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just to be safe, the agent suggested, she should light

some sage. Anna assumed it was in jest. But then she was
at Target and there, in the bargain bin, as if an ancient
trickster were calling her by name, sat a big green sage
Now, Anna takes the candle out of her purse and sets it
on the counter. The first match she strikes is humid. The
second one is weak, but Anna manages to light the wick
before the match goes out. The candle flame sputters,
Ana Menéndez threatens to expire and then flares with such ferocity that
Anna takes a step back.


A nna Kralova stands outside the apartment door,

listening. This irrational impulse makes her
cringe, though she assumes no one is here to record her
A nna was 17 when the Wall fell. Two years later,
she was working for the Czech ministry of foreign
affairs. Over the years, her parents had sold off pieces of
embarrassment. Anna does not believe in ghosts. She jewelry, china, even the silverware her grandparents had
believes that when we die, we are gone forever. She believes hidden after the war, to pay for English lessons for their
everything we know of the world, we know through our only daughter. Later, those lessons paid off for the entire
senses, a sudden flaming vision through time. And yet how family. It helped that Anna was pretty. But what got her
to explain this feeling? This sense of a foreign sadness that’s into the foreign ministry was her flawless English, acquired
been lodged in her throat since the young man’s death. clandestinely from an elderly British lady whose pedagogy
She turns her key in the lock and opens the door. Not involved memorizing long passages of English poetry.
too slowly, not too quickly. As naturally as she can, she In the early years after the revolution, Prague, like the
opens the door to her old apartment. The door swings into rest of Eastern Europe, was awash in suitors: corporate,
silence. What was she expecting? Creaking hinges? A cold national, international. Anna worked 15-hour days, going
spot on the floor? Footsteps? Anna smiles to herself. For from meeting to meeting as interpreter. She had taken the
days afterward, that odious old man downstairs continued job instead of going to college. She couldn’t have hoped for
to complain about phantom footfalls. a better crash course in international business. Anna heard
There is no one here. There is nothing here. Just Anna pitches from car companies, fast-food businesses, chocolate
and her breathing. The apartment is vacant. But vacant empires, all the time wondering at this new kind of twisted
in a way that Anna has never experienced. More of a grey poetry. She understood the individual words, but couldn’t
absence. The once familiar floor, the little rooms, the make sense of them. ‘If we can leverage this synergy, the
yellow kitchen cabinets all speak now of a place hollowed impact on your market will be off the charts.’ But slowly
of life. And the faint antiseptic clinging to the air is itself a she came to understand. And, though she would never say
kind of ghost, a reminder of what happened here. this to anyone, she overcame the translation hurdles by
Anna Kralova didn’t know much about her tenant understanding that these Americans were using language
beyond a name, Yuliani Garcia. Later, she learned he had in the same way her own apparatchiks had done all her life.
arrived from Cuba the previous year. She never met him. After that it became easy: substitute one nonsense phrase in
She’d put her place up for rent at the height of the financial English for its equivalent in Czech.
crisis, after she lost her job at the paper. The idea was to go One evening, she sat in a conference room with her
back home, but at the last moment, another job opened in bosses and the representatives from USAID. Three men on
Tampa photographing corporate events, and she’d taken it their side, three men on hers. Anna had already met many
gratefully. She was glad to be out of the building, anyway. Americans, but they never failed to impress. So healthy-
The man downstairs had given her grief since the day she looking, with their straight white teeth, their short hair.
moved in. Once, she had held an afternoon baby shower Cheeks gone pink in the lingering spring cold. And, of
for a colleague and the man had called the police, who had course, the smiles. She had yet to meet an American who
showed up shame-faced at her door. didn’t smile. She was still another year away from her first
The decrepit bručoun had terrorized Yuliani as well. trip to the Midwest. But already she imagined a country
And when the agent called Anna in Tampa to give her the full of men and women like this, shiny with wealth’s good
news, the first thing she thought was that the neighbor humor.
had shot Yuliani dead. But it was just a suicide, the agent In contrast, her own people. ‘Beaten down by history,’
assured her. One of many in this town. Anna remembers as her grandmother always said, with her usual abundance
the agent said she was sorry – an English construction that of drama. And maybe she was right. What did these brand-
Anna had never been able to accept. What was there to be new Americans know of war or occupation? Did they even
sorry about? As if the bad that happened always had to be know what it was to be hungry?
someone’s fault. The meeting started with the usual preliminaries. The
Anna didn’t respond and the agent kept talking. She Americans asked after her bosses’ families, something they
told Anna not to worry, that she would handle everything. must have learned in a seminar somewhere and that always
And then before hanging up, she added, ‘It won’t affect the made Anna recoil, as if a guest had opened the refrigerator
value – the suicide – we don’t have to disclose it.’ in her home without permission. Then they wandered
Ghosts were trickier, less disposed to discretion. And down to the discussion. Her bosses understood English

