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Notes on the Elucidation of the Nullifiers of Islam

Notes on the Elucidation of the‫ގ‬

Nullifiers of Islam‫ގ‬

Shaykh ‘Ali al-Khudayr‫ގ‬

Translated and Edited by Ahlut-Tawhid Publications

Notes on the Elucidation of the Nullifiers of Islam

Notes on the Elucidation of the Nullifiers of Islam


Publisher’s Note 4‫ގ‬

Arabic Text of Nawaqid al-Islam 5‫ގ‬

English Text of Nawaqid al-Islam 7‫ގ‬

Introduction 9‫ގ‬

The First Nullifier 11‫ގ‬

The Second Nullifier 12‫ގ‬

The Third Nullifier 13‫ގ‬

The Fourth Nullifier 17‫ގ‬

The Fifth Nullifier 21‫ގ‬

The Sixth Nullifier 23‫ގ‬

The Seventh Nullifier 26‫ގ‬

The Eighth Nullifier 30‫ގ‬

The Ninth Nullifier 35‫ގ‬

The Tenth Nullifier 36‫ގ‬

Notes on the Elucidation of the Nullifiers of Islam

Publisher’s Note‫ގ‬

All‫ ގ‬praise‫ ގ‬belongs‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬Allah,‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Lord‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬creation.‫ ގ‬The‫ ގ‬final‫ ގ‬outcome‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬for‫ ގ‬the‫ގ‬
muttaqin,‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬there‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬no‫ ގ‬aggression‫ ގ‬except‫ ގ‬against‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬dhalimin.‫ ގ‬I‫ ގ‬bear‫ ގ‬witness‫ ގ‬that‫ގ‬
there‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬nothing‫ ގ‬worthy‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬worship‫ ގ‬except‫ ގ‬Allah‫ ގ‬alone‫ ގ‬with‫ ގ‬no‫ ގ‬partners,‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬rightful‫ގ‬
and‫ ގ‬clear‫ ގ‬King.‫ ގ‬And‫ ގ‬I‫ ގ‬bear‫ ގ‬witness‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬Muhammad‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬His‫ ގ‬slave‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬messenger,‫ ގ‬the‫ގ‬
imam of the first and last, as for what follows:‫ގ‬

This‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬an‫ ގ‬English‫ ގ‬translation‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬elucidation‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬Shaykh‫‘ ގ‬Ali‫ ގ‬al-Khudayr‫ ގ‬on‫ ގ‬Nawaqid̲
al-Islam‫ ގ‬by‫ ގ‬Shaykh‫ ގ‬al-Mujaddid‫ ގ‬Muhammad‫ ގ‬ibn‫‘ ގ‬Abdil-Wahhab.‫ ގ‬While‫ ގ‬there‫ ގ‬are‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬few‫ގ‬
explanations‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬booklet‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬English‫ ގ‬readily‫ ގ‬available,‫ ގ‬most‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬them‫ ގ‬are‫ ގ‬from‫ގ‬
government‫ ގ‬agents,‫ ގ‬concealers‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬knowledge,‫ ގ‬who‫ ގ‬adamantly‫ ގ‬defend‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬ones‫ ގ‬who‫ގ‬
have‫ ގ‬fallen‫ ގ‬into‫ ގ‬some‫( ގ‬if‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬all)‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬nullifiers‫ ގ‬they‫ ގ‬are‫ ގ‬explaining‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬which‫ ގ‬are‫ގ‬
translated‫ ގ‬by‫ ގ‬Murjiah‫ ގ‬rejects.1‫ ގ‬Therefore‫ގ‬we‫ގ‬saw‫ގ‬it‫ގ‬fit‫ގ‬to‫ގ‬translate‫ގ‬and‫ގ‬publish‫ގ‬one‫ގ‬who‫ގ‬
is‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬prisons‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬tawaghit‫ ގ‬for‫ ގ‬fulfilling‫ ގ‬his‫ ގ‬trust‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬speaking‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬truth‫ ގ‬openly.‫ގ‬
And‫ ގ‬as‫ ގ‬Shaykh‫‘ ގ‬Ali‫ ގ‬al-Khudayr‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬referred‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬by‫ގ‬many‫ގ‬as‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬ustadh‫ގ‬of‫‘ގ‬aqidah‫ގ‬it‫ގ‬is‫ގ‬only‫ގ‬
befitting that his notes and elucidation on such a critical matter be translated.‫ގގ‬

The‫ ގ‬references‫ ގ‬are‫ ގ‬for‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬most‫ ގ‬part‫ ގ‬from‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬text‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬original‫ ގ‬Arabic‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬only‫ ގ‬just‫ގ‬
put into footnotes. All other footnotes are the publisher’s.‫ގ‬

As‫ ގ‬well,‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬following‫ ގ‬pages‫ ގ‬there‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬both‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Arabic‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬English‫ ގ‬text‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬Nawaqid̲
al-Islam,‫ ގ‬with‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Arabic‫ ގ‬text‫ ގ‬containing‫ ގ‬its‫ ގ‬tashkil‫( ގ‬vowel‫ ގ‬marks)‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬ease‫ ގ‬proper‫ގ‬
reading and memorization for those who want to.‫ގގ‬

We‫ ގ‬ask‫ ގ‬Allah,‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬One‫ ގ‬who‫ ގ‬responds‫ ގ‬to‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬call‫ގ‬when‫ގ‬he‫ގ‬calls‫ގ‬upon‫ގ‬Him,‫ގ‬to‫ގ‬accept‫ގ‬this‫ގ‬

from‫ ގ‬us,‫ގ‬forgive‫ގ‬our‫ގ‬sins‫ގ‬and‫ގ‬shortcomings,‫ގ‬anger‫ގ‬His‫ގ‬enemies‫ގ‬by‫ގ‬it,‫ގ‬and‫ގ‬to‫ގ‬give‫ގ‬victory‫ގ‬
to‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬oppressed.‫ ގ‬Indeed,‫ ގ‬He‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬able‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬do‫ ގ‬that.‫ ގ‬May‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬salah‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬salam‫ ގ‬be‫ ގ‬upon‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬
chosen‫ ގ‬one‫ ގ‬Muhammad,‫ ގ‬his‫ ގ‬family,‫ ގ‬his‫ ގ‬companions,‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬all‫ ގ‬those‫ ގ‬who‫ ގ‬sincerely‫ގ‬
follow him.‫ގ‬

An example being the one by Salih al-Fawzan translated by Musa Richardson.‫ގ‬
‫‪Notes on the Elucidation of the Nullifiers of Islam‬‬

‫̲‪Arabic Text of Nawaqid al-Islam‬‬

‫اﻟﻮﻫ ِ‬ ‫اﻟﺪ ْﻋ َﻮةِ ﱠ‬
‫اﻟﺸ ْﯿ ِﺦ ُﻣ َﺤ ﱠﻤِﺪ ْﺑ ِﻦ َﻋ ْﺒِﺪ َ‬ ‫ﻹ َﻣ ِﺎم ﱠ‬
‫اﻟﺮ ِﺣ ِﯿﻢގ‬
‫اﻟﺮ ْﺣ َﻤ ِﻦ ﱠ‬
‫ﷲ ﱠ‬ ‫ِﺑ ْﺴ ِﻢ ا ِ‬

‫اﻹ ْﺳ َﻼ ِم َﻋ َﺸ َﺮُة َﻧ َﻮاﻗِﺾ‪:‬ގ‬ ‫اﻋﻠَ ْﻢ أَ ﱠن َﻧ َﻮاﻗ َ‬

‫ِﺾ ِ‬ ‫ْ‬

‫ونގ َذﻟ َ‬
‫ِﻚގ ﻟ َِﻤﻦގ َﯾ َﺸﺎءގ ﴾ގ‬ ‫ُﺸ َﺮ َكގ ِﺑ ِﻪގ َوَﯾ ْﻐﻔ ُ‬
‫ِﺮގ َﻣﺎގ ُد َ‬ ‫ِﺮގ أَنގ ﯾ ْ‬ ‫اﷲގ ﻻَގ َﯾ ْﻐﻔ ُ‬ ‫ﺎلގ َﺗ َﻌﺎﻟَﻰ‪:‬ގ ﴿ގ إ ﱠنގ ﱠَ‬ ‫اﻟﺸ ْﺮ ُكގ ﻓِﻲގ ِﻋَﺒ َﺎد ِةގ اﷲِ‪،‬ގ ﻗَ َ‬
‫اﻷَ ﱠو ُل‪:‬ގ ﱢ‬
‫ﺎرގ ﴾ގ َو ِﻣ ْﻨُﻪގ‬
‫ﻧﺼ ٍ‬ ‫ِﻦގ أَ َ‬‫ﯿﻦގ ﻣ ْ‬ ‫ﺎرގ َو َﻣﺎގ ﻟ ﱠ‬
‫ِﻠﻈﺎﻟ ِِﻤ َ‬ ‫اﷲގ َﻋﻠَﯿ ِْﻪގ اﻟْ َﺠﻨﱠ َﺔގ َو َﻣْﺄ َوا ُهގ اﻟﻨﱠ ُ‬
‫ﺎﷲގ ﻓََﻘ ْﺪގ َﺣ ﱠﺮ َمގ ﱠُ‬
‫ُﺸ ِﺮ ْكގ ِﺑ ﱠِ‬
‫ﺎلގ َﺗ َﻌﺎﻟَﻰ‪:‬ގ ﴿ގ إﻧﱠُﻪގ َﻣﻦގ ﯾ ْ‬
‫َوﻗَ َ‬
‫ْ ْ َ ْ‬ ‫ﱠ‬
‫ْﺮ‪.‬ގ‬‫ْﺮ اﷲِ‪َ ،‬ﻛ َﻤ ْﻦ َﯾﺬَﺑ ُﺢ ﻟِﻠ ِﺠ ﱢﻦ أ ْو ﻟِﻠَﻘﺒ ِ‬
‫ْﺢ ﻟ َِﻐﯿ ِ‬
‫اﻟﺬﺑ ُ‬

‫ﺎﻋ َﺔ‪َ ،‬وَﯾَﺘ َﻮ ﱠﻛ ُﻞ َﻋﻠَﯿ ِْﻬ ْﻢ َﻛَﻔ َﺮ إِ ْﺟ َﻤ ً‬

‫ﺎﻋﺎ‪.‬ގ‬ ‫ﯾﺴَﺄُﻟ ُﻬ ْﻢ ﱠ‬
‫اﻟﺸَﻔ َ‬ ‫ﷲ َو َﺳﺎﺋ َ‬
‫ِﻂ َﯾ ْﺪ ُﻋ ُ‬
‫ﻮﻫ ْﻢ َو ْ‬ ‫اﻟﺜﱠﺎﻧِﻲ‪َ :‬ﻣ ْﻦ َﺟ َﻌ َﻞ َﺑ ْﯿَﻨُﻪ َوَﺑﯿ َ‬
‫ْﻦ ا ِ‬

‫ِﻢ‪ ،‬أَ ْو َ‬
‫ﺻ ﱠﺤ َﺢ َﻣ ْﺬ َﻫَﺒ ُﻬﻢ ْ‪َ ،‬ﻛَﻔ َﺮ‪.‬ގ‬ ‫ِﯿﻦ أَ ْو َﺷ ﱠﻚ ﻓِﻲ ُﻛ ْﻔ ِﺮﻫ ْ‬
‫اﻟﻤ ْﺸ ِﺮﻛ َ‬
‫ُﻜﱢﻔ ْﺮ ُ‬ ‫اﻟﺜﱠﺎﻟ ُ‬
‫ِﺚ‪َ :‬ﻣ ْﻦ ﻟَ ْﻢ ﯾ َ‬

‫ْﺮهِގأَ ْﺣ َﺴ ُﻦގﻣ ْ‬
‫ِﻦގ ُﺣ ْﻜﻤ ِ‬
‫ِﻪގ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫اﷲގ َﻋﻠَﯿ ِْﻪގ َو َﺳﻠَﻢގأَ ْﻛ َﻤ ُﻞގﻣ ْ‬
‫ِﻦގ َﻫ ْﺪِﯾ ِﻪގ َوأ ﱠنގ ُﺣ ْﻜ َﻢގ َﻏﯿ ِ‬
‫ﺻﻠﱠﻰގ ُ‬ ‫اﻋَﺘَﻘ َﺪގ أَ ﱠنގ َﻏﯿ َ‬
‫ْﺮގ َﻫ ْﺪيގ اﻟﻨﱠِﺒ ﱢﻲގ َ‬ ‫اﻟﺮ ِاﺑ ُﻊ‪:‬ގ َﻣ ْﻦގ ْ‬
‫ﯿﺖ َﻋﻠَﻰ ُﺣ ْﻜﻤ ِ‬
‫ِﻪ ﻓَ ُﻬ َﻮ َﻛﺎﻓ ٌِﺮ‪.‬ގ‬ ‫اﻏ ِ‬ ‫ﻮن ُﺣ ْﻜ َﻢ ﱠ‬
‫اﻟﻄ َﻮ ِ‬ ‫ﻀُﻠ َ‬‫ﯾﻦ ُﯾَﻔ ﱢ‬
‫ﺎﻟﺬ َ‬ ‫َﻛ ِ‬

‫ﺻﻠﱠﻰ ُ‬
‫اﷲ َﻋﻠَﯿ ِْﻪ َو َﺳﻠَﻢ ‪َ -‬وﻟَ ْﻮ َﻋﻤ َ‬
‫ِﻞ ِﺑ ِﻪ ‪َ ،-‬ﻛَﻔ َﺮ‪.‬ގ‬ ‫اﻟﺮ ُﺳ ُ‬
‫ﻮل َ‬ ‫ﺎﻣ ُﺲ‪َ :‬ﻣ ْﻦ أَﺑ َْﻐ َ‬
‫ﺾ َﺷ ْﯿًﺌﺎ ِﻣ ﱠﻤﺎ َﺟ َ‬
‫ﺎء ِﺑ ِﻪ ﱠ‬ ‫َ‬
‫اﻟﺨ ِ‬

‫اﻟﺪﻟ ُ‬
‫ِﯿﻞގ‬ ‫ابގ اﷲِ‪،‬ގ أَ ْوގ ِﻋَﻘ ِﺎﺑ ِﻪ‪،‬ގ َﻛَﻔ َﺮ‪،‬ގ َو َ‬ ‫اﷲގ َﻋﻠَﯿ ِْﻪގ َو َﺳﻠَﻢ‪،‬ގ أَ ْوގ َﺛ َﻮ َ‬‫ﺻﻠﱠﻰގ ُ‬ ‫ﻮلގ َ‬ ‫ﯾﻦގ ﱠ‬ ‫اﺳَﺘ ْﻬ َﺰأَގ ِﺑ َﺸ ْﻲ ٍءގ ﻣ ْ‬
‫اﻟﺮ ُﺳ ِ‬ ‫ِﻦގ ِد ِ‬ ‫اﻟﺴ ِﺎد ُس‪:‬ގ َﻣ ِﻦގ ْ‬‫ﱠ‬
‫ﻮضގ َوَﻧﻠْ َﻌ ُﺐގ ﻗُ ْﻞގ أَِﺑ ﱠِ‬
‫ﺎﷲގ َوآَﯾﺎﺗ ِِﻪގ َو َر ُﺳﻮﻟ ِِﻪގ ُﻛ ُﻨﺘ ْﻢގ َﺗ ْﺴَﺘ ْﻬ ِﺰ ُؤ َ‬
‫ونގ *ގ ﻻَގ‬ ‫ﻗَ ْﻮُﻟُﻪގ َﺗ َﻌﺎﻟَﻰ‪:‬ގ ﴿ގ َوﻟَﺌِﻦގ َﺳَﺄﻟَْﺘ ُﻬ ْﻢގ ﻟََﯿُﻘ ُ‬
‫ﻮﻟ ﱠﻦގ إِﻧﱠ َﻤﺎގ ُﻛﻨﱠﺎގ َﻧ ُﺨ ُ‬
‫ِﯿﻦ ﴾ގ‬ ‫ﻨﻜ ْﻢ ُﻧ َﻌ ﱢﺬ ْب َﻃﺎِﺋَﻔ ًﺔ ِﺑَﺄﻧﱠ ُﻬ ْﻢ َﻛﺎُﻧﻮاْ ُﻣ ْﺠ ِﺮﻣ َ‬ ‫ﯾﻤﺎﻧ ُِﻜ ْﻢ إن ﻧﱠ ْﻌ ُﻒ َﻋﻦ َﻃﺎِﺋَﻔ ٍﺔ ﱢﻣ ُ‬
‫ِ‬ ‫ِرواْ ﻗَ ْﺪ َﻛَﻔ ْﺮُﺗﻢ َﺑ ْﻌ َﺪ إِ َ‬
‫َﺗ ْﻌَﺘﺬ ُ‬

‫ُﻌﻠﱢ َﻤ ِ‬
‫ﺎنގ‬ ‫ِﯿﻞގﻗَ ْﻮُﻟُﻪގَﺗ َﻌﺎﻟَﻰ‪:‬ގ َ‬
‫﴿و َﻣﺎގﯾ َ‬ ‫اﻟﺪﻟ ُ‬ ‫اﻟﻌ ْﻄ ُﻒ‪،-‬ގ ﻓَ َﻤ ْﻦގ ﻓَ َﻌﻠَُﻪގأَ ْوގ َر ِ‬
‫ﺿ َﻲގِﺑ ِﻪގ َﻛَﻔ َﺮ‪،‬ގ َو َ‬ ‫اﻟﺼ ْﺮ ُفގ َو َ‬ ‫اﻟﺴ ْﺤ ُﺮގ ‪-‬ގ َو ِﻣ ْﻨُﻪ‪:‬ގ ﱠ‬
‫اﻟﺴ ِﺎﺑ ُﻊ‪:‬ގ ﱢ‬
‫ِﻦ أَ َﺣ ٍﺪ َﺣﺘﱠﻰ َﯾُﻘﻮﻻَ إِﻧﱠ َﻤﺎ َﻧ ْﺤ ُﻦ ﻓِْﺘَﻨٌﺔ ﻓَ َ‬
‫ﻼ َﺗ ْﻜُﻔ ْﺮ﴾ގ‬ ‫ﻣْ‬

‫ِﯿﻞގﻗَ ْﻮُﻟُﻪގَﺗ َﻌﺎﻟَﻰ‪:‬ގ﴿ގ َو َﻣﻦގَﯾَﺘ َﻮﻟﱠ ُﻬﻢގ ﱢﻣ ُ‬

‫ﻨﻜ ْﻢގﻓَِﺈﻧﱠُﻪގ ِﻣ ْﻨ ُﻬ ْﻢގإِ ﱠنގ‬ ‫اﻟﺪﻟ ُ‬
‫ِﯿﻦގ َو َ‬ ‫ﺎوَﻧُﺘ ُﻬ ْﻢގ َﻋﻠَﻰގ ُ‬
‫اﻟﻤ ْﺴﻠِﻤ َ‬ ‫اﻟﻤ ْﺸ ِﺮﻛ َ‬
‫ِﯿﻦގ َو ُﻣ َﻌ َ‬ ‫َﺮُةގ ُ‬
‫ِﻦ‪:‬ގ ُﻣ َﻈﺎﻫ َ‬ ‫اﻟﺜﱠﺎﻣ ُ‬
‫اﷲ ﻻَ َﯾ ْﻬ ِﺪي اﻟَْﻘ ْﻮ َم ﱠ‬
‫اﻟﻈﺎﻟِﻤِﯿﻦ﴾ގ‬ ‫ﱠَ‬

‫‪Notes on the Elucidation of the Nullifiers of Islam‬‬

‫ﺻﻠﱠﻰގ ُ‬
‫اﷲގ َﻋﻠَﯿ ِْﻪގ َو َﺳﻠَﻢގ َﻛ َﻤﺎގ َو ِﺳ َﻊގ َ‬ ‫وجގ َﻋ ْﻦގ َﺷ ِﺮ َ‬ ‫ﺎسގَﯾ َﺴ ُﻌُﻪގ ُ‬ ‫اﻋَﺘَﻘ َﺪގ أَ ﱠنގ َﺑ ْﻌ َ‬ ‫اﻟ ﱠﺘ ِ‬
‫ﻀ ُﺮގ‬
‫اﻟﺨ ِ‬ ‫ﯾﻌ ِﺔގ ُﻣ َﺤ ﱠﻤ ٍﺪގ َ‬ ‫اﻟﺨ ُﺮ ُ‬ ‫ﺾގ اﻟﻨﱠ ِ‬ ‫ﺎﺳ ُﻊ‪:‬ގ َﻣ ْﻦގ ْ‬
‫ﻮﺳﻰ َﻋﻠَ ِﯿﻪ ﱠ‬
‫اﻟﺴ َﻼُم‪ ،‬ﻓَ ُﻬ َﻮ َﻛﺎﻓ ٌِﺮ ‪.‬ގ‬ ‫ﯾﻌ ِﺔ ُﻣ َ‬ ‫وج َﻋ ْﻦ َﺷ ِﺮ َ‬ ‫ُ‬
‫اﻟﺨ ُﺮ َ‬

‫ِﯿﻞގﻗَ ْﻮُﻟُﻪގَﺗ َﻌﺎﻟَﻰ‪:‬ގ﴿ގ َو َﻣ ْﻦގأَ ْﻇﻠَُﻢގ ِﻣ ﱠﻤﻦގُذ ﱢﻛ َﺮގ‬

‫ـﻞގﺑ ِﻪ‪،‬ގ َواﻟ َﺪﻟ ُ‬
‫ﷲގ َﺗ َﻌﺎﻟَﻰގ َﻻގ َﯾَﺘ َﻌﻠﱠ ُﻤ ُـﻪގ َو َﻻގَﯾ ْﻌ َﻤ ِ‬
‫ِﯾﻦގ ا ِ‬ ‫ْﺮ ُ‬
‫اضގ َﻋ ْﻦގ د ِ‬ ‫اﻹﻋ َ‬ ‫ﺎﺷ ُﺮ‪:‬ގ ِ‬ ‫اﻟﻌ ِ‬
‫ﻮن ﴾ގ‬ ‫ِﻤ َ‬ ‫ِﯿﻦ ُﻣﻨَﺘﻘ ُ‬ ‫ِﻦ اﻟْ ُﻤ ْﺠ ِﺮﻣ َ‬ ‫ض َﻋ ْﻨ َﻬﺎ إِﻧﱠﺎ ﻣ َ‬ ‫ﺎت َرﺑ ِﱢﻪ ُﺛ ﱠﻢ أَﻋ َ‬
‫ْﺮ َ‬ ‫ِﺑﺂَﯾ ِ‬

‫اﻟﻤ ْﻜ َﺮهِ‪.‬ގ َو ُﻛﻠﱡ َﻬﺎގﻣ ْ َ َ‬

‫ْﻈﻢގ َﻣﺎގَﯾ ُﻜ ُ‬
‫ﻮنގ َﺧ َﻄ ًﺮا‪،‬ގ‬ ‫ِﻒގإِ ﱠﻻގ ُ‬ ‫ﯿﻊގ َﻫ ِﺬهِގاﻟﻨﱠ َﻮاﻗ ِ‬ ‫َ َ َ‬
‫ِﻦގأﻋ ِ‬ ‫اﻟﺠﺎ ﱢدގ َو َ‬
‫اﻟﺨﺎﺋ ِ‬ ‫ﺎز ِلގ َو َ‬ ‫ْﻦގ َ‬
‫اﻟﻬ ِ‬ ‫ِﺾގَﺑﯿ َ‬ ‫َوﻻގ ﻓ ْﺮقގ ﻓِﻲގ َﺟ ِﻤ ِ‬
‫ﻀِﺒ ِﻪ‪،‬ގ‬‫ﺎتގ َﻏ َ‬ ‫ﺎفގ ِﻣ ْﻨ َﻬﺎގ َﻋﻠَﻰގَﻧ ْﻔ ِﺴ ِﻪ‪.‬ގَﻧ ُﻌ ُ‬
‫ﻮنގ ُوﻗُﻮﻋًﺎ‪،‬ގﻓََﯿ ْﻨَﺒ ِﻐﻲގﻟِﻠْ ُﻤ ْﺴﻠِﻢގأَ ْنގَﯾ ْﺤ َﺬ َر َﻫﺎގ َوَﯾ َﺨ َ‬‫َوأَ ْﻛَﺜ ِﺮގ َﻣﺎގ َﯾ ُﻜ ُ‬
‫ﻮﺟَﺒ ِ‬‫ِﻦގ ُﻣ ِ‬
‫ﷲގﻣ ْ‬
‫ﻮذގِﺑﺎ ِ‬ ‫ِ‬
‫ﺻ ْﺤِﺒ ِﻪ َو َﺳﻠﱠَﻢ ‪.‬ގގ‬ ‫ِﻪ ُﻣ َﺤ ﱠﻤﺪٍ‪َ ،‬و َﻋﻠَﻰ آﻟ ِِﻪ َو َ‬ ‫ْﺮ َﺧﻠْﻘ ِ‬ ‫َوأَﻟِﯿﻢ ِﻋَﻘﺎﺑ ِﻪ‪َ .‬و َ ﱠ ُ‬
‫ﺻﻠﻰ اﷲ َﻋﻠَﻰ َﺧﯿ ِ‬ ‫ِ ِ‬

