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Análisis e interpretación sobre ABSTRACT perteneciente a “Propuesta de un

modelo de evaluación de la gestión del conocimiento para generar ventajas
competitivas en la empresa SIMA-Chimbote” (Infantes Gil, 2012)
Diaz Diaz Melio Josue (Cod: 0201814005)
Ingles I
Leiva Cilio Luis
If we have in it counts that, the new era gives the economy it requires that it is
demonstrated in terms he/she gives results the contribution he/she gives the
Administration he/she gives the Knowledge in the companies. And, leaving gives the
premise he/she gives that, what you cannot be measured cannot negotiate, that is to
say, you cannot negotiate the knowledge without having a model that allows to value
the different processes for those that it passes the knowledge in the companies and to
express it in competitive advantages.
The present investigation has as purpose to develop a model he/she gives evaluation
he/she gives the Administration he/she gives the Knowledge for the company Sima it
manufactures Chimbote, with the purpose he/she gives to measure the variables
associated to the organizational knowledge and its since contribution, it can be applied
to any company he/she gives manufacturer, have or no explicitly implanted a model
gives Administration she gives the Knowledge since the basic processes they are
The pattern gives Administration he/she gives the Knowledge it allows to demonstrate
the contribution he/she also gives the knowledge like a capable intangible asset gives
to generate competitive advantages for the organizations. Also, he/she is proven the
importance he/she gives that the processes related with the knowledge are meetly
negotiated since they impact in direct form with the basic processes he/she gives the
As results he/she gives the evaluation he/she gives the initial situation through the
survey, some factors were determined he/she gives incidence in the Administration
he/she gives the Knowledge he/she gives the company, being these: Culture and
leadership, satisfaction, remuneration, motivation, identification and acquisition gives
the knowledge and support gives the TIC, allowing this the demonstration gives the
hypothesis he/she gives the study.

Keywords: Administration, Adventage

References Bibliographical
 Porter, M. “The competitive advantage”. Editorial. New Cork. 1995
 Canais, A. (2003). “Management of the knowledge”. Gestión 2000, Barcelona
 Palacios, Jorge (2008). “Measuring the impact and profitability of training”.

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