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Johnstone, Charles (1992) The tenants' movement and housing struggles in

Glasgow, 1945-1990. PhD thesis

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I: Introduction 1.

II: Sociology and the 'Community' Tradition 8.

III: • Urban Social Movements' and the

Deconstruction or • Community' 23.

IV: Making History: OrganiC Intellectuals

and Housing Struggles 33.

V: Research Note 40.

NOTES: 45.



1.1: Introduction 47.

1.2: Historical Overview 48.

1.3: The Background to Housing Management in

Glasgow 54.

1.4: Housing Management in Glasgow

1945-1970 75.

1. 5: Housing Management and Practice in

Glasgow, 1970-1990 107.

1.6: Community Development 113.

1.7: Area Management 125.

1.8: 'Tenant Participation' 135.

1.9: Community Renewal 144.

NOTES: 152.

2.1: Introduction 166.

2.2: The Political Context or the Sale or

Council Houses 1945-1952 169.

2.3: No Homes ror the Heroes 176.

2.4: Housing For Need Not Prorit: Merrylee 194

2.5: Conclusion 221.

NOTES: 229.




3.1: Introduction 248.

3.2: Rent Strikes in History 250.

3.3: The Landlords Bill 257.

3.4: Not A Penny on the Rent 263.

3.5: Conclusion 287.

NOTES: 293.



4.1: Introduction 303.

4.2: Background: Garden Suburb or Concrete

Jungle? 310.

4.3: Moving up the Milk: The 1950's 320.

4.4: From Peripheral Paradise to 'Problem

Estate': 1960-1980 335.

4.5: The Re-structuring o£ a Housing Scheme:

Castlemilk in the 80s 356.

4.6: Conclusion 374.

NOTES: 377.

5.1: Introduction 384-.

5.2: Organising From Below 387.

5.3: Taking the Politics out or Housing

Issues 396.

5.~: In or Against the State 4-06.

NOTES: 4-22.



6.1: Introduction 431.

6.2: The Social Significance or Housing

Struggles 434.

NOTES: 4-41.


Many people have provided incalculable

encouragement and assistance in the process of

producing this study. Not all of them can be

thanked individually and I would like to record my

sincere gratitude for all the support that I

received. However, there are some people whose

support I would like to acknowledge here.

This study would never have got off the ground

without the research funding provided by the

E.S.R.C. and their support for such projects

should be commended.

To all those tenants in Castlemilk for

providing me with invaluable information about the

history of tenants' associations in the scheme.

John Wilson and David McWhinnie, in particular,

who made me very welcome while contributing to my

understanding of the development of tenants'

associations in the scheme

To all those active in the Glasgow Council of

Tenants' Associations who kindly responded to my

persistent questions about their activities and

tolerated my presence. Special thanks in this

regard to Bobby Alexander, John Lyons, Martin Lee,

Alex Paton, Michael Courtney and Frances


To rain McKecknie for bringing the Merrylee

campaign to my attention during our conversation

on the upper-deck of a Pollok bus, and to Chas

Watters for responding to my enquiries regarding

the Arden Rent Strike.

The staff in the Glasgow Room of the Mitchell

Library; the staff in Castl emil k Library; Irene

/ O'Brien and her colleagues in Strathclyde Regional

Archi ves; Audrey Canni ng, curator of the Will iam

Gallagher Memorial Library; Pat Malcolm, Clydebank

Library and all the staff in Glasgow University

Library for pointing me in the right direction.

The many officials of the City's Housing

Management Department and those Labour politicians

who gave up their valuable time to answer my


Thanks to Gerry Mooney for helpful comments on

earl ier drafts of some of the chapters. Special

thanks to Paul Li ttl ewood for all your hel p and

for solving the late crisis when my wordprocessor

broke down.

To Kate, Lousie, Kathryn and the rest of my

family for all their support, for enduring all my

shortcomings and allowing me the space to complete

this study.

A special thanks is due to my friend, Sean

Damer, for critical comments, encouragement and

comradely assistance at crucial stages in this


Finall y, a very special thanks is due to my

supervisor, Ruth Madigan. Whil e I am totally

responsible for the contents of this dissertation,

it could not have been completed without the

constructi ve and hel pful guidance that Ruth was

al ways wi I I i ng to provide. I have been fortunate

to have benefited from Ruth's enthusiasm and

support. Ruth has my warmest gratitude for her

endless assistance.

Charlie Johnstone.

September 1992.


A. M. C. Area Management Committee(s)

A. P. T. Area of Priority Treatment

C.D.O. Community Development Officer

C. D. P. Community Development Project

C.H.I.P. Castlemilk Housing Involvement Project

C. I. D. City Improvements Department

C.I.T. City Improvements Trust

C. R. A. G. Community Renewal Action Group

G.C.T.A. Glasgow Council of Tenants'


G. D. C. Glasgow District Council

G. E. A. R. Glasgow Eastern Area Renewal

I. L. P. Independent Labour Party

N. A. T. R. National Association of Tenants and


N. U. W. M. National Unemployed Workers Movement

S. C. T. A. Scottish Council of Tenants'


S. R.A. Strathclyde Regional Archives

S. R. C. Strathclyde Regional Council

S. S. H. A. Scottish Special Housing Association

S. T. O. Scottish Tenants' Association

T. P. A. S. Tenant Participation Advisory Service



In recent years local authorities, urged on by

central Government, have been extending the

, rights' of council tenants under , tenant

partici pat ion' schemes. These developments have

been documented by the new parvenu class of

academics in housing research centres. Like most

other academic studies of housing issues, these

reports concentrate on administrative, legislative

and managerial aspects to housing policy

development. They therefore ignore, or underpl ay,

the fact that there has been intense and

widespread local class struggles over the state's

provision of housing for the working class for the

I ast one hundred years. Sociologists have not

totally ignored the importance of housing

struggles and some recent studies within the

'localities' framework have taken such struggles

into consideration. However, there are no studies,

as far as I am aware, which attempt to explain the

nature of local housing struggles historically.

This study is concerned with the development

of the tenants' movement and housing struggles in

post-War Gl asgow. It seeks to locate the changes

relating to housing struggles in the context of

wider social and economic changes within the

, local ity' . Glasgow's public sector tenants'

movement has been in exi stence f'or over 60 years

and there is a weal th of' undocumented housing

struggl es that have pI ayed an important part in

the history of' working class lif'e in the city.

The analysis taken in this dissertation seeks

to conceptualise these housing struggles in a

framework based around the concept of social

reproduction. It is with a class analysis of'

relations of reproduction. as opposed to

consumption cleavages, that we can understand

housing struggles at a local level.

The introduction is concerned with providing

an outline of' existing sociological approaches to

the study of' tenants' organisations and 'urban'

struggl es.

The origins and development of' housing

provision in the specific context of Glasgow is

the focus of chapter one. This chapter also

examines the emergence of' housing management

ideology in the city. An attempt at explaining the

response by the local state to the 'housing

problem' will be discussed in this context.

In chapter two the emphasis moves to a

discussion of two important early post-War housing

struggl es: the squatting campaign of' 194-6 and a

campai gn aga i nst the sal e of counc i 1 houses in

1951-52. This is contextualised within a

discussion of wider housing policies and explained

in relation to the city's working class culture.

Chapter three contains a discussion of a Rent

Strike which began in Glasgow in the summer of

1958. Both of these chapters challenge the common

assumption that housing struggles were non-

existent during the period under discussion.

In chapter four the focus shifts to a

discussion of tenants' associations in a massive

post-War peripheral housing scheme: Castlemilk. An

attempt is made to locate the changes in tenant

acti vity to the re-structuring of the scheme in

the 1980s.

Chapter five provides an account of the

Gl asgow Counc i 1 of Tenants' Associations and

relates the discussion to recent developments

within housing management towards , tenant

participation' .

In the concluding chapter we will focus on the

significance of housing struggles for an analysis

of 'urban' protest.

" ••• The poor man •.. ~eels himsel~ out o~ the

sight or others, groping in the dark. Mankind

takes no notice or him. He rambles and

wanders unheeded. In the midst o~ a crowd. at

church. in the market ... he is in as much

obscurity as he would be in a garret or

cell ar. He is not di sapproved. censured. or

reproached; he is onl y not seen". John Adams,

quoted in Herbert G. Gutman. The Black Family

in Slavery and Freedom. 1750-1925. piix.

- 1 -




"People l'igbt and lose the battle, and the

thing they 1'0ugbt for comes about in spite of

their defeat. and when It turns out to be not what

they meant. other people have to fight 1'0r what

they meant under another name". - Wi 11 i am Morr Is.

News From Nowhere

For well over a century now working class

housing in Glasgow has formed one of the most

persistent pol itical issues for the local state

and, for different reasons, for tenants'

organisations struggling to improve the living

conditions of working class Glaswegians.

Throughout all of this per i od numerous

commentators have referred to housing conditions

in Glasgow as being the worst in Britain. In the

mid-nineteenth century Engels, quoting from a

report on a section of the city by a government

Commissioner, refers to the appall ing conditions

pertai ni ng then:
- 2 -

"I have seen wretchedness in some or its worst

phases both here and upon the Continent. but until

I visited the wynds of Glasgow I did not believe

that so much criJle. misery, and disease eould

exist in any civilised country. In the lower

I odgi ng-houses ten. twelve, so:metimes twenty

persons of both sexes, all ages and various

degrees nakedness. sleep indiscriminately

huddled together upon the floor. These dwell ings

are usually so damp. filthy, and ruinous. that no

one eould wish to keep his horse in one or

the.... (1)

The working class experience of housing

conditions has obviously improved since Engels was

writing. One significant factor in the

amelioration of the living conditions of the

worki ns- cl ass was the struggl e over rent control

and the provision of council housing in the 1915

GI asgow Rent Strike. This was an important

struggle against the private landlords who

factored most of the properties Engels was

referring to in the above quotation (see S. Damer,

1980 and J. Mel I i ng. 1980 and 1983). Neverthel ess.

as one witness to the 1986 Grieve Inquiry Into

Housing in Glasgow indicated, the improvements

have remained relatively poor:

- 3 -

"You are talking about f'a.JIlilies who have .aybe

f'ive kids in a three apartaent. It ~ not wall to

wall carpets.. It was wall to wall beds! You have

got to live there to know what i t Is like". (2)

So, despite the changed conditions, there are

still. in William Morris's terms, battles to be

fought. Indeed, the question of who will provide

adequate, affordable, rented housing for the

poorer sections of the working class in the 1990s

and beyond- in Gl asgow and el sewhere- is al most

identical to the questions that were raised in the

late nineteenth century. The hegemony of orthodox

Conservative ideology on housing and social policy

over the last decade has left thousands of

families homeless alongside the relative and

absolute decline in the avaliabil ity of council

housing. Ironical 1 y. this period has also

witnessed a rapid decline in the number of

academics, politicians and 'housing experts' who

have been willing to argue the case for the

provision of council housing <see, for example, D.

Clapham, 1989; Forrest and Murie, 1988). The new

financial regime for Housing Associations, which

came into operation with the passing of the 1988

Housing Act, could also mean that these agencies,

1 ike their counterparts a century ago. are less

- 4 -

likely to provide substant i al numbers of houses

for the poorer sections of society at rents they

can afford (see N. Ginsburg, 1988; and R. Best.

1992) . The issue of tenants' rights as

"customers/consumers" has also, paradoxi call y.

arrived at the same time as council housing is in

decline. While many local authorities have

responded to this, by pursuing policies on 'tenant

pa-rticipation' , the overall changes in housing

pol icy during the I ast decade has seen a growth.

particularly in the last few years, of tenants'

organisations being formed spontaneously to defend

their own interests. For instance. in 1980 the

GI asgow Council of Tenants' Associations had 30

affiliated tenants' associations but, by 1990.

their number of affil iated members had grown to

138. This growth is directly related to the fears

that many council tenants express regarding the

recent developments in the state's plans for

housing provision in the future.

While housing conditions and housing policy in

Glasgow will be a recurring theme in this

dissertation it is not the main focus of the

arguments presented. This dissertation is

specifically concerned with the development and

changes in the tenants' movement and housing

- 5 -

struggles in post-war Glasgow. During the past two

decades Urban Sociologists have been searching in

every corner of the world's cities- from Berlin to

Boston, form New York to Turin. from Los Angeles

to Madrid and Glasgow- in the quest to find "urban

social movements" (see, for instance. M. Castell s

1983; S. Katz and M. Mayer 1985; S. Lowe, 1986; C.

G. Pickvance 1985; and C.M. Reintges. 1990). These

researchers have been mainly concerned with

producing the reI evant evidence to support a

taxonomy of collective behaviour which asserts

empirical similarities between I new social

movements' and the effect they have on the social

structure. This kind of classification leads to

the absurd grouping together of the American civil

rights movement of the 1950s and 19605, the

student movement of the 1960s and 19705, the

Women's Libertion Movement, the squatters movement

in the barrios of Latin America and the

shantytowns of South Africa, the urban protest in

Italy in the mid-1970s, the Green/Ecology movement

and so forth, in the forlorn hope that some kind

of el ecti ve affinity between these movements will

be found. Although it is not often explicitly

stated, a good deal of thi s literature reI i es on

the notion that the potential of the labour

movement to act as a transformative agent of

- 6 -

social change has collapsed. Theref'ore, these

writers implicitly endorse the description of' the

'new' sets of' social relations developing within

contemporary capitalist society that are contained

in the writings of' post-modernist theorists <see,

f'or instance, A. Gorz, 1982; J. Habermas. 1981; A.

Mel ucci, 1989; C. Of'f'e, 1980; and A. Touraine.

1974. f'or a critique, see D. Byrne, 1984 and 1989;

and D. Harvey, 1989 ). This kind of'

conceptualistion has made it all but impossible to

understand what constitutes a 'social movement'

or, as Eyerman and Jamison noted:

" •.• the understanding o~ social .ave.ents has

come to be subjected to the whias of' the

marketpl ace. SoclololD' has provided a nUDer of'

mutually Irreconcilable .ades of' understanding

social JlK)vements. what philosophers call

incoaaensurable explanations". (3)

In this elusive and unconvincing search, f'ew

of' these sociologists have thought tenants'

organisations worthy of' serious study. There has

been a general I ack of' interest in the study of'

the development of' tenants' organisations within

British urban sociology, as one recent study

- 7 -

"Council house tenants' associations are

co-.on in Britain but are a relatively

undo,cumented form or urban IDOveaent .•.• There are

no studies or these organisations across a ti8e

span of more than a few IDOnths .•. "(4)

This is surprising in itself, since the

sociological significance of studying rent strikes

was emphasi sed by Moor"house et al (1972) al most

twenty years ago. Schifferes (1976) has also drawn

attention to the tenants' movement in the 1930s

and the independent role of the working class in

shaping housing pol icy. However, i t was not until

Darner (1980) and Melling (1983) produced their

different analyses of the 1915 Glasgow Rent Strike

that sociologists and Labour historians began to

take the study of the tenants' movement

seriously. This had both positive and negative

outcomes. The 1915 Glasgow Rent Strike, in spite

of attempts by liberal histori ans like Mcl ean

(1983) to deny its significance, is now widely

recognised as a classic example of working class

struggle outside the sphere of production.

However, this is the only serious attempt to

address these issues and the study of tenants'

campaigns has progressed l i t t l e since then. It has

been a case of 70 forgotten years.

- 8 -

The scarcity of significant secondary sources

and the difficulties associated with tracing

primary sources meant that an account of the

tenants' movement in Glasgow could only be

assembled after detailed study of archival

material, participant observation and recorded

testimonies from various sources. <see research

note at end of chapter). Thi s has allo\oVed me to

produce an historical account of the tenants'

movement in Glasgow which also takes into

cons iderat ion the rol e of the local state duri ng

specific periods. There are no other accounts of

tenants' organisations, as far as I am aware,

which attempt to provide an historical analysis of

the changing nature of these organisations in

reI ation to wider social and pol i tical processes.

Therefore, this dissertation must proceed through

a discussion of the major themes which

characterise existing studies of tenants'

associations and similar organisations. These

studies fall into two main areas- the 'community

studies' tradition and those studies concerned

with 'social movements'.


According to Williams (1975 ) the word

'community' has been part of the English language

- 9 -

since the fourteenth century, when it probabl y

derived from the word common- as in 'common

peopl e'. By the nineteenth century the sense of

locality was strongly developed, in the context of

rapidly industrialising societies, and 'community'

was used to define a mythical past or an

alternative future, and sometimes both. In the

twentieth century the term 'community' has come to

permeate our language and is used in a wide array

of contexts to define real or imagined

relationships. The passing away of 'community' has

been a central and recurring feature of

sociological writings, and literary texts, for the

past 150 years. Therefore, the concept of

• community' has had a peculiar history in

sociological writings. A 1 ist compiled in 1955

produced 94 definitions, of which the highest

common factor was that "all definitions deal with

people" <G. A. Hillery, 1955) . According to

Hill ery. three aspects constantly recur in

definitions of 'community' area, common ties and

social interaction. Nevertheless, there remains a

lack of a clear definition of the concept of

I communi ty' . The central contradi ct i on has been

summed up neatly by Abrams:

- 10-

liThe paradox of' the sociology of cOIBIDUDity Is

the coexistence of a body of theory Which

constantly predicts the collapse of co..nnlty and

a body of empirical studies which finds co.aunity

alive and well". (5)

The confusion that Abrams is referring to

arises from the failure to distinguish between

social and spatial variables. which was inherent

in the term 'community' i tsel f. Therefore. whil e

this section is primarily concerned with an

analysis of the relevant empirical studies

('community studies') it is essential to begin our

discussion with a brief outline of the history of

the idea of 'community' within sociology.

There is a strongly effective continuation of

old ideas of 'community' which permeates the

sociological writings on this subject (see R. A.

Nisbet, 1967). The foundation for the British

'community studies' of the post-war years derives

from two main sources: the nineteenth century

'urban way of life' debate and the Chicago school

of sociology_

The nineteenth century witnessed a massive

intellectual revolt against the city, a factor

which was expressed in the contemporary literature

(see R. Will iams, 1985) . One reaction to the


horrors of urban I iving led to a debate which

indicated that there was something intrinsically

distinctive about cities which affected the life-

style of the individual. as evidenced in Simmel's


"The deepest problelBS of modern life derive

from the clai_ of the individual to preserve the

autonomy and individuality of his existence in the

face of overwhelming social forces, of historical

heritage. of external culture and of the technique

of life". (6)

The destruction of 'traditional values'.

according to Simmel. I eads the migrant to detest

the city and is expressed in the urban dwell er

becoming cynical. blase and exploitative or, more

precisely. to adopting an anti-urban persona. This

conception of urban I iving was similar to the

theoretical framework establ ished by Tonnies in

the late nineteenth century (see C. Bell and H.

Newby. 1974->' Tonnies developed his sociological

analysis through a distinction between two

different types of society: " Ge me i nschaft"

<transl ated as 'community' ) and "Gesellschaft"

<translated alternately as , society' or

'association'). Gemeinschaft. which characterised

social relations in the agrarian village. was

- 12 -

regarded by Tonnies as a living. 'natural' form of

society where all its members were bound together

by a shared order of 'natural' relationships.

Relationships were centered on shared commitments,

work, leisure and customs. This shared

understanding of the world led to a deep

attachment to pI ace. It was this 'community of

natural reI ationshi ps' which the Industrial

Revolution destroyed and replaced with the

Gesellschaft form of society. There was no

necessary I community of feel ing' amongst the

people who entered into the Geselischaft

arrangement, things had onl y val ue as regards to

profit. Tonnies argued that there was something

unnatural about this kind of society which could

only lead to ambition and the desire for power

over others.

This was the theoretical background to the

development of anti-urban attitudes which I ed to

the planning of utopian settlements to counteract

the evils of cities while attempting to create

Gemeinschaft type of relationships. It was also

from this anti-urbanism that middle class

philanthropists posited communal societies as

model s for a more rigid system of social order:

the 'community as ideology'. This was exemplified

- 13-

in the attempts to bring • nature' back into the

city by designers such as Ebenezer Howard in the

nineteenth century and Lewis Mumford in the


The second precursor of the 'community

studies' was the Chicago School of sociologists,

centered in the Uni versi ty of Chicago from about

1915 (see C. Bell & H. Hewby. 1971. and M.Bulmer,

1984). The Chicago School developed the theory of

human ecology, or urban ecology. These ecological

theories, exempl ified in the work of Robert Park

(1967), tried to explain both how cities grow and

how they come to take the shape that they do.

Their attention, therefore, was directed at the

i nterrel at i onshi ps between phys i cal form and

social organisation. In 1938 Louis Wirth attempted

to combine the findings of the Chicago School into

a comprehensive theory of the social order of

cities (L. Wirth, 1938). Wirth attempted to

account for the changes in social reI ationships

which result from the expansion of cities and to

examine the implications of thi s growth. He

defined the city as a 'relatively large. dense and

permanent settlement of socially heterogeneous

individuals'. These three factors created a social

structure in which primary relationships were

- 14-

inevitably replaced by secondary contacts that

were , impersonal. segmental, transitory.

superficial, and often predatory in nature'. As a

result the city dweller became , anonymous.

isol ated, secul ar, relativistic, rational and

sophisticated'. In order to function within urban

society the city dwell er was forced to combine

with others, to organise corporations,

associations, representative forms of government

and so forth. These repl aced the primary groups

and the integrated way of life found in rural and

other pre-industrial settlements. (7) Wirth. like

Simmel and Tonnies before him, was critical of

urban-industrial society and regarded the 'loss of

community' as a major disadvantage. British

sociologists were also concerned to make their

mark in this debate, as an early twentieth century

study indicated clearly:

" ... OUT subject is co..unity, and the science

of cOlHRlnity is sociology". (8)

It was against this theoretical background

that the 'community studies tradition' in British

sociology developed in the post-War years. The

definition of , communi ty' that most of these

researchers accepted was similiar to the one

provided by Macivar and Page:

- 15-

" •.• an area of social living :aarked by so.e

degree of social coherence. The bases o~ co.aunity

are localIty and co..unity sentIment". (9)

The notion inherent in this definition is that

, community' is an autonomous soc i al system wi th

certain analytical values of its own. In the 1950s

and early 1960s a large number of studies based on

this view were conducted in various British cities

<see, for instance, R, Frankenberg, 1966; M. Kerr,

1958; L. Kuper, 1953; T. Lupton & D. 1\Ii tchell •

1954; and M. Young and P. Willmott, 1957) .

However, the forerunner to all of these studies

was Durant's study of a new 'cottage estate' at

Watling. on the outskirts of London, in the 1930s

<R. Durant. 1939). What real I y concerned Durant

was the apparent lack of 'community I ife' on the

e'state. Her key question was: • has the new housing

estate grown into a community?'. The new residents

on this estate had moved from London, and Durant

details the hostile reception they were faced with

from middle class residents in an adJ oi ni ng

estate. (10) The experience of hostH i ty led

Watling residents (the male one/~s) to seek an

active social life of their own. The first stage

was the formation of a residents' association,

followed by the production of an estate paper.

- 16-

Durant's main contention about the associational

li~e on this estate was that, there was a pattern

of initial lonliness ~ollowed by unity against the

outside world, giving rise to an agitational

residents' association. When this had achieved its

task, most o~ the residents 'settl e down to a

home-centered, but small group oriented social

li~e·. Her approach, and some o~ her ~indings were

to become ~amil iar themes in the • community

studies' o~ the 1950s and 1960s.

The exempl ar of this genre of studies was,

undoubtedly. Young and Willmott's research for the

Institute of Community Studies, a privately-funded

research institution with an explicit policy

development focus (:N. Young & P. Willmott, 1957)

The purpose of their study was clearly indicated

from the beginning:

"This book is about the ef'l'ect of' one of' the

newest upon one of' the oldest of' our social

institutions. The new Is the housing estate ..• the

old Institution Is the l'aall)'"'. (11)

Young and Willmott were concerned with the

question o~ what happened to family 1 ife when

people moved to a new suburban housing estate, and

what consequences this entail s for 01 der members

of the famil y. Their study, therefore, was

- 17-

explicilty concerned with the relationship between

social service provision and famil y 1 ife. Young

and Willmott followed 48 families from Bethnal

Green in East London to the fictt~iously named

'Greenl iegh', twenty mil es outside London. This

comparative study focused on the family as the

main unit of analysis. The thing that the authors

found to be the most important single phenomenon

in Bethnal Green was family and kinship. The

cohesion of life in Bethnal Green was seen to have

depended on the shared poverty and lack of social

and geographical mobility. The extended family

acted as a bridge between the individual and the

'community', the resul t being a strong sense of

shared identity and • communi ty' . In Greenl e igh.

however, this bridge had apparently collapsed.

Young and Will mott, and most of the other

'community studies' literature of this period,

show a particular fascination in 'traditional

working class communities', which were thought of

as harbouring a distinctive subculture

characterised by solidaristic and closely knit

social systems. The family as a basic unit of

analysis runs through many of the studies, as does

the consequences for {"ami I y Ii fe of resettl ement

on a suburban housing estate. Frankenberg's review

- 18-

of the 'community studies' literature identified a

common model of associational I ife contained in

most of them:

" . . . There is a f'aail iar pattern of' initial

lonel iness f'ollo~d by unity against the outside

world giving rise to an agitational Resident's

Association. This achieves its tasks and JM)st of'

the inhabitants settle down to a home-centred but

small group orientated social I if'e •.•• A minority

contInues the public lif'e of' the co..unity centre.

ThIs minority Is drawn f'rom one status group". (12)

Thi s part i al account of the development of

tenants' associations in new housing schemes

resulted from a faulty methodology, with most of

the studies being restricted to the 'settling in'

period, and the concepts of cl ass and 'community'

generally treated seperately. While the analyses

were presented wi thi n a frame'WOrk whi ch reveal ed

some fascinating empirical observations of family

I ife, they were often romantacised, ignoring the

gross sexual inequalities within such

'communities' . They also failed to provide a

critical account of the state's purpose in

embarking on a wide-scale process of urban renewal

and the removal of whole populations to the

outskirts of British cities (see E. Brook and D.

- 19-

Finn, 1977). These weaknesses are a reflection of

the lack of clarity over the concept of

• communi ty' itself, and through attempting to

study social relations solely in relation to

geographical space as a determinant of social

action. These criticisms were cl earl y exposed by

Dennis, and are worth quoting in full:

" ••• The locality-colDJDUnity idea haplies fixing

one's eyes on the part loca..lity factors play in

the aetiology o~ social and personal proble.a. and

it presuaes that these probleas can be with

e~:ficaciously by adJusting local ity institutiona..l

f'oras and applying psychotherapeutic aeasures to

persons who work. and I ive in the problem loca..l ity.

This is obviously not a very threatening thing to

do. On first sight it does not present a challenge

to any fundaaental institutions or establ ished

socia..l belie~s. It does not appear to involve the

eXa.Jlllination of' the contribution of JDOre genera..l

socia..l structural and cultural factors. Certainly.

any serious study o~ problems which happen to be

concentrated in a locality is bound to lead to a

study o~ extra-I ocaI explanations. But such

studies are comparatively rare. General I y. the

presumption that neighbourhood causes and cures

are of very great importance ef~ectively

- 20-

stul tif'ies the study. No great good is achieved;

but ne i ther are any powerf'ul interests af'f' ected.

nor any important establ ished bel ief's questioned.

I t therefore reaains an ideology Which can attract

research funds. and catch the ear of' establ ish.ed

opinion. It is a .inor exaaple of' a ' ..yth" in

Sorel's sense- a social belief' which is not

necessarily invalid <though i t is likely to be to

some extent) but which is bel ieved for reasons

other than its objective val fdity'·. (13)

The reason that Denni s has been quoted at

length here is that, the social science literature

has come full-circle with regard to this debate.

The critique of I community studies' which

developed in the late 1960s emphasised the

"Weaknesses inherent in an anal ys i s that re i fled

the notion of • communi ty' into a territorial

entity, rather than viewing it as a social

category to be studied wi th reference to wider

socio-economic and historical processes. The

abstract version of this critique was exemplified

by studies from a pol itical economy perspective,

<M. Castell s, 1977a; and D. Harvey, 1973 and

1985) , and the reports of the CDP's provided

empirical and theoretical backing to the continued

scepticism with regard to the 'community-locality'

- 21 -

approach <C.D.P. 1976 and 1977). Nevertheless,

recent accounts of changes within contemporary

capital ist society have brought the analysis of

'local ities' back to the f'oref'ront of' urban

sociology and social geography <see, f'or instance,

P. Cooke, 1987; A. Giddens, 1981; and D. Gregory

and J. Urry 1985b). This literature does not take

the idea of' 'community' as gi ven but. rather

locates processes within localities to the

changing nature of contemporary capitalist society

in terms of uneven development and spatial

di visions of 1 abour, wi thin the wider context of'

debates around the concept of • disorganized'

capitalism (S. Lash & J. Urry, 1987). However, one

recent article has argued specif'ically f'or the

'rejuvination of community studies'

'0 ••• the sociology o-C comnmnity power remains a

topic of' enduring interest and importance, both

theoretically. e.plrlcally and practically in a

world where Whitehall-Town Hall. central-local

goveru.ent relations become .ore rather than less

contentious as time goes on, while the

possibilities -Cor grass-roots pol itical

Involvement. whether in housing. planning or

social weI rare, remain singularly HI

derl ned"'. <14)

- 22-

While sharing some of the concerns of Bulmer,

this dissertation will attempt to provide an

analYSis of the tenants' movement and housing

struggles in Glasgow which goes beyond the

'community' approach and takes into consideration

the cuI tural and pol it i cal changes at a broader

level and an historical account of how these have

had ramifications for actors at the social base.

Bulmer's argument for a return to the • sociology

of the primary group' offers I imi ted scope for

understanding these processes. The • community

studies' type of approach can, as chapter four

reveals, provide a useful, if limited. insight

into the social networks and the mobil isation of

resources within a locality that are essential to

the development of collective organisations

involved in housing struggles. However, as more

recent studies in the • local ity' framework have

recognised, all social relationships and

interactions take place in time and space. both of

which convey meaning to social actors and become

part of the structure which shapes the lived

experience of individuals and groups in society

(A. Giddens, 1981). The historical dimension to

this determination of social relations is clearly

emphasised by Preteceille:
- 23-

If • • • It is not onl y present reI ations of'

production that tend to organize 1 ife. but also

the past ones of the individual and of his or her

parents and relatives. They influence the present

through the possible social traJectories they have

deter.ined. through accumulated ~alth and goods,

through the language, cuI ture. know-how, etc,

acquired in past situations ... "(15)

Therefore, an account of tenants'

organisations and housing struggles (struggles

over reproduction) needs to go beyond the

'community' approach to a consideration of the

historical, pol i tical and cuI tural changes which

have shaped these movements. Before attempting an

outline of how this may be approached \\."e must

consider the analysis of • community pO\\."er'

contained in the writings on • urban social

movements', which developed in the late 1970s and

earl y 1980s.



In the 1970s the dominant paradigm in urban

sociology came under vigorous scrutiny by a number

of European Marxist theorists influenced by

Althusserian structuralism (L. Althusser, 1965;for

a critique of this general approach see E.P.

- 24-

Thompson, 1978). One of the main protagonists in

this revitalisation of urban sociology was

undoubtedly Manuel Castells (see, in particular,

M. Castell Sj 1977a, and 1983). In his earlier

writings Castells adhered to an AI thusserian

account of , scientific' or , theoret i cal •

practices, and suggested that urban sociology is

, not a scientific domain, nor a field for

observat ion, but rather an ideological

artef act' . (16) Despi te thi s comment, Castells

still accepted the 'urban' as a special focus for

anal ysis. However, in contrast to the Chicago

School (R.E. Park, E.W. Burgess and R.D. McKenzie,

1967; and L.Wirth. 1938) who placed an emphasis on

'natural' spatial processes, Castells argued that

in conditions of monopoly capital ism the 'urban

system' is the spatial expression of the processes

of capital accumulation and centralisation (see P.

Saunders, 1981 for a critique of Castells'

definition of the 'urban'). It is, according to

Castells, the sub-system within which labour power

is reproduced. This 'urban syste~. according to

Castell s, is characterised by secondary

contradictions which are caused by the state's

inability to make up the shortfall of publicly

funded services. The key term which Castells used

- 25-

to conceptualise these processes within the urban

system was 'collective consumption':

..... socialised cODBu.ption processes which are

largely deter.ined by state activity". (17)

In this interpretation, the effect of state

intervention in dealing with the urban 'crisis' in

modern capitalist societies generates 'new'

popul ar movements (urban social movements) which

emerge to challenge the state. Castells's writings

on urban social movements, despite the many

criticisms. have had a major infl uence on recent

studies of pol itical action within cities and are

germane to any discussion of the tenants' movement

and ·c .• hous i ng struggl es (see, for instance, P.

Dickens et aI, 1985; P. Dunleavy, 1980a; B. Elliot

and D. McCrone, 1982; A. Melucci. 1989; C. G.

Pickvance, 1985; and P. Saunders, 1981).

As Lowe rightl y points out, Castells

definition of what constitutes an 'urban social

movement' goes through three distinct phases (S.

Lowe, 1986) . In the context of his initial

structuralist interpretation of the urban process,

the urban system is seen as the arena of the

collective consumption process and, as we have

already indicated, is the focus of pol itical

conflict based on state intervention into the

- 26-

provision of key publ ic services. At this stage,

Castells still regarded the clash between capital

and I abour in the sphere of production as the

primary contradiction in advanced capital ist

society. It f'ollows f'rom this that urban social

movements, on their own, are incapable of

producing • ef'f'ects' that transform the structure

of social relations:

..... there is no qualitative transf'orJDation of'

the urban structure that is not produced by an

articulation of' the urban JM)veaents with other

IDOveJDents. in particular (in our societies> with

the working class movement and the political class

struggle". (18)

Castell s' s position at this stage was that,

for urban social movements to be succesful in

producing sustained • ef'fects' on the bal ance of'

cl ass f' orces. they required a leadership and

organisation connected to the advanced sections of'

the worki ng cl ass. The al ternati ve was f'or urban

movements to become:

..... instruaents of' participation within

general. do.inant institutional obJectives". (19)

In the next two phases of his writings

Castells moves from his original rigid structural

analysis of urban social movements. In his middle

- 27-

(Eurocommunist) phase, Castells analysis of urban

issues goes through a signi~icant change of

emphasis. The basis on which Castells arrives at

this change in perspective is his focus on a

number of i nterrel ated and long-term structural

tendencies within advanced capitalism which

heighten the significance of consumption issues,

particularly the increased intervention of the

state in both production and consumpt Ion.

According to Castells. these developments open up

'new' i nequal it i es in the sphere of' consumpt ion

between those who satisfy their consumption

, needs' i ndi vidual I y through the private market

and those who continue to rely on collective

provision by a declining public sector. This

identification of consumption sector cleavages

that cut across the class system, and the

promotion of urban issues in his analysis of

political struggle, led Castells to a concomitant

change in his conception of of urban social

movements. In this context. Castells signals a

move away from his earlier notion of proletarian

hegemony to the view that urban social movements

of a cross-class nature, remaining autonomous from

any pol itical parties, were of more significance

in building a democratic socialist alliance united

by a common concern with urban issues (M.

- 28-

Castell s, 1978b). This formul ation is extended in

Castells major third phase text, where he abandons

any notion of the determinate effects of structure

and class struggle on the actions of the state:

" .. the interpretations of the urban crisis

tend to be couched strictly in economistic teras,

identifying the source of our probleas in a single

factor that varies (according to the author's

ideological taste) from the inherent logic of

monopoly capital to the inevitable inco~etence of

public bureaucracy••.•. This book. on the contrary.

assumes that only by analysing the relationship

bet~en people and urbanization will we be able to

understand cities and citizens at the SaDe

time". (20)

In adopting this new perspective Castellfs was

responding to a number of critiques of his earlier

structuralist position which left little space for

an understanding of the structure of social

reI ations and social mobil isation processes <see,

for instance, C. G. Pickvance. 1975; and P.

Saunders, 1981). In this text, which is based on

a number of cross-cultural case studies, the

, urban' is not just regarded as the arena of

collective consumption but, fundamentally. within

the context of the city as 'a social product

- 29-

resul ting from confl icting social interests and

val ues' . Conflict wi thin cities takes place

between social cl asses, interest groups and

individuals over 'urban meaning'. In this context,

Castell s dra\VS attention to the significance of

local 'communities' as the focal point for urban

movement activity. Urban protest movements,

according to Castells, seem to develop around

three major themes:

"I. DeJDands Focused on collective consu.ption.

that is. goods and services directly or indirectly

provided by the state.

2. Def'ence of' cuI tural identity associated

with and. organised around a specif'ic territory.-

3. Political .abilisation in relation to the

state. particularly e.phasising the role of' local

govern:ment".[original emphasis] (21)

Therefore, in contrast to Castells's earlier

writings, urban social movements are not to be

judged in terms of their potential to produce

'effects' that transform the structure of social

relations but, rather, on their capabll i ty for

br i ning about a change i n ' urban meani ng' ;

" .•. here lies the most i.portant role of' urban

social movements. their very raison d' ei:;re as a

- 30-

distinctive actor: they are the collective actions

consciously aimed at :fundamentally IIIOdifylng the

city's role in society. or redefining the

historical aeaning of 'urban'. It is in this sense

that all the JM)veaents that ~ have studied are

IOaJor urban JDOvements". (22)

Despite this change in emphasis, Castell s

still focuses on very broad social reI ationshlps,

notably those between the movement, the urban

system, and the wider society, and so is incapable

of comprehending the social base and how urban

contradictions are translated into social action

(see, for instance. P. Mullins. 1987). Castells's

theoretical writings certainly have the benefit of

deconstructing the weaknesses inherent in

sociological studies based on around the concept

of 'community'. by indicating that class tensions,

including those organised around issues of

reproduction, have their origins in the economic

and pol i tical structures of society as a whol e.

However, collective action is always built by

social actors and what needs to be explained is

how movements form and how they manage to mobilise

individuals and groups around a collective

project. Or, as Foster has argued, to understand

how particular forms of social protest arise we

- 31 -

need to acknowledge that they originate within

historically and locationally specific situations:

..... to deal with real people caught and held

In particular historical circumstances, ~ need a

degree of definition about how existing levels of

popular culture and organisation enclose the gains

of past struggle". (23)

The only case where Castells comes close to

acknowledging the importance of social base

characteristics is in reference to the 1915

Glasgow Rent Strike:

" ••• Of the five maJor .oveaents studied. only

the Glasgow Rent Strike appears as the expression

of a ~rking cl ass-based ~"saeial JDOveJDent. In all

other situations the urban IDObillsation either

brought together a variety of social classes

around a city vision, or expressed a cultural

subset of people. organised around classless lines

and mobilized around issues that only indirectly

relate to class po~r .•. ". (24)

The 1915 Glasgow Rent Strike, as Darner (1980)

rightly argues, was organised within a distinctive

working class milieu by 'organic intellectuals' of

the working class, with the support of various

I abour organisations, around a central issue of

reproduction: housing. Given this insight, it is

- 32-

all the more surprising that more attention has

not been paid to an analysis of the history of the

tenants' movement and housing struggles, in

comparison to the elusive search for urban social

movements. The only attempt to link the two issues

is Lowe's (1986) outl ine of the development and

disintegration of the tenants' movement in

Sheffield, which is contextualised in relation to

Castells's theory of urban social movements.

However, in rightly rejecting any of Castells's

theories of urban social movements to explain this

type of activity, Lowe provides his own obfuscated

account of events in Sheffield:

" .•. The councIl house tenants' -.,vement was

and remaIns rigidly locked into Its JRanual worker.

publ ic sector social base. and did not link at any

stage either to pr i vate sector tenants or to the

owner occupIers. What happened in Sheffield was

not a political class struggle but a fora of

polItIcal actIon based on the consumption

interests of public sector tenants which was, to

some extent, structured by a cl ass-defined social

mIlieu". (25)

Here we have a movement with a manual worker

social base structured by its class-defined social

milieu, but we are asked to consider the struggle

- 33-

solely in relation to 'consumption interests'.

This muddled account of the mobilisation of a

specifically located working class protest around

issues of reproduction arises from Lowe's

treatment of consumption issues as being wholly.

rather than relatively, autonomous. The discussion

of housing struggles contained in this

dissertation, particulalry chapter two and chapter

three, sugests that we need to return to a

formulation based on the concept of reproduction.

In order to avoid reverting to a funcionalist or

mechanistic use of the concept of reproduction we

also require a historical analysis of the I inks

between housing struggles and the specific sets of

social processes that hel ped to structure them

<see E. Pretece ill e, 1986) . Thi s ne~cessar i I Y

involves an account of how particular social

agents have organised themselves collectively

around housing struggles in response to state

intervention, and how they have been able to

enhance or resisit change.



"Men make their own history. but they do not

make it Just as they please; they do not Bake i t

under circumstances chosen hy themselves. but

- 34-

under circumstances di rectI y encountered, gi ven,

and transmitted f'roa the past. The tradition of'

all the dead generations weighs like a night-Bare

on the brain of' the living..... (26)

The tenants' movement in Glasgow initially

drew upon a rich asssociational I ife of diverse

mutual ist associations and I abour organisations

informed by socialist perspectives (see S. Darner,

1980 and 1990). For the past one hundred odd years

housing struggl es have remained at the centre of

the political class struggle in the city, as

Melling acknowledges in his discussion of the 1915

Rent Str ike:

" . . . Closer eXaBination of' ca..paigns such as

the rent strikes of west Scotland during the

War .. sugests that there is a longer and BOre

complex genealogy of' non-industrial struggles than

existing accounts allow. and that their

contribution to the shaping of' ~rking class

pol itics is as important as that of' ~rk-based

organisations ..•0 (27)

The evidence from post-War GI asgow suggests

that, the continuance of this rich history has had

a cumUlative effect on how tenants' organisations

and housing struggl es have developed within the

city in response to state intervention. Therefore,

- 35-

contrary to Cockburn's asserti on, struggl es over

issues of reproduction do not constitute a 'new

terrain of cl ass struggl e' (C. Cockburn, 1977) •

Class struggle in the terrain of reproduction,

particularly in relation to housing issues, has

formed a constant part of the working class

counter-hegemonic struggl e for social improvement

in many urban working class areas of Britain. (see

D. Byrne, 1982) • Unfortunately, as already

indicated, most of this activity remains • hidden

from history' .

The purpose of this dissertation is to examine

the hi story of the tenants' movement and hous i ng

struggles in one city. GI asgow, tracing their

development from the earl y post-War campaign

against the sale of council houses through several

phases to the present day when they are faced with

a fundamental restructuring of housing tenure. In

producing this history it is important to

acknowledge at this stage that there is a sub-text

contained within most of the general discussion

which draws on the writings of Gramsci in relation

to his discussion of 'organic intellectuals' and

his concept of , hegemony' (A. Gramsci. 1971> .

Whil e thi s i s not the pI ace to prov ide a full

- 36-

exposition of Gramsci s I ideas, it is essential to

indicate my use of this perspective.

In the Prison Notebooks Gramsci drew a

distinction between two fundamental types of

political control, where he contrasted the

functions of • domination' (direct physical

coercion) with those of , hegemony' (consent,

ideological control). By hegemony Gramsci meant

the permeation throughout civil society of an

enti re system of val ues, attitudes and beliefs

that, in one way or another. support the cl ass

interests of those who dominate it:

..... What \Ne can do, for the ..oment. is to :fix

t\olflO JaaJ or superstructural ' I evel s': the one that

can be called • civil society' • that is the

ensembl e o:f organislDS COllBDOnl y call ed • pri vate' •

and that o:f • pol itical society' or • the State'.

These t\olflO levels correspond on the one hand to the

:function o:f 'hegemony' which the do.lnant group

exercises throughout society and on the other hand

to that • direct do.ination' or co...a.nd

excerclsed through the State and , Juridical'

government. The :functions In question are

precisely organisational and connective. The

intellectuals are the dominant group's • deputies'

- 37-

excercising the subaltern functions of social

hegemony and pol itical govermaent·,. (28)

Thus, civil society and the state are onl y

partially seperate; they interpenetrate each other

in a variety of ways or, as Gramsci says, they are

'intertwined'. Hegemony in this interpretation is

a concept that is designed to assist us in

understanding society and, in particul ar, in

analysing the relation of forces within a society

at any particular moment. For example, the

tenants' movement is mainly concerned with winning

consent and to that extent is part of civil

society. Neverthel ess, to win this consent, the

tenants' movement may be i nvol ved i n a struggl e

with the state (if onl y at a 'local' level) or,

al ternat i vel y, could be drawn into the state.

Therfore, a counter-hegemonic tenants' movement

must have its own 'organic' intellectuals who have

the function of organisers:

" •.• One of the most important characteristics

of any group that is developing towards do.inance

is its struggle to assi.ilate and to conquer

'ideologically' the traditional intellectuals, but

this assimilation and conquest is made quicker and

JDOre efficacious the more the group in question

- 38-

succeeds in simultaneously el aborating its own

organic Intellectuals". (29)

Gramsci' s use of the concept of • organic'

intellectuals is normally utilised in reference to

the role of activists involved in • revolutionary'

parties (see, for instance, C. Boggs, 1976; and R.

Simon, 1982). However, as subsequent chapters make

clear, the tenants' movement in Glasgow has thrown

up its own • organic' intellectuals of the working

cl ass who have been i nvol ved ina wide range of

campaigns within the social and pol itical sphere

of civil society. Before providing an outl ine of

the structure of this dissertation, and in case

there is any doubt about this interpretation, it

is worthwhile letting one of these organic

intellectuals speak for themselve:

"C. ~. The point you tal k about: the time, the

effort, that is real I y crucial to tenants'

associations. How would you explain why people

became involved to the extent that they did?

C. W. It·s a difficult question to ans~r. But

as near as I can ans~r it. that to resort to

direct pol itical assistance I regarded as useless.

I~ any benefit could be derived politically. from

any organised pol itical party. i t had to be as a

by-product. The action, the Impact. had to come

- 39-

from people themselves who ~re sufficiently

articulate to see the issues and try to do

something about them and attempt to by education.

It sounds a bit bombastic to say these things but.

nevertheless. It is a piece of realism to say It.

Because, after all, how did you learn i t yourself?

You I earned yoursel f because you Ii stened or you

read and you saw certai n thi ngs and you real ised

that until you decided to do something they would

stay the same. You might not be successful but you

might obtain some satisfaction emotionally at

least, if' not intellectually. But you've tried

something and. if you can encourage others and

they in turn encourage you to continue to do It

with a sort of common aim. then your .are likely

to be successful the .are peopl e you get to do

that and you will derive more pleasure from it

with less hurt. if there is such a thing as hurt

in being unsuccessful. Because there's the

enthus i as_. the pleasure and pain from being

active and not sitting on your backside and

letting f'aceless po~r people impose things on

you. So, I would say that, to my mind. that was

the Justification for the hard work. the loss of

leisure. the deprivation of teaching your child,

- 4-0 -

and that was in co.aon with .any dozens of people

who were actively involved". (30)

As organic intellectuals, people involved in

the tenants' movement and other housing struggles

have not always • conquered' the dominant

ideologies of the state and it't s intellectuals,

but they have formed an important part of the

overall counter-hegemonic struggle of the working

cl ass for social improvement, which has been too

often ignored in academic studies of housing

issues ..

Therefore, this study was undertaken on the

premise that an understanding of the tenants'

movement and hous i ng struggl es requ i res a fresh

and more historically rigorous approach in order

to begin to comprehend the capacity they have for

influencing the structuring of housing provision .

Research Note:

The study of the tenants' movement and

housing struggles is relatively difficult to

anal yse. Many tenants' associations do not keep

records of their activities over a lengthy period

and some of the people involved in specific issues

tend to curtail their involvement after such

- 41 -

campaigns have disintegrated. For instance, one

researcher who has attempted to study tenants'

associations has commented thus:

" . . . very I i t t l e has been written about them

and BUch of the evidence is in the oral tradition

of working-cl ass history. which does not easily

I end i tsel f to acade.i canal ys i s but is a very

deeply ingrained source pol itical

experience ..•1 (31 )

This researcher does not accept such an

elitist and narrow conception of the relevance of

oral history (see P. Thompson, 1978 for a full

defence of the oral tradition). Indeed, knowledge

of the two important campaigns discussed in

chapter two and chapter three onl y came to my

attention by way of the worki ng cl ass oral

tradition, .and this thesis would have been

weakened without such sources. Therefore, some of

the evidence contained in this dissertation draws

specifically on the knowledge of those who have

been involved in the tenants' movement in Glasgow

throughout the post-War years. Information on

housing management and the pol itical

administration within the city has also been

partly assembled through taped interviews.

- 4-2 -

However, this is not the only, or even main

source of' data collection that has been util ised.

A whol e sel ection of' newspapers, both local and

national, have been plundered in order to present

a wider representation of' the issues invol ved in

specif'ic campaigns. Various archives (The Broady

collection in Glasgow University I ibrary. the

Finlay Hart collection in Clydebank I ibrary, the

Gall agher Memorial library, the Gl asgow Room of'

the Mitchell library, Castlemilk library, and

Strathclyde Regional Archives) have been

consul ted. Many of' the documents stored in these

collections cover housing issues and. more

importantly, contain material on the tenants'

movement (minutes, leaf'lets. handbooks, letters

etc) which have been invaluable in completing the

analysis in individual chapters. The case studies

of' the GCTA and tenants' associations in

Castl emil k, while analysed by using methods

al ready mentioned, were mainl y studied by way of'

participant observation at a series of' meetings

over a period of one year (1989-90). By using a

diversity of' research methods, this study has

provided a comprehensive account of' the tenants'

movement and housing struggles in post-War

- 4-3 -

The discussion begins in chapter one with an

historical outline of the development of housing

and housing management ideology in Glasgow. This

review and critique provides the essential

background information on housing conditions

within which housing struggles are necessarily

located. This chapter also provides an account of

the changes and continuities in housing management

ideology which are taken up again in chapter four

and five. Chapter two provides an account of two

earl y post-War housing struggl es: the squatters

movement and a campaign against the sale of

council houses in 1951-52. This is followed in

chapter three with a discussion of a rent strike

in 1958-59. The information contained in these

chapters calls into question the common assumption

that the tenants' movement were inactive during

the 1950s (J. Butt, 1983; and S. Lowe, 1986) .

Chapters four and five contain case studies of

tenants' associations in Castlemilk ( a massive

post-War peripheral housing scheme> and the GCTA

(the main city-wide federation of tenants'

associations). These latter two chapters provide

an evaluation of the contemporary tenants'

movement in relation to recent developments within

the local state and changes in national housing

pol icy. In this respect, they illustrate the

- 44-

attempts by the state, at both a local and

national level, to repress urban conflict and
, incorporate' tenants' associations through
'tenant participation' programmes.

- 45 -


1. F. Engel s (1973) p71. The report Engel s was

referring to was written by a Government

Commissioner: Jelinger Cookson Symons (1839 )

"Arts and Artisans at Home and Abroad". Edinburgh.


2. Shiela Gilmartin, Dunagoil Care Group, quoted

in Sir Robert Grieve (1986) p17.

3. R. Eyerman & A. Jamison (1991), pl.

4. S. Lowe (1986), pp82 & 84.

5. P. Abrams (1982). pl04.

6. G. Simmel (1903). p

7. For a critique of Wirth's theory see H.J. Gans,


8. Maciver. <1917 ) Community: A Sociological

Study. p45.

9. R.M. Maciver and C.H. Page (1961). p9.

10. N. Elias and J.L. Scotson (1965) give a

description of similar events in their study in

the Mi dl ands. Also, see chapter four of this


11. M. Young and P. Willmott (1957). p2.

12. R. Frankenberg, (1966). p214.

- 4-6 -

13. N. Dennis (1968) . p91.

14-. M. Bulmer (1985). p4-4-2.

15. E. Preteceille (1986) . pl4-8.

16. M. Castells <1977b). p61.

17. M. Castells <1978a>. p175.

18. M. Castells <1977a). p4-53.

19. M. Castells (1977a). p378.

20. M. Castells (1983). pXVI.

21. M. Castells <1983 >. pXVIII.

22. M. Castells (1983) . p71.

23. J. Foster <1979 >. pilL

24-. M. Castells (1983). pp67-68.

25. S. Lowe (1986) . p113.

26. K. Marx <1969>- p360.

27. J. Melling (1983). p6.

28. A. Gramsci <1971>. p12.

29. A. Gramsci (1971). pl0.

30. Taped interview with Mr Chas Watters, 14--3-89.

Mr Watters was involved in the rent strike

discussed in chapter three.

31. S. Lowe (1986). p85.

- 4-7-



GLASGOW. 1866-1990

1.1 Introduction

The relationship between tenants'

organisations and housing management has become

central to most contemporary discussions of tenant

activities. The principal debates, in this

context, have revol ved around such concepts as

tenant participation, tenant control"

decentralisation and customer care in housing

management, tenant choice and so forth. Housing

management practice and ideology in GI asgow was

not responsive to these issues, in any

recognisable sense, until the late 1970s and early

1980s- much later, in some respects, than other

local authorities. (see Hambleton and Hoggett,

1987; and, Goodlad, 1988).

Therefore, to understand the practices,

principles and ideology which formed the

foundation of certain strategies adopted by the

housing department, it is essential to provide an

exposition of the ideology of housing management

as it has evolved historically, both within

GI asgow and at a broader level. Thi s i nvol ves an

analysis of problems as defined by housing

- 48-

management, the practices that were in operation

at specific periods, relating the whole discussion

to wider social and pol itical changes, and the

effect this had on the \VOrkings of the tenants'

movement in GI asgow.

Whi 1 e the emphas i s wi 11 mai nl y be on the

changes and continuities in housing management

ideology during the period under discussion. it

should become clear that there are significant

links between nineteenth and early twentieth

century private-sector housing management, inter-

war council housing management and the system of

council housing management which developed in

post-war GI asgow. This approach necessarily

requires an account of Gl asgow council housing

but, as this has been adequatel y provided

elsewhere, the discussion presented here will be

1 imi ted to those issues which seem reI evant (see

S. Damer, 1990; A. Gibb, 1983; and G. C. Mooney,

1988) .

1.2 Historical Overview

It is compulsory when beginning any discussion

of the origins of publ ic sector housing

management to refer to the • pioneering' work of

Octavia Hill in England in the late nineteenth and

early twentieth centuries. (I) As Hill's work is by

- 49 -

now fairly familiar to anyone with an interest in

housing issues, an interpretation of the main

characteristics behind the thinking associated

with Hill and her 'women evangelists' is presented

briefly, to emphasise the similarities as well as

the dissimilarities with early housing management

ideology in Gl asgow.

Starting in the 1860s, Octavia Hill

rehabil itated and managed a number of poor and

overcrowded properties in London. putting into

practice and developing her ideas concerning the

Job of a housing manager. Her first acquisition

was a sl um dwell i ng call ed 'Paradise PI ace', but

popularly known as Little Hell (see G. Darley,

1989). These and other slum properties were bought

by John Ruskin. who rec~ved 5 per cent return on

his investment- 'philanthropy at 5 per cent'- and

then passed the property on to Hill to manage.

Hill, it should be remembered, was vehemently

opposed to any form of public subsidy for working

class housing, and her philosophy of housing

management was intended to i nfl uence the small

I andl ords who owned the vast maJ or i t Y of wor ki ng

class housing in London. The strict but attentive

style of housing management which she favoured had

a strong affinity with social work and emphasised

- 50-

the importance of' personal contact between

landlord and tenant. Personal contact was,

however, on the basis of' her belief' about the need

to , educate' and , re-moral i ze' the , poorer

sections' of' the worki ng cl ass, or in her own


"The people's homes are bad. partly because

they are badly built and arranged; they are

tenf'old worse because their habits and I ives are

what they are. Transplant them to-morrow to

healthy and commodious homes and they would

pollute and destroy the...... (2)

In this respect, Hill was very much in line

with the thinking of' her own class (see G.

