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Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.

Vol. 93, pp. 2764-2769, April 1996

Environmental services of biodiversity

Green College, Oxford University, United Kingdom OX3 8SZ
Contributed by Norman Myers, September 29, 1995

ABSTRACT Humans derive many utilitarian benefits and they occur in every last segment of the biosphere. So the
from the environmental services of biotas and ecosystems. paper is perforce restricted to an illustrative selection of the
This is often advanced as a prime argument to support more significant services.
conservation of biodiversity. There is much to be said for this
viewpoint, as is documented in this paper through a summary II. Conceptual Background
assessment of several categories of environmental services,
including regulation of climate and biogeochemical cycles, Biodiversity embraces the totality of life forms, from the
hydrological functions, soil protection, crop pollination, pest planetary spectrum of species to subunits of species (races,
control, recreation and ecotourism, and a number of miscel- populations) together with ecosystems and their ecological
laneous services. It is shown that the services are indeed processes. The species component includes all plants, animals,
significant, whether in ecological or economic senses. Partic- and microorganisms, of which there are between 8 million and
ularly important is the factor of ecosystem resilience, which 30 million (conceivably 100 million) (12). The subspecies
appears to underpin many of the services. It should not be component includes populations, ofwhich there could be many
supposed, however, that environmental services stem necessarily billions (13). Spanning both these main categories are various
and exclusively from biodiversity. While biodiversity often plays subdivisions, including community diversity, food web diver-
a key role, the services can also derive from biomass and other
attributes of biotas. The paper concludes with a brief overview sity, keystone diversity, and functional diversity.
Environmental services are also known as ecosystem ser-
assessment of economic values at issue and an appraisal of the
implications for conservation planning. vices,* both terms reflecting environmental functions and
ecological processes. They can be defined as any functional
attribute of natural ecosystems that are demonstrably benefi-
I. Introduction cial to humankind (15). They comprise the main indirect values
of biodiversity, as opposed to direct values in the form of
Conservation biologists increasingly face the question, What is material goods such as timber, fish, plant-based pharmaceu-
biodiversity good for? Naive as this may seem to some, it is a ticals, and germ-plasm infusions for major crops. They include
valid question. There is no longer enough room for a complete generating and maintaining soils, converting solar energy into
stock of biodiversity on an overcrowded planet with almost six plant tissue, sustaining hydrological cycles, storing and cycling
billion humans and their multifarious activities, let alone a essential nutrients (notably in the form of nitrogen fixation),
projected doubling of human numbers and a tripling or supplying clean air and water, absorbing and detoxifying
quadrupling of salient activities. So biodiversity must stake its pollutants, decomposing wastes, pollinating crops and other
claims for living space in competition with other causes. plants, controlling pests, running biogeochemical cycles (of
Generally speaking, biodiversity must urge the merits of its such vital elements as carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and
cause through what it contributes to human welfare, preferably sulfur), controlling the gaseous mixture of the atmosphere
doing it in the way that most appeals to political leaders and (which helps to determine climate), and regulating weather
the general public, namely in economic terms. and climate at both macro and micro levels. Thus they basically
In response to the question above, conservation biologists include three forms of processing, namely of minerals, energy,
proclaim the many significant contributions of biodiversity to and water (16). In addition, biodiversity provides sites for
the human cause. There are two categories of contributions: research, recreation, tourism, and inspiration (1, 17, 18).
material goods and environmental services. The first has been The bulk of this paper will be given over to describing and
frequently and widely documented (1-4), principally in the evaluating certain of these services. But first, a couple of
form of new and improved foods, medicines and drugs, raw caveats. It is far from true that all forms of biodiversity can
materials for industry, and sources of bioenergy. The second contribute all environmental services or that similar forms of
has been far less documented even though the issue was biodiversity can perform similar tasks with similar efficiency.
identified as unusually significant almost two decades ago (5) How far do environmental services depend upon biodiversity
and even though its total value is surely far greater than that per se? Recent research suggests that they are highly resilient
of the first (1, 6-9). The main reasons for this lamentable to some loss of species and they can keep on supplying their
lacuna are that scientists find it much harder to demonstrate services even in highly modified states. A sugarcane plantation
the precise nature of the services, and it is still harder to may be more efficient at producing organic material than the
quantify them economically. Whereas the benefits of material natural vegetation it replaced, and a tree farm may be more
goods tend to accrue to individuals, often as producers or capable of fixing atmospheric carbon than a natural forest. At
consumers in the marketplace, the values of environmental the same time, many natural ecosystems with low biodiversity
services generally pertain to society, and hence they mostly
remain unmarketed (10, 11). (e.g., tropical freshwater swamps) have a high capacity to fix
This paper reviews our knowledge and understanding of the carbon.
principal services at issue. The services are extremely diverse, *The term environmental services is preferred since it embraces the
larger-scale and often more important services, such as the albedo
The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page charge stabilization supplied by the Amazonia and Zaire forests (14). These
payment. This article must therefore be hereby marked "advertisement" in forest regions are too large to conform to the category of ecosystems
accordance with 18 U.S.C. §1734 solely to indicate this fact. as conventionally understood.

