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Content The learner demonstrates  Theory

Standards understanding of the specificity  Ideas from External Sources
and feasibility of the problem
posed. Guidelines in Problem Selection
B. Performance The Learner is able to formulate
Standards clearly the statement of research  The research problem or topic must be chosen by the
problem. researcher himself.
C. Learning The learner:  It must be within the interest of the researcher.
Competencies 1.Designs a research useful in  It must be within the specialization of the researcher.
daily life.  It must be within the competence of the researcher to
2.Writes a research title tackle.
3.States research questions.  It must be within the ability of the researcher to
finance, otherwise he must be able to find funding
Specific Objectives for his research.
1.Identify research problems, topic and questions;  It can be completed within a reasonable period of
2.Formulate the statement of the problem and the sub- time unless it is a longitudinal research which takes
problems; a long time for its completion.
3.Appreciate the importance of writing research  It is significant, important, relevant to the present
problem, topic and questions correctly. time and situation, timely, and of current interest.
 The results are practical and can be implemented.
 It requires original, critical, reflective thinking to
solve it.
Research Problem
 It can be limited to suit the resources of the
researcher but big or large enough to be able to give
significant, valid and reliable results and
 Any significant, perplexing and challenging
situation, real or artificial, the solution of which
 It must contribute to the national development goals
requires reflective thinking.
for the improvement of the quality of human life.
 It must contribute to the fund of human knowledge.
 A perplexing situation after it has been  It must pave the way or show the solution of the
translated into a question or a series of questions problem or problems intended to be solved.
that help determine the direction of subsequent  There must be consideration of the hazards involved.
inquiry.  It must not undermine the moral and spiritual values
of the people. It must not promote antisocial values.
The Research Problem  It must not advocate any change in the present order
š A problem identified by the researcher keeps him of things by means of violence but by peaceful or
focused throughout the entire research process. legitimate means
š It is the basis of all subsequent research activities he is  There must be a return of some kind to the
going to undertake. researcher in either one or all of the following:
š It guides the researcher to the hypothesis, work plan, monetary, promotion, improved specialization or
interpretation of the findings and finally to the competence, enhanced prestige & reputation, and
conclusion. satisfaction of intellectual curiosity and interest and
š One of the evaluation criteria used to judge the success being able to discover the truth.
of the research is the significance of the identified  The problem should be researchable and
problem. manageable.
š The statement of the problem must be clear.  Data are available and accessible.
š It must be organized and specific.  Data must meet the standards of accuracy,
š It must define the scope and set the limits of the objectivity, and verifiability
problem to help determine the feasibility of doing the  Answers to the specific questions can be found
actual investigation.
Steps in the Formulation of a Research Problem
- The subject matter or topic to be investigated. This Step 1. Identify a broad field or subject area of
answers the question WHAT? interest to you.
- Aim or purpose of the problem for investigation. š Write down general areas of interest
Answers the question WHY? š At this stage, it does not matter if the terms used are
- The place or locale where the research is to be broad or specific, abstract or concrete. The important
conducted. This answers the question WHERE? point is to put ideas on papers.
- The period or time of the study during which the data š Then a list of IDEAS can be classified into interesting
are to be gathered. It answers the question WHERE? topics.
- Population or universe from whom the data are to be š Familiar topics
collected. This answers the question WHO? or FROM š Perplexing topics
WHOM? š Feasible/not feasible topics
š Then, choose the most suitable one to work in.
Sources of Problem:
 Experience
 Literature
 Social Issues
Step 2. Contemplating Ideas; then explore the Step 4 Writing the statement of the research problem
phenomena š The problem statement could be done in two forms:
š Declarative: “ the relationship between the
š The topic’s, situation’s problem’s precipitating factors. nurse’s job satisfaction and tendency to leave work”
š How it is exactly viewed or perceived by the š Interrogative: “Is there a relationship between
researcher the nurse’s job satisfaction and tendency to leave
š The personal involvement in the situation work?”
š The topic’s, situation’s problem’s precipitating factors.
š How it is exactly viewed or perceived by the The main problem
researcher š Stated in the declarative form and covers the broad
š The personal involvement in the situation problem area. It states the intent of the investigation in a
š Once a research topic has been specified and clear grammatical sequence.
contemplated, the researcher must then narrow it down
in order to develop a research problem. The Sub-problems
š This is done through generating questions from the š Are the interrelated parts of the main problem that
research topic. allow the researcher to confront the main problem into
smaller parts.
š Should not be stated in such a way that they are not
Activity No. 1 Identifying Research Problem answerable by yes or no, neither by when or where.
1. Discuss with your peers areas as the possible sources š Should include all the independent and dependent
of research problem. Write as many as your group can variables which are reflected in the conceptual
in 1 minute. framework, and they should be arranged in logical order
Ex. Education, Society š The sub-problems should contribute to finding
solutions to the main problem.
2. From the list, peruse through the topics and choose 3
which is of common interest.
Activity 3
3. In a table, give at least 3 problems/issues encountered Think of the end in mind! 😀
under each of the areas chosen. Expected Possible
answer/data method of
Specific Question
Area 1 Area 2 Area 3 to be getting the
1 1. 1. gathered answer
2. 2. 2. 1.
3. 3. 3. 2.
Activity 2 Choosing A Research Problem
From the problems/issues e
With the chosen research problem, narrow it down by Activity 4
asking questions and answering them. Write the statement of the problem and sub-problems for
your group’s research problem and rate them by
Research Problem referring to the evaluation table below.

1.What aspect/s of the problem/issue will we be Evaluation.

2.What is it that you want to find out about? 1 2 3 4 5
3.What are the precipitating factors from this particular Not Specific Specific Specific Specific
problem? Specific
4.Which is one is the independent variable? Dependent Not Not Measura Measura Measura
variable? Measura Measura ble ble ble
5.Who will be our research respondents? ble ble
Not Not Not Feasible Feasible
Feasible Feasible Feasible
Step 3 Reviewing the Related Literature Not Clear Not Clear Not Clear Not Clear Clear
š Reviewing the related literature at this stage may Not Not Not Not Logically
throw light on Logically Logically Logically Logically arranged
š Theoretical framework arranged arranged arranged arranged
š Methodology
š Data collection methods
Data collection tools.
š The problem statement should have the following
š Identify the key variables
š Express a relationship between two or more
š Specify the study population
š Imply the type of the research
š Identify the study setting

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