Stedman-Jones, 1971). This • benevolent despotism'

was based on the bel ief' in the moral superiority

of' the middle and upper classes. a view which was

widely supported and disseminated in I ate-

Victorian Britain. (3). Hill and her associates

combined these ideas of' 'educating' the working

class with the role of' landlord to create a

paternalistic style of' housing management.

In Homes of' the London Poor, Hill outlined the

main aims and val ues on which her management was

based. Firstly. she wished to f'ree tenants f'rom a

'low class of' landlords and landladies'- who were,

- 51-

apparently, lax about collecting rents. Hill

considered this immoral, and she began to recruit

a number of middl e cl ass women as vol unteer rent

collectors and property managers. making a strict

insistence on the prompt payment of rent.

Secondly, she wanted to reI ieve tenants of • the

heavy incubus of accumul ated dirt'. and she got

women to clean passages in order to 'learn habits

of cl eanl i ness' Thi rdl y, she wanted to free

tenants from the corrupting influence of

'degraded' fellow lodgers. So she selected out the

'deserving poor' who, it was assumed, were more

1 i kel y to respond to her treatment and she al so

segregated the 'bad tenants' from the 'respectable

tenants'. Finally Hill wanted to rouse 'habits of

industry and effort' and she encouraged thr i ft

among people she literally regarded as her

tenants. This was to avoid any debts through

irregularity of work- a common experience for many

of London's worki ng cl asses. If they were

unsuccessful in following her example- and failed

to pay their rent- they would be promptly evicted.

While Hill's attempts to • improve' her

tenants went beyond rent collecting and doing

repairs (for instance, she provided a community

hall for her tenants with murals painted by Walter

- 52-

Crane and a pI ay area for the chil dren) it was

based on an individualistic notion of poverty and

an authoritarian style of housing management.

which reflected the belief in the moral

superiority of her own class. Her contribution to

the housing of the poor was inevitably minimal,

but she had an enormous influence on the housing

management prof ess i on, both through her wr it i ngs

and her training of other managers, primarily

women, in her methods. (4) But, her contribution to

local authority housing management practice is

disputed by some commentators:

..... Despite Octavia Hill's valuable pioneering

work in this field. housing aanage-.ent was. in

ef'f'ect. reinvented in the 1920s as a wholly

administrative activity centred on local

government and I acking the .oral istic overtones of

her aethod. tI

In general terms this statement may be

considered factual, but it is historically

inaccurate if we consider the overall debate

within the housing management profeSSion at this

time and, more particul arl y. if we consider the

way in which housing management in Glasgow

actually progressed during the years under

consideration in this chapter.

- 53-

The first professional association, the

Association of Women Housing Workers, was created

in 1916 by women trained by Octavia Hill in the

early twentieth century. The Society of Women

Housing Estate Managers was formed out of this

group in 1932 (changing its name in 194-8 to the

SOCiety of Housing Managers>. The Institute of

Housing had been formed in 1931, by predominantly

mal e local authori ty housing managers. These two

groups remained separate untll their amalgamation

in 1965. when they became known as the Instltute

of Housing Managers (in 1976 the name reverted

back to the Institute of Housing). (6) In the 1920s

and early 1930s the newly emerging housing

authorites, taking on the task of management for

the first time, began to question the

appropriateness of the organisation and practices

of management, which were seen as a necessary

feature of the provision of public housing. The

debate revolved around two competing views on the

role of housing management as prOViding properly

trained staff (at la Octavia Hill), or whether

housing management should have a 'welfare role'

(the I. of H. vIew) . The resul t of these debates

was, perhaps understandably. that no one system of

local authority housing management emerged. But

some commentators, have continued to suggest that

- 54-

the st yl e of hous i ng management assoc i ated wi th

Octavia Hill did not prevail:

" ••.• Local authority housing JDanage:.ent has

continued to be a largely administrative activity,

in contrast to the personal. IBOrai istic and

authoritarian practices of' Miss Hill."(7)

This was certainly not the case in Gl asgow.

where an author i tar i an style of management

developed, with the personal and moralistic

practices necessarily included, owi ng much to

Octavia Hill but also able to draw upon a

pernicious Calvinistic moralism which has a

particular heritage amongst the Scottish


1.3 The Background to Houstng Manage:.ent in


GI asgow has al ways been a city of paradoxes

and contradi ct ions. By the middle of the

nineteenth century Glasgow had achieved a

sUbstantial measure of economic prosperity, which

was founded on the heavy engineering industries

that grew up on the banks of the ri ver Cl yde.

These industries required massi ve workforces and.

as a direct result of this requirement, the city's

population grew from 359,000 in 1851 to 1,088,000

in 1931. The boundaries of the city had been

- 55-

extended from 5,603 acres in 1846 to 39,725 acres

<or over 62 square miles> by 1938. (8)

Behind this rapid growth there was a human

tale of misery and exploitation, which was nowhere

more apparent than in the housing condi tions. In

the process of the expansion 1 i ttl e thought was

gi ven to the housing needs of GI asgow' s growing

proletariat. (9) Glasgow's wurking class were

forced to live in appalling cramped conditions

with overcrowding, lack of air or light in

dilapitated tenement houses. As early as 1818

there had been an outbreak oY typhus fever in the

wynds and closes of Glasgow's slums, and

throughout the earl y part oY the century there

were periodic outbreaks oY epidemics such as

typhus, Yever and smallpox in the city. The web of

• social problems' arising from such a

concentration oY poor conditions meant that when

Glasgow's municipal authorities turned their

attention to them, housing and health were defined

as part of the same problem. (10)

Throughout the early nineteenth century there

were a number of Pol ice Acts passed in Glasgow

which contained clauses dealing with sanitary

provision in the city. However, it was not until

the middle of the century that the association

- 56-

hetween had heal th and had housing came to he

full y recogni sed. The 1840s and 1850s saw the

introduction of various Nuisances Removal Acts

which 'empowered' medical officers of health, as a

last resort, to prohihit the use for human

habitation of premises which were 'injurious to

heal th' . In 1842 the Report on the Sanitary

Conditions of the Lahouring Classes of Great

Br i tai n was issued. This report recognised the

links hetween the massing of populations in

enclosed areas, had housing and ill health. (11)

In 1846 Glasgow.Town Council used the

provisions of the various Nuisances Removal Acts

to acquire property in the High Street, Saltmarket

and Gorhals areas o-f the city. The first attempt

at slum clearance in Glasgow had hegun. In 1843 an

Inspector o-f. Cleansing was introduced and was

gi ven powers to prevent overcrowdi ng and to see

that houses and closes were kept ina 'cl ean

condition'. These powers had little practical

outcome and it was not until 1857 that puhlic

health was di-fferentiated as a special -function o-f

municipal government. In 1863 the -first Medical

O-fficer o-f Health-Dr William Tennant Gairdner- was

appointed, initially on a part-time basis. In 1866

Gairdner extended the • vol untary' scheme -for

- 57-

sanitary visitation, and organised large numbers

of volunteers to 'visit the homes of the working

people and to encourage cleanliness of persons and

of homes' . This idea was to become firmly

establ ished in the practice of the Corporation

housing management department in the twentieth

century, with the introduction of Nurse


In 1862 another City of GI asgow Pol ice Act

gave the authorities wider powers to deal with

overcrowding. through measuring the cubic contents

of a house. If the cubic contents were found to be

under 2,000 feet a 'ticket' was placed on the door

or stair wall, on which the cubic space and the

number of people allowed to reside within the

house was stated. This was based on 300 cubic feet

per adul t or two children under eight years of

age. These 'ticketed houses' were visited by

Public Health Inspectors- in those days known as

the Sanitary Police- between 11. 30pm and 5.00am

'for the purpose of discovering overcrowding' If

the I egal number was exceeded the tenants were

prosecuted. It was recognised by the authorities

that these tenants were not the 'respectable'

working class and therefore segregation became

part of the overall strategy of surveillance:

- 58-

..... the better cl ass of tenants avoid such

houses and even their neighbourhood. Consequently.

la~ords are always warned before tickets are put

up in :fresh localities. so that they JDay save the

reputation of their property by getting rid of the

overcr~ing tenants .•.•• (12)

The interests of' the I andl ords and the

policing of' Glasgow's poor seemed to have taken

precedence over the provision of' adequate housing.

Under the guise of' , inspecting houses f'or

overcrowding' houses were 'ticketed' according to

the 'character of the property' and the • character

of the tenant'. There were many houses which

I egall y coul d have been 'ticketed', but escaped

owi ng to the 'character of the tenant'. (13) The

segregation inherent in such a pol icy was to be

continued in later years by the corporations'

housing department, as was the authoritarian

methods associated with such an approach.

In an attempt to resolve the housing situation

in the city a special agency, the Glasgow City

Improvme~t Commissioners, was f'ormed. In 1866 the

first City Improvements Act was passed. Under this

Act the Lord Provost, Magistrates and City

Council, in their capacity as Imrovement Trustees,

were empowered to , purchase and clear away

- 59-

I nsani tary areas in the congested centre of' the

city', around Glasgow Cross. Thus, the Housing

Department became known as the City Improvements

Trust (CIT). The purpose of' the 1866 Act was


II [aJ To reJDOve the worst parts of 01 d GI asgow

(Cross; Trongate; Calton between London Road.

Great Hamil ton Street; Gorbal s- Main Street) and

to replace the Streets and improve the

a<iommodation by leasing sites or building

dwellings for working classes.

[b] to improve the communications of the area

In the force of three proposals for central

railway termini which might prevent new roads and

streets being laid after their completion.

[c] To acquire extra lands to re-house

d:l spl aced persons :from the overcrowded areas and

to form a H.E. Park (Alexandra Park) lands at

Kennyhill (H. E. ) 89 ac; Overnewton (W) and

Oatlands (S.E) southside. II (14-)

The CIT had the power to erect new houses on

the cl eared sl tes but, apart f'rom a f'ew Model

Lodging Houses, this was not taken advantage of'

until 1889, the land being f'eued to private

building speculators.
- 60-

The Glasgow Improvements Act of 1871 extended

the powers contained in the 1866 Act for the

demolition of property as well as 'to provide

housing for the working cl ass popul ation of the

city displaced by the clearances'. As a result,

the council built two 'model tenements' and a

men's lodging house in 1871. The lodging houses

were under the control of a superintendent, who

was supported by three warders. The notion of

social control contained in these titles was real.

many of the superintendents were ex-NCOs from the

Army or ex-detectives. (15) There were also a

number of women workers employed who 'came dai I y

to do the cl eaning'. This system of management,

based on a hierarchical structure and a sexual

division of labour, was to become more evident in

later developments. However, the financial crisis

of 1878, with the collapse of the City of Glasgow

Bank, put a stop to any investment in

housebuilding. The CIT were regarded as one of the

worst landlords in the city. with old property in

the scheduled areas merely being patched-up

instead of demolished.

In 1895 the Corporation of Glasgow was

invested with the powers and property of the

Improvement Trustees, and two years later a second

- 61 -

Improvement Act was passed, to enable the

corporation to 'clear and rebuild seven congested

and insanitary areas' and to erect houses for the

'poorest classes'. However, the re-housing of the

displaced tenants of the 1866 Act was regarded as

a matter for private enterprise and there was

considerable opposition to any suggestion that the

Trustees should erect new houses as a general

pol icy. It was not until twenty-two years after

the pass i ng of the 1866 Act that the Trustees

finally began to build blocks of flats for the

tenants who were displaced by demolition schemes.

Between 1850 and 1900 private enterprise built

over 100,000 houses in Glasgow's 'inner city'-

mainly 1-2 bedroom flats in 4-storey tenement

blocks. Overcrowding, poor sanitation, ill-health

and poverty were characteristic of much of this

'inner-city' area. On the other hand, only 2, 199

houses were buil t by the corporation under the

Improvement Acts. The responsibility for managing

corporation properties was handed over to outside

factors, who colI ected rents and attended to any

repairs. However, in 1892 a new management system

was devised and a General Manager was appointed to

take over the supervision of the properties of the

CIT. Below the manager a number of caretakers were

- 62-

appointed. The caretakers (l ater to become known

as • Resident Fact.ors·) were responsibl e for the

daily inspection of the property in which they

Ii ved. and were • brought into close contact with

the tenants'. The benefits of such a system of

management were fully recognised by the


" . . . . This method of has proved to

be very satisfactory_ It has resulted in a

financIal savIng. and brought all the properties

and tenants directly under the control o~ the

corporatIon. II (16)

So by the end of the nineteenth century,

despite the fact that housing conditions for

GI asgow' s working class were abominabl e. a

rudimentary decentralised system of housing

management began to emerge. Thi s system drew on

the experience of pri vate factors, had a strong

moral educati ve el ement in the styl e of Octavia

Hill and worked on an authoritarian basis aimed at

social control through the policing of Glasgow's

working class in their place of abode and in the

dead of night.

By the end of this period the housing of

Glasgow's working class was fast becoming the most

important political issue in the city. In 1914-

- 63-

GI asgow had the most densl y popul ated area in

Europe, with 700,000 people resident within three

square miles of Glasgow Cross. Not surprisingly,

perhaps, the corporation still concerned

themselves with slum clearance but were not

concerned with the public provision of

h~using. (17) In 1916 the corporation set up a

small commi ss i on to investigate the , housing

problem' in the city. This commission consisted of

the City Engineer, the Medical Of'ficer of Health.

the Chief Sanitary Inspector, the Manager of the

CIT and 'men known to be famil iar with working

class housing in the ci ty' . This committee

directed much of its attention to • improving slum

areas'. However, they also decided to constitute a

Special Sub-committee of the corporation to

concentrate on housing matters, and from this the

Housing Committee of the Corporation of' Gl asgow

was establ i shed.

The Housing Committee combined action

regarding sl um cl earance with estimates of the

housing needs of the city. Their recommendations,

like those of the 1917 Royal Scottish Commission

on Housing, were prevented from being implemented

by the 1914-18 War. It was not until 1919 that

Parliamen.t passed the Housing <Town Planning)

- 64-

(Scotland) Act, which established the principle of

state subsidy for housing for the general needs of

the working class, a notion first mooted

officially by the 1917 Royal Commission, and

fought for by Glasgow's men and women in the 1915

Rent Strike. (18)

The 1919 Act required each local authority to

give certain particulars regarding the existing

acco~dation in its areas and an assessment of the

number of new houses which woul d be required to

make adequate provision for any shortages which

were found. Prior to 1919 the Housing Committee of

the Corporation had been advised by the City

Engineer on housing matters and the practical work

in connection with this had been undertaken by his

department. When the new responsibil ities under

the 1919 Act were laid upon the corporation, it

was realised that the question of housing was one

involving a considerable amount of specialised

work and it was decided that a sepdrate

organisation should be created by the corporation

to deal with housing matters. In September 1919

the Housing Department of the Corporation was

created. The then Chief Sanitary Inspector, a Mr

Peter Fyfe, was appointed the first Director of

- 65-

Housing. Nevertheless, the City Engineer was to

remain a fairly powerful figure. (19)

The Housing Department's work in the immediate

Inter-War period consisted of estimating the

housing needs of the city, and the building of new

dwell I ngs. In the Housing Committee's first

estimate, made in 1920, the number of new houses

requ i red was put at 57, 000- the numbers game had

begun. In fact, between 1920 and 1939, the

corporation erected over 50,000 new houses and an

extra 10,000 had been built by private enterprise.

About 30 per cent of the corporation's output of

houses were erected in sl um-cl earance schemes in

the 01 der parts of the city under the Housing

Act~ s of 1923 and 1930; and a further 46 per cent

in the new housing schemes such as Carntyne,

Mosspark and Knightswood on greenfield sites on

the outskirts of the city.

However, the city's new housing schemes were

not all of the same standard. The i nter-\tJar

housing schemes were stratified into three groups

based on the rentals charged, irrespective of the

types of houses built. The three groups were named

, Rehous i ng' , , Intermediate' and 'Ordinary'. The

'rehousing' schemes, like Blackhill and Moorepark,

had particularly low rentals because of the higher

- 66-

subsidy that was provided under certain Housing

Acts- the 1930 and 1935 Acts. The latter aimed at

, de-crowdi ng' and the former to sl um-cl earance.

, Rehousi ng' schemes were built for tenants who

were to be rehoused from slum clearance areas, or

for those tenants who required houses but whose

income was below a fixed minimum. On the other

hand, 'ordinary' houses, built under the 1919 Act

to meet the .. general needs of the working cl ass",

were let at much higher rents despite the fact

that the Act did not require rent levels to be

"economic". Put simply, the 'ordinary' houses were

let to a certain strata of the working class

which, in general, meant cl erks, busi nessmen,

school~teachers and professionals., with the total

excl us ion of peopl e in unski 11 ed or semi -ski 11 ed

work and very few skilled workers. In 1933 the

Housing Committee introduced an , Intermediate'

cl ass of houses, for those who did not 'qual ify'

for 'rehousi ng' houses and who were unable to

afford the rental charged for • ordinary' houses.

In short, the allocation of houses I ed to the

spatial segregation of Glasgow's working class

population in addition to the social segregation

reflected in the class structure (see S. Damer,

1991> .
- 67-

On an organisat ional level. there was a

distinct division of responsibil ity between the

Housing Department and the City Improvements

Department during the initial period when the

housing department was formed. The Manager of the

City Improvements Department was responsibl e for

factoring all City Improvements property. as well

as the municipal houses built by the housing

department. The Manager of the City Improvements

Department, and not the Director of Housing. was

responsible for the letting of Corporation houses,

which he (and it was always a male) carried out in

accordance with the stratified plans devised by

the Housing Committee. The Director of Housing. on

the other hand, was responsible for carrying into

effect the Housing Committee's decisions on all

matters affecting the provision of new houses. The

Housing Department was responsible for the

acquisition of the necessary land for housing. the

design of the houses themselves, the layout of the

housing schemes, the supervison and construction

of the houses by direct labour. In short, the

Manager of the City Improvements Department let

and factored the houses and the Director of

Hous i ng was respons i bl e to the Housing Committee

for the provision of new houses and their

maintenance. This underlying balance of

- 68-

administrative power often led to protracted

inter-departmental disputes over the development

and design of housing schemes. (20) These disputes

continued into the immediate post-war period.

So far we have been mainly concerned with the

overall structure of the housing department.

However, some of the internal workings of the

department provide useful insights into the

ideology and practices of housing management in

GI asgow in this period. As we have seen, the

beginnings of housing management can be traced

back to the work of Octavia Hill and her

associates. The relationship between Hill and 'her

tenants', despite claims to the contrary, was one

that was often repeated by local authority housing

management departments, and was described by her

biographer thus:

"Octavia had def'lned her business relation to

her tenants as one of • perfect

strlctness· •••.•.• the word Octavia used to express

her ideal l' or the personal reI at lonshi p bet~en

herself and her tenants • perfect

respectfulness· •.• "(21)

In Glasgow • strictness' was an aphorism which

working cl ass tenants came to understand as the

mainstay of housing management in the city. The

- 69-

raids on 'ticketed' houses. mentioned above. was

only one aspect or a system or housing management

which developed over the years, in which a

reI ationship or • perrect respectful ness' was the

guiding principle. The Municipal Commission Report

of 1904 made this evident. with regard to the need

for Caretakers:

" ••• Mr Menzies says, •I think a caretaker is a

very valuable o~~icer in connection with any

housing sche.e. He both reduces disorder aJaOngst

the tenants and prevents tenants trouhling each

other, and sees that the closes are kept in clean

and proper order _ I don't think a. hous i ng sche.e

ror the poor or dishoused popula.tion is properly

equipped unless there is a caretaker . . . . "(22)

According to this witness a roving social

worker-cum-health inspector was required to keep

certain sections of Glasgow's working class in

order in their place or abode. It was not long

before such a practice was adopted by the

corporation. In 1923 the first post-War slum

cl earance scheme was opened at Hamil tonhill. The

corporation decided to monitor the response of the

tenants to their new housing conditions. and

regular inspection or the houses was carried out,

initially by a Public Health nurse from the Public

- 70-

Heal th Department then by a "Nurse Inspectress"

appointed by the Housing Department. Visits were

made to all the houses in the scheme on a regular

basis, with special attention being given to those

'found in a dirty condition, to which repeated

visits were made'. At this time there were also

resident caretakers in Hamil tonhill and other

schemes responsible for rent collection and

general supervision of tenants, but confusion

arose concerning the respective duties of the

inspectress and the resident caretakers.

A report in August 1927. by a special sub-

committee on Insanitary Areas, helped to clear up

the confusion with the appointment of a special

officer attached to the Heal th Department. This

Nurse Inspectress. employed by the City

Improvements Department, was the first of what

were to become commonly known as 'Green Ladies',

and much later Housing Visitors (see S. Darner,

1991. for three categories of 'Green Ladies'). The

role of the nurse inspectress was to I exercise

intimate supervisory duties over the less

satisfactory tenants'. (23) The powers accorded to

the corporation to carry out such inspections were

allowed under both the Glasgow Corporation

(Police) Order Act, 1904, Section 9; and Section

- 71-

56 of the Housing <Scotland) Act, 1925. The former

Act gave authority for a sanitary inspector to

deal summarily with houses, bedding or furniture,

found to be in a 'dirty condition', and to issue

notice 'on the spot' to the occupier to clean the

house within twenty-four hours, under a penalty.

The latter Act enacted that 'houses provided under

this Act shall be open at all times for inspection

to the Local Author it Y or to any dul y author i sed

officer of the Local Authority'. Therefore, the

state, at both the local and the national level.

supported this perniciOUS intrusion into the homes

of working class Glaswegians.

As a means of sorting out the 'unsatisfactory'

tenants from the rest the nurse inspectress graded

slum clearance houses in terms of cleanliness and

order, and seperated them into three different

categories- , cl ean, , fair' and 'dirty'. Not

surprisingly, the 'clean' houses provided the

nurse inspectress with 'complete satisfaction'.

Houses in the 'dirty' category accounted for 10

per cent of the total houses under inspection in

1927, and the nurse inspectors' attitude to these

tenants is worth quoting in full:

"There reJDains a group. which varies in the

different schemes and which may be roughly

- 72-

computed at about 10 per cent. who JDay be regarded

as dif'f'icul t or even incorrigible tenants. This

may seem a high percentage. but-it may be pointed

out that this percentage does not apply equally

throughout all the schemes; in one or t~ of' the

small er schemes the percentage of' thi s cl ass is

lower or does not exist. A very great deal of'

attention has been given to this group, and af'ter

the experience I have had I am satisf'ied that the

results of' repeated visitation have had the ef'f'ect

of' removing a number or what at rirst sight seemed

to be incorrigible tenants into a h1gher category.

the ~rk of' endeavouring to tenants of'

this group is slow, and when one goes f'ully into

the cases and learns the individual history of' the

f'amil ies some I eniency BlUst be extended towards

them. In practically every case there is a

def'inite cause f'or their non-progress, usually

illness, low mental ity. proround ignorance,

pregnancy, child birth. physical disabil ity. and

in a f'ew cases alcoholism". (24)

There are a number of' important pOints

concerning this ideology about the "undeserving

poor" which these urban gatekeepers operated with.

Firstly, the Judgement about whether a house was

'clean', 'fair' or 'dirty' seemed to lie solely

- 73-

wi th the nurse i nspectress. though supported as

corporation policy, which presumably meant that it

was her own standard oC • cleanliness' that she was

imposing on working class tenants- a powerCul role

indeed! Secondly. as the above quotation makes

clear, her belieC in her own 'educational' crusade

led her to adopt a victim-blaming-ideology to

support the general bel ieCs about the need Cor

'improvement' amongst poor tenants which was part

oC a dominant perspective accepted by middle class

proCessional s.

This subjective, even arbitary, Judgement was

never JustiCied. It was sustained in a situation

documented in numerous oCCicial reports on housing

conditions, where there were two Camilies sharing

the same two-roomed house, shortage oC sani tary

facil ities in many houses, a chronic shortage oC

decent houses across the city and poverty on a

wide scale. In this situation Glasgow corporation

decided that what the tenants of the city real I y

required was discipline and regimentation into the

standards set by the nurse inspectresses. The

total number oC houses in the slum clearance

schemes that were under the supervision of the

nurse inspectors in 1935 was 10,576, situated in

57 'rehousing' schemes. (25) However, the number of

- 74-

houses that were recorded as • dirty' amounted to

4-4, a mere O. 4- per cent of' the total. Theref'ore.

despite the miniscule numbers invol ved. these

strategically placed "urban gatekeepers" (R. Pahl.

1975) were driven by a powerf'ul ideology which was

conf'used and contradictory but had real

consequences for a number of Glasgow's tenants as

well as setting an example to others ..

Unlike the Octavia Hill system of housing

management, where all the duties were carried out

by one person, Glasgow corporation had a number of

off'icials 'supervising' council tenants throughout

the 1920s and 1930s. The other important officials

in this context were the Resident Caretakers,

I ater to become known as Resident Factors. The

resident factors were attached to the CIT. the

house-letting department of the Corporation. They

colI ected rents, looked af'ter repairs complaints

and, in co-operation with the nurse inspectors.

ensured that 'windows and common stairs were

thoroughly washed'. The resident factors dealt

with the collection of' rents etc f'rom tenants of

'intermediate' and 'rehousing' schemes only. while

tenants of 'ordinary' schemes were trusted to make

such payments to the Head Of'f ice of the CIT, at

that time situated in the Trongate. Being the sort

- 75-

of peopl e they were, the resident factors al so

collected payments in respect of the hire purchase

of furniture from tenants in 'rehousing' schemes,

kept a list of defaulters and informed hire

purchase companies of tenants who were a • bad

risk' . (26)

Each resident factor was provided with a house,

free of rent and rates, in the scheme where they

worked, and 'Were thereby 'Well known to all

tenants. They dealt with an average of 500/600

intermediate and rehousing houses, and were linked

to Head Office via a supervisor. who they reported

to daily. From collecting rents through to

evictions, the resident factors operated a system

where Glasgow's council tenants • knew their

pI ace' These individuals held a noose over the

heads of Glasgow's council tenants in the shape of

their 'own bible': Court Action. It was a noose

that was to be tightened on many occasions after

the Second World War, as we shall see in the next

section dealing with this period.

1.~.Houslng Management In Glasgow 19~5-1970:

If • • • the hous I ng probl em ., or the lower i ncoJae

groups In this country has not been sol ved since

the Industrial revolutlon."(27)

- 76-

Aneurin Bevan was referri ng in the above

quotation to the housing situation in Britain at

the end o£ the Second World-War. The housing

situation in Glasgow in this period, while not

unique, was in many ways worse than that whi ch

prevailed in other British and European

cities. (28) To understand the changes in housing

management in post-War GI asgow, we need to be

reminded of the enormity of the situation

regarding housing conditions in the immediate

aftermath of the War. The expansion and changing

function of the role o£ housing management must be

located in the context of the changing situation

regarding slum clearance. the building of the

peripheral schemes. 'comprehensive redevelopment'

and the building of high rise blocks of flats.

Although housing management practices were slow to

change, we have to contextualise them in this way,

as many of the justifications for the adoption of

new ideas in the 1970s and 1980s constantly refer

back to the failures of this period and the

lessons which were learned by housing management.

Between 1919 and August 1939 of the total

houses buil t by GI asgow corporation. 25,537 were

tenement houses, 15,552 were £1 atted four-in-a-

block houses, and 8.227 were cottage type houses.

- 77-

In the immediate post-War period the Housing

Committee concentrated on constructing three and

four-apartment houses. The Housing Coromi ttee. it

should be remembered, was responsible for all

policy decisions on housing matters affecting the

city. During the War years Glasgow corporation's

role in building new permanent houses was

seriously curtailed, due to shortage of labour and

material s. Between 194-0 and 194-5 only 4-,882

permanent houses were completed by the

corporation. (29) The increasing pressure on the

housing accomodation '"

in the city was exacerbated

by the I ack of repairs that was carried out to

existi ng dwellings. The I atter factor I ed to a

steady deterioration in a number of properties.

The situation for many people in the city was

grim, to put i t mildly. As official reports noted:

"It is estiJDated that some 100.000 houses will

require to be buil t to replace unfit houses. to

relieve overcro~in8', and for general needs"'. (30)

Therefore, at the end of the War, housing

remained the 'I argest publ ic heal th probl em' in

the city. There were no 'homes for the heroes'

and, as the discussion in chapter two reveals,

GI asgow' s working cl ass had to struggl e for the

continuance of the provision of council housing.

- 78-

Glasgow still had the unenviable reputation o:f

contai ni ng some o:f the worst sl urns in Western

Europe. The problems :faced by working class people

in the city seeking a decent :form of' shelter

remained acute. (31) However, council housing had

become a subsidised social service by 194-5, and

the corporat i on had acqu i red the power, through

the house-letting system, to determine the social

composition of' large areas o:f the city.

The immedi ate response to the economi c and

housing problems in Glasgow came in the :first

major ef':fective planning document :for the Greater

Gl asgow area, The CI yde Vall ey Regi onal PI an o:f

194-6. (32) The plan covered not only the Clyde

Valley, but also the county of' Ayrshire to the

south west. However, the main concern o:f this

plan, :for our purposes, was the recommendation

that there should be a planned decentralisation o:f

both population and industry f'rom Glasgow, a

I arge-scal e restructuring of' the housing and

labour markets. Glasgow's overspill problem,

estimated at 250,000, was to be accomodated by
housing schemes on the 'edge' of' the built-up area

and within and beyond the green belt in New and

Expanded Towns; 'overspill reception areas'.

- 79-

The Clyde Valley Plan had been prepared under

the auspices of an advisory committee. convened by

the Secretary of State for Scotland in 1943,

contai ni ng representati ves from all the region's

local authorities. Glasgow corporation, mainly

through the Master of Works and City Engineer

Robert Bruce, objected to the plans initially (he

resigned in 1947) and argued against any loss of

land within the city's boundaries for the proposed

'green belt' (see S. Damer. 1990). However. by the

1950s the corporation had come to accept the role

of East Kilbride (set up in 1947) and supported

the idea of the other New Town at Cumbernaul d

(designated in 1956).

By the early 1950s the housing situation in

Glasgow remained desperate. The house waiting list

had stood at around 90.000 famil ies in 1949, and

continued to grow. (33) .As Bruce had indicated in

his own plan. all of the people who needed

rehoused could not be accomodated in the

'overspill' plans highlighted in the Clyde Valley

Regional Plan. So from the late-1940s there was a

10 year period of intense development of the four

large peripheral schemes. While some of these

schemes contained a significant proportion of

cottage-type dwellings, 1 ike the inter-War

- 80-

schemes, the trend was to three and four-storey

tenement fl ats. These peripheral working class

schemes absorbed over 10 per cent of Gl asgow s

population, and by 1979 Castlemilk contained 9.752

houses, Drumchapel 10,346 houses, Easterhouse

14,961 houses. and Pollok 11,528 houses with a

total population of 160,000(34) They came to be

epitomised in the words of Glasgow

comedian/folksinger Billy Connolly as: "deserts wi


They had been built to very high density and

there was a shift to more one-apartment and three-

apartment dwellings in these schemes. Little

consideration had been given to the needs of the

i ncomi ng tenants to these schemes. and there was

minimal provision of amenities and community

facilities. As chapter four reveals, the struggle

by tenants' organisations to have such facilities

provided began almost immediately the houses were

occupied. The creation of a more humane

environment has been a recurring theme in much of

the official literature on the , per i pheral '

schemes, and recent developments in Glasgow

suggest that some of these schemes will have a

much higher profile in the imagery of the policy-

- 81 -

makers than has hitherto been the case, a point we

will return to at a later stage.

In the mid-1950s there was an acute shortage

of land and a growing awareness that the policy of

building houses on what vacant land was avaIlable

on the periphery of the city was not solving

Glasgow's chronic housing problems. Therefore,

around this period, there was an important policy

shift towards those living in unfit properties

throughout the city. In 1957 the corporation began

its post-War sl um cl earance programme wi th the

'comprehensive redevelopment' of a site in the

Hutchesontown/Gorbals district of the city. The

programme of 'comprehensive redevelopment' was

extended to other areas of the city (Govan,

Royston, Townhead, the Calton and Springburn> and

whol e tenemental neighbourhoods were demol ished.

The people who were displaced by this process,

like their grannies and grandpas before them, had

little say in the actual outcome. (35)

'Participation' in decision making was a long way


In spite of the overspill policy. the building

of peripheral schemes and , comprehens i ve

redevelopment' • Glasgow was still faced with a

chronic housing shortage in the late 1950s and

- 82-

earl y 1960s (see, for exampl e, J. B. Cullingworth,

1968). The problem was apparently exacerbated

with the scarcity of building land in the city,

though the abundance of new off ice blocks in the

city gives a clearer indication of the

corporation's priorities. Neverthel ess, in an

attempt to resolve the situation the corporation,

in response to the new subsidy regulations,

decided to erect a number of mul ti-storey blocks

of flats, the first of which were Moss Heights in

Cardonal d which were compl eted as earl y as 1953.

By 1982 321 high-rise blocks had been buH t in

Gl asgow, ranging from 8 to 31 storeys. In 1986

fl ats in mul ti-storey blocks amounted to 24-,94-9.

or 14-.79 per cent of the District Council's

hous i ng stock. In some districts of the city

mul ti-storey fl ats accounted for 36.07 per cent

(Springburn) and 39.68 per cent (City North) of

the housing stock. (36) Obviously, the 'streets in

the air' had caught the imagination of the

planners and politicians, and Glasgow's history of

tenemental I iving was exp/llll&ited to promote high-

rise living (P. Worsdall 1979-). By the beginning ..

of the 1970s the drastic demolition and clearance

approach and the building of high-rise housing

became increasingly unacceptable, both politically

- 83-

and economically. as one ex-leader of the Council

put it in 1974:

"In Glasgow we will not be building any DIOre

high flats after this. It is Just not worth the

candle. We have had a large number of complaints

from both young and old people. The planners

should have told us about the difficulties before

they were built- but they did not. we had to find

out for ourselves •.• They are socially

undesirable. II (37)

It was not the planners, and few of the

politicians. but Glasgow's council tenants who

suffered the consequences of these • socially

undesirable' buildings. However, it should be

remembered that it was the major construction

companies who were the real ben~ficiaries of this

phase of council house-building (P. Dunl eavy,

1981). It is somewhat ironic that these companies

prof i ted to such an extent from the 1 ast mass

house-building phase in post-war Britain. But it

is against all of these background factors that we

need to locate certain changes in housing

management practice in Glasgow during the same

period. This should also assist us in

contextual ising later shifts in policy orientation

and ideology in the late 1970s and early 1980s.

- 84-

The housing department in the immediate post-

War years was under the control o£ the Director o£

Housing and his Deputy the Assistant Director.

Below them a chief oft~icial was in charge of the

activities o£ the various sections o£ the housing

department- Civil Engi neer i ng. Archi tecture,

Surveying and the Clerical section. In addition to

this the corporation had, since 1921, developed

its own Direct Labour Organisation. This section

expanded rapidly in the post-War years, even

though the majority o£ corporation houses in the

city had been built by private contractors. While

we are not particularly concerned with other £orms

of public rented housing, it is worth pointing out

that from 1937 onwards (to April 1989) the

Scottish Special Housing Association took on the

responsibility of providing rented housing in the

city. (see chapter three). The SSHA was not a

housing association, in the coventional sense, but

was funded directl y by the Scottish Office and

ef£ectively in£luenced by its authority. The SSHA

took applicants £rom the corporation's waiting

I ist when considering appl icants and, there£ore,

was to become an important source of housing £or

some of Glasgow's working popul ation. The

- 85-

corporation also '~actored' some o~ the SSHA

hous i ng. (38)

The City Improvements Department operated a

points scheme, as early as 1942, based according

to the year in which the application was made and

the degree o~ overcrOwding, as part o~ the letting

regul ations. In 1944 the corporation revised the

letting regulations. It was agreed that the degree

of need of the appl icants was to be the onl y

determining ~actor. However. it was also decided

to insert a residential qualification into the

regul ations. A prospective householder, or his

wife, required to have resided in the city ~or at

least ten years be~ore being considered for

housing accomodation. There were also two main

categories o~ applicants which were to be accepted

on the waiting list- overcrowded ~amil ies, and

newly married and homeless. The ~ormer category

were to be allocated approximately 90 per cent o~

the avaliable accomodation, and the remaining 10

per cent were to be allocated to the latter

category. (39) In other words. this was a sys1tem

of allocation based on priority groups and a

points sytem ~or grading applications. This

allocation system existed, with some minor changes

in categorisation, into the mid-1960s and the

- 86-

points system was not finally overhauled until the

early-1980s. (see chapter five).

This was the allocations policy as officially

documented. But to understand the operations of

such a system we must return to the rol e of the

nurse inspectors and the resident factors, who

were ultimately responsible for administering it

on a day-to-day basis. The important point that is

being re-emphasised here is that, like the inter-

War per i od, the hous i ng management department's

relationship with council tenants was mainly on an

individual basis during this era. The ideology

behind this individualistic approach was both

oppressive and regulatory. The consequences of

such a housing management strategy were also

divisive. with strict selection PlJtting

the , incorrigibl e' tenants into the lowest

standard of hous i ng.

By 194-4 GI asgow corporation had 65 resident

factors, 6 supervisors. 6 full-time and 13 part-

time • health visitors', the latter were trained

nurses involved in the supervision of mothers and

new-born babies. The resident factors were based

in both i ntermedi ate and rehousing schemes,

whereas the nurse inspectors were responsible for

the visitation of tenants in the latter schemes.

- 87-

The resident factors collected rents door-to-door

or payment could be made at their house, where a

room was fitted out as an office or in some cases

a hut was provided. Ordinary scheme tenants were

still trusted to pay their rents on a regul ar

basis and never suffered the discipline which re-

housing or intermediate scheme tenants faced on a

regul ar basis. Each individual health visitor was

responsible for approximately 1,250 houses,

averaging over 5,000 visits a year. In April 1944,

at a special sub-committee meeting on letting. the

then sub-Convener of' the Housing Committee

<councillor J. McInnes> proposed a number of'

changes to this system. The main proposals

included the f'ol I owing:

"a)ma.king resident f'actors responsible f'or the

lodgement of' cash in the bank, theref'ore ending

the necessity of' attending Head Of'f'ice each

JDOrning. b)Additional employment of' health

visitors. and the extension of' the system of'

• visitation' to the • intermediate' schemes, c)As

health visiting ~ considered essentially a

woman's Job the SUbstitution of' the title heal th

visitor with f'emale health visitor, d)that before

individuals become tenants of' corporation houses

they be visited by a health visitor and: 'where i t

- 88-

is revealed that their house is not kept in a

reasonably clean and satisf'actory condition then

they should be made aware or where they f'all short

of' the desired standard and given the opportunity

of' improving'. e)Supervisors to be responsible f'or

the supervision of' the Division and dealing with

applications f'or transf'ers, complaints. condition

of' houses prior to re-Ietting etc". (4-0)

This proposal was met with a response from the

Manager of the City Improvements Department, the

City Chamberlain, and the Medical Officer of

Heal tho The manager of the City Improvements

Department approved of the expansion of the rol e

of the heal th visitors, and raised little

objection to rents being collected at district

level. However, the Medical Officer of Health,

whil e supporting the extension of the duties of

the housing visitors, objected to their services

being transferred from the heal th department to

the City Improvements Department on the grounds

that 'there was an important distinction to be

made between the functions of housing management

and the functions of the heal th department'. The

Justification for this sep~ration was based on his

view of the proper role of health visitors:

- 89-

"Each inspectress is given a certain area and

her ~rk consists of visiting. advising and

hel ping the f8.IDilies. It has been found that the

trained nurse is an acceptable person for this

medico-social function. It should be emphasised

that her functions are as much those of a housing

inspectress. and I regard it as essential that

they should be kept on this level. The health of

the family. particularly the women and children.

is and should be as much her concern as the manner

in which the house is used and kept"'. (4-1)

These differences were not me~ly semantic but

based on the belief that, under existing

legislation, the nurse inspectress's and heal th

visitors could best carry out the function of

aSSisting in the reproduction of Glasgow's working

class from within the Health Department. A special

meeting between the City Improvements Department,

the Divisional Sanitary Inspectors and the nurse

inspectors was held on the 31st of May 1944-, in an

attempt to resolve these differences. Out of this

meeting it was agreed that rent collecting was to

be changed to a district system, the nurse

inspectresses were to remain within the Public

Health Department, and that supervision was to be

extended to the intermediate schemes. The first

- 90-

two of these proposals were consequently accepted

by the Housing Conunittee, but the supervision of

tenants in intermediate schemes did not begin

until 194-9.

Under the provisions of the 194-9 Housing

(Scotl and) Act it became no longer necessary to

build council housing 'only for the working

cl asses' but, refl ecting the popul ism of Bevan,

council housing was now intended to be for all

cl asses (see M. Foot, 1975) . Gl asgow corporat ion,

responding to this change, decided that such large

areas as Drumchapel and Castlemilk should have

• di versified conununi ties' , and housing would be

provided on the basis of an economic rent.

Drumchapel and Castl emi 1 k were two of the 'new-

ordinary' schemes. and the superviSion of tenants

who were rehoused from slum clearance areas began

in 1955. The \\1Ork of the nurse inspectresses was

often presented, as in the above accounts, as a

necessary function of the Public Health

department. However, it is cl ear from the many

references in official reports and departmental

memo's to the 'incorrigible tenant', the 'dirty

tenant' or the 'unsatisfactory tenant', that a

conscious process of stigmatisation. supported by

- 91 -

of f i c i al dom, was t.aki ng pI ace. One exampl e of' the

prevailing wisdom will suffice:

"The dirty tenants are usual I y f'ound to be

irregular at paying rent and the children are the

most destructi vee Of'ten they are under the

supervision of' probation off'lcers and are ~ll

known to the pol ice. Most of' them are below par

mental I y and often they have 1 arge f'amilies. It

has been f'ound that the chief reasons for dirty

tenants are domestic ~rries. money ~rrles. wives

not getting a fair share of the husband's wages.

low mental standard, gambling, drink. criminal

history. and Just laziness". (42)

Glasgows Medical Officer of Health, applying

rhetoric similar to nineteenth century accounts of

the undeserving poor, the criminal classes, the

residuum, the submerged tenth or the

lumpenproletariat, was explicitly indicating that

housing management should be primarily aimed at

the 'underclass'. However. like most contemporary

academic discussions of the 'underclass·. this

account is both a-historical and based on little

or no systematic analysis, reverting to ideas

which locates the probl ems of society in a small

minority of individuals and families (see J.

Macnicol. 1987 and A. Walker, 1990). This notion

- 92-

has been popular throughout this century, and

Titmuss commented on a long but discontinuous

concern wi th:

" ••• a segment o-r the popul ation. supposed.! y

characterised by similar traits and thought to

represent a closed, pathological entity". (4-3 >

It was on the basis o~ such stigmatization of

a substantial section of Glasgow's council tenants

that the policy of selection and segregation,

which subsequently resulted in the identi~ication

o~ • dif~icul t to let estates'. was grounded. The

annual reports of the Medical O~~icer of Heal th

throughout the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s contain many

simil ar references to the one gi ven above. These

reports continuousl y refer to the importance of

supervision ~or the • less satisfactory tenants',

and also, that these same tenants were more likely

to get into rent arrears than other tenants, a

view given academic credence by Brennan:

"In spite o-r the improvement in the reputation

of the Rehousing schemes there are still, of

course. some tenants who are prohl eJDS. and there

are still tenants who for one reason or another

are not able to pay the full rent. Very o-rten they

are the same people . . . . "(44->

- 93-

However, if we look at the actual figures

contained in the reports of the Medical Officer of

Heal th they do not fit with such assumptions. In

the annual report of 1958, for example, the

figures for houses under supervision were as

follows: a)Ordinary scheme houses: 6,433 houses

visited, of which 38 (0.6 per cent) were

classified as 'dirty', b)Intermediate scheme

houses: 5,075 visited, of which only 18 (0.35 per

cent) were classified as 'dirty', c)Rehousing

scheme houses: 14,910 visited, of which 89 (0.6

per cent) were classified as 'dirty'. Tenants who

were evicted, or left owing rent, in 1958 totalled

47. Of this group, the number whose house came

under the , dirty' category amounted to a

phenomenal 1! Of the 487 tenants who left

'voluntarily' in 1958 the number whose house came

under the 'dirty' category amounted to a mere 7.

1958 was not an exceptional year, and simil ar

figure are aval iabl e for most of this period(see

Reports of Medical Officer of Health). What is

significant is the importance the City Factors

Department (as the Housing Management Department

became known on the 28th June 1950) pI aced on

these factors and what it indicates about housing

management ideology in the early post-war years. A

discussion of this issue will follow the section

- 94-

on resident factors, as there are a number of

issues here which are reI ated to the debate over

housing management ideology.

The actual duties of resident factors \¥ere

discussed briefly in the previous section. These

duties remained much the same in the post-war

years. HO\¥ever, not only was there an expansion in

the number of res i dent factors but they began to

become more concerned with rent collection and,

more specificall y, rent arrears. Despite the

qual i tat i ve changes in the new schemes the local

state ensured that the constant policing of

tenants continued. By 1959 the City Factors

Department was factoring 111,779 d\¥ellings

throughout the city, and was by then employing 386

staff. At the top of this administrative structure

was the City Factor and his Deputy with 6 District

Offices, where 58 District Inspectors, District

Supervisors and resident factors \¥ere

employed. (45)

Resident factors \¥ere responsible, on average,

for 600 tenants on month! y tenancies. Rents \¥ere

either paid at the factor's small local office or

collected at the tenants house, sometimes on a

weekly basis. They were also responsible for

inspecting properties; dealing initially with

- 95-

appl ications from the tenants for transfers and

exchanges, I iasing with the nurse inspectresses.

the Pol ice department, the Chil drens department

and where necessary bodies such as the R. S. P. C. C.

etc; deal with repai rs and 'endeavours to deal

amicabl y to adjust mattters in dispute between

tenants' (46) Their role was, quite simply, to

pol ice, discipline and re-moralize the lumpen

sections of Glasgow's working class who had moved

from slum-clearance areas to the new post-war


Thus, a thoroughly efficient system of

decentralised housing management, based on

functional differentiations and an authoritarian

ideology with a long ancestry, existed in Glasgow

long before 'decentralisation' became an issue for

academics and policy makers. One of the most

important, but rarely documented, powers that

resident factors had was control over 'their

tenants', as one former resident factor described

the situation:

"The Resident Factors were introduced under

the City Improvements Trust. mainly in

Intermediate and Re-housing schemes, poorer areas.

This was a~ter the First World War. We were

treated as wee Go~ 1$. The tenants that he was

- 96-

a po~rf'ul f'igure in terJDS of' access to housing.

Their responsibilities including collecting rents,

allocations and so f'orth. Their was no real

prof'essional training provided f'or the Reident

Factors. Apart f'rolD three days trai ni ng at the

beginning. and reporting to a Supervisor. they

~re lef't to themsel ves. Ho~ver. in JOOst cases.

they had previous experience in the Job as private

factors ". (47)

The main reason that resident factors were

regarded as "wee GodS a" was undoubtedl y reI ated to

their power to enforce a warrant sale on tenants

in arrears of rent. The power of warrant sales and

evictions are the most overt authoritarian methods

of housing management that have existed this

century. The fact that this process in Glasgow,

which prevailed into the 1970s, has remained

undocumented is a mystery. For this was no minor

management strategy, to be used only in special

cases. In 1957 6,900 formal notices terminating

tenancies were issued to , intermediate' and

'rehousing' scheme tenants, which was followed by

1,4-00 actions in court and the obtaining of 900

ejection decrees. (4-8) By 1959 court actions for

rent arrears had risen to 4,600. (4-9) The number of

council tenants who were to come up against this

- 97-

form of housing management increased on a yearly

basis, By 1971 the number of I court actions' had

increased to 21,170. Of these, 16,562 decrees were

obtained, 1,895 tenants , absconded' • and 4-03

tenants were evicted. (50) The statistics involved

in this type of action, when taken from the late

1950s to the late-1970s, are quite staggering (see

Annual Reports of Housing Management Department).

The harrassment and human misery which is hidden

behind such figures must have been phenomenal.

A system of housing management which included

liasing with Sheriff Officers and the legal system

on such a regular basis required a certain amount

of co-ordination and efficiency. Glasgow

corporation's City Factors department built up

such an efficient system over a number of years.

Some of the resident factors who were employed by

the corporation in the post-war years had already

gained a certain amount of experience of

collecting rent arrears through the courts in

their previous employment with private factors. As

the corporation did not have a pol icy on arrears

control in the 194-0s and early 1950s, this

experience, and their previous invol vement with

Sheriff Officers, must have been inval uabl e. In

any case, the factors department seems to have

- 98-

operated the system of control I i ng rent arrears

free :from any interference from the Housing


The actual workings of this system were quite

complex and, inevitably, different processes were

gone through to recover rent arrears from tenants

in ordinary houses than those which were adopted

in intermediate and rehousing scheme houses. (51)

This elaborate procedure was developed over a

number of years, and involved not only a number of

key officials within the housing department, but

also collusion with the Sheriff Officer (Glasgow

corporation appointed its own Sheriff Officer to

deal with cases of rent arrears). This style of

housing management was not only well organised,

but was also draconian and refl ected the

differentiation and stigmatization of council

tenants which had arisen from a conscious pol icy

of selection and 'partial segregation' of the 'not

so deprived' and the 'very deprived' working class

of Glasgow.

Before concluding this section it is important

to outline, briefly, the relevant changes in the

hous i ng management department in the I ate 1960s,

in relation to the preceding discussion. The nurse

inpectresses continued to operate from within the

- 99-

Publ ic Heal th department until 1968, when their

services were transferred over to the Housing

Management Department. as it had been renamed in

1967. During the 1950s and early 1960s the nurse

inspectresses operated from within the various

housing schemes, when the corporation had 6

district offices. In 1968 their duties had been

passed over to Housing Supervisors, and a new

Central Transfer and Exchange office had been

establ ished at Head Off ice in India Street .. These

supervisors conducted their visits from Head

Office and reported their results to the District

Managers. By 1969, when there were 11 District

Offices, the supervisors were based in these

offices and were responsible to the District

Managers. The supervisors not onl y took over the

responsibility of regul ar house inspections but,

in addition, some of the responsibilities that

were previously the domain of the resident


"Housing supervision. within the sphere of'

Housing Management. Is the process o:f co-

ordinating the principles o:f property inspection

and care and maintenance with the welfare of'

tenants. the en:forcement and conditions o:f

tenancy. establishing a good relationship between


landlord and tenant, and ~rking with other

departments where a common interest exists. It is

essential that. the Housing Management Department

proves itself capable of managing the housing

under its control. creates and sustains the

interests o~ tenants in property and surroundings

and establishes trust within the communities. The

k.ey person in loca.l housing units is the

supervisor, who is located at District Office

level a.nd is responsible for up to 3.000

houses ...• "(52)

The idea of I establ ishing trust within the

communities' was a new concept, and could not have

been an easy task for officials whose latent

function was the policing and disciplining of

those same • communities'. However, for the first

time the housing management department began to

refer to the importance of buil ding up a

relationship with tenants organised on a

collective basis-: tenants' associations. This was

to be a central feature of housing management

strategies in the 1970s and, more particularly.

the 1980s.

What this section has sought to emphasise is

that, housing management in Glasgow in the post-

War years, despite the vast changes in housi ng


stock in the city. still operated along the lines

of' the system that had developed in the earl ier

part of the century. It was largely based on

notions of' social control and repression, which

had evolved since the middle of' the nineteenth

century and became more sophisticated as housing

management ideology developed. Resident Factors

and Nurse Inspectresses were relatively autonomous

"urban gatekeepers" who pI ayed a central rol e in

administering the latent f'unctions of the housing

department at a locality level. Housing management

came to be based on a division of funtions between

'key' of'f'icials employed in dif'f'erent departments

of' the corporation and. to a certai n extent, was

, decentralised' . As the years progressed,

important decisions on management policy began to

be made at Head Of'f'ice and the functions of'

of'f'icial s at district level came under the

increasing control and supervision of' their

'superiors' at the centre.

As we have seen, throughout this period

council tenants were still treated on an

individual basis. This individualism led t.o

certain sections ot' Glasgow's councU tenants

being identif'ied as a 'problem', a continuing

theme in housing management ideology. The


identification of 'problem tenants', based on

notions of • cleanl iness' and 'ability to pay

rent' • played a significant part of housing

management strategy. It is important, in this

context. to state that this should not be seen as

simply a refl ection of an ideology which

indi vidual housing official s hel d, though there

must have been a lot of that too. The

identification of the • social problem group', or

whatever term was in vogue at the time, has a long

history in British social pol icy. Charles Booth

(1886-1901 >. in his massive study of life in

Victorian London. was the originator of' the idea

of an 'unstable element within the submerged tenth

of the popul at ion' . In the inter-War years the

Mental Deficiency (Wood> Committee introduced the

term • social problem group' in 1929, to denote an

aggregate of famil ies which 'comprised a large

proportion of high-grade defectives'. During the

Second World War. when there was a massive

evacuation of children from large towns, the

Women's Group on Public Welfare adopted a new

standpoint, and the idea of a 'problem group' was

replaced with that of 'problem families'. (53) What

is being stressed here is that, the identification

of 'problem famil ies' through multiple

characteristics. e. g. the inabil ity to cope


financially. the neglect of' property and children,

poor heal th, untideness and so forth, is not

something that was unique to housing off'icials in

Glasgow corporation. However, as indicated above.

like other accounts of' such , probl ems' , the

characteristics applied to sections of' Glasgow's

council tenants were seen as resul ting f'rom the

'natural' or , pathol ogi cal' weaknesses of

i ndi vidual s or the families own , internal

deficiencies' Many of these families were born

into areas of overwhelming social deprivation,

where neighbourhood amenities were almost non-

existent and where the prospects of employment

were of'ten negl igihl e. The experiences of' peopl e

living in such conditions are not often recorded.

hut Jimmy Boyle has lef't us with a f'leeting

picture of' such an existence in the Gorbals around

1949, which is worth quoting in full:

If AI though the arch! tectural structure of' the

old buildings may have encouraged a sort of'

closeness, I think the dominant f'actor f'or this

unity was that everyone was In the same boat, and

didn't have two pennies to rub together. The

physical surroundings were bad, but that wasn't

the f'ault of' the inhabitants. Each householder did

their bit to keep the place as clean as possible.


taki ng turns to cl ean stairs and i -r someone was

sick then a neighbour would always do the sick.

person's turn. The houses were as clean as

circumstances would allow. I-r someone in the

street died, the neighbours would go round the

street houses collecting money in a bedsheet to

hel p the famB y meet the costs of the burial.

Though people couldn't afford much they would

usually try to contribute something. From the

extreme circumstance of a death to the simple need

of borrowing a cup of sugar, hel p was al ways at

hand". <54-)

It is perhaps asking too much to expect

outsiders, including corporation officials, to

comprehend this culture of survival built on

struggle <also, see J. Faley, 1990). The almost

constant experience of 1 iving in conditions of

poverty, which Boyl e allows onl y a gl impse of.

were part of much wider social deprivations

resulting from an unequal class structure.