16 ● N e w I n t e r n ati o n a li S T ● o ct o b er 2016
GHOSTS Fiction

Illustration: Jackie Morris

N e w I n t e r n ati o n a list ● o ct o b er 2016 ● 17

Fiction GHOSTS

very well, but they still let her handle the interpreting. That her wild heart. Not a shadow. Not a shadow. She shuts the
way they couldn’t be blamed – that much hadn’t changed. closet door. Not a shadow, Anna. She opens it again. A dark
The men were there to talk about entrepreneurship box pushed back against a corner. She taps the light switch.
and business. The conversation went back and forth. A suitcase. Anna considers the situation. The suitcase might
They were offering their expertise. The bosses were very belong to one of the workers. Perhaps, Anna thinks, one
grateful, so much work was still needed, our country so far of the workers stayed a few nights, unable to resist the
behind Western-style development. The Americans could temptation of a new home, new sheets, a different life.
cover infrastructure costs, ensure there weren’t too many Anna clings to this version as long as she can. But she
stumbles on the road to privatization. is too long accustomed to seeing things clearly. No worker
After an hour of this, Anna’s boss turned to her and would have left a suitcase here. And still Anna does not
said, in Czech: ‘Look, dearie, don’t translate what I’m move. She has shorn herself of her mother’s superstitions.
about to tell you. But can you speed this up a bit? We just But she does not want to touch the effects of the dead man.
want their money.’ She turns to leave. Someone else will remove the suitcase.
Anna closes the closet doors. She begins to walk away.
✽✽✽ She will send someone, maybe one of the same workers. If