Notes on the Elucidation of the Nullifiers of Islam

English Text of Nawaqid al-Islam̲

By the Imam of the Da’wah Shaykh Muhammad ibn ‘Abdil-Wahhab‫ގ‬

Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim.‫ގ‬

Know, that the nullifiers of Islam are ten:‫ގ‬

First:‫ ގ‬Shirk‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬the‫ގ‬worship‫ގ‬of‫ގ‬Allah.‫ގ‬He‫(ގ‬ta‘ala)‫ގ‬said,‫“ގ‬Verily,‫ގ‬Allah‫ގ‬does‫ގ‬not‫ގ‬forgive‫ގ‬shirk,‫ގ‬

but‫ ގ‬He‫ ގ‬forgives‫ ގ‬What‫ ގ‬He‫ ގ‬wills‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬less‫ ގ‬than‫ ގ‬that.”‫ ގ‬And‫ ގ‬He‫( ގ‬ta‘ala)‫ ގ‬said,‫“ ގ‬Verily,‫ގ‬
whoever‫ ގ‬commits‫ގ‬shirk‫ގ‬with‫ގ‬Allah,‫ގ‬then‫ގ‬Allah‫ގ‬has‫ގ‬made‫ގ‬Jannah‫ގ‬haram‫ގ‬for‫ގ‬him,‫ގ‬and‫ގ‬his‫ގ‬
abode‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Fire.‫ ގ‬And‫ ގ‬there‫ ގ‬are‫ ގ‬no‫ ގ‬helpers‫ ގ‬for‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬dhalimin.”‫ ގ‬And‫ ގ‬from‫ ގ‬it‫( ގ‬shirk)‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬to‫ގ‬
slaughter for other than Allah, such as one who slaughters for the jinn or for a grave.‫ގގ‬

Second:‫ ގ‬Whoever‫ ގ‬places‫ ގ‬between‫ ގ‬him‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬Allah‫ ގ‬intermediaries,‫ގ‬making‫ގ‬du‘a‫ގ‬to‫ގ‬them,‫ގ‬

seeking‫ ގ‬their‫ ގ‬intercession,‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬placing‫ ގ‬his‫ ގ‬trust‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬them,‫ ގ‬has‫ ގ‬disbelieved‫ ގ‬according‫ގ‬to‫ގ‬

Third:‫ ގ‬Whoever‫ ގ‬does‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬make‫ ގ‬takfir‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬mushrikin,‫ ގ‬or‫ ގ‬doubts‫ ގ‬their‫ ގ‬kufr,‫ ގ‬or‫ ގ‬thinks‫ގ‬
that their mathhab is ok disbelieves.‫ގ‬

Fourth:‫ ގ‬Whoever‫ ގ‬believes‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬anything‫ ގ‬other‫ ގ‬than‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬guidance‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Prophet‫ގ‬
his‫ ގ‬judgment;‫ގ‬such‫ގ‬as‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬one‫ގ‬who‫ގ‬prefers‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬ruling‫ގ‬of‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬tawaghit‫ގ‬over‫ގ‬his‫ގ‬ruling‫ގ‬is‫ގ‬a‫ގ‬

Fifth:‫ ގ‬Whoever‫ ގ‬hates‫ ގ‬something‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Messenger‫( ގ‬sallallahu‫‘ ގ‬alayhi‫ ގ‬wa‫ ގ‬sallam)‫ގ‬
came with, even if he acted according to it disbelieves.‫ގ‬

Sixth:‫ ގ‬Whoever‫ ގ‬mocks‫ ގ‬something‫ ގ‬from‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬din‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Messenger‫ ގ‬or‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬rewards‫ ގ‬of‫ގ‬
Allah‫ ގ‬or‫ ގ‬His‫ ގ‬punishment‫ ގ‬disbelieves.‫ ގ‬And‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬proof‫ ގ‬for‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬His‫( ގ‬ta‘ala)‫ ގ‬saying,‫“ ގ‬Is‫ ގ‬it‫ގ‬
Allah,‫ ގ‬His‫ ގ‬ayat,‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬His‫ ގ‬messenger‫ ގ‬that‫ގ‬you‫ގ‬were‫ގ‬mocking?‫ގ‬Make‫ގ‬no‫ގ‬excuse,‫ގ‬verily‫ގ‬you‫ގ‬
have disbelieved after your iman.”‫ގ‬

Notes on the Elucidation of the Nullifiers of Islam

Seventh:‫ ގ‬Sihr‫( ގ‬magic),‫ގ‬such‫ގ‬as‫ގ‬sarf‫ގ‬and‫‘ގ‬atf;‫ގ‬so‫ގ‬whoever‫ގ‬practices‫ގ‬it‫ގ‬or‫ގ‬is‫ގ‬pleased‫ގ‬with‫ގ‬it‫ގ‬


Eighth:‫ ގ‬Aiding‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬supporting‫ ގ‬the‫ގ‬mushrikin‫ގ‬against‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬Muslimin.‫ގ‬And‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬proof‫ގ‬is‫ގ‬His‫ގ‬

(ta‘ala)‫ ގ‬saying,‫“ ގ‬Whoever‫ ގ‬from‫ ގ‬amongst‫ ގ‬you‫ ގ‬allies‫ ގ‬with‫ ގ‬them,‫ ގ‬then‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬indeed‫ ގ‬from‫ގ‬
them. Verily, Allah does not guide the dhalimin.”‫ގ‬

Ninth:‫ ގ‬Whoever‫ ގ‬believes‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬permitted‫ ގ‬for‫ ގ‬some‫ ގ‬people‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬leave‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Shari‘ah‫ ގ‬of‫ގ‬
Muhammad‫( ގ‬sallallahu‫‘ ގ‬alayhi‫ ގ‬wa‫ ގ‬sallam)‫ ގ‬like‫ ގ‬how‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬was‫ ގ‬permitted‫ ގ‬for‫ ގ‬al-Khidr‫ ގ‬to‫ގ‬
leave the Shari‘ah of Musa (‘alayhis-salam), then he is a kafir.‫ގ‬

Tenth:‫ ގ‬Turning‫ ގ‬away‫ ގ‬from‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Din‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬Allah‫( ގ‬ta‘ala),‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬learning‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬nor‫ ގ‬acting‫ ގ‬upon‫ ގ‬it.‫ގ‬
And‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬proof‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬His‫( ގ‬ta‘ala)‫ ގ‬saying,‫“ ގ‬And‫ ގ‬who‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬more‫ ގ‬unjust‫ ގ‬than‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬one‫ ގ‬who‫ ގ‬is‫ގ‬
reminded of the ayat of his Lord; then he turns away from them?”‫ގ‬

There‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬no‫ ގ‬difference‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬any‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬these‫ ގ‬nullifiers‫ ގ‬between‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬one‫ ގ‬who‫ ގ‬did‫ ގ‬them‫ގ‬in‫ގ‬jest,‫ގ‬
intentionally,‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬one‫ގ‬who‫ގ‬did‫ގ‬them‫ގ‬out‫ގ‬of‫ގ‬fear;‫ގ‬except‫ގ‬for‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬mukrah.‫ގ‬All‫ގ‬of‫ގ‬them‫ގ‬
are‫ ގ‬from‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬most‫ ގ‬dangerous‫ ގ‬matters‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬most‫ ގ‬common‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬occur.‫ ގ‬Thus,‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬is‫ގ‬
befitting‫ ގ‬for‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Muslim‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬be‫ ގ‬warned‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬them‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬fear‫ ގ‬falling‫ ގ‬into‫ ގ‬any‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬them.‫ ގ‬We‫ގ‬
seek‫ ގ‬refuge‫ ގ‬with‫ ގ‬Allah‫ ގ‬from‫ ގ‬things‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬bring‫ ގ‬about‫ގ‬His‫ގ‬anger‫ގ‬and‫ގ‬severe‫ގ‬punishment.‫ގ‬
May‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬salah‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬salam‫ ގ‬be‫ ގ‬upon‫ ގ‬His‫ ގ‬best‫ ގ‬creation‫ ގ‬Muhammad,‫ ގ‬his‫ ގ‬family,‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬his‫ގ‬

Notes on the Elucidation of the Nullifiers of Islam

‫ﺑﺴﻢ اﷲ اﻟﺮﺣﻤﻦ اﻟﺮﺣﯿﻢގ‬

All‫ ގ‬praise‫ ގ‬belongs‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬Allah,‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Lord‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬creation.‫ ގ‬And‫ ގ‬may‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬salah‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬salam‫ ގ‬be‫ގ‬
upon‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬most‫ ގ‬noble‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬prophets‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬messengers,‫ ގ‬our‫ ގ‬prophet‫ ގ‬Muhammad,‫ ގ‬his‫ގ‬
family, and his companions.‫ގގ‬

This treatise was entitled with the name of Nawaqid al-Islam.‫ގ‬

A‫ ގ‬masalah:‫ ގ‬Defining‫ ގ‬nullifiers;‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬nullifiers‫( ގ‬nawaqid)‫ ގ‬linguistically‫ ގ‬as‫ ގ‬mentioned‫ ގ‬in‫ގ‬
Al-Mufradat‫ ގ‬are‫ ގ‬the‫ގ‬knots‫ގ‬that‫ގ‬are‫ގ‬dispersed‫ގ‬through‫ގ‬a‫ގ‬structure‫ގ‬and‫ގ‬rope‫[ގ‬rendering‫ގ‬it‫ގ‬
useless],‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬as‫ ގ‬mentioned‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬Al-Misbah‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬rope‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬untied,‫ ގ‬meaning,‫ ގ‬ruined.‫ގ‬
And‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬also‫ ގ‬referred‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬as‫ ގ‬butlan2‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬has‫ ގ‬been‫ ގ‬nullified‫ ގ‬by‫ ގ‬it;‫ ގ‬for‫ ގ‬example‫ ގ‬saying,‫ގ‬
“Taharah‫ ގ‬was‫ގ‬nullified‫(ގ‬batalat).”‫ ގ‬So‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬linguistic‫ގ‬meaning‫ގ‬refers‫ގ‬to‫ގ‬butlan‫ގ‬and‫ގ‬fasad.
‫ ގ‬And‫ ގ‬technically‫( ގ‬i.e.‫ ގ‬according‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Shari‘ah),‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬refers‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬set‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬rulings‫ ގ‬which‫ގ‬
invalidate the islam of an individual if he was to commit it.‫ގ‬

A‫ ގ‬masalah:‫ގ‬The‫ގ‬nature‫ގ‬of‫ގ‬these‫ގ‬nullifiers‫ގ‬come‫ގ‬from‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬aspect‫ގ‬of‫ގ‬uluhiyyah,‫ގ‬but‫ގ‬some‫ގ‬
also include nullifiers from the aspect of rububiyyah; likewise from risalah.‫ގ‬

A masalah: Why did the author restrict the nullifiers to ten in relation to its number?‫ގ‬

The‫ ގ‬answer:‫ ގ‬The‫ ގ‬author‫ ގ‬clarified‫ ގ‬this‫ ގ‬at‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬end‫ ގ‬of‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬treatise‫ގ‬where‫ގ‬he‫ގ‬stated,‫“ގ‬All‫ގ‬of‫ގ‬
them‫ ގ‬are‫ ގ‬from‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬most‫ ގ‬dangerous‫ ގ‬matters‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬most‫ ގ‬common‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬occur.”‫ ގ‬So‫ ގ‬due‫ގ‬
to‫ ގ‬them‫ ގ‬being‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬most‫ ގ‬frequently‫ގ‬committed‫ގ‬nullifiers‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬author‫ގ‬labelled‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬title‫ގ‬as‫ގ‬
he did, and some scholars have mentioned it the chapter of “Rulings of the Apostate.”‫ގ‬

A‫ ގ‬masalah:‫ ގ‬We‫ ގ‬had‫ ގ‬previously‫ ގ‬discussed‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬addressed‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬matters‫ ގ‬related‫ ގ‬to‫ގ‬
ignorance,‫ ގ‬forgetfulness,‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬ikrah‫ ގ‬in‫ގ‬regards‫ގ‬to‫ގ‬these‫ގ‬nullifiers‫ގ‬in‫ގ‬Kashf̲ash-Shubuhat̲
and‫ ގ‬Thalathah̲ al-Usul,‫ ގ‬however‫ ގ‬we‫ ގ‬will‫ ގ‬sum‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬up‫ގ‬here.‫ގ‬So‫ގ‬we‫ގ‬say:‫ގ‬those‫ގ‬nullifiers‫ގ‬that‫ގ‬
are‫ ގ‬agreed‫ ގ‬upon‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬known‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Din‫ ގ‬by‫ ގ‬necessity,‫ ގ‬there‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬no‫ ގ‬excuse‫ގ‬of‫ގ‬ignorance‫ގ‬if‫ގ‬

Meaning invalid.‫ގ‬
Meaning corrupt.‫ގ‬

Notes on the Elucidation of the Nullifiers of Islam

one‫ ގ‬was‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬live‫ ގ‬between‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Muslimin.‫ ގ‬As‫ ގ‬for‫ ގ‬ikrah,‫ ގ‬if‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬was‫ ގ‬truly‫ ގ‬mujla,4‫ ގ‬then‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬is‫ގ‬
excused.‫ ގ‬But‫ ގ‬as‫ ގ‬for‫ ގ‬joking‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬jesting,‫ ގ‬this‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬an‫ ގ‬excuse,‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬author‫ ގ‬pointed‫ގ‬
that‫ ގ‬out‫ ގ‬at‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬end‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬treatise‫ ގ‬saying,‫“ ގ‬There‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬no‫ ގ‬difference‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬any‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬these‫ގ‬
nullifiers‫ ގ‬between‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬one‫ ގ‬who‫ ގ‬did‫ ގ‬them‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬jest,‫ ގ‬intentionally,‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬one‫ ގ‬who‫ ގ‬did‫ގ‬
them out of fear; except for the mukrah.”‫ގ‬

A masalah: Are these nullifiers related to belief?‫ގ‬

The‫ ގ‬answer:‫ ގ‬Some‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬these‫ ގ‬nullifiers‫ ގ‬are‫ ގ‬related‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬belief,‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬some‫ ގ‬are‫ ގ‬nullifiers‫ ގ‬in‫ގ‬
relation‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬an‫ ގ‬action.‫ ގ‬This‫ ގ‬refutes‫ ގ‬those‫ ގ‬who‫ ގ‬do‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬see‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬kufr‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬negates‫ ގ‬one’s‫ގ‬
iman‫ ގ‬except‫ ގ‬by‫ ގ‬belief,‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬mathhab‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬Ahlus-Sunnah‫ ގ‬wal-Jama‘ah‫ ގ‬is‫“ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬a‫ގ‬
person disbelieves due to a belief, or statement, or action, or by a doubt.”‫ގ‬

“The‫ ގ‬nullifiers‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬Islam‫ ގ‬has‫ ގ‬an‫ ގ‬additional‫‘ ގ‬lam’‫ ގ‬implied‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬would‫ ގ‬read‫ ގ‬as‫‘ ގ‬Nawaqid‫ގ‬

What is intended by Islam here?‫ގ‬

The‫ ގ‬answer:‫ ގ‬Without‫ ގ‬doubt‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬author‫( ގ‬rahimahullah)‫ ގ‬did‫ ގ‬not‫ގ‬intend‫ގ‬collecting‫ގ‬all‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬

nullifiers,‫ ގ‬thus‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬all‫ ގ‬these‫ ގ‬nullifiers‫ ގ‬are‫ ގ‬considered‫ ގ‬as‫ ގ‬all‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬nullifiers‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬Islam.‫ގ‬
Rather,‫ ގ‬what‫ގ‬is‫ގ‬meant‫ގ‬by‫“ގ‬Islam”‫ގ‬here‫ގ‬is‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬islam‫ގ‬of‫ގ‬an‫ގ‬individual,‫ގ‬not‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬Islam‫ގ‬which‫ގ‬
refers‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Din‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬its‫ ގ‬generality.‫“ ގ‬Nawaqid,”‫ ގ‬meaning,‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬which‫ ގ‬invalidates‫ ގ‬an‫ގ‬
individual's islam if he was to fall into one of them.‫ގ‬

Then‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬author‫ ގ‬said,‫"ގ‬Bismillah‫ގ‬ar-Rahman‫ގ‬ar-Rahim,”‫ގ‬and‫ގ‬this‫ގ‬has‫ގ‬been‫ގ‬explained‫ގ‬in‫ގ‬

the‫ ގ‬beginning‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬notes‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬tawhid.‫“ ގ‬Know,”‫ ގ‬this‫ ގ‬has‫ ގ‬also‫ ގ‬been‫ ގ‬explained‫ ގ‬in‫ގ‬
beginning‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬elucidation‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬Kashf̲ ash-Shubuhat.‫“ ގ‬Ten‫ ގ‬nullifiers,”‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬this‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬not‫ގ‬
meant‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬restrict‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬nullifiers‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬these‫ ގ‬ten‫ ގ‬alone,‫ ގ‬then‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬author‫( ގ‬rahimahullah)‫ގ‬
began mentioning them.‫ގ‬

Meaning the complete ikrah that is valid.‫ގ‬

Notes on the Elucidation of the Nullifiers of Islam

The First Nullifier:‫ގ‬

Shirk‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬worship‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬Allah,‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬most‫ ގ‬severest‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬all‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬nullifiers‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬from‫ގ‬
the‫ ގ‬nullifiers‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬fall‫ ގ‬under‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬aspect‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬tawhid‫ ގ‬al-uluhiyyah.‫“ ގ‬Shirk,”‫ ގ‬what‫ ގ‬is‫ގ‬
intended‫ ގ‬here‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬shirk‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬worship,‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬shirk‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬general.‫ ގ‬The‫ ގ‬definition‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬shirk‫ ގ‬in‫ގ‬
worship has been explained, and it is to assign a partner with Allah in worship.‫ގ‬

The‫ ގ‬author‫ ގ‬intended‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬his‫ ގ‬statement:‫“ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬worship‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬Allah,”‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬specific‫ ގ‬meaning‫ގ‬
for‫ ގ‬worship‫ ގ‬which‫ ގ‬was‫ ގ‬outlined‫ ގ‬by‫ ގ‬Abul-‘Abbas‫ ގ‬ibn‫ ގ‬Taymiyyah‫ ގ‬where‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬stated,‫ގ‬
“Worship‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬comprehensive‫ ގ‬term‫ ގ‬used‫ ގ‬for‫ ގ‬everything‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬Allah‫ ގ‬loves‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬is‫ގ‬pleased‫ގ‬
with,‫ ގ‬from‫ ގ‬outward‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬inward‫ ގ‬speech‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬actions.”‫ ގ‬And‫ ގ‬when‫‘ ގ‬ibadah‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬used‫ގ‬
together‫ ގ‬with‫ ގ‬du‘a‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬similar‫ ގ‬as‫ ގ‬when‫ ގ‬Islam‫ގ‬is‫ގ‬used‫ގ‬together‫ގ‬with‫ގ‬iman,‫ގ‬so‫ގ‬if‫ގ‬they‫ގ‬are‫ގ‬
both‫ ގ‬used‫ ގ‬together‫ ގ‬then‫ ގ‬there‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬specific‫ ގ‬meaning‫ ގ‬for‫ ގ‬each.‫ގ‬The‫ގ‬specific‫ ގ‬meaning‫ގ‬of‫ގ‬
‘ibadah‫ ގ‬refers‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬sacrificing,‫ ގ‬vowing,‫ ގ‬prostrating‫ގ‬to‫ގ‬other‫ގ‬than‫ގ‬Allah,‫ގ‬and‫ގ‬du‘a‫ގ‬refers‫ގ‬to‫ގ‬
asking,‫ ގ‬requesting,‫ ގ‬isti‘anah,‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬istighathah.‫‘ގ‬Ibadah‫ގ‬here‫(ގ‬in‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬author’s‫ގ‬statement)‫ގ‬
must‫ ގ‬be‫ ގ‬explained‫ ގ‬according‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬its‫ ގ‬specific‫ ގ‬definition‫ ގ‬such‫ ގ‬as‫ ގ‬sacrificing,‫ ގ‬because‫ ގ‬the‫ގ‬
second‫ ގ‬nullifier,‫ ގ‬which‫ ގ‬will‫ ގ‬shortly‫ ގ‬be‫ ގ‬addressed,‫ ގ‬refers‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬specific‫ ގ‬meaning‫ ގ‬of‫ގ‬

Then‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬author‫ ގ‬mentioned‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬evidence,‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬His‫( ގ‬ta‘ala)‫ ގ‬saying,‫“ ގ‬Verily,‫ ގ‬Allah‫ގ‬
does‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬forgive‫ ގ‬shirk…”‫ ގ‬And‫ ގ‬His‫ ގ‬saying,‫“ ގ‬Verily,‫ ގ‬whoever‫ ގ‬commits‫ ގ‬shirk‫ ގ‬with‫ ގ‬Allah,‫ގ‬
then‫ ގ‬Allah‫ ގ‬has‫ ގ‬made‫ ގ‬Jannah‫ ގ‬haram‫ ގ‬for‫ ގ‬him…”‫ ގ‬The‫ ގ‬significance‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬these‫ ގ‬evidences‫ ގ‬is‫ގ‬
that‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬mushrik‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬forbidden‫ ގ‬entrance‫ ގ‬into‫ ގ‬Jannah,‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬proves‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬shirk‫ ގ‬in‫ގ‬
‘ibadah is a nullifier.‫ގ ގ‬

The‫ ގ‬author’s‫ ގ‬statement:‫“ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬from‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬slaughter‫ ގ‬for‫ގ‬other‫ގ‬than‫ގ‬Allah,”‫ގ‬is‫ގ‬indicative‫ގ‬
that‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬author‫ ގ‬intended‫ ގ‬the‫ގ‬specific‫ގ‬meaning‫ގ‬of‫‘ގ‬ibadah,”‫ގ‬and‫ގ‬his‫ގ‬statement‫“ގ‬from‫ގ‬it”‫ގ‬
is‫ ގ‬indicative‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬only‫ ގ‬meant‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬give‫ ގ‬an‫ ގ‬example,‫ ގ‬which‫ ގ‬was‫ ގ‬sacrificing,‫“ ގ‬such‫ ގ‬as‫ގ‬
one‫ ގ‬who‫ ގ‬slaughters‫ ގ‬for‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬jinn,”‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬order‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬be‫ ގ‬safe‫ ގ‬from‫ ގ‬their‫ ގ‬evil,‫ގ‬or‫ގ‬in‫ގ‬order‫ގ‬to‫ގ‬gain‫ގ‬
their‫ ގ‬help,‫ ގ‬or‫ ގ‬remove‫ ގ‬some‫ ގ‬sihr.‫ ގ‬Another‫ ގ‬example‫ގ‬is‫ގ‬what‫ގ‬some‫ގ‬people‫ގ‬do‫ގ‬before‫ގ‬they‫ގ‬
start‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬build‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬house‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬sacrificing‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬other‫ ގ‬than‫ ގ‬Allah‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬be‫ ގ‬freed‫ ގ‬from‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬evil‫ގ‬eye‫ގ‬or‫ގ‬
jinn, or he makes a sacrifice in a water well.‫ގގ‬