'Problem Families' are among those who suffer the

worst forms of social depri vation in capital ist

society. However, as the above account has shown,

what distinguishes 'problem families' from • the

rest' is that they have been designated a

'problem family' by a social agency; in this case


Glasgow corporation. They were clearly being

1 abel 1 ed and treated as a probl em f'or the local


"Comprehensive redevelopment" (the destruction

o£ large areas o£ the city) alongside the building

o£ vast new council housing schemes and high-rise

developments, were all part o£ a sustained policy

o£ physical renewal aimed at eradicating the

sl urns. Housing management pol icy. informed by a

selective system of housing allocation, was more

concerned with regulating and controlling the

'behaviour' of those sections o£ Glasgow's working

class who they presumed to be 'anti-social' and/or

'potentially disruptive'. as one former Labour

councillor commented:

"Considering the city's political tradition.

there is relatively little interest in the

seriously deprived f'amily. This sho~ itself' only

too clearly in the city's attitude to the problem

of' rent arrears cases, and probl em f'amilies who

are recycled in and out of' SIUD tenements and the

lowest amenity council schemes". (55)

This paternalistic style of housing management

existed throughout the post-War years into the

1970s. The "urban gatekeepers" in Glasgow's

housing management department were still using


methods of discipline and terror which their

nineteenth century predecessors in the CIT or

Octavia Hill would have recognised a mile off. At

the end of this period, hOW'ever. a number of

Changes began to take place. Until the late 1960s

and early 1970s the methods of housing management

in Glasgow mainly developed from within the

structures of the corporation, and the pol icies

and practices of officials were learned and

maintained partly in isolation, though drawing on

the ideology of the wider housing management

"profession". From the late 1960s a number of

government reports on housing management practice

began to appear, which W'ere critical of some of

the practices of some local authorities, and in

the earl y 1970s a number of changes to local

government organisation were made. Local

authorities took more cognisance of these

developments than of any official reports which

had been made in previous years. The

'professionalisation' of housing management also

began to be taken seriously during this period,

and in Glasgow training through the Institute of

Housing Managers increased. (56) For these, and

other reasons, housing management in Glasgow in


the 1970s and 1980s began to follow a new course

of development.

1. 5 Housing Management and Practice In Glasgow


" ___ we regard the successful Integration of

new housing estates Into the surrounding

cODIIDunlty. and the rehabilitation or some older

estates where this has not been achieved. as one

of the most important tasks facing Scottish local

authorities today, perhaps even the most important

of all. Without success in this sphere all efforts

at slum clearance. education and the physical

development of local authority areas can go for

nought. Success can onl y be achieved by proper

management of housing estates and attention to the

needs of their tenants as communities, whether the

estates are large or small. We are convinced that

any authorities which do not pay proper attention

to these matters will be unable to meet the

challenge of the future effectively". (57)

New developments in housing management

practice were being advocated by the state by the

late 1960s. The idea. as expressed above. was to

treat housing schemes as 'communities'. This new

philosophy was intended to encourage housing

management departments to stop dealing with


council tenants only on an individual basis and,

it was cl aimed, this would be 'a great help in

keeping in touch with the needs and wishes of' the

peopl e' . It coincided with the ' redi scovery' of'

poverty and militant tenant activity in a number

of cities (see C. Cockburn, 1977) . Theref'ore,

these developments were part of' a general trend

wi thi n local government, and were not restri cted

to the arena of' housing management. They arose at

the same time as notions of' 'industrial democracy'

became f'ashionabl e. The phrase , participatory

democracy' had become a slogan of' the 'New Lef't'

student movements of the late-1960s. The

Skef'f'ington Report on Planning (1969), had also

ref' erred to the importance of' 'securing the

participation of the public' in the decision

making process. The popularity associated with

participation, f'or some of' those promulgating the

idea at least, was that it of'fered a mechanism f'or

transferring power from government and planners to

the people/community. In short, participation was

seen as a chall enge to representati ve f'orms of'

democracy. However, participation in planning. f'or

instance, was advocated as a technical problem to

elicit , consumer preferences' and not as a


political issue, related to the po~rlessness of

the 'clients'. <58}

In 1973 the Paterson Report on Organisation

and Management Structures in Scotland was

publ ished. This report not only led to a

restructuring of local government in Scotland, but

also to a review of local government management. A

central concern of the Paterson Report <and its

English counterpart, the Bains Report 1972} was

the need to improve integration and co-ordination

across the range of a local authority's activities

and all their recommendations looked towards this

central objective. In part, this was to be

achieved by greater emphasis on horizontal

departments and committees. It was also to be

sought by widening the focus of both committees

and departments, by grouping related activities

together and creating larger committees and

'programme areas' and 'directorates' respectively.

Ho~ver, the main way in which it was intended

that integration could be achieved was through the

establishment of a 'central co-ordinating team' on

both official and elected representative levels.

This was the 'corporate management' strategy. As

we will see, Glasgow District Council began to be


influenced by some of' these discussions in the

late 1970s and early 1980s.

In 1969 the Housing Commi ttee, and

subsequently the corporation, decided that the

build up of rental groups and the categorisation

of' houses into 'rehousing, , intermediate' and

'ordinary' was now considered to be unacceptable.

This was also the period when attention was

beginning to be f'ocused on the 'problems' in the

peripheral schemes (see G. Armstrong and M.

Wilson, 1973) . The corporation also made a

reappraisal of the rent structure based on

'amenity and letting potential'. In an attempt to

control rent arrears weekI y tenancies were al so

introduced for around 5,000 tenants. From this

process there emerged a rent structure of eight

, ameni ty groups'. What this actually meant in

practice was that, the corporation ranked the

diff'erent council housing schemes throughout the

city in order of' 'physical attraction, public

desirability and rental'. As we have seen, in

earlier sections, there were already in existence

a number of houses which were specifically

constructed f'or 'lower status tenants': i.e. under

the Housing Acts (Scotland) of 1930 and 1935. In

effect, the residualisation of council housing was


written into these and the corporation's

ranki ng system merel y emphas ised the i nferiori ty

of these schemes in architectural, env i ronmental

and social potential.

By 1974 there were 13 District Offices in the

13 areas of the city, which the corporation

recognised for administrative purposes, and by the

end of the decade this number had risen to 15.

Potential tenants gained access to corporation

housing either through a waiting list application,

or through re-housing due to slum clearance or

redevelopment. This was the official policy

anyway, the reality was somewhat different. A

simil ar sel ection process, as described earl ier,

was still in existence during this period with a

newl y named "urban gatekeeper" • the , housing

visitor', now at the centre of the decision making

process with regard to appl ications. (59) On

another level, the corporation began to refer for

the first time, in official documents, to the need

to establish links with Tenants' Associations and

~ard Committee's. Again the strategy was aimed at

specific target areas which were considered to

have 'serious problems'

" . . . there are serious problems in housing

areas and whi ch in many instances wi l I o n ! y be


solved when communities acquire an identity. have

:facill ties of" a social, cultural and commercial

nature In their midst, and where the environmental

provisions and upkeep of property, while being the

responsibility of" the local authority. become the

concern and recieve the protection of" those living

in the area". (60)

Arter years or being considered as incapable

organising their own home lives in a

'satisractory manner' Glasgow's council tenants

were apparently being of"fered some responsibility

for impl ementation of a If communi ty package". At.

this stage, the early 1970s, there ~ really no

clear plans about how such a process would be put

into operation. The fact that the • environmental

programmes' which arose out of" such concerns

proved to be environmental nightmares .. or the

people who lived in the schemes indicates that the

corporation was more concerned with imagery than

tackl ing the real ities of housing conditions in

these schemes. Within the space of 10 years.

however, Glasgow District Council's housing

management department was to move some way from

past practices. 'Tenant Participation' became the

new buzz-word wi thi n the housi ng department, and


was incorporated into a number of dif'f'erent


The remainder of this chapter will attempt to

provide an outline of how these dif'f'erent policies

came to be adopted and how they operated in

practice. For clarity the discussion will be

seperated into an analysis of four main management

strategies: Conununity Development, Area

Management, Tenant Participation and Conununity

Renewal. There is a certain tendency f'or these

terms to be used interchangeably. Therefore, it

should become cl ear that • tenant participation'.

in one form or another, is a central element in

all of these cases, and there is a certain amount

of overlap and interlinking of policy between each


1.6 Community Development:

In October 1969 a conference of British and

American social scientists and administrators

convened to discuss progranunes of social action,

and more particularly, an experimental Conununity

Development Project which the Home Office was

about to undertake. According to one account, the

conference had been conce~ved at a meeting between

Richard Nixon and Harold Wilson in the previous

year. (61) In these discussions it had been agreed


that 'the two countries shoul d look together at

some of the domestic and social problems faced by

their governments'. In the United States at this

time 'community action programmes'. (set up by

L. B. Johnson's 'War on Poverty'), were being

dismantled. The British government, i t is claimed,

were int.ent on , I earning' from the American

experience in its search for relieving 'social

distress', through local innovative experimental

intervention. As a resul t of these del iberations

the National Community Development Project (CDP)

was founded. CDP was an 'action-based research

invest igat ion' into small-area depr i vat ion,

sponsored and financed by the Home Office as part

of the Urban Programme, in conjunction with 12

selected local authorities and 8 universities;

(Ferguslie Park in Paisley being the only Scottish

area chosen>.

The CDPs began as 'a neighbourhood-based

experiment aimed at finding new ways of meeting

the needs of people living in areas of high social

deprivation' . It was assumed that problems of

'urban deprivation' (meaning. in real ity. poverty>

had their origins in the characteristics of local

populations (the individual pathology again> and

that these could best be resolved by 'better field


co-ordination of the personal social services,

combined with the mobil isation of sel f-hel p and

mutual aid in the community', an idea with its

roots in British colonial administration in

Africa. (see C. Kirkwood, 1990). By 1974, however,

this analysis was rejected. The problems of the 12

CDP areas were seen, by the local proJ ect teams,

not as arising from the result of personal

inadequacy or flaws in the 'safety net'. but


"They are not isolated pockets su1'1"ering an

unrortunate combination 01' circumstances. they are

a central part or the dynamics 01" the urban

system". (62)

The project teams regarded the 'problems' not

as manager i al or techni cal ones, but as integral

to the political and economic process. It is

hardly surprising. given this kind of critique.

that the CDPs were eventual I y to suffer the same

dismantling process as the American , War on

Poverty' programme, which was their precursor. It

is important to contextualise our discussion of

• community development' in this way, for by doing

so we can begin to see the possibility of

contradictions arising from a management strategy

emanating from a housing department which includes


a , communi ty' element which strictly 1 imits

'participation' to a local 1 evel, ignoring wider

social and economic factors- a point Freire noted

in another context:

..... In • cODDDunity development' proJects, the

JDOre a region or area is broken down into local

communities without the study of these communities

both as total ities in themnsel ves and as part of

another totality. (the area. region, and so forth)

which in its turn is still part of a larger

total ity (the nation, as part of the continental

totality), the more alienation is intensi~ied. And

the more alienated people are, the easier i t is to

divide them and keep them divided. These focalised

forms o~ action, by intensi~ying the focalised way

of I i~e of the oppressed (especially in rural

areas) hamper the oppressed from perceiving

reality critically and keep them isolated from the

problems of the oppressed people in other

areas". (63)

From the beginning of the 1970s a number of

official reports by Glasgow corporation began

referring to the' increasing difficulty in letting

houses in certain areas of the city'. The imagery

associated with the 'difficult to let estate' had

arrived in Glasgow with a veng~nce. Li ke the


notion of 'probl em famil ies' , , probl em tenants'

and so forth the image presented of these schemes

were all totally negative. (64) The areas concerned

were mainly, but not wholly. the peripheral

schemes and the 'problems' identified were not all

related to housing.

In the early 1970s two of these peripheral

schemes, Easterhouse and Drumchapel, were broken

down to 10 and 8 districts respectively, to 'give

the tenants a sense of identity within a smaller

commmunity'. Each district within the larger areas

were given a name- for example, Rogerfield,

BI airtummock, in Easterhouse, and Cleddans,

Kingsridge, in Drumchapel. It was in this context,

of the corporation designating certain areas

firstly. as 'difficul t areas' • and then as

• identifiable communities' , that the idea of

'community development' arose. Of course, the

hidden assumption, or ' I atent function', of this

policy was that they would become 'manageable

communi ties'

In any case, the • probl ems' in Easterhouse

received priority and in early August 1973 the

corporation organised a number of meetings with

tenants in the ten districts they had created in

Easterhouse. As a resul t of these meeti ngs the


Housing Committee recommended the appointment o:f

three community development o:f:ficers. It was also

suggested at this time that coordination between

various departments o:f the corporation was

required. A Working Party o:f of:ficials from the

Education. Housing. Planning. Police. Social Work

and Heal th departments was set up by the Pol icy

Committee o:f the corporation to 'examine the

prohl ems in depth' .

One of the central concerns of thi s worki ng

party was the apparent I ack of knowl edge on the

actual meaning ascribed to , community

development' . A proposal to set up a separate

Community Development Department responsible to a

Community Development Committee was considered at

this stage. Some o:f the individual departments o:f

the corporation already had a 'community

involvement section' in existence at the time

(i. e. the Pol ice and Educat i on departments). but

the influence o:f the , corporate management

strategy' • as advocated in the Paterson Report

mentioned earlier. obviously influenced this

proposal. However. the City o:f Glasgow Police were

the only department in :favour o:f the proposal with

the Housing, Planning. Social Work and Education

departments all ohj ect i ng to the proposal. The


then Depute Director of Education went as far as

to suggest that such a department coul d become a

'paper tiger', or even worse, be run by 'political

acti vists' . <65} Another development at this stage

was the carrying out of pilot studies in Blackhill

and Govan to assess the feasibility of 'community

development' in these areas.

The final outcome of all these deliberations

came on the 21st of January 1974- when the

Establishments Committee of the corporation

decided to set up a Community Development Section

within the housing management department. Three

CDOs were appointed- two to work with 'residents

associations' in Easterhouse, and one in the

Broomloan Road <Moorepark} area of Govan.

BI ackhill , which had been chosen as one of the

pil ot proJ ects, was I eft without a CDO. Part of

the explanation for this is that there were

furious debates within the corporation about

whether to demol ish or renovate the scheme <see

T. Martin, 1982) . Responsibil i ty for community

development projects was centralised under the

control of the Assistant Director of the

Management Services Uni t. Despite this, and the

fact that lengthy deliberations had already taken

pI ace, the function of community development


wi thi n the hous i ng department was st i II uncI ear,

or as one of the first CDOs observed:

"There ~ no training provided for us and we

were thrown in at the deep end to fend for

oursel ves". (66)

While the CDOs certainly had no clear remit,

the corporation had al ready acknowl edged the fact

that there was apparently few active tenants'

associations or community facilities available,

particularly in the • peripheral schemes'. Also one

of the main reasons for setting up the community

development section was to • foster the development

of I ocal communi ties' In this context, the rol e

of the CDOs not only entailed supporting existing

tenants' associations, but setting up new ones and

providing facilities for a meeting place for such

organisations: 'Tenants Halls'. The fact that it

was the corporation who were 'fostering' many of

these tenants' associations is a significant

factor in itself, and was to become part of the

overall strategy in the council's relationship

with tenants organisations in later years.

The corporation obtained Urban Aid funding for

setting up the tenants' halls and other 'community

facilities'. They were, and still are, run by

management committee's consisting of local tenants


and util ised by many 'community groups'; mother

and toddl er. old fol k. unemployed groups, for

instance. One CDO went as far as to suggest that

the reason for setting up the tenants' halls was

that i t was part of a publ ic reI ations excercise:

'paying I ip service to tenant participation'. (67)

This may have been partly true, but in a poignant

statement the then Director of Housing Management

provided other motives for such policies:

'" ••• The removal of the I them and us· situation

which bas been nurtured for some ten years now,

can achieve the objective of tenants understanding

how decisions are made and why things can or

cannot be done. I~ they can"t be done, perhaps the

tenants themsel ves can find a solution. This is

what cooperation is all about.

Housing Management is the biggest charge on

District Council resources, for this reason the

District Council must be involved in providing and

running better facil ities for tenants and making

them beneficial to all concerned. Greater

involvement at tenant and individual level and the

promotion of 'sel f hel p' must save the District

Council money in the long term...... (68)

Of course. the • them and us' situation had

existed for sl ightl y longer than ten years, and


the promotion of' 'sel f' hel p' is a theme that has

existed since Octavia Hill introduced it to

housing management ideology a century earlier.

However. the period when this statement was made

was one in which there was a 'crisis of authority'

in the sphere of housing management in Glasgow. It

could be said, as Gramsci did in another context.

that 'the crisis consists precisely in the f'act

that the old is dying and the new cannot be born'.

'In this interregnum'. Gramsci again. 'a great

variety of' morbid symptoms appear' . (69) The

'crisis' in Glasgow was related to t h e ' problems'

of the 'peripheral schemes' and the sense of'

al ienation fel t by many of the tenants who lived

there, and made apparent in the number of

appl icants on the transfer I ist. The crisis was

one f'or the local state and the 'morbid symptoms'

which appeared was a management strategy to gain

the • co-operation of' tenants' (for what reason is

not clear), but crucially to 'save money in the

long term'. Thus, the 'community package'was part

of a management strategy to organise the

disorganised section of Glasgow's working class

council tenants in order that a relationship could

be establ i shed between hous i ng prof ess i onal sand

the 'marginalised' sections of the working class.


As Byrne has argued, such a relationship is vital


" •.• the continuing maintenance of the

administrative structures of the state which are

concerned with facilitating the reproduction of

the • social proletariat' within capitalist

relations of production". (70)

The work o~ the community development section

of the housing department expanded to include

other areas of the city. and by 1983 there were 12

eDOs based throughout GI asgow and a senior eDO

based in Lomond House as part of the newly created

'Directorate'. A number o~ important changes, in

terms of the administrative role of the eDOs, took

place during these years. In 1979 the eDOs became

part of the 'area teams' - the 'area team I eader'

being the District Housing Manager. The reasons

given ~or this change were that, there was a lack

of integration of eDOs with the rest of the

housing department:

"The role of coDDDtlnity development in the

Housing Manageaent Department has been peripheral

rather than central. In terms of organisation

structure the Community Development Section was an

appendage and in terms of function had I ittle to

do with the day to day activities of the Housing


Department. The Area Housing Manager had no line

management control of the Co...unity Development

Officer ~rklng In his area as the reporting link

was bet~en the CDO and the SenIor Community

Development Officer", (71)

The Senior CDO had been appointed, af>ter some

dispute about who should get the Job, in 1982. The

rol e of> the Seni or CDO was to act as a central

ref>erence poi nt f>or all the CDOs throughout the

city, and basically to coordinate the work of>

those involved in this aspect housing

management. However, as the above quotation

indicates, there was some conf>usion about what

this rol e actual I y was. In any case, the housing

management department was 'decentral ised' in the

early 1980s. Any 'control' that the senior CDO had

over indi vidual CD Os was passed over to District

Housing Managers. The latter of>ficials certainly

fought for, obtained and still have a controlling

influence on the work done by CDOs. In this

period, the earl y 1980s, there was much debate

about the rol e of CDOs wi thi n a 'Comprehens i ve

Hous i ng Department I The debate real I y revol ved

around the issue of how much CDOs should be

involved in 'housing issues' as opposed to their

'development' role. For those who were attempting


to raise the consciousness ox council tenants, and

there were some, the battle was lost at this

stage. 'Community development' was now clearly

identixiable as part of a wider management

strategy. in a time of crisis and xinancial

cutbacks, to attempt to gain the acquiescence of

council tenants for whatever pol icy the housing

management department desired (see footnote 72 and

City Housing, 1985).

In 1984 the District Council decided to change

the organisational structure ox the Housing

Department. As a result of this there was a change

from 7 District Oxfices to 16 'autonomous' Area

Offices. The appointment ox additional CDOs to

each office continued, and by 1990 each district

office had one CDO. The rol e ox the CDO, as

explained in of xi ciaI reports, is still not clear

and is reflected in the different management

'styl es' operating in the various district

offices. Whil e there is some evidence that they

continue to 'support' tenants associations their

development role is now much more specifically

management orientated. The 'political activists'

have ironically become 'paper tigers'.

1. 7 Area Jlanagement:

As the policy being discussed in this section

is not entirel y reI ated to housing management it

is intended to provide a shorter description of'

another strategy which includes an element of'

'tenant participation'. Essentially this section

takes us back to the 'corporate planning' approach

to local authority management as outl ined in the

Paterson Report mentioned earl ier. The 'corporate

approach' implies:

" ..• an agency taking overall control of' its

activities and the way they relate to the changing

needs and problems of' its area of' interest". (72)

In the early 1970s, as previously

acknowledged, the most signif'icant changes

af'f'ecting the way local authority services have

been planned and provided were inf'luenced by this

• corporate approach'. Brief'l y. this was supposed

to entai I greater coordinated pI anni ng and the

development of' , area management approaches' .

Criticisms of' the 'corporate approach' created

1 nterest wi thi n local government ci rcl eSt of' a

, bottom-up' approach rather than a • top-down'

process of' management. This approach was aimed at

• involving local needs and pref'erences in decision

making' . Alongside this was the development of'

policies to concentrate resources in 'positive


discrimination' to areas with the worst 'urban

problems' . In the mid-1970s Strathlyde Regional

Council had identified 141 'Areas of Priority

Treatment' where the problems of 'mul tipl e

depori vation' were most acute. 47 of these areas

were concentrated in the City of Glasgow. This led

to the idea that 'area approaches' were necessary

to tackle these 'problems'

.. Area Management is a means of' providing an

area perspective in the decision making process of

the District Council. An 'area perspective" means

giving local District Councillors and local people

more direct influence and control over activities

in their area and to develop a better

understanding of' local needs and

opportunities". (73)

This is how Glasgow District Council defines

its 'area management' strategy. which is quite

different from programmes for 'area-based positive

discrimination' . However, it is a pretty vague

statement which needs elaboration through a

description of how it first arose and what it

actually entails in practice. 'Area Management'

was adopted by Gl asgow District CouncIl in May

1980, much 1 a ter than other local author I tIe s.

There are at 1 east two main reasons which are


normally referred to by officials and councillors

to explain why the council chose such a strategy.

One reason seems to be that on the death of its

first Chief Executive in 1979 the council

appointed a new Town Clerk and Chief Executive.

This individual, it is claimed, was far more

, innovative' and 'responsive to staff at lower

levels'. (74-) He was also, apparently, more ready

to support initiatives to 'improve the management

process' than his predecessor- in other words,

'corporate management' schemes. Another, perhaps

more significant, event was the fact that the

Labour Party had lost overall control of the

council in 1977. and experienced a short period in

opposition in a , hung council' . While in

opposition the Labour Party, it is argued,

recognised the • real sense of al ienation,

frustration. disaffection and cynicism throughout

so many communities in Glasgow'. It was in this

context, of being rejected by many working class

people in the city, that political support for an

'area approach' developed.

Throughout the post-War period, as we have

seen, housing was the most predominant pol itical

issue in Glasgow. Apart from brief spells in the

earl y 1950s and mid-1960s, when the Progressi ves


'Were in control of the council, Labour has

dominated Glasgow politics. This did not mean that

Labour was immune from campaigns by tenants'

organisations in the city. Jacobs has described

the incompetent and insensitive way that tenants

in the Gairbraid housing clearance area of

Maryhill were treated, by both councillors and

housing officials in the early 1970s. (75) In a

more celebrated case, Bryant has outlined the

campaign by tenants in the Gorbal s area of the

city to force the corporation to acknowledge the

problems associated with dampness in the new

blocks of 1'1 ats known as the Hutchesontown • E'

estate. (76) The problem of dampness and

condensation was defined by the corporation as

arising from the • 1 iving habits' of tenants and

not related to the structure of the housing. It

was only after a long, often 'militant', campaign

by the tenants that the corporation finally

accepted responsibil ity for the dampness in this

architectural disaster, and after twelve years the

buildings were eventually demolished. The way in

which working class Glaswegians were treated by

the 'city fathers' was part of a wider problem,

associated with the baronial ism encouraged by the


local government committee system and accepted by

the politicians in office.

Throughout this whole period there was often

talk of corruption and numerous scandals

surrounding the allocation of council housing.

Labour councillors were often accused of seeking

favourable terms for their friends and

acquaintances. This issue reached its apogee in

the 1970s when there was a number of enquiries

into corruption in the housing management

department, with the fraud squad being brought in

to investigate the situation. (77)

The most notorious case concerning 'letting

irregularities' occurred in 1977. The then vice-

chairperson of housing and Labour councillor for

Hutchesontown, a Mrs Catherine Cantley, was forced

to resign her position because of a house transfer

involving her son. Councillor Cantley was accused

of 'serious misconduct' after her son and his

'mistress' were transferred from a three-apartment

house in the Gorbals to a bigger one in the 'high-

amenity area' of Mansewood. This event occured at

a time when there was already an internal

investigation set up to look at house letting

regul ations, which found around 60 instances of

'alleged irregular house letting'. (78) The present


(1990) leader of the council. Pat Lally. who was

chai rperson of the hous i ng cornmi t tee in 1977 was

impl icated in this scandal along with the then

Director of Housing Management. Mr Malcolm Smith.

Lally was not accused of any direct involvement in

irregul ari ties, but rather, that he failed to

inform his colleagues of the situation earlier

than he did. After threatening his 'comrade', the

then Labour group leader Richard Dynes, with legal

action amid accusations of a • smear campaign'

councillor Lally was cleared of any involvement in

this scandal. However, one senior official of the

housing management department was forced to resign

his position over this issue, and eventually the

Procurator Fiscal called in Strathclyde Regional

Pol ice Fraud Squad to investigate house letting

• irregularities' (GI asgow Heral d. 22-6-77). Two

years later the Director of Housing was to write

as if these events had never happened:

"With the strident pol itical and press

cOJDlDents of 1977. and I ater dates. now muted by

the passing of! time and in the light of! the

f'indings of! the two enquiries which have tak.en

place, the Department, which has been subjected to

unparalleled abuse and innuendo, hopef!ully may now

be allowed to perform its important and expanding


role in public afrairs untrammelled by past events

a.nd in the best traditions of public service". (79)

However, Labour had al ready lost control of

the council in the District Council elections of

1977, for the first time in ten years. It was in

this context, of being rejected by many working

class people in the city and the rise in support

for the Scottish Nationalist Party, that political

support for an 'area approach' developed. Labour

were returned to office in 1980. and could put the

plans they had developed in opposition into

operation. These 'plans' were by no means clear:

"In retrospect, our objectives were not

properly defined. If pressed. we ~uld say that we

were groping to'Wards an area perspective in the

decision making process- attempting in some way to

break down the apathy and cynicism among

communities. evidenced by so many things ranging

from population decline right down to petty

vandalism. We were groping towards improving the

delivery of services to make them more responsive

to local demands ... ••. (80)

While lacking in clarity, it is apparent that

this was another response to the crisis of the

local state geared to dealing with the outcome, as

oppossed to the causes, of alienation and poverty


in council housing schemes throughout the city.

In any event, the structure that emerged from

these 'gropings' consisted of a)Central Service

Commi ttees, b}Programme Area Teams, and c}Area

Management Committees. (81) The Area Management

Committees comprise of elected District and

Regional counci 11 ors, MFs, local , community

representati ves' and official s from various

departments of the District Council. They are

serviced by a full-time off i cer, the Area

Coordi nators' , and reports go to the central

Policy and Resources Committee of the council. At

present the city is divided into ten 'areas', with

seven area management areas, two Joint Initiative

Areas <Easterhouse and Drumchapel ) , and one

Central Management Area. The latter of these

committee's deals mainly with the c i t y ' s ' image',

tourism, retail and commercial development: the

'Glasgow's Miles Better' committee! The other

committee's all have some form of , community

invol vement' The majority of this consists of

representatives from Community Councils, though

some committees have representatives from tenants'

associations, who attend the monthly meetings in

the City Chambers to 'put across the local view'


Each of the Area Management Committees (AMCs)

are allocated finance from the Area Budget and

spending is'olled by t.he Area Coordinator.

The AMCs are supposed to allow councillors and

'community representatives' the opportunity to

discuss and resol ve any matter which may effect

their own area. The idea of , participatory

democracy' is evident here, but its significance

in terms of changing the decision making process

from a • communi ty' point of view is debateabl e.

All major decisions affecting local 'communities'

are not made at the AMCs, but at committee level

within the council. At the very least the AMCs are

creating a 'neighbourhood buffer' between the

'community' representatives and the real decision

makers in the council. Councillors could even be

in the ludicrous position of making speeches at

the AMCs which are supportive of the views of the

'community' representatives, but are then free to

vote in opposition at central committee level.

Whatever the intentions behind such a complex

system of management strategy, Area Management has

so far proved impotent in shifting power to 'local

communities' and, in effect, very cleverly left

local • communi ties' isolated from each other in

the struggle for better resources and services.


1.8 'Tenant Participation':

'f • • • the most significant factor about Tenants

Associations in Housing Schemes has been the

largely spontaneous nature of' their

developaent ••. Social Workers are becoming

increasingly interested in ways of' helping

associations of' tenants to function in areas where

spontaneous local leadership does not

appear .•• Participation is in the air. We should

not need to devalue i t or be frightened by it. We

can try to understand i t and help to shape i t in a

positive way ...... (82)

'Tenant participation' is another management

strategy which developed wi thin local authori ty

housing management department's in the late-1960s

and earl y-1970s, though again much later in

GI asgow. (83) It is one of' the most elusive

concepts to define, and every housing official.

councillor or tenants representative has a

different idea of' what it actually entails in

practice. Nevertheless, as the above quotation

indicates, there were a number of local government

prof'essionals and academics who were conscious of

the dangers inherent in 'spontaneous' developments

amongst tenants' organisations which were in need

of 'positive' direction.

'Tenant participation' can range f'rom

providing inf'ormation or consultation through to

the sharing of pO'Wer <see S. Arnstein, 1969>' It

may be adopted, according to official rhetoric. to

achieve changes in pol icy or practice and/or to

chall enge • traditional' views of housing

management. (84) We need to be aware then of the

context in which the term has arisen. and the fact

that while most people within Glasgow's housing

management department may speak f' avourabl y of' the

idea there is a certain vagueness about its

meaning. Additionally. it must be acknowledged

that a wide range of' initiatives which come under

the rubric of' , tenant partici pation' have

developed f'rom wi thi n the housing management

department and what follows is a brief outline of

the main activities.

In early 1982 a 'Task Force on Service

Delivery' was set up af'ter discussions between the

housing department, the Directorate and the

political administration of the Council. The main

concern of' this group was the '1 evel of service

provided by the Housing Department to tenants and

other members of the publ ic' . The group

considered the views of' the trade unions and

certain tenants representatives in formulating


their recommendations. They suggested that • the

service delivered to Glasgow's council tenants

must improve and be seen to improve' (85) Later in

the same year a Sub-Committee on Tenant Co-

operatives and Participation was £ormed. This

group looked at various aspects o£

'consultation/participation' then in existence, as

well as considering several reports on the

consul tation exercise which had taken pI ace in

relation to the "tenant's lease" and the newly

introduced computerised allocation system. The

working group was supplemented by the newly £ormed

Tenant Participation Advisory Service (T. P. A. S. ).

It was in this administrative context that a

pol icy framework for the development of 'tenant

participation' arose in Glasgow. After subsequent

meetings the Working Party agreed to the £ollowing

aims for 'tenant participation':

"to assist the development of an informed and

representative tenants movement through fostering.

assisting and supporting tenants organisations in


to allow tenants to influence decisions by

creating opportunities for tenants to engage in a

dial ogue with the Council;


to allow tenants choice between options

arising from such a dialogue;

to create and foster opportunities for direct

management and control by tenants", (86)

The wide range of options opened up by 'tenant

participation', already referred to, was to become

part of the management strategy, and it should be

emphasised that it was a management strategy! A

number of other sub-groups were set up throughout

1983, to look into specialised activities within

the housing department and how these would relate

to 'tenant participation'. In April 1984 the above

recommendations were incorporated into a Programme

For Action for Tenant Participation in the Housing

Service, a document produced by the then Director

of Housin~ To develop and coordinate this

programme a Tenant Participation Officer (TPO) was

appointed and was directly resonsible to the

Directorate Management Team, the central decision

and pI ann i ng group wi thi n the hous i ng department.

Initially it was intended that the TPO would work

closely with the eDOs to 'develop a comprehensive

Community Development function within the

Department' , However, the idea of centralising

control of the eDOs met with some opposition:


"At one time, I think. he [the TPO] would have

liked to build himsel f a I ittle empire, but he

realised he would not get an easy run at it. He

came along to a number of the month! y meet i ngs of

the CDOs and realised that we would not simply

I fsten to his demands. Quite honestly. there was

no malice intended, Just that we were not willing

to submit to his control". (87)

AI ready caught in the paradoxical position

between .. de ve lop i ng" tenants' associations and

being responsible to District Housing Managers

most of the CDOs reJ ected further attempts at

manipulation from within the housing department.

However, the TPO continued to cooperate with some

individual CDOs on a regular basis. The TPO,

operating from within the Directorate, worked

mainl y with the Gl asgow Council of' Tenants'

Associations (GCTA), through the Tenant

Participation Management Committee. (see chapter

5). One of the main purposes of' this set up was:

"as~ting the development of an informed and

representative tenant~ movement through fostering.

assisting and supporting tenants' organisations in

GI asgow"'. (88)

The 'informed and representative' tenants'

movement basicall y became the GCTA. This


organisation now has its own o~~ice. sta~~ and is

independentl y funded out of the 'Tenants Action

Fund' which came into existence in 1989 and

consists of a 5p weekly payment from each tenant,

based on an opt-out scheme, and is expected to

amount to over £100.000 per annum. GCTA were also

involved in discussions with the council which led

to the new tenants lease in the early 1980s and to

the formation of a tenants tribunal in 1988/89.

They are continously involved in discussions with

the Housing Department and councillors on a wide

range of issues which concern tenants in the city.

and have basically taken on a developmental role.

'Tenant participation' exists in other forms

throughout the city. One of the most publ icised

schemes o~ 'tenant participation/control' is the

council's Community Ownership programme- housing

co-operati ves. Gl asgow District Council has been

promoting housing co-operatives since 1980. Yet.

despite the fact that i t has been promoted in some

cases as the only option that tenants can choose,

it has not been taken up by a I ar ge number of

tenants as a management option and remains a

fairly small part of tenure development in the

city. (89) There are also a number of local letting

initiatives where tenants l representatives have a


direct input into the allocation of' houses at a

locality level, but little power as other social

agencies like Strathclyde Police and the Social

Work Department have much more inf'luence over the

housing department. (90) This aspect of' 'tenant

participation' reveals that the housing department

may I isten to what the tenants want, but do not

necessarily have to do what they want. The

inequalities inherent in this power relationship

mean that the housing department can withdraw f'rom

any commitments which may have been discussed

under the guise of' 'tenant participation'. Behind

all the f'acade about 'tenant participation' it

seems that the management stategy is to draw the

tenants' organisations into the decision-making

process on their terms. It is also evident that

the f'etters of' the old ideology of' stigmatisation

still persist alongSide these developments, as one

recent of'f'icial document indicates:

II In the past we have been accused of' not

recognising the good tenancy records of' people. In

the :future, to encourage people to live up to

their resonsibllitIes, we should encourage them to

-reel that we appreciate the eff'orts of' good

tenants. Accordingly, where approprIate, we should

re'Ward those people who have obvIously been


looking after their close. garden. house. etc and

keeping their rent up to date regularly. This can

be by using the Estate Management Budget to erect

a fence. improving the garden <putting in

rosebushes. etc), buying paint for tenants to use

to improve the close. etc. or simply Just ~iting

and saying • well done thanks Cor your

eCCorts' ". (91)

The ideology behind this management strategy

should be familiar by now; the 'problem' lies with

those individuals/families who do not attain the

standards required of them by the housing

department, particularly the prompt payment of

rent. Octavia Hill can rest peacefully knowing

that her legacy is still in place.

'Tenant participation' arose in Glasgow later

than it did in other areas. The reasons for this

are not entirely clear, but it is difficult to

escape the fact that a number of external factors

had a part to play in the introduction of 'tenant

participation' schemes. From at least the time of

the 1974--75 economic recession, wi th sharp rises

in unemployment, the state responded with a whole

range of inner city policies, as the social and

economic probl ems appeared to be more entrenched

in these areas. However, alongside the new urban


programmes the Call aghan government of the I ate

1970s introduced a series of public spending cuts

in capital spending programmmes. The programme of

public spending cutbacks was taken up with a

vengance after the election of the Thatcher

government in 1979. (92) Inevi tabl y. local

authority spending was affected by these cutbacks

and, particularly public spending on housing, with

the proportion of council housing being buil t in

the 1980s at its lowest levels since the early

1920s. Under the provisions of the Tenants' Rights

Etc (Scotland) Bill 1980 council tenants were

given the 'right to buy' the house in which they

lived, but unlike the corresponding Act for

England and Wales there was no provisions to

encourage the consultation of tenants. The

extension of the operation of market forces and

the reduction of the role of local authorities in

housing throughout the 1980s were met with a

response from a number of local authorities to

deal with 'new' societal structures and patterns,

notably policies of 'decentralisation'. (93)

Glasgow District Council responded to these

economic, social and ideological changes in

similar ways as other local authorities had done,

with policies of new municipal interventionism, in

response to a 'legitimation crisis'. Therefore,


'tenant participation' explicitly derived ~rom

attempts to improve the quality of' the

reI ationship between the housing department and

Glasgow's council tenants, while the implicit

reasons were di rectI y reI ated to changes in the

state's support f'or the idea of' council housing

per se.

1.9 Community Renewal:

"Communi ty Renewal is the biggest tenant

participation scheme in existence in Britain

today". (94)

This is how one o~ficial within Glasgow's

housing department de~ined the purpose o~ the

, community renewal' project. The reality is

somewhat dif'ferent, and in any case comparati ve

data would need to be attained be~ore we could

Justif'y such statements. Basicall y. , community

renewal' is the term which is used by the housing

department to describe a number of' I arge-scal e

modernisation programmes which are being carried

out to housing across the city. The investment f'or

these projects comes f'rom a 'Covenant Scheme'

signed with ~our major private banks, amounting to

an extra £140 million being borrowed to supplement

the Housing Capital Programme, which has been

summed up thus:

"One of' the key objectives of' the Covenant

Scheme is to adopt a new approach to the way the

Council handle improvement projects by seeking to

involve the residents themselves in all aspects of'

a comprehensive renewal and restructuring of' their

estate. ProJects like this are called Community

Renewal and the way they are handled is of' primary

importance to the Council's overall long term

objectives f'or reversing the decline of' our worst

housing areas". (95 >

The worst housing areas were mainly

concentrated in the peripheral schemes and other

council housing schemes, which are now known in

official jargon as 'problematical areas', and this

is where most of the Community Renewal projects

have been impl emented. There has, however, been

minimal , participation' by tenants in most of

these schemes. 'Involving' the residents consists

of the housing department organising 1 ia:son

groups/steering committee·s of tenants in an area

scheduled for 'community renewal'. Whether or not

a tenants' associat.ion has existed in the area

previous to the modernisation project beginning,

the housing department sets up a new group which

it can liase with. The extent of involvement does

not, as suggested by the official policy, include


a contribution rrom tenants on the plans for

'comprehensive renewal and restructuring or their

estate'. Tenant involvement is limited to choosing

the colour or bathroom suites, kitchen units, and

so rorth, wi th some rurther say in the proposed

changes to the architectural structure or the

building in which the Community Renewal project is

being carried out. No group has so rar been

involved in the decisions about the 'restructuring

or their estate' . The idea or , tenant

participation' in this context is quite clear:

""Tenant participation is not about sharing

power. it is about gaining the active consent

rather than the passi ve acceptance :from tenants

:for the housing departments plans". (96)

'Tenant participation', in this context, is

not about changing the nature or the power

relationship between tenants and housing

management but merel y gaining the consent ror the

council's objective or restructuring the

peri pheral • and other, council housing schemes.

The vast majority or Glasgow's council tenants

have had 1 i ttl e say in rormul ating these

objectives. despit.e years or , tenant

participation' policies.

The contradictions contained within the

Council's strategy for council housing in Glasgow

alongside the ideology of 'tenant participation'

are staightforward. We have already noted that

recent changes in housing policy- the cutbacks on

subsidies for and the production of , social'

housing alongside policies to promote owner

occupation, in particul ar through the 'right to

buy', have increased the marginalised position of

council housing alongside the rise in alternative

forms of tenure.. Alongside the changes in the

housing market during the 1980s there were al so

changes within the labour market, with the re-

emergence of a large section of the working class

on relatively low incomes, rising unemployment and

cutbacks instate benef i ts. (97) The consequences

of all of these changes, in the context of housing

policies, are only now becoming clear. The housing

agenda set by the Thatcher government has taken

place almost by stealth, and in Glasgow the Labour

Council have responded in a similar fashion. The

situation faced by working class Glaswegians is

similar to what it has been for the best part of

thi s century, and was recognised in a recent

inquiry into housing in the city:


"There is a :major housing crisis in Glasgow

which is causing serious hardshi p to aany

thousands of people in the city. Some of the

individual cases we have witnessed have been

highly distressing and would have resulted in

prosecutions private landlords been

responsible ...... (98)

The authors of this report provided a

comprehensive analysis of the housing problems in

GI asgow and made a series of recommendations on

future policy development and the formation of new

programmes for public sector housing. Many of

these recommendations have been adopted by the

Council and are in the process of' being

impl emented; Community Renewal' • for instance,

being one attempt to overcome the reduction of

state support for housing investment. The strategy

behind these new policy developments has been made

clear in two recent official reports. and it is

within these that the contradictions become

apparent. (99) Recognisng the changing nature of

housing provision in the city, in the context of

wider policy changes. the council produced a

strategic housing plan in 1989. Among the key

components were:

II i )Comprehensi ve area based renewal of publ I c

housing estates to provide high quality mixed

tenure housing and a good residential environment;

i i ) Removal from the social rented sector of

surplus stock in ~ys which positively contribute

to achieving Glasgow's housing objectives. This

may include demolitions to reduce residential

densities and the creation of IDOre popular house

types as ~ll as Joint ventures with the private

sector to dlversi~y tenure and bring private

sector resources into area renewal schemes;

iii)Further transfers to other social housing

agenCies including housing co-operatives to extend

opportunities for tenant control of housing and to

maximise the resource flow into area renewal;

v)Continued improvements in housing management in

order to promote tenant invol vement and' control,

better customer service. greater sensitivity to

customer requirements and better neighbourhood


vi i)A continuing role :for private developers in

inner city renewal and in support of area renewal

projects in public service housing schemes", (100)

Behi nd the I anguage of management and the

market, where council tenants become • customers' •


the council proposes to remove at I east 20,000

houses from its control through demolition, height

reduction and stock transfers, in addition those

houses that will be sold off through the 'Right to

Buy' and to private developers. There may well be

sensible pragmatic reasons for a large local

authority such as Glasgow adopting these policy

options, particularly trnasfers to housing co-

operatives (see D. Clapham. 1989, for example).

However, these policies have fundamental and long-

term implications for the provision of public

sector housing in the city and, as in the past,

council tenants and their organisations have had

very litte say in the drafting of a strategy with

wide-ranging ramifications for their future.

'Tenant participation' is limited to the level of

consultation with housing management on small-

scale changes in management , styl e' with no

consideration of tenant involvement in the large-

scale restructuring of their areas. It is in this

context that we must question the validity of

concepts like 'tenant participation'. Behind such

notions there is always a mythological element. or

as C. wright Mills suggested in another context:

"We cannot assume today that men :must in the

last resort be governed by their own consent.


Among the means of power that now prevail is the

power to manage and to mani pul ate the consent of

men. That we do know the I imi ts of such power- and

that we hope i t does have limits- does not reaove

the 'fact that much power today is successfully

employed without the sanction of the reason or the

conscience o'f the obedient". (101)

It is for these reasons that this chapter has

stressed that the dreadful sameness between the

paternalistic era and the • communi ty' era of

housing management in Glasgow merits more

observation than all the differences that are, in

other respects, obvious. The hegemony of housing

management ideOlogy, as the following chapters

will reveal, has not al ways recei ved the acti ve

consent of Gl asgow' s council tenants, whose own

prior~ties were defined by other circumstances in

many instances.




1. This factor has been recognised by a number of

writers. See, for example, M. Brion and A. Tinker

(1980); D. Clapham, (1987); P. Gallagher, (1982)

and A. Richardson, (1977).

2. O. Hill (1875), p7.

3. A. Summers (1979), traces the rise of voluntry

visiting of the poor by "leisured" women from the

late eighteenth century, giving some indication of

the widespread belief in the "moral superiority"

of the middle class.

4. If anyone is still unwilling to accept the fact

that the ideology associated with the work of

Octavia Hill continues to infl uence the housing

management profession a reading of the Institute

of Housing Manual of 1985 should serve to dispel

the illusion. There are two classic articles

responding to views which were critical of the

thinking of Octavia Hill and the contemporary


5. P. Malpass, (1984>, p36.

6. See A. Richardson, (1977) pp71-73 for a full

discussion of these issues.


7. D. Clapham, (1987) p109.

8. Figures f'rom the Corporation of' Glasgow.

<1974->, pp9-10. Held in Glasgow Room of' Mitchell

Library. For an outline of' the Economic History of'

the region see S. G Checkl and, (1976); R. Savill e

[Ed], (1985) and A. Sl aven, (1975). For a social

and cuI tural history of' GI asgow, see S. Damer,

<1990 >.

9. This f'actor is borne out by T. Johnston, <circa

1929>. In this much negl ected, but neverthel ess

semi nal work, Johnston reveals that while the

population of' Glasgow rose by 33,031 between 1831

and 184-1, the number of' houses onl y increased by

3,551. p291.

10. See A. K. Chalmers, (1905), f'or a contemporary

outline of' these issues.

11. See J. Engl ish, R. Madigan and P. Norman.

(1976), f'or a f'ull account of' these developments.

12. James Burn Russell. inA. K. Chal mers [Ed].

(1905), p216.

13. This is indicated in the Corporation of'

Glasgow (1904-), p2.

14-. City Improvement Act 1866, Administration

Notes No 28. Held in S. R. A. AGN 4-.


15. See S. Damer, (1976), p73.

16. Corporation of Glasgow. <1914-), p58.

17. See the Corporation of Glasgow Housing Report


18. For an outl ine of the events surrounding the

1915 Rent Strike in Glasgow see S. Damer, (1980)

and J. Melling, (1983),

19. The power bestowed on the City Engineer led to

a number of disputes with the City Architects

Department in the 1930s and 194-0s over the layout

of housing schemes. These disputes have been

detailed by J. Broady and J. Mack, (1960).

20. See J. Broady and J. Mack. ( 1960 ) . AI so R. M.

Ri ngl and, (1979).

21. E. Moberl y Bell, <194-2). pp87-88.

22. Corporation of Glasgow (1904), p14.

23. Glasgow Corporation, (1927) Annual Report of

the Medical Officer of Health, p195.

24. GI asgow Corporation (1935) Annual Report of

the Medical Officer of Health, p190.

25. City Improvements Department (1944-) Report of

Special Sub-Committe on Letting, April. Document

he I d i n S. R. A.

26. This information was described to me by a

former resident factor who informed me that they

used Booths Gazette- a document used by hire

purchase companies to 'blacklist' people who were

a 'bad risk'. The housing department passed on any

information that would be of relevance to these

companies, and recieved such information

themselves in return for 'favours done'

27. Anuerin Bevan quoted in M. Foot, (1975), p62.

28. According to the 1951 Census, Glasgow still

contained 1.09 million people, of whom three-

quarters of a million were living in 1,800 acres

of land at an average density of 4-00 persons per

acre. Some areas of the city still contained 700

persons per acre. 50.8 per cent of the city's

houses were of one or two rooms. 24-.6 per cent of

the ,population lived at more than two persons per

room- (89,000 peopl e were Ii vi ng at more than 3

persons per room)- and 4-4-.2 per cent of houses

were overcrowded. 29.2 per cent lacked an inside

toil et, while 4-3 per cent had no bath. The

equivalent of the last two figures for London were

5. 5 per cent and 1. 7 per cent respect i vel y. See

Census of Scotland, City of Glas~ow, Vol 3, 1951.

29. Corporat i on of GI asgow. (1947). There are al so

details of these operations contained in the


Annual Reports of the Medical Officer of Health

for these years, which differ slightly from those

in this report but do not change the overall


30. Gl asgow Corporation, (1943) Annual Report of

the Medical Officer of Health, p143.

31. For a description of housing conditions during

this period see T. Brennan, (1959) ; A. Gibb,

(1983) and M. Pacione, (1981).

32. Sir P. Abercrombie and R.H. Mathews. (1949).

33. See A. Gibb, (1983), p164. In 1951-52 when the

Progressive- Re: Conservative- administration

proposed to sell off council houses being built at

the Merrylee Road scheme there were 104,000 people

on the waiting list.

34. Glasgow District Council. Housing Management

Department Annual Report 1979. The Scottish Film

Archi ve, based in Glasgow, have a number of

fascinating films from the late 1940s on the

building of the 'peripheral schemes'. I would like

to record my thanks to Janet McBain for her

assistance in providing me with these films.

35. See F. Worsdall, (1979).

36. The figures for 1982 are derived from A. Gibb.

(1983). and those for 1986 are contained in the


City of Gl asgow District Council Annual Housing

Review 1986-87. The extent to which the pI anners

were influenced by the modernist movement in

architecture was made apparent in a promotional

film made in 1949- 'Glasgow: Today and Tommorrow',

avaliable from the Scottish Film Council. The

plans for high-rise building in the city were

nothing short of phenomenal.

37. Richard Dynes, then Labour Leader of Gl asgow

District Council, in the Glasgow Herald. 19th

November 1974.

38. For details of the contribution of the SSHA to

Scottish housing see T. Begg, (1987).

39. See Corporation of Glasgow (1944) Special Sub-

Committe on Letting. April. Document held in

S. R. A.

40. Ibid.

41. Corporation of Glasgow, Report by the Medical

Officer of Health on the Work of the Nurse

Inspectresses of the Health Department. 13th April

Document held in Strathcl yde Regional


42. Corporation of Glasgow. (1951) Annual Report

of the Medical Officer of Heal th, ppI53-54. The

extent to which the GI asgow bourgeoisie viewed


this as a problem is clearly expressed in A.K.

Chalmers and Sir John Mann, (1933).

43. R. Titmuss. Foreword to A. Philp and N. Timms,

(1962) .

44. T. Brennan. (1959). p153.

45. Corporation of GI asgow. City Factors

Department (1959) Report Prepared by the City

Factor for the Property Management Committee on

the Organisation of the Department. 12th October.

Document hel din SRA.

46. Corporation of Glasgow. City Factors

Department (1960) Private Departmental Memorandum:

Staff Duties of Resident Factors. 6th April.

Document held in SRA. S. Damer (1989) pp82-85, has

provided similar figures for the inter-war years.

47. Transcript of interview held with former

resident factors held on 24--5-89. One of these

former resident factors introduced me to the finer

points of research by refusing, in a very blatant.

bigoted and provocative way, to be intervie\Ved.

The probl em became apparent at the begi nni ng of

the interview when he asked me to spell my name.

Unknown to myself, at this stage, the spelling of

my surname gives a clear indication of religious

background. It turned out that I apparently


, kicked with the wrong foot' , hence the

unwillingness to cooperate. After some ridicule by

his secretary, who was present in the room at this

point and by treating his comments with the

contempt that they deserved. his resistance

diminished as he could not resist the opportunity

to tell his own story- which was al so described

with some bitterness.

48. Corporation of Glasgow. City Factors

Department. Reply to Question by Council I or

Roberts by the Convenor of the Property Management

Committee. 27th June 1957. Document held in S.R.A.

49. Corporation of Glasgow. City Factors

Department (1959) Report prepared by the Ci ty

Factor for the Property Management Committee on

the Organisation of the Department. 12th October.

Document held in S.R.A.

50. Corporation of Glasgow (1971).

51. An outline of the basis on which this system

operated is contained in a report by the

Corporation of Glasgow City Factors Department

entitled 'Court Work' 12th November 1964. This

document was kindly provided by Sean Damer. and I

must record my thanks to him for this and other

assistance he has given me.


52. Corporation of Glasgow (1969). p7.

53. See C. P. BI acker, (1968) pp216-217.

54. J. Boyle, ( 1977) p8. Similar accounts as

those contained in Boyle's book have been

described to me in personal interviews conducted

wi th a number of counc i I tenants who 1 i ved in

various areas of the city during the 1930s and

194-0s. It is worth noting that these conditions

and the images that surrounded them were not

conf i ned to GI asgow. or indeed Britain. Saul

Alinsky, when he arrived in the 'Back of the

Yards' neighbourhood in Chicago in the 1930s,

noted that it was 'a byword for disease,

delinqency, deterioration, dirt and dependency'.

See Saul D. Alinsky, <1941>, p798.

55. V. Cabl e. , Glasgow: Area in Need'. in G.

Brown. [Ed] ( 1975 ) .

56. For an account of the numbers of housing

officials pursuing professional training during

this period see the Corporartion of Glasgow

Hous inS' ManaS'ement Department Annual Reports from

1968 to 1974.

57. Scottish Development Department (1967). p4l.

58. For a fuller discussion of these issues see J.

Simmie (1981).

59. See S. Damer and R. Madigan (1974). AI so S.

Jacobs, (1976) provides vivid details of people's

experience of this kind of housing management

practice in a Housing Action Area in Glasgow in

the earl y 1970s.

60. Corporation of Glasgow <1972 ) Housing

Management Department Annual Report. p6.

61. P. Marris (1982), p14.

62. CDP The National Community Development

Project. London: CES Publications. March 1974.

63. P. Freire (1972).

64. The notion of 'dificul t to let estate' was

first mooted by Roger Wilson. <1963>' There is

abundant evidence of the negative image of Glasgow

housing schemes in BBC documentaries, media

representation in numerous Journals and in many

novels based on the city. The moral panic about

the ' probl ems I in these schemes- particularly

Juvenile delinquency- had reached its height in

1968 when Frankie Vaughan made a flying visit to

Easterhouse and declared an amnesty for gang

weapons. See G.Weightman (1977) and S. Damer,

(1989) for an account of some of these events and

the images portrayed.


65. Letter to Town Clerk from the Depute Director

of Education. 8th March 1974. This I etter, and

other vital documents, was kindly provided by Cath

Arthur, former Senior CDO with Glasgow District

Council, to whom I am profoundly grateful for all

her ass i stance.

66. Interview with Cath Arthur held on 9-6-89.

67. Interview with CDO held on 10-8-89.

68. M.A. Smith. Director of Housing Management

Glasgow Distrtct Council, <1977 } , Community

Provision in District Council Housing Schemes: A

Document for Discussion'. 17th October.

69. A. Gramsci, (1971), p276.

70. See D. Byrne, ( 1986a) for an extended

discussion of these issues.

71. City of' Glasgow. Housing Management Department

(1983) 'The Role of Community Development in a

Comprehensive Housing Service' 4th March, p3.

72. R. Hambleton (1978), p45.

73. City of Glasgow District Council (1986) 'Area

Management, Information Briefing'. 7th August.

74. Interview with D. Horner, Area Coordinator

GDC, held on 16-3-89.

75. S. Jacobs (1976).


76. R, Bryant (1979).

77. Glasgow Herald 14th June 1977.

78. Glasgow Herald 14th June 1977.

79.Corporation of Glasgow (1979). p4.

80. J. McFadden (1983), pI03.

81. See D. Horner (1987) for a full description of

this structure.

82. C. M. Carmichael (1969) p12.

83. A. Richardson (1977) has described how notions

of 'Tenant Participation' were in existence as

early as the 1920s and 1930s but did not come to

fruition until the early 1970s. Another useful

introduction- to this debate is provided by D. Fox


84. See R. Goodlad, (1988) for a discussion of

these issues.

85. Glasgow District Council. Housing Management

Department (1982) Task Force on Serv ice Del i very.

Final Report. 15th April. Document held by the

Glasgow Council of Tenants' Associations.

86.Glasgow District Council <1983 ) Report to

Working Party on Consultation by Director of

Housing and Tenant Participatory Advisory Service.

15th February. Document held by GCTA.


87. Interview held with CDO. 10-9-89.

88. Glasgow District Council/TPAS Working Group on

Consul tation (No Date. circa 1982 >. • Towards a

Policy Framework For Tenant Participation in


89. See Glasgow District Council Housing

Management Department Annual Housing Review 1986-

87 for details.

90. Interview with CDO 2-12-89, who indicated that

tenants representat i ves were deliberatel y I ed to

believe that they had the final say on individual

letting in areas where local lettings inititives

Y.7ere in operation. In contrast to this, housing

management dec i s ions were based more on reports

from pol ice and social workers working in the

area, showing the distinct overlap in the work of

social control agencies and the I imitations to

this form of 'tenant participation'.

