hard? Which objects are soft?

Magnets attract
some metal objects.


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