The‫ ގ‬author's‫ ގ‬statement:‫“ ގ‬or‫[ ގ‬sacrifices]‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬grave‫( ގ‬aw‫ ގ‬lil-qabr),”‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬letter‫‘ ގ‬lam’‫ ގ‬here‫ގ‬
refers‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬intent‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬purposes,‫ ގ‬meaning,‫ ގ‬what‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬intended‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬one‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬grave‫ ގ‬in‫ގ‬

Notes on the Elucidation of the Nullifiers of Islam

order‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬can‫ ގ‬intercede‫ ގ‬for‫ ގ‬him‫ ގ‬on‫ ގ‬his‫ ގ‬behalf‫ ގ‬with‫ ގ‬Allah‫ ގ‬or‫ ގ‬helps‫ ގ‬him‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬some‫ގ‬
affairs.‫ ގ‬An‫ ގ‬example‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬this‫ ގ‬kind‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬sacrifice‫ ގ‬would‫ ގ‬be‫ ގ‬making‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬sacrifice‫ ގ‬for‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬ruler‫ގ‬
when he arrives, in exaltation and seeking closeness to him and other than that.‫ގގ‬

The Second Nullifier:‫ގ‬

Whoever‫ ގ‬places‫ ގ‬between‫ ގ‬him‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬Allah‫ ގ‬intermediaries,‫ ގ‬making‫ ގ‬du‘a‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬them,‫ގ‬seeking‫ގ‬
their‫ ގ‬intercession,‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬placing‫ ގ‬his‫ ގ‬trust‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬them,‫ ގ‬has‫ ގ‬disbelieved‫ ގ‬according‫ ގ‬to‫ގ‬

What is the difference between this nullifier and the one before it?‫ގ‬

The‫ ގ‬answer:‫ ގ‬The‫ ގ‬first‫ ގ‬nullifier‫ ގ‬was‫ ގ‬dealing‫ ގ‬specifically‫ ގ‬with‫ގ‬actions‫ގ‬of‫ގ‬worship‫ގ‬such‫ގ‬as‫ގ‬

sacrifice,‫ ގ‬prostration,‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬other‫ ގ‬than‫ ގ‬that.‫ ގ‬As‫ ގ‬for‫ ގ‬this‫ ގ‬nullifier‫ ގ‬then‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬dealing‫ގ‬
restrictively‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬du‘a‫ ގ‬which‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬exclusive‫ ގ‬to‫ގ‬asking‫ގ‬and‫ގ‬requesting,‫ގ‬meaning,‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬worship‫ގ‬
that‫ ގ‬deals‫ ގ‬with‫ ގ‬speech‫ ގ‬specifically.‫ ގ‬However,‫ ގ‬some‫ ގ‬confusion‫ ގ‬may‫ ގ‬arise‫ ގ‬due‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬the‫ގ‬
statement‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬author:‫“ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬placing‫ ގ‬his‫ ގ‬trust‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬them,”‫ ގ‬because‫ ގ‬tawakkul‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬a‫ގ‬
worship‫ ގ‬related‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬an‫ ގ‬action‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬heart.‫ ގ‬So‫ ގ‬had‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬author‫ ގ‬mentioned‫ ގ‬this‫ ގ‬with‫ ގ‬the‫ގ‬
first‫ ގ‬nullifier‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬would‫ ގ‬have‫ ގ‬run‫ ގ‬smoother‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬arrangement,‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬order‫ ގ‬for‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬first‫ގ‬
nullifier‫ ގ‬to‫ގ‬deal‫ގ‬with‫ގ‬actions‫ގ‬of‫ގ‬worship‫ގ‬exclusively.‫ގ‬Although,‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬author‫ގ‬may‫ގ‬have‫ގ‬not‫ގ‬
intended‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬first‫ ގ‬place‫ ގ‬because‫ ގ‬his‫ ގ‬statement:‫“ ގ‬Whoever‫ ގ‬places‫ ގ‬between‫ ގ‬him‫ގ‬
and‫ ގ‬Allah‫ ގ‬intermediaries,‫ ގ‬making‫ ގ‬du‘a‫ގ‬to‫ގ‬them,‫ގ‬seeking‫ގ‬their‫ގ‬intercession,‫ގ‬and‫ގ‬placing‫ގ‬
their‫ ގ‬trust‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬them,‫ ގ‬has‫ ގ‬disbelieved‫ ގ‬according‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬consensus,”‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬same‫ ގ‬statement‫ގ‬
made by ibn Taymiyyah in the first volume from Majmu’ al-Fatawa.‫ގ‬

“According‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬consensus,”‫ ގ‬this‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬proof.‫ ގ‬The‫ ގ‬consensus‫ ގ‬was‫ ގ‬cited‫ ގ‬by‫ ގ‬ibn‫ގ‬
Taymiyyah,‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬was‫ ގ‬cited‫ގ‬by‫ގ‬Shaykh‫ގ‬Sulayman‫ގ‬ibn‫‘ގ‬Abdillah5‫ގ‬and‫ގ‬al-Mardawi.6‫ގ‬Their‫ގ‬
disbelief was also cited by as-San‘ani7 and ash-Shawkani.8‫ގ‬

5 Kitab at-Tawdih ‘an Tawhid al-Khalaq, p. 42.‫ގ‬

Al-Insaf, v. 10, c. “The Ruling on the Apostate.”‫ގ‬
Tathir al-‘Itiqad.̲
Ad-Durr an-Nadid.‫ގ‬

Notes on the Elucidation of the Nullifiers of Islam

This nullification is through three matters:‫ގ‬

1) That‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬asks‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬dead‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬calls‫ ގ‬upon‫ ގ‬them;‫ ގ‬this‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬kufr‫ ގ‬in‫ގ‬all‫ގ‬cases‫ގ‬regardless‫ގ‬if
he‫ ގ‬believes‫ ގ‬they‫ ގ‬are‫ ގ‬alive‫ ގ‬or‫ ގ‬able‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬answer,‫ ގ‬such‫ ގ‬as‫ ގ‬whoever‫ ގ‬says‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬the‫ގ‬dead,
“Provide me with water,” due to a belief.

2) That‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬asks‫ ގ‬one‫ ގ‬who‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬living;‫ ގ‬this‫ ގ‬has‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬condition‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬asks‫ ގ‬them‫ ގ‬in
something‫ ގ‬they‫ ގ‬are‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬capable‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬doing‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬only‫ ގ‬Allah‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬capable,‫ ގ‬such‫ ގ‬as
whoever‫ ގ‬asks‫ ގ‬one‫ ގ‬who‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬alive‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬give‫ ގ‬him‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬child,‫ ގ‬sustenance,‫ ގ‬or‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬be‫ ގ‬safe
from sickness.

3) That‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬asks‫ ގ‬ones‫ ގ‬who‫ ގ‬are‫ ގ‬absent;‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬one‫ ގ‬who‫ ގ‬can‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬hear‫ ގ‬his‫ ގ‬call
besides Allah, and this is kufr by consensus.

The Third Nullifier:‫ގ‬

Whoever‫ ގ‬does‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬make‫ ގ‬takfir‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬mushrikin,‫ ގ‬or‫ ގ‬doubts‫ ގ‬their‫ ގ‬kufr,‫ ގ‬or‫ ގ‬thinks‫ ގ‬that‫ގ‬
their mathhab is ok.‫ގގ‬

This consists of three issues:‫ގ‬

1) That‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬does‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬make‫ ގ‬takfir‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬mushrikin‫ ގ‬while‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬adamant‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬not
viewing‫ ގ‬their‫ ގ‬kufr,‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬this‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬included‫ގ‬in‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬author’s‫ގ‬statement‫ގ‬from‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬angle
of when he is shown and informed of their shirk.

2) That‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬doubts‫ ގ‬their‫ ގ‬kufr‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬indicates‫ ގ‬another‫ ގ‬category‫ ގ‬when‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬author
added‫ ގ‬-‫ ގ‬or‫ ގ‬-.‫ ގ‬Doubt‫ ގ‬being‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬things‫ގ‬in‫ގ‬question‫ގ‬are‫ގ‬equal‫ގ‬or‫ގ‬no‫ގ‬preference
given over another.

3) “Thinks‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬their‫ ގ‬mathhab‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬ok,”‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬different‫ ގ‬types‫ ގ‬because‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬first‫ ގ‬is
related‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬belief,‫ ގ‬as‫ ގ‬well‫ ގ‬as‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬second‫ ގ‬but‫ ގ‬as‫ ގ‬for‫ ގ‬this‫ގ‬third‫ގ‬one,‫ގ‬in‫ގ‬addition‫ގ‬to‫ގ‬it
relating‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬belief‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬attributing‫ ގ‬correctness‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬their‫ ގ‬belief;‫ ގ‬such‫ ގ‬as‫ ގ‬one‫ ގ‬who

Notes on the Elucidation of the Nullifiers of Islam

says,‫“ ގ‬Their‫ގ‬beliefs‫ގ‬are‫ގ‬correct,”‫ގ‬or,‫“ގ‬They‫ގ‬are‫ގ‬on‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬truth,”‫ގ‬or,‫“ގ‬Their‫ގ‬way‫ގ‬is‫ގ‬not‫ގ‬

There‫ ގ‬are‫ ގ‬two‫ ގ‬conditions‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬need‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬be‫ ގ‬fulfilled‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬order‫ގ‬to‫ގ‬make‫ގ‬takfir‫ގ‬of‫ގ‬those‫ގ‬who‫ގ‬
who not make takfir of the mushrikin:‫ގ‬

1) Their‫ ގ‬disbelief‫ ގ‬has‫ ގ‬been‫ ގ‬clarified‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬him‫ ގ‬from‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Qur’an‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬Sunnah,‫ ގ‬so‫ ގ‬if‫ ގ‬he
has‫ ގ‬been‫ ގ‬shown‫ ގ‬their‫ ގ‬kufr‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬still‫ ގ‬refrains‫ ގ‬from‫ ގ‬takfir‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬them,‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬disbelieves.
Shaykh Sulayman ibn ‘Abdillah mentioned this in Majmu’ at-Tawhid.9

2) He‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬from‫ ގ‬those‫ ގ‬who‫ ގ‬can‫ ގ‬be‫ ގ‬ignorant‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬their‫ ގ‬kufr.‫ ގ‬Indeed,‫ ގ‬if‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬was‫ ގ‬not
ignorant‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬their‫ ގ‬kufr‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬still‫ ގ‬refrains‫ ގ‬from‫ ގ‬declaring‫ ގ‬their‫ ގ‬kufr,‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬disbelieves.
Qadi‫‘ ގ‬Iyad,10‫ ގ‬Sulayman‫ ގ‬ibn‫‘ ގ‬Abdillah,11‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬Shaykhul-Islam‫ ގ‬ibn‫ ގ‬Taymiyyah12‫ ގ‬all
cited‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬consensus‫ ގ‬regarding‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬kufr‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬whoever‫ ގ‬does‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬make‫ ގ‬takfir‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬the

The kuffar whom it is compulsory to make takfir of are divided into sections:‫ގ‬

1) Those‫ ގ‬who‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬scholars‫ ގ‬have‫ ގ‬unanimously‫ ގ‬agreed‫ ގ‬on‫ ގ‬their‫ ގ‬kufr;‫ ގ‬those‫ ގ‬who‫ ގ‬are
not‫ ގ‬from‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬people‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Qiblah‫ ގ‬like‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Jews,‫ ގ‬Christians,‫ ގ‬Majus,‫ ގ‬Sikhs,‫ ގ‬and
other than them.

2) Those‫ ގ‬who‫ ގ‬claim‫ ގ‬Islam‫ ގ‬from‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬people‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Qiblah,‫ ގ‬but‫ ގ‬have‫ ގ‬fallen‫ ގ‬into‫ ގ‬kufr
which‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬scholars‫ ގ‬unanimously‫ ގ‬agreed‫ ގ‬upon‫ ގ‬making‫ ގ‬takfir‫ ގ‬due‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬it,‫ ގ‬and
whoever‫ ގ‬committed‫ ގ‬it;‫ ގ‬such‫ ގ‬as‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Nusayriyyah.‫ ގ‬Indeed,‫ ގ‬Shaykhul-Islam‫ ގ‬ibn
Taymiyyah‫ ގ‬issued‫ ގ‬a‫ގ‬fatwa‫ގ‬pertaining‫ގ‬to‫ގ‬their‫ގ‬kufr‫ގ‬and‫ގ‬said,‫“ގ‬Their‫ގ‬kufr‫ގ‬is‫ގ‬greater
Panel‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬Scholars‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Pakistan‫ ގ‬Government‫ ގ‬both‫ ގ‬issued‫ ގ‬verdicts‫ ގ‬regarding
their‫ ގ‬kufr.‫ ގ‬Similar‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬them;‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬Druze;‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬Bahaiyyah;‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬Babiyyah;‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬Rafidah;

‫ ގ‬Shaykh‫ ގ‬Sulayman‫ ގ‬ibn‫‘ ގ‬Abdillah‫ ގ‬said,‫“ ގ‬If‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬doubt‫ ގ‬about‫ ގ‬their‫ ގ‬kufr‫ ގ‬or‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬ignorant‫ ގ‬about‫ ގ‬their‫ގ‬
kufr,‫ ގ‬then‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬proofs‫ ގ‬for‫ ގ‬their‫ ގ‬kufr‫ގ‬from‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬Book‫ގ‬of‫ގ‬Allah‫ގ‬and‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬Sunnah‫ގ‬of‫ގ‬His‫ގ‬messenger‫(ގ‬sallallahu‫ގ‬
‘alayhi‫ ގ‬wa‫ ގ‬sallam)‫ ގ‬are‫ ގ‬clarified‫ ގ‬for‫ ގ‬him,‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬if‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬doubts‫ ގ‬after‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬or‫ ގ‬hesitates,‫ ގ‬then‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬kafir‫ގ‬
according‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬consensus‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬scholars‫ ގ‬that‫ގ‬whoever‫ގ‬doubts‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬kufr‫ގ‬of‫ގ‬a‫ގ‬kafir‫ގ‬then‫ގ‬he‫ގ‬is‫ގ‬himself‫ގ‬a‫ގ‬
Ash-Shifa, v. 2, p. 281.‫ގ‬
Awthaq ‘Ura al-Iman, p. 126.‫ގ‬
Majmu’ al-Fatawa, v. 2, p. 363.‫ގ‬
Notes on the Elucidation of the Nullifiers of Islam

and‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Batiniyyah,‫ ގ‬refer‫ ގ‬to̲ Majmu’̲ al-Fatawa,13‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬elucidation‫ ގ‬of‫ގ‬
al-Bassam‫ ގ‬Nayl̲ al-Ma’arib̲ in‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬chapter‫“ ގ‬The‫ ގ‬Ruling‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Apostate.”14‫ ގ‬The‫ގ‬
Islamic‫ ގ‬Fiqh‫ ގ‬Academy‫ ގ‬based‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬honorable‫ ގ‬Makkah‫ ގ‬declared‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬kufr‫ ގ‬of‫ގ‬
Bahaiyyah‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Babiyyah;‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Tijaniyyah‫( ގ‬a‫ ގ‬Sufi‫ ގ‬sect)‫ ގ‬were‫ ގ‬declared‫ގ‬
disbelievers‫ ގ‬by‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Lajnah‫( ގ‬ad-Daimah);15‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Lanjah‫ ގ‬also‫ ގ‬made‫ ގ‬mention‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬the‫ގ‬
Druze‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬declared‫ ގ‬them‫ ގ‬kuffar.16‫ ގ‬In‫ ގ‬our‫ ގ‬time‫ ގ‬the‫ގ‬secularists‫ގ‬are‫ގ‬without‫ގ‬doubt‫ގ‬
disbelievers;‫ ގ‬those‫ ގ‬who‫ ގ‬see‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Din‫ގ‬is‫ގ‬being‫ގ‬deficient‫ގ‬and‫ގ‬backwards‫ގ‬and‫ގ‬that‫ގ‬it‫ގ‬
can‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬be‫ ގ‬included‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬political‫ ގ‬affairs.‫ ގ‬Similar‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬them‫ ގ‬are‫ ގ‬those‫ ގ‬who‫ ގ‬ascribe‫ގ‬
themselves‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Masons,‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Communists,‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬everyone‫ ގ‬who‫ގ‬has‫ގ‬similar‫ގ‬beliefs‫ގ‬
from:‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬socialists,‫ގ‬nationalists,‫ގ‬Ba’athists,‫ގ‬Rafidah,‫ގ‬and‫ގ‬all‫ގ‬those‫ގ‬groups‫ގ‬which‫ގ‬
claim‫ ގ‬Islam‫ ގ‬but‫ ގ‬fell‫ ގ‬into‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬form‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬kufr‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬scholars‫ ގ‬have‫ ގ‬unanimously‫ގ‬
agreed‫ ގ‬on‫ ގ‬making‫ ގ‬takfir‫ ގ‬of.‫ ގ‬The‫ ގ‬Jahmiyyah‫ ގ‬are‫ ގ‬another‫ ގ‬group‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬which‫ ގ‬the‫ގ‬
scholars‫ ގ‬have‫ ގ‬unanimously‫ ގ‬agreed‫ ގ‬upon‫ ގ‬their‫ ގ‬takfir‫ ގ‬with‫ ގ‬ibnul-Qayyim‫ގ‬
mentioning‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬his‫ ގ‬Nuniyyah‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬five‫ ގ‬hundred‫ ގ‬scholars‫ ގ‬made‫ ގ‬takfir‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬them;‫ގ‬
from the likes of ‘Abdullah ibn Mubarak and others.‫ގގ‬

3) Those‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬which‫ ގ‬there‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬disagreement‫ ގ‬pertaining‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬takfir‫ގ‬of‫ގ‬them,‫ގ‬such‫ގ‬as‫ގ‬the
general‫ ގ‬laymen‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬groups‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬claim‫ ގ‬Islam‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬have‫ ގ‬fallen‫ ގ‬into‫ ގ‬kufr;
individual laymen of the Batiniyyah, Rafidah, Jahmiyyah, and the other groups.

There‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬explanation‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬elaboration‫ ގ‬regards‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬ruling‫ ގ‬on‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬one‫ ގ‬who‫ގ‬does‫ގ‬not‫ގ‬
make takfir of these three sections as well:‫ގ‬

The first category:‫ގ‬

It‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬which‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬scholars‫ ގ‬have‫ ގ‬unanimously‫ ގ‬agreed‫ ގ‬upon‫ ގ‬pertaining‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬their‫ ގ‬kufr‫ގ‬
from‫ ގ‬those‫ ގ‬who‫ ގ‬are‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬from‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬people‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Qiblah;‫ ގ‬such‫ ގ‬as‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Jews,‫ ގ‬Christians,‫ގ‬
and‫ ގ‬Hindus.‫ ގ‬So‫ ގ‬with‫ ގ‬regards‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬these,‫ ގ‬whoever‫ ގ‬does‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬make‫ ގ‬takfir‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬them,‫ ގ‬then‫ގ‬he‫ގ‬
is‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬kafir.‫ ގ‬Ibn‫ ގ‬Taymiyyah‫ ގ‬mentioned‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬consensus‫ ގ‬on‫ ގ‬this‫ ގ‬point‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬said,‫“ ގ‬Whoever‫ގ‬
doubts‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬kufr‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Jews,‫ ގ‬Christians,‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬mushrikin,‫ ގ‬then‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬kafir.”17‫ ގ‬Qadi‫ގ‬
‘Iyad‫ ގ‬also‫ ގ‬mentioned‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬consensus‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬said,‫“ ގ‬Whoever‫ ގ‬does‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬make‫ ގ‬takfir‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬one‫ގ‬

The second volume.‫ގ‬
p. 514.‫ގ‬
Fatwa #5553.‫ގ‬
Fatwa #11800, v. 2, p. 228.‫ގ‬
Majmu’ al-Fatawa, v. 2, p. 383.‫ގ‬
Notes on the Elucidation of the Nullifiers of Islam

from‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Christians‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬Jews,‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬hesitates‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬their‫ ގ‬kufr‫ ގ‬or‫ ގ‬doubts‫ ގ‬it,‫ ގ‬then‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬a‫ގ‬

The second category:‫ގ‬

It‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬whoever‫ ގ‬falls‫ ގ‬into‫ ގ‬kufr‫ ގ‬which‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬scholars‫ ގ‬have‫ ގ‬unanimously‫ ގ‬agreed‫ ގ‬upon‫ ގ‬takfir‫ގ‬
due to it from those who say ‘la ilaha illallah.’ So here, there is an elaboration:‫ގ‬

If‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬knows‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬one‫ ގ‬fell‫ ގ‬into‫ ގ‬this‫ ގ‬kufr,‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬does‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬make‫ ގ‬takfir‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬him‫ ގ‬after‫ ގ‬this‫ގ‬
knowledge,‫ ގ‬then‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬kafir.‫ ގ‬Ibn‫ ގ‬Taymiyyah‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬As-Sarim̲ al-Maslul‫ ގ‬cited‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬consensus‫ގ‬
and‫ ގ‬said,‫“ ގ‬Whoever‫ ގ‬does‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬make‫ ގ‬takfir‫ ގ‬upon‫ ގ‬one‫ ގ‬who‫ ގ‬believes‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬divinity‫ ގ‬of‫‘ ގ‬Ali‫ގ‬
has‫ ގ‬disbelieved,‫ ގ‬there‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬no‫ގ‬doubt‫ގ‬in‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬kufr‫ގ‬of‫ގ‬one‫ގ‬who‫ގ‬refrains‫ގ‬in‫ގ‬declaring‫ގ‬his‫ގ‬kufr.”‫ގ‬
What‫ ގ‬also‫ ގ‬proves‫ ގ‬this‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬hadith‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬Malik‫ ގ‬al-Ashja‘i,‫“ ގ‬Whoever‫ ގ‬says‫ ގ‬la‫ ގ‬ilaha‫ ގ‬illallah‫ގ‬
and‫ ގ‬disbelieves‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬what‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬worshipped‫ ގ‬besides‫ ގ‬Allah,‫ ގ‬his‫ ގ‬blood‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬wealth‫ ގ‬is‫ގ‬
protected…”19‫ ގ‬The‫ ގ‬significance‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬this‫ ގ‬proof‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬wealth‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬blood‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬an‫ގ‬
individual‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬protected‫ ގ‬until‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬disbelieves‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬what‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬worshipped‫ ގ‬besides‫ ގ‬Allah,‫ގ‬
and from having kufr in it is making takfir of its people.‫ގގ‬

The third category:‫ގ‬

It‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬where‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬disagreement‫ ގ‬has‫ ގ‬occurred‫ ގ‬regarding‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬general‫ ގ‬laymen‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬the‫ގ‬
innovated‫ ގ‬groups‫ ގ‬such‫ ގ‬as‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Jahmiyyah.‫ ގ‬So‫ ގ‬for‫ ގ‬example,‫ ގ‬if‫ ގ‬one‫ ގ‬was‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬have‫ގ‬
knowledge‫ ގ‬about‫ ގ‬them‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬evidences‫ ގ‬proving‫ ގ‬their‫ ގ‬kufr‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬obligatory‫ ގ‬to‫ގ‬
declare their kufr; this nullifier applies on him if he was to not make takfir of them.‫ގ‬

As‫ ގ‬for‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬one‫ ގ‬who‫ ގ‬views‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬they‫ ގ‬do‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬disbelieve‫ ގ‬due‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬barrier‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬sees‫ގ‬
preventing‫ ގ‬their‫ ގ‬takfir,‫ ގ‬such‫ ގ‬as‫ ގ‬them‫ ގ‬being‫ ގ‬laymen;‫ ގ‬or‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬they‫ ގ‬have‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬tawil‫ ގ‬with‫ގ‬
them;‫ ގ‬or‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬they‫ ގ‬were‫ ގ‬covered‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬confusion;‫ ގ‬or‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬they‫ ގ‬are‫ ގ‬ignorant,‫ ގ‬then‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬not‫ގ‬
permissible‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬make‫ ގ‬takfir‫ ގ‬on‫ ގ‬those‫ ގ‬who‫ ގ‬refrained,‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬this‫ގ‬nullifier‫ގ‬does‫ގ‬not‫ގ‬apply‫ގ‬to‫ގ‬

Ash-Shifa, v. 2, p. 281.‫ގ‬
Sahih Muslim.‫ގ‬

Notes on the Elucidation of the Nullifiers of Islam

The‫ ގ‬statement‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬author:‫“ ގ‬al-mushrikin,”‫ ގ‬the‫‘ ގ‬lam’‫ ގ‬and‫‘ގ‬alif’‫ގ‬is‫ގ‬referring‫ގ‬to‫ގ‬those‫ގ‬in‫ގ‬

which we are accustomed to referring to, and what is intended is two categories:‫ގ‬

1) The mushrik by asl, which is the one who does not affiliate to the Qiblah.

