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Developing positioning and brand identity for HCL’s
Hi-Tech vertical
HCL Technologies is a global technology solu�ons company with an ac�ve presence
in over 39 countries. HCL has been a global leader in enterprise wide transforma�on
services and technology solu�ons over the years and is now emerging as a leader in
next- generation technology offerings such as IoT, Cloud, Cyber Security,
Digitaliza�on and Analy�cs.

You can learn more about what we do at


In the 21st Century, technology has been changing the way businesses func�on.
From automa�on of tasks to data driven decision-making, businesses are
leveraging technology to reinvent their business models.

A common thread across organisa�ons today is their dependence on the technology

ecosystem. At HCL Technologies, we strive to provide businesses across the world
technology solu�ons they need to target specific business problems.

An important target segment for us are businesses that have technology at their core
and are changing the world with advancements in technology. HCL’s ‘Hi-Tech’
industry ver�cal aims to cater to these organiza�ons that are at the cu�ng edge of
technological innova�on. This target segment can be further divided into the
following categories of tech companies:

Sub-Verticals Under HCL’s Hi-tech Vertical

Sub-Ver�cal Target Companies

Online and Cloud Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, Amazon Web Services
So�ware Symantec, Microsoft, Ubisoft
OEM and Electronics Tesla, Nokia, Xerox, Sony
Network and Storage Seagate, Sandisk, Cisco
Semiconductor Intel, Qualcomm, Nvidia
Instrumenta�on Teradyne, Texas Instruments

This live project would give you an opportunity to work with senior marke�ng
leadership at HCL on developing a differen�ated brand iden�ty and posi�oning
strategy for HCL’s Hi-Tech ver�cal.

You would get to study the business models and technology priori�es of some of the
most innova�ve companies in the technology space such as Google, Facebook,
Microso�, Uber, Tesla, Intel, Cisco, Nvidia. Basis your research and inputs from your
mentors at HCL, you would get a chance to devise a differen�ated brand posi�oning
strategy targe�ng leading companies across the world.

The live project would have a dura�on of 28 days and would begin on July 11, 2018.
Students can par�cipate individually or in teams of up to 3 members.


1) HCL Technologies is a USD 7.8 billion global technologies company with ac�ve
presence in 39 countries.
2) HCL is one of the leaders in next-gen technology domains such as IoT, Cloud,
Cybersecurity, Digital and Analy�cs, but is s�ll being perceived as a tradi�onal IT
Services provider.

3) While a major chunk of our revenues is from legacy IT solu�ons, we are seeing
con�nued growth and focus in next gen technology solu�ons.

4) HCL’s Mode 1-2-3 strategy is designed to future proof our customers' business,
by deploying a concurrent, three-point spotlight on the exis�ng core of their
business, new growth areas as well as the ecosystems of the future.

5) Hi-Tech is an industry ver�cal containing HCL customers and prospects who have
high involvement with technology and are witnessing massive transforma�ons
due to advances in technology. We foresee high growth opportuni�es in this

6) For our customers in the Hitech ver�cal, some of the most important aspects of
opera�ons are:
a. Innova�on
b. User experience
c. Future Proofing
d. Speed and Agility
e. Endurance

7) Through our research, we find that businesses across the industry are being
disrupted by three key mega trends: Automa�on, Cloud and Ar�ficial

8) Firms are going for In-house IT, while there is s�ll a large market for outsourcing IT.

9) The mul�-vendor approach offers greater value for money with high quality


Brand awareness and Percep�ons:
While HCL is now one of the leaders in next gen technologies, we have tradi�onally
been viewed as a ‘bodyshop’ IT services provider by most companies in the Hi-Tech
industry. A number of companies perceive HCL as a piecemeal IT services provider.
Our objec�ve therefore is to increase awareness amongst those who are not aware
and change HCL’s percep�ons amongst those who are aware of tradi�onal HCL

This is to be achieved by recommending a new posi�oning for HCL’s Hi-Tech ver�cal

that gains mind-share and wallet-share from exis�ng and poten�al customers in the
industry. To arrive at this recommenda�on, insights from the below two points will be

Understanding of the Compe��ve Landscape:

HCL’s tradi�onal compe�tors include global technology giants such as IBM, Accenture
as well as Indian Outsourcing Providers such as TCS and Infosys. In addi�on to these,
niche players are also being taken into considera�on by customers for next gen
technologies. It is important to understand what HCL’s compe�tors are doing to
a�ract business from the Hi-Tech industry and what unique posi�oning do they
possess to differen�ate their value proposi�on.

Understanding Customer Priori�es:

Analysis of customer pain points and business challenges of organiza�ons across the
six sub-ver�cals would give insights on how HCL can come across as the partner of
choice for these companies. It is also impera�ve to understand the priori�es of a
technology purchase decision maker and what they look for in a technology partner.

We are looking at a posi�oning and messaging that is bold, contrarian, very

differen�ated, and out of the box.


The legacy ‘dilemma’
While HCL’s Infrastructure Management Services and Engineering are R&D services
are the company’s most powerful and profitable businesses, it also led to Brand
cloaking – HCL is increasingly ge�ng known as an Infra / ERS player only. It has now
become a percep�on problem.

The HCL ‘awareness’ problem

The larger awareness problem is with top of the mind recall. Therefore, HCL is invited
to par�cipate in a very small number of deals in the industry. On top of that,
audiences look at the landscape with a historical lens – they do not perceive HCL to
have exper�se in modern technologies.

Building credibility
Even though the customers and prospects understand our capabili�es, they are
hesitant and would prefer to go ahead with ‘larger players’ for next gen technology

The technology industry has the most complex supply chain structure of any industry,
with presence of many outsourced design consultancy and contract manufacturers.

With the ability to generate deep product usage insights, IoT and analy�cs will be key
to reinven�ng exis�ng business models.

Agility is one of the key priori�es for companies in the industry to maximise first
mover advantage and reduce �me to market

Organisa�ons don’t run a business any more. They orchestrate Experiences.

Businesses that create the moat engaged experience win. The exchange of goods,
services and money happens only through an Engaged Experience – which means the
en�re user value chain ma�ers.

Experience is essen�ally a func�on of opera�ons. Therefore, opera�ons need to be

data driven, accurate and design oriented


Par�cipants would be required to upload their Statement of Purpose on their
approach plan, along with their resumes using the submission form by July 10, 2018.

The Statement of Purpose should be a single A4 page that details your team’s high
level approach to tackle the assignment, as well as your pitch for being the right team
to come up with a solu�on. The teams are to use Calibri, size 11 as font.

HCL would select up to 5 teams across the country and the selected teams would be
remunerated with a s�pend of INR 30,000 for the dura�on of the project. The
selected teams would be allo�ed a mentor from HCL’s marke�ng team who would
guide them throughout the project.

The selected teams would have to submit a report on their findings and their
recommenda�ons. This should include:
1.Differen�ated Posi�oning with Tagline
2.Out of the box, contrarian messaging (Copy for communica�ons)
3.Research that supports their recommenda�ons for points 1&2

From the final submissions, one entry would win a prize of INR 100,000 INR along
with a Pre-Placement Interview opportunity with HCL Technologies.

Hello there! I am an Ideapreneur. I believe that sustainable business outcomes are driven by relationships nurtured through
values like trust, transparency and flexibility. I respect the contract, but believe in going beyond through collaboration,
applied innovation and new generation partnership models that put your interest above everything else. Right now
120,000 Ideapreneurs are in a Relationship Beyond the Contract™ with 500 customers in 39 countries. How can I help you?


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