it was his suitcase, he will be glad for the opportunity to
nna takes a few steps and stops, suddenly cold. Sharp take it home. And if it belonged to the dead man, someone
knocking comes through the floor. Then a shaky will throw it away. Anna pictures the suitcase lying in the
voice cries up through the wooden slats, ‘Knock it off!’ dumpster outside. And what of the boy’s family? Wouldn’t
Christ. That nasty man. She stomps once on the floor Anna, living far from home and all alone, wish a stranger to
in anger, then slips off her heels. After a gather the small evidence of her life? Isn’t
moment, she tiptoes to the kitchen. She that part of the respect we owe the dead?
takes the camera out of its case, pops in the
wide-angle. The investigation had taken a History seems Anna opens the closet again. The
suitcase is a solid thing, a mute invitation.
little more than a month. When it was over,
Anna arranged to have the young man’s like a big thing She stands on tiptoe and nudges it from
side to side until a corner hangs over the
possessions removed. She worked with the
agent to clean the place. And, for an extra to those outside edge. Anna grabs and yanks hard. But
the suitcase is lighter than she expects
fee, the agency refurnished the apartment.
Mostly Ikea, Anna sees now. And the it. But it’s and it flies across the room, landing
with a crash on the new laminate before
monotonous lines add to the sense of
melancholy. The agent had taken some experienced bursting open. Papers are still flying
down when violent tapping echoes
photos, but they made Anna wince. She
begins to move through the apartment in miniature: a through the room. Anna’s heart seizes.
Then the disembodied voice from below,
with her Nikon. The light is good. But
when Anna checks the view screen, every boat’s humid ‘Knock it off!’
Jesus Mary and Joseph. Anna is afraid
photo she’s taken of the kitchen is framed
by grotesque shadows. She extinguishes the hold, a creased to move. Papers litter the room. Slowly,
quietly, she begins to gather them.
silly sage candle and starts over. The small
living room, the bathroom. She leaves the passport Receipts, letters, photographs. She sorts
them in piles. Lodged into the corner
bedroom for last. They’d had to rip out of the suitcase, a brick of letters, tightly
the rug here and now Anna hesitates at the wound in rubber bands. Anna releases
threshold. The new laminate is dark and shiny, unmarred. them and the letters fall open, hundreds, all written on
The double bed is made. Anna recognizes the bedspread airmail paper. She opens them one after the other. Long
from the catalog. Also the nightstands and the dresser. letters in a tiny script. Almost all of them begin with
Over the bed hangs the apartment’s only piece of art, a Gracias por el dinero, mi hijo. Anna’s Spanish is not perfect,
map of the world. Anna has never got used to seeing North but she can read most of it, at least take away the sense. Me
America in the center. alegro mucho. Que bonita suerte. Como te estraño. All the
She takes a deep breath and steps into the room. He words that a mother would write. About happiness and
had slit his wrists. Just 21 years old and he had lain down longing and the good luck that her son was enjoying in that
one night as if to sleep, but instead he’d slit his wrists until abundant land. How pleased she was that he was making a
all the blood drained from him. A friend had found him. life for himself, however much it hurt her to be so far away.
Or a client – the police later told Anna that Yuliani had Anna sits with the suitcase for a long time, much longer
been working as a prostitute. Her immediate reaction was than she had expected, absorbed in the story she unfolds
to protest as if it were her duty to preserve the honor of page by page. She finds other letters, from friends, perhaps.
the dead, ‘He was a masseur!’ she’d cried. And the cops Birthday cards, most of them handcrafted. One card is
laughed, a laugh that in an instant burnt up the distance made from pressed paper, a bird in flight with wings that
Anna Kralova had travelled. open and close, like a fan. A pile of medical receipts. The
Anna crouches for a shot of the closet. Walk-in closets, results of an HIV test – negative. A Cuban passport, the
even small ones, are rare in buildings of this age. That will photo in black and white of an impossibly young boy.
be a nice selling point, as the agent would say. Anna is Some two dozen photographs of young people, smiling at
closing the doors again, when she notices something – a the shore, in the fields, on the great lawn of what seems a
shadow – on the top shelf. She stops. Not a shadow, she tells library or university.

18 ● N e w I n t e r n ati o n a li S T ● o ct o b er 2016
How long ago it seems that Anna climbed these refused to give in to the natural gloom.
steps for the first time. How little she knew then. Spirits And that memory loosens others. They come rushing
press down on her, and again and again she rejects them. back to Anna in her native tongue. A to je ta krásná země,
Sends them packing, back to the pre-rational past. Not a země česká, domov můj. Her skinny schoolgirl years. A boy
haunting, but an echo. The boy’s life a gesture pointing she loved. The first smell of summer. The lovely childhood
back to her own. A dream of a thousand iterations. From lived in quiet obedience. And how the end of it – the
nowhere, now, comes a fragment of Yeats, a ghostly protests, the thousands in the square – all tasted to her of
melody. love. That is what it was like to live inside great changes, to
I would spread the cloths under your feet: ache for a life viewed so long from a distance. That is what
But I, being poor, have only my dreams; it had been like for Yuliani, more brother to Anna than
I have spread my dreams under your feet; either could have known.
Tread softly because you tread on my dreams. She’s been in Miami for 17 years. Three years before
that in Chicago. Two years in Los Angeles. Half her life
✽✽✽ in a foreign country. Though it doesn’t feel like a foreign