2) The‫ ގ‬mushrik‫ ގ‬murtadd,‫ ގ‬which‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬one‫ ގ‬whose‫ ގ‬kufr‫ ގ‬was‫ ގ‬established‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬from
those who say ‘la ilaha illallah.’

The Fourth Nullifier:‫ގ‬

“Whoever‫ ގ‬believes‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬anything‫ ގ‬other‫ ގ‬than‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬guidance‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Prophet‫( ގ‬sallallahu‫ގ‬
‘alayhi‫ ގ‬wa‫ ގ‬sallam)‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬more‫ ގ‬complete‫ ގ‬or‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬another‫ ގ‬judgment‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬better‫ ގ‬than‫ ގ‬his‫ގ‬
judgment;‫ ގ‬such‫ ގ‬as‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬one‫ ގ‬who‫ ގ‬prefers‫ ގ‬the‫ގ‬ruling‫ގ‬of‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬tawaghit‫ގ‬over‫ގ‬his‫ގ‬ruling.”‫ގ‬This‫ގ‬
nullifier‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬with‫ ގ‬regards‫ގ‬to‫ގ‬ruling‫ގ‬by‫ގ‬other‫ގ‬than‫ގ‬what‫ގ‬Allah‫ގ‬revealed‫ގ‬in‫ގ‬relation‫ގ‬to‫ގ‬belief.‫ގ‬
So‫ ގ‬when‫ ގ‬does‫ ގ‬ruling‫ ގ‬by‫ ގ‬other‫ ގ‬than‫ ގ‬what‫ ގ‬Allah‫ ގ‬revealed‫ ގ‬become‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬nullifier‫ ގ‬from‫ ގ‬the‫ގ‬
nullifiers of Islam? In the following situations:‫ގ‬

1) That‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬rules‫ ގ‬by‫ ގ‬other‫ ގ‬than‫ ގ‬what‫ ގ‬Allah‫ ގ‬revealed‫ ގ‬while‫ ގ‬believing‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬more
complete,‫ ގ‬better,‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬preferring‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬over‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬ruling‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬Allah,‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬this‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬the
example that the author used.

2) That‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬rules‫ ގ‬by‫ ގ‬other‫ ގ‬than‫ ގ‬what‫ ގ‬Allah‫ ގ‬revealed‫ ގ‬while‫ ގ‬believing‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬what‫ ގ‬he
ruled‫ ގ‬by‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬similar‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬ruling‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬Allah;‫ ގ‬this‫ ގ‬one‫ ގ‬disbelieves‫ ގ‬according‫ ގ‬to

3) That‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬rules‫ ގ‬by‫ ގ‬other‫ ގ‬than‫ ގ‬what‫ ގ‬Allah‫ ގ‬revealed‫ ގ‬while‫ ގ‬believing‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬what‫ ގ‬he
ruled‫ ގ‬by‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬ruling‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬Allah,‫ ގ‬nor‫ ގ‬similar‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬it,‫ ގ‬however‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬believes‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬is
permissible to rule by it; this one is a kafir according to consensus.

4) That‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬rules‫ ގ‬by‫ ގ‬other‫ ގ‬than‫ ގ‬what‫ ގ‬Allah‫ ގ‬revealed,‫ ގ‬belittling‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬ruling‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬Allah;
this one disbelieves according to consensus.

Notes on the Elucidation of the Nullifiers of Islam

5) That‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬rules‫ ގ‬by‫ ގ‬other‫ ގ‬than‫ ގ‬what‫ ގ‬Allah‫ ގ‬revealed‫ ގ‬out‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬rejection‫ގ‬to‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬ruling‫ގ‬of
Allah‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬has‫ ގ‬more‫ ގ‬right‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬judge;‫ ގ‬this‫ ގ‬one‫ ގ‬disbelieves‫ ގ‬according‫ ގ‬to

The first proof:‫ގ‬

Takfir‫ ގ‬upon‫ ގ‬these‫ ގ‬five‫ ގ‬categories‫ ގ‬is‫ގ‬what‫ގ‬ibn‫‘ގ‬Abdil-Barr‫ގ‬mentioned‫ގ‬in‫ގ‬At-Tamhid:‫“ގ‬The‫ގ‬

scholars‫ ގ‬have‫ގ‬unanimously‫ގ‬agreed‫ގ‬that‫ގ‬whoever‫ގ‬insults‫ގ‬Allah‫ގ‬or‫ގ‬His‫ގ‬messenger,‫ގ‬or‫ގ‬rids‫ގ‬
oneself‫ ގ‬from‫ ގ‬anything‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬Allah‫ ގ‬revealed‫( ގ‬and‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬what‫ ގ‬concerns‫ ގ‬us‫ ގ‬here),‫ ގ‬or‫ ގ‬kills‫ގ‬
one of the prophets, while he is shunning what Allah revealed; then he is kafir.”20‫ގގ‬

The second proof:‫ގ‬

The‫ ގ‬takfir‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬ibn‫ ގ‬Kathir‫ ގ‬when‫ ގ‬they‫ ގ‬invented‫ ގ‬what‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬called‫“ ގ‬Al-Yasaq,”‫ ގ‬which‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬the‫ގ‬
constitution‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Tatar‫ ގ‬who‫ ގ‬intended‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬impose‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬upon‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Muslimin‫ ގ‬after‫ގ‬they‫ގ‬had‫ގ‬
defeated‫ ގ‬the‫‘ ގ‬Abbasi‫ ގ‬Khilafah.‫ ގ‬Ibn‫ ގ‬Kathir‫ ގ‬mentioned‫ ގ‬numerous‫ ގ‬matters‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬they‫ ގ‬had‫ގ‬
legislated‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬said,‫“ ގ‬Within‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬says‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬whoever‫ ގ‬commits‫ ގ‬zina‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬be‫ ގ‬killed,‫ގ‬
whether‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬married‫ ގ‬or‫ ގ‬not;‫ ގ‬whoever‫ ގ‬practices‫ ގ‬sodomy‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬be‫ ގ‬killed;‫ ގ‬whoever‫ގ‬
practices‫ ގ‬sihr‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬be‫ ގ‬killed;‫ ގ‬whoever‫ ގ‬spies‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬be‫ ގ‬killed;‫ ގ‬whoever‫ ގ‬urinates‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬the‫ގ‬
water‫ ގ‬while‫ ގ‬standing‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬be‫ ގ‬killed;‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬whoever‫ ގ‬eats‫ ގ‬while‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬feeding‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬ones‫ގ‬
around‫ ގ‬him‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬be‫ ގ‬killed…”21‫ ގ‬Then‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬said,‫“ ގ‬All‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬opposes‫ ގ‬the‫ގ‬legislation‫ގ‬of‫ގ‬Allah;‫ގ‬
so‫ ގ‬whoever‫ ގ‬leaves‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬clear‫ ގ‬legislation‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬seeks‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬judgment‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬other‫ ގ‬than‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬from‫ގ‬
the‫ ގ‬abrogated‫ ގ‬laws‫ ގ‬has‫ ގ‬disbelieved,‫ ގ‬so‫ ގ‬how‫ ގ‬about‫ ގ‬whoever‫ ގ‬seeks‫ ގ‬judgment‫ ގ‬from‫ ގ‬the‫ގ‬
Yasaq‫ ގ‬and‫ގ‬puts‫ގ‬it‫ގ‬in‫ގ‬front‫ގ‬of‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬legislation‫ގ‬of‫ގ‬Allah?‫ގ‬Whoever‫ގ‬does‫ގ‬that‫ގ‬has‫ގ‬disbelieved‫ގ‬
according to the consensus of the Muslimin.”‫ގ‬

The third proof:‫ގ‬

v. 4, p. 226.‫ގ‬
Al-Bidayah wan-Nihayah, v. 13, p. 28.‫ގ‬

Notes on the Elucidation of the Nullifiers of Islam

Ibn‫ ގ‬Hazm‫ ގ‬said,‫“ ގ‬No‫ ގ‬two‫ ގ‬people‫ ގ‬from‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Muslimin‫ ގ‬disagree‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬whoever‫ ގ‬rules‫ ގ‬by‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬
Injil‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬which‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬has‫ ގ‬no‫ ގ‬textual‫ ގ‬evidence,‫ ގ‬then‫ ގ‬indeed‫ގ‬he‫ގ‬is‫ގ‬a‫ގ‬kafir‫ގ‬mushrik‫ގ‬outside‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬
fold of Islam.”‫ގ‬

All‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬these‫ ގ‬aforementioned‫ ގ‬consensuses‫ ގ‬in‫ގ‬relation‫ގ‬to‫ގ‬ruling‫ގ‬by‫ގ‬other‫ގ‬than‫ގ‬what‫ގ‬Allah‫ގ‬

revealed are connected to belief.‫ގ‬

6) One‫ ގ‬who‫ ގ‬sets‫ ގ‬up‫ގ‬man-made‫ގ‬courts‫ގ‬and‫ގ‬ordains‫ގ‬legislations‫ގ‬in‫ގ‬them‫ގ‬which‫ގ‬clash

with‫ ގ‬Islam‫ ގ‬has‫ ގ‬disbelieved‫ ގ‬due‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬that,‫ ގ‬regardless‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬what‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬believes,
according‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬consensus.‫ ގ‬The‫ ގ‬proof‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬what‫ ގ‬ibn‫ ގ‬Kathir‫ ގ‬had‫ ގ‬mentioned‫ގ‬about‫ގ‬the
Tatar’s‫ ގ‬Yasaq,‫ ގ‬which‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬similar‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬what‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬taking‫ ގ‬place‫ ގ‬today‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬form‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬a
modern‫ ގ‬Yasaq‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬man-made‫ ގ‬courts.‫ ގ‬For‫ ގ‬instance,‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬some‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬the
man-made‫ ގ‬courts‫ ގ‬zina‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬allowed‫ ގ‬if‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬by‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬consent‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬woman,‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬it
legislates‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬punishment‫ ގ‬for‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬thief‫ގ‬is‫ގ‬imprisonment.‫ގ‬It‫ގ‬forbids‫ގ‬marrying
multiple‫ ގ‬wives‫ ގ‬by‫ ގ‬having‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬regulation‫ ގ‬which‫ ގ‬allows‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬judge‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬void‫ ގ‬the
marriage‫ ގ‬contract,‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬has‫ ގ‬contrary‫ ގ‬legislations‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬regards‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬trade,
manufacturing,‫ ގ‬war,‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬peace.‫ގ‬So‫ގ‬if‫ގ‬one‫ގ‬was‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬set‫ގ‬up‫ގ‬these‫ގ‬legislations,‫ގ‬then
he‫ ގ‬disbelieves‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬this‫ ގ‬nullifier‫ ގ‬applies‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬him.‫ ގ‬Indeed,‫ ގ‬Shaykh‫[ ގ‬Muhammad]
ibn‫ ގ‬Ibrahim‫ ގ‬highlighted‫ ގ‬this‫ގ‬in‫ގ‬Tahkim̲al-Qawanin,‫ގ‬and‫ގ‬what‫ގ‬further‫ގ‬proves‫ގ‬this
is‫ ގ‬what‫ ގ‬has‫ ގ‬been‫ ގ‬narrated‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬Sahih̲ al-Bukhari̲ about‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Jews‫ ގ‬who‫ ގ‬replaced
stoning‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬death‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬one‫ ގ‬who‫ ގ‬commits‫ގ‬zina‫ގ‬for‫ގ‬blackening‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬face‫ގ‬and‫ގ‬making
them‫ ގ‬ride‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬donkey‫ ގ‬through‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬marketplace.‫ ގ‬So‫ ގ‬Allah‫ ގ‬revealed,‫“ ގ‬And‫ގ‬whoever
does not judge by what Allah revealed, such are the kafirun.”

7) One‫ ގ‬who‫ ގ‬judges‫ ގ‬by‫ ގ‬other‫ ގ‬than‫ ގ‬what‫ ގ‬Allah‫ ގ‬revealed‫ ގ‬countless‫ ގ‬times‫ ގ‬while
believing‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬mistaken,‫ ގ‬but‫ ގ‬his‫ ގ‬usual‫ ގ‬habit‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬judge‫ ގ‬between‫ ގ‬people
according‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬his‫ ގ‬desires.‫ ގ‬This‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬disputed‫ ގ‬amongst‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬people‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬knowledge,
and‫ ގ‬what‫ ގ‬appears‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬most‫ގ‬correct‫ގ‬to‫ގ‬me‫ގ‬is‫ގ‬that‫ގ‬he‫ގ‬is‫ގ‬a‫ގ‬kafir‫ގ‬because‫ގ‬him‫ގ‬ruling
by‫ ގ‬other‫ ގ‬than‫ ގ‬Allah‫ ގ‬revealed‫ ގ‬so‫ ގ‬many‫ ގ‬times‫ ގ‬indicates‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬has‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬disdain‫ ގ‬for
the‫ ގ‬ruling‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬Allah‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬His‫ ގ‬decision,‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬likes‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬ruling‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬other‫ ގ‬than
what‫ ގ‬Allah‫ ގ‬revealed.‫ ގ‬He‫( ގ‬ta‘ala)‫ ގ‬said,‫“ ގ‬Have‫ ގ‬you‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬seen‫ ގ‬those‫ ގ‬who‫ ގ‬claim‫ ގ‬that
they‫ ގ‬believe‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬what‫ ގ‬was‫ ގ‬sent‫ ގ‬down‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬you‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬which‫ ގ‬was‫ ގ‬sent‫ ގ‬down
before‫ ގ‬you?‫ ގ‬They‫ ގ‬wish‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬go‫ ގ‬for‫ ގ‬judgment‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬taghut‫ ގ‬while‫ ގ‬they‫ ގ‬have‫ ގ‬been
ordered to disbelieve in it.”

Notes on the Elucidation of the Nullifiers of Islam

A‫ ގ‬masalah:‫ ގ‬It‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬regarding‫ ގ‬ruling‫ ގ‬by‫ ގ‬other‫ ގ‬than‫ ގ‬what‫ ގ‬Allah‫ ގ‬revealed‫ ގ‬countless‫ ގ‬times‫ގ‬
being‫ ގ‬indicative‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬loves‫ ގ‬doing‫ ގ‬so‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬prefers‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬over‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬ruling‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬Allah,‫ގ‬
and‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬has‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬disbelieved‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬ruling‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬other‫ ގ‬than‫ ގ‬what‫ ގ‬Allah‫ ގ‬revealed.‫ގ‬
Ibnul-Qayyim‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬Madarij̲ as-Salikin‫ ގ‬made‫ ގ‬mention‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬difference‫ ގ‬between‫ ގ‬one‫ ގ‬who‫ގ‬
shows‫ ގ‬off‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬little‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬between‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬one‫ ގ‬who‫ ގ‬shows‫ ގ‬off‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬lot.‫ ގ‬So‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬considered‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬small‫ގ‬
amount‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬show‫ ގ‬off‫ ގ‬as‫ ގ‬minor‫ގ‬shirk,‫ގ‬but‫ގ‬showing‫ގ‬off‫ގ‬countless‫ގ‬times‫ގ‬as‫ގ‬major‫ގ‬shirk‫ގ‬and‫ގ‬
that‫ ގ‬none‫ ގ‬does‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬except‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬munafiq.‫ ގ‬Like‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬this‫ ގ‬issue‫ ގ‬of‫ގ‬ruling‫ގ‬by‫ގ‬other‫ގ‬than‫ގ‬what‫ގ‬
Allah‫ ގ‬revealed;‫ ގ‬if‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬was‫ ގ‬done‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬small‫ ގ‬amounts‫ ގ‬like‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬coming‫ ގ‬category‫ ގ‬then‫ ގ‬it‫ގ‬
would‫ ގ‬be‫ ގ‬minor‫ ގ‬kufr,‫ ގ‬but‫ ގ‬if‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬done‫ ގ‬countless‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬times‫ ގ‬then‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬would‫ ގ‬be‫ ގ‬major‫ ގ‬kufr‫ގ‬
because‫ ގ‬this‫ ގ‬can‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬come‫ ގ‬from‫ ގ‬anyone‫ ގ‬except‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬munafiq‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬indicates‫ ގ‬his‫ ގ‬love‫ ގ‬and‫ގ‬
preference‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬ruling‫ ގ‬by‫ ގ‬other‫ ގ‬than‫ ގ‬what‫ ގ‬Allah‫ ގ‬revealed.‫ ގ‬As‫ ގ‬well,‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬general‫ ގ‬principle‫ގ‬
and‫‘ ގ‬lam’‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬occurs‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬His‫( ގ‬ta‘ala)‫ ގ‬statement,‫“ ގ‬And‫ ގ‬whoever‫ ގ‬does‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬judge‫ ގ‬by‫ ގ‬what‫ގ‬
Allah‫ ގ‬revealed,‫ގ‬such‫ގ‬are‫ގ‬the‫(ގ‬al-)kafirun.”‫ގ‬This‫ގ‬is‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬general‫ގ‬principle,‫ގ‬but‫ގ‬if‫ގ‬one‫ގ‬was‫ގ‬to‫ގ‬
judge‫ ގ‬by‫ ގ‬other‫ ގ‬than‫ ގ‬what‫ ގ‬Allah‫ ގ‬revealed‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬few‫ ގ‬specific‫ ގ‬circumstances‫ ގ‬while‫ ގ‬he‫ގ‬
acknowledges‫ ގ‬his‫ ގ‬mistake‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬disobedience,‫ ގ‬then‫ ގ‬this‫ ގ‬general‫ ގ‬principle‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬excluded‫ގ‬
and‫ ގ‬does‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬apply.‫ ގ‬However,‫ ގ‬if‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬was‫ ގ‬done‫ ގ‬countless‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬times‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬becomes‫ ގ‬his‫ގ‬
usual‫ ގ‬habit‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬normal‫ ގ‬behaviour,‫ ގ‬then‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬returns‫ ގ‬back‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬general‫ ގ‬principle‫ގ‬
which is major kufr.22‫ގގ‬

All‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬categories‫ ގ‬which‫ ގ‬we‫ ގ‬have‫ ގ‬addressed‫ ގ‬are‫ ގ‬nullifiers,‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬there‫ ގ‬remains‫ ގ‬a‫ގ‬
category‫ ގ‬which‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬nullifier.‫ ގ‬It‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬one‫ ގ‬who‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬mistaken‫ ގ‬sinner‫ ގ‬who‫ ގ‬rules‫ ގ‬by‫ގ‬
other‫ ގ‬than‫ ގ‬what‫ ގ‬Allah‫ ގ‬revealed‫ ގ‬due‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬desire‫ ގ‬or‫ގ‬due‫ގ‬to‫ގ‬enmity‫ގ‬in‫ގ‬a‫ގ‬few‫ގ‬situations‫(ގ‬so‫ގ‬
excluding‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬one‫ ގ‬who‫ ގ‬does‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬countless‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬times)‫ ގ‬while‫ ގ‬believing‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬made‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬mistake‫ގ‬
and‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬disobedient.‫ ގ‬The‫ ގ‬following‫ ގ‬are‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬conditions‫ ގ‬which‫ ގ‬are‫ ގ‬stipulated‫ ގ‬for‫ގ‬
this category:‫ގ‬

1) That he knows he is mistaken.

‫ ގ‬Shakhul-Islam‫ ގ‬ibn‫ ގ‬Taymiyyah‫( ގ‬rahimahullah)‫ ގ‬said,‫“ ގ‬There‫ ގ‬is‫ގ‬a‫ގ‬difference‫ގ‬between‫ގ‬kufr‫ގ‬which‫ގ‬comes‫ގ‬
with‫‘ ގ‬alif’‫ ގ‬and‫‘ ގ‬lam’‫( ގ‬al),‫ ގ‬as‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Prophet's‫ ގ‬saying,‫‘ ގ‬There‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬nothing‫ ގ‬between‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬slave‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬al-kufr‫ ގ‬or‫ގ‬
ash-shirk,‫ ގ‬except‫ ގ‬abandoning‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬salah,’‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬between‫ ގ‬kufr‫ގ‬which‫ގ‬is‫ގ‬not‫ގ‬attached‫ގ‬with‫‘ގ‬alif’‫ގ‬and‫‘ގ‬lam’”‫ގ‬
(Majmu'̲ al-Fatawa).‫ ގ‬And‫ގ‬when‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬old‫ގ‬Lajnah‫ގ‬ad-Daimah‫ގ‬was‫ގ‬asked‫ގ‬what‫ގ‬type‫ގ‬of‫ގ‬kufr‫ގ‬is‫ގ‬being‫ގ‬referred‫ގ‬
to in the ayah in question stated that “it is major kufr” (fatwa #5226).‫ގ‬
Notes on the Elucidation of the Nullifiers of Islam

2) That‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬reason‫ ގ‬behind‫ ގ‬him‫ ގ‬doing‫ ގ‬so‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬desire‫ ގ‬or‫ ގ‬enmity,‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬istihlal‫ ގ‬or
belittling the law of Allah.

3) That‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬done‫ ގ‬only‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬little,‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬criteria‫ ގ‬for‫ ގ‬what‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬considered‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬lot‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬a
little returns to the custom of the people.