91. City Housing Glasgow. (Undated, circa 1989-90)

Estate Management Guidlines.

92. See A. Friend and A. Metcalf, (1981).

93. There are a number of accounts of

decentralisation initiatives. The best of these

i ncl ude- J. Seabrook, (1984-); P. Hambl eton. and R.


Hoggett. (1987); K. Beuret and G. Stoker, (1986)

and R. Mainwaring, (1988).

94. Interview with Central Area Coordinator for

Community Renewal Projects, held on 5-12-89.

95. City Housing Glasgow (1988) p2.

96. Interview with Central Area Coordinator for

Community Renewal, held on 5-12-89. (not taped).

97. In February 1989, around 21.5 per cent of the

population of Strathclyde Region were living at or

below the Income Support 1 evel . In Gl asgow the

corresponding figure was 31. 4 per cent. and if

recipients of housing benefit as a percentage of

tenant households are taken into consideration the

numbers of those living in poverty rises to 33 per

cent in Strathcl yde and 42 per cent in Gl asgow.

Stratchclyde Regional Council (1989).

98. Grieve Inquiry into Housing in Glasgow. 1986.

99. City Housing Glasgow. Housing Publications.

<1989a>. and City Housing Glasgow. <1990a).

100. City Housing Glasgow. Housing Publications.

(1989a>. p5.

101. C. Wright Mills <1971> p50.



2.1 Introduction

There are many good, and some very good, studies of

the development of housing policy at both local and

national level (see, for instance, M. Bowl ey, 1945;

A. Gibb, 1982 and 1990; A. E. Holmans 1987; S.

Merrett 1979; and R. Smith & P. Whysall 1990) ).

However, most of these studies have a tendency to

concentrate on the 1 egisl ati ve and administrative

side to policy development. They have. thereby.

ignored or underepresented the significance of the

articulated demands of the working class for social

improvement and better, cheaper housing. The

material contained in this chapter suggests that

the collective demands of the working class, at an

apparently locality level, have been more decisive

in the development of housing policy than has been

acknowledged to date.

The discussion which follows is of a campaign

to prevent the sal e of 622 houses in the Merryl ee

Road council housing scheme on the South-side of

Glasgow in 1951-52. This was the first serious

attempt by a local authority in Britain to sell

houses that were initially intended for rental, and

took pI ace al most thirty years before the sal e of


council housing bee-ame a national issue. The

working class campaign f'or improved housing

provision in Glasgow had begun in the immediate

post-War years and the campaign to prevent the sale

of' council housing did not exist in isolation.

Theref'ore, a f'ull understandi ng of' the st.ruggl e f'or

the provision of council housing during this period

necessitates a discussion of the 1946 squatters

movement in GI asgow. which has received some

attention in the existing literature. (see B.

Saunders, 1974; and N. Anning et al 1980> Both of'

these campaigns reveal the extent to whi ch many

worki ng cl ass peopl e in GI asgow regarded counci I

housing as a significant f'actor in their daily

lives. They had, in the words of Melucci. a

• symbol ic investment' (1) in the provision of' publ ic

sector housing which led to a conflict. with t.he

pol itical establ ishment of the local state. This

symbolic investment was not a passing trend, but

was part of' an ongoing commi t. me nt t.o state-provided

housing for the working classes that had developed,

and had to be invoked, through a series of

political struggles over housing issues since the

late nineteenth cent.ury amongst labour

organisations in Glasgow. The Rent St.rike of 1915

and subsequent event.s were t.he most. obvious

exampl es. What is being suggested, then, is that


the val ues and meanings attached to the provision

of council housing arose within t,he context of

specific practices by historically situated actors

who were responding to the mat.erial living

conditions of Glasgow's working class.

\Vhi I e the campai gn t.o prevent the sal e of

council houses at Merryl ee began from a protest

initiated by building workers. it extended to

include other industrial workers, tenants'

organisations, wo me ns , groups and a myriad of other

working class organisations (see appendix to this

chapter>. From the spontaneous action by building

workers this struggle for housing to be provided on

the basis of need was t.o become a highly

significant form of political action in preventing

the sale of council housing in Glasgow during this

period, and for a long time to come.

Before discussing these issues it is essential

to both outl i ne the background to the debate on t.he

sal e of counci I houses and t.he nature of pol i t i cal

act, ion on housing issues in Glasgow in the

immediate post-War years. For reasons of cl ar i ty,

the debate on the sal e of council house sal es will

be restricted to the immediat.e post-war years. The

discussion on the squatting movement will be far

more extensive, as it is through an outline of the


events surrounding this movement that we can

identify the significance and centrality of housing

issues in working cl ass pol itics in the immediate

post-War years. From this discussion it should

become cl ear that the campaign against. the sal e of

council houses did not arise in a vacuum, but was

part of the ongoing struggl e for decent housi ng

waged by a large number of labour organisat.ions in

Glasgow during this period.

2.2 The Political Context 01' the Sale of Council

Houses 194.5-52

Debates about the sal e of council houses have

existed for as long as local authorities were given

the right to provide rented housing in 1919. In

f act, the 1890 Housing of the Working Cl asses Act

included a sect.ion which allowed local authorities

to build, convert and manage dwellings in clearance

areas; with the addition that any housing built. in

these areas had to be sol d off within ten years.

Permission to sell local authority houses had also

been granted before the Second World War. The

Housing Act of 1936 empowered local authorities to

sell council houses, with Ministerial approval. The

sale of council housing was refused consent during

the Second World War. The political debate,

however, only real 1 y took off after 194-5 when the


physical damage and shortages of resources severely

constrained housing pol icies. Housing, as the

First World War, was a major and pressing social

problem and housing shortages 'caused more anguish

and frustration than any other of the nation's

manifold post-war probl ems' . (2) While it. was

acknowledged that housing activity would need to be

expanded dramatically, appears to have been

l i t tl e consensus about how thi s was t.o be achi e ved,

as Addison noted:

..... Strange to say. a coherent plan was lacking

in one o~ the most important areas of all, housing.

When at last a White Paper entitled Housing Policy

appeared in March 1945. i t was a vague and feeble

document of barely eight pages with no clear target

for the number o~ homes to be built in the post-war

period". (3)

The Labour government had withdrawn the

commitment made in the 194-5 election manifesto to

set up a Ministry of Housing. Aneurin Bevan. as

Minister for Health in the first majority Labour

government, was given responsibility for providing

a solution to the housing problem and was at least

clear about the approach which should be adopted to

sol ve the 'hous i ng probl em' :


"Before the war the housing problems of the

middl e cl asses were. rougbl y. sol ved. The higher

I ncome groups had the i r houses; the lower i nCOJBe

groups had not. Speculative buIlders. supported

enthusiastically, and even voraciously. by money-

lending organisations, solved the problem of the

higher income groups in the matter of housing. We

propose to start at the other end. We propose to

start to solve, first, the housing di~ficulties of

the lower income groups. In other words. we propose

to lay the main emphasis of our programme upon

building houses to let. That means that we shall

ask Local Authorities to be the main instruments

for the housing progra.JlDDe."(4)

Bevan's approach to housing problems was quite

simple: council housing was for everyone. He was

vehementl y opposed to the who I e pre-war system of

house building, which had produced , castrated

communi ties' More part. i cuI arl y, according to

Bevan, the provision of 'good houses for poor

peopl e' could not be achieved through t.he

dependence on the speculative builders who, by

their very nature, were not. a , pI annable

instrument' The guiding principal of this pol icy

was that new housing should he distributed

according to social need rather than market forces.


Bevan believed that only local authorities who were

democratically controlled could ensure that houses

went to those in greatest need. One consequence of

this policy was that building for private ownership

was restricted by licence, which was for the

purposes of , suppl ement i ng the main housing

programme and not for diverting building labour and

materials' . (5)

Bevan also insisted that council housing should

be of a high qual ity. as proposed by the post-War

Dudley Committee. In some respects, this policy was

successful and in 1948 nearly 200,000 public sector

houses were built. However, the Labour government's

commitment to increased public expenditure on

housing had already been cut back in 1947 with the

cancellation of Lend Lease, the system of American

wartime aid to Europe. The economic crisis was

related to Britain's poor trading position and

other claims on public expenditure and, by July

1947 the American loan agreed at Bretton Woods had

been used up, which led to a convert~bility crisis

and suspension of the loan. The financial crisis of

1947 led to cuts in the housing programme and the

number of houses built under Labour after 1948

decl ined. (6) In Scotland the revised target for

house building in 1947, as announced by the


Secretary o£ State during the £inancial crisis, was

put at 24,000 a reduct ion o£ around 50 per cent.

Nevertheless, the commitment to the provision of

council housing remained:

" ••• it is contrary to the Goveru.ent's pol icy

to agree at the present time to the sale of council

houses in view o~ the importance of ensuring that

as many houses as possible are avaIlable f'or

letting to persons JOOst in need of' the.". (7)

The Labour government, however, were judged on

their ability to meet the overall targets for house

building they had set themsel ves. The targets for

Engl and and Wal es were 240,000 new houses a year.

In 1947 no more than hal f that number were buil t:

139,690. While the Labour government nationalized

some maJ or industries, neither the I and nor the

house-building industry came into public-ownership.

Unlike the Health and Education services, there

were no equivalent long-term pol icy proposals in

the field of housing. Council housing continued to

be financed in the traditional way through

borrowing, money raised from the rates and £rom the

rents paid by tenants. Inevitably, restrictions and

cutbacks placed on the housing programme in 1947,

and again in 1949, contributed to the defeat of the

Labour government in the 1951 general el ecti on. A


central part of the Conservati ves' election

campaigns of 1950 and 1951 wa.s the promise to do

better than Labour on the housing issue: the post-

War housing 'numbers game' It is worthwhile

remembering that, though the Labour Party lost the

1951 election, they obtained more votes than the

Conservatives. Indeed, the Labour Party vote of

13.95 mill ion was the highest ever achieved by a

pol itical party in Britain (see A. Calder, 1969; A.

Sinfield, 1989; and B. Williamson, 1990).

The Conservative government that was elected in

1951 had a commitment to build 300,000 houses a

year. The task of achieving this target was

entrusted to Harol d Macmill an, who was appointed

Minister of Housing and Local Government. The

Conservat i ve government was al so committed to the

reI axat ion of Ii censi ng and the encouragement of

pol icies for sal e. Their manifesto for the 1951

election had made this clear by pledging that one

half of the houses allocated to local councils

would be allowed to be built for sale. Under the

Labour government, four-fifths of the houses were

built for local councils or housing associations of

a pub I ic character I et at subs idised rents, and

one-fifth for private ownershIp, mainly houses

buil t to sell to pri vate owners. This change of


policy was in line with the very clever slogan of a

• property owning democracy', adopted by the

leadership of the Conservative party after the

Second World War. Throughout the period of the

1945-51 Labour government this slogan came to

symbolise the Conservative opposition's alternative

housing pol icies, and was to become more evident

when they gained power:

..... we wish to see the widest possible

distribution 0-1 property. We think. that. 0-1 all

-IorlOS 0-1 property suitable -lor such distribution

house property Is one of' the best. 01 (8)

Setting out the new Conservative government's

policy on housing in the King's Speech in November

1951, Harol d Macmi 11 an conf identl y emphas i sed the

virtues of home ownership, by proposing to allow

the sale of council houses. The government issued a

general consent which enabled local authorities to

carry out sales and only to notify the Minister on

completion. The ideological and political debate on

the role of council housing within governmental

circles was being reformulated. The • property

owning democracy' advocated by the Conservative

party in 1945 was now to become a reality, or so

the Minister supposed.


2.3 No Homes ~or the Heroes

The housing situation in Glasgow at the end o£

the Second World War was, quite simply, desperate.

Housing remained 'the largest public health

problem' in the city. During the war the

Corporation had repeatedly made representations to

the government for facilities to complete such

houses as they were at that time permitted to

£ i nish. In March 1940 a number o£ Glasgow

councillors met with the Minister of Health and the

Secretary of State £or Scotland to stress the need

for continuing to build houses in Glasgow during

the war. a resul t of this meeting, the

Corporation were given permission to develop the

Penilee scheme (1,500 houses), and to build houses

at Berryknowes Road, HoI mf aul dhead Dr i ve and part

o£ the (Old) Pollok scheme. These special measures

were simpl y inadequate conSidering the extent o£

the housing problem in Glasgow. In answer to a

questionnaire sent out by the Clyde Valley Planning

AdVisory Committee in 1944, Glasgow Corporation

acknowledged that the city would require a minimum

o£ 100,000 new houses to meet the needs of the

popul ation. Gl asgow' s popul ation was estimated to

be around 1,050,000 in 1946. In the first two post-


war years the Corporation had only built 3,684 new

houses of which 1,465 were temporary houses. (9)

While the city did not suffer the same physical

damage from bombing campaigns, as other British and

European cities. the housing conditions in

Glasgow's slums in 194-5 were the worst in Western

Europe. wi th more overcrowdi ng than even post-war

bomb-battered Hamburg. The older houses in the city

were in a state of advanced decay and the fact that

many houses had to be demol ished onl y served to

aggravate the probl em. The pressure on avail abl e

housing was acute as demobilisation increased

rapidly. An additional factor was, I ike other

cities, Glasgow was to be caught up in the post-war

, baby-boom', as young peopl e married and sought

homes of their own. There were 100,000 people

living in sub-let rooms, and 130,4-35 houses (44-.2%

of the city's housing stock) were judged to be

overcrowded. Sub-letting of rooms was a highly

profitable venture, as the City Assessor

recogni sed:

II _. In the Townh.ead Ward. one f'aJIlily are tenants

of 18 houses. In this Ward. one tenant paying a

rent of' £50 Os 5d. f'or an eight apartJBent house.

draws from nine sub-tenants £215 16s . . . "(10)


Of course. thi s expl 0 i tat i on was not new to

Glasgow and was really a continuation of the 'made-

down' dwellings for the unskilled-poor which had

existed from at least the middle of the nineteenth

century. The tenement stock, mainly concentrated in

the inner urban wards, suffered from an appalling

lack of basic amenities, with over 50% of all

houses hav i ng no bath, and 37.5% having to share

W/C facilities. (II) Tuberculosis and other diseases

bred by insanitary conditions were rife, as were

the rats around the open middens and drains in the

backcourts where children pI ayed. Glasgow

Corporation had 95,000 applications for houses,

41,000 of whom had no homes of their own. (12) There

was widespread suspicion that .. council houses were

not going to those in greatest need, and that

people in very prominent positions got houses with

very little trouble. The Corporation's response to

these accusations was that, the peopl e making the

allegations were 'never prepared to give the names

and addresses of the persons whom they allege were

given preferential treatment'. (13) It was a strange

and secret i ve way to run an all ocat i on system and

ignored the solidarity of working class families,

even in these diverse conditions:


" •. Peopl e ~ul d hear o-C somebody who wisnae in

as bad a position as them getting a hoose, and they

were convinced that they were on the waiting list

before them. But the greatest ploy o-C the housing

authorities at that time was •• eh•• "you tell us the

name of the person'. Well, you see, there was a

loyal ty among the ~rking class and they didnae

want to do this kind of thing, and they said "it's

no up to to me tae tell yeo. I know of innumerable

people who were desperate for hooses and who should

have had hooses long before they got them. Of <H·>

For those who were fortunate enough to have a

house the conditions were deplorable, and Harry

McShane with his customary precision was correct in

suggestIng that, 'We see.. tragedies which would

tax the efforts of a thousand Shakespeares to

portray in an accurate manner'. <15) These peopl e

also found themselves in a paradoxical situation of

apparent powerlessness, as one commentator noted:

"A horrible existence. and yet the unfortunates

who were compel I ed to live there were af'raid to

complain lest they should antagonise the landlord

or I andl ady and be evicted. To them a "home" of

the I r own in even the foul est tenement ~ul d be

considered a godsend. To possess a rent book

showing that they were the of'ficial tenants of even


the most mediocre habitation ~ a dream which they

hardl y hoped to real i se. II ( 16 >

It was inevitabl e, given these conditions,

that housing issues maintained a high political

profile in post-War Glasgow. No doubt an added

dimension to this situation was the hope that many

people held for a better future and social Justice

after the war (see, for instance, A. Calder, 1969;

and B. Williamson, 1990), The growing feeling of

determination to avoid a return to pre-War level s

of poverty and unemployment had been recognised as

a danger by Conservative spokespersons as early as


" •.• It-, you do not gi ve the peopl e social

re-rorm. they are going to give you social

revolutlon••••• "(17)

2.4 Squatting

As in other British towns and cities, the

conditions outl ined above, I ed to the development

of a highly organised squatters movement in

GI asgow. (18) Throughout 1946 fami! ies of squatters

began moving into various unoccupied properties

throughout the city including hotel s, churches,

mansion houses, a hospi tal. the premises of the

GI asgow Press CI ub, Army Camps and former warders'

quarters at Barl innie Prison. Many of these


properties had previously been condemned by

government surveyors. The reasoning behind the

squatters action was simple. as one of their

spokespersons at the time pOinted out:

"We are all decent working folk. and we are

desperate for some pi ace in which to I ive. I have

five children, their ages ranging from four to

sixteen. and one of them being bedridden. During my

aarried 1 ife I have only once had a sub-let house.

My name has been on the Corporation waiting l i s t

for 11 years."(19)

In other words. to gain one of the most basic

of human needs, a shel ter, working class ·famil ies

had to take direct action and occupy buildings that

were often without heat i ng, I ighting or sanitary

conveniences. There was no council housing

avail abl e for them, and had not been for some

years. The squatters and their families moved into

vacant properties and chal ked their names on the

doors of tenement apartments that had been I yi ng

disused for up to ten years (this was the common

way of • booki ng in') . Many of the squatters had

fought in the Second World War and some of them had

been living in sub-let rooms for a number of years

and had been waiting up to ten years for a home of

their own. Their aspirations for a better future


were being tested. and they took the only action

available to them to alleviate their situation. On

one occasion a prominent member of the Glasgow

Communist Party. Johnny Gold. spent the night

cutting his way through the back wall of a building

which was lying empty and later opened the doors

from the inside and admitted a large number of

squatters. (20)

The squatters, or more precisely homeless

people, began to occupy empty premises and

organised themselves into Defence Committees. They

were supported by various tenants' associations.

the Communist Party. and the remaining elements in

the I.L.P. Some of the defence committees collected

a weekly payment from squatters to cover rent, fuel

and electricity charges. The Glasgow Committee of

the Communist Party were actively involved in

taking over vacant property and helping families to

move into unnocupied buildings. In Govan, the local

tenants' association gave over their offices to two

families of squatters. By this stage, squatting had

become firmly established on the City's political

agenda and in the consciousness of GI asgow' s

working class. In Lanarkshire, 500 miners came out

on strike for one week in support of seven families

of squatters evicted from the Plean colliery


company's houses. A play written by Robert McLeish

and performed by Glasgow Unity Theatre- The Gorbals

Story- high! ighted the pI ight of the homel ess and

those I iving in overcrowded conditions in Glasgow.

A group of squatters were the guests of GI asgow

Unity at one of their performances at Queens

Theatre. When Peter McIntyre, one of the leaders of

the squatters' movement in the West of Scotl and,

made a speech on behal f of GI asgow' s home I ess on

this occassion, the Lord Provost and other

dignitaries were apparently 'squirming' in their

seats. (21) The Economist, as part of its overall

attack on the Labour government, momentarily

adapted its pol itical principles and offered

support for the squatting movement:

"In a country so law-abiding as Great Britain

it is at ways rel'reshi ng when the peopl e take the

I aw into their own hands on an issue on whi ch the

spirit of Justice, if not its letter, is so

eminently on their side."(22)

Throughout the autumn months of 1946 the number

of squatters in GI asgow increased to around 1500

families. They were met with a predictable response

from property owners, the Corporat ion and central

government. In early September 1946 a special

meeting of the Property Owners and Factors


Association expressed concern at the government's

lack of action in protecting private property:

liThe goverDJDent. said a spokesman. _ •• have found

an apparent solution so far as their own property

is concerned. but they have signally failed to do

anything about the invasion of' private property by

squatters". (23)

The 'solution' was the governments' discussion

of a proposal to allow the squatters to occupy Army

camps. Governmental directi ves were not slow in

coming under such pressure. On 19th September 194-6

the Secretary of State for Scotland, in the first

majority Labour government, issued a directive to

local authorities asking them to take 'firm and

positive action in defence of ordered government

and the principles of social justice, on which the

allocation of housing was based'~ (24-)

However. in Glasgow at least. the local state.

in the form of the police force, were already

actively involved in taking action in 'defence of

ordered government'. In late August and early

September 194-6 a number of squatters families were

evicted from properties throughout the city. In one

case the police evicted a family at two o'clock in

the morning following complaints from property

owners. Workers employed by the United Co-operative


Baking Society forcibly evicted a party of

squatters supported by Harry McShane and others.

who had taken possession of the Grand Hotel in the

Charing Cross area of the city on the 29th of

August 1946. The squatters, who included one family

of 13, resisted the eviction and some fighting took

place, but the police finally stepped in to

'restore order'. On the same evening police evicted

13 families from the Bellgrove Hotel in Gal I owgate.

This group of squatters attempted to break down the

doors and regain entry to the buil di ng. but were

prevented from doing so when police reinforcements

were called to the scene. some squatters barricaded

themsel ves into the properties they occupied and

one of the leader'" s of the GI asgow squatters, Mr

Peter McIntyre. after meeting with the Chief

Constable, suggested that resistance would be

carried even to the point of physical force:

"I think. i t would be a tragedy to have a social

upheaval in Glasgow, but as matters stand it may be

necessary to resist police action physically'. (25)

Possibly in an attempt to diffuse such

situations. the government had proposed that the

Service camps which had been occupied by squatters

coul d be converted into temporary hous i ng, with

rental charges ranging from 7s6d to lOs per week.


The squatters themselves had already suggested that

they should be allowed to run the camps on a non-

pro-fit-making basis until new local authority

houses became avaliable. The squatters' leaders

also requested that all large houses which were up

-for sale or unoccupied should be requisitioned and

squatters allowed to remain. In any event, a-fter a

meeting between the squatters' leaders and

o-fficials -from the Scottish O-f-fice, the Joint.

Under-Secretary o-f State -for Scotl and, Mr George

Buchanan, withdrew the proposal and suggested that

squatters would neither be allowed to run their own

camps or co-operate with the government or local

authorities in running them. This was in con-fl ict

with an earl ier statment by the Secretary o-f State

for Scotl and that he was prepared to gi ve local

authorities a 100 per cent grant 'towards the cost

of adapting huts and vacant houses into suitable

houses -for the home I ess·. Buchanan al so adopted a

more -forthright response to the general issue of


"such invasions of private premises are a

challenge to the law of the land. In the interests

01: the vast majority of law-abiding citizens the

law must take its course". (26)


This condemnation of squatting was no doubt

related to the fact that the Communist Party had

become involved in moving families into vacant

property, and the political threat was being taken

seriously. Nevertheless, under the pleadings of

property owners, the law was already taking its own

course in Glasgow. In mid-September 1946 the first

arrests of squatters in Glasgow were made in a

number of police raids in the early hours of the

morning. These squatters, who had occupied a number

of private properties, were charged with

trespassing, a criminal offence in Scotl and since

the HighI and cl earances. The Trespass (Scotl and)

Act of 1865 made it a criminal offence to 'lodge in

any premises or encamp on any land which is private

p.roperty without the consent or permission of the

owner or legal occupier'. The maximum penalty is a

fine and imprisonment up to 21 days. The squatters

were not put off easily by this action and were

prepared to fight the charges made against them.

This was made clear by McIntyre at a packed meeting

in St Andrews Hall:

"We are prepared to face that charge. and we

are prepared to ~ight it with the best legal brains

in this country_ That ease will start in the

ordinary Magistrate's Court but will finish in the


House Lords. That will take about three

years". (27)

However. the occupation o£ private property was

treated far more seriousl y than the occupation of

Army camps. While the squatters had directed their

activities to "publ ic" premises I ike service camps,

they represented little threat to the law and to

the principle of private property. The invasion of

pri vate property was a di fferent matter, as one

commentator has noted:

" .•• Such invasions o£ property, even in the

prevail ing eircuastances. struck a raw nerve and

the authorities resorted to the law 0" trespass,

the police and disconnection 0" gas and electricity

in order to get the squatters out . . . ". (28)

So even under a majority Labour government the

interests of' private property were seen as

paramount and. while Bevan 'sympathised with the

squatters he could not allow them to take

command' . (29) In contrast the government final I y

bowed to the growing pressure for acc~modation and

allowed the squatters to occupy the Army camps. The

fact that there were 46,335 people occupying 1,181

camps throughout Engl and and INal es, (and another

7,000 in Scotland), by October 1946 may have had

s omethi ng to do wi th thi s. In one sense thi s may


have taken some of the pressure off the government

to prov i de hous i ng; though in another respect it

was actually increasing the pressure by pointing to

the fail ures of provision. However, the -fact that

the Communist Party was actively involved in

helping squatters to take over private properties,

firstly on a small scale in Glasgow but more

particularly in London, had something to do with

the differential treatment. The government was

certainly fearful o-f the criticisms of housing

policy being made by the Communist Party, and more

so because o-f it's opportunistic involvement in the

squatting movement. The -fears were heightened when

local Communist branches in London displayed

advertisments for unfurnished -flats and brought

together a group of squatters, few of whom were

Communist party members, and moved them into empty

luxury -flats at Duchess of Bedford House in

Kensington. These fl ats were owned by Lord

II chester and other peers, and were obviously

chosen for the publicity that would be forthcoming.

It became known as • the Great Sunday Squat'. The

squatters immediatel y elected an emergency

committee to represent them in negotiations with

the government and the local Council. Cabinet

meetings were held to discuss the matter and amid

accusations of , anarchy' squatting became


pol it i call y threatening. The leaders of the

Communist Party were clearly aware of the political

potential of this kind of social protest, and

expressed their critique of the state's dilemma in

unambiguously class terms:

HAll thi s tal k about the I i bert y of the

individual and the sacred rights of private

property. and about the forces of anarchy that have

been let loose is merely a cover for panic attempts

to preserve the system of rich and poor, of

homeless and those with more than one home.

These seizures will stop when local authorities

carry out their responsibilities to the homeless,

and when the Government over ides those Tory-

dominated local council s". (30)

This spread of squatting, organised by the

Communist Party. to private property apparently

lost the squatters some of the • publ ic sympathy'

they had previously experienced (if Judged by

contemporary newspaper reports). In any event the

state acted swi ftl y to curtail these developments.

For instance. at a cabinet meeting on the 12th

September 1946, it was agreed. on the basis of

police intellegence. that 'there was risk of these

activities spreading throughout the country' and


"Ministers considered that further steps should

be taken to br ing i t home to the publ ic that the

squatters ~re overriding the claims of many people

who bad been waiting a long time for houses. and

that the effect of their activities would be to

delay the completion of the rehousing

progra.JBJDe··. (31)

Alongside press accusations of 'queue jumping',

the government was making it clear that the

expropriation of private property would not be

tolerated. Five members of the Communist Party were

arrested on the very serious charges of 'criminal

conspiracy', and conspiring to incite trespass, in

the Kensington case. Eviction orders were served by

the High Court and the squatters vacated the

premises peacefully. They were found guilty of

trespass and bound over for two years. The fact

that they were treated I enientl y by the courts

meant that this affair came to a satisfactory end

for both the government and those who faced these

charges, but the squatters remained home I esse

Alongside the state's legal repression and coercion

of the squatting movement there were a number of

short-term policy responses, as Short has noted:

" .. _ Dwell ings were requisitioned, premises

converted, repairs hurriedly made to houses and


prefabricated dwellIngs were constructed. By 1948

al:most 125,000 • prefabs' had been bull t. AI though

buil t as a short-term sol utlon~ JDany of them lasted

Into the 1970s •.• -. (32)

Short, however, has overstated the case for the

influence of squatting here. The prefab programme

had al ready started under the Hous i ng <Temporary

Accomodation> Act 1944, which had been passed to

allow local authorities to ignore bylaws governing

building standards. However, the squatting movement

provided a necessary stimul ant to many di I atory

local authorities and did not end at this Juncture

<people in Glasgow continued to occupy Army camps

and condemned properties throughout the 1940s and

late 1950s). The authorities were still trying to

evict famil ies of squatters from condemned

properties they had occupied for a number of years

in 1949. In one case the demolition squad refused

to carry out their work until the families decided

to move out. The squatters own experience of the

stigma attached to their 'lifestyle' was not always

a happy one, as one contemporary account suggested:

" . . . Life is a fight, not only against

authority. dirt. col d. da.JlllP. heat. illness and

rats. but against one's own growing apathy.

Families begin to crack. at dlf:ferent periods. On


the f'aces of' SOJDe there is a look of' strain, of'

controlled dspafr. such as soldiers show when they

have seen too much action. At the ca.p co. .ittees

they say. quite plainly. there is a I iJDit to huJDan

endurance. They I ive near the edge of that I iJDit.

fearing that SOJDe day they will slip over". (33)

These people of the abyss did not slip over,

and along with tenants' associations and other

labour organisations in Glasgow they protested

against cuts in the building programme which were a

result of the reduced allocation given to the city

in the Government's 1947 Housing Programme. (34) The

continual presence of squatters meant that the case

for the provision of council housing was

reinforced. By highlighting the inadequacies of the

housing situation the squatters appealed to the

aspirations of a radicalised working class

population in post-War Britain and put pressure on

the government to ful fill the promises they had

made, or more precisely in the case of housing, the

promises they had not made in 194-5. Squatting is

sometimes portrayed in the media as anarchistic and

individualistic. However, the squatting which took

place in GI asgow, and other towns and cities

throughout Britain, between 1946 and 1950 was the

antithesis; it was collectively based, organised


from within the working class and had a collective

goal in mind: public sector housing for all.

2.4 Housing For Need Not Profit: Merrylee

The provision of decent housing continued to be

given high priority in Glasgow in the early 1950s,

and was of major concern to the people of the city.

whose numbers were at a post-war peak of 1.089,555.

The 1951 census showed an overall density of 400

persons per acre, a density unparallelled in any

other British city. (see Table 2: 1) Some 86,592

people were living in single apartments, and a

further 350,739 in two-apartment fl ats, and the

result of being forced to live in these conditions

continued to have a deleterious effect on the

health of the population. Much of this housing was

owned by pri vate 1 andl ords, with the Corporation

being responsible for slightly less than one-third

of all the houses in the city.


Table 2. 1: Principal cities or Britain. statistics

relating to housing conditions 1951.

City % or dwellings % or population households

with 1 or 2 living at :more lacking

rooJaS. than 2 persons ala rixed

per roolD. bath

Glasgow 41.5 24-.4 50. 1

Manchester 0.5 2. 1 33

BirIDingba.JD 0.5 3.3 38

Leeds 2.0 2.6 28

Liverpool 1.1 6.0 36

London 2.7 2.5 44

Shef':f'ield 0.6 2.5 '{'5

Source: Census, 1951.

The pol icy of' the housing department' at this

time was to build the 'Maximum Number of' Houses in

the Shortest Possible Time'. (35) The practical

outcome of' such a pol icy was the building of' the

four peripheral estates, (Castl emil k, Drumchapel,

Easterhouse and Pollok), which eventually contained

10 per cent of the city's popul ation, as well as

many other council housing schemes. These events

have been well documented el sewhere, and need not

detain us here. However. one other significant


event occurred in Glasgow during this period which

has gained little recognition. We have already seen

in an earlier section of this- paper that the

• Housing Crusade' announced by Harold Macmillan

gave local authorities the power to sell council

housing. This pol icy was taken up with a vengance

by the Progressive controlled Corporation of

Glasgow in September of 1951. This Progressive

council was a complete anomaly in post-war Glasgow,

as Labour had domInated control of the council

since 1933. The events surroundIng the proposal to

sell council houses, then beIng built at Merrylee

Road, were summed up br i efl y I n one contemporary


..... The Progressives proposed to o""er a. nuBber

0" Council-buil t houses "or sale. This was a aove

of ordinary Justice and ordinary common sense •••• In

vain did Progressive candidates argue that every

house sold was a relie" to the rates. and in

did they point out that a re:ma.rkable number 0"

Social ist Councillors were enjoing a rent subsidy.

There were deJ80nstrations and threats of strikes.

and the Socialists were returned~n the claim that

it was the blackest reaction to interfere with the

sacred principle of something "or nothing. It was a

curious and saddening instance 0" how "ar


bitterness and bigotry have penetrated the

prol etarian .ind"'. (36)

This is how one contemporary right-wing

commentator summed up the debate about the proposed

sal e of council houses at the Merryl ee Road scheme

in Glasgow in 1951-52. This account is not only

derisory and malicious but, as we will see, totally

inaccurate. Indeed, there were strikes to support

the campaign and people did not want 'something for

nothing', but council houses they could rent rather

than houses for sale.

In May of 1951, the Housing Committee of

GI asgow Corporation first discussed a government

allocation of 500 houses to be built under building

licences for sale to approved categories of

purchasers. This was the first indication that the

Corporation, then control I ed by the Progressives,

was intending to give some priority to building

houses for sal e rather than to let, despite the

f act that there were over 100,000 peopl e on the

waiting list. It is important to remember that the

Labour government, while ideologically exhausted,

was still in power at this point, and the

Progressives in Glasgow were pursuing this policy

before the 1951 Conservative government had reduced

building controls. The Progressives, I ike their


predecessors in the Moderate Party and before that

the Citizens Union, were essentially Conservatives.

Local Progressive associations in Glasgow, while

corresponding to the Conservative Parliamentary

associations, also attracted support from Liberals

and those who wished to see local pol itics being

kept independent from national party pol itics.

However, Progressi ve candidates were supported by

the Scottish Unionist Association. They represented

an anti-Labour front and had close ties with the

local bourgeoisie; most of their members being

local businessmen. (37) The direction that the

Progressive's policy was to take became clear with

the proposal to sell off the houses at the Merrylee

scheme, whi ch was moved by the Progress i ve 1 eader

of the Council, Mr Alexander Macpherson- Rait, on

the 5th of September 1951. The reasoni ng behi nd

such moves were given as economic, with Macpherson-

Rait arguing that those who could pay and own their

own houses shoul d be allowed to free the local

authority of the necessity of subsidising them,

adding that:

..... the Labour idea. seemed to be that building

should be f'or one class only. and that until that

class were satisf'ied nobody else should have a

house". (38)

This attack on the ~inancing of council housing

was part of a wider debate on the new Conservative

housing pOlicy. A leading article in the London

Times, commenting on housing subsidies, suggested

that the new procedure 'will save public funds even

i~ it does not increase the vol ume of new

housing' . (39) However, while referring to the

economics of housing to justify the proposal,

Macpherson-Rait had given some intimation that

there were also ideological motives behind the

move. This I atter aspect was to be borne out by

subsequent events. When the Housing Committee

f i naIl y approved the recommendat ion to offer for

sale the houses then being built at the Merrylee

Road scheme, this ideology was outlined clearly in

the City Assessors report which stated that:

II • • • the houses 'Were super i or in construct i on

and finish to houses being built and sold by

private builders and 'Were situated in what from a

• val uation" viewpoint was the best residential

district in the city. The cost of upkeep should be

low and the amenity value high for many years. If

all the houses 'Were sol d to private owners they

should retain also the value appertaining' to a

II good address". (40)


In other words, these houses 'Were of a very

high quality, being one of only two 'high-amenity'

council housing schemes built in Glasgow in the

post-war years. Buil t under the provisions of the

1946 Housing Act. as a contribution to the reI ief

of overcrowding, 204 of the houses were of the

'cottage type' the remainder being tenement flats.

The estimated cost of building the 622 houses at

Merrylee was £1,159,072, but with interest over 60

years the ultimate cost would be £3,073,980: 'a sum

sufficient to build 1650 houses'. (41) Despite the

fact that they were originally intended for rent.

the Progressi ves had decided that they should be

sold for prices ranging from £1,575 for a ground-

floor three-apartment flat to £2,475 for an end-

terrace five-apartment house. These prices were

equivalent to those which were being paid for

similar houses erected for sale in the private

sector, and clearly indicates the alternative

hierarchy of respectability behind the ideology to

sell rather than I et such houses: good qual i ty

housing should not be subsidised! No doubt these

prices were beyond the reach of the 100,000 people

on the waiting I ist in Glasgow and would only

appeal to those wi th the capi tal to buy them.

Corporation tenants at this time 'Were paying a

weekly rent of around 15s(75p> or £1 and were


unlikely candidates for houses that would cost them

£3 a \oI7eek pI us a downpayment of £250. What this

real I y meant was that. ability to pay had become

the determining factor in obtaining a house in the

Merryl ee scheme. In this respect the Progressives

\oI7ere attempt i ng to radical I y change the nature of

the provision of housing by local authorities,

which earned them the title of 'the most ractionary

local authority in Britain' . (42) They even met with

some opposition from private builders who, perhaps,

feared the competition and wanted a larger share of

the profits for themselves:

"The Corporation's idea to sell the houses to

peopl e wi th the DK>ney to buy them and so tak.e a

burden o~f the ratepayer is an admirable one, but

i~ we got the licences we could do exactly the SaBe

thing"". (43)

However these protests \oI7ere mild compared with

what was to follow. The first signs of unrest

amongst building workers in the city came when the

Housing Convener sent a personal message of thanks

to them in their pay packets. The message thanked

the men for their help in 'this year of solid

achievement for all of us engaged in the formidable

task of providing housing accomodation for

GI asgow' s overcrowded and homel ess f ami I ies·. The


building workers on the large Cranhill site in the

East End of the city were not easily impressed by

this and sent the letters back. with a clear

indication of their own feelings on the matter:

If We think thi s i s downright cheek and

hypocrisy, viewing the recent decision pushed

through by you to sell the 622 Merrylee houses

which being built by our fellow-workers and

were originally intended for rent"'. (44)

The chall enge to the proposal to sell the

houses at Merryl ee was onl y begi nni ng. On the 3rd

December 1951 a meeting. called by the Joint-shop

stewards committee of G. and J. Weir, an

engineering firm situated near the Merryl ee site.

and attended by over 100 delegates from 20

organisations, mostly building and engineering

trade unions, tenants' a.ssociations, three

counc i II ors and some Labour Party branches call ed

for a demonstratIon in George Square for the 6th

December. the day the full CorporatIon were to

decide on the proposal to sell the houses. They

al so proposed that a deputat i on, I ncl udi ng shop

stewards from 48 factories and works in the city.

should seek to put theIr views on the matter to the

Housing Committee, again in the Image .of the 1915

Rent Strike. This meet i ng was al so addressed by


three Labour members of the Corporatlon-

councillors Andrew Hood, John Mains and Bailie John

Johnston. The I atter of these speakers described

the homes-for-sale proposal as "class legislation

with a vengance". (45) The campaign to stop the sale

of the houses was seen as a major challenge by the

labour movement in Glasgow and was to be conducted

both inside the City Chambers and on the streets

outside. There was also to be a challenge for

control of the direction that such a campaign would

take. Official press reports at the time suggest

that between 2,000 and 5,000 demonstrators took

part in the protest on a bleak and wet day, though

the experience of people on the demonstration

suggest that this does not convey the atmosphere

created by the plan to sell these houses. For

instance, one participant has described the events


"I ~ In the demonstration and I'll never

forget It to my dying day. It ~ a massive

demonstration and, talk about storming the

Bastille. ~ nearly storued the City Chambers that

day . . . . They had the whole o' the police force oot,

It must have been k.lnda I ike what 1915 wis, when

the shoP. stewards had a massive demonstration wI

the wi_In in there about the Rent Act . . . . the


wi_in wanted the best for their k.ids, they were

still waiting for Corporation houses and here this

Corporation was talking about this beautiful scheae

oot in Merrylee. and Just because i t was Merrylee

we wurnie going to be allowed to go and live in It,

because if they had opened i t up to the ordi nary

people you see they would have had the Jack. of a'

things living In these hooses. These wimmin were

incensed with the idea of sell ing hooses at that

particular time, when there was such a need and

such a deJDand for new housing•••• Any mention of

selling houses was anathema to the people who were

desperate to get oot 0' the horrible conditions

they were Ii vin in . . . I never have been in a

de:.onstration I ike it, and I've been in a lot of

de:.onstrations • . . . the anger overflowed right onto

the city chambers . . . we JDarched right roon into the

city chambers. and that gives you an indication of

the ire against sell ing council houses". (4-6)

The demonstrators included tenants'

associations engineering workers, workers from

Stephens and John Brown Shipyards, transport

workers, and there were five processions of

, housewi ves' from Bridgeton, Gorbal s. Anderston,

Partick and Tradeston; all united to stop the sale

of the Merrylee houses. (47) All of those present on


the demonstration had been mobil ised through

meetings held in factories. building sites and in

working class communities throughout the city. As

the quotation just cited suggests, the wimmin

(\o\.1Omen) of Glasgow were prominent in this protest

but, unsurprisingly, their role is diminished in

the contemporary newspapers to a sentence at the

end of a story. Most of these \o\.1Omen were active in

local tenants' associations and had a deeper

understanding of the appalling housing conditions

in the city than most of their contemporaries. It

was the women, when speaking at publ ic meetings,

who were able to provide graphic details of rotting

flooring. damp and broken ceilings, examples of

I avatories serving at I east 33 tenants and rats

under floors which was to playa significant part

in impressing upon others the need to oppose the

sale of the Merrylee houses. Therefore, their

participation in this campaign should not be seen

as an addition to the protests of the tenants'

associations, building and engineering workers, but

rather as a central and powerful part of the whole

struggle for council housing. The women involved in

this campaign were able to use their lived

experience in the tenement slums to attack the

proposal to sell off local authority houses.

Another significant point about this demonstration


is that most, if not all, of the Corporation

building-site workers downed tools and Joined the

demonstrators. They were consciously involving

themselves in a political strike and not simply a

strike aimed at their employers. In an industry

which is historically renowned for being insecure,

split along the lines of craft and with relatively

weak trade unions, this was no mean feat. Their

oppos it ion to the proposal to sell the houses at

Merrylee was spelled out in a poem:

Were you there at George Square the time

They .arched from every site,

The lads who build the people's homes,

But sleep in sluBS at night?

From single-end, from back street den

Mothers with children spill.

Bringing before the business men

The challenge of Barnhill .•

The Tories are the men of greed,

The Party of the boss,

They build their case on weal th, not


And JDOck the people's loss.


But smash the Tory pI ans we will.

Starting with Merrylee.

Resisting them with all our skill.

We'll fight to victory. (48)

<* Barnhill was a 'Poorhouse').

Many of the buil ding workers were themsel ves

living in overcrowded conditions or were homeless,

and this no doubt added to the anger at the

decision to sell the Merrylee houses. Some of the

demonstrators· at the front of the march on the 6th

of December tried to storm into the building, as

one report suggested:

"Pol ice and official s on the doorway were

having a rough time trying to hold them at bay, but

pol ice reinforcements were soon forthcoming from

inside the building.

Comparative order was restored after the

closing of the wrought-iron gates outside the City

ChaJDbers". (49)

However, some of the demonstrators managed to

gain access to the City Chambers and delayed the

start of the meeting, with at least one of them

being ejected for making a noisy protest. <50) While

there were 30 I etters of protest against the sal e

of the Merrylee houses, including 16 requests for


deputations to be recieved, the Progressives

decided that they would only be willing to accept a

deputation f'rom GI asgow Trades Council. The

Progressives argued that the Trades Council should

be heard as they represented the vast majority of'

trade unionists in the city. The Labour Group

argued that all the deputations should be heard.

and that the Trades Council had been chosen by the

Progressives because they believed. rightly or

wrongl y. that they were a Communist organisation,

and their protests could therefore easil y be

labelled as extreme. The Progressives' were intent

on providing a dilemma for the Labour Party through

• guil t by association' with the Communist Party.

Andrew Hood, who was a leading figure in the ILP in

the inter-war years and eventually became Lord

Provost, fell into the trap nicely. when he stated


II We are not all owi Dg the COIBJDUDi st Part y to

speak for the good citizens of Glasgow'. (51)

Whether Hood's analysis of the Trades Council

was accurate or not, it indicates that there was

some sort of struggl e for control over the

direction of the campaign against the sale of' the

Merryl ee houses at this stage. In any event the

deputation from the Trades Council was the only one


allowed to put it's case to the Corporation. (52) In

a meeting that lasted over f'ive hours, and was by

all accounts f'ull of' vehement discussions, one

Labour council I or, John Mains, was suspended f'or

protesting at the decision to vote on the sale of'

the Merryl ee houses. (53) For the proposal to sell

the houses 56 Progressives voted in f'avour and the

Labour votes were not counted as they carried on

the i 1" protest; a f'actor which was to be of' utmost

concern to Labour councillors in the f'urther

meetings of' the Corporation. In any case Glasgow

Corporation was now in f'avour of' selling the

Merrylee houses. One report in a prominent journal

summed up the situation cogently:

" ••• Now the action at' the Council seeas to have

set ot't' a spark. It may flicker out. It could quite

as easily hurst -into a t'"(54)

Within days of this decision being taken

worki ng cl ass organisations throughout Glasgow

stepped up the campaign against the proposed sal e.

Socialist organisations in Glasgow at this time had

a novel way of' advertising their meetings by

daubi ng the streets with chal k paint, and many of'

the streets were plastered with paint as public

meetings were organised throughout the city. It was

around this time that real divisions began to


appear between those who wanted to keep the protest

within the confines of representative democracy and

those who wanted to combine such action with more

direct forms of protest. These divisions became

apparent at a raIl y organised by the Labour Party

on the 12th of December. wi th over I, 500 peopl e

present. After pledging their support for

oppos i tion to the sal e of the Merryl ee houses the

Labour MPs present were challenged to support

demonstrations and strikes against the proposed

sal e. The MPs refused to back such a propos it ion,

but others present were not so reticent:

"We'll have our own delDOnstration now and we'll

succeed in blacking this Job at Merrylee . . . . . I

gl ve the assurance that i t will be over our dead

bodies that they build those houses at

Merrylee". (55)

The Labour Group on the Corporation also

expressed their opposition to such action and

stated that they were • perturbed by this reaction

by a militant Left-wing section amongst the

building tradesmen' . (56) A Labour Party

spokesperson went as far as to describe the

situation as being' quite dangerous', adding that.

• it may impede industrial recovery'. continuing,

'the Labour Group do not countenance any unofficial


and unconstitutional action on the industrial

side' . (57) Despite these warnings the planned

demonstration went ahead when the Housing Committee

met on the 20th December. Nevertheless, the

warnings had some effect with around 1,500 people

taking part in the demonstration, instead of the

10,000 which the organisers had hoped for. This did

not prevent them from gaining entrance to the City

Chambers where they were ignored by the Housing

Committee. The elected representatives had decided

that the decision about the sale of council houses

was to be conducted within the confines of

representative democracy, where the views of

working class organisations would only be heard

through Labour councillors. For their part, the

Labour councillors, while willing to listen to

deputations of groups opposed to the sal e, were

intent on retaining hegemonic control over the

campaign against the sale of the Merrylee houses.

The Labour Group on the Corporation, and possibl y

the Labour Party i tsel f, was more hopeful of

petitions and representations being made within

Gl asgow Corporation and to the Secretary of State

for Scotland than direct action and strikes to

prevent the sale going ahead. An almost identical

approach was adopted by the General Council of the

STUC. (58) The similarities with both organisations


present rejection of 'unl awful activity' in

opposition to the Poll Tax are obvious (see M.

Lavalette and G. Mooney, 1989).

Around this time a Joint Committee to Prevent

the Sal e of Merryl ee Houses, (convened under the

auspices of J. & G. Weir's Joint Shop Trades

Committee) was formed, in an attempt to combine all

the various organisations opposed to the move. The

futility of depending on the goodwill of government

ministers was borne out when this group sent a

del egation of around 100 members to ask the

Secretary of State for Scotland to overule the

Corporation's decision. The Secretary of State

ignored them and left i t to an official for housing

to speak to them. They were al so prevented from

marching through the streets of Edinburgh to

demonstrate their anger at the decision of Glasgow

Corporation to go ahead with the sale, and 'many

police were noticeable in the vicinity of the

deputation' . (59) The state's contempt for working

cl ass protest coul d not have been expressed more

clearly than this. Meanwhil e. the Labour Group

continued with their own protest within the

confines of the City Chambers. Their protests in

the closing week of 1951 were limited to procedural

WTanglings over the accuracy of council minutes


from previous meetings and accusations that the

Progressi ves were encouraging 'queue Jumping' by

their proposal to sell the Merrylee houses. It was

in this context that one Labour councillor

suggested that the Labour Party had never been

against the principle of owner-occupation, but that

under the existing deplorable housing conditions

they coul d not support the proposal to sell the

houses at Merrylee. (60) This attitude was no doubt

behind the later criticisms by the I.L.P. that the

Labour Party were merel y opposing the sal e of the

Merrylee houses on 'electioneering grounds'. (61)

In any event, the campaign against the sale

continued along the same lines into the new year of

1952, with the Labour group continuing to challenge

the accuracy of the minutes of previous Corporation

meetings. and threatening I egal action over the

issue. (62) However. the discussion about the

proposed sale was widened in early January when

separate delegations from the Scottish Trades Union

Congress (STUC) and Glasgow Labour MPs met with the

Secretary of State for Scotl and 'in pri vate'. One

other del egation representing 24- organisations in

GI asgow had to content themsel yes wi th a meet i ng

wi th the Under-Secretary of State. whi I e a group

representing Edinburgh's homel ess were refused a


hearing. The fact that Glasgow Corporation might be

allowed to continue with the sale of the Merrylee

houses was now being seen by groups in other areas

as a threat to the whole notion of state provided

hous i ng; and allover Scotl and a great wi despread

opposition and protest was mobilised. If the sale

of council housing was allowed to go ahead in

Glasgow i t was feared that other local authorities

woul d adopt simil ar strategies; two other council s

had already made proposals to build houses for sale

and nine others had made inquiries. (63) The two

, official' delegations of Labour MFs and STUC

representatives <,.rere given an 'assurance' by the

Secretary of State that onl y peopl e with urgent

housing need would be able to buy any council

houses that were sold. The MFs, for their part,

were "hopeful that reason woul d prevail". (64-) By

appeal ing to 'reason' it seems as if some of the

'leaders' of labour organisations in Glasgow <,.rere

unaware of the political and ideological distance

which had now been opened up between working people

who depended on council housing and those who were

responsible for providing them. Their 'hopes' <,.rere

not shared by the Progressive leaders of the

Corporation, whose leader had no desire to

compromise when he described the houses at Merrylee


as: "The most saleable little property I have


Those who \\?ere opposed to the sal e \\?ere not

deterred by such pomposity. Within t\\?enty-f'our

hours of' this speech being made the Joint

Committee which had been f'ormed to prevent the sale

of' the Merrylee houses called on workers to strike

f'or half' a day and take part in a demonstration on

the 30th of' January, the day when the Hous i ng

Committee \\?ere due to meet. The organisers of' this

campaign held protest meetings throughout the city.

with mass meetings in public halls. outside

f'actories and Corporation building sites at

lunchtime. They \\?ere determined to gather the

support of' as many working class people and

organisations in Glasgow against the proposed sale

and \\?ere adamant that their agitation would

continue. The legal representati ves of' the state

had other ideas. Three days bef'ore the planned

demonstration was to take pI ace in George Square,

Glasgow magistrates invoked the Public Order Act

1936 on the procession. This was the f'irst time

this Act had been used in Glasgow, though meetings

had been banned in George Square since the 1908

unemployed demonstrations. (66).


The demonstration went ahead. and, despite the

f act that the magistrates had imposed a ban on

marches in George Square (the site of' the City

Chambers), nine deputations 'from among the 2,000

demonstrators marched into the main entrance o'f the

City Chambers. Again they were denied a hearing by

the Progressives on the Corporation, who were more

concerned with approving the conditions laid down

by the Secretary of State for the sal e of the

Merryl ee houses. The Secretary o'f State had now

disregarded all the protests and deputations that

had been made to him on behalf' o'f all those opposed

to the sale. He had now given his consent to the

proposal to sell the houses at Merrylee on

conditions which were virtually the same as those

I aid down by the Progressi ves. The houses were to

be sold to tenants of Corporation houses, persons

requiring accomodation f'or reasons of' ill-heal th

(for example, tuberculous patients), and persons

who were at the time on the waiting I ist 'for houses

and who would, according to Corporation letting

pol icy. be o'ffered a house within a year. The

Secretary of' State also included one additional,

and quite novel, stipulation that provision must be

made 'to ensure that the houses are not resold at a

profit by their purchasers.' (67) The period

specified under this clause was three years, and as


we now know it is simil ar to the 1980 'Right to

Buy' I egisl ation. So even this pol icy development

was to have 'unintended consequences' for future

generations of council tenants. The proposal to

sell the Merrylee houses under these conditions was

again carried by the Housing Committee by 19 votes

to 17. The conditions attached to the sal e were

also approved at a full meeting of the Corporation

on February the 22nd 1952.

By now there were over 1,000 applications

to buy the houses at Merryl ee (i ncl udi ng 90 f'rom

existing Corporation tenants>, with some 200

completing the application schedules drawn up by

the city f'actor's department. Perhaps as a resul t

of' this apparent success, the Progressives on the

Corporation began to increase their attacks on the

whole notion of state provided housing. Macpherson-

Rait was at the forefront of these attacks:

" •. in GI asgow 25 per cent of' the houses

aval iable to let were municipal houses and 75 per

cent were privately owned. The municipal houses

carried a Government subsidy. but since 194-5 that

had not met the gap between rent pI us subsidy and

the total cost. Between May 194-6 and May 1951,

£2,628.000 had been paid f'rom the rates. That meant

that 75 per cent of' the people- those living In


factor's houses- ~re subsidising those who had

corporation houses". (68 >

The ideology of' the 'oversubsidised' council

tenant was now being used with a vengance to

justif'y the sale of the Merrylee houses. The fact

that 31 of the 53 Labour council I ors, and 6 of'

Glasgow's Labour MFs, were Corporation tenants may

have been behind this scaremongering. To their

credit, some Labour councillors challenged the

importance attached to the finance of housing,

emphasising that social need was just as important.

The campaign against the sale continued. with

protest meetings throughout the city. opposition

from the STUC and Labour MFs. HO<Never, by the end

of April 1952, 8 of the houses at Merrylee had been

processed for sale and a further 96 appl ications

for purchase were being processed by the Town

CI erk. Of' these appl icants onl y 23 <Nere existing

Corporation tenants and 7 from the waiting list.

With an election now only weeks away the

campaign took an unusual twist. One prospective

Labour candidate for the municipal elections, a Mr

William Meikle <Parkhead Ward>, applied to buy one

of the houses at Merryl ee. His excuse was that he

made the application 'only for the purpose of'

establishing in my mind once and for all precisely


what it costs to get one.' (69) As the prices for

the Merrylee houses had already been decided by the

Corporation, and had been advertised in the Glasgow

press as early as November 1951, Glasgow City

Labour Party ref'used to accept this explanation

and, despite being supported by at least two

GI asgow Labour MPs, they expelled Meikle from the

party. The Merrylee issue was the most important

factor for all parties in the election, and this

was in no small part due to those i nvol ved in the

campaign group which had been set up to oppose the

sale. They continued the agitation right up to

polling day, daubing the streets with slogans and

were present outside most polling stations. (70). On

the day in whi ch the el ect i on was taki ng pI ace in

Glasgow, 7th May 1952, the Secretary of State for

Scotland, speaking in the House of Commons, was now

distancing himsel f' from the decision to sell the

houses at Merrylee. stating that:

.. __ he bad no po~rs to intervene 1 n regard to

the plans f'or the disposal of' houses at Merrylee

Road, GI asgow.. _ . the houses are not all compl eted

yet and are watching this aatter very

caref'ull y". (71)

For someone who had taken such an interest in

what was happening in Glasgow at this time, and


whose consent was required for the sale to go

ahead, this was a real reversal in attitude. The

reason for this was not long in coming. On the same

day that the Secretary of State was making his

statement in London, Labour were returned to power

in Glasgow with a majority of 15, overturning the

previous Progressive majority of 5. The Labour

leader's first statement on the election was on the

issue of the Merrylee houses:

"We will take the earl lest opportunity of

making all the Merrylee houses which have not been

sold available to those In want". (72)

On the 29th of May 1952 the plan to sell the

houses at Merrylee was Feversed by the newly

elected Labour council. The main election issue was

the Merrylee houses and the Labour party was

forced, by the sheer strength of the campaign

against the sale of these houses, to give a

commitment to reverse the Progressives origi nal

proposal. It was on the basis of making the

Merryl ee houses avail abl e for I etti ng rather than

for sale that Labour were elected in early May.