country. The foreign country is here, Anna thinks. She
aybe her father was right, maybe she should never is the foreign country. Fourteen years photographing
have left. Now she is neither American nor Czech. strangers. How many people had she met? She’s lost track.
Now she is some in-between thing, diminished. She can’t remember all of them, though it occurs to her
‘I was in Prague after the split,’ the agent told her after that each of them may remember her, lit up against the
they signed the rental lease with Yuliani. ‘I loved it.’ blazing tragedy that delivered her to their door.
‘Yes,’ Anna said. ‘Americans love Prague.’ Who will remember Yuliani Garcia? How did he get
‘Because of Kafka, probably,’ said the agent. here? How long had he been dreaming of Miami? Anna
Anna nodded. Of course, Kafka and the Charles Bridge. knows almost nothing of his story. But she knows that he
The extent of American knowledge of Prague. How could departed at dawn so his mother would not see his tears.
Anna explain that she didn’t even read Kafka until she Knows that the sadness of leaving was mixed with an
moved to the US? Thanks to her eccentric education, she electric anticipation that no one who has never left can
knew more about Shakespeare and Auden, could recite understand. No, Anna does not believe in ghosts; we are
long passages from Yeats many years before she made the our own ghosts, dragging our mournful pasts.
acquaintance of Gregor Samsa. Anna repacks the suitcase, taking her time. She refolds
So much time gone by. Anna grasps at the blurred edges the letters and secures them with the rubber band. She
of her childhood, the past no longer the certain shelter she stacks the certificates, the birthday cards. She gathers the
imagined for herself. Is it like this for everyone, or only photographs into a pile, the strangers still laughing by the
for those who leave? The loss of her childhood language, foreign sea, sweetly mocking Anna Kralova, a woman they
the acquisition of a new one, has altered the topography don’t even know exists. After she folds the last page, Anna
of memory. Her poor, lonely mother tongue has run out closes the suitcase and sits with her head in her hands.
of stories to tell. And the present is a tyrant who speaks History seems like a big thing to those outside it. But it’s
English. I am old with wandering through hollow lands and experienced in miniature: a boat’s humid hold, a creased
hilly lands… passport, a small suitcase full of papers that you drag from
How long since her last trip home? Three years? Five. city to city. Nemoc na koni přijíždí a pěšky odchází. So much
Yes, it’s been five years since she stood at the Palacky lost between languages, forgotten in transit. So many
Bridge, tracing the Vltava’s black embroidery through the dreams in this town. Miscommunications and galloping
city, five years since she sat with her mother over a cup of misfortunes. It was her grandmother’s favorite phrase,
tea and talked for hours about her old friends: who made it, uttered in every season: misfortune arrives on horseback
who didn’t, who got out, who stayed behind. and departs on foot. Her grandmother, who had survived
When she was a girl, her parents visited her mother’s three currencies and witnessed both the crushed Spring
village in Slovakia every summer. Today the trip takes less and the fall of the Wall. Now, she is buried in a city of Zara
than five hours. But in those days, it was almost a full day’s and Starbucks, a Prague she would scarcely recognize.
journey in their old Škoda, from eight in the morning to Anna will see about the papers. Maybe she will track
five in the evening. They usually stayed for two weeks, down Yuliani’s mother. Someone must remain to collect
setting back early on the morning of departure. But one the photographs. Someone will find meaning in these
year, they didn’t leave the village until late afternoon. fragments of a life.
Night caught them on the road. And the last hours, they After a long while, Anna stands, legs shaking, and rolls
moved through the darkened countryside, the rocking and the suitcase across the unforgiving threshold as softly as
steady hum of the car lulling Anna in and out of sleep. As she can.
they approached Bratislava, a great glow came up behind
the hills. It was as if the moon had fallen to earth.
Anna’s father must have seen her pressing her face to
the glass.
‘That’s Vienna,’ he said.
‘The lights of the city,’ murmured her mother.
Vienna, city of great lights. And for the rest of Anna’s ‘Ghosts’ comes from One World Two: a second
childhood, that’s what the unreachable West was, an other- global anthology of short stories. For more details
worldly radiance set in the wilderness, a place where people see page 36.

N e w I n t e r n ati o n a list ● o ct o b er 2016 ● 19

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