What‫ ގ‬indicates‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬this‫ ގ‬category‫ ގ‬does‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬disbelieve‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬what‫ ގ‬at-Tabarani‫ ގ‬narrated‫ގ‬
with‫ ގ‬an‫ ގ‬authentic‫ ގ‬chain‫ ގ‬from‫ ގ‬Abi‫ ގ‬Mijliz‫ ގ‬when‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬debated‫ ގ‬Anas‫ ގ‬from‫ ގ‬Bani‫‘ ގ‬Amr‫ ގ‬ibn‫ގ‬
Sadus‫ ގ‬who‫ ގ‬was‫ ގ‬from‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Ibadiyyah‫( ގ‬a‫ގ‬sect‫ގ‬of‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬Khawarij).‫ގ‬So‫ގ‬they‫ގ‬said,‫“ގ‬O‫ގ‬Aba‫ގ‬Mijliz,‫ގ‬
do‫ ގ‬you‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬see‫ ގ‬His‫( ގ‬ta‘ala)‫ ގ‬saying,‫‘ ގ‬And‫ ގ‬whoever‫ ގ‬does‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬judge‫ ގ‬by‫ ގ‬what‫ ގ‬Allah‫ގ‬
revealed,‫ ގ‬such‫ ގ‬are‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬kafirun,’‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬truth?”‫ ގ‬He‫ ގ‬said,‫“ ގ‬It‫ ގ‬is.”‫ ގ‬They‫ ގ‬said,‫“ ގ‬Do‫ގ‬you‫ގ‬
not‫ ގ‬see‫ ގ‬His‫( ގ‬ta‘ala)‫ ގ‬saying,‫‘ ގ‬And‫ ގ‬whoever‫ ގ‬does‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬judge‫ ގ‬by‫ ގ‬what‫ ގ‬Allah‫ ގ‬revealed,‫ ގ‬such‫ގ‬
the‫ ގ‬rulers‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬their‫ ގ‬time)‫ ގ‬rule‫ ގ‬by‫ ގ‬what‫ ގ‬Allah‫ ގ‬revealed?”‫ ގ‬He‫ ގ‬said,‫“ ގ‬It‫( ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Din‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬Allah)‫ ގ‬is‫ގ‬
their‫ ގ‬din‫ ގ‬which‫ ގ‬they‫ ގ‬acknowledge,‫ ގ‬profess,‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬call‫ ގ‬towards.”‫ ގ‬This‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬evidence‫ ގ‬that‫ގ‬
they‫ ގ‬did‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬perform‫ ގ‬istihlal.‫ ގ‬Then‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬said,‫“ ގ‬If‫ ގ‬they‫ ގ‬leave‫ ގ‬anything,‫ ގ‬they‫ ގ‬know‫ ގ‬they‫ގ‬
have‫ ގ‬committed‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬sin.”‫ ގ‬And‫ ގ‬this‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬evidence‫ ގ‬they‫ ގ‬acknowledged‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬they‫ ގ‬were‫ގ‬
mistaken‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬sinners.‫ ގ‬Then‫ ގ‬they‫ ގ‬said‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬Abi‫ ގ‬Mijliz,‫“ ގ‬No,‫ ގ‬by‫ ގ‬Allah.‫ ގ‬Rather,‫ ގ‬you‫ ގ‬are‫ގ‬

In‫ ގ‬Madarij̲ as-Salikin̲ ibnul-Qayyim‫ ގ‬said,‫“ ގ‬If‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬believes‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬obligation‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬judging‫ ގ‬by‫ގ‬
what‫ ގ‬Allah‫ ގ‬revealed‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬this‫ ގ‬situation,‫ ގ‬without‫ ގ‬turning‫ ގ‬away‫ ގ‬completely‫ ގ‬out‫ ގ‬of‫ގ‬
disobedience,‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬acknowledges‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬deserves‫ ގ‬punishment;‫ ގ‬then‫ގ‬such‫ގ‬is‫ގ‬minor‫ގ‬

A‫ ގ‬masalah:‫ ގ‬What‫ ގ‬remains‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬be‫ ގ‬mentioned‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬this‫ ގ‬fourth‫ގ‬nullifier‫ގ‬is‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬legislator;‫ގ‬and‫ގ‬

he‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬one‫ ގ‬who‫ ގ‬legislates‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬ruling‫ ގ‬which‫ ގ‬clashes‫ ގ‬with‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬law‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬Allah.‫ ގ‬So‫ ގ‬this‫ ގ‬one‫ގ‬
disbelieves‫ ގ‬absolutely‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬all‫ ގ‬cases‫ ގ‬with‫ ގ‬no‫ ގ‬details‫ ގ‬or‫ ގ‬elaboration‫ގ‬attached‫ގ‬to‫ގ‬it.‫ގ‬Even‫ގ‬if‫ގ‬
he‫ ގ‬was‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬only‫ ގ‬legislate‫ ގ‬one‫ ގ‬law‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬disbelieves‫ ގ‬due‫ ގ‬to‫ގ‬His‫(ގ‬ta‘ala)‫ގ‬statement,‫“ގ‬Or‫ގ‬have‫ގ‬
they‫ ގ‬partners‫ ގ‬who‫ ގ‬have‫ ގ‬legislated‫ ގ‬for‫ ގ‬them‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬way‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬which‫ ގ‬Allah‫ ގ‬has‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬given‫ގ‬
permission for?”‫ގ‬

v. 1, p. 332.‫ގ‬
Notes on the Elucidation of the Nullifiers of Islam

The Fifth Nullifier:‫ގ‬

even if he acted according to it.‫ގ‬

The‫ ގ‬evidence‫ ގ‬for‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬what‫ ގ‬ibn‫ ގ‬Battah‫ ގ‬cited‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬Al-Ibanah‫ ގ‬where‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬stated,‫“ ގ‬If‫ ގ‬a‫ގ‬man‫ގ‬
was‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬believe‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬everything‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Messenger‫( ގ‬sallallahu‫‘ގ‬alayhi‫ގ‬wa‫ގ‬sallam)‫ގ‬brought‫ގ‬
except‫ ގ‬for‫ ގ‬one‫ ގ‬matter‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬which‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬opposed,‫ ގ‬then‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬kafir‫ ގ‬by‫ ގ‬agreement‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬the‫ގ‬

The‫ ގ‬statement‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬author:‫“ ގ‬whoever,”‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬general‫ ގ‬stipulation‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬includes‫ގ‬
women,‫ ގ‬men,‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬elderly.‫ ގ‬The‫ ގ‬exception‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬one‫ގ‬who‫ގ‬has‫ގ‬not‫ގ‬reached‫ގ‬maturity‫ގ‬
as‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬bound‫ ގ‬by‫ ގ‬these‫ ގ‬nullifiers‫ ގ‬due‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬hadith,‫“ގ‬The‫ގ‬pen‫ގ‬is‫ގ‬lifted‫ގ‬from‫ގ‬three.”‫ގ‬
However,‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬still‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬be‫ ގ‬rebuked‫ގ‬for‫ގ‬his‫ގ‬speech‫ގ‬even‫ގ‬though‫ގ‬does‫ގ‬not‫ގ‬become‫ގ‬a‫ގ‬kafir;‫ގ‬
similar‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬him‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬majnun‫( ގ‬insane‫ ގ‬person).‫ ގ‬And‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬general‫ގ‬address‫ގ‬is‫ގ‬to‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬Muslim‫ގ‬
and‫ ގ‬also‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬kafir.‫ ގ‬If‫ ގ‬one‫ ގ‬was‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬say‫“ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬foundation‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬kafir‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬is‫ގ‬
already‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬kafir?”‫ ގ‬We‫ ގ‬reply‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬saying‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬would‫ ގ‬increase‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬kufr‫ ގ‬if‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬practices‫ ގ‬the‫ގ‬
matters‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬are‫ގ‬forbidden‫ގ‬or‫ގ‬fall‫ގ‬into‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬nullifiers.‫ގ‬So‫ގ‬what‫ގ‬is‫ގ‬correct‫ގ‬is‫ގ‬that‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬kuffar‫ގ‬
are also addressed in the branches of the Shari‘ah.‫ގ‬

“Hates,”‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬proof‫ގ‬that‫ގ‬what‫ގ‬is‫ގ‬being‫ގ‬spoken‫ގ‬about‫ގ‬here‫ގ‬is‫ގ‬an‫ގ‬action‫ގ‬which‫ގ‬relates‫ގ‬to‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬

heart because hatred is in the heart.‫ގ‬

“Something,”‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬nakirah‫( ގ‬unrestricted)‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬relation‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬what‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬conditioned.‫ ގ‬So‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬is‫ގ‬
general in that even if he hates one thing, even if it was an established sunan.‫ގގ‬

“Came‫ ގ‬with,”‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬connected,‫ ގ‬meaning,‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬which‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Messenger‫( ގ‬sallallahu‫‘ ގ‬alayhi‫ ގ‬wa‫ގ‬
sallam)‫ ގ‬came‫ ގ‬with.‫ ގ‬This‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬an‫ ގ‬all‫ ގ‬comprehensive‫ ގ‬phrase‫ ގ‬for‫ ގ‬everything‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Messenger‫ގ‬
(‘alayhis-salah‫ ގ‬was-salam)‫ ގ‬brought,‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬metaphorical‫ ގ‬for‫ ގ‬everything‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬has‫ގ‬
come in the Din and everything that has been revealed in the Qur’an.‫ގ‬

“Even if he acted according to it,” he disbelieves.‫ގ‬

p. 211.‫ގ‬

Notes on the Elucidation of the Nullifiers of Islam

A‫ ގ‬masalah:‫ ގ‬This‫ ގ‬nullifier‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬referred‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬as‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬ruling‫ ގ‬on‫ ގ‬whoever‫ ގ‬hates‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Din,‫ ގ‬and‫ގ‬
those‫ ގ‬things‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬which‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Messenger‫‘( ގ‬alayhis-salah‫ ގ‬was-salam)‫ ގ‬brought‫ ގ‬are‫ ގ‬divided‫ގ‬
into two categories:‫ގ‬

1) ‘Aqaid (beliefs).

2) Ahkam‫‘ ގ‬amaliyyah‫( ގ‬rulings‫ ގ‬related‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬actions),‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬this‫ ގ‬includes‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬pillars,
obligations,‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬sunan.‫ ގ‬So‫ ގ‬whoever‫ ގ‬hates‫ ގ‬anything‫ ގ‬from‫ ގ‬these‫ ގ‬two‫ ގ‬categories

A‫ ގ‬masalah:‫ ގ‬An‫ ގ‬example‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬such‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬whoever‫ ގ‬hates‫ ގ‬growing‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬beard,‫ ގ‬marrying‫ގ‬
multiple wives, the hijab, ordaining good and forbidding evil, jihad, and so on.‫ގގ‬

Two‫ ގ‬conditions‫ ގ‬must‫ ގ‬be‫ ގ‬met‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬order‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬rule‫ ގ‬someone‫ ގ‬with‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬kufr‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬hating‫ގ‬
something from the Din:‫ގ‬

1) That‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬knows‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬this‫ ގ‬thing‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬confirmed‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Qur’an‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬Sunnah,‫ ގ‬so‫ ގ‬if‫ ގ‬he
knows‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬established‫ ގ‬within‫ ގ‬them,‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬rejects‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬hates‫ ގ‬it;‫ ގ‬he

2) That‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬consensus‫ ގ‬on‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬thing‫ ގ‬must‫ ގ‬be‫ ގ‬present.‫ ގ‬So‫ ގ‬if‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬hated‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬ruling‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬is
differed‫ ގ‬upon,‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬does‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬become‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬kafir.‫ ގ‬Our‫ ގ‬statement‫“ ގ‬differed‫ ގ‬upon,”‫ ގ‬is
referring to that disagreement that is taken into consideration and valid.

A‫ ގ‬masalah:‫ ގ‬What‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬difference‫ ގ‬between‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬one‫ ގ‬who‫ ގ‬hates‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬legislated‫ ގ‬ruling‫ގ‬
and between the one who hates the act?‫ގގ‬

Here‫ ގ‬there‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬difference,‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬what‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬meant‫ ގ‬by‫ ގ‬this‫ ގ‬nullifier‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬hates‫ ގ‬the‫ގ‬
legislated‫ ގ‬ruling,‫ ގ‬meaning,‫ ގ‬what‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Messenger‫( ގ‬sallallahu‫‘ ގ‬alayhi‫ ގ‬wa‫ ގ‬sallam)‫ ގ‬came‫ގ‬
with.‫ ގ‬As‫ ގ‬for‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬one‫ ގ‬who‫ ގ‬does‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬hate‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬legislated‫ ގ‬ruling,‫ ގ‬however‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬dislikes‫ ގ‬the‫ގ‬
An‫ ގ‬example‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬such‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬if‫ ގ‬one’s‫ ގ‬wife‫ ގ‬hated‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬legislated‫ ގ‬ruling‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬polygamy,‫ ގ‬then‫ ގ‬she‫ގ‬

Notes on the Elucidation of the Nullifiers of Islam

disbelieves,‫ ގ‬but‫ ގ‬if‫ ގ‬she‫ ގ‬did‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬hate‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬disliked‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬her‫ ގ‬husband‫ ގ‬marries‫ ގ‬another‫ގ‬
wife; this does not fall under the nullifier and she merely dislikes him to marry.‫ގގ‬

A masalah: Is not acting according to what is commanded an indication of hating it?‫ގ‬

No,‫ ގ‬for‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬person‫ ގ‬might‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬carry‫ ގ‬out‫ ގ‬some‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬commands‫ ގ‬due‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬laziness‫ ގ‬and‫ގ‬
desires,‫ ގ‬however‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬does‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬hate‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Shari‘ah.‫ ގ‬Thus‫ ގ‬whoever‫ ގ‬shaves‫ ގ‬his‫ ގ‬beard‫ ގ‬and‫ގ‬
abandons Hajj out of laziness is not included in this nullifier.‫ގ‬

The Sixth Nullifier:‫ގ‬

Whoever‫ ގ‬mocks‫ ގ‬something‫ ގ‬from‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬din‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Messenger‫‘( ގ‬alayhis-salah‫ ގ‬was-salam),‫ގ‬
it‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬His‫( ގ‬ta‘ala)‫ ގ‬saying,‫“ ގ‬Is‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬Allah,‫ ގ‬His‫ ގ‬ayat,‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬His‫ ގ‬messenger‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬you‫ ގ‬were‫ގ‬

Ibn‫ ގ‬Hazm‫ ގ‬cited‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬consensus‫ ގ‬on‫ ގ‬this‫ ގ‬matter‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬said,‫“ ގ‬As‫ ގ‬for‫ ގ‬whoever‫ ގ‬insults‫ ގ‬Allah,‫ގ‬
then‫ ގ‬there‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬not‫ގ‬a‫ގ‬single‫ގ‬Muslim‫ގ‬on‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬face‫ގ‬of‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬Earth‫ގ‬who‫ގ‬disputes‫ގ‬that‫ގ‬it‫ގ‬is‫ގ‬kufr.”25‫ގ‬
he‫ ގ‬narrated‫ ގ‬multiple‫ ގ‬scholars‫ ގ‬who‫ ގ‬cited‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬consensus‫ ގ‬on‫ ގ‬this,‫ ގ‬including:‫ ގ‬Ishaq‫ ގ‬ibn‫ގ‬
Rahawayh,‫ ގ‬Muhammad‫ ގ‬ibn‫ ގ‬Sahnun‫ ގ‬from‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Malikiyyah,‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬with‫ ގ‬regards‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬making‫ގ‬
takfir‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬whoever‫ ގ‬insults‫ ގ‬Allah‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬His‫ ގ‬messenger,‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬narrated‫ ގ‬statements‫ ގ‬from‫ގ‬
ash-Shafi’i, Ahmad, and al-Qadi Abi Ya’lah.‫ގ‬

It‫ ގ‬could‫ ގ‬be‫ ގ‬said‫ ގ‬here‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬these‫ ގ‬consensuses‫ ގ‬are‫ ގ‬with‫ ގ‬regards‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬insulting,‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬this‫ގ‬
nullifier‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬about‫ ގ‬mocking,‫ ގ‬therefore‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬said‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬reply‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬that‫ގ‬mocking‫ގ‬is‫ގ‬included‫ގ‬
within‫ ގ‬insulting,‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬highlights‫ ގ‬the‫ގ‬importance‫ގ‬of‫ގ‬understanding‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬definition‫ގ‬of‫ގ‬
insulting.‫ ގ‬Thus‫ ގ‬an‫ ގ‬insult,‫ ގ‬generally‫ ގ‬speaking,‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬mentioning‫ ގ‬something‫ ގ‬inappropriate;‫ގ‬
so‫ ގ‬belittling,‫ ގ‬laughing,‫ ގ‬or‫ ގ‬cursing‫ ގ‬are‫ ގ‬considered‫ ގ‬insults.‫ ގ‬And‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬specific‫ ގ‬meaning‫ ގ‬of‫ގ‬
insult is extreme cursing.‫ގގ‬

Al-Muhalla, v. 13, p. 498.‫ގ‬
p. 512.‫ގ‬

Notes on the Elucidation of the Nullifiers of Islam

A‫ ގ‬masalah:‫ ގ‬Some‫ ގ‬examples‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬mocking‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬din‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Messenger‫‘( ގ‬alayhis-salah‫ގ‬
was-salam)‫ ގ‬include‫ ގ‬saying,‫“ ގ‬This‫ ގ‬din‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬backwards,”‫ ގ‬or,‫“ ގ‬It‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬reason‫ ގ‬for‫ގ‬
backwardness,”‫ ގ‬or,‫“ ގ‬The‫ ގ‬Messenger‫( ގ‬sallallahu‫‘ ގ‬alayhi‫ ގ‬wa‫ ގ‬sallam)‫ ގ‬was‫ ގ‬lustful,”‫ ގ‬or,‫ގ‬
“Jannah and the Fire are pointless,” and so on.‫ގގ‬

A masalah: When is mocking considered a nullifier? This requires some elaboration:‫ގ‬

1) If‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬mocks‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬laughs‫ ގ‬while‫ ގ‬intending‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬act‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬obedience‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Din,‫ ގ‬such
as‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬aforementioned‫ ގ‬examples,‫ ގ‬this‫ ގ‬person‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬kafir.‫ ގ‬This‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬one‫ ގ‬the
proofs‫ ގ‬are‫ ގ‬referring‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬because‫ގ‬he‫ގ‬intended‫ގ‬by‫ގ‬his‫ގ‬mocking‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬Din‫ގ‬and‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬acts
of obedience.

2) He‫ ގ‬intends‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬mock‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬one‫ ގ‬who‫ ގ‬said‫ ގ‬it,‫ ގ‬meaning,‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬individual.‫ ގ‬Such‫ ގ‬as‫ ގ‬the
one‫ ގ‬who‫ ގ‬mocks‫ ގ‬another‫ ގ‬who‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬upright‫ ގ‬on‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Din‫ ގ‬for‫ ގ‬his‫ ގ‬beard,‫ ގ‬or‫ ގ‬mocks‫ ގ‬his
thobe,‫ ގ‬while‫ ގ‬intending‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬individual‫ ގ‬himself‫ ގ‬due‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬some‫ ގ‬animosity‫ ގ‬and
enmity‫ ގ‬between‫ ގ‬them.‫ ގ‬This‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬considered‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬nullifier,‫ ގ‬however‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬is
prohibited, backbiting, and from the major sins.

3) That‫ގ‬he‫ގ‬does‫ގ‬not‫ގ‬intend‫ގ‬what‫ގ‬he‫ގ‬said,‫ގ‬nor‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬one‫ގ‬who‫ގ‬said,‫ގ‬however‫ގ‬he‫ގ‬intends
to‫ ގ‬make‫ ގ‬people‫ ގ‬laugh‫ ގ‬by‫ ގ‬mentioning‫ ގ‬an‫ ގ‬ayah‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬reciting‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬a‫ގ‬funny‫ގ‬voice‫ގ‬or
way.‫ ގ‬Or‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬mentions‫ ގ‬something‫ ގ‬from‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬hadith‫ ގ‬intending‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬make‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬people
laugh… This requires further research into the matter.

A‫ ގ‬masalah:‫ ގ‬The‫ ގ‬ruling‫ ގ‬on‫ ގ‬making‫ ގ‬fun‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬scholars‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬students‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬knowledge;‫ ގ‬is‫ގ‬
this a nullifier? In regards to this there is an elaboration:‫ގ‬

1) If‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬makes‫ ގ‬fun‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬them‫ ގ‬due‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬their‫ ގ‬din,‫ ގ‬then‫ ގ‬this‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬nullifier‫ ގ‬because‫ ގ‬he
intended the Din.

2) If‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬makes‫ ގ‬fun‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬them‫ ގ‬due‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬having‫ ގ‬animosity‫ ގ‬between‫ ގ‬them,‫ ގ‬such‫ ގ‬as
whoever mocks the men of the various committees, then this is minor kufr.

3) That‫ ގ‬his‫ ގ‬custom‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬habit‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬make‫ގ‬fun‫ގ‬of‫ގ‬everyone‫ގ‬that‫ގ‬is‫ގ‬upright‫ގ‬on‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬Din,

or‫ ގ‬frequently‫ ގ‬makes‫ ގ‬fun‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬them;‫ ގ‬this‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬nullifier.‫ ގ‬What‫ ގ‬indicates‫ ގ‬this‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬the
hadith‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Ghazwah‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬Tabuk‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬which‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬was‫ ގ‬said,‫“ ގ‬We‫ ގ‬have‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬seen‫ ގ‬the

Notes on the Elucidation of the Nullifiers of Islam

likes‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬our‫ ގ‬reciters…”‫ ގ‬This‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬plural‫ ގ‬expression‫ ގ‬but‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬equal‫ ގ‬value‫ ގ‬as‫ގ‬
mocking individuals.‫ގ‬

A‫ ގ‬masalah:‫ ގ‬Is‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬which‫ ގ‬comes‫ ގ‬off‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬tongues‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬some‫ ގ‬youth‫ ގ‬who‫ ގ‬say‫( ގ‬joking‫ގ‬
amongst‫ ގ‬each‫ ގ‬other),‫“ ގ‬You‫ ގ‬are‫ ގ‬an‫‘ ގ‬extremist’‫ ގ‬and‫‘ ގ‬fundamentalist,’”‫ ގ‬and,‫“ ގ‬You‫ ގ‬are‫ގ‬
‘backwards’,” considered mocking?‫ގ‬

What‫ ގ‬appears‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬me‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬this‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬form‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬mocking‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Din,‫ ގ‬but‫ ގ‬rather‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬is‫ގ‬
mocking‫ ގ‬those‫ ގ‬who‫ ގ‬repeatedly‫ ގ‬say‫ ގ‬such‫ ގ‬things,‫ ގ‬meaning,‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬actually‫ ގ‬mocking‫ ގ‬the‫ގ‬
securlists who say those statements.‫ގ‬

A‫ ގ‬masalah:‫ ގ‬What‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬ruling‫ ގ‬concerning‫ގ‬a‫ގ‬father‫ގ‬who‫ގ‬says‫ގ‬he‫ގ‬does‫ގ‬not‫ގ‬want‫ގ‬his‫ގ‬child‫ގ‬

to‫ ގ‬be‫ ގ‬overly‫ ގ‬adherent‫[ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Din],‫ ގ‬or‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬fears‫ ގ‬his‫ ގ‬child‫ގ‬will‫ގ‬be‫ގ‬too‫ގ‬strict,‫ގ‬when‫ގ‬his‫ގ‬
child is called to get closer to Allah? Is this considered as mocking?‫ގގ‬

There‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬need‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬elaborate‫ ގ‬on‫ ގ‬this.‫ ގ‬If‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬loves‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬acts‫ގ‬of‫ގ‬obedience‫ގ‬and‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬Din,‫ގ‬and‫ގ‬
thus‫ ގ‬said‫ ގ‬this‫ ގ‬statement,‫ ގ‬then‫ ގ‬his‫ ގ‬ruling‫ގ‬is‫ގ‬like‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬ruling‫ގ‬on‫ގ‬one‫ގ‬who‫ގ‬hates‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬upright‫ގ‬
ones‫ ގ‬on‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Din‫ ގ‬due‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬some‫ ގ‬enmity‫ ގ‬between‫ ގ‬each‫ ގ‬other.‫ ގ‬So‫ ގ‬this‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬considered‫ ގ‬from‫ގ‬
the‫ ގ‬major‫ ގ‬sins‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬minor‫ ގ‬kufr.‫ ގ‬However,‫ ގ‬if‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬said‫ ގ‬what‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬said‫ ގ‬due‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬hatred‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬the‫ގ‬
Din, then this is a nullifier.‫ގ‬

A‫ ގ‬masalah:‫ ގ‬Whoever‫ ގ‬says‫ ގ‬about‫ ގ‬some‫ ގ‬ordainments‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Din‫ގ‬that‫ގ‬they‫ގ‬are‫ގ‬pointless,‫ގ‬

does this fall under mocking the Din?‫ގ‬

Some‫ ގ‬elaboration‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬needed‫ ގ‬here;‫ ގ‬if‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬intends‫ ގ‬by‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬there‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬Islam‫ ގ‬matters‫ ގ‬that‫ގ‬
are‫ ގ‬fundamentals‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬others‫ ގ‬which‫ ގ‬are‫ގ‬sub-branches,‫ގ‬and‫ގ‬others‫ގ‬like‫ގ‬this‫ގ‬kind‫ގ‬of‫ގ‬talk,‫ގ‬
then‫ ގ‬this‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬nullifier.‫ ގ‬Although,‫ ގ‬this‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬mistake‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬expression‫ ގ‬because‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬can‫ ގ‬be‫ގ‬
Do‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬say‫‘ ގ‬ra’ina,’‫ ގ‬but‫ ގ‬say‫‘ ގ‬unthurna.’”‫ ގ‬So‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬permissible‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬use‫ ގ‬such‫ ގ‬weak‫ގ‬
expressions.‫ ގ‬And‫ ގ‬if‫ގ‬he‫ގ‬intended‫ގ‬by‫ގ‬his‫ގ‬speech‫ގ‬that‫ގ‬some‫ގ‬parts‫ގ‬of‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬Din‫ގ‬and‫ގ‬its‫ގ‬rulings‫ގ‬
are pointless, then this is considered mocking the Din and a nullifier.‫ގ‬