They had no option but to carry this pledge out and

the Merrylee houses were allocated under the

existing Corporation procedures. (73) There is no

doubt that, for the many worki ng cl ass and


socialist organisations involved in the campaign

against the sale of the Merrylee houses, this was a

victorious outcome to a campaign that had involved

the mobilisation of thousands of Glaswegians and

had long-t.erm impl ications for housing pol icy in

the ci ty. It woul d be some years before such a

serious proposal to sell off council houses was

heard in GI a.sgow aga.i n.

2.5 Conclusion

What has been emphasised in the preceding

discussion is that, the collective demands of the

working class at an apparently 'locality' level

have been more decisive in the development of

housi ng pol icy than has been acknowl edged to date.

The provision of council housing, in GI asgow at

I east, did not. represent an inevitable and

.progressive step in pol icy making. The squatters'

and the Merrylee campaigns had a major and

determining infl uence on t.he provision of council

housing in the post-war years.

During the period under discussion, class

int.erests and class relations remained crucial in

structuring and determining struggles organised

around other int.erest.s in civil society and in

pol i t lcal formation: namely struggles over the

provision of local authorit.y housing to let. What


this suggests is that, alongside struggles over

production (I.e. in f'actories>, the struggle over

the reproduct i on of' I abour power was regarded as

significant by many sections of' the working class,

in Glasgow at least, during the immediate post-war

years. Theref'ore, contrary to Butt's suggestion,

action around housing issues during these years did

not lead to the adoption of a 'paler shade of' Red

Clydeside'.(74-) While there may not have been a

'revolutionary moment' in Glasgow in the 194-0s and

1950s, the campaIgn over housing condItions

remained at the top of' the polItIcal agenda,

especially f'or working class GlaswegIans.

Nevertheless, It is essential to acknowledge

that collective action around housing issues are

not simple automatic responses to negative

situations. This type of' action is creative and

purposIve, arises out of' a series of' complex socIal

and political conditions withIn a given 'localIty'.

From the analysis contained in the preceeding

dicussion of' events in Glasgow in the early 1950s,

it seems that at least fIve conditions are

necessary for the development of' the kind of

collective identity and organisation we have in

mind here:

1) The existence of a large number of people in

the same situation;

2) Geographical concentration;

3) Identifiable targets of opposition;

4) Sudden events or changes in social position;

5) A politically experienced leadership which

can articulate readily understood goals.

All o~ these elements, in one form or another,

were present in both the squatters' movement and

the campaign against the sale of the Merrylee

houses. There was a large percentage of the

popul ation living in appall ing housi ng conditions

within the city of Glasgow. Both the squatters and

the Merrylee campaigners had an easily recognisable

opponent in Glasgow Corporation, the body with the

responsibil ity o~ providing them with houses. In

the case of the squatters the events of the war

years had exacerbated the housing situation in

Glasgow and. there~ore, altered the whole position

regarding the allocation of houses. The Merryl ee

campaign began. as we have seen, as a resul t of a

proposed change in the way that the houses were to

be allocated. Agai n, both the squat t i ng movement

and the Merrylee campaign were led by 'organic

intellectuals' of the working class, mainly members


of the Conununist Party. The process by which they

were abl e to gain substantial support for these

campaigns was I argel y dependent on the fact that

many working men and women in Glasgow had a

'vision' of municipal housing as a basic human and

political right which the Conununist Party was able

to tap into. The irony is that this vision had been

created in the inter-war years by the I.L.P .• who

had then been dubbed as 'social facists' led astray

by 'reformist illusions' by the sectarian Conununist

Party. The remainder of this concl usion will

attempt to indicate briefly the significance of the

events under discussion in this paper.

By taking direct forms of action to provide a

shelter for their families, squatters were

chall engi ng the 'rules' relating to the allocation

of property. The historical context of the

squatters' movement should not be ignored. The

state had already shown, during the war years, that

it was capable of overriding private property

interests for the public good, by requisitioning

property. The demands of the squatters in the

immediate post-war years was for similar action to

be taken on behalf of the homeless, in a peacetime

situation. These demands were initially ignored by

the state and it was only through direct action


that the government rinally gave in to the demands

of the squatters and allowed them to occupy the

Nissen huts on the Army camps, under the management

of local authorities. This form of squatting was

popul ar but, when it extended to pri vate property

through the urgings of the Communist Party the

state could not be seen to stand idly by. Through a

combination or propaganda and criminal prosecutions

the state astutely prevented this form of squatting

from spreading. Support for the squatters seemed to

fall away at this point and those who occupied the

Army camps, which were in inconspicuous locations

away from city centres, were allowed to remain in

peaceful, but not always pleasant, surroundings. In

some respects, therefore, whil e there was popul ar

support for the squatters the attempts to widen and

strengthen the politicisation or squatting were

unsuccessful. While some workers, notably the

miners in Lanarkshire, showed support for those who

were homeless or living in overcrowded accomodation

the trade union movement and wider I abour movement

failed to fully mobilise their sympathy ror the

squatters' into any kind of errective industrial

action which would have backed the squatters

demands. Despite these negative elements the

squatting movement or 1946, in Glasgow and beyond,

continually· appl led the necessary pressure on the


state to provide housing for the working cl asses.

Their highly publ icised and highly successful

activities ensured that the government would have

to respond in some way to the appall i ng hous i ng

conditions in British towns and cities in the post-

war years.

The campaign against the sale of council houses

at Merrylee was a far more significant event in

many ways. This was the first time that a local

authority in Britain made a serious attempt to sell

off a whole estate of houses which were originally

intended for letting as council houses. This

chall enge to the prov i s i on of counc i I hous i ng was

met with a 'spontaneous' response from a wide range

of working cl ass and social ist organisations in

Gl asgow. The ideology behi nd the proposal to sell

these houses was apparent from the beginning- 'good

quality housing is not for letting to working class

tenants'. The 'organic intellectuals' of the

worki ng cl ass in Glasgow, to follow Gramsci t

recognised this ideology for what it was and

responded with a massive fightback which was part

of "the struggl e for hegemony" . They recognised

that the practical outcome of such a pol icy would

have drastic consequences for the provision of

housing in the city and through such an


understanding, were able to mobil ise thousands of'

working cl ass GI aswegians behind the campaign to

pre vent the sal e go i ng ahead. As we have seen,

there were some leading f'igures in the labour

movement in Glasgow who objected to their tactics

of demonstrations and strikes to prevent the sale

and attempted to keep the opposition to the

proposal within more' legitimate' forms of' protest.

This ' ideology of Labourism' has a long historical

tradition within working class politics and it is

really not that surprising that it should have

surfaced in this context (see D. Rubenstein, 1979;

and R. Miliband. 1973). It might he suggested that

in the dispute over the sale of' the Merrylee houses

that this ideology proved to be more successf'ul. as

it was only when the Labour Party were returned to

power that the proposal to sell the houses was

reversed. This would be a misinterpretation and

distortion of these events. It was through the

campaign organised by building workers, tenants'

associations, women's groups and other working

class organisations in Glasgow that the real

opposition to the sale of the Merrylee houses was

mobil ised. Without their 'spontaneous' action the

campaign against the sale and the alternative case

f'or council housing would not have rec~~ved the

widespread publicity and support that became


essential to the success of the oppos it ion.

Therefore, while Castells may be correct in

suggesting that cities are • I iving systems, made,

transformed and experienced by people' (75), the

important point to emphasise is that these events

are not to be anal ysed in the context of I urban

soc ial movements' but, rather, as part of the

overall struggle of the working class for better,

cheaper housing. The squatters' movement and the

Merrylee campaign were, quite simply, part of the

Glasgow working class counter-hegemonic struggle

for good council housing for workers at rents they

coul d aff ord.




1. A. Melucci (1989). p12.

2. M. Foot (1975). p59. Foot provides an

interesting account of disputes on housing pol icy

wi thi n the Cabi net and between Bevan and the Tory

oppos i t ion.

3. P. Addison (1985). pil.

4. Anuerin Bevan, in House of Commons debates 1945-

46 Vol 414; Col 1222.

5. Anuerin Bevan. in House of Commons debates 1945-

46, Vol 414 Col 1224.

6. In Gl asgow, the proposals contained in the

governments • Housing Programme for 1947 only

allowed for 3,644 houses to be completed in that

year. Given the conditions that prevailed at the

time this was grossly inadequate. In actual fact,

only 2,944 municipal houses were built in that

year, 1,438 of these being temporary houses. (see

Corporation of the City of Glasgow Housing

Committee. 1966. p45). Figures for house building

for the period after 1947 were as follows: 1949-

217,240, 1950- 210,253. 1951- 204,117. (Source: A.

Sked and C. Cook (1979>. p47.


7. Anuerin Bevan. Hansard 1948-49, Vol 468. Co1186.

8. Harold Macmillan, Hansard 1951. Vo1494. Col's


9. See Harry McShane GI asgow Wants- Houses In A

Hurry. (Undated, circa 1945/6) p4. Pamphlet

published by the Scottish Committee of the

Communist Party of Great Britain. My thanks are due

to Audrey Canning of the Scottish Gallacher

Memorial Library for providing me with this and

other references. The figures for GI asgow' s

population at this time are derived from the

Corporation of GI asgow, Facts and Figures. 1974.

Held in the Glasgow Room of the Mitchell library.

10. Quoted in Harry Mcshane ibid p2.

11. J. Cunni son and J. B. S. Gil fill an [Ed' s1 (1958).

'Made-Down' is a term that was used to refer to the

subdivision of houses for the unskilled poor, often

in former middle class areas of the city. For a

discussion of this see- S. Damer (1990). pp72-73.

12. Glasgow Herald 16-9-46.

13. Councillor James McInnes, Sub-Convener of

Housing Committee. (Undated, circa 1946) 'Glasgow's

Housing Progress', p17. Pamphl et pub I i shed by

Glasgow Trades Council, City Labour Party and

Glasgow & District Co-operative Conference


Association. This pamphlet was written as a direct

response to the criticisms made by the Communist

Party, and particularly Harry McShane. See S. Damer

(1990) pp170-71 ~or a discussion o~ corruption and

council house allocations in Glasgow.

14. Taped interview with Ms R. 18-9-90.

15. Harry McShane (Undated, circa 1947) Glasgow's

Housing Disgrace! .. An Exposure and the Way Out.

Pamphlet published by the Glasgow City Committee o~

the Communist Party. p3. Again, thanks to Audrey


16. Bob Saunders. (1974). p26.

17. Conservative M.P., Quintin Hogg, Parliamentary

Proceedings Vol 386, Col 1918; 194-4-.

18. P. Addison (1985), gives some account o~ the

extent o~ squatting in Britain in this period. The

actual term 'squatter' was reI ati vel y unknown at

this Juncture. Another use~ul book. which includes

a chapter on the Post-War Squatters by Andrew

Friend, is N. Anning et al (1980).

19. Mr Michael Ward. Quoted in Glasgow Herald 23-8-


20. Quoted in Bob Saunders, ibid p27.

21. See Linda Mackenney [Ed] (1985>' One o~ the

origi nal cast o~ Glasgow Unity Theatre has


indicated to me that some of those who appeared in

the original production of The Gorbal s Story were

in their late teens or early twenties, with a sole

interest in the theatre. However, by taking part in

the pI ay they all became more aware of housing

conditions in Glasgow and were politicised as a

result. <personal communication with Alrea Edwards,

now with Clyde Unity Theatre, 16-5-90}. The older

members of the cast probably played a part in this

politicisation, as they had been political

activists from the days of the 1930s workers

theatre. While Peter Mcintyre was one of the

• leaders' of the squatters' movement he was not

actually squatting himself.

22. The Economist 24-8-46. The press in Glasgow

were not as vociferous in their support of

squatting. as expressed in The Bulletin editorial

of 17-9-46: ..... If' not checked it could produce

only chaos. the sort of complete disorder in which

any particular want ~uld be simply regarded as the

right to take".

23. Glasgow Herald 6-9-46.

24. Glasgow Herald, 20-9-46.

25. Peter McIntyre, quoted in Glasgow Herald 18-9-


26. George Buchanan, quoted in Glasgow Herald 16-9-


27. Peter McIntyre, quoted in Glasgow Herald 16-9-


28. P. Cal vocoressi. <1978>' p134-.

29. A. Bevan, quoted in M. Foot (1975). p81.

30. Harry Pollitt, general secretary of the

Communist Party. speaking at a pub I ic meeting in

support of the squatters in London on the 12th of

September 1946. Quoted in The Bulletin 13-9-46.

While speaking in support of the squatters Pollitt

referred to the fact that the Labour government had

been abl e to prov ide houses for the 40,000 Pol es

who he suggested 'ought to be back in their own

country' . Quoted in John Mahon. (1976 ) Harry

Pollitt: A Biography. London: Lawrence and Wishart.

p320. So, despite his attempts to sound progressive

in relation to the squatters, Pollitt was

inacapable of realising the racism inherent in this

anal ysis.

31. See Peter Dickens 'Squatting and the State' in

New Society 5-5-77. pp219-221.

32. J. R. Short. (1982). p42.

33. Neil McCall um. 'In Transit' I in the New

Statesman & Nation, March 1st 1952. One person who


was brought up in a squatters' camp in Glasgow from

1946 to the mid-1950s has outl ined the problems

that she and her famil y suffered as a consequence

of the stigma attached to squatters, and the

treatment they were subjected to by different

sections of the local state. This woman did not

leave the squatters' camp until she was twelve

years 01 d and has suffered Ii fel ong psychological

consequences as a resul t of her experi ences. When

referring to her childhood she often hid the fact

that she lived in a squatters' camp. preferring to

tell peopl e that she was brought up in Castl emil k,

the scheme she moved to as a child. (taped

interview with Mrs M. 28-8-90).

34-. Housing organisations and tenants' associations

campaigned against cuts in the bu i 1 di ng programme

throughout 1947. On one occasion they held a

meeting in Gl asgow with over 150 del egates from

different parts of Scotl and representing over 4-0

organisations with a total membership of around

14-,000. See Glasgow Herald 8-12-4-7.

35. This was the headl ine of a Housing Department

Publication during these years. See Housing News in

Glasgow Room of Mitchell Library VI-7 14-6-54-.

36. C. Brogan. (1952) . p216. Brogan was the doyen

of right wing pol emicists in the 1 ate 194-0s and


early 1950s. Among other things, he publ ished a

derisory account of the leading figures in the 1945

Labour government- Our New Masters. London: Hollis

and Carter 1948. He also managed to write one of

the worst books ever published about Glasgow.

37. Progressive was the somewhat ironical and

paradoxical title chosen by the Conservative Party

in Glasgow at this time. The Moderate Party, which

was founded in 1920, began referring to themselves

as Progressives in the late 1920s and when the

party was re-organised in 1936 it became known as

the Progressi ve Party. The Moderate Party i tsel f

had grown out of' a loose anti-Socialist alliance

called the Citizen's Union which was f'ounded in

1898. The Moderate Party had set itself the task of

rallying Liberals and Unionists against 'extremist

candidates'. The main information in this section

was derived from two publications- Fred Douglas

(circa 1944) ; and H. J. Hanham (1969) . p195.

Unfortunately. the Conservative Party in Scotland

do not have the records for this period and I was

unable to trace either the origin of this title or

debates within the Conservative Party on the sale

of council houses. The Labour Party in Scotland do

not have archive material for this period either.

Personal communications.

38. A. Macpherson-Rait, quoted in Glasgow Herald 6-

9-51. Macpherson-Rait had became a councillor in

1937. He served as a staff captain in the first

word war, in which he earned a mil itary M. B. E. He

started a career as an architect-surveyor, before

starting up his own company manufacturing fashion

garments. He owned a fashion shop in Hope Street

Glasgow, which closed down in the late-1980s. See

Glasg'ow Scrapbooks Vo18, pI, in the Glasgow Room,

Mitchell library.

39. London Times 29-11-51.

40. Glasgow Herald 29-11-51.

41. Councillor James R. Duncan <Labour Housing

Convener), quoted in the Gl asgow Heral d 30-5-52.

The other 'high-amenity' scheme built in the post-

war years was Auldhouse.

42. Forward 8-12-51.

43. John Lawrence, possibly the main Private

builder in Glasgow at the time, quoted in The

Bulletin and Scots Pictorial 7-9-51.[hereafter The

Bulletin.]. Andrew Mickle, president of the

Scottish House Builders Association, while

supporting the move by Glasgow Corporation summed

up the fears of pri vate buil ders when he stated

that; "we don't want them competing with us


i ndef ini tel y ... ibid. The Bulletin itself was in

favour of the Corporation selling older council

houses, but argued that local authorities should

not take on the role of building new houses for

sale. Mickle's partner in the building firm he

owned in Glasgow was John McTaggart, who was a

former member of the ILP.

44. Mr Edward Donaldson, then a shop steward on the

Cranhill site quoted in the Glasgow Herald 4-12-51.

Along with his col I eague- and fellow Merrylee

campaigner- Les Forster, Ned Donaldson is writing a

book on the Merryl ee campaign to be publ ished by

Clydeside Press in the near future.

45. The Bulletin, 4-12-51.

46. Taped interview with Ms R. 18-9-90.

47. The Bulletin, 7-12-51.

48. Poem by R. Fraser <circa 1951-52), in The

Housing Swindle. Pamphlet produced by Glasgow

Communist Party.

49. The Glasgow Herald, 7-12-51. This report

conflicts slightly with an account given by one of

the demonstrators who was at the front of the

march. Ned Donal dson has suggested that a young

pol ice officer attempted to hit him on the head

with a baton which was knocked out of his hand by


the sergeant at his side. The sergeant scolded the

younger officer and told him he could start a riot

if he had made contact. <Ned Donaldson, speaking at

a public meeting on housing in the People's Palace

27-5-90> .

50. London Times, 7-12-51. Ned Donaldson claims

that a number of the women gained entry to the

meeting of the Corporation, and one of them

produced a rat to the counc ill ors present as an

indication of the appalling conditions that people

were living in.

51. Councillor Andrew Hood, quoted in Glasgow

Herald 7-12-52. The Trades Council was officially

suspended at this time by the Scottish T. U. C. and

no records of their minutes exist for this period.

Glasgow Trades Council was eventually dissafiliated

from the STUC, over a dispute about a motion at the

1951 Congress on the Labour governement's peace

proposal s. The di spute was bas i call y between some

Communist Party members, who favoured the Five-

Power Pact and those who wished to defend Labour's

position on rearmament. (see Angela Tuckett. (1986)

The Scottish Trades Union Congress: The First 80

Years 1897-1977. Edinburgh: Mainstream Publishing

and STUC. pp334.-339. AI so STUC Congress Bull et i n,

February 1952).

53. Minutes of the Corporation of Gl asgow, 6th

December 1951, p1284.

54. New Statesman & Nation, December 15th 1951.

55. Les Forster, building trade shop-steward on the

Cranhill site, quoted in The Bulletin 13-12-51, and

The Glasgow Herald 13-12-51.

56. Glasgow Herald 15-12-51.

57. The Bulletin 14-12-51. The editor of the

Bulletin was obviously perturbed by this situation

and suggested a remedy to his/her readers

accordingly: - •.• i t calls for a firm warning to

trade unionists that democratic :freedom has its

responsibil ities in the way o:f conformity to the

rules. And i t should be accompanied by an equally

firm warning :from the trade union leaders that any

"militancy·' or strike will involve the penalties of

unof:ficial action".

58. The STUC's position was identical to Glasgow s

Labour council I or's and led to a dispute at the

1952 Congress in Perth where one del gate, William

Towell, (an acti ve trade unionist, Communist and

tenants' representative) challenged the leadership

of the STUC to take more mil i tant action on the

Merryl ee issue. See Fi fty-Fi fth Annual Report of

the STUC. pp220-221. In Gallacher Memorial Library.


59. Glasgow Herald 24-12-51.

60. Labour counc ill or T. G. McLure. quoted in the

Glasgow Herald 21-12-51.

61. Mr David Gibson speaking at the annual

conference of the Scottish Independent Labour

Party, quoted in the Glasgow Herald 11-2-52. Gibson

al so suggested that part of the reason for the

Progressives proposal to sell the houses at

Merrylee arose from the fact that the words

'working class' had been eliminated from the powers

given to local authorities to build houses by an

Act pased by a Labour government. [He was referring

to the 1949 Housing Act].

62. Andrew Hood, leader of the Labour group, quoted

in The Bulletin 11-1-52.

63. T. D. Gal brai th, Under-Secretary of' State for

Scotland, speaking in the House of Commons on 5th

of February 1952 suggested that the local

authorities in Prestwick and Cambeltown had put

forward proposals to sell some of' their new houses,

and nine others had made inqu i r ies. See The

Bulletin 6-2-52. Opposition to the proposed sale

was al so expressed at this time by the Executi ve

Council of the Union of Shop Distributive and

All ied Workers at a month! y meet i ng in London on

the 13-1-52. See the Glasgow Herald 14-1-52. There


were protest movements of workers and homeless

families against the sale of the Merrylee houses in

Edinburgh. Vale of Leven and in many other parts of

Scotl and.

64. J olm M' Goveran. Labour MP for Shettleston,

quoted in the Glasgow Herald 3-1-52.

65. Councillor A. Macpherson-Rait, speaking at the

annual dinner of the GI asgow and West of Scotl and

PI umbers' and Domestic Engineers' <Employers>

Association on 11-1-52. Quoted in the Glasgow

Heral d 12-1-52.

66. The Public Order Act 1936 was: "born out o-C the

-Cascist marches o-C the 1930s, prohibited quasi-

military organisations and the wearing o-C uni-Coras

-Cor political objects. It developed pol ice powers

to keep the peace at processions by providing -Cor

the imposition o-C conditions, usually rerouting.

where serious public disorder was apprehended, and,

in except lonal circumstances, -Cor banning

processions altogether". [ Peter Thornton. <1987 )

Public Order Law. London: Financial Trading

Publications Ltd. pl.].

67. These conditions are set out in a letter from

the Secretary of State dated 28th January 1952. See


minutes of the Corporation of Glasgow 30th January

1952. p1578. In S.R.A.: Cl/3/124A.

68. Councillor A. Macpherson-Rait speaking at the

meeting of Glasgow Corporation on the 21st February

1952. Quoted in the Glasgow Herald 22-2-52.

69. The Bulletin 2-5-52.

70. Evidence for this is apparent in a film called

Let Glasgow Flourish. produced at the time by

people involved in the campaign against the sale of

Merryl ee houses, and avail abl e from the Scottish

Film Archive. Thanks to Janet McBain for providing

me with this film. The film was made by members of

the Dawn Cine Group as part of their attempts to

revive the \\7Orkers cinema of the 1930s. Thanks to

Douglas Allen for this information and other

comments on this chapter.

71. Mr James Stuart, Secretary of State for

Scotland. speaking in the House of Commons 6th May

1952. Quoted in the Glasgow Herald 7-5-52.

72. Andrew Hood, I eader of the Labour group on

Glasgow Corporation, quoted in The Bulletin 7-5-52.

73. Most of the Corporation's output of housing at

this time comprised of tenements (95%). Merryl ee,

however, was a 'high-amenity' scheme and few of the


houses were let to Roman Catholics. See M. Horsey.

( 1990 ). pp35-36.

74. See J. Butt (1978). p165.

75. Manuel Castells, (1983).



Some o£ the OrKanisations Involved In Merrylee


1. Amalgamated Engineering Union, Milton Branch.

2. Amalgamated Engineering Union,G. & J. Weir, Ltd,

Joint Trades Committee.

3. Amalgamated Engineering Union (Jas Howden &

Coy's Joint Shop Stewards' Committee).

4. Amalgamated Union o£ Building Trade Workers of

Great Britain and Ireland (Glasgow No 1 Branch).

5. Amalgamated Society of Woodworkers <Glasgow 2nd

Branch) .

6. Anderston (12th) Municipal Ward Committtee.

7. British Railways, St Rollox Works Committee.

8. Bridgeton Housing Association.

9. Cranhill Shop Stewards' Committee.

10. Cowl airs Co-operative Society.

11. Dennistoun Ward Labour Association.

12. Electrical Trades Union (Glasgow West Branch).

13. Electrical Trades Union <Blythswood Branch).


14-. Glasgow Labour Women's Housing Advisory


15. Glasgow Trades Council.

16. Glasgow City Committee of the Communist Party.

17. Glasgow and District Co-operative Association.

18. Glasgow City Labour Party.

19. Glasgow Central Constituency Labour Party.

20. Govan Constituency Labour Party.

21. Gorbals and Hutchesontown Housing Association.

22. Harland and Wolff Shop Stewards' Committee.

23. Hydepark Shop Stewards' Movement.

24-. Independent Labour Party <Glasgow Federation>.

25. Joint Committee to Prevent Sale of Merrylee


26. Kelvingrove Labour Party.

27. National Union of Railwaymen <Glasgow No 12


28. National Union of Railwaymen <Glasgow No 18

Branch) .

29. National Union of Boot and Shoe Operatives.

30. National Federation of Bull ding Trade

Operatives <Glasgow Branch).


31. National Amalgamated Union of Life Assurance

Workers (Gl asgow Branch>.

32. Partick Tenants' Association.

33. Plumbing Department of Yarrows, Scotstoun.

34. Springburn Constituency Labour Party.

35. Shettleston Ward Labour Association.

36. Scottish Trade Union Congress, General Council.

37. Shop Stewards' Committee, Messrs All ey &


38. Shop Stewards' Committee, Messrs Mirlees Watson

& Co, Scotland Street.

39. Shop Stewards' Committee, D.& W. Henderson Ltd.

40. Shop Stewards' Committee. Messrs G. & J. Weir


41. Shop Stewards' Committee. Shieldhall Building


42. Shop Stewards' Committee, Toryglen Building


43. Shop Stewards' Committee S.C.W.S. Shieldhall

44. Tradeston Constituency Labour Party.

45. Transport and General Workers Union (GI asgow

District Committee).

46. Union of Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers

<Parkhead Branch>.

47. United Pattern Makers Association, <Glasgow No

1 Branch>.

Source: Corporation of Glasgow, Minutes of Housing

Coromi ttee from 3rd October 1951 to 21st February





3.1 Introduction

Agitation and protests on the rents issue havc

always figured highly in the history of tenants'

organisations and housing strugglcs. Thc

significance of worki ng cl ass involvement in this

form of direct action, despite the fact that they

have often been localised struggles. is apparent in

the striking material gains which have often

accrued from particular instances of rent strikes.

The most notable example is government intervention

to control rents in response to the GI asgow Rent

Strike of 1915. Several important reasons for

studying rent strikes in a sociological context

have already been outlined by Moorhouse et al:

" .. they ill ustrate cl earl y the creative aspect

or ~rking class lire . . . rent strikes can provoke a

direct physical challenge to the upholders ot'

existing social arrangements •.. such physical

challenges arise rrom the normative challenge to

the status quo which is al ways impl ici t and lDOre or

less expl icit in rent strikes •.. Incipient within

such action is an oppositional statement about

social relations in British society: about the


nature of property o~ership and about control over

JBen's I ives. I I (1)

With the important addition or control over

women's lives. without whose involvement most rent

strikes would never have been organised. this idea

Or a counter-hegemonic struggl e around issues or

social reproduction is crucial to an understanding

of the background to rent strikes. This chapter

will attempt to illustrate the centrality Or these

issues through a discussion or a rent-increase

strike which began in the Arden housing scheme on

the south-west periphery or Glasgow in 1958, and

which spread to other areas or Scotl and as the

campaign developed. The second section will provide

a brief history or rent strikes to emphasize the

ract that. whil e they remain a much understudied

phenomenon. they, have been a persistent part of

tenants l struggles for at least the last one-hundred

years. This will be rollowed by an outline of the

wider issues precipitating the Arden All-Scotland

rent strike, incl uding the state's attempt to de-

control rents in the post-war years. There will

then be a discussion of the Arden rent strike

proper. and a concluding analysis of the

relationship between this campaign and the post-war

tenants' movement in Glasgow.


3.2 Rent Strikes in History

David Englander, in his seminal account of the

relationship between landlord and tenant in urban

Britain, has traced the growth of tenants'

challenges to rent determination from the late

nineteenth-century to the period of the first

worl d-War. (2) Engl ander argues that whil e there is

occas$ional evidence of rent strikes in the earlier

part of the nineteenth century, I ike the one

organised by hand-loom weavers in Bol ton in 1826,

it was not until the late 1880s with the rapid

growth in property owners' associations that the

struggl e between I andl ord and tenant i ntens if i ed.

It is in this context that Englander refers to the

• endemic strife between landlord and tenant in

GI asgow' (D. Engl ander. 1983). He further argues,

however. that the 1915 Rent Restriction Act was the

"inevitable" outcome of a prolonged period of

struggle between landlord and tenant, without fully

explaining why i t was inevitable nor why the state

intervened in 1915. Other commentators have

chall enged this incremental ist version of events

and have specifically emphasised the central role

played by the 1915 Glasgow Rent Strike in

detonating state intervention in rent control and

housing policy during this period:


..... The state was coapelled t;o produce t;he 1919

HousIng and Town PI anning Act; out; of' t;hin air. as

It; had absolut;ely no ltiOrked out; pol icy for the

systematic provision of ""<)rking class

housing. . . • WOrking-class demands had been

articulated to a level where the state had to

intervene to accomodate them. It is my contention

that without the 1915 Rent Strike in Glasgow, there

would have been no 1915 Rents and Mortgage

Restrictions Act. and without the 1915 Act there

would have been no 1919 Housing and Town Planning

Act in the -rorm in which we know i t. . . I •• (3)

[original emphasis].

Darner's cl ass anal ysis has the advantage of

locating the 1915 Rent Strike within a wider

political and economic context. in addition to

providing an interesting. account of the very real

contributions of tenants' organisations and women

in the overall struggle for the amelioration of the

living conditions of the working class. The first

Rent Restriction Act established two fundamental

principles of rent legislation. First, i t prevented

landlords raising rents above the rent being paid

f or a dwell i ng at the outbre ak of war in August

1914, and secondly i t prevented landlords evicting

tenants except in the relatively rare cases it


specified. It gave an new degree of protection to


These themes were continued by Darner in his

examination of the Clydebank Rent Strike of the

1920s (S. Darner. 1985). In this analysis the events

in Clydebank are directly related to the fact that

the 1915 Rent and Mortgage Interest Act, which

froze the rents of small houses (poor people's

houses) at pre-war levels. was intended to be a

temporary measure. The confusion which arose in

this situation led the Government to appoint two

consecutive committees to investigate the affair:

the Hunter Committee of 1918 and the Salisbury

Committee of 1920. The report of the Hunter

committee resul ted in the passing of the Increase

of Rent and Mortgage (Restrictions) Act, 1919,

which doubled the rental limits of ·the Act of 1915.

A similar Act was passed in 1920 as a result of the

deliberations of the Salisbury Committee. The

Increase of Rent and Mortgage Interest

(Restrictions) Act, 1920 trebled the rental 1 irnits

of the 1915 Act. Darner details the widespread

principled opposition to these Acts and explains

how the rent strike progressed in Clydebank both in

the courts and through civil disobedience against

evictions. The rent strike began in 1920 and


continued through to 1927, with large numbers of'

Clydebank tenants paying only "standard" rent. that

is, at the wartime level. Damer argues that the

rent strike was successf'ul on three levels:

(a) iDDDediate empirical gains for the

Clydebank tenants; (b) iJlllDediate and longer term

political gains in terms of Parliamentry

representation for themselves and the Scottish

working class; and (c) longer run eff'ects on the

whole issue of the politics of' social reproduction

of' the working class in housinK'. (4)

Darner's contention is that the CI ydebank

tenants successfully defended their standard of'

1 iving during a period of' mass unemployment and

def'eat for the worki ng cl ass; formed a base f'rom

which the Cl ydeside ILP members were abl e to be

el ected to ParI iament; and prevented the re'moval of'

rent control in the 1920s by organising the Rent


Further Rent Acts were passed in the 1920s and

1930s, each going as far in decontrol as the

relation of' class and political struggle would

allow, and there is some evidence that rent strikes

continued to form an important part of working

class protest throughout the inter-war period <H.F.

Moor,house et aI, 1972). For instance. during the


rent strikes in Stepney and Bethnal Green in London

just prior to the second world war, there were

'pitched battles with bailiffs and police with

barbed wire barricades and pickets on duty day and

night' (P. Piratin, 1978). This rent strike ensured

that the state's aim to abolish rent control had to

be abandoned until after the war. Indeed the

Chamberlain government immediately introduced a new

Rent Restriction Act in 1939, which brought almost

all private landlord tenancies under control:

..... The Act stopped all f'orms of' decontrol and

provided the continuance of' the Rent Acts until six

months af'ter the date declared by Order in Council

to be the end of' the .. emergency". (5)

This situation continued until the Conservative

governments of the 1950s proclaimed their intention

of freeing property owners from rent control. As

the proceeding discussion will illustrate, it was

against this background that the Arden-All Scotland

Rent Strike of 1958 began.

The period after the second world war has also

witnessed a variety of rent strikes in working

cl ass areas of Britain. In 1960 there was a rent

strike involving over 8,000 tenants protesting

against a differential rent scheme introduced by

the local Conservat.i ve council in t.hc London


borough of St Pancras (D. Burn. 1972). In Sheffield

in 1967 tenants' associations organised rent

strikes against the adoption of a rebated rent

scheme by the local Labour council (P. A. Baldock.

1971; and S. Lowe, 1986). Between 1968 and 1970

there was a massive rent strike in the East End of

London against the Conservat i ve-controll ed Greater

London Council's proposal s to introduce a • fair

rents' system for council housing (H.F. Moorehouse

et al. 1972). In 1971 rent strikes were organised

in Derry and West Belfast against the introduction

of internment without trial in Northern Ireland (E.

McAnn. 1992). There is documentary evidence from

over eighty individual local authorities of rent

strikes by council tenants against the 1972 Housing

Finance Act (L. Sklair. 1975). The final wave of

rent strikes took place in the early 1980s against

the forced increases in rents by a number of local

authorities in response to financial cut-backs by

central government. (6) While these examples are

obviously related to different issues they

indicate, by their very diversity. the significance

of such a form of protest in the history of working

class politics in this country. It is obvious from

a reading of the various accounts of these rent

strikes that they were not all successful in

achieving the objectives which they had set


themsel ves. However, this does not mean that we

should diminish the importance of' such issues as

certain interpretations attempt to do:

..... there are no examples in the JlK)dern period,

or even the era of councIl house tenants"

movements, that rent strikes caused anything other

than a local ised impact .•. Most of the evidence

indicates that the rent strike as a political

tactic is extremely difficult to enforce and

frequently ends in disarray and confusion". (7)

The confusion is more apparent in the

interpretation provided by Lowe than in the history

of state rent control and tenants struggl es. The

rent strikes of the inter-war period ensured that

the state's proclaimed intention of' , f'reeing'

property owners from rent control was not to be

achieved on any signif'icant sc.ale. It was not until

the passing of' the 1957 Rent Act, which

decontrolled 800,000 tenants immediatel y and

provided that other properties would be

decontrolled automatically when there was a change

of tenant (known as "creeping decontrol") that this

policy progressed with any degree of' success. It is

the background to this specific piece of

legislation which was responsible for the rent

strike in Glasgow in 1958 and the 'localised


impact' was regarded as a significant factor in

local working class struggle. The fact that this

rent-increase strike spread to all areas of

Scotl and, where the Sottish Special Housing

Association (SSHA) owned and managed houses, goes

some way to disproving Lowe's contention that they

remain 'localised' in terms of their impact or that

they were difficult to organise if a well organised

and active tenants' organisation was present.

Therefore. there are three main reasons :for

including this study of a rent strike in our

discussion. Firstly. it provides an account of the

first post-war attempt at rent decontroli secondly.

the rent-increase strike was organised by SSHA

tenants, and the issues focus on the contradictory

nature of the relationship between tenants and

different , social' landlords; and final I y. the

discussion provides us with additional analysis of

the links between the tenants' movement and wider

housing struggles in early post-war Glasgow.

3.3 The LandI ortis Bill

"In housing our first task was to build uore

homes and i t was done- one and a hal l' lIIIill ion new

homes in the last five years. .As a result of the

progress then made we switched the subsidies to

special needs such as sl um clearance. Now, faced


wi th the prohl em of ng the hest use of the

houses we have got, we are tackling rent

control". (8)

In the early post war years local authorities

and central government concentrated their energies

on the rebuilding of' Britain's housing stock and

little attention was given to rent control

policies. HO\Wever, as the above quotation f'rom

Macmillan makes clear, it was not long bef'ore the

state turned its attention towards such

considerations. The context in which this change

took pI ace was one where the theme of' 'improvi ng

living standards is the strongest of the period'

(B. Will iamson, 1990) . It was against this

hackground that the Conservative Party Conf'erence

passed a resolution on rent control in 1952. which

call ed f'or:

II A review of the Rent Restrictions Acts with a

view to bringing these Acts into line with modern

conditions and remedying the state of affairs which

now makes it impossibl e For owners to carry out

repairs". (9)

In response to this pressure f'rom its own

supporters the Conservative Government published a

White Paper in November 1953 which outlined their

housi ng programme as a whol e hut which was, in


large part, devoted to the • problem' of rent

control. (10) The White Paper was the forerunner to

the Housing Repairs and Rents (Scotl and) Act 1954-.

Thi s Act enabl ed a I andl ord, if he was wholly

responsible for t.he repairs to a house, to claim a

repairs increase of 4-0 per cent of the rent of a

controlled house. This was preceded in May 1953 by

the appointment of a committee, under the

chairmanship of Lord Sorn, to review the system of

val uation and rating. This reported in September

1954-, and was the forerunner to the Val uation and

Rating (Scotland) Act 1956. (11) This Act provided

two major changes: firstl y, the abolition of

• owners' rates and, secondly. a change in the

method of val uation. Despite these changes,

landlords, in the main, failed to achieve the

increased rents that they hoped for. This was

mainly because they refused to spend the

necessaril y I arge sums of capital on improvements.

Tenants usually carried out the repairs themselves,

and landlords had never been interested in doing

repai rs in any case. as the 194-5 Ridl ey Committee

had acknowledged:

"We might say that there is evidence of a

tendency among some owners to look upon house

property as an investment to give a perpetual


income without as much expenditure on repairs or

repl acements". (12)

However. the Government used the 1956 Act as an

ideal opportunity for raising the whole issue of

"low council rents", conciously ignoring the extent

to which council tenants were , subsidising'

themsel ves through rate contributions. The

Secretary of State for Scotland conducted this

offensive in a series of public speeches and

statements. and in circulars to local authorities.

One circular, issued in June of 1956. suggested

that rent had accounted for 10.5 per cent of

average earnings in 1938, but only 4.5 per cent in

1955. The state was urging local authorities to

review rent levels on the principle that, subsidies

should not be gi ven to 'those who do not need

them' and. that no one in 'genuine need of a house

should be asked to pay more rent than he (sic) can

reasonably afford' . (13) Local authorities were

being asked to use the 1956 Act to 'put their rent

levels on a more realistic footing' or, more

precisely. to increase rents on houses buil t and

tenanted after May 1956. This led to a discrepancy

in the assessed rents and the actual rent payed on

different houses. Houses built and tenanted before

May 1956 had their rents frozen for five years,


when they would then be assessed by the City

Assessor who was • cOlOpel1 ed' to base the

assess~ment on rents at 'fair market value'. Houses

built and tenanted after May 1956 could have their

rental s assessed and increased accordi ngl y. These

changes in rent pol icy were part ot' an overall

strategy by the state to raise rents throughout

Scotland. (14-)

Therefore, these series of reports and

parliamentary Acts were used as a political weapon

by the Conservative government to aid private

landlords and to force reluctant Labour-controlled

authorities to raise council house rents. These

deliberations resulted in the passing of the Rent

Act, 1957 which was described by one authority on

the subject thus:

"This Act introduces what is probably the most

extensive system of decontrol in the history of the

Rent Acts. In addition to houses in the London area

and Scotl and wi th a rateabl e val ue exceedi ng £4-0.

and elsewhere in England and Wales exceeding £30,

being taken out of control altogether and proviSion

being made for further decontrol by stages, the Act

entitles landlords to claim decontrol of dwellings

when they come into possession". (15)


The Act was aimed at ending the security that

tenants had enjoyed since the First World War,

extending powers of eviction, and allowed for

increased rentals in decontrolled houses. At a time

when there was a serious shortage of housing in

Scotland, with 124,000 on the waiting list in

Glasgow alone, this Act decontrolled 60,000 houses.

The pol icy of increasing rents fitted into the

dominant ideology of the period, which revolved

around the notion that inequality had been

eradicated and 'prosperi-ity' achieved. The final

piece in the complex legislative jigsaw, the

Housing Subsidies (Scotland) Act, had been passed

earl ier in 1957 almost unnoticed. This Act

developed from a report commissioned by the

Secretary of State for Scotland in 1955. This

committee had argued that:

.. _ •. local author I ties In Engl and and Wal es and

In Northern Ireland obtained in 1955 about twice

the rent income per house which the local

a.uthoritles in Scotland obtained". (16)

While acknowledging that average incomes in

Scotl and were 5 to 7 per cent lower than the UK

average this committee proposed that rents of local

authority houses in Scotl and should be increased.

This was subsequently written into the Act in the


form of a reduction in rate fund contributions to

local authority Housing Revenue Accounts and

increased rental charges for tenants. To repeat the

main thrust of the argument. this was the era of

"you've never had it so good" and working class

tenants of local authority housing were being

forced by the state to pay a I arger proportion of

their income on rents. As one councillor in Glasgow

put it:

"If' people can af'f'ord television sets. they can

af'f'ord to pay rent and rates increases". (17)

3.4 Not A Penny On The Rent

The 1957 Rent Act was opposed by tenants'

associations and the labour and trade union

movement throughout Britain. In early January 1957

a deputation of 100 women from the Saracen,

Craighall and Cowcaddens Tenants' Associations in

Glasgow met with Sir Anthony Eden to protest

against the implications of the Rent Bill. (18) In

late January the National Executive of the Labour

Party detailed plans to organise a nation-wide

campaign against the Act. (19) In mid- February 1957

over 100 tenants, mai nl y women, took part ina

demonstration in George Square, Glasgow to seek the

support of the Labour council in protesting against

the Rent Act. (20) In March, 6 people were arrested


at a demonstration organised by the National

Association of Tenants' and Residents in Trafalgar

Squares London. (21) In October 1957, tenants in

Dumfries who were invol ved in a rent strike, were

supported by striking Sanquhar and Kirconnel miners

in 'the biggest demonstration held in the South of

Scotland for many years'. (22) The simple point

being made here is that there was massive

opposition throughout the country to the whole idea

of rent increases to both private and local

authority houses. Both of the previous sections

have indicated the peculiar situation pertaining to

Scotland, in terms of lower average rentals in the

local authority sector and an intensive period of

tenants' struggl es on the rents issue before the

Second World War.

The state was al so faced with a particul ar

problem in Glasgow in achieving any increase in

rents of local authority houses but, as the

previous section indicated, had armed i tsel f with

ample legislative support with which to proceed.

The Corporation of Glasgow had not increased their

rents since August 1938. After complaints by the

leader of the Progressive Party on Glasgow

Corporation a sept\rate Inquiry, under the Local

Government (Scotl and) Act of 194-7, was set up in


1958. within seven weeks of the original complaint.

This Inquiry was to investigate whether the

Corporation had met with the provisions of section

7:J[ 5] of the Housing (Scotland) Act. 1950. (23)

Local authorities in Scotl and in the I ate 1950s,

under the stipulations of the 1950 Act, were

required to 'from time to time' review rents and

make such changes 'as circumstances may require'.

The author of this inquiry, C. J. D. Shaw, took

evidence for five days before finally ruling that

the Corporation had ignored factors 'essential' to

any proper review of rents. Thereafter. GI asgow

Corporation was forced into reviewing its rents

pol icy and agreed to rai se rents by an average of

2s. 6d. <12J2p) in 1959.

Nevertheless, the overall strategy adopted in

Scotland was to use the 1957 Housing and Subsidies

Act to force local authorities to raise rents, but

this was met with opposition throughout the

country. However, the SSHA, like local authorities,

was obliged by this Act to achieve a 'better

balance' between rents and rates by raising the

rents. The anomal ies between rents of SSHA houses

and those of the local authorities had been raised

as earl y as November 1949 by representati ves of

Glasgow Trades Council. (24) The difference. as one


leading tenant activist of this period pointed out,

was that:

" •.• the SSHA was not an el ected body 1 ike the

eoune i 1 . The Board of Management was appo i nted by

the Secretary of State for Scotl and, so had no

hesitation in informing its tenants of its

intentions to raise rents". (25)

The SSHA had reached an informal agreement

with Glasgow Corporation in October 194-5, not to

charge lower rents for houses of a simi 1 ar size

than the Corporation itself. The idea was to

achieve parity in rental levels. There was also an

agreement that, while the SSHA would build houses,

the Corporation would manage them, and that tenants

would be nominated by the City Factor, the official

charged with maintaining waiting-lists and

allocating houses. (26) This relationship was to be

fundamental I y al tered as a resul t of the SSHA' s

proposal to increase rents. In April 1957 the Board

of Management of the SSHA informed tenants and

local authorities that they were considering

increasing rents on the houses they owned. Prior to

this the SSHA had been obliged to fix rents after

negotiations with individual local authori ties.

Now, with the full authority of the state, it was

determined to impose a general rent increase


throughout Scotland. This was met with a widespread

protest by tenants of SSHA houses, trade unions and

local author i t i es throughout Scotl and, wi th miners

in Kirkaldy, Mid-Lothian and Cumnock threatening

strike action if' the SSHA went ahead with their

proposal. (27) After a thorough review of' the

situation the Board of' Management of' the SSHA. on

the 9th of" ,f anuary 1958, informed local authorities

by 1 etter. and tenants through a press reI ease,

that they would be going ahead wih the rent

increase, which would come into operation in

October 1958. The proposal was that the rent

increase in any particular house would not exceed

7s. 6d (37~p) except in cases where local authority

rents were higher, with a rent rebate scheme f'or

tenants with "household income" of £10. 15s (£10.

75p> a week or less. Tenants claiming a rebate were

required to give particulars of' their household

incomes, which would be 'treated in the strictest

conf'idence' . (28) The rent increase was more than

double the increase imposed by Glasgow Corporation

a year 1 ater. Ref'lecting the dominant ideology of'

the , oversubsidised' council tenant the SSHA

justi fied the proposed rent increase cl earl y i n

their press release:


" •.• the Scottish Special Housing Association

point out that at present the average cost of

providing and maintaining an Association house

(this is the average for all Association houses) is

about 30s a 'Week.. The average rent. on the other

hand. is 6s 7d. a 'Week. This leaves the Exchequer-

in other words the taxpayer- to pay 23s 5d.

The Association take the view that tenants who

can afford it can properly be expected to pay

reasonabl e rent but they attach great importance

also to the principle that no one should be denied

a house because he is unable to afford the rent

charged". (29)

Ignori ng the fact that most council and SSHA

tenants contributed to Exchequer funds through both

rates and tax payments, the Board of Management of

the SSHA were. intent on being at the forefront of

the Government's plans to reorganise rent

structures in Scotl and. In GI asgow, the pract 1 cal

effect of this proposal was that existing rents of

twa-apartment houses waul d be raised from £ 15 17s

4d a year, to £30; for three-apartments. from £18

lOs 4d to £33; for four-apartments, from £19 I1s 8d

to £36; and for five-apartments. from £20 15s 4d to

£39. (30) There was an immediate reaction from the

tenants' movement in Scotl and to this proposal to


increase rents and to the rent rebate scheme which

was regarded as a 'means test'. The stigma attached

to means-tested benefits had not been eradicated in

worki ng cl ass consciousness, despite the supposed

era of 'prosperity' which they were living through.

At a hastily arranged conference of the

Scottish Council of Tenants' Associations (SCTA) on

the 12th of January, with 45 delegates present,

there were call s for industrial strike action and

for tenants to refuse to sign the new missives. (31)

The majority of SSHA tenants in Glasgow, amounting

to around 4,000 in 1958, had been allocated houses

straight from the Corporation waiting list and they

held the Corporat.ion responSible for the situation

that they were now faced with. As one of the

tenants in the Arden scheme described it:

"To use the colloquial term, we had been

conned. Because. here we were, we BUst have had our

name down for 7, or 9 years for a local

authority house registered with Glasgow Corporation

and we were ofYered an SSHA house. No one in

Glasgow Corporation, councillors included, had

intimated that there were any basic difYerence5

between the actual two tenancies. You had security

or tenure we were tol d, whi ch was I argel y true.

but you were not be i ng control I ed by your actual


authority with whom you had registered for

years". (32)

These tenants, it seems, were under the

impression that by being allocated a house through,

and hav i ng it factored by, the Corporat i on that

they would remain under the control of a

democratically elected local authority, rather than

a committee appointed undemocratically by the

Secretary of State for Scotl and. This was not the

case and the tenants, therefore, sought the support

of the Corporation in their opposition to these

proposals. The Arden tenants' association were the

first organisation to indicate the way that they

would like the protest to develop:

"This association views with grave concern the

SSHA rent scheme. copy of which is in your hands as

factors of these houses.

It is our intention to inform Glasgow

Corporation that this Association will oppose the

adoption of this differential rent proposal and

means test with all the means at our disposal.

~ trust that when the new missives are to hand

that the factors department will refrain from

sendi ng these out to the tenants to spare us the

troubl e of having to return them unsigned"". (33)


However, in a manner similar to that adopted

over the issue of the sale of the Merrylee houses,

the Labour group on Glasgow Corporation, while

opposed to the SSHA's proposal s. decided against

giving the Arden tenants the support they had

requested. Instead. the Corporation decided to make

its own views on the matter known to the SSHA in a

series of letters from the Town Clerk. (34) The

essence or their protest was that they might refuse

to ractor the houses owned by the SSHA in Glasgow

ir the rent-increase proposals were implemented.

They al so requested a meet i ng with the SSHA, and

representatives rrom the Corporation met with the

Board or Management or the SSHA on the 10th of'

March 1958 to express their objections to the

increase. They argued that the rentals proposed by

the SSHA were almost double the rentals or

comparabl e local author it y houses in GI asgow, and,

call ed on the SSHA to co-operate with them in

persuading the Government to reduce interest rates

and increase subsidies. In response, the SSHA

argued that rents would have to be increased even

wi thout recent increases in interest rates; that

the disparity between the two organisations' rent

structures could be reduced ir the Corporation were

to increase their own rents, and. wi th a cl ear


indication that there were wider considerations

behind the proposed increase that:

..... the Association :feared that if' they did not

charge rents wi thi n I iDa! ts approved by the

Secretary of' State :f or Scotl and. there was the

danger that Parliament aight instruct the

Association to cease their operations". (35)

This was no idle threat. The SSHA had to fix

rents with regard to the Exchequer subsidies e and. within ranges approved by the

Secretary of State for Scotl and in agreement wi th

the Treasury. Consequently, after agreeing to give

'careful consideration' to the views expressed by

Glasgow Corporation. the SSHA informed all local

author it i es. on the 20th May 1958, that the rent

increase and rebate scheme would come into

operation at the beginning of October. The SSHA,

'in order to deflect some of the trouble' it might

cause, suggested postponing implemetation of the

rent increase until 1961. However, the Secretary of

State considered this scheme to be 'fair and

reasonable', despite his bel ief that 'there was

some danger of rent strikes and industrial

unrest'. (36) Therefore, local authorities. acting

as factors. were asked to inform tenants by letter

of the details of this scheme along with a 'Notice


to Quit', new Missives and a guide to the Rebate

Scheme. (37 >

Whi l e t h e SSHA had been meet i ng wi th local

authorities, tenants' associations in Glasgow, and

elsewhere in Scotland, were organising their own

protests against the rent increase and rent rebate

proposal s. Throughout February and March of 1958

the S. C. T. A. organised two major conferences and

four other meetings of SSHA tenants. led one

deputation to the Scottish Office and three others

to the Board of Management of the SSHA. (38) On one

of these occasions the secretary of SCTA, Joseph

Cosgrove, was arrested for • organising and

conducting a procession through certain Edinburgh

streets without previous written permission' .

Cosgrove was eventually fined £3 for this

offence. (39) These deputations, like the one"i s

organised by the local authorities. had little

impact on the attitude of the SSHA. or the

Secretary of State for Scotland, who were intent on

impl ementing the rent increases and rebate scheme.

Tenants' associations, therefore, decided to

repsond to this intransigence with a refusal to

sign the new Missives and with a rent-increase

strike. (40) A meeting of delegates from tenants'

associations and trade unions. on the 22 of June


1958, agreed to collect the unsigned Missives in

order to monitor the extent of support amongst SSHA

tenants. (4.1) Eight days after this conference

Glasgow Corporation, in protest at the rent

i nceases, inf'ormed the SSHA that they were

relinqishing the factoring of SSHA houses, hut

agreed to issue the Missives. (4.2) However, the

f'irst signs of' support for a rent-increase strike

came in the Arden housing scheme on the south-west

periphery of' Glasgow. There had heen an active

tenants' association in this scheme since at least

1955, and they had amassed a suhstantial body of

support within the scheme as well as raising the

necessary funds to organise such a campaign:

"We bad the distinct advantage as a tenants'

association by our communal acti vi ties, on a

relatively slBall scale but no doubt enjoyed

cOJUlUnally. o-r having been in existence -ror some

three or four years in Arden. We had also got

together a bank bal ance of about £600. whi ch was

not an inconsiderable SUlB in 1958. So, it meant

that as well as being the largest scheme in Glasgow

of SSHA tenants we had the added advantage of

having some resources to do something about it. We

set up a comaittee in the summer of 1958,

specifically to collect the Missives and JDOnitor


support in Arden. We also attracted the support o~

SSHA tenants in other schemes in GI asgow- Ca.d.der

and Toryglen. With 1. (,00 or so houses in Arden owe

owere the 1 argest SSHA scheme in GI asgow. owere

active and determined to do something about it. We

also attracted the attention politically o~ certain

members o~ the Communist Party and two schemes in

Clydebank.- Fai~ley and Linnvale- and the Scottish

Council of Tenants' Associations. As owell as being

opposed to the rent increase ~ argued that. ~or a

co.parable house. owe would accept any increase that

Glasgow Corporation agreed on. We met with the

Board of Management o~ the SSHA and. of course. it

was entirely ~ruitless. There was no way ~ could

meet on co.mon ground". (43)

The Arden tenants' association had been active

on a number of issues for some years and, with the

necessary financial and human resources they had

accumulated, were the first tenants' organisation

in Scotland to collect the unsigned Missives and

organise a rent-increase strike. (44) They organised

the rent-increase strike with posters, using a

loudspeaker van and through a series of public

meetings in the scheme. These meetings, apart fom

one open-air meeting on the 2nd of July 1958, were

held in a local school hall which held a capacity


of 400 and. as some of them were attended by over

1,000 Arden tenants, the tenants' associ ation had

to provide a tannoy system to relay the speeches to

the audience outside the hall. It was a well

organised campaign which managed to gain the

support of 95 per cent of Arden tenants who refused

to sign the Missives or pay the rent increase. The

issue was analysed specifically in class terms

during a speech at a public meeting by the

chairperson of Arden tenants' association:

"You know perfectly well that we're excluded

from indulging in party politics . . . At the same

tlae. of' course. we want to make clear that any

authorlty- be it Glasgow Corporation. be it a

central Government of any colour- when they impose

any rent increase will be fought to the bitter end.

