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Catedra de limba engleza
Prof. Speteanu Alexandra Gabriela

Planificare calendaristică pentru anul 2009-2010

Clasa a X-a, L1, 2h/sapt, Upstream Upper Intermediate

Nr Conţinut Conţinuturi Obiective/ Săpt. Nr. Observaţii

crt thematic competenţe Ore
1 Introducere 1.1 I, II 4
2 Communicat- Vocabulary: means/ways of 1.4 III, 6 Trebuie dezvoltată
ion; language; communication; types of languages; 2.1 IV, V mai multă
gestures gestures & feelings; 3.1 interacţiune între
say/tell/speak/talk; fixed phrases & 4.3 elevi pe baza pozelor
phrasal verbs related to şi a cuvintelor date
communication pentru lucru:
Structure: articles; determiners; ghicirea celor
too/enough; partitives; countable/ întîmplate colegilor
uncountable nouns pe baza introducerii
Function: expressing preferences; la povestire
comparing /contrasting; making
suggestions; responding
positively/negatively; making
assumptions; saying goodbye; writing
informal, semi-formal and formal
letters Culture Clip; Theatre for the
3 feelings; Vocabulary: moods and emotions; 4.2 VI, 6 este necesară
emotion; physical sensations; expressing 4.1 VII, oferirea cît mai
happiness feelings; extreme adjectives; similes; 2.3 VIII multor exemple de
phrasal verbs; prepositions 1.1 cuvinte pentru
Structure: Present Simple & Present 2.2 sufixare şi a unor
Continuous; Stative Verbs; Used to exerciţii de
Be/Get used to; word formation: transformare
forming adjectives phrasal verbs
Function: asking about and expressing creează probleme de
feelings; exclamations; indirect confuzie
questions; writing transactional letters
(requesting information; making
complaints) Literature: Jane Austen
Sense & Sensibility

4 Topic: Vocabulary: job skills and qualities; 1.2 IX, 6 Trebuie găsite
work/jobs; forms of money; confused words; 4.1 X, XI finalităţi realiste
earning a idioms/phrasal verbs related to money; 2.2 pentru exersarea
living; money prepositions 2.1 funcţiilor
matters Structure: -ing form or infinitive; 1.1 comunicative
reported speech; introductory verbs;
word formation: forming negative
Function: expressing and asking for
opinions; agreeing/disagreeing;
positively/negatively; demanding and
giving explanations; asking for and
giving advice; writing reports and
letters of application

Recapitulare si XII, 4
test XIII
6 Topic: Vocabulary: types of houses; 1.2 XIV, 4 Se va pune accent pe
dwellings; rooms/areas of a house; appliances and 2.2 XV diferenţa de
household furniture; idioms and fixed phrases 3.4 incidenţă şi utilizare
items with 'home'; phrasal verbs; 4.1 între present perfect
prepositions Structure: Present Perfect; simple şi present
Present Perfect Continuous;word perfect continuous,
formation: adjective endings Function: nu pe diferen’a de
expressing wishes; making a sens
complaint; avoiding giving a direct
answer; making
expressing the result of suggestions
(letters, articles) Literature Corner:
Charles Dickens "Great Expectations"

7 Topic: modern Vocabulary: appearance and character; 1.3 XVI, 4 Tag questions
trends; media; fame; idioms and fixed phrases 2.2 XVII necesită multă
lifestyles related to lifestyles; phrasal verbs; 3.2 exersare controlată;
prepositions 4.2 Personalizarea e
Structure: adjectives; adverbs; puţin posibilă;
comparisons; word formation: trebuie dezvoltat
adjective suffixes contextul din manual
Function: asking for personal views;
expressing likes & dislikes and
justifying; spreading news; reacting to
news; making suggestions/giving
alternatives; paying compliments;
discursive writing (articles, letters,

Total ore 34
semestrul I
8 Topic: Vocabulary: getting around; holiday 1.2 I, II, 6 Exersarea
holidays; objects; signs; travel; describing 2.3 III contrastivă a
travelling holiday experiences; phrasal verbs and 3.1 limbajului informal
fixed phrases related to travel; idioms; 4.1 şi a celui formal
Structure: modal verbs; word
formation: derivatives
Function: interrupting; encouraging;
persuading/agreeing/disagreein g;
complaining; criticising; apologizing;
asking for opinion;

10 Topic: history; Vocabulary: peace and conflict; taking 2.1 IV, 6 Gramatica va fi
historical control; idioms/ fixed phrases related 2.3 V, VI tratată intensive, cu
figures to history; phrasal verbs; prepositions 3.4 exersare controlată
Structure: past forms; past modals; 4.3 şi liberă îndelungate,
word formation: verb suffixes avînd în vedere
Function: asking for confirmation/ greşelile frecvente şi
responding positively/ negatively; importanţa practică a
expressing uncertainty; narrating celor predate aici
personal experiences; writing
narratives (2)
Culture Clip: Amelia Earhart
11 Topic: Vocabulary: education systems; places 3.2 VII, 6 Aria de exemple
education in a school; types of school; exams and 1.3 VIII, pentru cuvintele
qualifications; idioms/ fixed 3.4 IX compuse trebuie să
phrases related to education; phrasal 2.1 fie cît mai largă şi
verbs; prepositions Structure: the 2.3 obţinută de la elevi
passive; the causative; word formation: cît mai mult.
- ing/-ed endings
Function: congratulating; consoling;
expressing and justifying
opinions/agreeing/disagreeing; giving
opposing views; reacting; stating
opinions in letters- articles-
Literature Corner: Thomas Hughes
"Tom Brown's Schooldays'
Recapitulare si X, XI 4
12 Topic: Vocabulary: green issues; 1.1 XII, 6 Se vor folosi
environmental environmental problems; phrasal 3.2 XIII, materiale
issues verbs/ idioms & fixed phrases related 3.3 XIV suplimentare pentru
to the environment; prepositions 4.1 verbele complexe
Structure: future forms; conditionals;
mixed conditionals; wishes; word
formation: prefixes Function: asking
indirect questions; expressing
ignorance/uncertainty; expressing
concern; introducing a topic; asking
about feelings; expressing
fear/anxiety/hope/negative feelings;
expressing frustration; writing reviews
Culture Clip: Save Our Seeds
14 Topic: health; Vocabulary: healthy lifestyle; healthy 1.4 XV, 6 Se vor integra toate
eating habits; eating; food & drinks; phrasal verbs; 3.2 XVI, deprinderile
stages in life idioms related to health; accidents & 3.4 XVII lingvistice
injuries; prepositions 2.2
Structure: relative clauses; clauses of 4.3
concession/purpose; question tags
Function: giving advice;
rejecting/accepting advice Literature
Corner: Louisa May Alcott

15 Total ore 34
semestrul al II-
Total ore anual 68

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