Notes on the Elucidation of the Nullifiers of Islam

The Seventh Nullifier:‫ގ‬


Linguistically:‫ ގ‬That‫ ގ‬whose‫ ގ‬cause,‫ ގ‬way,‫ ގ‬or‫ ގ‬means‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬hidden‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬subtle‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬called‫ ގ‬sihr.‫ގ‬
Based upon that is “sihran,” which is the end of the night because it is its darkest.‫ގގ‬

Technically:‫ ގ‬There‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬no‫ ގ‬precise‫ ގ‬definition‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬sihr‫ ގ‬due‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬its‫ ގ‬numerous‫ ގ‬types‫ ގ‬and‫ގ‬
categories.‫ ގ‬Therefore‫ ގ‬each‫ ގ‬type‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬category‫ ގ‬has‫ ގ‬its‫ ގ‬own‫ ގ‬specific‫ ގ‬definition‫ ގ‬attached‫ގ‬
to‫ ގ‬it.‫ ގ‬If‫ ގ‬one‫ ގ‬was‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬give‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬general‫ ގ‬definition‫ ގ‬then‫ ގ‬there‫ ގ‬are‫ ގ‬some‫ ގ‬generally‫ ގ‬acceptable‫ގ‬
ones‫ ގ‬such‫ ގ‬as:‫“ ގ‬It‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬comprehensive‫ ގ‬term‫ ގ‬for‫ ގ‬every‫ ގ‬specified‫ ގ‬thing‫ ގ‬from‫ ގ‬illusions,‫ގ‬
tricks, and forbidden hidden matters.”‫ގ‬

A masalah: When is sihr considered a nullifier?‫ގ‬

The‫ ގ‬nullifier‫ ގ‬from‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬will‫ ގ‬become‫ ގ‬apparent‫ ގ‬once‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬different‫ ގ‬types‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬categories‫ގ‬are‫ގ‬
known, because not every category and type is a nullifier. Thus it includes:‫ގ‬

1) The‫ ގ‬sihr‫ ގ‬of‫ގ‬ruqyah‫(ގ‬where‫ގ‬it‫ގ‬seems‫ގ‬it‫ގ‬is‫ގ‬an‫ގ‬Islamic‫ގ‬ruqyah‫ގ‬but‫ގ‬it‫ގ‬is‫ގ‬asking‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬jinn

for‫ ގ‬help‫ ގ‬through‫ ގ‬impermissible‫ ގ‬incantations),‫ ގ‬amulets,‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬particular‫ގ‬symbols.
The‫ ގ‬technical‫ ގ‬definition‫ ގ‬for‫ ގ‬this‫ ގ‬is:‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬ruqyah‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬amulets‫ ގ‬used‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬separate‫ ގ‬a
man‫ ގ‬from‫ ގ‬his‫ ގ‬spouse‫( ގ‬with‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬permission‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬Allah).‫ ގ‬That‫ ގ‬is‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬definition‫ގ‬given
by‫ ގ‬ibn‫ ގ‬Qudamah‫ ގ‬for‫ ގ‬this‫ ގ‬type,‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬this‫ ގ‬type‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬nullifier‫ ގ‬because‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬involves
seeking‫ ގ‬assistance‫ ގ‬from‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬shayatin‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬consists‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬actions‫ ގ‬which‫ ގ‬are‫ ގ‬major
shirk.‫ ގ‬What‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬commonly‫ ގ‬known‫ ގ‬as‫“ ގ‬sarf,”‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬an‫ ގ‬example;‫ ގ‬which‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬divert‫ ގ‬a
person‫ ގ‬from‫ ގ‬someone‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬used‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬love,‫ ގ‬whether‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬woman‫ ގ‬or‫ ގ‬land.‫ ގ‬And‫ ގ‬the
opposite‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬sarf‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬what‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬known‫ ގ‬as‫‘“ ގ‬atf.”‫ ގ‬Where‫ ގ‬one‫ ގ‬makes‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬person‫ ގ‬love
something‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬used‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬hate.‫ ގ‬Another‫ ގ‬example‫ ގ‬is‫“ ގ‬sihr‫ ގ‬at-takhbil,”‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬what
causes‫ ގ‬illusion‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬eye‫ ގ‬so‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬sees‫ ގ‬contrary‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬reality,‫ ގ‬such‫ ގ‬as‫ ގ‬viewing‫ ގ‬a
stick‫ ގ‬as‫ ގ‬a‫ގ‬snake,‫ގ‬which‫ގ‬is‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬magic‫(ގ‬sihr)‫ގ‬of‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬magicians‫ގ‬of‫ގ‬Fir‘awn.‫ގ‬He‫(ގ‬ta‘ala)
said,‫“ ގ‬Then‫ގ‬behold,‫ގ‬their‫ގ‬ropes‫ގ‬and‫ގ‬their‫ގ‬sticks,‫ގ‬by‫ގ‬their‫ގ‬magic,‫ގ‬appeared‫ގ‬to‫ގ‬him
as‫ ގ‬though‫ ގ‬they‫ ގ‬moved‫ ގ‬fast.”‫ ގ‬An‫ ގ‬example‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬occurs‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬modern‫ ގ‬times‫ ގ‬are‫ ގ‬the
then‫ ގ‬returns‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬back…‫ ގ‬Or‫ ގ‬eats‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬whole‫ ގ‬snake,‫ގ‬or‫ގ‬pushes‫ގ‬a‫ގ‬car‫ގ‬with‫ގ‬his‫ގ‬hair,‫ގ‬and
what‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬similar‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬all‫ ގ‬that.‫ ގ‬Hence,‫ ގ‬this‫ ގ‬sihr‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬nullifier,‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬criterion‫ ގ‬on

Notes on the Elucidation of the Nullifiers of Islam

which‫ ގ‬classifies‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬as‫ ގ‬such‫ ގ‬is‫“ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬practice‫ ގ‬matters‫ ގ‬which‫ ގ‬are‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬real,”‫ ގ‬which‫ ގ‬is‫ގ‬
beyond‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬ability‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬man‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬do.‫ ގ‬However,‫ ގ‬with‫ ގ‬regards‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬what‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬realm‫ގ‬
of‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬some‫ ގ‬men‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬do‫ ގ‬whom‫ ގ‬Allah‫ ގ‬has‫ ގ‬given‫ ގ‬physical‫ގ‬strength,‫ގ‬such‫ގ‬as‫ގ‬bending‫ގ‬
a‫ ގ‬metal‫ ގ‬bar,‫ ގ‬then‫ ގ‬this‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬from‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬types‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬sihr.‫ގ‬But‫ގ‬in‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬matter‫ގ‬of‫ގ‬flying‫ގ‬or‫ގ‬
walking in the air then that is from “sihr at-takhyili.”‫ގ‬

2) The‫ ގ‬sihr‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬adwilah‫ ގ‬and‫‘ ގ‬aqaqir;‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬incantations‫ ގ‬which‫ ގ‬affect‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬brain
resulting‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬imaginary‫ ގ‬fantasies.‫ ގ‬On‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬account‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬scholars‫ ގ‬have‫ ގ‬disagreed
regarding this section.

a) The‫ ގ‬first‫ ގ‬opinion:‫ ގ‬It‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Shafi‘iyyah‫ ގ‬who‫ ގ‬said‫ ގ‬this‫ ގ‬type‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬sihr‫ ގ‬is
not‫ ގ‬kufr,‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬one‫ ގ‬who‫ ގ‬performs‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬kafir.‫ ގ‬Rather,‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬a
form‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬oppression‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬transgression‫ ގ‬against‫ ގ‬others‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬causes
this type. This is also a narration within the mathhab (i.e. Hanabilah).

b) The‫ ގ‬second‫ ގ‬opinion:‫ ގ‬It‫ ގ‬states‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬this‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬considered‫ ގ‬kufr‫ ގ‬because‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬is
included‫ ގ‬within‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬scope‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬sihr;‫ ގ‬which‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬using‫ ގ‬hidden‫ ގ‬things‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬are
not‫ ގ‬normal‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬order‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬change‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬affect‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬minds‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬people‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬their
behaviors.‫ ގ‬They‫ ގ‬used‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬general‫ ގ‬evidences‫ ގ‬regarding‫ ގ‬sihr‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬prove‫ ގ‬this
like‫ ގ‬His‫( ގ‬ta‘ala)‫ ގ‬saying,‫“ ގ‬And‫ ގ‬they‫ ގ‬followed‫[ ގ‬instead]‫ ގ‬what‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬devils‫ ގ‬had
recited‫ ގ‬during‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬reign‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬Sulayman.‫ ގ‬It‫ ގ‬was‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬Sulayman‫ ގ‬who
disbelieved,‫ ގ‬but‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬devils‫ ގ‬disbelieved,‫ ގ‬teaching‫ ގ‬people‫ ގ‬magic…”‫ ގ‬And
the‫ ގ‬ayah,‫“ ގ‬...who‫ ގ‬believe‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬jibt‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬taghut…”‫ގ‬And‫ގ‬jibt‫ގ‬is‫ގ‬sihr.27‫ގ‬They‫ގ‬also
based‫ ގ‬their‫ ގ‬proofs‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬accordance‫ ގ‬with‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬hadith‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬Abi‫ ގ‬Hurayrah‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬the
ibn‫‘ ގ‬Abdillah,‫ ގ‬after‫ ގ‬mentioning‫ ގ‬this‫ ގ‬difference‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬opinion‫ ގ‬said,‫“ ގ‬The
difference‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬opinion‫ ގ‬occurs‫ ގ‬due‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬one‫ ގ‬who‫ ގ‬refrains‫ ގ‬from‫ ގ‬takfir‫ ގ‬on
him‫ ގ‬thinking‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬performs‫ ގ‬this‫ ގ‬sihr‫ ގ‬without‫ ގ‬any‫ ގ‬shirk‫ ގ‬involved.
However,‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬case.‫ ގ‬Rather,‫ ގ‬there‫ ގ‬is‫ގ‬no‫ގ‬sihr‫ގ‬except‫ގ‬through‫ގ‬the
devils‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬what‫ ގ‬involves‫ ގ‬shirk‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬worship‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬them‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬stars…
As‫ ގ‬for‫ ގ‬what‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬referred‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬as‫“ ގ‬sihr‫ ގ‬adwiyah,”‫ ގ‬which‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬performed‫ ގ‬with
smoke‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬likes,‫ ގ‬then‫ ގ‬this‫ ގ‬is‫ގ‬not‫ގ‬sihr‫ގ‬but‫ގ‬it‫ގ‬is‫ގ‬nonetheless‫ގ‬considered

‫ ގ‬Ibn‫ ގ‬Jarir‫ ގ‬at-Tabari‫ގ‬and‫ގ‬ibn‫ގ‬Abi‫ގ‬Hatim‫ގ‬narrated‫ގ‬via‫ގ‬ath-Thawri‫ގ‬from‫ގ‬Abu‫ގ‬Ishaq‫ގ‬from‫ގ‬Hasan‫ގ‬that‫‘ގ‬Umar‫ގ‬
ibn al-Khattab said that “jibt” means sihr and “taghut” means Shaytan.‫ގ‬
Notes on the Elucidation of the Nullifiers of Islam

haram‫ ގ‬due‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬its‫ ގ‬harmful‫ ގ‬effects,‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬one‫ގ‬who‫ގ‬performs‫ގ‬such‫ގ‬should‫ގ‬

be severely rebuked.”28‫ގ‬

As‫ ގ‬for‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬type‫ ގ‬which‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬author‫ ގ‬intended‫ ގ‬here‫ ގ‬then‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬first‫ ގ‬type‫ ގ‬mentioned.‫ގ‬
Whereas‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬second‫ ގ‬type,‫ ގ‬what‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬correct‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬nullifier,‫ ގ‬but‫ ގ‬due‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬the‫ގ‬
difference‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬opinion‫ ގ‬one‫ ގ‬does‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬disbelieve‫ ގ‬until‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬hujjah‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬established.‫ ގ‬Thus‫ ގ‬the‫ގ‬
nullifier‫ ގ‬which‫ ގ‬has‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬difference‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬opinion‫ ގ‬concerning‫ ގ‬it,‫ ގ‬then‫ ގ‬one‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬excused‫ ގ‬due‫ ގ‬to‫ގ‬
ignorance.‫ ގ‬But‫ ގ‬as‫ ގ‬for‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬nullifier‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬has‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬consensus,‫ ގ‬then‫ ގ‬one‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬excused‫ ގ‬if‫ ގ‬he‫ގ‬
was to live amongst the Muslimin.‫ގ‬

The author categorized sihr into two:‫ގ‬

1) The science of sihr.

2) Believing in sihr.

The‫ ގ‬author‫ ގ‬said‫“ ގ‬whoever‫ ގ‬practices‫ ގ‬it‫( ގ‬the‫ ގ‬sihr‫ ގ‬which‫ ގ‬consists‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬sarf‫ ގ‬and‫‘ ގ‬atf)…‫ގ‬
disbelieves,”‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬disbelieves‫ ގ‬by‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬mere‫ ގ‬action,‫ ގ‬regardless‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬what‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬believes‫ގ‬
even‫ ގ‬if‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬was‫ ގ‬to‫ގ‬say,‫“ގ‬I‫ގ‬hate‫ގ‬sihr,”‫ގ‬and,‫“ގ‬I‫ގ‬do‫ގ‬not‫ގ‬view‫ގ‬it‫ގ‬permissible,‫ގ‬but‫ގ‬I‫ގ‬performed‫ގ‬it‫ގ‬
for‫ ގ‬some‫ ގ‬worldly‫ ގ‬purpose‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬benefit.”‫ ގ‬And‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬second‫ ގ‬category‫ ގ‬mentioned‫ ގ‬by‫ ގ‬the‫ގ‬
author‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬believing‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬it,‫ ގ‬as‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬said‫“ ގ‬or‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬pleased‫ ގ‬with‫ ގ‬it,”‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬-‫ ގ‬or‫ ގ‬-‫ ގ‬here‫ ގ‬signifies‫ގ‬
variation‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬another‫ ގ‬category‫ގ‬apart‫ގ‬from‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬second.‫ގ‬So‫ގ‬whoever‫ގ‬is‫ގ‬pleased‫ގ‬
with sihr then he is a kafir even if he did not perform it.‫ގ‬

A‫ ގ‬masalah:‫ ގ‬The‫ ގ‬author‫ ގ‬spoke‫ ގ‬about‫ ގ‬sihr‫ ގ‬but‫ ގ‬remained‫ ގ‬quiet‫ ގ‬about‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬sahir‫ގ‬
(magician), why?‫ގގ‬

The‫ ގ‬sahir‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬known‫ ގ‬by‫ ގ‬what‫ ގ‬accompanies‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬reasons‫ ގ‬for‫ ގ‬calling‫ ގ‬him‫ ގ‬such.‫ ގ‬If‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬sahir‫ގ‬
performs‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬first‫ ގ‬type‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬sihr‫ ގ‬then‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬disbelieves‫ ގ‬according‫ ގ‬to‫ގ‬consensus,‫ގ‬and‫ގ‬his‫ގ‬
islam‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬nullified.‫ ގ‬The‫ ގ‬sahir‫ ގ‬who‫ ގ‬performs‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬second‫ ގ‬type‫ގ‬then‫ގ‬there‫ގ‬is‫ގ‬a‫ގ‬difference‫ގ‬of‫ގ‬
opinion‫ ގ‬regarding‫ ގ‬him‫ ގ‬just‫ ގ‬like‫ ގ‬there‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬difference‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬opinion‫ ގ‬regarding‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬sihr.‫ގ‬
Thus there are those who make takfir upon him and others who said it is minor kufr.‫ގގ‬

Taysir al-‘Aziz al-Hamid, p. 335, c. “What Is Said About Sihr.”‫ގ‬

Notes on the Elucidation of the Nullifiers of Islam

A‫ ގ‬masalah:‫ ގ‬What‫ ގ‬if‫ ގ‬someone‫ ގ‬uses‫ ގ‬sihr‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬cure‫ ގ‬oneself‫[ ގ‬from‫ ގ‬sihr]?‫ ގ‬This‫ ގ‬requires‫ ގ‬an‫ގ‬

1) Whoever‫ ގ‬goes‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬magicians‫ ގ‬believing‫ ގ‬they‫ ގ‬are‫ ގ‬truthful‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬have‫ ގ‬some
knowledge‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬unseen,‫ ގ‬then‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬kafir‫ގ‬and‫ގ‬his‫ގ‬islam‫ގ‬is‫ގ‬negated‫ގ‬as‫ގ‬it‫ގ‬comes
in‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬hadith,‫“ ގ‬Whoever‫ ގ‬goes‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬fortune-teller‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬believes‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬what‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬says
has‫ ގ‬disbelieved‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬what‫ ގ‬was‫ ގ‬revealed‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬Muhammad‫‘( ގ‬alayhis-salah
was-salam)” (narrated by Abu Dawud).

2) He‫ ގ‬does‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬believe‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬him‫ ގ‬but‫ ގ‬goes‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬magicians‫ ގ‬for‫ ގ‬treatment‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬does
what‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬magician‫ ގ‬orders‫ ގ‬him‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬do;‫ ގ‬such‫ ގ‬as‫ ގ‬making‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬sacrifice‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬jinn,‫ ގ‬or
sacrificing‫ ގ‬with‫ ގ‬other‫ގ‬than‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬name‫ގ‬of‫ގ‬Allah,‫ގ‬or‫ގ‬doing‫ގ‬anything‫ގ‬that‫ގ‬pleases‫ގ‬the
devils,‫ ގ‬then‫ ގ‬this‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬kufr‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬itself,‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬considered‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬nullifier‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬his
islam is negated.

3) That‫ގ‬he‫ގ‬goes‫ގ‬to‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬magicians‫ގ‬for‫ގ‬medical‫ގ‬treatment‫ގ‬and‫ގ‬does‫ގ‬not‫ގ‬believe‫ގ‬in‫ގ‬the
sahir,‫ ގ‬nor‫ ގ‬does‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬perform‫ ގ‬any‫ ގ‬kufri‫ ގ‬acts‫ ގ‬but‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬goes‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬him‫ ގ‬under‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬pretext
that‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬necessity‫( ގ‬darurah)‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬get‫ ގ‬rid‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬his‫ ގ‬sickness;‫ ގ‬so‫ ގ‬here‫ ގ‬there‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬a
difference of opinion between the people of knowledge:

a) Thus‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Hanabilah‫ ގ‬permit‫ ގ‬such‫ ގ‬under‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬pretext‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬darurah‫ ގ‬with‫ ގ‬the
condition‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬does‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬believe‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬sahir’s‫ ގ‬claims‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬knowing
unseen matters and that he does not engage in any kufr acts.

b) That‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬permissible‫ ގ‬due‫ ގ‬to‫ގ‬what‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬textual‫ގ‬evidences‫ގ‬have‫ގ‬alluded

to‫ ގ‬regarding‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬prohibition‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬entering‫ ގ‬upon‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬magicians…‫ ގ‬And‫ ގ‬the
hadith‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬Abi‫ ގ‬Hurayrah,‫“ ގ‬Avoid‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬seven‫ ގ‬destructive‫ ގ‬matters…”‫ ގ‬Ijtinab
(avoid) is where you are on one side, and he is on another.

What‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬correct‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬second‫ ގ‬saying‫ގ‬as‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬first‫ގ‬saying‫ގ‬is‫ގ‬very‫ގ‬weak;‫ގ‬what‫ގ‬is‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬benefit‫ގ‬

in‫ ގ‬curing‫ ގ‬one’s‫ގ‬body‫ގ‬with‫ގ‬sihr‫ގ‬which‫ގ‬just‫ގ‬results‫ގ‬in‫ގ‬him‫ގ‬having‫ގ‬deficiencies‫ގ‬and‫ގ‬flaws‫ގ‬in‫ގ‬
‘aqidah?‫ ގ‬Nevertheless‫ ގ‬this‫ ގ‬category‫( ގ‬i.e.‫ ގ‬going‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬sahir‫ ގ‬under‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬pretext‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬a‫ގ‬
darurah‫ ގ‬without‫ ގ‬performing‫ ގ‬kufr)‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬considered‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬nullifier‫ ގ‬due‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬difference‫ގ‬of‫ގ‬
opinion, and he is excused due to ignorance.‫ގގ‬

Notes on the Elucidation of the Nullifiers of Islam

The Eighth Nullifier:‫ގ‬

Aiding and supporting the mushrikin against the Muslimin.29‫ގ‬

This‫ ގ‬nullifier‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬very‫ ގ‬important‫ ގ‬especially‫ގ‬today‫ގ‬where‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬mushrikin‫ގ‬are‫ގ‬manifest,‫ގ‬and‫ގ‬

the‫ ގ‬Muslimin‫ ގ‬are‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬a‫ގ‬weak‫ގ‬state‫ގ‬and‫ގ‬due‫ގ‬to‫ގ‬some‫ގ‬Muslimin‫ގ‬having‫ގ‬fallen‫ގ‬into‫ގ‬it‫ގ‬and‫ގ‬its‫ގ‬
widespread occurrence.‫ގގ‬

A‫ ގ‬masalah:‫ ގ‬The‫ ގ‬proofs‫ ގ‬for‫ ގ‬this,‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬author‫ ގ‬mentioned‫ ގ‬one‫ ގ‬proof‫ ގ‬which‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬His‫ގ‬
(ta‘ala)‫ ގ‬saying,‫“ ގ‬Whoever‫ ގ‬from‫ ގ‬amongst‫ ގ‬you‫ ގ‬allies‫ ގ‬with‫ ގ‬them,‫ ގ‬then‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬indeed‫ ގ‬from‫ގ‬
them.”‫ ގ‬As‫ ގ‬well,‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬consensus‫ ގ‬has‫ ގ‬been‫ ގ‬cited‫ ގ‬on‫ ގ‬this‫ ގ‬issue‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬supporting‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬mushrikin‫ގ‬
against the Muslimin that it is kufr.‫ގގ‬

Shaykh‫ ގ‬ibn‫ ގ‬Baz‫ ގ‬echoed‫ ގ‬this30‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬his‫ ގ‬fatawa‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬stated,‫“ ގ‬Indeed,‫ ގ‬all‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬scholars‫ ގ‬of‫ގ‬
Islam‫ ގ‬have‫ ގ‬agreed‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬one‫ ގ‬who‫ ގ‬assists‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬kuffar‫ ގ‬against‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Muslimin‫ ގ‬and‫ގ‬helps‫ގ‬
them with any type of assistance that he is a kafir like them.”31‫ގ‬

A masalah: What does assisting the mushrikin against the Muslimin lead to?‫ގ‬

1) It leads to the rise of kufr.

2) It leads to forsaking and betraying Islam.