We happen to have a central Government In power

Just now which Is more vicious than any other

colour which is liable to come in, and we happen to

be concentrating our energies to fighting their

pol icles. Because, it's quite clear that they are

the viII ians of the piece . . . . Gl asgow Corporation,

should they attempt to impose a rent increase. they

will be fought al so. as will any Government

a.ttempt i ng to lower the standard of I I v I ng of the


people- most particularly the 'WOrldn&, class

peopl e. " (4-5)

The threat to extend the rent strike to

Corporation tenants never materialised. However. in

August 1958 the SSHA did give one small concession

to the tenants by excluding the 1,700 houses built

prior to the war in special areas (known as

"distressed areas" ) f'rom their general rent

scheme. (4-6) The Arden tenants' association had been

arguing that the SSHA should only raise rents to

comparable levels to those proposed by local

authorities. Their strategy was to f'ight all rent

increases but, ~ailing that, to keep rent increases

to as Iowa level as possible. They were supported

in this campaign within Arden by the SCTA and

invited speakers ~rom CI ydebank Town Council. The

Arden tenants' association also threatened to put

up munici pal candidates against the local

councillor i~ he supported the imposition of' rent

increases and began to discuss the possibil ity o~

taking out an Interm Interdict against the SSHA.

However, Glasgow Corporation re~used to support

the protest organised by the Arden tenants, and

other tenants' associations in Glasgow, on the

grounds that they had no control over the SSHA rent

proposals. In addi tiOll. the Corporation also


suggested that they could not re-house tenants

evicted by the SSHA. (47) This was in sharp contrast

to the response of some other local authorites in

Scotl and. Midlothian County Council, for exampl e.

sought out an Interm Interdict to prevent the SSHA

from increasing the rents. This action was rejected

in a Judgement by Lord Patrick in the Court of

Session in mid-September. (48) The SSHA immediately

leafleted local tenants informing them of the legal

Judgement and asking them to pay the rent increase.

However, as 1958 advanced the dispute widened

and by September there were still 20.000 of the

38,000 Missi ves not returned to the SSHA. Tenants

from Bathgate. Boness. Cumnock. Kirkaldy. Oakley

and many other towns in Scotland joined in the

rent-increase strike. On the 22nd of' September.

three days after the result of the Midlothian case

was announced, around 1, 000 tenants from allover

Scotland returned thousands of' unsigned Missives to

the SSHA headquarters in Edinburgh. The SCTA, who

had organised this demonstration, al so announced

that they were considering raising an action for

Interdict preventing the SSHA from increasing their

rents. (49) Questioning the I egi timacy of the

widespread support for the rent-increase strike,

and using the rhetoric of Cold War ideology, Sir


Ronal d Thomson. chairperson of the SSHA, had

earl ier argued that I conununist agitators had been

misleading the tenants'. Thompson also indicated

that the SSHA would only use eviction proceedings

against tenants as ' a last resort' (50) In any case,

the SSHA proceeded to impl ement the rent increase

and rent rebate scheme from the 1st of October 1958

with the full support of the state:

" ••• Mr Nixon Brown. the Under-Secretary of

State, told Council that they • were ful f'ill ing a

national duty in introducing the new rent scheme.

including the rebate scheme. He assured the Council

0-( Management that Xi ni sters were whol eheartedl y

behind the Association in the matter and would give

all possible support". (51 >

By November the SSHA were issuing notices to

tenants to end the rent strike and pay the new

increase along with arrears. They al so threatened

tenants with legal action if they failed to abide

by these notices. However, the initial move by the

Arden tenants was now spreading to most areas of

Scotl-and where the SSHA owned houses.

The support for the rent-increase strike

remained sol id in most areas and the campaign was

now being co-ordinated by the SeTA. The rent stike

continued along similar lines to those already


described into 1959, and the SCTA were responsible

for organising most of the activities that tenants'

associations were involved in. The pol icy of the

SCTA was simil ar to that of the Arden tenants'

association; to oppose the SSHA proposals through a

rent-increase strike and the return of unsigned

Missi ves. However. the SCTA were not only the

representative organisation for all Scottish

tenants' groups, but were more expl icit about the

political nature of the campaign against the SSHA.

The majority of the Executive Committee of the

SCTA were active in trade unions. some were active

in the Labour Party and number of its leading

spokespersons were active in the Communist Party-

mainly in Glasgow. The latter of this group were

continuing the early post-war Communist Party

tradition of agitation around issues of

reproduction- housing in particular- alongside

trade union activity in the factories and the

shipyards. It is not surprising, therefore. that

most of the leading figures in this organisation

were men, refl ecting the patriarchal structure of

the labour market in Glasgow in the 1950s. Their

strategy in opposing the SSHA proposals was also

conducted along traditional lines. They sought the

support of Labour MFs, Labour controlled local


authorities and the trade unionf s. They also

organised deputations and demonstrations to the

SSHA headquarters in Edinburgh and argued ~or local

authorities to take up 'test cases' through the

courts against the SSHA. Despite the ~act that

around 10,000 o~ the SSHA houses were tenanted by

miners, there is little evidence that union support

went beyond the passing of resol utions in support

of the tenants at union branch meetings. Scottish

Labour MPs merely o~~ered to act as intermediaries

between the SCTA and SSHA. The most success~ul

aspect to the SCTA campaign, aside ~rom gathering

widespread support amongst tenants, was in their

abil ity not only to attain the support o~

individual Labour councillors, but convincing

Midlothian County Council to mount a legal

challenge to the SSHA in the courts.

As indicated earlier, however, the Midlothian

case fail ed in the courts and provided the SSHA

with the legal backing for the rent increase that

they were con~ident of achieving all along. The

SSHA were also confident that this result in the

courts would bring the rent strike to a successful

conclusion. As the rent-increase strike moved into

1959 the effects of the Midlothian result on


tenants' association's. abil i ty to sustain a

campaign began to come under scrutiny internally.

At a meeting of' the SCTA in Glasgow in January

1959. with 510 delegates in attendance, it was

reported that most local authorities had decided

against taking any further action against the SSHA

after the Midlothian result and that the rent

strike was losing support in some areas. with many

tenants worried about the arrears that they were

building up. (52) The delegates decided to gather

information about the extent of support for

cont i nu i ng wi th the rent st r ike. call ed on Labour

councillors and MPs to support their campaign, but,

crucially, indicated that they would be willing to

meet with the Management Commi ttee of' the SSHA to

discuss the situation. This was an impl icit

indication that the membership of' the SeTA were

beginning to doubt the possibility of' the rent

strike being successf'ul. The SSHA, having won the

legal battle, showed l i t t l e sign of' being willing

to compromise and ignored the appeals for


IIJIr Finlay Hart reported that deputation to

Edinburgh had failed to arrange a meeting with SSHA

Management Committee. but in a phone conversation

with JIr Hall ey. Mr Hall ey had suggested that any


proposals we had to mak.e should be submitted In

~itlng which would be placed beCore the Committee.

Hr Hall ey stated he had been Instructed he had to

meet no one. ne 1 ther tenants or local authorities

In this particular dispute". (53)

Tenants' associations throughout Scotland were

indicating to the SeTA that support for the rent

strike was still being supported by between 60 and

75 per cent of' tenants in the majority of areas.

Despite these claims the SSHA obviously felt that

they had won the struggl e with the "test case" in

Midlothian and intended to wait on individual

tenants to pay the increase, with a little added

encouragement by threatening court action. Whil e

the SSHA were conducti ng legal action against

individual tenants they certainly had no intention

of' meeting .with representatives of the SeTA to

discuss any compromise on the rent increase.

The SeTA persisted with the rent strike through

the earl y months of 1959. They continued to seek

the assistance of Scottish Labour MPs to open

negotiations with the SSHA, a move which the MPs

agreed to. (54) It was at this stage that the SSHA

decided to take the initiative and prosecute

individual tenants f'or rent arrears. Seven actions

were defended by individual tenants' associations


but the SCTA, with the monetary support being

partl y provided by the Arden tenants, decided to

employ a solicitor to def'end a Kirkaldy tenant in a

• test case' in the Sheriff Court. The tenant in

this case had built up arrears of rent previous to

the rent strike and the SCTA fought the case on a

legal technicality related to the validity or

otherwi se of the • Not i ce to QU it· issued by the

SSHA. The nature of this case indicates that the

SCTA were making a desperate attempt to provide

tenants on rent strike with a legal victory which,

in reality, had no real hope of success. (55) While

the SCTA continued to emphasise the central ity of

the rent increase, the lengthy legal wrangle

diverted attention from the main issue and

concentrated their own resources on def'ending the

Kirkaldy case. Scottish Labour MPs were also urging

all SSHA tenants, even bef'ore the Kirkaldy case had

been heard in court, to abandon the rent strike and

start paying the increase. The Kirkaldy case led to

disputes within the SCTA and, inevitably ended in a

legal judgement in favour of the SSHA. (56) The SSHA

issued notices to tenants to start paying up

arrears and began taking court action against any

tenant who was in arrears to the extent of £10 or


more. To the consternation of' the SCTA there was

still no space f'or negotiations:

" ••• We have always maintained and s t i l l do that

a meeting bet\<oleen the two parties. with give and

take on both sides. could resolve this dispute

without ~urther recourse to the courts . . . . Even in a

major war there are armistice tal kg and a peace

treaty but it seems that only unconditional

surrender wi II sat I s~y the general sta~~ o~ then

SSHA ••••1 (57)

At the same time, the SCTA were considering an

appeal against t,he Kirkaldy decision and urging

tenants to continue with the rent strike. The

Kirkaldy appeal never material ised, but the rent

strike continued right through to 1960. In April

1960 there were 1,254. tenants in houses under the

management of' the SSHA still on rent strike- most

of' them in Glasgow- and a f'urther sixteen tenants

in SSHA houses f'actored by local authorities. (58)

The majority of' those still refusing to pay the

rent increase in Glasgow were tenants in the Arden

scheme where the rent strike began. The Arden

tenants' association provided the ~unding for the

last legal 'test case' against the SSHA by a tenant

in the Cadder housing scheme in Glasgow. This case

resul ted from the SSHA raising an action against


one tenant- Mr James W. Maxwell- in respect of

unpaid arrears amounting to £9, 13s. 1d. The case,

based on a legal technicality relating to the

'Notice to Quit', was heard in the Small Debt Court

before being transferred to the Sheriff Court in

Glasgow, where sheriff Norman L. Walker ruled in

favour of the SSHA. The tenant appealed against

this ruling and, unusually for debts of under £50,

the case went forward to the Court of Session in

Edinburgh where Lord Guthrie held the appeal to be

'competent, but quoad ultra refused the appeal' (59)

To all intents and purposes this was the end of the

rent strike, aptly summed up by one leading


"It died a death. It's Just like the :flower. it

blooms, i t blossoms, i t shows it~s nice colours but

its got to die sometime and i t died and that was


Some individual tenants continued to refuse to

pay the rent increase right up until October 1960.

The maj ori ty, however, had begun paying the

increase after the decision in the Court of

Session. The SSHA began seeking revenge against

many of the activists involved in this rent strike,

by forcing them to pay the rent arrears accumulated

at £1 per week, wi th threats of further legal


action if they refused. (61) However, for those

involved in the rent strike, the final outcome was

not viewed as a total failure:

"It really wakened up the Labour Party.

indicating what actual obstruction could be made by

tenants when they made up their minds to do

something about it. I t was a partial success. The

ef'fect on the Labour Party was to pay a. bit DOre

interest in tenants' af'f'airs. because i t acted as an

impetus and encouragement to the Glasgow Council of'

Tenants' Associations. It was pleasant to do. it

was a lot of' hard work. i t was encoura.ging and very

pleasing to put a tap under local pol iticians and

under a bureaucratic incompetent organisation. as

the SSHA was then. They paid more attention to

repairs, there was more contact. there was DOre

attempts to do something. whereas previousl y they

Just sat back. and acted as a sort of' organ of'

1 andl ord Government... (62)

3.5. Conclusion

The rent str i ke under di scuss i on in thi s

chapter was an important event in the history of

the post-War tenants' movement and housing

struggl es in GI asgow, and in Scotl and general I y.

While it obviously ended with the main objectives

of the Arden tenants' association being defeated in


the courts, it was not a total failure. In a

similar vein to Lowe (1983), Saunders ( 1981 )

suggests that "urban struggles" are 'typically

fragmented, localised, strategical I y I imi ted and

politically isolated'. (63)

The Arden and all-Scotland rent strike lasted

for two years, was sustained through a well-

coordinated and collective campaign which went

beyond any reasonabl e notion of the • local' arena

and had far-reaching strategic goal s in mind; the

impl ications of which the SSHA and the state were

well aware of. The fact that the rent strike

remained 'politically isolated' (in the limited

sense that Saunders employes the term) was not the

fault of the Arden tenants or the SeTA. The tenant

activists, if not all those participating in the

rent str i ke, anal ysed the·· issue of rent increases

specifically in class terms and fully expected

support from the wider organised I abour movement.

The real failure was in the inability of the Labour

MPs and the trade union leadership to fully

comprehend the nature of the issues that the

tenants were fighting on. The governing ideology of

this I eadershi p. and in particul ar its attachment

to paternalism. ensured that it would adopt an

ambivalent attitude and approach to the demands of


the rent strikers (see R. Miliband, 1973 for a full

anal ysis of the characteristics of this ideology).

However, the rent strike ensured that most Scottish

local author i tes termi nated the factor i ng of SSHA

houses. To sustain a rent strike for two years,

against the prevailing mood of 'affluence' and

• privatism' , is no small achievement and was

regarded by at I east some of those i nvol ved as a

'partial victory'. Nevertheless, the longer term

implications for tenants' associations and housing

struggles in Glasgow were significant.

The Merryl ee campaign agai nst the sal e of

council houses had ensured that the provision of

council housing would continue in Glasgow. This

campaign, as outl ined in chapter two, took place

against the early post-War mood for social

improvement. In this context, tenants' associations

combined with trade unions, the Communist Party and

elements within the Labour Party to prevent the

sal e of the Merryl ee houses. The Arden and all-

Scotland rent strike, in stark comparison, took

pI ace dur i ng a per i od when it was all eged that

social inequality, if not eradi cated, had

diminished substantially. partly through the

creation of 'full employment'. For the majority of

Glasgow's working class the prospect of living in


new housing schemes was certainly regarded as a

signiIicant improvement. The state. exploiting this

new situation and the ideology OI the 'a:f:fluent

worker', was intent on using the SSHA in Scotland

to :force the cost o:f these improvements onto the

working class through rent increases. On the other

hand, the Arden tenants rej ected the ideology OI

the 'aIIluent worker' and organised the rent strike

accordingly. In a period when industrial disputes

were sparse and the cl imate o:f the Cold War was

dominant. it is all the more surprising that the

Arden tenants and the SeTA were able to sustain the

rent strike :for so long. The :fact that they 'Were

eventually deIeated in the courts was, perhaps,

inevitable and the main 'Weakness in their campaign

was the :fail ure to organise any coherent :form o:f

direct action alongside the rent strike and the

legal battl e.

This :failing had as much to do with structural

Iactors as any organisational :failings on the part

OI those involved in the rent strike. The

imposition of rent increases was taking place at

the same time as the majority of Glasgow's working

class 'Were being moved to the peripheral schemes or

the • New Towns'. As chapter four makes cl ear, the

orignal tenants in the peripheral schemes had a


number or maj or probl ems to deal wi th when they

moved into their new houses and i t was some years

berore tenants' associations consolidated their

position amongst tenants. Therefore, the majority

of the tenants of Corporation houses were hardly in

an ideal position to organise a rent strike. Had a

rent strike amongst Corporation tenants

materialised at the same time as the one conducted

by SSHA tenants, then the chall enge to the state

may have been more successrul. However, as in the

case of trade union support, this never occurred.

The ract that the wider labour movement never

mobil ised support behind the rent strike had more

important implications for tenants ruture struggles

in the city.

Despite the fact that some of the leading

activists in the rent strike were also active in

trade unions and. more importantl y. the Communist

Party they failed to attract significant support

from these organisations. The Communist Party had

been active on housing issues throughout the war

and in the early post-War years, with some success.

By the 1950s most of their attention was placed on

industrial issues with a corresponding decl ine in

activity around housing issues. The eventual defeat

of the rent strike in the courts had an impact on


the pol itical strategy of the Communist Party in

Glasgow. While individual party members continued

to play an active role in tenants' associations,

this was the last occas_ion in which the Communist

Party played any significant role in tenant

politics in the city. The Labour Party continued to

consolidate their position in the organs of the

local state and gave tenants' associations little

recognition. The debate on working class housing.

and particularly rents, was put at the back of the

pol itical agenda for the time being. As the

fall owi ng chapters wi 11 show, however, i t was not

the end of the tenants' movement or, indeed, of

housing struggles.




1. H.F. Moorhouse et al. (1972) pp151-152.

2. D. Englander (1983). A.D. Heskin (1983) has

provided a similar account of the tenants' movement

in America during the same period covered by


3. S. Darner (1980). p103. While attention has

obviously been focused on Glasgow during this

period there were rent strikes throughout Scotland,

England and Wales during 1915. See Ann and Vincent

Flynn (1978). p33.

4. S. Darner (1985). p38. The onl yother detail ed

account of the Clydebank Rent Strike is provided by

I. Russell in J. Hood [Ed] (1988).

5. N.C. Abbey (1957). p6.

6. These rent-increase strikes remain undocumented.

The author was personally involved in organising a

rent strike in Dumbarton during this period. From

contacts made at a raIl y i n London, attended by

around 50 Labour MFs. it was obvious that there

were sporadic rent strikes throughout the country

including Clydebank. Glasgow, London, Sheffield and


7. S. Lowe (1986). pill.

8. Harold Macmillan, Prime Minister. speaking at

Scottish Unionist Association's annual conference

at Ayr. 12-4--57. Quoted in the Glasgow Herald 13-4--


9. Quotation taken from The Educational Commentary

on Current Affairs, No 4-0. November 1952. London:

Dail y Worker. Pamphl et kindl y provided by Audrey


10. Houses-The Next Step. London: HMSO. Cmd 8996.

11. Scottish Home Department <1954-). This report

was followed by the Valuation and Rating (Scotland)

Act which becme law on the 2nd August 1956.

12. Report of Ridley Committee (194-5) London: HMSO.

Cmd 6621. These points had already been made

expl icitly to the 1918. Hunter Committee, and the

1920 Salisbury Committee.

13. See R. D. Cramond (1966) note8, p74--7.

14-. Department of Health for Scotland (1956).

15. N.C. Abbey (1957). p8.

16. Department of Health for Scotland. (1956). p8.

17. Councillor McKinlay, (Drumchapel ward) • quoted

in the Drumchapel Tenant, 1-3-57. Held in the

Broady ColI ection. Uni nversi ty of GI asgow Library


AM 20. The theme of' the • af'fl uent council tenant'

was also taken up in a Conservative Party Broadcast

on the 7th of' May 1958. This broadcast contrasted

life in Drumchapel, with parked cars in the street

and some famil ies with income above £4-,000 a year.

with life for the poor tenants of private landlords

in the city. The images portrayed in this broadcast

was one of squalor and decay in private rented

accomodation in the inner urban areas with one of a

consumer heaven of' the isolated multiapplianced

home in new council housing on the city's

per i phery. See report in the GI asgow Heral d. 8-5-


18. Glasgow Herald 9-1-57.

19. Glasgow Herald 24-1-57.

20. GI asgow Herald 21-2-57.

21. Glasgow Herald 18-3-57. This demonstration was

addressed by Aneurin Bevan.

22. See the Glasgow Herald 30-9-57, 10-10-57 and


23. Department of Health for Scotland (1958). Shaw

later became better known as Lord Kilbrandon.

Witnesses to this inquiry included tenants'

associations, trade unions and the Communist Party

(GI asgow Commi ttee). They were opposed by


residents' associations, ratepayers, the West of

Scotland Liberal Federation. the Association of

Owner Occupiers and the infamous GI asgow Property

Owners' and Factors Association. Correspondence

relating to the Corporation's view on this Inquiry

can be found in SRA: DTC 8/20/47.

24. Letter from James C. Hill. secretary of Glasgow

Trades Council, to the Town Clerk dated 17th

November 1949. in SRA: DTC 8/2/56/1.

25. Finlay Hart. 60 Exiting Years. p121. Manuscript

copy hel d in CI ydebank District Library. Rer: 92

HAR L.C. Thanks to Pat Malcolm ror allowing me to

peruse thi s and other mater i al donated by Fi nl ay

Hart. Finlay Hart was a lire-long active Communist,

trade unionist and tenant activist on Clydeside in

the post-war years and played a central role in the

rent-increase strike under discussion in this


26. Notes on Rents of SSHA Houses, for Bail ie

Taylor, dated 12-11-58. Held in SRA: DTC 8/20/2.

27. Report of Scottish Special Housing conference,

Gl asgow Central Hall s 8-12-57. Document hel d in

Finlay Hart Collection, Clydebank Library, No 25.

28. Details outlined in a letter from SSHA to local

authorities, dated 9-1-58 and in Press Release of


same date. Documents Held in Finl ay Hart

Collection. No 25.

29. SSHA press statement. dated 10th January, 1958.

Held in Finlay Hart Collection. No 25.

30. Letter from D. H. Hall ey. secretary and

solicitor for SSHA, to Town CI erk, Glasgow

Corporation, dated 9th January 1958. Document held

in SRA: DTC 8/20/56/1.

31. Minutes of a Special Conference, on Sunday 12th

January 1958. re: the proposed .. New Rent Scheme"

which is to be imposed on tenants of SSHA houses.

Document held in Finlay Hart Collection, No 25.

32. Interview with Mr Chas Watters, chairperson of

Arden Tenants' Association in 1958, 14-3-89. A

special thanks is due to Mr Watters for bringing

this campaign to my attention and for providing me

with tapes of publ ic meetings held in Arden in


33. Letter from Mr E. Ann. secretary of Arden

Tenants' Association, to the Town Clerk. dated 20-

1-58. Document held in SRA: DTC 8/20/2.

34. See documents in SRA: DTC 8/20/2, and DTC


35. Meet i ng between representat i ves from Gl asgow

Corporation and SSHA in Edinburgh, 10th March 1958.


Document hel d in SRA: DTC 8/20/56/1. Other local

authorities had gone further in their protest than

Glasgow Corporation. Saltcoats had. without

success, requested that the SSHA sell their houses

to the local authority. Clydebank Town Council

convened a conference, with 40 representatives from

local authorities in attendance. Some of these

authorities had al ready decided not to send the

Missi ves out to tenants and had refused to factor

SSHA houses. Two of these authorities, Musselburgh

and Kirkaldy had also sought legal advice and were

intending to take out an Interm Interdict against

the SSHA. See Precis of Proceedings of Conference

held in CI ydebank, on Wednesday, 25th June 1958.

Document held in SRA: DTC 8/56/20/1.

36. Quoted in T. Begg (1987), p184.

37. Letter from D.H. Halley, secretary of SSHA, to

Town CI erk. Gl asgow Corporation, dated 20th May

1958. Document held in SRA: DTC 8/20/56/1

38. Report of the Scottish Council of Tenants'

Associations Annual General Meeting, GI asgow, 6th

April 1958, in The Drumchapel Tenant, 16-5-58.

Document held in Broady Collection AM 20.

39. See report in the GI asgow Heral d, 7-5-58. A

woman activist from Kircaldy was also charged with

unl awful I y c o l l ecting money for SCTA on this


occassion. Joseph Cosgrove died in April 1959 in

the middle of the struggle against the SSHA.

40. See report of SCTA meeting in the Glasgow

Herald 26-5-58.

41. See report in the Glasgow Herald, 23-6-58.

42. Letter from Town Clerk to SSHA, dated 30-6-58.

Document held in SRA: DTC 8/20/56/1. Another 12

local authorities decided to stop factoring SSHA

houses, but al so ref'used to co-perate in sending

out the Missives.

43. Interview with Mr Chas Watters. See note 32.

44. The Arden tenants' association was involved in

a wide range of' activities prior to the rent-

increase strike. Their main activity prior to 1958

was a campaign to get a footbridge buil t across a

railway- or, as they preff'ered to call it: 'the

Puggy'. See documents in SRA: DTC 8/20/2.

45. Mr Chas Watters, chairperson of Arden tenants'

association, speaking at pub I ic meeting Jul y 1958.

Taped copies of meeting in my possession.

46. See report in The Scotsman, 22-8-58. These

houses had been built by the original Association-

The Scottish Special Areas Housing Association-

before i t became known as the SSHA in 1937. See T.


Begg (987) for the official, and uncritical,

history of the SSHA.

47. Letter from Town Clerk, Glasgow Corporation to

Cadder Tenants' Association, dated 19-8-58.

Document held in SRA: DTC 8/20/56/1.

48. Sec report in Glasgow Herald, 20-9-58. West

Lothian, Ayrshie and Lanarkshire County Council's

had also sought legal advice regarding raiSing an

action against the SSHA.

49. See report in Glasgow Herald. 22-9-58.

50. See report in Glasgow Herald. 5-9-58.

51. Quoted in T. Begg (1987), p185.

52. Minute of SSHA Tenants All Scotish Conference,

convened by Scottish Council of Tenants'

Associations, held in Woodside Halls, Glasgow:

Sunday. 18th January, 1959. Document held in Finlay

Hart colI ection.

53. Minutes of SCTA extended committee meeting.

held in Woodside Halls, Glasgow, 1st February 1959.

54. Letter from Tom Oswal d MP to SCTA, dated 2n

February 1959. Document held in Finlay Hart


55. The tenant involved in this case had been

served the 'Notice to Quit' for rent arrears on 1st


Jul Y 1958. three months bef'ore the rent increase.

The I egal technical i ty reI ated to wether the SSHA

lawyer had "signed" the Notice to Quit. Theref'ore,

the tenant had been in arrears bef'ore the rent

increase had been imposed and was not the ideal one

in which to chall enge the val idi ty of' the SSHA

case. The f'act that earl ier rent strikes had been

prolonged through rulings about legal

technical ities is, perhaps, the only reason that

the SCTA were optimistic of' winning in this

instance. See S. Darner, 1985 f'or account of' legal

wrangles during the Clydebank rent strike.

56. The disputes within the SCTA were voiced at a

meeting on Sunday the 26th April, 1959. Document

held in Finaly Hart collection. The judgement in

the Kirkaldy case came on 3rd June 1959: Sherif'f'

Court of' Fif'e and Kinross at Kirkaldy. SSHA against

William Sommerville.

57. Letter f'rom James Malcolm. secretary of' SCTA,

addressed to SSHA, dated 29th June 1959. Document

held in Finlay Hart collection.

58. See T. Begg (1987) p18B.

59. Court of' Session Report, No 45. July 14th 1960,

SSHA Ltd, Pursuers (Respondents), James W. Maxwell,

Def'ender (Appel ant>. Quoad ul tra: "used in the

written pleadings of' an action to indicate the


poi nt beyond which the defender makes no further

admission of the pursuer's all egations". Iseabail

Macl eod, Ruth Martin and Pauline Cairns [Ed's1

<1988 ) The Pocket Scots Dictionary. Aberdeen

University Press.

60. Taped interview with Mr Chas Watters, 14-3-89.

61. Letter from SSHA to Mr Finlay Hart, dated 27th

October, 1960. Document held in Finlay Hart

colI ection.

62. Taped interview with Mr Chas Watters, 14-3-89.

63. P. Saunders (1981) p276.




4.1 Introduction

In order to assess some of the changes that

have taken pI ace in the tenants' movement in the

post-War period this chapter provides a discussion

of the development of tenants' associations in

Castlemilk, a large peripheral housing scheme

located on the south-east edge of the city. As the

discussion in chapter one has shown, the four major

peripheral housing schemes were buil t as a resul t

of the post-War restructuring of GI asgow' s labour

and housing markets. They were regarded at the time

as providing a solution to Glasgow's housing

'problem'. In the process the needs of the original

tenants were never seriously considered, by a

Labour Party that had become anchored within the

local state <M. Savage, 1989>' A consideration of

how tenants in one scheme responded to this

situation advances our understanding of the post-

War tenants' movement. However, this is not the

only reason for choosing one of the peripheral

schemes as a case study. In the 1980s the local

authority peripheral housing schemes in Scotland

have become the focal point of state urban and


social policy initiatives. In 1988 Castlemilk.

along with Wester Hailes (Edinburgh), Whitfield

(Dundee), Ferguslie Park (Paisley), was selected by

the Scottish Office as one of the areas for a

'major' urban regeneration initiative: New Life for

Urban Scotland (Scottish Office. 1988>' Castlemilk,

therefore, provides a good exampl e of how tenants'

associations have responded to the activities of

the state throughout this period. Some commentators

leave little scope for such an analysis:

..... In the new Glasgow these estates are simply

peripheral to requirements and stand like monuments

to an age-old problem that has never gone away."(l>

The age-old problem is the creation of a cordon

sani-taire between the middle class and the

i ncreasi ngl y marginalised reservoirs of' the

socially and economically disadvantaged. This is

apparent in contemporary Glasgow, where the attempt

has been made to separate the poor in the

peripheral housing schemes f'rom the symbolic city

of corporate and cultural development, so that they

do not impinge upon the plans of the image makers:

a late-twentieth century Glaswegian version of' the

'Gold Coast and the Slum'! This has been an aspect

of' city 1 ife intermittently since the building of

the anc i ent cit i es of' Athens and Rome, whi ch were

above all else 'fortifications against hostile

strangers' (J. Raban, 1974). A newer version is

evident in Glasgow in the 1980s where the plans of

the state make explicit reference to city centre

developments within the context of a "walled city"

(see Scottish Development Agency, 1986), As in the

past, however, there are those who are will ing to

chall enge this , tal e of two ci ties' and have

organised collectively to raise their own

questions- from 'inside the whale'- about the

quality of the environment in which they live and

its relationship to the city and society as a


By concentrating on one of the largest

peripheral housing schemes in GI asgow, Castl emil k,

this chapter will be looking at the extent to which

council tenants' organisations responded to living

on the edge of the city. Castlemilk is not an

amorphous mass, despite the fact that it is similar

in size of population to the town of Perth. It is a

loca~ion where a section of the working class live

and struggl e with the social economic forces that

shape all of our lives, many of them undoubtedly

living in conditions of severe poverty.

If we consider various indicators describing

social conditions it could be argued that


Castlemilk is in permanent recession. In March

1989(2) 2,547 Castlemilk residents were registered

as unemployed. This represented an overall

unemployment rate of' 22.8 per cent, compared with

17.1 per cent in Glasgow District and 12.6 per cent

in Strathclyde Region, with some parts of' the

scheme suff'ering much higher unemployment rates.

These f'igures exclude people involved in a range of'

temporary "employment" schemes, those aged 55-pI us

who have been unemployed for over two years and the

many women who have absolutely nothing to gain from

"signing on". Male unemployment was particularly

high, standing at 30.9 per cent, compared with 23.1

per cent in Glasgow and 15.9 per cent in

Strathcl yde. The proporti on of' men unemployed f'or

over a year was around 55 per cent and 1 in 5 of'

the male unemployed in Castlemilk were part of what

is known as the very long term unemployed (f'ive

years or more). Whil e, on the surface, f'emale

unemployment- standi ng at 10. 5 per cent in March

1989- may seem less severe it is probable that

there are signif'icant numbers of' women

unregistered, ref'lecting the administration of' the

benefit system. In 1987, (3) 55 per cent of

Castl emil k pupil s I ef't school without any 0 grade

or Higher qual ifications. Only 0.9 per cent owned


their own homes compared with approximately 30 per

cent for Glasgow and over 44 per cent for Scotland.

68 per cent of primary school chil dren (compared

with 47 per cent in Glasgow City) were recieving

free school meal s. In June 1990 7, 136 of tenants

(70.2 per cent) in Castlemilk were in receipt of

housing benefit(4), 3,528 of these tenants were on

income support, a reliance upon state support which

indicates the prevalence of low income levels

within the scheme. Castlemilk is one_of the many

areas in the Clydeside conurbation which have been

designated an 'Area for Priority Treatment' by

Strathcl yde Regional Council. The Social Work

Department estimated that 80 per cent of their

cases in Castlemilk were poverty related. Put

bluntly, the residents of Castlemilk have been the

victims of specifically acute and relentless

problems originating from the transformation that

British capitalism has undergone in the last

decade, and represent what some writers have

perniciously described as "underclass" communities

(see, for instance, R. Dahrendorf, 1987).

It is not surprising, therefore, that in the

1980s the peripheral estates have increasingly

become a 'probl em' for the state with a

corresponding increase in the activity of pol icy


makers and 'poverty prof-essional s' in these areas

(see G. C. Mooney, 1988 >. At all level s of

government in Scotland, from the Scottish Office to

Strathclyde Region and Glasgow District Council's

the problems facing the peripheral estates have, in

recent years. received increasing attention.

However, what is often forgotten in accounts of

peripheral estates, and other council housing

schemes, is that the people who I ive there have

formed their own organisations to promote their own

case for better facilities and conditions across a

wide range of serv ices. It is these concrete

everyday practices which have led to the growth of

what Williams (1977) referred to as a 'structure of

feeling' in places like Castl emil k. The settings in

which social relations are constituted are

significant physical contexts for action which

provide important definitions of 'problems' from

the inside. The activities of tenants' associations

are diversified and, as the discussion of the

'community studies' I iterature in the introductory

chapter indicated, in some respects, this will be

as a result of certain factors at particular times

in the life of the scheme. Tenants' associations

may be regarded, as many commentators have

suggested, as disparate and defensive organisations


which arise in reaction to very specific situations

and for I imi ted moments in time. It has al so been

sugge sted that these or gani sat ions rarel y out I ast

the particular issue which led to their development

(J. Cowl ey, 1979 and S. Lowe, 1986) This is onl y

partially true, and the evidence from Castlemilk

suggests that people's involvement in tenants'

associations can continue for a long number of

years and for various reasons. The Castlemilk

tenants' associ ation, for instance, has been in

existence since 1955 to the present day, and there

is at 1 east one person who has remained act i ve

throughout these years and many others who have

been active i ntermi t tentl y. While tenants'

associations may not attain the same level of

combination in defence of common interests of. for

example, Trade Unions, they can play a significant

part in developing a critical consciousness on a

particular issue or the general situation of

tenants which enhances the potential for

• community' sol idarity and co-operation. Operating

in a political environment that provides them with

little representative input to the system, tenants'

associations can also challenge the decisions that

affect them which are made by 'urban gatekeepers'.

including housing official s. councillors.


government civil servants and so forth. They do not

necessarily accept the 'peripheralised' position

that dominant ideology places them in and can rebel

against the rules and authorities associated with

their everyday activities. In short, they are

struggling over the massive imbalance of power,

resources, and contested images of the ci ty in

order to make it more humane. It is a cl assic

example of the often well-camOUflaged 'struggle for

hegemony' (A. Gramsci, 1971).

It is with these issues that this chapter will

be concerned. The first section will provide a

brief account of the development and housing

characteristics of the Castlemilk scheme. Then

there will be a discussion of the formation of

tenants' organisations in the early years of the

scheme. This will be followed with a discussion of

some more contemporary developments and a general

discussion of the nature of tenants' associations

in Castlemilk and their relationship with the local

state and other external social objects.

4.2 Background: Garden Suburb or Concrete ~ungle?

Castl emil k is one of GI asgow' s four maj or

peripheral council housing schemes, situated on the

slopes of' the Cathki n Braes 4 mil es South of the


city centre and 2 miles from the 'New Town' of East

Kilbride. The scheme currently covers 820 acres, of

which 40 per cent is open space. including 83 acres

of 'amenity' woodl ands. Castl emil k was developed

within a relatively short period during the 1950s.

acco~odating families displaced from the inner

urban areas through the post-war re-structuring of

Glasgow's labour and housing markets. The

Corporation bought the 1500 acre estate of

Castlemilk in 1935 from the Stewart family and the

name originated from land owned by them in

Dumfriesshire. (5) The area at the time was almost

totally rural and agricultural.

The appearance of what could be characterised

as a system of urban and regional planning in post-

war Br i tai n was to have some impact on debates

about the development of Castl emil k. This came in

the form of the Clyde Valley Planning Committee

<1949>. These pI anners, the , Evangelistic

Bureaucrats' (J. G. Davies, 1972>, had originally

advocated the retention of Castlemilk for the

preservation of a wide 'green belt'. Besides being

concerned with the whol e question of the economic

and physical restructuring of the Clydeside

conurbation, the Clyde Valley planners reflected

the new trend in planning with respect to their


prime concern with comprehensive land use planning

(see P. Hall. 1988. p3,22). Their plan envisaged

reduc~ing-,Glasgow's po'pulation by 250,000 and moving

them to New and Expanded Towns outs i de the city

boundaries. Th1s led to bitter disputes between the

Scottish Office and GI asgow Corporation (see, f'or

instance, T. Brennan 1959; G. C.-Mooney 1988; and S.

Darner 1990) . Part of' the planners' concern was to

create 'neighbourhood units' which would be large

enough to 'prov'idediversity of" population and a

full range 'of- -social. recreational and educational

f' ac i I -i tie s' , and small enough to , encourage

acqua-intanceship'. Their concerns in this regard

were set out clearly in the main report:

" .•• insp-tte of IDUch lip-service to community

planning princ,iples and the recognition that

housing to be really good·.ust be related to social

needs.hldustry and recreation; that the group, the

neighbourhood,~tter no less than the house; that

size of towaand. pride in numbers are less

important than \Nelf"are of" population. there are

signs.threugflout the,CouDtry and especially in this

Regi!on, of' f"·or-getf"ull ness of the cOJIIIDUni t y whil e

concentrating-upon lBUl tiplicity of houses.· r (6)

The concept of' 'neighbourhood units' had its

ort'gins in ,the work of the proponents of Garden


City town planning perspectives (P. Hall, 1988).

The ideology that I ay behind the concept was to

provide for greater social integration, in a

similar manner to Octavia Hill's ideas for the

provision of • Communi ty Centres' (see chapter one).

Despite these concerns the Corporation Housing

Committee convinced the Department of Health that

the estate was urgentl y required for the buil di ng

of houses. Therefore, in anticipation of building

house s on the Castl emi I k estate. not i ce was gi ven

to the nine farmers in the area to terminate their

tenancies in 1946. The Corporation's initial plans

for Castl emil k envisaged the buH di ng of 10.206

houses. However, the Secretary of State for

Scotl and, taking into account the Clyde Valley

Plan, attempted to restrict the development to

5,400 houses in order to preserve a 'green belt'

between Castlemilk and the New Town of East

Kilbride. The Housing Committee of the Corporation,

acutely aware of the pressure by working class

organisations throughout the city for increased

provision of housing, objected to these

restrictions, aptly summed up by the then convener

of the housing committee:

.... They 'Were determIned to pursue theIr protest

to the utmost, that if necessary they would appeal


to the clty's :Members of" ParI lament, and promote

public demonstrations. He complained that the

restrictions would haJDper the local authority in

getting on with the rehousing which was so urgently

necessary to remove sluJO conditions in the


The Corporation eventually convinced the

government of" the neccessity of their case and

building work began in 1953, with plans for 8,305

houses. developed in f"ive sections at an estimated

cost of" £16m. By 1959, when a decision was made to

build twenty-storey blocks of flats on the highest

part of the scheme (Mi tchel hi 11 ), the amount of

dwell ing-houses in the scheme had risen to around

10,000. An urban/rural image was still maintained,

wi th t.he woodl ands, the sl opi ng hill s ides and the

retention of Windlaw Farm on the southern edge of

the estate. It was this I atter aspect, perhaps,

which led one early commentator to refer to

Castlemilk in glowing terms:

"It is a quiet, residential area which reflects

In ml nature the Improv I ng standards of the nat I on

as a whole, and is a complete success both for the

tenants who have Integrated to produce such an area


and. for the authorities who have finally learned

from their mistakes.·f (8)

The idea that the residents of' Castlemilk had

• never had it so good' was only partially true.

They may have escaped f'rom the overcrowded and dank

inner urban tenemental sl urns. but they were

forgotten people deprived of' basic services. The

planning and building of Castlemilk was totally

unco-ordinated and the provision of' social

services. industry and other amenities was non-

exi stent. School chi 1 dren f'rom Castl emil k. and the

other three major peripheral schemes. were being

bussed into schools in the older urban areas

throughout the late-1950s. Despite the fact that

the Corporation intended building Castlemilk as a

township. with 5 'neighbourhood units'. it was a

high-density residential area where you could not

even get a haircut without travelling into the city


Being buil t in the • mass modernist' (. Fordist' )

era of housing production, the houses in Castlemilk

represented the repetitive uniformity associated

with the flatted public estates of' modern mass

housing provision. The • brutal reduction in

standards' (S. Merrett, 1979) meant that such

housing was of low quality. The architecture and


street 1 ayouts were monotonous in the extreme and

the large backland areas between houses were like a

wil derness enclosed by brick boxes. 83 per cent,

(7,910. 1988 figures>, of the houses are in 3 or 4.

storey tenemental blocks and 9 per cent, 0,061.

1988 figures>, in multi-storey blocks. 89 per cent,

(8,4-39. 1988 figures), of the houses have 3 or 4-

apartments and the tenement flats were built to the

'T' deSign, wi th a 1 arge verandah at the front of

most houses. (9)

Until 1988, when 1,076 houses were sold to the

S.S.H.A. (now Scottish Homes), the District Council

was the pr inc i pal 1 andl ord in Castl emi 1 k, owni ng

all but 36 properties of the scheme's housing

stock. Owner occupation has grown marginal I y from

0.4 per cent in 1986 to 1.0 per cent in 1989,

representing a total of 99 houses bought under the

'Right to Buy' I egisl ation. In recent years the

District Council in an attempt to change the tenure

and management structures, and obviously in

recognition of the fact that tenure change through

the ' Ri ght to Buy' was a slow process in

Castlemilk, has also transferred some housing stock

to four par-value co-operatives and housing

associations. By 1990 1,863 houses, amounting to

19.3 per cent of the total stock, had moved over to


other forms of , social renting' organisations,

including Scottish Homes. (10) One of these.

Castlemilk East Housing Co-operative. as well as

providing 'high quality' houses for rent, has

already completed the f i r s t ' improvement for sale'

project in Castlemilk, selling 20 properties in the

process, at. prices ranging from £17,500 f'or a 2-

apartment flat to £25,000 for a 4--apartment

flat. (II)

In the 1950s, when Castl emil k was buil t. all

that concerned the Corporation was their

preoccupation with the numbers game: 'to build the

maximum number of houses in the shortest possible

time' . To achieve this programme, the housing

department encouraged and pressurised building

workers to increase production by the cl ever ploy

of exhibiting charts at each housing development

site revealing the position of the different trades

I in their execution of their contribution to the

set programme'. (12) The short-term political aim of

increasing house production, alongside the economic

re-structuring of the Clydeside economy, led to the

building of peripheral housing schemes with little

variety in house types, a bureaucratised system of

management, in an austere atmosphere with no social

or community facilities for the people who came to


live there. In short, the wider needs of the

tenants were never considered an important factor

in the building of schemes like Castlemil k. There

was certainly no consultation with potential

tenants over the planning of Castl emil k. There is

no doubt that there was an administrative need, as

well as political pressure from working class

organisations in GI asgow, for a massive house

building programme. However, while the 1946 Housing

Act made provision for long-term subsidies.

facil fties for the improvement of older housing,

powers to acquire inner city sites and build high-

rise housing etc, savings were made in the building

of these estates by curtailing additional

facil ities which were necessary for basic social

I ife. WeI fare capitalism may have been willing to

provide the funds to build houses for the workers,

it was not going to underwrite social life. It

should be borne in mind that Castlemilk was the

largest municipal housing scheme in Glasgow and in

1971, the peak year, a population of 33,875 were

housed there, all paying rent to the Corporation.

In 1981 the four major peripheral schemes in

GI asgow each had popul ati ons of over 30,000. The

combined population of these four schemes-


Castlemilk, Drumchapel, Easterhouse and Pollok- was

160,000. (Census. 1981)

It is only now, in the late-1980s and early-

1990s, that the state's attention has turned to the

, needs of the community' in schemes like

Castl emil k, despite the fact that their

deterioration had been identified in official

reports in the early 1970s. (13) A number of

, comprehensive' and 'partnership' i ni tiati ves to

foster urban regeneration have emerged in recent

years, and Castl emil k has been one of the areas

sel ected for special attention in this respect.

These holistic strategies have attempted to

encourage the active involvement of the 'local

community' in neighbourhood renewal, particularly

i n a housi ng context. As this is I ikely to have a

substantial effect on the nature of tenants'

organisations it is essential that we return to a

discussion of these issues in the latter part of

this chapter. However, this chapter is intended to

tell the story from the other s ide- • from the

bottom up'- because, , communi ty' concern with

issues which effect the tenants in Castl emil k are

not a new phenomenon. We need to understand the

nature of the I ived experience of the tenants of

Castlemilk historically and in relation to the


local state if are to have a proper

understanding of tenants' associations in large

peripheral housing schemes.

4.3 MOving Up The 'Milk: The 19508

Castlemilk. as we have noted. was one of

the massive housing schemes which were developed on

the fringes of Glasgow in the post-war years. The

pioneer tenants had come from allover the city to

live in Castlemilk, with a sizable proportion from

the 01 d south-side, and came f'rom all sectors of

the manual worki ng cl ass with a spr i nkI i ng of

, whi te-coll ar' workers. (14) In some cases, during

the period of' "Comprehensive Redevelopment", whole

closes of' tenants were moved from the Gorbal s or

Govan into a new close in Castlemilk. After being

accepted as a tenant in Castlemilk the actual house

an individual was placed in often depended on a

lot tery, where names were drawn out of a hat- a

ballot organised under the auspices of' a Housing

Department Clerk/Selector. (15) Many of these

tenants were previously either technically homeless

or living in overcrowded accomodat ion. We have

already referred to this situation in earlier

chapters, but it is important to remind ourselves


of the significance of this transformation for the

first tenants in Castlemilk:

" •.• 1 stayed with my rather in Springf'ield Road

and i t was a room-and-kitchen we were in, we were

on the waiting I ist but there were no houses. We

lived there until around, one or my boys would be

coming up ror rourteen and the other one would be

eleven or so when we came up to Castlemilk." (16)


"It [the old East-end] was extremely poor. I ire

was very very dirricul t, and most people I ived in

sub-l et houses. You were sub-l et from the tenant

who the ractor knew about, so to speak, and i t took

you a wee while ror to get to become a tenant in a

house and they were usually Jist room-and-kitchens

with outside toilets. When you became the tenant

you were the tenant, that was your house even if i t

was only a room-and-kitchen. Part or your house was

sub-let, you probably had a room in someone's house

no matter how many of a ramily you had. Now my

mother brought up six or us i n a small room-and-

ki tchen, not much bigger than this bl oomi n I i vi n

room o' mine .•.• in Wallace Street. We stayed there

until my mother got a house up in Househillwood.


and. ~ moved f'rom a. room-and -kitchen to a f'our-

apartment. which was like heaven to us."(17)

In many cases these people had to eat, sleep and

live in one room, share an outside toilet with 20

or more ne ighhours and, for the women, it was a

full day's work to do the washing at the 'steamie'

(the Corporation-run communal Wash-house> . Not

surprisingly, then, when the original tenants moved

into Castlemilk they were highly impressed by their

new houses and the new 1 iving conditions this

offered, notWithstanding the fact that their rent

had increased from around £1-7/- (£1.35p> to £8 a

quarter. Nevertheless, the combination of increased

rent. social isolation and additional transport

costs 1 ed a few tenants to return to the i r 01 d


"When peopl e came to Castl emil k. there was a

tremendous change to their lives. Some people

couldn't take the shock. Others couldn't af'f'ord it.

We ~re I ike early settlers. We needed an extra

wa~ f'or bus-fares to ~t to visit our families.

who were all away in another part of' town."(18)

However, those who did stay, while appreciating

their new homes, soon realised that there were no

support services or community facilities, apart


from the provision of a hut in Dougrie Terrace

where rents could be paid. No buses came into

Castl emil k. the nearest one stopped at the back

gate of Kings Park on the outer edges of the

scheme. There was nothing except houses- no maj or

roads, no shops. no schools, no doctors, no

cinemas, no cafes. no pubs. no bingo hall s, no

bookies etc:

"When a.h. moved up, once we got the 1"1 itting

over with and moved into the house. everything was

all Jist new, the boose wis lovely, and then a.h. sat

back and said "what have a.h. done here?" Because

where a.h. lived a' Jist ran doon tae the bottom o'

the street and ah had the Dairy. the Grocer, the

Butcher, everything at ma hand and ah came up here

and all ah seen was green f'ields and nothing else.

There wisnae any shops when we came up. we had tae

depend on vans coming up to the scheme, the grocer

van an' that ••• a.h. mean that's 32 year we're in this

scheme and that's us Jist got our Heal th Centre.

we've :fought :for that ror years an aw'."(19)

The de:ficiencies o:f economic and town planning

were not the only obstacles that these original

tenants faced when they moved in. In a situation,

similar to that identified hy Elias and Scotson

(1965), the residents of the nearby pri vate housi ng


estates of Croftfoot and Cathcart were deeply

perturbed about the possibility of people from the

'notorious' Gorbals living in close proximity to

their salubrious middle class social world:

.. When Castl e.i I k. 'WaS bui I t the peopl e in

Cathcart threw their hands up in horror. They said,

.. oh we'll get pubs and what have yen. You see

Cathcart was dry. So we had a referendum and 93 per

cent of the people in Castle.ilk. voted dry. much to

the relief of the people of Cathcart." (20)

Their relief was shortlived. There is hardly a

copy of the Minutes of the Cathcart Ward Committee

from 1955 onwards in which Castl emil k does not

feature on the agenda, on most occas.ions to raise

disapproval about the behaviour of it's residents:

"A complaint was made that following the

occupation houses In Castl emf I k. numerous

depredations have occured in Croftfoot gardens.

Flowers have been destroyed and coal stolen. Young

children have been hawking papers on Sundays in the

avenues. Whilst appreciating the police have a

difficult task i t was agreed that a letter be sent

to the corporation on the matter."(21)

Within weeks an additional police constable was

allocated to the Cathcart district to cope with


these misdemeanours, supposedly carried out by

Castlemil k residents. The • establ ished' residents

of Croftfoot and Cathcart were cl earl y intent on

maintaining the collaboration of the local state in

protecting their 'higher social status' from these

, outsiders' The new tenants in Castlemilk had no

s imil ar or gani sati on to speak out on the i r behal f

about the si tuation that they found themsel yes in.

However, they were not slow in responding

collectively to the problems which they faced and a

vigorous communal life developed. The fact that

there were no other facilities avaliable meant that

the Churches. of all denominations, were in a

predominant position in the earl y years of the

scheme. The Church of Scotland used to hold Sunday

services in a workman's hut and the Catholic Church

hel d a Dail y Mass ina converted tenement fl at

before proper churches were opened in 1959. It was

through the churches that much of the early social

I ife in the scheme was organised. The Church of

Scotl and, for instance, ran dances, bus runs,

concert parties as well as more obvious aspects

like the Women's Guil d, Sunday school s, "mother and

young wive's groups", Boys Brigade, Girl Guides and

Brownies. Many people who were not members of these

churches, perhaps because there were no obvious


al ternati ves, took part in these events. Even t.he

American missionaries, the Mormons, made an

unsuccessful attempt to open a church in the I ate

1950s. Castlemilk also had five Orange Lodges by

the earl y 19605. Indeed two of these lodges, the

Castlemilk Truth Defenders LOL No 108 and the

Castlemilk Sisters of Truth LLOL No 108, made their

own small piece of history when the banners of the

male and female lodges were unfurled

simuUataneously, the first time this had ever

occuned in Scotland. (22) However, none of these, or

other similar organisations, had the ability or,

perhaps. the inclination to bring people together

to strive for improved conditions for all the

tenants of Castlemilk. The campaigns for increased

and better facil ities only really began when the

first tenants' association was formed after an

inaugural meeting in August 1955. The first AGM of

the tenants' association was held on the 31st of

October 1955, with around 200 tenants attending,

and 5 office bearers and 30 members of a Management

Committee were elected. The tenants' association

normally held their weekly meetings in a workman's

hut in Dougrie Road, and sometimes held their

management committee meetings In people's

houses. (23) This tenants' association was much more


responsive to the developing needs of Castlemilk's

growing population than any other organisation in

the scheme. A variety of social networks led to the

development of tenants' associations p~rticul arl y,

if surprisingly, communal garden-digging:

"One wonderf'ul thing we got here. When we came

up here there was qu I te a number of' peopl e got

together and said "well look we'll need to try and

make something of' this". and people started gettln

into maybe wee groups and starting to talk. ~ had

no hall. so we had to get an old hut at the back

there. Two or three of' us got together like.

through dlf'f'erent organisations. Jist ordinary

tenants and spoke about things. through the

gardening club. We started a gardening club. and of'

course people all wanted a garden at that time .•. i t

was something new because they came f'rom a part of'

the city where there were no gardens ••. ~ had a

horticultural club f'or many years and i t done very

well because that got a group of' peopl e who were

interested in trying to better things . . . . people

respected each other. there was very little

vandallsm.•. there this great f'eell ng of'

companionship, comradeship .•.• There was this

wonderf'ul f'eel ing of' "this is a house and we're

goiDg to try and do something about it". There was


a great reel ing amongst people to try and better

their position. We then set about discovering there

was nae buses, so we f'ought to get buses, then we

81.1 so discovered the things that you do have. and

they're getting '-VOrse now than ever, namely

District council. Strathclyde Region. councillors

and so on wi 11 not move unl ess you get in. So at

that time then went into Cathcart Ward

Committee, the Tenants' Association nominated

peopl e . . . " (24)

It was from this word-of-mouth communication,

mainl y amongst the men in the scheme, that the

Castlemilk Tenants' Association was formed in 1955,

and almost everyone then living in the scheme

joined the association. The tenants' association

produced a membership book, whose publ ication was

paid for by advertisments. This was then sold

throughout the scheme for five shillings (5p> ,

which was regarded as a yearly subscription for

each individual member. People had moved from other

areas of the city and were determined to join in

any campaign to fight for the provision of adequate

facilities in a new scheme. This self-organised and

self-supporting tenants' association, which is

still in existence today, sought to represent the

interests of all the tenants in Castl emi I k. in the


context where the building o£ new houses was

expanding. As well as providing a social £ocus £or

tenants i n a new scheme, the tenants' assocfati on

gave e£fecti ve expression to tenants perspectives

and criticisms through their dealings with the

Corporation and other authorities. The main

objectives of the tenants' association were set out

in the membership handbook:

II a)To safeguard the interests of the residents

of the Castlemilk scheme.

b)To en! ighten tenants on local and National

l~gislation which effects them.

c)To promote such activities as may be deemed

advisable to foster the social and educational life

of the COJDIDunity."(25)

This was an organic collective movement of

tenants which had issued from within the community,

not simpl y from choice but from need. The new

tenants were responding to the dLfficul ties

associated with adjusting to life in a desolate,

monotonous and isolated wilderness. While they may

not have developed a collective consciousness at

thi s stage. they fully involved themselves in

building a social life in the scheme, running

christmas parties for children and old age


pensioners, organising cake and candy sales to gain

financial independence for the tenants'

association, and so forth. They had not moved from

'a people-centred to a house-centred existence' (M.

Young and P.Willmott, 1957, p154). They had carried

and modi r i ed the cuI ture whi ch they had developed

over many years in the older parts of the city to

the new schemes. Culture. in this context. is the

response of a peopl e to the environment they live

in. As such. thi s i ncl uded every aspect of the i r

lives- the way they work. shop, eat, cohabit. play.

