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Appendix M.

Blank Lesson Plan Template

Day in
Language Level Expanding (Intermediate) Grade 9-10 Date 2 Minutes 55
Belonging- How can participating in environmentally sustainable practices help us understand our interconnectedness and
Unit Theme and Question
responsibility to all life and each other?
Daily topic: Identifying solutions and how we should expect ourselves and others to contribute
Which modes of Students can:
Communication communication will be - Describe ways in which individuals can help create sustainable
What are the communicative addressed?
and cultural objectives for the and habits that contribute in positive ways to the environment
 Interpersonal
lesson? - Write sentences using key vocabulary
Cultures  Interpretive
 Presentational
If applicable, indicate how
Connections  Comparisons 
Communities  Common Core When we partake in sustainable activities, we benefit a larger community. Later we will be
will be part of your lesson. reaching out to our local community to asses and inform how to better work together in this.
Common Core Writing 4- Produce clear and coherent writing appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.
Materials  Resources 
Activity/Activities Time*
How many Technology
Lesson Sequence What will learners do? Be specific. What materials will you
minutes will this
What does the teacher do? segment take? develop? What materials will you
bring in from other sources?
Displayed in board:
Teacher recycles vocabulary from the day prior along with
Gain Attention / Activate images from the EPA story read. Students answer comprehension
5 Questions
Prior Knowledge questions by selecting appropriate sentence structures and
sentence starters
formulating responses.
Teacher regroups asks students to verbalize the story from the
Projected on screen Doodle:
day prior with their partner (alternating). T shows Google doodle
Provide Input storyboard scene by scene as students take turns verbalizing what 20
they see. As a class, teacher selects non-volunteers to go through
scenes a last time as the class listens to peer answers.
Keys to Planning for Learning, 2013
Appendix M. Blank Lesson Plan Template
Students are asked to discuss in their groups about WHY Google “Save our world” video:
would make this. Teacher guides as needed to refer to solutions
and how we must all “do our part” or contribute. watch?v=bn8R_XqjjI0
Next, teacher shows slide show with image screens shots from the
video “Save our world”. As a group students write what they Graphic organizer (3
observe in the images: “Answering: what actions can we take?” columns) 1. Original, 2.
Class watches video together as students individually write Edited, 3. Teacher /whole
sentences or fragments of the video’s recommendations. They do class
so in the first column of 3.
Students do a gallery walk to different sections in the room where
the same images from the “Save our world” video are displayed
Elicit Performance / Provide as well as ones from the Google Doogle. They have their own Posted printed images
Feedback sentences in-hand and must share with at least 1 student at 4 Timer projected on screen
different images. They may edit their original sentence and place
it in the 2nd column. Timer is on the board
Teacher regroups and solicits non-volunteers sentences to mainly
“Save the world” images. Teacher writes the sentences on the
Provide Input 5 T stands at printed images
board in corrected format and the entire class MUST write down
this version of the sentence in the 3rd column.
Elicit Performance / Provide Students are handed a printed self-assessment as an exit ticket.
10 DF.cgi/P10068RI.PDF?Docke
Feedback (p.1-2)

Students are explained homework and told that the self-

Closure 5
assessment sheet answers will be reviewed the following day.
Student have 2 days to read on their own the story of Why is
Enhance Retention &
Coco orange? We will review concepts and have activities on At home
Transfer picturebook/cocos-orange-
Day 4

Keys to Planning for Learning, 2013

Appendix M. Blank Lesson Plan Template
Reflection – Notes to Self I would see how the pairings or group activities went and adjust format if necessary.
 What worked well? Why? One example could be do the the Gallery walk with a partner instead of individually. This would mean you interact
 What didn’t work? Why? with another pair instead of one-on-one.
 What changes would you
make if you taught this
lesson again?
 ????

* Remember that the maximum attention span of the learner is approximately the age of the learner up to 20 minutes. The initial lesson cycle (gain
attention/activate prior knowledge, provide input and elicit performance/provide feedback) should not take more than 20 minutes. The second cycle
(provide input and elicit performance/provide feedback) should be repeated as needed and will vary depending on the length of the class period.

Keys to Planning for Learning, 2013

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