3) It‫ ގ‬leads‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬religion‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬kuffar‫ ގ‬gaining‫ ގ‬authority‫ ގ‬over‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬beliefs‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬the

‫ ގ‬For‫ގ‬elaborate‫ގ‬details‫ގ‬regarding‫ގ‬this‫ގ‬nullifier‫ގ‬return‫ގ‬to‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬book‫ގ‬The̲Exposition̲Regarding̲the̲Disbelief̲
of̲ the̲ one̲ that̲ Assists̲ the̲ Americans‫ ގ‬by‫ ގ‬Shaykh‫ ގ‬Nasir‫ ގ‬al-Fahd,‫ ގ‬translated‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬published‫ ގ‬by‫ ގ‬our‫ގ‬
brothers at At-Tibyan Publications as it is from the best on this subject.‫ގ‬
‫ ގ‬Shaykh‫‘ ގ‬Abdullah‫ ގ‬ibn‫ ގ‬Humayd‫ ގ‬stated,‫“ ގ‬As‫ ގ‬for‫ ގ‬tawalli,‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬honoring‫ ގ‬them,‫ ގ‬complementing‫ ގ‬them,‫ގ‬
helping‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬assisting‫ ގ‬them‫ ގ‬against‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Muslimin,‫ ގ‬dwelling‫ ގ‬with‫ ގ‬them‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬having‫ ގ‬open‫ގ‬bara‫ގ‬from‫ގ‬
them;‫ ގ‬this‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬apostasy‫ ގ‬from‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬one‫ ގ‬who‫ ގ‬does‫ ގ‬this‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬obligatory‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬rulings‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬riddah‫ ގ‬are‫ގ‬
applied‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬him‫ ގ‬as‫ ގ‬evident‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Book,‫ ގ‬Sunnah,‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬consensus‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬ummah‫ ގ‬from‫ ގ‬those‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬are‫ގ‬
emulated from them” (Ad-Durar as-Saniyyah).‫ގ‬
v. 1, p. 274.‫ގ‬
Notes on the Elucidation of the Nullifiers of Islam

A‫ ގ‬masalah:‫ ގ‬The‫ ގ‬types‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬assisting‫( ގ‬mudhaharah)‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬helping‫ ގ‬which‫ ގ‬are‫ ގ‬considered‫ގ‬
nullifiers of the Din.‫ގ‬

1) That‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬helps‫ ގ‬them‫ގ‬against‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬Muslimin‫ގ‬out‫ގ‬of‫ގ‬love‫ގ‬of‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬religion‫ގ‬of‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬kuffar,

or‫ ގ‬due‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬loving‫ ގ‬their‫ ގ‬kufri‫ ގ‬symbols,‫ ގ‬or‫ގ‬due‫ގ‬to‫ގ‬being‫ގ‬satisfied‫ގ‬with‫ގ‬their‫ގ‬religion;
all‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬nullifier.‫ ގ‬Ibn‫ ގ‬Jarir‫ ގ‬at-Tabari‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬his‫ ގ‬tafsir‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬ayah:‫“ ގ‬And‫ ގ‬whoever
from‫ ގ‬amongst‫ ގ‬you‫ ގ‬allies‫ ގ‬with‫ ގ‬them,‫ ގ‬then‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬indeed‫ ގ‬from‫ ގ‬them,”‫ ގ‬said,
“Whoever‫ ގ‬allies‫ ގ‬with‫ ގ‬them‫ ގ‬and‫ގ‬grants‫ގ‬them‫ގ‬victory‫ގ‬against‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬believers‫ގ‬is‫ގ‬from
the‫ ގ‬people‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬their‫ ގ‬religion‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬way‫( ގ‬millah).‫ގ‬Indeed,‫ގ‬no‫ގ‬one‫ގ‬allies‫ގ‬with‫ގ‬another
except‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬content‫ ގ‬with‫ ގ‬him,‫ ގ‬his‫ ގ‬religion,‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬what‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬is‫ގ‬upon.‫ގ‬Thus‫ގ‬if‫ގ‬he
is‫ ގ‬pleased‫ ގ‬with‫ ގ‬their‫ ގ‬religion‫ ގ‬then‫ ގ‬certainly‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬has‫ ގ‬declared‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬displayed
animosity‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬its‫ ގ‬opposite.‫ ގ‬Therefore‫ ގ‬his‫ ގ‬ruling‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬same‫ ގ‬as‫ ގ‬their‫ ގ‬ruling.”‫ ގ‬The
reality‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬this‫ ގ‬nullifier‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬pleased‫ ގ‬with‫ ގ‬kufr‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬approves‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬it,‫ ގ‬and
whoever‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬pleased‫ ގ‬with‫ ގ‬kufr‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬murtadd.‫ ގ‬He‫( ގ‬ta‘ala)‫ ގ‬said,‫“ ގ‬And‫ ގ‬when‫ގ‬Ibrahim
said‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬his‫ ގ‬father‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬people,‫‘ ގ‬Verily,‫ ގ‬I‫ ގ‬am‫ ގ‬innocent‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬what‫ ގ‬you‫ ގ‬worship.’”‫ގ‬And
in‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬hadith:‫“ ގ‬Whoever‫ ގ‬says‫ ގ‬la‫ ގ‬ilaha‫ ގ‬illallah‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬disbelieves‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬what‫ ގ‬is
worshipped‫ ގ‬besides‫ ގ‬Allah,‫ ގ‬his‫ ގ‬property‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬blood‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬protected”‫( ގ‬narrated‫ ގ‬by
Muslim).‫ ގ‬The‫ ގ‬significance‫ ގ‬behind‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬hadith‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬understanding‫ ގ‬its‫ ގ‬opposite
(which‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬if‫ ގ‬one‫ ގ‬does‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬fulfill‫ ގ‬those‫ ގ‬conditions‫ ގ‬outlined‫ ގ‬then‫ ގ‬his‫ ގ‬property‫ ގ‬and
blood is not protected).

2) That‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬assists‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬supports‫ ގ‬them‫ ގ‬against‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Muslimin‫ ގ‬while‫ ގ‬hating‫ ގ‬their
religion.‫ ގ‬However,‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬consequence‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬what‫ ގ‬entails‫ ގ‬from‫ ގ‬supporting‫ ގ‬them‫ ގ‬is
that‫ ގ‬they‫ ގ‬gain‫ ގ‬dominant‫ ގ‬authority‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬power.‫ ގ‬Ibn‫ ގ‬Hazm‫ ގ‬said,‫“ ގ‬As‫ ގ‬for‫ ގ‬one‫ ގ‬who,
out‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬zealousness‫ ގ‬from‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬people‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬frontlines‫ ގ‬from‫ ގ‬amongst‫ ގ‬the
Muslimin,‫ ގ‬sought‫ ގ‬assistance‫ ގ‬from‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬mushrikin‫ ގ‬al-harbiyyin,‫ ގ‬unleashing‫ ގ‬their
hands‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬kill,‫ ގ‬or‫ ގ‬take‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬property,‫ ގ‬or‫ ގ‬enslave‫ ގ‬whoever‫ގ‬disagrees‫ގ‬with‫ގ‬him‫ގ‬from
the‫ ގ‬Muslimin;‫ ގ‬if‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬had‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬upper‫ ގ‬hand‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬kuffar‫ ގ‬were‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬compliance‫ ގ‬to
him‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬his‫ ގ‬word‫ ގ‬then‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬is‫ގ‬ruined‫ގ‬in‫ގ‬major‫ގ‬sins‫ގ‬but‫ގ‬would‫ގ‬not‫ގ‬be‫ގ‬a‫ގ‬kafir‫ގ‬due‫ގ‬to
that‫ ގ‬because‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬did‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬come‫ ގ‬with‫ ގ‬something‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬necessitates‫ ގ‬kufr‫ ގ‬from‫ ގ‬the
Qur’an‫ ގ‬or‫ގ‬consensus.‫ގ‬But‫ގ‬if‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬rule‫ގ‬of‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬kuffar‫ގ‬was‫ގ‬to‫ގ‬be‫ގ‬enforced‫ގ‬on‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬land,
he‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬kafir‫ ގ‬based‫ ގ‬on‫ ގ‬what‫ ގ‬we‫ ގ‬had‫ ގ‬mentioned.‫ ގ‬And‫ ގ‬if‫ ގ‬they‫ ގ‬were‫ ގ‬equal‫ ގ‬with‫ ގ‬no
ruling dominant over the other we would not see him as a kafir by that.”32

Al-Mulla, v. 13. p. 138.‫ގ‬
Notes on the Elucidation of the Nullifiers of Islam

3) Whoever‫ ގ‬assists‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬mushrikin‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬kuffar‫ ގ‬against‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Muslimin,‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬due‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬his
support‫ ގ‬gained‫ ގ‬dominance‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬power,‫ ގ‬disbelieves‫ ގ‬even‫ ގ‬if‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬hates‫ ގ‬the

A masalah: What are the types of support and assistance for the mushrikin?‫ގ‬

Military‫ ގ‬support,‫ ގ‬logistic‫ ގ‬support,‫ ގ‬political,‫ ގ‬ideological‫ ގ‬support,‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬by‫ ގ‬opinions,‫ގ‬
consulting, and rushing to their defense.‫ގގ‬

A masalah: Some contemporary issues related to supporting the mushrikin.‫ގ‬

1) Helping‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬socialist‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬communist‫ ގ‬groups‫ ގ‬in‫ގ‬any‫ގ‬Islamic‫ގ‬land,‫ގ‬aiding‫ގ‬them‫ގ‬so

that‫ ގ‬they‫ ގ‬can‫ ގ‬reach‫ ގ‬government‫ ގ‬positions‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬power.‫ ގ‬This‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬nullifier‫ ގ‬due‫ ގ‬to
what‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬accompanies‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬giving‫ ގ‬them‫ ގ‬authority‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬enforce‫ ގ‬communism‫ ގ‬on‫ ގ‬the
Muslimin, and this falls under what ibn Hazm mentioned (i.e. major kufr).

2) Helping‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬secularist‫ ގ‬groups‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬any‫ ގ‬land‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬any‫ ގ‬way‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬makes‫ ގ‬them‫ ގ‬reach
leadership‫ ގ‬positions‫ ގ‬due‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬what‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬accompanies‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬enforcing‫ ގ‬kufr‫ ގ‬on‫ ގ‬the

The‫ ގ‬statement‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬author:‫“ ގ‬supporting‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬mushrikin,”‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬which‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬established‫ގ‬
that‫ ގ‬they‫ ގ‬are‫ ގ‬mushrikin‫ ގ‬like‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬kuffar,‫ ގ‬whether‫ ގ‬these‫ ގ‬mushrikin‫ ގ‬are‫ ގ‬citizens‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬an‫ގ‬
Islamic‫ ގ‬land‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬are‫ ގ‬being‫ ގ‬helped‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬gain‫ގ‬authority,‫ގ‬or‫ގ‬they‫ގ‬were‫ގ‬in‫ގ‬neighboring‫ގ‬lands‫ގ‬
and‫ ގ‬are‫ ގ‬being‫ ގ‬helped;‫ ގ‬whether‫ ގ‬or‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬assistance‫ ގ‬was‫ ގ‬on-going‫ ގ‬or‫ ގ‬sporadic.‫ ގ‬The‫ގ‬
meaning‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬mudhaharah‫( ގ‬support)‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬be‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬helper,‫ ގ‬backer,‫ ގ‬sponsor,‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬aide‫ ގ‬to‫ގ‬
them.‫ ގ‬And‫ ގ‬ma‘unah‫ ގ‬differs‫ ގ‬from‫ ގ‬mudharah‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬letter‫“ ގ‬waw‫( ގ‬and),”‫ ގ‬signifies‫ ގ‬a‫ގ‬
different‫ ގ‬meaning.‫ ގ‬Thus‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬referring‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬sporadic‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬temporary‫ ގ‬assistance.‫ގ‬
Therefore‫ ގ‬whether‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬this‫ ގ‬or‫ ގ‬that,‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬kufr.‫“ ގ‬Against‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Muslimin,”‫ ގ‬what‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬author‫ގ‬
intends‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬everyone‫ ގ‬who‫ ގ‬says‫ ގ‬la‫ގ‬ilaha‫ގ‬illallah‫ގ‬and‫ގ‬has‫ގ‬not‫ގ‬fallen‫ގ‬into‫ގ‬a‫ގ‬nullifier‫ގ‬of‫ގ‬Islam.‫ގ‬
On account of that, the phrase “Muslimin” consists of different groups of people:‫ގ‬

1) That he assists the kuffar against the Muwahhid Muslimin.

2) That he assists the kuffar against the sinful Muslimin.

Notes on the Elucidation of the Nullifiers of Islam

3) That he assists the kuffar against the bughat Muslimin.

All‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬these‫ ގ‬three‫ ގ‬groups‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬people‫ ގ‬are‫ ގ‬included‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬general‫ ގ‬phrase‫“ ގ‬Muslimin.”‫ ގ‬So‫ގ‬
whoever‫ ގ‬assists‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬kuffar‫ ގ‬against‫ ގ‬these‫ ގ‬three‫ ގ‬then‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬certainly‫ ގ‬a‫ގ‬murtadd‫ގ‬who‫ގ‬has‫ގ‬
nullified‫ ގ‬his‫ ގ‬islam.‫ ގ‬However,‫ ގ‬if‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬happened‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬assisted‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬kuffar‫ގ‬against‫ގ‬some‫ގ‬of‫ގ‬
the innovated sects then this requires some details to be known:‫ގ‬

1) If‫ ގ‬their‫ ގ‬bid‘ah‫ ގ‬does‫ ގ‬not‫ގ‬make‫ގ‬them‫ގ‬kuffar‫ގ‬then‫ގ‬in‫ގ‬this‫ގ‬case‫ގ‬if‫ގ‬he‫ގ‬was‫ގ‬to‫ގ‬assist‫ގ‬the

kuffar‫ ގ‬against‫ ގ‬them‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬has‫ ގ‬nullified‫ ގ‬his‫ ގ‬islam‫ ގ‬due‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬fact‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬they‫ ގ‬are
included within the name of Islam.

2) However,‫ ގ‬if‫ ގ‬their‫ ގ‬bid‘ah‫ ގ‬does‫ ގ‬indeed‫ ގ‬make‫ ގ‬them‫ ގ‬kuffar,‫ ގ‬such‫ ގ‬as‫ ގ‬if‫ ގ‬they‫ގ‬worship
other‫ ގ‬than‫ ގ‬Allah,‫ ގ‬then‫ ގ‬if‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬was‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬assist‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬kuffar‫ ގ‬against‫ގ‬such‫ގ‬people‫ގ‬it‫ގ‬is‫ގ‬not
considered‫ ގ‬as‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬nullifier.‫ ގ‬Rather,‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬falls‫ ގ‬under‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬issue‫ ގ‬of‫“ ގ‬assisting‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬kuffar
against‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬kuffar,”‫ ގ‬because‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬reality‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬they‫ ގ‬are‫ ގ‬kuffar‫ ގ‬even‫ ގ‬if‫ ގ‬they
attribute themselves to Islam.

A‫ ގ‬masalah:‫ ގ‬Assisting‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬kuffar‫ ގ‬against‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬kuffar,‫ ގ‬whether‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬assistance‫ ގ‬was‫ ގ‬for‫ގ‬
kuffar‫ ގ‬asliyyin‫ ގ‬like‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬Jews‫ގ‬and‫ގ‬Christians,‫ގ‬or‫ގ‬those‫ގ‬who‫ގ‬attribute‫ގ‬themselves‫ގ‬to‫ގ‬Islam‫ގ‬
but have fallen into kufr.‫ގގ‬

In‫ ގ‬this‫ ގ‬issue‫ގ‬there‫ގ‬is‫ގ‬a‫ގ‬difference‫ގ‬of‫ގ‬opinion‫ގ‬between‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬people‫ގ‬of‫ގ‬knowledge;‫ގ‬some‫ގ‬of‫ގ‬

them‫ ގ‬prohibiting‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬others‫ ގ‬considering‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬permitted‫ ގ‬with‫ ގ‬set‫ ގ‬conditions.‫ގ‬
Nonetheless, assisting the kuffar here against kuffar is not from the nullifiers of Islam.‫ގ‬

A‫ ގ‬masalah:‫ ގ‬The‫ ގ‬matter‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬was‫ ގ‬previously‫ ގ‬addressed‫ ގ‬pertaining‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬supporting‫ ގ‬and‫ގ‬
assisting‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬in‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬matter‫ގ‬of‫ގ‬a‫ގ‬war‫ގ‬that‫ގ‬is‫ގ‬raging‫ގ‬between‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬Muslimin‫ގ‬and‫ގ‬kuffar,‫ގ‬so‫ގ‬he‫ގ‬
supports‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬kuffar‫ ގ‬against‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Muslimin.‫ ގ‬But‫ ގ‬there‫ގ‬is‫ގ‬another‫ގ‬matter‫ގ‬that‫ގ‬differs‫ގ‬from‫ގ‬
that,‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬seeking‫ ގ‬assistance‫( ގ‬isti‘anah)‫ ގ‬from‫ ގ‬kuffar‫ ގ‬against‫ ގ‬other‫ ގ‬Muslimin‫ ގ‬when‫ގ‬
there‫ ގ‬is‫ގ‬a‫ގ‬war‫ގ‬between‫ގ‬two‫ގ‬groups‫ގ‬of‫ގ‬Muslimin.‫ގ‬This‫ގ‬is‫ގ‬what‫ގ‬is‫ގ‬meant‫ގ‬when‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬issue‫ގ‬of‫ގ‬
isti‘anah‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬mentioned‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬brought‫ގ‬up;‫ގ‬seeking‫ގ‬assistance‫ގ‬from‫ގ‬kuffar‫ގ‬to‫ގ‬fight‫ގ‬another‫ގ‬
group of Muslimin. Therefore the ruling pertaining to this has details attached to it:‫ގ‬

1) That‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Muslimin‫ ގ‬who‫ ގ‬seek‫ ގ‬assistance‫ ގ‬from‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬kuffar‫ ގ‬have‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬upper‫ ގ‬hand
and‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬strength‫ ގ‬over‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬kuffar,‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬kuffar‫ ގ‬are‫ ގ‬weaker‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬after
the‫ ގ‬war‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬kuffar‫ ގ‬will‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬have‫ ގ‬any‫ ގ‬power‫ ގ‬or‫ ގ‬authority.‫ ގ‬This‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬where‫ ގ‬the

Notes on the Elucidation of the Nullifiers of Islam

difference‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬opinion‫ ގ‬occurs‫ ގ‬between‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬people‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬knowledge;‫ ގ‬some‫ ގ‬allowing‫ގ‬
it,‫ ގ‬whereas‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬majority‫ ގ‬prohibited‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬except‫ގ‬in‫ގ‬a‫ގ‬case‫ގ‬of‫ގ‬extreme‫ގ‬necessity,‫ގ‬and‫ގ‬
it‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬issue‫ ގ‬referred‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬as‫ ގ‬seeking‫ ގ‬assistance‫ ގ‬from‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬mushrikin.‫ ގ‬And‫ ގ‬they‫ގ‬
mentioned some conditions in order for this to be permissible:‫ގ‬

a) That‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬power‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬duration‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬war‫ ގ‬lies‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬hands‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬the

b) That‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬kuffar‫ ގ‬are‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬a‫ގ‬weaker‫ގ‬position,‫ގ‬and‫ގ‬their‫ގ‬evil‫ގ‬and‫ގ‬betrayal‫ގ‬is‫ގ‬out

of possibility.

c) That‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬extreme‫ ގ‬necessity‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬real‫ ގ‬one‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬flimsy.‫ ގ‬And‫ ގ‬what‫ ގ‬is
important‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬understand‫ ގ‬here‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬this‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬considered‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬nullifier‫ ގ‬of

2) With‫ ގ‬regards‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬if‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Muslimin‫ ގ‬who‫ ގ‬seek‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬assistance‫ ގ‬from‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬kuffar‫ ގ‬are
weaker,‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬kuffar‫ ގ‬whom‫ގ‬they‫ގ‬sought‫ގ‬assistance‫ގ‬from‫ގ‬are‫ގ‬stronger‫ގ‬wherein
in‫ ގ‬if‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬weak‫ ގ‬Muslimin‫ ގ‬was‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬gain‫ ގ‬victory‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬authority‫ ގ‬would‫ގ‬be‫ގ‬in‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬hands
of‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬kuffar‫ ގ‬over‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬defeated‫ ގ‬Muslimin,‫ ގ‬then‫ ގ‬verily‫ ގ‬this‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬nullifier‫ ގ‬from‫ ގ‬the
nullifiers‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬Islam‫ ގ‬due‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬what‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬necessitates‫ ގ‬in‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬kuffar‫ގ‬being‫ގ‬able‫ގ‬to‫ގ‬enforce
kufr‫ ގ‬or‫ ގ‬its‫ ގ‬symbols.‫ ގ‬The‫ ގ‬statement‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬ibn‫ ގ‬Hazm‫ ގ‬already‫ ގ‬mentioned‫ ގ‬applies
adequately to this situation.

What‫ ގ‬also‫ ގ‬falls‫ ގ‬under‫ ގ‬this‫ ގ‬issue‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬seeking‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬assistance‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬political‫ ގ‬matters‫ ގ‬and‫ގ‬
forming‫ ގ‬alliances,‫ ގ‬such‫ ގ‬as‫ ގ‬if‫ ގ‬some‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Muslimin‫ ގ‬were‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬unite‫ ގ‬with‫ ގ‬communist‫ ގ‬or‫ގ‬
secular‫ ގ‬parties‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬order‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬reach‫ ގ‬leadership‫ ގ‬positions.‫ ގ‬So‫ ގ‬like‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬previous‫ ގ‬one‫ ގ‬this‫ގ‬
needs some elaboration on whether it is a nullifier or not.‫ގގ‬

As‫ ގ‬for‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬being‫ ގ‬haram,‫ ގ‬then‫ ގ‬there‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬no‫ ގ‬question‫ ގ‬about‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬due‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬what‫ ގ‬Muslim‫ގ‬
narrated‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Prophet‫( ގ‬sallallahu‫‘ ގ‬alayhi‫ ގ‬wa‫ ގ‬sallam)‫ ގ‬said,‫“ ގ‬Go‫ ގ‬back,‫ ގ‬for‫ ގ‬I‫ ގ‬will‫ ގ‬not‫ގ‬
seek‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬help‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬mushrik.”‫ ގ‬Thus‫ ގ‬if‫ ގ‬some‫ ގ‬Muslimin‫ ގ‬united‫ ގ‬with‫ ގ‬disbelieving‫ ގ‬parties‫ގ‬
wherein‫ ގ‬they‫ ގ‬they‫ ގ‬were‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬reach‫ ގ‬leadership‫ ގ‬positions‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬kuffar‫ ގ‬would‫ ގ‬enforce‫ ގ‬their‫ގ‬
shirk and secularism, their beliefs and kufr upon the Muslimin, then this is a nullifier.‫ގގ‬

But‫ ގ‬if‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬disbelieving‫ ގ‬parties‫ ގ‬are‫ ގ‬weak,‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬they‫ ގ‬do‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬have‫ ގ‬any‫ ގ‬power‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬they‫ގ‬
follow‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬word‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Muslimin;‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬if‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Muslimin‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬those‫ ގ‬with‫ ގ‬them‫ ގ‬were‫ ގ‬to‫ގ‬

Notes on the Elucidation of the Nullifiers of Islam

reach‫ ގ‬leadership‫ ގ‬positions‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬disbelieving‫ ގ‬parties‫ ގ‬have‫ ގ‬no‫ ގ‬strength‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬enforce‫ ގ‬its‫ގ‬
beliefs‫ ގ‬upon‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Muslimin‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬have‫ ގ‬no‫ ގ‬say;‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬ruling‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬Islam‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬which‫ ގ‬is‫ގ‬
enforced,‫ ގ‬then‫ ގ‬this‫ ގ‬type‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬isti‘anah‫ގ‬is‫ގ‬not‫ގ‬considered‫ގ‬a‫ގ‬nullifier.‫ގ‬Nevertheless,‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬one‫ގ‬
who‫ ގ‬unites‫ ގ‬with‫ ގ‬them‫ ގ‬for‫ ގ‬such‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬purpose‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬ruined‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬major‫ ގ‬sins‫ ގ‬like‫ ގ‬ibn‫ގ‬Hazm‫ގ‬stated.‫ގ‬
And‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬substantiated‫ ގ‬by‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬hadith‫ ގ‬narrated‫ ގ‬by‫ ގ‬Muslim,‫“ ގ‬Go‫ ގ‬back,‫ ގ‬for‫ ގ‬I‫ ގ‬will‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬seek‫ގ‬
the help of a mushrik.”‫ގ‬