It was the totality of their response to the

situation they were living in which is being

referred to here and not culture in any exclusive

or el itist artistic, 1 iterary or musical context.

This political culture, in the broadest sense of

the term, was wedded to the tenants' association

and. through acti ve experience, enabl ed them to

raise issues about the quality of life which they

were expected to accept in a new housing scheme.

It is important to acknowledge at this stage

that, the political culture that developed in

Castl emil k was somewhat different from that which

arose in Pollok, another post-war peripheral

housing scheme. While the tenants' associations, in

both Castl emil k and Pollok, cl aimed to be 'non-


politic.aL' (in-th.e sense that they were not

affil lated to_.any:political party> the I inks with

formal po!·i..tical parties was more apparent in

Pol·lok in· the early years than was the case in

Castl emil k. (see' M.·· Broady and J. Mack. 1960; and

G.C. Mooney 1988· .for a discussion of Pollok>. It is

difficult at this distance in time to ascertain why

this was the case. but i t probably derives in part

from the later development in Castl emi 1 k of

pol itical organisations. particul arly the Labour

Party and Communist Party branches. Castlemilk.

partl y because of the scheme's close proximity to

middle c.l ass Cathcart. was represented by a

Conservative 'M. P. until' the mid-1980s.

The main priorities for the Castlemilk

tenants' association in the I ate 1950s and earl y

1960s were the campaigns for the provision of

schools and buses, the lack of which had added to

the feelings of remoteness for the new tenants. The

reaso·ns :for this are rather obvious. Most of the

chil-dr-en in Castl emil k were being bussed into the

city centre .schools. whi ch was cost i ng the

Corporation around £30,000 a week in the 1950s. (26)

Public transport was also a necessity for a

population with low car ownership. People had to

travel into the city centre for shoppi ng, most of


the men continued to be employed in the traditional

manufacturing industries in other areas of the

city, as far away as Sprfngburn and Bridgeton. On

their return from the shipyards and engineering

works in the evening they probabl y passed many of

the women of' Castlemilk who were travelling into

the city centre to clean the offices and shops. It

is not surprising, therefore, that inadequate

transport and the compl ete 1 ack of other social

facilities were seen as a major priority by members

of the tenants association. Durant had recognised

the importance' of the wider provision of support

services in such locations in her study of Watling

in the inter-war years:

'"There are JDany obJections to banishing the

poor to the outskirts of the city. Thei r poverty

Bakes i t particularly di~ficult ~or them to develop

a new co.-nnity under conditions so different from

those o~ the central areas. Moreover. poorer

districts, i~ not contiguous with shopping and

aJDUsement centre. supported by other sections of

the co.ouni·ty. su~fer serious curtailment of their

~acilities for recreation and their sources of

Dental stiJDUlation. A sense of restlesness and

frustration results .. • (27) 1


The new tenants in Castlemilk, while restless

and frustrated, had no particular difficul ty in

developing a new' conununity'. While sociologists,

in the post-war years, were showing renewed concern

about the apparent , loss of community' these

tenants were combi ni ng together to fight for the

facilities which were indispensable to a full

• conununi ty' life. Through a shared experience and

common adversity they established their own

associational networks to campaign for improved

transport services, schools and, later on,

industry. The campaigns for school s and transport

facil ities started with letters being written to

the appropriate authorities. When this tactic was

met with little success the tenants' association

held public meetings on the issue and demanded the

support of local councillors. By the late 1950s

the Corporation had responded by providing a bus

service for the scheme and schools were opened up-

Glenwood Secondary and St Margaret Mary's Secondary

were the first schools. While the Corporation may

always have intended building schools in

Castl emil k. i t was only through the urgings and the

united action of the tenants' association that the

process was speeded up.


After this initial • settl ing-in' period the

tenants' association turned their attention to

other aspects of scheme life and the activities of

other social agencies. In 1960 they formed an

action committee to protest against the Revaluation

and Rating Bill. successfully protested against a

6s 6d increase levied by the Gas Board on meters

and, in 1961, they ensured that the Corporation

filled in part of Castlemilk pond. (28) This latter

aspect was no small achievement, as four Castlemilk

children had drowned in this pond by 1966. These,

apparently, unglamorous functional changes in the

activities of the tenants' association are not

really that surprising. The Castlemllk tenants'

association was formed in order to deal with all

complaints about the scheme which the state.

through its planners and archi tects, was

responsible for creating.

However, from a perusal of the annual reports

of the Castlemilk tenants' association, it is

obvious that they were al so consciousl y aware of

the fact that, through a shared class position,

they would have to organise collectively to protect

the interests of all tenants against attempts by

state agencies to reduce their standard of living

still further. (29) The psychic- support obtained


from living with others similarly placed has always

been important to the continuance of tenants'

associations in Castlemilk, and other housing

schemes. The everyday experience of living in a new

housing scheme had generated a form of'

consciousness- a counter-hegemony- which rejected

, possessi ve i ndi vidual ism' (C.B. MacPherson, 1962)

and a form of pol itical action which was intended

to , rouse the masses from passivity'

(A. Gramsci, 1971,p429). It was in the 1960s and

1970s that this common consciousness in the social

base of the Castl emil k tenants' association came

under sustai ned pressure with attempts to absorb

i t into reactionary populism.

4.4 From Peripheral Paradise To • Problem Estate':


"What" s Wrong With Housing Schemes?" <Glasgow

Evening Citizen.. February 8th-13th 1960)

"The Bitter Wind In The New Scheme" <Glasgow

Eveni·ng Citizen. March 22nd 1960)

"Castle.ilk Folk Jealous of Schemes Good

Na.e"(Ruthergien Reformer, 26-4-63)

"Unrest in the New Housing Estates" <Glasgow

Heral d. 8-3-66 )

"The Crisis o-r Confidence That Bas Bit

Castle_ilk" (Rutherglen Refor~r. 2-6-66)

II Castl emi.l k at the Crossroads" (Gl asgow Heral d.


The headlines say it all! By the early 1960s

Glasgow's post-war peripheral housing schemes. and

Castlemilk in particular, were now being seen as

'problem estates'. Damer (1989) has traced the

genesis of the ideology behind this term

historically in relation to working class

neighbourhoods. and provides a thorough critique of

the existing ideology and literature at the same

time. In the earl y 19605, in reference to

Castlemilk. it was t h e ' problem tenant' which the

media, housing officials and reactionary

politicians- the 'traditional intellectuals' - used

as a representation of the demise of the scheme. In

March 1962 the Progressive councillor for the

Cathcart Ward, Mr Edward M. Taylor, moved a motion

in the Corporation aimed at segregating 'bad

tenants' in Glasgow's housing schemes, as follows:

""That i t be remitted to the Property Management

Co. .ittee to consider and report on steps which can

be taken to protect corporation tenants -rrom the

anti-social behaviour of' the small minority of'


tenants .~ cause damage to corporation and tenants

property and considerable annoyance to their

neighbours and other tenants by their general

conduct .•• (30 )

Taylor Justi£ied this approach by selecting out

a small minority o£ tenants who "by their very

conduct, their use o£ threats, violence, vandalism,

£oul language, their drunkeness and bestiality made

it impossible £or their neighbours to lead a decent

lire untroubled by rear, violence and abuse."(31)

So, in language reminiscent o£ Dickens, Taylor was

proposing to segregate these 'anti-social tenants'

in property owned by the Corporation in the

depopulated 'low amenity' central areas o£ the city

which were being "comprehensively redeveloped" at

this time. These tenants, it was proposed, woul d

serve a probationary period o£ six months in

enclaves away £rom housing areas under the watch£ul

eye o£ the Resident Factors, the 'Green Ladies' and

the local police £orce. 1£ they proved themselves

worthy and socially responsible a£ter this period

they woul d be returned to • normal hous i ng'. whi ch

was a return to notions £irst mooted in Glasgow a

century earl ier.

It should be remembered that Castlemilk was a

heterogeneous scheme, containing tenants £rom all


sectors of the working class- Shipwrights, Leather

Tanners, Platers, Dockers, CI erks, PI umbers,

Labourers and so forth. (32) Taylor was attempting

to portray a • small mi nor i ty' of the Castl emi I k

residents as a homogeonous 'proble~ phenomenon and

was sel ecting them out for a "new get-tough pol icy"

of re-education. There may have been pragmatic

reasons for Taylor raising this issue at this

po i nt. but the f act that he had represented the

Cathcart Ward for the Progressives/Conservatives on

the Corporation for a number of years and, was

seeki ng sel ection as a parliamentary candidate on

the basis of the new ward boundaries which brought

Castlemilk into the existing Cathcart Ward for the

first time, suggests that there may have been more

obvious political reasons behind the move. If he,

and more importantl y the Progressi ve/Conservati ve

party, was to continue to be elected in this area

he would have to make some impression on the new

'respectable' tenants in Castlemilk.

Activists in the Castl emil k tenants'

association, and tenants generally, were concerned

at the existence of noisy tenants, tenants who

never kept the close or garden tidy, vandalism

etc. (33) Taylor, and the Progressi ve/Conservati ve

party. were able to successfully exploit this for


years, rema,fning in office representing the

Cat:heart [37th] .. Ward almost undisturbed from 194-9

to 1:973.(34) I t . was . in his interest, and that of

hi.s party's. to identify what he saw as

• respectable" working class tenants who might vote

for. the· Conserv.atives. However, the activists in

the Castl·emil.k tenants' association were not

will ing to accept that this phenomenon- the

• problem tenant' - was unique to Castl emil k. was

characteristic of the scheme as a whole or could be

solved through segregation. There were, it has to

be admitted. ·elear. contradictions in their response

to Taylor':s pro,posals. The secretary of the

Ca.stl~emil k tenants' association, Mr William

Monaghan, referred to Taylor's suggestions in March

1962 as "cockeyed" and suggested that segregation

was a "diTty ward" t but went on to say that:

" ... I believe that the proper ~y to tackl e

thi's' th~ng:ls to give greater po~rs to the local

f'actors.We should. try to rel'orm these people. But

after they have been war.ned three. or 1'our times.

the local factors ,should have the po~rs to evict

them_ .... (35)

By,callingi'or. these powers to be conferred to

the·,··Res·ident ·Fac·tors, the secretary of the tenants'

association was supporting the idea of


segregating tenants, though ina less draconi an

way. There were other tenants, while in agreement

with some of what Taylor said, who argued that the

great maJority of tenants in Castlemilk. and other

schemes, were II decent. I aw abiding citizens". The

I ocal probation off icer had al so suggested that.

"delinquency figures in Castlemilk are extremely

good compared with other housing schemes". (36)

However, Taylor and the representatives of the

local state were intent on amplifying and

exploiting the existence of a small minority of

"probl em tenants" . through mystification. In the

follOwing years a severe ideological drive was made

to make these divisions between "respectable" and

"untouchabl e" tenants, a breach which has a long

historical traJectory, (see. for instance, C. S.

Loch; 1883; S. Webb and B. Webb, 1929; G. Stedman-

Jones 1983; and. for a local representative, A. K.

Chalmers and J. Mann 1933>. the main exemplary of

the "problem" in Castlemllk. The significance of

such a resolute strategy was to present the

"respectabl es" with a formul ation of the "probl em

tenant" which they could recognise. and allow the

state to intervene unhindered by protestation- or

be confronted with a 'war of position' on the part

of the tenants' association. The purpose of this


ideology was to ensure that this "small minority"

of tenants could not undermine the traditional

social and authority reI at! ons, cui tural patterns

and I ifestyl es which were regarded as appropriate

for "respectable" tenants. Friend and Metcalf have

noted the importance of this ideological deception

in another context:

H ••• Although such a division has always

existed, i t has assumed di:fferent signi:ficance at

different points in time. This has happened when

the uneven development of the capitalist economy

has swollen or reduced the numbers living on the

:margins of' .. society and as the interaction of uneven

development and the changing balance of class

:forces has acted either to unite or :fragment the

working class as a wbole. II (37)

The £ragmentation of tenants in Castlemilk was

at the root of Taylor's ideological onslaught. The

Corporation endorsed these views in 1962/63 with a

scheme to evict tenants who failed to meet the

required standards of tidy gardens, closes etc, set

by the housing department. A number of tenant

activists objected to Castlemilk being selected out

for this 'pilot proJect' and demanded an apolOgy

from the CorporatIon. (38) However, their attempts

at presenting a posi t i ve image of the scheme were


1 imited through their partial acceptance of'

Taylor's def'l-nition of' the "problem". The root

cause of' most oj' the untidy gardens. f'or instance.

was not the f'aul t of "probl em tenants". but the

f'act that many of them had been given the

~mpossible task of culti~ating vast wastelands. The

Corporation had avoided all responsibility for this

through the creation of' a reputation which had

little basis in reality and a victim-blaming

ideology- aimed at a "small minority" of Castlemilk


While this strategy was not totally successf'ul.

this event shows that a reactionary ideology can

meet with some el ements of " common-sense" and

provide the state with the legitimating tactics

necessary f'or the policing of' working class

ne i ghbour hoods. The real pol icing of' Castl emil k

tenants was for non-payment of rent, as a former

Resident Factor for Castlemilk suggested:

"1£ I sent a rent collector up a certain close

on a Monday to collect rent arrears. by the

Wednesday or Thursday everybody in that street who

~ in arrears would have been down at the office

to clear their debt. as they knew the way that I

operated was to colI ect the arrears for a who I e

street at a time. This· saved any embarrassment with


their ne~ghbours. In 1975 there ~re 8 supervisors

in Castl eail·,k. . DOW there are 20 and they are not

doing the Job as good as f'e~r people ~re." (39)

Between 1968 and 1979, (excluding figures for

1975) • 1, 118 Castlemilk tenants had absconded

without paying rent and 228 were evicted f'or non-

payment of' rent. (40) This autocratic style of'

housing management was used as an additional

mechanism to f'ragment the tenants in Castlemilk. By

the mid-1960s. the period when poverty was

'rediscovered' on a national scale, an increasing

number of' probation off'icers, chil d care of'f'icers,

health visitors and school welf'are of'f'icers were

employed in Castlemilk, and 'f'amily casework units'

were set-up_ This was the era when the f'irst

f'lourishing'S of' 'Community Development' came to the /

f'ore f'ollowing the publication of' a series of'

reports on 'urban deprivation' Mil ner-HoII and.

Ingelby, Plowden, Seebohm et al. These 'new

prof'essional s of' deprivation' (CDP, 1976) assumed

that it was certain individuals who were

responsible, indeed caused. the , urban

depri vation' . This was certainly the case in

Castl emil k, and other council housi ng schemes in

Glasgow, where the "problems" were being laid


squarely at the door of a certain category of

famil y:

NThe majority of' Glasgow's 14-0,000 municipal

tenants are stahl e. ef'£icient f'aJDllles whose I if'e

and ~rk makes a positive contribution to society.

but --a s.a.ll number beset by ignorance and

hopelessness £all into a feckless or anti-social

way of life". <4-1)

The state's purpose in moving these • street-

level bureaucrats' <M. Lipsky, 1980) into

Castlemilk was not to deal with the root causes of

poverty. <the unacknowledged reality hidden behind

phrases I ike 'urban depri-vation>, but to seperate

out a certain section of the popul ation f'or re-

moral tzation, to provide the "respectabl e" tenants

with a role-model to avoid and to def'lect attention

away from the pal babl e alienation which

Castlemilk's tenants had lived with for more than

ten years. The "cuI ture of poverty" thesis which

was inherent in this kind of' interpretation of'

events has long been recognised f'or f'ailing to take

into account the impact of' wider social and

economic structures <see. for instance, R. Holman.

1978; and S. Damer, 1989> . Hidden behind this

dramatization were a nQrnber of' serious problems

which could not be blamed on individual f'amilies or


"problem tenants". There were only two factories in

Castlemilk, Miller Textiles Ltd and Wallace and

Camer-on Ltd. who employed around 4-00 workers

between- them. As we have al ready seen, there were

no tea-rooms or cafes, no pubs. no cinema and no

betting shop. though bets were collected illegally

round the doors. For a scheme which had a large

number of young children there was no such thing as

an adventure pI ayground. It is hardl y surpr is i ng.

that after a period of ten years without such

essential recreational facil ities, that certain

problems would arise or that children would seek

out other forms of activity, such as vandal ism,

which would cause consternation amongst tenants.

The Castlemilk tenants' association had been

arguing since its inception that. the fail ure to

provide even the simplest amenities or recreational would have adverse effects in building a

full • community' 1 ife, as their chairperson stated

in 1960:

-"There is a need for more social and

recreational a.JDenltles in the scheme and I am

inaugurating a cwapaign to speed up the provision

oC playing :fields. tennis courts. bowl ing greens

and :football pitches. Castleml1k with a population

oC 36.000 people still has none of the above


faciLities. ,This situation IRUst be remidied and

your support will be appreciated". (42)

The local state did not recognise the full

significance of these claims until the isolation

and boredom of living in such a wilderness (aptly

summed up by locals as the 'Ponderosa') led 3,000

tenants to seek a transfer out of the scheme in

1966/7. It was estimated that 90 per cent of these

tenants had lived in Castlemilk for ten years. The

alienation which the Castlemilk tenants association

had fought against from the beginning was now being

defined as a management problem.

It was at this stage that the tenants'

association themselves began to recognise the full

significance~ and practical effects, of the stigma

which was being attached to Castlemilk through the

pernicious and arbitrary ideology advocated by

Taylor. The chairperson of the Castl emil k tenants'

association, through the urgings of many tenants,

challenged a local councillor to a public debate on

the viabil i ty of creating .. Ghettos for bad

tenants", a chall enge which was never met. (4-3) The

tenants' association argued that segregation would

lead to more trouble in the long-term and was

i ncapabl e of deal i ng with the under 1 y i ng probl ems

in Castlemilk. Nevertheless, the issue of


segregating "anti-social" tenants re-emerged at

various points throughout the late 19BOs and early

1970s, until the housing department moved 'action

teams' into the peripheral schemes. These action

teams, which were to have "special knowledge o:f

planning, landscaping, and social work" (or,

street-:fighting, house-clearing and snooping) were

intended to deal speci:fically with "anti-social"

tenants. The cost o-f improvement and repairs in

these schemes was increasing on a yearly basis, :for

instance,. -from £2.5m. in 1970 to £3. Bm. in

1971. (4-4) The strategy that the local state chose

to deal with this problem was "Community

Development", a policy which has been exposed by

Cockburn thus:

"This ,then.·was the cOJIIIDUnity -pack.age. I t did

not cost auch .oBey. It ~s not a substitute policy

in, housing.' heal-tb.. education or any of the other

servicing tasks o:fthe local state. It ~ a series

of ·research,and development exercises. intended to

get better value for the DOney local authorities

spend. each year. Corporate management had

concentrated on the internal management structures

of councils. The central state's • cOJDIDuni ty

package' ~ 1;0 ·.a.k.e good its shortcolDings- first

by reviving. renewing. reproducing the relations of


authority; second by concentrating on implementing

pol icies; third by the sources of

information about the working class needed by


The tenants' association's response, while

contradictory, challenged the notion that a "small

minority" of tenants could be held responsible f'or

the problems which faced tenants in Castlemilk

during this period. Increasingly their concerns

focussed on issues which could not be laid at the

door of 'problem' tenants and new associations were

formed to deal wi th them, though the Castl emi I k

tenants' association was still regarded as the main

representative body for tenants and acted as a

federation. For instance, in Jul y 1967. 14 feet

long cracks began to appear in the brickwork of the

"showpiece" Dougrie Heights multi-storey flats. The

Dougrie Place Tenants' Association was f'ormed

spontaneousl y and successful I y campaigned to have

the flats repaired, at one stage threatening to

withold their rent unless repairs were carried

out. (46) The shopping centre, which the Castlemilk

tenants' association had campaigned long and hard

for, was opened in the summer of 1966 and the

Community Centre was opened in December. Other,

smaller scale, campaigns continued(47)- petitions


for footpaths, zebra crossings and seats for old

age pensioners throughout the scheme, protests over

inadequate refuse colI ect ion, opposition to

children being transferred to city centre schools

(again!), meetings with the local housing manager

to discuss repairs and other complaints, and, with

an increasing number of children in Glasgow, and in

Castl emil k, identi fied by the Heal th Authority as

suffering from rickets the Castlemilk tenants'

ass-ociation mounted a campaign against cuts in

subsidies for school meals. (48)

Despite these problems, by the end of the 1960s

Castl emil k was being regul arl y referred to as a

"showpiece" estate, particularly when compared with

the much .more serious image problems which

Easterhouse was experiencing in this period (see G.

Armstrong & M. Wilson. 1973). In 1969 Teddy Taylor

was referring to 'No Crisis at Castlemilk' (49) and,

in 1975, could write an article praising the scheme

and its inhabitants, with the giveaway title of

, Things are Looking up in a Much Better

Castl emil k' (50) If Castlemilk was going to be

portrayed as a success in comparison to other

peripheral schemes, despite the tenants'

associations evidence to the contrary, Taylor was

making it clear that this was largely due to the


policies he and his party had been advocating for a

number of years.

In the early 1970s a number of f'actors combined

to al ter . the directi on of' the Castl emil k tenants'

a.ssociation. By this stage political party branches

had beenf'ormed. and a·number of' people involved in

soc i al and I abour pol i t i cs, mainly Communist

Party members, became active in the tenants'

association. While the key offices in the tenants'

associat.ion had previousl y been occupied by men a

woman 'was elected chairperson for the first time,

reversi ng the. tr.e·nd of • women in the seats and men

on the platform'. Two local 'community' newspapers

were published- Castlemilk Press and Castlemilk

Today. These papers sol dover 2. 000 copi es each

mouth and provided the tenants' association with a

focus to circulate knowledge about their

activities to a wider audience. These changes

coincided with the introduction of' the Housing

(Finance ·Provisio.ns) (Scotland) Act 1972. (see GCTA

chapter). The Castlemilk Rents Action Committee was

formed, through the Castl emil k tenants'

association, in the latter part of' 1972 to support

the Labour. control.led Glasgow Corporation's initial

refusal to implement this Act~ The purpose of this

organisatien was to mobil ise as many tenants as


possible through a wide-based organisation of

tenants'associations, labour organisations and any

other social organisations in the scheme, and to

Join with other organisa1:.ions in the city who were

campaigning against this Act. Attendance at public

meetings of the Action Conunittee was as high as

4-00, whereas the average attendance at meeti ngs of

the tenants' association was around 30. They were

attempting to protect the living standards of all

tenants in Castlemilk and developed a vigorous

protest~ including a rent-increase strike:

"When the Corporation gave in. they held a 500

strong protest meeting. and called for the increase

to be witheJ.d. For 6 IBOnthsthey kept up a campaign

0" lea.,letting. street aeetings with loudspeakers.

sales of Scottish Tenant. and a 2-lBOnth picket 0"

the£actors' o£tice. The campaign failed to create

BaSS reutwitholdfng•. but i t put the issue right at

the centre o£ people"s minds. and showed the

possibil i1~.ies there are!n the idea 0 .... co-ordinated

local . action... (51 >

Despite the fact that the wider agi tation

against this Act failed in its objective the

important factor, in this context, is that i t was

the first time that the Castl emi I k tenants'

association had been invol ved in a campaign of


direct action. Through the in:fl ux of' new members,

and the rais'ing' of a cri ti-cal consciousness, the

tenants' association were becoming aware of' the

impl ications that pol icies imposed by the central

state could have f'or tenants in their local ity.

They had al so created a model of' protest whi ch

woul-d be utilised in :future activities in

Castl-emil k. They may not have achieved, and i t was

never their intention to in any case, • structural

tr ans:f or mat ion' (M. Castell s, 1977). but they were

success:ful in more broadly de:fined terms. As

Fireman and Gamson (1979) make clear, the simple

act o:f engaging in ongoing struggle educates people

in the dynami cs of struggl e, I eadershi p and pO'Wer,

all of which are significant achievements for

opposition groupings. One example of this

"pedagogic" I·esson occured in 1976 when, against

the wishes of their local council I or Pat Lall y.

over' 50 Castlemilk. tenants marched into the City

Chambers with placards and banners to protest

against proposals to form a 10-member Community

Council in Castl emil k. (52) Another, more

significant. example of' direct action took place in

1983 when a fire broke out on the ground floor of

tenement flats in Scarrel Drive and three families

had to be rescued by the Fire Brigade. (53) After


spending - some time in GI asgow' s Homel ess Persons

Unit the housing department insisted that the

famil ies return to their homes. Bel ieving that the

fire had been started by a petrol bomb, and that

the houses were uninhabitable, the families refused

to return to this part of the scheme:

"Rumours that ~ are asking for areas such as

Fernhill" Carmunuock and Blairbeth are ridiculous.

We have actually appl ied for vacant housing in

Ardencra-ig Road and that· isu' t exactly Buckingham

Palace but i t is .away fro. Searrel Road and that is

all we are asking for. "(54-)

The housing department. however, were refusing

to accept that the -tenants had a sui tabl e case for

re-housing and insisted that they return to their

forme-r homes. The three famil ies, along with others

supporting them, organised a • sit-in' in the

Castl emil k office of the housing department. This

occupat.ion I asted for over a week and 4-8 arrests

were made. The same 12 peopl e were arrested on

three sepftrate occassions, firstly for trespass and

on the last occafsion for 'Breach of the Peace'. On

the evening before their court appearance the

charges were dropped for no apparent reason, other

than the state wanting to avert a potentially

controversial confrontation with these tenants.


However, the tenants continued to campaign for re-

housing and erected tents and a caravan outside the

local housing office, protests to the Director of

Housing and councillors were organised, and

eventually negotiations with local housing

management staff were held. Through these various

tactics, and,with·the support of many other tenants

in Castlemil·k, the families were eventually re-

housed six weeks after the t'ire in Scarrel Drive

and four weeks after their 'sit-in' began.

The main point about this event is that a

reasonable request f'or re-housing was met with, at

the very least, insensitivity by housing management

and local couneill ors'and by the repressive use of

arrest and· ·harrassment by the pol ice force. These

tactics were obviously intended to structure the

context of' the tenants} interaction with the

agencies of' the local state through the more

routinized f'orms of' social control which the state

had become accustomed to utilizing. This is similar

to the general tendenc ies wi th regard to state

reaction to opposition organisations that

Oberschall <1979 ) identified. Oberschall argues

that the state's initial reaction to opposi tion

groupings is to • persuade them to take part in

routine pol i tical transactions'. If this strategy


.fail s the state concentrates on the immediate

problem of social control, and this is mostly dealt

wi th by means of repression. However. this was a

group of tenants·~ho were not will ing accompl ices

to incorporation or open to pol icies of' potential

'con:fli.ct resolutionJ ·• In Dearlove's (1974-) terms

they were an 'unheLpful group' and they were

determi.ned to use every tactic, incl uding direct

action, to convince all representatives of the

local state apparatus of the legitimacy of' their

case. These tenants were, following Gramsci again,

'organic intellectuals' of' the working class whose

purpose was to formalize and guide the emotions of

peopl e who were attempting to overcome experience

of powerlessness and alienation. The outcome of

this short struggle was a small but important

victo-ry for these tenants.··

However. Castlemilk was now faced with a number

of wider problems which would have to be addressed

in the 1980s. The local press, politicians and the

housing management department were now ref'erring to

Glasgow's peripheral housing schemes as "no-go

areas", with Castl emil k, Drumchapel. Easterhouse

and Pollok top of the 1 ist. In 1985 the Council,

acting in the role of' colonial administrator, set

up an "early warni ngsystem" to alert housing and


social .work: officials of "imminent dangers" in the

peripheral schemes. (55) The 1981 Census had

indicated· that Castl emil k' s popul ation had dropped

from 36,951 in 1971 to 28,855 in 1981 and

Strathcl yde Regional Council had estimated that

this would be down to 23,400 by 1986. It was,

perhaps, inevitabl.e that these factors- alongside

the increases in unemployment level s, inadequate

transport services and probl ems arising from the

desig'B~o:f~ the housi:ng in Castlemilk- would evoke

some,k-ind of sustained response from the state. The

Jargon whi-ch accompanied the subsequent response

was "New Life for Castlemilk", at a campaign launch

in November 1986. (56) We need now to turn our

attention ,to an anal ysis of what this "new 1 ife"

will have to offer the tenants of Castl emil k.

4.5 The Re-Structuri:ug of a Housing Scheme:

Castle.ilk in the 80s

II Peri pheral estates are in very low demand and

pressure "'-or ,transf.ers out i's high.. Alar ge scal e

exodus o~ population has only been avoided through

the shortage o~ public and af~ordable private

housing .in. other areas. It is clear that these

estates IIWSt continue to house large populations

for many years to come and that fundamental changes

are necessary to create viable co..unitles and


a.void a.n, ir.reversible decline into ghettos of the

poor -and uneaployed."(57)

The Gr·ieve Inqu-lry into Housing in Glasgow

(1986) made i t evident that a plan £01' 'GHding The

Ghetto' was required to prevent the further decline

in popularity of Glasgow's four main peripheral

housing schemes. This is what really lies behind

the p-romot.ion of schemes for 'tenant participation'

The Grieve Inquiry also recommended that the

District Council should transfer up to 50 per cent

of the peripheral est'ate housing stock (25 per cent

of Glasgow's total stock of council houses) to

Housing Associations. housing co-operatives and to

home ownership. The 'residualisation of council

housing' in GI asgow was to be reversed through

adopting the dominant perspective on housing tenure

develo:pment which has existed in Britain since the

early 198Qs in both political and academic circles

(see, for instance, P. Saunders, 1990). It is,

principally, these powerful ideological, and

practical, changes that has led GI asgow District

Council to retreat into a more fragmented, more

market-oriented form o:f- intervention in housing

development- or as some writers would prefer 'post-

modernist' (See S. Smith & A. Kearns. 1990)

Nevertheless, while the above quotation makes it


clear ·that housing tenure development is one

important f'actor in the emerging strategies, it

also alludes to the existence of' an implicit agenda

to alter the class composition of' those tenants who

will live in the peripheral schemes in the f'uture.

The 1 ikel y success, or otherwise, of' this strategy

to promote an enterprise culture will be more

apparent, at least in the short-term, in Castlemilk

where the Grieve recommendations have been

incorporated. into the. wider plans of the District

Council, Strathcl yde Regional Council and the , I

Scottish Of'f'ice-through ' New Lif'e for Urban

Scotland'. (hereaf'ter 'New Life').

One important f'actor, among many, which

conce:rns·tenants' associations in Castlemilk is the

proposal -to-:'--transf'er I arge sections of' the pub 1 ic

sector to other f'orms of' tenure. The

strategy f'a:voured by the state, at both Scottish

Off'ice and Glasgow District Council (GDC) level, is

to have at 1 east 20 per cent owner occupation, 30

per cent in co-operatives, housing associations or

Scottish- Homes and 50 per cent in District Council

ownership by the end of the 1990s. While i t is too

soon to assess whether these plans will be

translated into reality some of' the early

indications suggest that the aspirations of


Castl emil k' s tenants have been disregarded in

favour of the central objectives of the state's own

stratagem. The structural and 1 ocati onal probl ems

whi ch the peopl e of Castl emi I k are f aced wi th in

the late-1980s and early-1990s have already been

referred to in an earlier section of this chapter.

The economic and social despair attached to these

problems are also all too apparent. HO'Wever,

according to some infl uential right-wing

ideologues. estates such as Castl emil k can

encourage even more sinister characteristics:

..... a, culture of dependence .. recreating many of'

the probl~of the inner cities. compounded by an

absence of natural social cohesion and of' physical

amenity. in a totally. but badly. planned

enviroDJBent". (58)

This ideology was incorporated. in part, into

the government's plans to "regenerate" Castlemilk,

as set out in 'New Life'. and approved in a

subsequent report by GDC. (59) Drawing on previous

urban pOliey initiatives, and in particul ar the

GEAR proJ ect in Gl asgow' s East End, both of these

reports are full of jargonised keywordS which are

reminiscent of the ideology behind the

• ne ighhourhood unit' era: e. g. " integrated

strategy", "encouraging diversification on a multi-


agency basis", "engender a sense of place", "to

turn - Castl:emilk into a suburban town with its own

distinct identity" etc. Both of these reports set

out a vari-ety of social, environmental, economic

and housing objectives which were regarded as

essential catalysts for the regeneration of

Castlemll k. These objecti ves are to be achieved

through, the now familiar, publIc-private sector

'partnership' which had been embraced in previous

urban poli,cy- initiatives (see M. Carley, 1990) The

fact , --ther.e was to be Ii ttl e new fi nancial

input from government suggested that encouragi ng

pri vate sector investment woul d be crucial to the

success of this strategy. However an important new

element in the 'partnership' approach as formulated

in • New Lif·e' was in reversing the so-called

'dependency' culture by the principle of:

" •• helpiug . res I-dents JIIOre responsibil i ty

In various ways .for their cOlllJDllnlties, of 1'ull

Involvement 01' the private sector. and of'

partnershdp between different public bodies and the

pr·:l-va.te seci;or.,11 (60)

The • communi ty' was now be i ng regarded as a

cruci"alsymbol ic 'partner' in the process of urban

regeneration. refl ecti-ng the new wave of interest

in 'active citizensh.ip' (see J. M.Barbalet, 1988).


This strategy manifested itself when the Castlemilk

Strategy Report (1989) was published, and referred

to one of·Castlemilk's strengths as • its strong and

caring community spirit'. The report outl ined 13

objectives f.or the Castl emil k strategy. incl uding.

• stabil ising the population at 20,000' , to

'increase the prosperity of the residents of

Castlemilk', to 'retain and attract economically

active residents to Castl emil k', and 'to maximise

community involvement in the design and delivery of

all renewal. programmes for Castl emil k' . (61) It is to imagine how some these objectives will

be ach.feved without a transformation in the social

character of the residents who will live in

Castlemilk in the future. For instance, in April

1989 rents in Glasgow rose by £3.37 per week to an

average of £24.55, a rise of 16 per cent. The

introduction ·of the Poll tax, housing benefit cuts

and the social fund have all had a del eterious

impact on an al ready impoverished • communi ty' .

These factors were clearly identified in the

Castlemilk 'commmunity's' own response, through the

Umbrella Steering Group, to 'New Life':

"All those cODSulted say they would prefer

better puhl:ic services for all to greater weal th

for a few, and would like priority to be given to


the sick. the handicapped. children, the elderly

and those in: greatest need ••.. We would not consider

the physical improvement of the housing stock., with

it subsequently changing hands and bringing in

better-off peopl e to be an iaprovement. We are

tal ki ng about the peopl e of Castl emil k and not a

geographical area. . . i t is strongly felt by the

cOJ&IIIUnity that the most pressing problem in

Castlemilk is poverty and the resulting

powerlessness o~ the people over the things that

determine the.lrl,lves ...... (62)

This organisation, representing all • community'

groups in Castl emil k, was attempting to address the

maj or concerns :from the po i nt o:f view o:f the many

peopl e in Castl emil k who regard the • Partnershi p'

strategy as a threat rather than an advantage to

the existing residents. They are particularly

concerned about the governments mot i ves in taking

increased control over policy developments.

especially through Scottish Homes, with the

corresponding .demise in the role o:f GDC. They are

also totally apathetic about the increasing

in:fluence o:f the private sector in developments in

Castlemilk, and the long-term impact this is likely

to have :for the qual i ty o:f li:fe o:f the present

popul ation. For Castlemil k is now recogni sed,


correctly, as being a near-perfect urban location

with the sweeping hills, the relatively clean air,

and the easy access, for those who afford it, to

both Glasgow city centre and the nearby

countryside. The state's strategy is to make the

necessary changes to the environment and housing

which will appeal to a more secure and mobile

labour force who will then be willing to move to

such a location. The free-market philosophy and

the pol itical ideology associated with i t has few,

if any. adherents amongst Castlemil k' s 'community'

groups. If anything, their views in this respect

had become hardened through experience when they

produced an up-dated response to the 'Partnership'

proposals in 1989:

" .•. the Partnership Strategy pays I ip service

to the idea of' • developing cOJlUBUnity invol ve:ment'

and • building on existing developments". but it

does not in practice entrust the f'uture of

Castl emil k its own people". (63) [ their

emphasis] .

One way of gaugi ng the accuracy of these

feelings is through a brief analysis of the

experience of tenants' associations in recent

years, as- i t is in terms of housing developments

that the proposed changes have had the most obvious


impact in both a physical and social sense. Before

the • Partnership' was set up the Castlemilk office

of the Housing Department had its own 'tenant

participation' policy in operation. One high-

priority area where "tenant participation' was

regarded as important by the Housing Department was

in capital projects. These have generally been

'Community Renewal Projects' - small scale, high-

cost improvement projects in • key' locations. The

finance for these projects comes from a massive

£ 14-0m which GDCborrowed through a 'Covenant

ScheIDf;' with four major overseas banks. (64-) In 1989

GDC allocated £2.8m from the community renewal

budget to modernise 92 houses in Castl emil k. Other

areas in the scheme have undergone Community

RenewaL P.easibil ity Studies, which are more wider

in scope but with the same intention of redesign

and stock transfer. In carrying out these

programmes the local housing department established

a 'liason group' of tenants in each area identified

for I community renewal' • whether a tenants'

association existed or -not. The purpose of these

liason groups are:

rr • • to- ~rk with the Housing Department.

are-hi tects and, on occas i-on" contractors, to draw

up the proposals o£ each project and to monitor the


i-.plemeutation of the Job. One of the - principal

tasks of each group has been ·to draw up the

.a.nageaent-agreement for the proJect. "(65)

This is .the rhetoric, the real ity has been

somewhat dif'ferent. The majority of tenants in

Castlemilk have had very little, if any, say in

which areas should be selected out for community

renewal projects. This has led to major

disagreements about the priorities of' the housing

department in selecting out 'high profile' areas of

the scheme f.or renewal. The maj ori ty of' tenants

believe, rightl y or wrongl y. that there is a

'hi-dden agenda' to modernise the houses in the main

thoroughfares to attract private investment into

the scheme f'or other purposes. Even in these areas,

where the int'luence of AI ice Coleman's 'design /'

d-i sadvantage , theories are apparent, there is clear

evidence that the priorities of the tenants have

been overlooked. (66) For instance, a group of

tenantsi n Dougrie Road who were involved in

'participating' - in one of the first 'community

renewal' projects in Castlemilk informed both the

housing department and the architects involved that

they would prefer not to have their verandah's

removed. While they agreed that something required

to be done about the dampness which resul ted from


this design feature' ·oftheir houses. they were

adamant that the verandah should remain. The

tenants argued that,on the rare occasions that the

sun .shone -en Castlemilk. the veranda~ s were the

only they could enjoy the event in

comf'ort. It was . one o£ - the things that they did

enj oy about". their houses. Neverthel ess, using all

the pro:fessional j argon and experience that they

had, the 'conununi ty' architects and the housing

officials involved·convinced the tenants that there

was no alternative. The resulting' postmodernist'

facade which replaced ,the verandahf s. while very

'pretty'. turned out to be a disaster. The windows

opened out; into m.i-d-air and could not be cleaned

without tenants_ risking I ife and I imb. The resul t

o-fthis • partiei-pation' exercise was that, in

ignoring the wishes of the tenants who had many

years experience of I iving in these houses, the

housing department was left with the option of

employing a window cleaning fi-rm at a cost of

around £250,OQ{) for three years or re-mod'ernising

the renovated buildings at a cost of £4-50,000. They

chose the I at-ter course. af,ter Vigorous campaigning

by the tenants involved. The or i gi nal idea of

'tenant particIpatIon' as formulated by the

cognoscen-ti withIn the housing department was


merely decorative and i t was not until the tenants

in this ar.ea tllreatened l-egal action, publicised

their compl aints through the press and commissioned

their own independent report on the safety aspects

of the windows, that their viewpoint was taken


There have al so been a number of tenants'

groups which have developed as a resul t of alack

of any clear coroml tment to improve the houses in

their immediate area. The reasoning behind the

formation of these new tenants' organisations

points. towards a total disregard for the housing

department's' par·ticipation' game:

lOA public :meet.lng has been called for September

<1990>. to try to find out from the Housing

Department a:od local councillor what pI aDS they (

have for our area. as they refer to a • Glenacre

Strategy' . -wh:I:ch.··the tenants know nothing about."


"Tenant.swcre.fed· up being left in the dark.

about issues wMch· were vital to their way of

life."(67) (their emphasis).

Given· the limitations on funding for

improvement projects i t is understandable that this

situation would occur. Most of the houses in


Castlemilk have neverha.d any major repairs carried

out· on .them si·nce they were buil t. and the tenants

are deeply concerned, to say the least, about

dampness, rotten window frames, faulty electrical

wiring, etc. .There is also the added factor that

the investment which is available is being targeted

at certain areas, leaving some parts of the scheme

derelict. One exampl e of' this trend is in the

Birgidale Area situated in the South West of the

scheme. where the Dal e Tenants' Association was

f'ormed in November 1988. The members of this

association were concerned that their area,

cover.fng 384- houses, had not been identified for

renewal. In 1990 they conducted a "door-to-door"

survey· of the area f'rom which a report on the

conditions of'· the- housing and the environment was

compiled. The. survey found that 79 per cent of the

houses had dampness, 95 per cent had water

penetration through windows, 93 per cent of'

households considered backcourts a heal th risk and

80 per cent of tenants did not f'ind heating

adequate. This' report, along with a separate

independent. technical report by the Technical

Services Agency, was presented to a publ ic meeting

on the 3rd of' October 1990. The Director of' Housing

had hd-tally agreed to attend this meeting but


wi trhdrew at a 1 ate stage. The housi ng department,

showi,ng their concern with this matter, sent along

a development manager who in:formed the tenants that

they need not have carried out the survey as they

(the housing department) were :full y aware o:f the

problems. This development worker also in:formed the

tenants that the shorta~e o:f investment had led

them to adopt an area-by-area approach to renewal,

and that Birgidale was a number of' years down the

priority l i s t for improvement. A speaker f'rom the

Right to Warmth campaign group, Pro:fessor Tom

Markus, argued that the tenants were right to carry

out their own survey and suggested that tenants

should proceed through the courts on individual

dampness cases , and could consider mounting a

pol i t i cal·, incl uding rent strikes, to

achieve thei·r obj ecti ves. At the end o:f thi s

meeting the chairperson of' the tenants' association

outlined· the legitimacy o:f their case and, in the

process o:f a cri-ti cal denunciation of' the overall

strategy of' the housing department and other

agencies in· Castl emil k, suggested that their

campaign to have their housing improved was only

beginning. Whether this campaign will be successf'ul

is too earl y to say. However, this exampl e does

reveal that the "partici pation' approach has 1 i ttl e


to do with responding to the interests and concerns

of tenants and more to do with manipulating their

concerns about lack of control over resources into

support for a management strategy which has already

been decided elsewhere. This example also indicates

that there are some tenants' associations in

Castlemilk who are not willing to passively accept

this hierarchical and coercive form of

'participation' but are developing their own self-

organisedalt.ernatives to the state's own strategy.

Two further examples of large-scale changes to

housing in Castlemilk supports the contention that

the views of the tenants' associations are all but

disregarded in the overall strategies of the

state's attempt to 'regenerate' the scheme. In

December 1989 the S.S.H.A.• (now Scottish Homes),

with the support of the Scottish Office made a bid

to purchase 1,075 council houses in Castlemilk from

GDC involving a £2m transfer fee. The proposal came

with a promise of a £15m injection of funds for

renovation and upgrading of the stock. (68) GDC

supported this asset-stripping operation, partly

because they had no funds for investing in this

hous i ng themsel ves but no doubt because it al so

reflected their own agreed policy for stock

transfer. A public meeting was hastily arranged to


discuss th.ese proposal s and the tenants were I eft

In lIttle doubt that -the onl yway that theIr houses

'WOuld be lmproved 'WOul.d be to accept the transfer.

A meet i ng to di scuss the proposal s was hel d a few

days before christmas with around 500 tenants in

attendance. This meeting was to be part of a

'consultation' process. However, having sensed the

mood of the meeting. a proposal to transfer the

stock was moved by the local council I or and was

approved on a .. show of hands". The transfer went

ahead and Scottish Homes set-up a locally-based

management team. The fact that this was similar in

structure to a Housing Association should have been

enough warning to the tenants about the impl icit

purposes for the transfer. Within weeks of the

transf'·er taking pI ace the tenants were Informed

that the promIsed investment 'WOuld only take place

if they agreed to form themsel ves into a housing

co-operative or Housing Association to take

responsibil ity for the management of the houses.

Given the ~act that they had never expressed a wish

to do this having no previous experIence of

management, and there had been no indication of

such an option prior to the transfer, the tenants

in this area resisted being forced into accepting

such responsibility. The alternative which was then


offered to the. tenants was to agree to sell o:ff a

large part of ,the housing stock. once i t had become

vacant. to the private sector. The real ity is that

this whole area of. the scheme has been identified

by GDG. and the 'partner.shi:p initiative' :for private

development .. The problem was in getting tenants in

the area to' agree to it. Through a series o:f very

astutemanoeuvers the state had 1 eft these tenants

with little. alternative. Over a period o:f 2'2 years

the tenants in this area had been manipulated into

a situation ·which they had feared was at the base

of the proposals for the trans:fer.

Notwithstanding these pressures. these tenants set

up . the!·r own tenants' group to resist any attempts

to rehouse· 'them i.notner parts of Castl emil k and to

oppose the . sale of the houses to private

developera. However, in September 1990 GDC forced

through the sale of 612 houses in this part of the

scheme to Miller Homes. who are also building 58

new houses in the area :for private sale.

Another :group ,o~ tenants in the Windlaw area of

the scheme· a·re faced with a similar dilemma. The

SSHA. (Scottish' Homes]. took over these properties

from GDC in December 1987. A:fter simil ar promises

to their houses. Scottish Homes

management ··in ,the area pursued a pol icy of offering


the tenants the opti.on of a housing co-operative as

an alternative to waiting 10 years for work to be

carried out.

The Ardmal iesh/Stravanan Tenants' Action Group

was formed in response to these tactics. This group

negotiated for months· with Scottish Homes to find

out details about pl.ans for their area, to no

avail. They arguedf-or more investment to be put

into the houses by Scottish Homes and against

housi ng associati.ons being i nvol ved. In April 1990,

having no success through consultations, they

organised a protest march through the area and

presented a petition to the local Scottish Homes

proj ect manager. They were escorted round the

scheme by f-our uniformed officers of the local

police fa-rce . who, presumabl y to I egi t i m1 se the i r

being there at all, informed the tenants'· that, they had "reason to bel ieve"

that Mil itant may 'exploit' their protest march.

[N()te: This march was held three days a:fter the

anti-poll tax "riot" in Tra:fal gar Square]. Such a

ludicrous suggestion was made to look :farcical when

the local management team of Scottish Homes greeted

the tenants at the end o:f the march with cups of

tea and biscuits. They also presented waiting

journal i sts, which this researcher was mistaken


for, with a prepared press statement on the outcome

of the meeting-which they had yet to conduct with

tenants' representatives. It was a useful insight

into the machinations of the housing bureaucracy

which these tenants were faced with. Like the

campaign referred to earlier, these tenants have

only begun their fight to have their own views

taken into consideration in the plans to

, regenerate' Castl emil k. The important point is

that _these tenants are not • participat-ing' in the

plans for their areas, but are being forced.

manipulated and coerced into accepting plans which

have al ready been made, and which represent the

dominant ideOlogy, by the representatives of the

state at both local and national level. If their

resistance to these plans are to be successful, on

their own terms~ then it seems that they will

require to be better co-ordi nated and fight on a

wider collective basis, both within Castlemilk

<where there were 25 tenants' associations in 1990}

and in co-operation with other tenants'

organisations who face similar problems.

4-.6 Conclusion

Much of what has been recounted in this chapter

may -not seem particul arl y important to those urban

researchers with more interest in 1 arge-scal e


social change. It is, neverthel ess, vital to

understand how people at the I social base' •

(Pickv.ance, 1977), have responded to the changes in

their. material living conditions, and the range o-f

resources .which. they have created thernsel ves to

meet these challenges, if we are to have a thorough

understanding of class struggle in contemporary

Britain. The evidence presented in this chapter

supports the general thrust of Byrne and Parsons

earlier study of a similar 'residualised' estate on

North Tyneside:

. . . . . 1'01" those without work. COJlDOD spatial

locati-on iu,reproduet.ion is serving as the basis

for collective .act i on. That is why the ghetto. a

:mechan4:s.f.or divis·ion. is contradictorily a source

of cl asB'aeti-on" •. (69)

One common f act'or in the experience of the

or igi'ual tenants who movedi.nto Castl emi I k in the

1950s and those who are faced with the state's

plans for re-structuring in the late 1980s and

early 1990s is that their own expressed needs have,

at least, been treated with indifference or, at

worst, al most total I y di sregarded. In the 1950s

there was an obvious need in Glasgow -for more

housing developments and, as my own oral evidence

suggest,s, . the new houses in Castl emil k were a dream


come true for many of the young couples who flitted

from, the i·nner ur'han slums. However, their

aspirations for a better standard of living

extended to the provisi-On of other social

fac.iliti:es and., as they had not been consulted on

any of these issues, they had to mobilise their own

resources to ensure that the state provided

adequate school s and other social services. It is

this latter common factor, collective mobilisation,

which .the tenants in Castlemilk have maintained

over the years and continues to be organised in a

variety of ·forms. In a situation of such adversity

and al ienat.ion it· is a credit to their fortitude

and determination that they have so resolutely

opposed the full plethora of state agencies on

behal f o.f work4:ng class tenants throughout thi s





1. S. Cosgrove and D. Campbell. (1988). pl0.

2 . . Figures for unemployment from • Unemployment by

Community Area' Strathclyde Economic Trends. No23.

May 1989.

3. Scottish Offlce (1989) Castl emil k Partnership

Strategy Report, Consul tati:ve Draft, pp7-8.

4. Glasgow City Housing. The figures apply to all

claims made through the Castlemilk housing off'ice.

5. W. W. BarT'H973>' pp71-79.

6. Abercrombie,. Sir Patrick and Matthews, Robert A.

(1949) .

7. Counci:14 or·' J ames McInnes. Convenor of the

Housing Commi·ttee of' Glasgow Corporation, quoted

in the Glasgow Herald. 17-5-47.

8 .. Unidenti.f.i.ed correspondent, Glasgow Herald 11-8-


9. City Housi ng.

10. Figures f'romCity ,Housing and Scottish Homes.

11. Figures from Castl.emil k East Housing

Cooperati ve.

12. Corporation_of the City of Glasgow. Housing-

News 195-3. Hel d i n the Gl asgow Room of the Mitchell

Library VI-7 146-54.

13. See, .f'or instance, Corporation of GI asgow,

Planning De·partment . -(19-73,) • Social Deprivation in

Gl ass-ow'. Apr il.

14. Evidence for both the previous address of

original tenants and their occupational profiles is

avaliabl-e hI the Dra.ft Rolls for Castlemilk held in

Stra.thclyde Regional Archives. D-CF-2/2/13, D-CF-

2/3/26, .D-CF-2/3/29. D-CF-2/3/62 and D-CF-2/3/66.

15. See Castl.emUk People's History Group (1990) p8

and p 12.

16. Mr Me., Castlemilk tenant since 1955, and

founder member of Castlemil k Tenants' Association.

Taped i.nterview 31-8-90.

17. Mrs C. C-astlemilk tenant since 1957. Taped

interview 19-4-90.

18. Castlemilk People's History Group. pl1.

19. Mrs L. CastlemUk tenant since 1956. Taped

interview 2-3-90.

20. Taped interview with Mrs C. 19-4-90.


21. Mi-nutes of 37th Cathcart Ward Coromi ttee. 10th

November 1955. Held in Strathclyde Regional

Archi ves. T-D 4--11.

22~ Rutb.erglen Reformer. 18-11-1960.

23. Interview with.·Mr M. 6-8-91.

24-. Mr Me. Taped interview 1~-4--90.

25. Castl-emil k Tenants' Association (1960 )

Membership and Year Book to March. 1960. Thanks to

Mr David McWhinni'efor providing me with this and

other information. A. special thanks is al so due to

John Wilson of C.H.I.P. who provided me with

information and assistance relating to many aspects

of this chapter.

26. T. Brennan (1959). p4-0. The figure of £30.000

is -for all f.our peripheral- schemes combined. (

27. R. Jevons and J. Madge (1946). pp25-26.

28. Rutherglen Reformer, 18-11-1960 and 3-2-1961.

On one occasion. after a child was rescued from the

Pond, Teddy Taylor made a special trip by air from

London to argue for immediate action to have the

area made sa~e. See Glasgow Herald 5-4--60.

29. See Castlemilk Tenants Association Membership

and Yearbook to March 1960. Included as appendix.

30. Rutherglen Reformer, 9-3-62.


31. Edward M.Tayl or. nowM. ,P. f' or Southend, quoted

in the' Gl aSg&w Her.ald, 16-3-62.

32. Evidence avaliable in Castlemilk Dra:ft Rolls,

see :footnote 12.

33. See Ruther-glen Ref'-ormer 16-3-62.

34. The Progressive/Conservative party were in

control o:f the Cathcart [37thl Municipal Ward f'rom

1949-1973 with the exception o:f three periods

in 1962. 1971 and 1972, when Labour were in

control. See F .. W. S. Craig. <1984 >.

35. Mr Will iam Monaghan. secretary o:f Castl emil k

Tenants' Association, quoted in the Rutherglen

Re:former 16-3-62.

36. Mr J ahn Mel aughI an, probation o:f:ficer in

Castlemll k, quoted in the -Ruthergl en Ref ormer, 8-


37. Friend and Metcal:f, (1981) p21.

38. See the Rutherglen Re:former 26-4-63.

39. Interview with Frank Johnston, Resident Factor

in Castlemilk :from 1956 to 1976. Held on 24-5-89.

40. Figures derived from Corporation o:f GI asgow

Hous.! ng Department Annual Reports :from 1968 to

1979. The .figures for 1975 have still to be added.


41. GlasgowHer~ald, 8-3-66.

42. SeeCompltme.ntary-remarks by W. Barbour,

Ch& -.C.astl'emii k Tenants' Association 1959-60.

in ·Castl emil k Tenants' Association Membership and

Yearhook to March 1960.

43. See Rutherglen Reformer, 1-9-67 and 7-9-67.

44. Glasgow Herald 5th March 1971.

45. C. Cockburn, (1977) p131.

46. See the Ruthergl en Reformer, 1-612-66; 11-5-67;

15-6",",67; and 20-7-67.

47. See Ruthergien Reformer 1-6-67. This includes a

report onev-ldenc.e of increase of Rickets imn


48. See. G1as8'OwHerald 28-7-67. In this report Sir

David Cuthbertson, honorary Research Fellow in

Pathological' Biochemistry at GI asgow Uni versi ty and

Glasgow Royal Inf"irmary. suggested that rickets .or

"Glasgow legs" was caused by an abscence of fresh

air and sunJ:tght.

49. Edward Taylor, M. P. 'No Crisis at Castl emil k' .

(196'9 )

Magaz i ne. J·ul y. p8-9.


50. Edward Taylor, M.P.'Things are Looking up in a

Much Better Cast-lemil k'. Rutherglen Reformer 6-8-


51. C. Kirkwood, (,19175) 'Community Democracy'. in G.

Brown['EdJ ,1975. p90. Republished in C. Kirkwood

<t99(}) .

52. Rutherglen Reformer, 19-5-76.

53. See ,·Castlemilk Press. May 1983. Held in the

Glasgow· Room .of' the M1 tchell Library

Janette McG-inn. 'Gi'zza Hoose', has provided a brief

outline of' this campaign in McLay, F [Ed] (1990).

54.. Joanne Coyl e, One of the tenants involved,

quoted in the Rutherglen Reformer 6-5-83.

55. See the Evening Times, 4.-9-85.

56. See I Go For Business', November 1986. p3. This

is a newspaper publ',is'hedby Glasgow Opportunities,

a conglomorat,ion. af representatives from the local


57. Glasgow Dt-strict Council (1986) Inquiry Into

Housing- in Gl-asgow. p21.