The Ninth Nullifier:‫ގ‬

A‫ ގ‬masalah:‫ ގ‬This‫ ގ‬nullifier‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬considered‫ ގ‬one‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬nullifiers‫ ގ‬connected‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Risalah‫ގ‬
(Prophetic‫ ގ‬Message),‫ ގ‬for‫ ގ‬indeed‫ ގ‬from‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬requirements‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬testifying‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Messenger‫ގ‬
(‘alayhis-salah‫ ގ‬was-salam)‫ ގ‬with‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬Risalah‫ގ‬is‫ގ‬not‫ގ‬to‫ގ‬free‫ގ‬oneself‫ގ‬from‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬Shari‘ah.‫ގ‬It‫ގ‬is‫ގ‬
also included within the tawhid of following and adherence.‫ގ‬

The‫ ގ‬author‫ ގ‬said,‫“ ގ‬Whoever‫ ގ‬believes‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬permitted‫ ގ‬for‫ ގ‬some‫ ގ‬people‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬leave‫ ގ‬the‫ގ‬
Shari‘ah of Muhammad (‘alayhis-salah was-salam).”‫ގ‬

The‫ ގ‬reality‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬this‫ ގ‬nullifier‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬directed‫ ގ‬at‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Sufiyyah‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬those‫ ގ‬who‫ ގ‬believe‫ގ‬
that‫ ގ‬the‫‘ ގ‬living‫ ގ‬saints’‫ ގ‬have‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬right‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬depart‫ ގ‬from‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Shari‘ah.‫ ގ‬Ibn‫ ގ‬Taymiyyah‫ ގ‬after‫ގ‬
some‫‘ ގ‬knowledgeable‫ ގ‬ones’…‫ ގ‬And‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬Allah‫ ގ‬has‫ގ‬some‫ގ‬special‫ގ‬individuals‫ގ‬who‫ގ‬do‫ގ‬not‫ގ‬
have‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬perform‫ ގ‬salah…‫ ގ‬Or‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬Allah‫ ގ‬has‫ގ‬some‫ގ‬some‫ގ‬special‫ގ‬men‫ގ‬who‫ގ‬do‫ގ‬not‫ގ‬have‫ގ‬to‫ގ‬
follow‫ ގ‬Muhammad‫‘( ގ‬alayhis-salah‫ ގ‬was-salam)‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬they‫ ގ‬are‫ ގ‬sufficient‫ ގ‬by‫ގ‬
themselves‫ ގ‬like‫ ގ‬al-Khidr‫ ގ‬was‫ ގ‬from‫ ގ‬Musa‫‘( ގ‬alayhis-salam);‫ ގ‬whoever‫ ގ‬believes‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬and‫ގ‬
that‫ ގ‬these‫‘ ގ‬saints’‫ ގ‬are‫ ގ‬like‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬kafir‫ ގ‬according‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬consensus‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬aimmah‫ގ‬of‫ގ‬
Islam.”33 And that is the relevant part.‫ގގ‬

The‫ ގ‬author‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬Al-Iqna’‫ ގ‬said‫ ގ‬in‫ގ‬his‫ގ‬explanation,‫“ގ‬Whoever‫ގ‬believes‫ގ‬that‫ގ‬some‫ގ‬people‫ގ‬are‫ގ‬

permitted to leave [the Shari‘ah] is a kafir.”‫ގގ‬

“Whoever‫ ގ‬believes,”‫ ގ‬indicates‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬this‫ ގ‬nullifier‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬related‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬belief‫ ގ‬unlike‫ ގ‬what‫ ގ‬came‫ގ‬
before it, as it deals with action.‫ގގ‬

Majmu’ al-Fatawa, v. 10, p. 434-435.‫ގ‬
Notes on the Elucidation of the Nullifiers of Islam

“Some‫ ގ‬people,”‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬meant‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬refer‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬what‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Sufiyyah‫ ގ‬say‫ ގ‬are‫‘ ގ‬living‫ ގ‬saints’‫ ގ‬and‫ގ‬
‘knowledgeable ones,’ due to the presence of the ‘alif’ and ‘lam’.‫ގގ‬

“To‫ ގ‬leave,”‫ ގ‬meaning,‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬is‫ގ‬permitted‫ގ‬to‫ގ‬be‫ގ‬sufficed‫ގ‬without‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬Shari‘ah,‫ގ‬and‫ގ‬that‫ގ‬

he is not required to follow the Shari‘ah.‫ގ‬

The‫ ގ‬statement‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬author:‫“ގ‬the‫ގ‬Shari‘ah‫ގ‬of‫ގ‬Muhammad‫‘(ގ‬alayhis-salah‫ގ‬was-salam),”‫ގ‬

implies‫ ގ‬a‫‘ ގ‬lam’‫ ގ‬attributing‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Shari‘ah‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬Muhammad‫( ގ‬with‫ ގ‬regards‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Arabic‫ގ‬
spelling‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬grammar).‫ ގ‬And‫ ގ‬what‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬intended‫ ގ‬by‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Din;‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬permissible‫ގ‬
for‫ ގ‬one‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬free‫ ގ‬himself‫ ގ‬from‫ ގ‬something‫ ގ‬required‫ގ‬in‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬Din,‫ގ‬whether‫ގ‬from‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬pillars‫ގ‬or‫ގ‬
obligations, rather, even if it was from the sunan.‫ގ‬

“Like‫ ގ‬how‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬was‫ ގ‬permitted,”‫ ގ‬the‫‘ ގ‬kaf‫( ގ‬like)’‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬indicative‫ގ‬of‫ގ‬resemblance,‫ގ‬and‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬story‫ގ‬
of al-Khidr is found in surah “Al-Kahf.”‫ގ‬

“Then he is a kafir,” major kufr, expelling one from the Din.‫ގ‬

The Tenth Nullifier:‫ގ‬

Turning away from the Din.‫ގ‬

What‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬meaning‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬turning‫ ގ‬away‫( ގ‬i‘rad)?‫ ގ‬Avoiding,‫ ގ‬turning‫ ގ‬back,‫ ގ‬averting,‫ ގ‬turned‫ގ‬
back from it and opposed it, all in the sense of turning away as defined linguistically.‫ގގ‬

A masalah: When is turning away considered to be a nullifier?‫ގ‬

It depends on the category it would fall under, which are:‫ގ‬

1) That‫ ގ‬which‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬author‫ ގ‬mentioned‫ ގ‬being‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬complete‫ ގ‬turning‫ގ‬away‫ގ‬from‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬Din;

turning‫ ގ‬away‫ ގ‬from‫ ގ‬learning‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬acting‫ ގ‬upon‫ ގ‬it.‫ ގ‬The‫ ގ‬author‫ ގ‬said,‫“ ގ‬Turning
away‫ ގ‬from‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Din‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬Allah‫( ގ‬ta‘ala),‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬learning‫ ގ‬it‫ގ‬nor‫ގ‬acting‫ގ‬upon‫ގ‬it.”‫ގ‬Meaning,
he‫ ގ‬says‫ ގ‬la‫ ގ‬ilaha‫ ގ‬illallah‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬claims‫ ގ‬Islam,‫ ގ‬but‫ ގ‬as‫ ގ‬for‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬rest‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Din‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬turns
away‫ ގ‬from‫ ގ‬it;‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬does‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬perform‫ ގ‬salah,‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬does‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬fast,‫ގ‬he‫ގ‬does‫ގ‬not‫ގ‬perform
Hajj,‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬does‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬leave‫ ގ‬what‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬prohibited,‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬does‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬perform‫ ގ‬the
obligations.‫ ގ‬All‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬relation‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬actions,‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬likewise‫ ގ‬applies‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬one
who‫ ގ‬turns‫ ގ‬away‫ ގ‬from‫ ގ‬learning‫ ގ‬these‫ ގ‬matters.‫ ގ‬For‫ ގ‬evidence,‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬author‫ގ‬brought
Notes on the Elucidation of the Nullifiers of Islam

His‫( ގ‬ta‘ala)‫ ގ‬statement,‫“ ގ‬And‫ ގ‬who‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬more‫ ގ‬unjust‫ ގ‬than‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬one‫ ގ‬who‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬reminded‫ގ‬
of‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬ayat‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬his‫ ގ‬Lord;‫ ގ‬then‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬turns‫ ގ‬away‫ ގ‬from‫ ގ‬them?”‫ ގ‬His‫ ގ‬ruling‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬he‫ގ‬
nullified his submission.‫ގގ‬

2) Turning away in various types:

a) Turning away entirely and that just passed.

b) Turning‫ ގ‬away‫ ގ‬partially‫ ގ‬from‫ ގ‬actions‫ ގ‬which‫ ގ‬are‫ ގ‬kufr‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬leave‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬a
condition‫ ގ‬for‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬validity‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬iman.‫ ގ‬An‫ ގ‬example‫ ގ‬being‫ ގ‬one‫ ގ‬who‫ ގ‬says‫ ގ‬la
ilaha‫ ގ‬illallah‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬performs‫ ގ‬some‫ ގ‬deeds‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬accordance‫ ގ‬with‫ ގ‬Islam,‫ ގ‬but‫ ގ‬he
turns‫ ގ‬away‫ގ‬from‫ގ‬learning‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬Tawhid‫ގ‬al-Uluhiyyah,‫ގ‬or‫ގ‬he‫ގ‬turns‫ގ‬away‫ގ‬from
believing‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬some‫ ގ‬matters‫ ގ‬wherein‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬believing‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬them‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬kufr‫ ގ‬such‫ ގ‬as
one‫ ގ‬who‫ ގ‬turns‫ ގ‬away‫ ގ‬from‫ ގ‬Hajj‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬does‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬perform‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬turns‫ ގ‬away
from‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬belief‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬pillar‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬does‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬care‫ގ‬about‫ގ‬it‫ގ‬at‫ގ‬all;‫ގ‬this
type‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬kufr‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬nullifier.‫ ގ‬We‫ ގ‬had‫ ގ‬discussed‫ ގ‬at‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬end‫ ގ‬of‫[ ގ‬the
elucidation]‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬Kashf̲ ash-Shubuhat‫ ގ‬concerning‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬ruling‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬whoever
turns‫ ގ‬away‫ ގ‬from‫ ގ‬acting‫ ގ‬upon‫ ގ‬tawhid.‫ ގ‬And‫ ގ‬from‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬examples‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬is
partially‫ ގ‬turning‫ ގ‬away‫ ގ‬from‫ ގ‬some‫ ގ‬actions‫ ގ‬like‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬one‫ ގ‬who‫ ގ‬turns‫ ގ‬away
from salah out of laziness; so this person is a kafir.

c) Turning‫ ގ‬away‫ ގ‬from‫ ގ‬some‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬obligations‫ ގ‬which‫ ގ‬include‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬performing
issues‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬are‫ ގ‬kufr‫ ގ‬to‫ގ‬leave.‫ގ‬This‫ގ‬type‫ގ‬is‫ގ‬not‫ގ‬a‫ގ‬nullifier‫ގ‬otherwise‫ގ‬it‫ގ‬would
have‫ ގ‬been‫ ގ‬necessary‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬make‫ ގ‬takfir‫ ގ‬on‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬one‫ ގ‬who‫ގ‬commits‫ގ‬major‫ގ‬sins,
like‫ ގ‬one‫ ގ‬who‫ ގ‬turns‫ ގ‬away‫ ގ‬from‫ ގ‬some‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Muslimin‫ ގ‬regarding‫ ގ‬some
obligations.‫ ގ‬He‫ ގ‬does‫ ގ‬not‫ގ‬know‫ގ‬them‫ގ‬nor‫ގ‬does‫ގ‬he‫ގ‬perform‫ގ‬them.‫ގ‬So‫ގ‬this‫ގ‬is

d) Turning‫ ގ‬away‫ ގ‬from‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬sunan,‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬what‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬meant‫ ގ‬by‫ ގ‬sunan‫ ގ‬is‫ގ‬that‫ގ‬which
a‫ ގ‬person‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬sinful‫ ގ‬for‫ ގ‬abandoning.‫ ގ‬Therefore‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬does‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬learn‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬nor
act‫ ގ‬on‫ ގ‬it.‫ ގ‬This‫ ގ‬type‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬nullifier‫ ގ‬nor‫ ގ‬is‫ގ‬it‫ގ‬haram;‫ގ‬it‫ގ‬is‫ގ‬disliked‫(ގ‬makruh)
because‫ ގ‬one‫ ގ‬should‫ ގ‬learn‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬sunnah‫ ގ‬but‫ ގ‬having‫ ގ‬knowledge‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬the
sunnah is also sunnah.

Notes on the Elucidation of the Nullifiers of Islam

This‫ ގ‬ends‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬nullifiers,‫ ގ‬and‫ގ‬it‫ގ‬becomes‫ގ‬clear‫ގ‬that‫ގ‬from‫ގ‬them‫ގ‬there‫ގ‬are‫ގ‬those‫ގ‬which‫ގ‬are‫ގ‬

related‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬belief‫( ގ‬such‫ ގ‬as‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬fourth‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬ninth),‫ ގ‬and‫ގ‬those‫ގ‬which‫ގ‬are‫ގ‬related‫ގ‬to‫ގ‬actions‫ގ‬
regardless of one’s belief (such as the first, second, sixth, and eighth).‫ގ‬

The‫ ގ‬author‫ ގ‬said,‫“ ގ‬There‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬no‫ ގ‬difference‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬any‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬these‫ ގ‬nullifiers,”‫ގ‬meaning,‫ގ‬everyone‫ގ‬
who‫ ގ‬falls‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬these‫ ގ‬from‫ ގ‬those‫ ގ‬who‫ ގ‬claim‫ ގ‬Islam‫ ގ‬has‫ ގ‬nullified‫ ގ‬his‫ ގ‬islam‫ ގ‬whether‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬the‫ގ‬
first‫ ގ‬person‫ ގ‬mentioned‫ ގ‬by‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬author‫( ގ‬who‫ ގ‬falls‫ ގ‬into‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬nullifier‫ ގ‬by‫ ގ‬way‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬joking‫ ގ‬and‫ގ‬
playing‫ ގ‬while‫ ގ‬intending‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬nullifier).‫ ގ‬In‫ ގ‬Kashf̲ al-Qina’‫ ގ‬under‫“ ގ‬The‫ ގ‬Chapter‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬the‫ގ‬
Apostate,”‫ ގ‬after‫ ގ‬mentioning‫ ގ‬nullifiers‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬states,‫“ ގ‬Even‫ ގ‬if‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬was‫ ގ‬joking,”‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬proof‫ގ‬
for‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬His‫( ގ‬ta‘ala)‫ ގ‬statement,‫“ ގ‬Whoever‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬you‫ ގ‬should‫ ގ‬leave‫ ގ‬from‫ ގ‬his‫ ގ‬din.”‫ ގ‬This‫ ގ‬is‫ގ‬
general‫ ގ‬for‫ ގ‬one‫ ގ‬who‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬joking‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬one‫ ގ‬who‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬serious.‫ ގ‬And‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬proven‫ ގ‬also‫ ގ‬by‫ ގ‬the‫ގ‬
marfu’‫ ގ‬hadith‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬ibn‫‘ ގ‬Abbas,‫“ ގ‬Whoever‫ ގ‬changes‫ ގ‬his‫ ގ‬din,‫ ގ‬then‫ ގ‬kill‫ ގ‬him.”‫ ގ‬It‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬general‫ގ‬for‫ގ‬
whoever‫ ގ‬changes‫ ގ‬his‫ ގ‬din,‫ ގ‬even‫ ގ‬if‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬was‫ ގ‬joking‫ ގ‬or‫ ގ‬if‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬was‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬was‫ ގ‬serious.‫ގ‬
Further‫ ގ‬proof‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬speech‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬hypocrites‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Battle‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬Tabuk,‫ ގ‬for‫ ގ‬indeed‫ ގ‬they‫ގ‬
committed‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬nullifier‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬mocking‫ ގ‬fashion‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬by‫ ގ‬way‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬joke;‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬they‫ ގ‬were‫ ގ‬not‫ގ‬

The‫ ގ‬second‫ ގ‬type‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬person‫[ ގ‬mentioned‫ ގ‬by‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬author]‫ގ‬is‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬one‫ގ‬who‫ގ‬was‫ގ‬serious,‫ގ‬and‫ގ‬

he is the one who intended to perform the nullifier out of conviction.‫ގ‬

The‫ ގ‬third‫ ގ‬type‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬person‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬one‫ ގ‬who‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬scared,‫ ގ‬and‫ގ‬what‫ގ‬is‫ގ‬meant‫ގ‬here‫ގ‬by‫ގ‬scared‫ގ‬is‫ގ‬
the‫ ގ‬one‫ ގ‬who‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬excused.‫ ގ‬Examples‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬such‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬one‫ ގ‬who‫ ގ‬commits‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬nullifier‫ ގ‬fearing‫ގ‬
being‫ ގ‬cursed‫ ގ‬at,‫ ގ‬or‫ ގ‬fears‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬mark‫ ގ‬on‫ ގ‬his‫ ގ‬reputation,‫ ގ‬or‫ ގ‬fears‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬loss‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬some‫ ގ‬worldly‫ގ‬

This‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬what‫ ގ‬we‫ ގ‬had‫ ގ‬previously‫ ގ‬mentioned‫ ގ‬in‫[ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬elucidation]‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬Kashf̲ ash-Shubuhat̲
regarding‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬one‫ ގ‬who‫ ގ‬fears‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬loss‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬some‫ ގ‬worldly‫ ގ‬matter,‫ ގ‬or‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬losing‫ ގ‬his‫ ގ‬high‫ގ‬
reputation,‫ ގ‬or‫ ގ‬fears‫ ގ‬losing‫ ގ‬extensive‫ ގ‬praise,‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬other‫ގ‬things‫ގ‬which‫ގ‬are‫ގ‬similar‫ގ‬to‫ގ‬that.‫ގ‬
And‫ ގ‬at‫ ގ‬times‫ ގ‬the‫ގ‬mukrah‫(ގ‬one‫ގ‬being‫ގ‬forced)‫ގ‬is‫ގ‬referred‫ގ‬to‫ގ‬as‫ގ‬ikrah‫ގ‬that‫ގ‬is‫ގ‬not‫ގ‬mujla‫(ގ‬i.e.‫ގ‬
ikrah that is not complete).‫ގ‬

“Except‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬mukrah,”‫ ގ‬so‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬author‫ ގ‬made‫ ގ‬an‫ ގ‬exception‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬one‫ ގ‬type‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬person,‫ގ‬and‫ގ‬he‫ގ‬
such‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬would‫ ގ‬be‫ ގ‬killed,‫ ގ‬or‫ ގ‬all‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬his‫ ގ‬wealth‫ ގ‬would‫ ގ‬be‫ ގ‬taken‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬which‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬can‫ ގ‬not‫ގ‬

Notes on the Elucidation of the Nullifiers of Islam

bear,‫ ގ‬or‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬severe‫ ގ‬harm‫ ގ‬consumes‫ ގ‬him.‫ ގ‬All‫ ގ‬these‫ ގ‬matters‫ ގ‬are‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬same‫ ގ‬issues‫ ގ‬which‫ގ‬
were addressed at the end of [our elucidation] of Kashf ash-Shubuhat.‫ގ‬

The‫ ގ‬proof‫ ގ‬for‫ ގ‬ikrah‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬His‫( ގ‬ta‘ala)‫ ގ‬statement,‫“ ގ‬Except‫ ގ‬one‫ ގ‬who‫ ގ‬is‫ގ‬forced‫ގ‬while‫ގ‬his‫ގ‬heart‫ގ‬
is secure…”‫ގގ‬

There‫ ގ‬remains‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬type‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬person‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬author‫ ގ‬did‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬make‫ ގ‬mention‫ ގ‬of,‫ގ‬and‫ގ‬it‫ގ‬is‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬jahil‫ގ‬
(ignorant).‫ ގ‬We‫ ގ‬were‫ ގ‬exposed‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬such‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬explanation‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬nullifiers,‫ ގ‬so‫ ގ‬we‫ ގ‬say‫ގ‬
regarding‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬ignorance‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬turning‫ ގ‬away‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬negligence,‫ ގ‬then‫ ގ‬it‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬nullifier.‫ ގ‬And‫ ގ‬as‫ގ‬
for‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬ignorance‫ ގ‬relating‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬hujjah‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬reaching‫ ގ‬him,‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬they‫ ގ‬are‫ ގ‬few,‫ ގ‬like‫ ގ‬the‫ގ‬
one‫ ގ‬who‫ ގ‬recently‫ ގ‬entered‫ ގ‬into‫ ގ‬Islam;‫ ގ‬or‫ ގ‬lives‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬far‫ ގ‬away‫ގ‬place;‫ގ‬or‫ގ‬in‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬lands‫ގ‬of‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬
kuffar;‫ ގ‬or‫ ގ‬was‫ ގ‬insane‫[ ގ‬then‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬excused‫ ގ‬due‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬his‫ ގ‬ignorance‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬matters‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬are‫ގ‬
apparent and obscure but not in regards to asl ad-Din].‫ގގ‬

Another‫ ގ‬type‫ ގ‬is‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬muta-awwil,‫ގ‬and‫ގ‬this‫ގ‬requires‫ގ‬an‫ގ‬elaboration.‫ގ‬If‫ގ‬his‫ގ‬tawil‫ގ‬was‫ގ‬in‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬

matters‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬are‫ ގ‬agreed‫ ގ‬upon‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬known‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬Din‫ ގ‬by‫ ގ‬necessity,‫ ގ‬then‫ ގ‬his‫ ގ‬tawil‫ ގ‬is‫ގ‬not‫ގ‬
accepted‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬such‫ ގ‬issues;‫ ގ‬like‫ ގ‬if‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬was‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬make‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬sacrifice‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬other‫ ގ‬than‫ ގ‬Allah‫ ގ‬due‫ގ‬to‫ގ‬a‫ގ‬
tawil‫ ގ‬then‫ ގ‬this‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬nullifier.‫ ގ‬And‫ ގ‬if‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬made‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬tawil‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬matters‫ ގ‬which‫ ގ‬there‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬a‫ގ‬
disagreement‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬such‫ ގ‬as‫ ގ‬whoever‫ ގ‬does‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬make‫ ގ‬takfir‫ ގ‬upon‫ ގ‬the‫ގ‬mushrikin;‫ގ‬therefore‫ގ‬
he‫ ގ‬does‫ ގ‬not‫ ގ‬make‫ ގ‬takfir‫ ގ‬upon‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬group‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬fell‫ ގ‬into‫ ގ‬shirk‫ ގ‬due‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬tawil,‫ ގ‬then‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬does‫ގ‬
not‫ ގ‬disbelieve.‫ ގ‬An‫ ގ‬example‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬that‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬whoever‫ ގ‬made‫ ގ‬a‫ ގ‬tawil‫ ގ‬which‫ ގ‬then‫ ގ‬led‫ ގ‬him‫ ގ‬to‫ގ‬
refrain‫ ގ‬from‫ ގ‬takfir‫ ގ‬of‫ ގ‬the‫ ގ‬laymen‫ ގ‬Rafidah,‫ ގ‬then‫ ގ‬he‫ ގ‬is‫ ގ‬excused‫ ގ‬due‫ ގ‬to‫ ގ‬his‫ ގ‬tawil‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬has‫ގ‬
not fell into a nullifier.‫ގގ‬

May the salah and salam of Allah be upon our prophet Muhammad.‫ގ‬

This‫ ގ‬ends‫ ގ‬Nawaqid‫ ގ‬al-Islam,‫ ގ‬may‫ ގ‬Allah‫ ގ‬have‫ ގ‬mercy‫ ގ‬upon‫ ގ‬its‫ ގ‬author,‫ ގ‬its‫ ގ‬explainer,‫ ގ‬its‫ގ‬
transcriber,‫ ގ‬and‫ ގ‬whoever‫ ގ‬assisted‫ ގ‬in‫ ގ‬sharing‫ ގ‬it.‫ ގ‬Completed‫ގ‬in‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬middle‫ގ‬of‫ގ‬the‫ގ‬day‫ގ‬on‫ގ‬
the fourth day of the week, 3/3/1415 H.‫ގ‬

Notes on the Elucidation of the Nullifiers of Islam


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