58. Ada:m Smith lnsti tute (1988). pl.

59. Scottish Office (1988). see especially p7. Also

Glasgow District Council (1989).


60. Scottish. Of"f'i.ce < 1988 > ibid.

61. Scottish Off' ice <1989>' p12.

62. Castlemilk Umbrella Steering Group. <1988>.

63. Castl emil k Umbrell a Group < 1989 >.

64-. See, :f.or instance. City of Glasgow City Council

(1988) Covenant Scheme. Finance Department; and

City Housing Glasgow (1988> Community Renewal. May.

65. City Housing--Glasgow. <1989> Report to: Tenant

Participat-ion Management Committee by: District

Housin~ Manager. 24-th-October.

66. See, A. Coleman. (1988) 'Design Disadvantage at

Cast.l emil k. Glasgow' . in Scottish Geographical

Ma~azine, Vol 104-1. p30.

67. Just two of the responses to a survey carried

out in August 1990.

68. See report in Rutherglen Re:former, 22-1-1988.

69. D. Byrne and D. Parsons < 1983 >. P H50.




5.1 Introduction

"Glasgow Restores Space Heating, Tenants

Legal Action". <Glasgow Herald 18th July 1951>.

"12 Tenement Famil ies Def'y Eviction".

(Evening Citizen 11th January 1960).

"Tenants in High Flats Protest About Rats".

(Glasgow Herald 16th June 1971).

"Tenants Besiege Housing Offices". <Gl asgow

Herald 10th April 1972).

"Tenants Seek a Showowu". <Even! ng Times

24th April 1985).

"Tenants Press :for Council Action". <Glasgow

Herald 30th June 1989).

"Tenants Focus on Flat Roofs as Cause of

Heal th Probl ems" . <Glasgow Herald 9th August

1989 >.

The preceding chapt.ers of' this thesis have

indicated the di verse nat.ure of tenants}

campaigns and housing struggles that have

prevailed in post-War Glasgow. The selection of

quot.ations at t.he beginning of this chapter,

culled from a pile of similar newscuttings going


back many years. adds to this impression through

a concise representation of the extent of tenant

activities over a lengthy period. Ot.her studies

have revealed the important struggl es of

tenant.s' groups in Pollok in the 1950s, Maryhill

in the 1960s. in the Gorbals/Hutchesontown areas

of the city in the 1970s and in Blackhill in the

1970s (see M. Broady and J. Mack, 1960; R.

Bryant. 1979; S. Jacobs, 1976; and T. Martin,

1982) .

Many of these struggles have been related to

specific issues or been organised within

part.icular locations within the city. However,

throughout. their history, Gl asgow' s public

sector tenants have not onl y organised tenants'

organisations in particualar areas, but have

developed a wider federat.ion of tenants' groups

to campaign around issues of concern t.o all

tenants in the city. Indeed, as the argument

presented in chapter three acknowl edged,

struggles over working class housing issues have

often involved organisation at a national level

through the SCTA. The SCTA was founded in

Scot.l and in 194-8 on the initiat.ive of t.he

Communist Party with a similar organisat.ion. the

National Associat.ion of Tenants and Residents


<NATR>, being formed in England in the same year

<see L. SkI ai r, 1975 >. A national organisat.ion

of Scottish tenants' associations has existed

throughout most of the post-War years, with the

SCTA changing its name to the Scottish Tenants'

Organisation in 1980. The tendency, however, has

been for this organisation only to become

functional when the circumstances necessitated a

response at a national level. Particular

examples of this form of activity have been the

campaigns against the 1957 Rent Act and the 1972

Housing Finance Act. For various reasons it has

been difficul t to sustain such an organisation

over a I engthy period and its impact has been

limited as a result (see R. Goodlad, 1988>' In

contrast, the Glasgow Council of Tenants'

Associations <GCTA> has continued to exist, in

various forms, since its inception in 1926 and

has been invol ved in many campaigns over the

years, including some of those already referred

to in earlier chapters. (1)

In the 1980s the GCTA has played a

significant role in the development of tenant

pol itics in the city and, as the discussion in

chapter one indicated, in fostering a "co-

operative reI at i onshi p" with the housing


management department and the Labour control I ed

City Council. Therefore. rather than provide a

full historical analysis of the genesis of the

GCTA, the main focus of this chapter will be on

these recent developments. as this constitutes

GCTA's most influential phase. The discussion

will also provide a useful insight into the

nature of the contemporary tenants' movement in

Glasgow in relation to wider issues already

raised in chapters one and four. However, the

discussion does require a brief historical

outline of the growth of this type of

organisation within GI asgow, if only to

chall enge the image of demands for , tenant

partici pat ion' as a recent. phenomenon and allow

us to locate the developments of the 1980s in a

wider anal ysis.

5.2 Organising From Below

The existence of independent working class

organisations around housing and other social

policy initiatives can be traced back to late

nineteenth century Glasgow, with the rise of

Tenants' Defence Associations, the Glasgow

Women's Housing Association and wider bodies

I ike the Gl asgow workers' Municipal Committee

(see J. Melling, 1983>' More significantly. in


the present context, was the attempt to control

the activities of local government through

Glasgow's municipal Ward Committees. These were

self-constituted committee" s, which were

nominally independent of political parties. (2)

All municipal electors in a given ward could

vote and stand for nomination to these

co.mmittees. The earl iest recorded reference to

Ward Committees in Gl asgow is that of Gorbal s

Ward Committee in 1860. (3) An early view of

their functions was provided by Bell and Paton

in their study of GI asgow' s municipal


"A voluntary body, the special functions of

which are to deal with candidates for office,

and. ina mi nor degree, wi th the el ected and

sitting representatives of the wards . . . . The Ward

Committees, consisting of men who take a lively

interest in their own district, discharge also.

for the present, the useful function of drawing

the attention of the Council to the wants and

aspirations of their local ity, to the sl ights

and negl ect under which it suffers patientl y.

and to its demands for a fair share of such good

things as it is in the power of the council to

distribute". (4-)

Whi I e Bell and Paton regarded the Ward

Committees as essentially non-political

organisations, having no direct association with

any political parties, they recognised that some

of them woul d att.empt to infl uence the pol i tical

direction of the Corporation:

"It now and again happens that the ambition

of the Ward COJlUllittee soars higher. and they

aspire to become a power superior to the

Council. to guide their del iberations. and to

direct members how they should act and vote.

With this high purpose in view a kind of

official recognition has now and again been

demanded. The right of the Ward COJlUllittee to be

suppl led with Council Minutes and official

documents has been asserted; but al though semi-

official and social recognition of their val ue

and services have been freely accorded. the

Council bas wisely and steadily declined to

recognise the claim of such committees

officially to discuss their undertakings and to

direct their policy". (5)

This has been a recurring and controversial

theme t.hroughout the history of local based,

independent 'non- pol itical' organisations and

their relationship with the local state (see,


for exampl e, C. Cockburn, 1977) . However, as

Melling noted, in the early part of this century

the I.L.P. in Glasgow made a hid for control of

local government hy the 'colonisation' of the

Ward Committees. The I.L.P. certainly recognised

the potential for raising concerns ahout housing

conditions, education and the administration of

puhl ic reI ief through the auspices of the Ward

Committees. (6) Nevertheless, for most of their

history, the majority of the Ward Committees

seem to have heen aligned with conservative

elements in Glasgow politics, including the

Citizens' Union, the Moderate Party and the

Progressive Party, some of whose elected

representat i ves were nominated hy certain Ward

Commi ttees. (7) One reason for this is prohahl y

related to the shift in 1. L. P. strategy ,towards

more direct i nvol vement with tenants'

associations in the inter-War years. The need

for more organised tenants' associations was

identified hy a leading figure in the 1. L. P.,

councillor Paddy Dollan, in 1925:

"The individual tenant is too weak to obtain

Justice, by his own ef'forts, in the matter of

repairs, amenities, and charges. If the tenants

were organised, they 'WOul d be abl e to meet the


organised :factors and negotiate agreements.

which might be observed by both parties. The

formation of tenants· associations should be

encouraged, with a view to obtaining reasonable

observance or laws intended to benerit and

protect househol ders. and al so ror the purpose

of mai ntai ni ng a constant interest in the need

for the greater production of improved housing

at lower rents". (8)

While Dollan was obviously concerned with

the position of tenants of private landlords,

the first council schemes, built under the 1919

and 1924- Housing Acts, had been tenanted and

tenants' associations had been formed in some of

these areas. (9) ~ithin a year of Dollan's report

being publ ished the GCTA was formed, to co-

ordinate the activities of the tenants'

associations that had been founded in the new

schemes. The objectives of the organisation were

clearly set out in their constitution:

"a>To secure co-operation between the

affiliated associations;

b>To create and encourage social and

educational facilities within the housing

schemes in Glasgow;

c)To Provide means of organisation.

information. assistance and protection to the

associations and members appertaining to house

occupancy and civic responsibilities

thereto". <1 0 )

The GCTA also declared itself to be a 'non-

pol i t i cal and non-sectar i an' organisation open

to all tenants within the city boundaries. Given

the nature of housing conditions and political

cuI ture in GI asgow the GCTA coul d not remain

divorced from political issues for very long.

In the inter-War years, in addition to housing

issues, the GCTA became cl osel y i nvol ved wi th

campaigns organised by the N.U.W.M. and the

I.L.P.(11) Initiall y they were a small

organisation, dependent on the commitment of a

few individuals to build up their. membership:

"We spread through speaking in all areas. In

the main i t wis Jist sporadic. wi groups forming

from one close to another and wi all the tenants

getting invol ved in it. We would go along and

speak and set up a committee of 10 or 12 from

each street and invite two delegates along to

our meetings. We were small, but eff'ective and

mil itant". <12)


Through this kind of organisation, and with

the subsequent increase in the number of

Corporation housing schemes, there were over 30

seperate tenants' associations affiliated to the

GCTA by 1939. They continued this kind of

organising in the early post-War years when the

building of new council housing schemes offered

the opportunity for expansion. The organisation

was mai ntai ned through membership fees and the

organising of jumbl e-sal es, raffl es, house-

socials and donations.

In 1949 the GCTA, with its background firmly

in the politics of the 1. L. P. , came into

conflict with the SCTA over combined involvement

in various campaigns and refused to send a

delegate to meetings of the SCTA. This dispute

seems to have been related to the differing

political orientations of both organisations and

to the fact that they were competing for

membership within the city. However, by the mid-

1950s both organisations were working jointly

against rent-increases and, in particular,

against the 1957 Rent Act. (13) Between them they

were able to organise demonstrations with around

4,000 representatives from tenants' associations

and trade unions against the Rent Act. (14) In


March 1957 the GCTA organised a meeting on

Heal th and Housing, with a speaker from the

Social ist Medical Association, with 160 tenants'

associations and 57 Shop Stewards in

attendance. (15) The GCTA delegates also gave

their support to the People's Housing Charter at

a conference of the NATR in April 1957. (16)

Attendance at GCTA meetings in the 1950s and

early-1960s, including the AGM's which were held

in Ayr and Hel ensburgh. ranged from 26 to 80.

The major issue for tenants' associations during

this period, as emphasised in chapter three, was

undoubtedly rents and this was reflected in the

numbers attending particular meetings of the

GCTA. (17)

WhO e the GCTA was attempting to gain the

support of additional affiliated tenants'

associations in the post-War housing schemes, as

well as campaigning on other housing issues, it

was mainly through the issue of rents that they

attempted to influence Corporation policy.

Indeed, another major campaign that the GCTA

organised was against the 1972 Housing Finance

Act. (18) They organised meetings and

demonstrations against this Act and, with

tenants' associations in various schemes,


organised a partial rent st,rike for a period of

three or £our months. As the GCTA campaign

literature of the period indicates. they

expected the Labour controlled Corporation to

form the main opposition to this

legislation. (19) However, like so many other

Labour local authorities, Glasgow Corporation

eventually decided to implement this Act and

began victimising council tenants who had

wi thel d rent (see L. SkI ai r, 1975). The £ear

amongst tenants of accumulating debts and the

fear of eviction, particul arl y as it would

entail a long struggle against this Act, may

have played a part in the demise in support for

the rent strike in this case. By placing their

reI i ance on the support of the Labour group in

the Corporation to oppose the 1972 Act, the GCTA

were unprepared for any alternative strategy

when this opposition collapsed in the face of

legal action by the state. Inevitably, when the

Corporation decided to impl ement the Act, the

GCTA's own campaign also collapsed.

The history of t,he GCTA up to the earl y

1970s suggests that, while officially a • non-

political' organisat,ion, they were fully aware

of the pol it ical nature of housi ng issues and


organised campaigns which were explicitly

political in nature. They may have been unable

to achieve as much political change with regard

to Corporation policy as they might have wished.

However, they real ised that, even for • non-

political' organisations, the struggle -for the

improvement in t,he living conditions for

Glasgow's council tenants required an

organisat ional strategy which derived -from a

political analysis of housing conditions.

Neverthel ess, there is Ii t t l e doubt that t.he

GCT A went through a per i od of' decl i ne in the

1970s. Some members suggested that the

organisation was not, being utilised in the way

that it should have been, with tenants'

representatives using meetings to raise

individual housing complaints and a general

reduction in membershi p i nvol vement ensued. (20)

Whatever the reasons, the GCTA was failing to

attract the support of 'most of the tenants'

associations in the cit.y and was facing a number

of new challenges on the housing front.

5.3. Taking the Politics Out of' Housing Issues

In 1980 a survey by the Scottish Consumer

Council revealed that there were 223 known

tenants' associations in Glasgow. Of these 223,


only 38 'Were affil iated to the GCTA. (21)

HO'Wever, membership decl ine was not the only.

nor the main, problem facing the GCTA. In

addition to the internal organisational problems

of the earl y 1980s, the nature of change which

the GCTA were facing was shaped as much, if not

more, by external political processes. In

particular, 1 ike most other tenants'

organisations, the GCTA 'Were forced to respond

to the new direction in housing policy that

emerged under the Thatcher government'$. s of the

1980s. Moreover, GDC had to develop new

management techniques, if they were to retain

the majority of their tenants in the face of

these changes. It was the combination of these

factors which led to a new phase of development

for the GCTA in the early 1980s.

The practical pol itics of the "new right's"

anti-local authority ideological drive of the

1980s and, particularly, the restructuring of

housing tenure and the various measures to take

the direct responsibil ity for housing provision

away from local authorities, raised serious

questions about the future of council housing.

The • residual isation' of council housing also

became apparent ina GI asgow context- where 53


per cent of Gl aswe( gi ans were st i 11 housed by

the council- with over 70 per cent of council

tenants in receipt of housing benefit and with a

Labour controlled City Council conunitted to

transferring a sUbstantial proportion of its

housing stock to 'alternative' landlords (see

Sir R. Grieve, 1986 and City of Glasgow District

Counc i 1 t 1989) . lnev i tabl y, gi ven the 1 evel of

attacks on council housing- including higher

rents and cash discounts to induce tenants to

exercise the 'right-to-buy'- this period also

witnessed an unprecedented focus on the

management of local author it Y hous i ng wi th a

paradoxical increase in 'tenants rights'. (see,

for instance, City Housing Research Group, 1981;

A.Coleman, 1985; P. Malpass, 1991; and A.

Power, 1987), However, this critical attitude to

local authority housing management had already

been a concern of the state under the previous

Labour government, as indicated in a Scottish

Development Department consultation paper in the

1 ate 1970s:

"The Secretary 01' State bel ieves that many

tenants have a contribution to make to the

management 01' public sector housing both at the

scheme level and in relation to new policies l'or


each district •.. Some authorities have gone a

considerable way towards giving their tenants

more say and the Secretary 0" State 'WOul d wi sh

other authorities to do the same ..•. One possible

approach 'WOuld be the establishment or a central

committee in each authority's area, representing

all the i r tenants. whi ch woul d be consul ted by

them on questions housing management

pol icy". (22)

The plans contained in this document came to

be known as the "Tenants " Charter", and the first

Thatcher government inherited this commitment to

improved "tenants rights". Under the provisions

of the Tenants Rights Etc (Scotl and) Act 1980

tenants were, for the first time, given security

of tenure, the right to a written tenancy

agreement and new rights in connection with

counc i I house all ocat i on procedures. Cur i ousl y,

gi ven the fact that the idea of a "Tenants

Charter" had emanated from within the Scottish

Office, there was no provision in the Scottish

legislation for local authorities to consult

tenants on housing management proposals

equivalent to that included in the English and

Welsh statutes, other than on rent increases

(see R. Edwards, 1986). However, a number of


local author it ies, including Gl asgow, were

looking for ways to improve the quality of their

relationship with council tenants (or, as the

new housing management Jargon euphemistically

refers to them: "customers") at both a pol itical

and managerial level. As chapter one indicated,

the GCTA were regarded as the most

representative city-wide organisation of tenants

and were selected to playa strategic role in

the development of the policy relating to

'tenant participation'. The reason that the GCTA

were chosen for this purpose, as opposed to any

other federated organisation of tenants, was

made at a political level within the Council:

"Co J 0: Why ~re the GCTA chosen as the

organisation best equipped to represent tenants?

Po L.: Well. it was an organisation that

collectively sought to organise the tenants'

movement throughout the city. in the sense that

the problems that exist only vary in degree

between one area and another. not in content.

The objective to give them a greater

influence and a voice in dealing with the

Council on a da.ily ba.sis". (23)

The Labour leadership on the council, in an

attempt to , manage the crisis in council


housing' (Audit Cornmiss ion, 1986) , began to

consult with t.he GCTA on a regular basis in the

earl y 1980s. As the discussion in chapter one

indicated, the background to these changes in

administrative behaviour can be located in

Labour's loss of pol itical control of the

counc 11 in the late 1970s. It was in this

context, that policies relating to 'tenant

parti ci pat ion' and decentral isation of services

attracted the attention of leading Labour

pol iticians. Or, as one 'key' pol itical figure

described the situation:

"C. J What were the main reasons behind the

develop:ment of pol icies of decentral isation of

services in the late 1970s7

J. McF. In 1977 we had an election which

resulted in a hung council and we lost a lot of

the old guard from the Labour Group_ •• we lost 25

in all and that left behind people that were a

lot younger._.Because were in a hung

situation new ideas were probably easier to talk

about_ The Labour Group had an awf'ul shock and

we real i sed that our policies in the past had

not been getting through to folk ..•. I'm

convinced that if hadn't experienced the


election defeat change ~uld have been much.

much sICX\iler."(24-)

Despite the loss OT some of the 'old guard',

policies relating to decentralisation OT

services and 'tenant participation' were treated

with some scepticism within the Labour Group

that was re-elected in 1980. While some of the

more progressive members in the Labour Group

fel t that tenants had a perfect right to a say

in housing issues that affected them, there were

still some who were opposed to any consultation

with groups like the GCTA. The consultative

structures for I tenant partici pation' were,

apparentl y, set up after acrimonious debate

wi thi n the Labour Group wi th many st i 11 opposed

to allowing the GCTA to have any influence on

decision -making. (25) However, in the view of

the fact that Labour had suffered a recent major

el ectoral defeat, the 'young turks' eventual 1 y

convinced their colleagues of the necessity for


For a pol itical administration which had

previously paid little attention to the concerns

of the tenants' movement in the city and which

was more used to Stabian<26> organisational

methods, thi s suhtl e shi ft intact i cs served a


number of useful and inter-related purposes.

Fi rstl y, at a time when there was a possibi Ii ty

of conflict around housing issues re-emerging in

Glasgow, in response to a whole series of

attacks associated with the Thatcher

Government's recapitalisation of housing, it

brought a weakened tenants' movement within the

structures of the local state. This gave the

GCTA the impression that they were growing in

i nfl uence and woul d be abl e to have some impact

on the direction of housing pol icy in the city.

It also allowed the new Labour administration to

argue that they had I earned the I essons of the

1977 municipal elections and were responding to

the needs of peopl e in the housing schemes. In

addition, by providing the GCTA with more

information on the nature of the problems facing

the Council, it allowed the Stabians, rightly,

to lay the blame for the situation on the

Thatcher Government but al so excused them from

adopting an alternative strategy for the city's

council tenants or any sustained opposition to

policies which both GDC and the GCTA were

opposed to in prinCiple.

It is wort,hwhile acknowledging the fact that

the GCTA had been calling for negotiations with


GDC on a new tenancy agreement since 1978 (see

T. Mason, 1991 ) . When GDC finally agreed to

these invitations for negotiations the resulting

policy of 'tenant participation' proved, at

I east in the short-term, to have greater

benefits for the political administration and

housing management than any that would accrue to

council tenants. The root cause of the unequal

relationship which developed was the ability of

GDC to expl 0 it the vagueness inherent in the

notion of 'tenant participation'. Edwards, in a

review of the work of TPAS, suggested that

'tenant participation' is about power:

"Where the power I ies, where i t should I ie,

who weilds i t and how: these kinds of issues are

the meat of any serious debate about tenant

involvement in decision-making. They provoke

fierce arguments fuelled by fiercer prejudices.

They are the root cause of all the inevitabl e

conflicts between tenant and landlord.

Recognising the nature of power is the key to

interpreting the arguments and confl icts:

understanding it is the first towards ending

it". (27)

The policy of 'tenant participation' that

emerged in Glasgow, with the support of TPAS,


GDC and the GCTA, managed to myst i fy the nature

of power in the overall pursu it of consensus

solutions at a management level. In the process,

pol itical issues were relegated to mere

background phenomena, outwith the negotiating

principles of 'tenant participation'. The

important strategic decisions on the direction

of housing policy at a local level, in reaction

to the changing dominant agenda of the Thatcher

government, remained in the control of the

Stabians. However, it does not necessarily

follow that this situation will remain stable or

that confl ict over certain decisions have not,

or will not in the future, arise.

Therefore, in presenting this argument it is

essential to acknowledge that these developments

reveal a number of potential contradictions fOT

the local state which structuralist accounts

tend to ignore. (see, for instance, C.Cockburn,

1977; and London Weekend Return Group, 1980) .

The change in housing management ideology, which

, tenant partici pation' necessarily entail s,

opens up avenues that were previousl y blocked.

This allows tenants' organisations, I ike the

GCTA, to appl y pressure on the local state for

increased resources, better standards of service


and so forth. The success of such organisations

are potential I y greater than that of the Ward

Committees, discussed earlier. For, the GCTA are

not only an • independent non-pol i tical •

organisation but, crucially, are now in control

of their own substantial independent funding and

resources. In addition, the change in housing

management ideology and the introduction of

decentralised consultation procedures also

requires recruitment of a new strata of 'poverty

professionals' within the structure of housing

man age ment- CDOs, TPOs etc. These workers can

often identify with the interests of tenants as

opposed to those of the local bureaucracy.

People in these sorts of Jobs, as Byrne rightly

acknowledged, have two ways to go:

" ••. One Is to become I ike the bureaucrats

who run the system in pI aces I Ike Soweto. The

other is to Identify with those whom they

serve . . . "<28)

A brief discussion of how these

contradictions have worked out in relation to

the GCTA will be the focus of the concluding

section of this chapter.

5.4- In Or Against The state?:


The leading activists in the GCTA, with

years of" involvement in Labour movement politics

in Glasgow, are clearly aware of the

contradictory nature of their relationship with

GDC. They have welcomed the recent changes

wi thl n the Counc 11 and the hous i ng management

department towards the i r own organ i sat i on. At

the same time they are also wary of becoming the

Junior partner in corporate-style decision

making. These issues were clearly identified by

the chairperson of the GCTA, and are worth

quoting in full:

"Under Frances Hamilton most of' our time was

spent on administration and trying to raise

funds. But. Frances got GDC to recogni se that

GCTA was there. So, we got a £5,000 grant. which

was a pittance, and our own premises. We began

to get into the City Chambers and be heard more,

and they even allowed us to speak. to the full

Council when a rent increase was being

discussed. We were allowed to speak. to the full

meeting every year opposing the increase and

giving our own ideas how it should be

opposed . . . So. over the years its began to get

better and some of the progressive members of'

the Council began to real ise that the tenants,


as customers. shoul d have a wee bi t more say.

I've a runny reeling. however. that in the

background that council I ors are looking to the

GCTA as a body. in some instances, ror rubber

sta.JOPi ng somethi ng they say. which I" m opposed

to. Thererore. I try to make i t quite clear that

as long as I am chai rman I' m no here r or to

rubber stamp anything that happens in GDC and

some 0' the councillors are no happy aboot that.

That's why "funding is so important. The more

runding that comes into GCTA the IDOre we will

become a very independent body. we should have a

good healthy tension between us . . . We don't want

to get sucked into the bureacracy or the GDC. we

want to remain independent". (29)

Under this kind of analysis, the GCTA do not

adhere to any simpl e notion of a 'hel pful' or

'un-helpful' organisation that GDC can negotiate

with. <see J. Dearl ave, 1974-). They entered

negotiations with GDC on a number of issues with

a clear understanding of the inequality inherent

in such an arrangement. The init,ial intention,

as far as the GCTA were concerned, seems to have

been to be 'hel pful' when they were satisfied

with GDC pol icy. but to ret,ain the option of

being 'un-hel pful' if the occasion demanded it.


This was a precarious strategy f'or the GCTA to

adopt, in relation to the entrenched political

and ideological power of' the local state,

especially a local state that remained in the

control of' the Stabians.

Apart f'rom attempting, unsuccessf'ully, to

inf'l uence GDC's rent. pol icy through continuous

negotiations, the f'irst major joint~initiative

between GDC and the GCTA was the negotiations

surrounding a new tenancy agreement- the

'tenants I ease'. The circumstances surrounding

these negotiations began when GDC circul ated a

consultative draf't of' proposals f'or a new

tenancy agreement in April 1982. This document

sought to reduce the Council's existing

maintenance responsibil ities under the guise of' (

improving "tenants rights" . When tenants'

associations throughout the city objected to

these proposals the GCTA were invited, with the

support of' TPAS workers, to scrutinize the lease

and provide workable alternatives. The GCTA

organised meetings with tenants' associations

throughout the city over a two month period to

discuss their objections, set up a special

working party to prepare a response and reported

back to f'urther meetings of' tenants' groups


throughout the city. This process resul ted in

the GCTA submitting amendments to GDC's original

proposals f'ol 1 owed by three months of'

negotiations. The resulting tenants lease which

was agreed between the GCT A and GDC was.

inevitably. a compromise. GCTA managed to get a

strict 24- hour time 1 imit on emergency repairs

accepted, but f'ailed to get a legally binding

commitment to f'ixed timescales f'or certain

repairs included in the lease. (30) The apparent

success of' these negotiations have been widely

accl aimed as unique and, at 1 east one of' those

close to the process has suggested that it was

the potential power which tenants' associations

possessed which made this possible:

"It was the only example I can think of' (

where genuine negotiations took place.

comparabl e to trade union/ management disputes

in the workplace. The tenants actually had

power. they had demonstrabl e power. They had

means to create so much havoc by campaigning f'or

tenants not to sign the I ease . . . If' the Council

hadn't reacted in a reasonably conCiliatory

manner and of'f'ered a negotiated process there

would have been a great big messy public

row". (31)

While not wishing to question the potential

power that GCTA certainly had in this instance,

it is difficul t to imagine how it could have

been adequatel y mobil ised around the issue of

individual "tenants rights" such as those

incorporated into the tenants lease. By the

middl e of 1985 onl y 70 per cent of tenants had

returned their agreements and, of those

returned, only 60 per cent were filled in

correctly (T. Mason, 1991). Perhaps the most

significant outcome of the negotiations on the

tenants lease was the setting up of' a Joint

appeal tribunal to deal with voluntary referrals

of under the new 1 ease. These tribunal s

were intended to deal with individual tenants

cases through an informal method which prevents

the possibility of legal action against GDC. The

tribunals were to consist of one GCTA

representati vet one councillor and one

'independent' member. Nevertheless, by the end

of the decade little progress had been made:

"For a long time the GCTA has ~rk.ed for the

establishment of the Arbitration Tribunal

system. I am pleased to report that this has

been achieved but regret that as yet it is not

f'ully operational. in that, it is not being


fully utilised by tenants. Leaflets and posters

have now been distributed by the tribunal and we

would now propose to run a series of hal f day

seminars for tenant representatives on the

tribunal system. Seminars have already taken

place for E.C. members of the tribunal. To date

only two eases have been heard". (32)

Therefore, even on the level of individual

tenants rights, the tribunals have given tenants

and the GCTA Ii ttl e i nfl uence over events. As

the quotation Just cited indicates, only two

cases had been taken to a tribunal by May 1990.

One of these cases reI ated to dampness and led

to a discussion on the viability of the tribunal

system at a monthly meeting of the GCTA. The

tenant was informed, in a manner equivalent to

that which existed ·before the advent of

tribunals, that the Council was short of finance

to deal with such compl aints and until central

government made such funding aval labl e the

dampness could not be treated. While some

members of the GCTA considered withdrawing from

the tribunal system as a result of this example,

they were persuaded by the TPO to continue to


"Don't throw the baby out with the

bathwater. Despite this example, progress can be

made with the tribunal s. A lot of' peopl e would

be happy to see you pullout. Don't give them

the pI easure"'. (33)

The rol e of' this 'poverty professional' is.

clearly. to bring the GCTA and the housing

management department into a closer working

relationship where co-operation is assumed to be

working and conflict is never a possibility. By

advocating a partnership between the GCTA and

the Council, the TPO has pI ayed a central rol e,

with the support of other organisations I ike

TPAS, in moving the GCTA towards a more

developmental rol e whi ch is support i ve of


policies adopted by GDC and implemented by /

housing management. The strategy seems to be to

br i ng the GCT A into. but not full y part of and

certainly not against. the local state. This is

one , poverty professional' who would be

immediatel y recognised by the administrators of


The GCTA have taken part in a number of

consultative forums organised through the

auspices of the TPO. Apart from the yearly

ritual of 'consultation' on rent increases, the


GCTA have attempted to infl uence housing pol icy

through co-opted membership of various Council

sub-commi ttees: the Working Group on Co-

operatives and Partici pat,ion and the Tenant

Participation Management Committee. The title of

the 1 atter commit t tee was, reveal i ngl y. changed

in 1990 to the Committee on Tenant Participation

and Tenure Development, cl earl y refl ect i ng the

Council's priority of disposing of around 40,000

council houses in the city by the year 2000.

These committees met i ntermi ttentl y throughout

the 1980s, though there is Ii ttl e evidence of

the GCTA having any substantial impact on the

overall housing policy of GDC. This is

understandahl e given the fact that the meetings

are intended to mystify power through reverting

to "negotia:tions". The concise Oxford dictionary

definition of negotiation is: 'to confer with

another with a view to compromise or agreement'.

The overwhelming professional advice that the

GCTA have received in this respect has always

been to be prepared to compromise otherwise, it

is argued, there is no point in entering

negotiations with GDC. At no point, during the

period of thi s research, have any of the

, poverty professional s' advising the GCTA

suggested that GDC should compromise or that the


GCTA may adopt a more conflictual strategy.

Indeed, when the secretary of the GCTA used a

platform at the AGM in 1990 to mount a scathing

attack on GDC's over-enthusiastic promotion of

"alternative tenures" the TPO suggested that, if

there was no apology forthcoming. then he would

recommend that the housing department (and

therefore the Council) should withdraw their

support to the GCTA. (34-) Within two months the

secretary of the GCTA was removed f'rom office.

The evidence from other tenants' associations

throughout the city suggests that they were, in

fact, being advised by the housing department

that moving over to an "al ternati ve 1 andl ord"

offered the onl y viabl e opti on for the future.

Ironicall y. this pol icy to change the structure

of housing tenure in the city had met with the

approval of the GCTA in February 1990 (see City

HOUSing, 1990c).

In some ways the GCTA were forced into

accepting the strategy offered by the TPO and

TPAS. Both the TPO and TPAS had been working

with the GCTA throughout the 1980s and were

regarded as "experts" on housing issues and,

more specifically, 'tenant participation' .

Faced with the extensive and i ntermi nabl e


alterations to housing policy, these 'street

level bureaucrats' were strategical I y pI aced to

move the GCTA in the direction of consensual

I participation' schemes rather than

confl i ctual political action. Operating as

I traditional intellectuals' their role was, to

draw on an analogy from Gramsci, to weaken the

progressive potential of the GCTA by means of a

"passive revolution". (35) What this suggests is,

that the housing management department and the

Stabians within the Council might grant certain

demands (more 'participation'. representation on

committee's etc) to avoid any confl ict, on the

other hand, the GCTA might find itself in

practice (though not necessarily in theory)

accepting its impotence and might be politically

integrated into the structures of the local

stat.e. This is, indeed, what has happened to the

GCTA in recent years.

The annual general meetings of the GCTA in

1989 and 1990 were attended by 300 and 350

delegates respectively. While these AGM"s

offered the opportunity to mobilise tenants'

associations throughout the city through

developing their own strategies, in opposition

to those of GDC, they were organised on the


basis of' impressing councillors and the housing

management department of' the

'representativeness' of' the GCTA. There was

little opportunity to discuss the overall

pol icies which the GCTA could adopt as a basis

for campaigning, and these events turned into

social gatherings with a civic reception

provided by GDC. The monthly meet i ngs ot' the

GCTA between January 1989 and June 1990 were

attended by an average of' 35 del egates

representing around 25 different tenants'

associations f'rom across the city. Therefore,

the work of' the GCTA, incl uding attendance at

the numerous sub-committee's of the Council. was

being carried out by a small, but enthusiastic,

executive committee. These same people were also

involved in their own tenants' associations.

Inevi tabl y, perhaps, these monthl y meetings

concentrated to a certain extent on the

administrative functions of the GCTA as an

organisation. The GCTA were certainly involved

in wider issues affecting the city's tenants,

including the Anti-Poll Tax campaign and

opposition to Scottish Homes. However. by

concentrating, in the main, on issues relating

to I participation' with GDC and improving the

organisations own developmental role. with the


support of the TPO and TPAS, the GCTA failed to

provide an adequate alternative strategy for the

city's tenants. They have had very little impact

on the Council's policy of housing stock

disposal, Community Renewal or the role of

Scottish Homes and private developers in the

housing schemes. For these reasons many tenants'

associations, like those in Castlemilk, have

refused to co-operate with the GCTA and have

prevented them from having any i nfl uence at a

local level. By mid-1990 there were around 450

tenants' associations in Glasgow, but only 138

of them were affil iated to the GCTA. By

concentrating their efforts on playing the

• participation' game they have, to some extent,

become isolated from t.he issues raised by

tenants' associations in many schemes in the

city. This situation has also led to a number of

unsuccessful attempts to form an al t.ernat i ve

city-wide tenants' federation, under the banner

of the Community Renewal Action Group

<C. R. A. G. ), in recent years. These crit.icisms

have led to claims that the GCTA have been

incorporated into the struct.ures of the local

state. This view is expressed by a number of

tenants' associations and at least one Community

Council in the city. Ironically, it is a view


that is accepted, for different reasons, by the

arch-Stabian leader of GDC:

"C.J. What is your impression of the GCTA?

P.L. The clear picture emerging is that they

are becoming more aware of the problems that the

council faces, and they are becoming more and

more responsible in dealing with their own

problems. They realise that resources are

limited and they work with us in seeking to

expand those resources by pressure on the

Government etc. They are better able, more

ef'fectively, to represent the interests of'

tenants on a collective basis as a consequence

of' a greater abil fty to deal with information

and greater access to in:formation". (36)

For the time being, at least, the GCTA seem

to have met with the criteria of a 'hel pful

group'. My own impression, studying the

activities of the GCTA for over one year, is

that this is a fairly accurate assessment of how

the organisation has progressed in recent years.

However, it is also a static description.

Throughout the 1980s the GCT A were confronted

with a wide array of changes in housing pol icy

imposed by central government and accepted by

the Stabian leadership within the local state.


Given the fact that they were also confronted

with internal organisational problems it was,

perhaps, inevitable that they WQuld seek a

dialogue with a Labour council which claimed to

be seeking to defend local democracy and develop

new styles of housing management. There was no

effective political alternative in a city where,

apart from three brief periods, Labour had been

in control of the Council since 1933. The

historical connections between the GCTA and

reformist Labour pol i ticians went back to the

inter-War years. The strong cultural and

pol itical identification between the tenants'

movement and wider labour politics in the city

meant that the process of corporate

incorporation was easier to attain against the

background of attacks on council hOUSing.

However, it does not necessarily follow that

this situation will continue.

The GCTA now have ten years of experience of

the inability, or unwillIngness, of local Labour

polIticians to challenge the hegemony of

Conservative housing pol icy as it effects the

city's t.enants. They have also attained a

greater knowledge of housing issues, accumulated

sufficient communicative and negotiation skills,


are now i ndependentl y funded and resourced and

capable of building a base around an alternative

tenants strategy for housing in GI asgow. The

contradictions of being in and against the state

could also expand the options of mounting a

challenge to the local state's acceptance of the

dominant agenda in housing over the past decade.

It is these "resources of hope" which could lead

to the emergence of a new and more vigorous

tenants' movement or, as Raymond Will iams said

in a similar context:

II _ _ _ the mounting internal and external

pressures on the present structures of' British

society make it likely that the changes will

have to be lived rather than only

debated ..... (37)

The "battles to be fought" could yet see the

development of a working class counter-

hegemonic st.ruggle simil ar to that which

developed in Glasgow in the late nineteenth and

early twentieth century, and again in the early

post-War years.




1. The GCTA is not the only federated body of

tenants' associations in Glasgow. Other examples

are the Drumchapel and Anniesland Residents'

Executive, the Easterhouse Executive, and the

Cambuslang Combine of tenants' assoc iations.

However, while these organisations bring

together groups within a specific area t.he GCTA

covers the whole city and is recognised by many

tenants' groups and the City Council as the main

federated body of tenants in the city. The GCTA

were involved in t.he campaign against the sale

of t.he Merryl ee houses (discussed in chapter

two> and the Arden rent-increase strike-

(discussed in chapter three). However. they

played a minor role in comparison to the SCTA in

the I atter campaign and to the J 0 i nt Committee

in the former.

2. Ward Committees were accorded certain

privileges by the Corporation. They had the

right t.o hold 12 meetings a year in a municipal

hall free of charge and received a small

financial allowance from the Common Good fund

for working expenses. They also received copies

of the Corporation minutes. (see M. Broady and


J. Mack, 1960. pI59-160). In this sense, they

can be seen as an earl y precursor o:f Communi ty

Councils. Records o:f various Ward Committees are

lodged in S.R.A.: TD90; TD200/157; TD411; TD455:

TD491; TD472; and TD542/10.

3. Glasgow MuniCipal Ward Committees. Memorandum

by Town Clerk and City Archivist, December 1968.

Document held in S.R.A. DTC 8/1/8/21.

4. J. Bell and J. Paton. (1896). pp66-67. One o:f

the authors o:f this study, Sir James Bell. was

also Lord Provost o:f Glasgow at the time i t was


5. J. Bell and J.Paton. (1896). p67.

6. J. Melling. (1983). p41.

7. See M. Broady and J. Mack. (1960) :for a :full

discussion o:f these issues.

8. Report o:f the Committee on the Rent

Restriction Acts, 1924-25. Cmnd. 2423. p17.

Doll an, who, later became Lord Provost o:f

Glasgow, produced a Minority Report to this

committee, which was published by the I.L.P. in

1925 under the title o:f 'The Clyde Rent War'.

9. See, :for instance, Mosspark Tenants'

Association Management Committee Minute Book.

S. R.A.: TD617/3. The Mosspark Tenants'


Association was founded in November 1925 but, as

Darner has argued, had; " . . . distanced itsel f from

the ILP-dominated city-wide Federation of

(Council) Tenants' Associations, claiming that

' .. we were non-Party and non-sectarian.' The

Minutes of the Association are emblematic of the

middl e-cl ass, ParI iamentary, and somewhat

pompous manner in which the Mosspark tenants

conducted their publ ic business as a pressure-

group." S. Damer, (1991) p13 of Appendix II.

Therefore, in contrast to most other tenants'

associations in the city, this was one tenants'

association which used the term • non-pol itical'

to totally distance themsel ves from Labour

pol itics.

10. GI asgow Council of Tenants' Associations,

Del egates Card. (Undated) . Copy in Broady

collection: A.M.21.

11. Interview with John Lyons, 2-10-1990. John

Lyons has been a member of GCT A since 1930 and

was elected as its Honorary President in 1988.

12. Interview with John Lyons, 2-10-1990.

13. See M. Broady and J. Mack, (1960). p193, for

a discussion of the dipute between t.he GCTA and

the SCTA. Broady and Mack's account. which lacks

any detailed supportive evidence, is full of


Cold War rhetoric with Communist takeovers of

the tenants' associations and • fellow

travel I ers' to be found everywhere. They

regarded tenants' associations as being the most.

infl uential Communist Party 'front organisation'

at local community level. This was based on

their own acceptance of a survey of Communist

'front organisations' made by the Industrial

Research and Information Services Ltd (1957) The

Communist Solar System. Apparentl y, the

publication of their own study was blocked after

threats of legal action to inaccuracies

contained in the text.

14.. See The Drumchapel Tenant., 1st. March 1957.

Broady Collection F21.

15. See The Drumchapel Tenant, 1st March 1957.

Broady Collection F21.

16. See The Drumchapel Tenant, April 1957.

Broady Collection F21. Amongst other things,

this Charter called for the 'natural right for

all to a dwelling; good repair and adequate size

of houses; absolute security of tenure for

tenants; rents (in all types of ownership) to be

on a national unified scale; landlords' power to

distrian on goods, and to evict, to be

aboI ished; and the creation of local Housing


Tribunal s f'or settl ement of all di sputes and to

assist tenants to maintain their rights.

17. See GCTA Minutes 1949-58. Broady Collection


18. Unfortunatel y. I have been unabl e to trace

sufficient documentation of the work of the GCTA

for the period from the 1960s to the early

1980s. Part of the reason for this is that two

of the leading figures in the GCTA- Frances

Hamilton and Iris McDonald- had died during the

1980s and they were the only ones who would have

been able to assist me in tracing this material.

As these two individuals kept the GCTA going

through this period their contribution to the

discussion in this chapter would have been

invaluable. These two women contributed a large /

part of their lives to the tenants' movement in

Glasgow, and it is unfortunate that there is no

existing documentat·ion to record t.heir

contribution along with the role of GCTA during

an important period for Glasgow's tenants. Along

wi th Bobby AI exander and John Lyons, they were

the main individuals who kept the GCTA going in

the 1970s.

19. Leaf'let publicising demonstration against

the Rent Act, September 17th 1972. Thanks to


John Lyons for providing me with this leaflet

and other i nformat ion. Al so, see report of one

of these demonstrations in the Glasgow Herald,

15-11-72. The onl y local authority in Scotl and

whi ch went to any great I engths to oppose the

1972 Act was Clydebank Town Council, with 15

Labour, 3 Communist and 2 SNP councillors.

However, even with the recent experience of the

UCS work-in behind them, the councillors in

Clydebank agreed to implement the Act after

being fined £5,000 in the Court of Session.

20. Interview with Bobby Alexander, chairperson

of GCTA, 30-6-89. Bobby Al exander was taken to

his first tenant,s' association meeting at the

age of 10 by his mother. He has been involved in

most of the post-War housing campaigns in

GI asgow.

21. Scottish Consumer Council (1980), pp3 and

53. The author of this report wrongl y suggests

that the GCTA has onl y been in existence since

the 1950s. Curiously the GCTA held its 50th

anniversary conference on the 21st May 1989, 13

years after the actual anniversary of its

foundation year of 1926.

22. Scottish Development. Department <1979>. pI.

This consultation document was issued in January


1979, four months before the defeat of the

Labour Government in the general election.

23. Interview with Pat Lally, Labour leader of

the City of Glasgow District Council, 12th March


24. Interview with Jean McFadden, 21st July


25. Interview with Jean McFadden, 21st July.


26. The concept Stabian is drawn from Tariq

Ali's use of the term, which he uses to describe

a particular form of individual political

behaviour and type of political organisation:

"Stabian: 1. (by pol itical incl ination) Fabian,

interested in power rather than social ism. 2.

<preferred organisational methods> Stal inist,

exhibiting utter contempt for democratic norms

and procedures. Hostile to spontaneity. Synonym:

authoritarian". T. Ali. <1984-), p15, footnote.

For an account of how this type of political

beast developed in Glasgow see Damer, (1990)

chapter 6.

27. R. Edwards, (1986) p2.

28. D. Byrne (1989). p165.


29. Interview wi th Bobby AI exander, 30th June


30. Most of the material reI ating to

negoti iations on the 'Tenants Lease' are drawn

from a series of files held by GCTA, held under

The Working Party on Consultation on the Tenants


31. Robina Goodlad, first Project Organiser with

TPAS 1980-84, quoted in R. Edwards (1986), p17.

32. Secretary's Report t.o GCTA Annual General

Meeting, 27th May 1990.

33. Research notes taken at monthl y meeting of

GCTA, 28th April 1990. Whi 1 e conduct. i ng thi s

research Barry Docherty. the TPO in GI asgow' s

housing department, was the only person who

refused to be interviewed or to co-operate with

the researcher. Any references to the work of

the TPO have, unfortunately, depended on

analysis of official documents and observation

of his activities during monthly and annual

general meetings of the GCTA.

34-. The TPO asked official s of the GCTA, in my

presence, for time to make an official response

to the secret.ary's statement which he considered

to be totally inaccurate. It was only after this


opportunity had been refused that the TPO

responded with a threat to withdraw support from

the GCTA. The secretary of the GCTA, Martin Lee.

was out-voted as secretary for reasons which

were, apparently, unconnected to this event.

35. See A. Gramsci (1971), pp106-114 on the

concept of "passive revolution".

36. Interview with Pat Lally, 12th March 1991.

37. R. Williams (1989>, p140.




6.1 Introduction

"The capital ist :mode of production :forces a

separation between ~rking and living at the same

time as i t reintegrates them in complex ways. The

superficial appearance of conflict in contemporary

urban-industrial society suggests that there is

indeed a di chotomy between struggles in the

workplace and in the I iving place and that each

kind of struggle is :fought according to di:fferent

principles and rules ...... (I)

The genesis of t.he argument presented in this

dissertation is that the dichotomy identified by

Harvey is indeed superfiCial. For inst.ance, in the

offices of the Castlemilk Housing Involvement

Project (C. H. 1. P.) in 1990 there were posters on

every wall declaring: "Poverty is the Real Issue",

The activists in the Castlemilk tenants' movement.

who use this resource centre have pi aced these

posters to serve as a constant reminder that,

while their main purpose is involvement in

campaigns to housing provision, the

overall position that they find themselves in

resul ts from thei r struct.ural I ocat. i on as ps.rt of

the • social prolet.ariat' in an urban area that. is


suffering from the consequences of uneven

development. (2) It is a clear ackno~~edgement

that, while they may not be able to act in

circumstances of their own choosing. they do act

in terms of an evaluation of their posit.ion as

part of a 'peripheral ised' population in a

, deprived' area which is charact.erised by an

overwhelmingly working class social and cultural

mil ieu. The point is, that t.lley are not t.b.e

helpless and passive vict.ims of structural

circumstances that is implied in "new right."

notions about "subsidy junkies" or t,hat contai ned

in recent sociol o&,i cal discussions of the

"underclass" <see Adam Smith Institute, 1988; K.

Aul etta, 1982; and R. Dahrendorf, 1987). They are

active social agents involved in a collective

practice, which is expressed through political

action around issues of social reproduction. This

is not an adoption of a 'romantic' perspective to

working cl ass housing st.ruggl es. As we saw in

chapters four and five, resistance, .just like

hegemony, is often fragmented and fractured. An

acceptance that such divisions exist, and always

have existed, in working class areas does not

detract from the very real contribution of council

tenants' organisations to working cl ass cuI ture

and progressive pol itical mobilisation in


particular 'localities'. The "battles that have

been fought" are important avenues of experience

within working class areas of urban Brit.ain which

deserve more recogni t ion by urban sociologist.s.

not less.

The activities of tenants' associations in

places like Castlemilk may be organised around

specific , neighbourhood issues' , but they are

regarded by those involved as a mere semblance of

more fundamental conflicts within contemporary

(' disorganized' ) capitalist society. Recent

studies within social science, and sociology in

particular, have emphas i sed the importance of

studying localities and local social processes

(see, for instance, D. Byrne, 1989; P. Cooke,

1990; P. Dickens et aI, 1985; and J. Urry, 1987).

This study has been concerned with tracing the

development of the tenants' movement and housing

struggles in one particular 'locality', Glasgow,

in the post-War years and relating this to t.he

wider processes that have shaped these struggl es.

An understanding of these wider socio-economic

and cuI tural processes has al so required t.hat they

be cont.extualised in a historical framework for,

as Elliot and McCrone suggest, a basis for


understanding collective action in urban research


.... that i t should be hist;orica.lly inFormed.

sensitive to the processes that have shaped urban

institutions, urban environments and the

ideologies and actions of particular social

groups. We need historical awareness because our

task is to explore change and conflict and

cohesion in the city. It is essential, when

considering institutions-the frameworks of local

government or health or housing or ~lfare

agencies- to appreciate that the liberties or

rights that they confer have been won by struggle.

They ~re not besto~d by benevol ent rul ers but

ceded gradually and grudgingly by local and

national elites confronted by sections of' the

citiz~nry anxious to secure for themsel ves SOIllle

say in decision-making. some improvement in their

material circumstances, some basis f'or fuller

citizenship..... (3)

In the concluding section of this dissertation

we will examine the processes which have shaped

the tenants' movement and housing struggles in

post-War Glasgow.

6.2 The Social Significance of Housing Struggles


The discussion contained in chapters one and

two indicated that post-War Glasgow has been beset

by a , housing probl em' of considerable

proportions. In his study of , urban social

movements', Lowe (1986) suggests that "there is

little evidence of militant tenants' action in the

1950s". (4-) Similarly. in relation to Glasgow. Butt

(1978) has argued that the early housing struggles

associated with "Red Clydeside" had all but

disappeared in the 194-0s and 1950s. (5) However.

the re-discovery of important early post-War

housing struggles contai ned in chapters two and

three suggest that, rather than consti tuti ng a

period of quiescence, existed particul ar

forms of 'urban protest' that were determined by

social relations amongst the working class in

Glasgow. The squatters' movement, the Merrylee

campai gn and the Arden All-Scotl and Rent-Str ike

drew on the cultural traditions of Glasgow's

working class to organise effective campaigns

around housing conditions and housing provision

(see S. Darner 1980 and 1990; J. Mell ing. 1983; and

J. Smith, 1984-; for details of this tradition).

The recognition of the significance of these links

between social processes within particular


'localities' at any given time have been made

cogentl y by Urry:

" . . . space per se has no general effects . . . i t

only has effect because the social objects in

question possess particular characteristics"

namely, diff"erent causal powers. Such po-wers may

or may not manif"est themselves in empirical

events- whether they do or not depends upon the

relationship in time-space established with other

objects. These ef"f"ects thus stem not from the

'contingent' relations bet-ween phenomena in time-

space but f"rom the internal structures of"

dif"ferent social objects, objects which possess

dif"f"erent causal pO'Hers . . . " (6)

In the 1940s and early-1950s Glasgow, partly

as a resul t of temporary War-time expansion, was

still a major industrial centre. In February of

1947, for instance, there were still 23 shipyards

in operation on the Clyde. There was a shop

stewards' movement based in the shipyards and

other manufacturing industries (including those in

J.G. Weir's involved in the Merrylee campaign>,

which was I argel y under the influence of a

Communist Party I eadershi p. The Labour Party had

been in power in Glasgow from 1933 and had

consolidated this power within the organs of the


local state. However. the housing conditions that

prevailed were, quite simply, appalling. The

response of the organic intellectuals amongst

Glasgow's working class was to organise families

of squatters to put pressure on the local state

for increased house-building and to successfully

oppose the proposed sal e of council houses. At

this stage the Labour Party was seen as part of

the solution to the • housing problem' in Glasgow,

in the sense that they were regarded as a viable

agent for pursuing change through the local state

by means of external pressure. These campaigns

involved both men and women with a high degree of

consciousness and militancy. organised in tenants'

associations, union branches and various socialist

organisations, and who regarded the pol itics of

reproduction as significant an arena for struggle

as those relating to production relations. 'They

were not merely 'consumpt ion-based' political

actions but, rather, part of the overall struggle

of the working cl ass for social improvement, and

analysed as such by its organic intellectuals.

But whil e these events were taking pI ace

Glasgow was also going through a process of

restructuring of both its housing and labour

markets, as the discussion in chapters one and


four made clear. Part of the outcome of thi s

process was the dispersal of large sections of

Glasgow's working class to peripheral housing

schemes on the fringes of the city. Initially, as

the discussion in chapter four emphasized, the

tenants' associations that developed in the early

years of the Castlemil k scheme concerned

themselves with the shortcomings of service

provision. Such campaigns entailed a critique of

the local state and, in the process, the Labour

Party. which had been seen as a sol ution to the

'housing problem' in earlier campaigns, now became

part of the 'problem'. This process has continued

in Castl emi 1 k throughout the post-War years, and

has become exacerbated with the impact. of the

'residualization' of council housing and G.D.C.'s

passive acceptance of central Government

strategies for the scheme and its inhabitants.

Castl emil k, 1 ike many other hous i ng schemes in

Glasgow and elsewhere, has become increasingly a

residential locale for semi-and unskilled workers

as well as the mass of the unemployed. This aspect

of the development of council housing is well

documented in housing literature. (7) However, none

of this literature attempts to explain the

response of council tenants to these structural

and ideological changes which have pract.ical


implications for the mobilisation of housing

struggl es. Therefore. the discussion of tenants'

associations and housing struggles in Castlemilk,

despite the demise of 1 inks to work-based labour

organisations, provides an insight into the

persistence of 'communities of resistance' within

'peripheralized' neighbourhoods.

G. D. C.. in response to the potential ities of

such resistance and in order to manage the social

and economic reproduction of Glasgow's working

class <including the reserve army of labour in the

peripheral schemes), has developed specific forms

of urban management: 'community development' and

'tenant participation' . As the discussion in

chapter five reveal ed, this , ideology of

participationism' <K. Coit, 1978 ) is aimed at

integrating one of the leading sections of the

contemporary tenants' movement in the city behind

the dominant strand of housing policy being

pursued by the local state. However, this

discussion also rejected functionalist accounts of

the local state <C. Cockburn. 1977). Such accounts

are a-historical and consequently ignore the ways

in which the working class have been able to

capture and direct local state institutions for

their own benefit. To re-emphasize the point made


at the end of chapter five, the strategy of

'tenant participation' as it has evolved in

Glasgow is potentially fragile and open to

conflict. It is, as Raymond Williams said in

another context, based on:

t •••• an all iance of negatives. the priority

being to unite against an immediate evil rather

than concentrating upon the development or a truly

popular programme with mass support from

below". (8)

The history of "battl es fought" in the sphere

of reproduction by Glasgow's organic intellectuals

documented in this dissertation suggests that.

class struggle and conflict over housing could re-

emerge to become a central focus of , urban'


pol itics in t.he 1990s and beyond. /




1. D. Harvey (1985b), p61.

2. G.C Mooney (1988) has produce a seminal account

of the economic and political processes which have

created underdevelopment in the Pollok housing

scheme in Glasgow. The comparisons with Castlemilk

are obvious from details on pages 306-7 of this

thesis. AI so, see D. S. Byrne and D. Parson,

(1983) on the use of the concept of 'social

proletariat' .

3. B. Elliot and D. McCrone (1982), p141.

4. S. Lowe (1986), p88.

5. J. Butt (1978), p165.

6. J. Urry (1981), p458.

7. See D. Clapham et aI, 1990; .J. English, 1982;

and R. Forrest and A. Murie, 1990.

8. R. Will iams (1984). 'Decentralism and the

Politics of Place: An interview With Raymond

Will iams' Interviewer P. Cooke. in Environment

and Planning D: Society and Space. Vol 2. pp369-


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