Ecology: Myers Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 93 (1996) 2765

Similarly, the services supplied by one form of biodiversity and parts of the Philippines among other areas-rainfall
in one locality may not necessarily be supplied by a similar form regimes have been disrupted if not depleted in the wake of
of biodiversity in another locality. Just because a wetland on deforestation (28).
the Louisiana coast performs a particular suite of functions, it 2. Biogeochemical Cycles. The Earth's biotas are prime
cannot be assumed that a wetland on the Georgia coast will pumps in the major biogeochemical cycles (29-31). It is
perform the same functions, still less an inland wetland in debatable, however, how far this function is impaired by loss
Massachusetts or California, and still less again a montane of biodiversity in itself, rather than by loss of vegetation and
wetland in Sweden or a forest wetland in Thailand. Services other biomass (32, 33).
tend to be quite site-specific. This makes it much more difficult A notable illustration lies with the carbon cycle and, hence,
for conservation biologists to demonstrate the intrinsic value with climate change in the form of global warming. Roughly
of wetlands or any other biotopes. half of global warming is due to build-up of anthropogenic
Biodiversity plays two critical roles. (i) It provides the carbon dioxide in the global atmosphere. More carbon dioxide
biospheric medium for energy and material flows, which in is released than remains in the atmosphere, the rest being
turn provide ecosystems with their functional properties; and absorbed by the oceans and terrestrial biotas.
(ii) it supports and fosters ecosystem resilience (17, 19-24). As While vegetation can serve as a major sink of carbon
biodiversity is depleted, there is usually a shift and often dioxide, we do not know how much, nor how far, the function
(though not always) a decline in the integrity of ecosystem depends on biodiversity. Preliminary evidence shows that
processes that supply environmental services. species-rich ecosystems can often (though not always) con-
The second caveat is that we should distinguish between sume carbon dioxide at a faster rate than less diverse ecosys-
what can be called the ecologist's and the economist's mode of tems; and in turn this suggests that biodiversity decline may
calculation of values at issue. The first favors estimating promote the build-up of carbon dioxide (34). In addition, to
biodiversity's values "in themselves," i.e., the worth of a the extent that species-rich ecosystems produce more biomass,
biodiversity attribute as manifested by its role in ecosystem they consume more carbon dioxide, thereby reducing the
workings (for example, the part played by forest cover in build-up of carbon dioxide.
watershed functions). The second approach prefers to consider The value of carbon storage in tropical forests as a counter
biodiversity's contributions as economic attributes, looking at to global warming is estimated to be in the order of $1000 to
the consequences of biodiversity decline for economic activi- $3500 per hectare per year (35), depending upon the type of
ties (both production and consumption) and assessing the forest and primarily reflecting the amount of biomass in the
resultant costs such as prevention of damage, compensatory forest (rather than the amount of biodiversity in forest com-
alternatives, and substitutes (if any) (2, 11, 25). All this is a munities-though the first is to some extent a function of the
highly anthropocentric approach, and many ecologists con- second). The value of the carbon storage service supplied by
sider that it severely underestimates total values at stake. Brazilian Amazonia is estimated to be some $46 billion (36).
Both these approaches run the risk of viewing a segment of It has been further estimated that replacing the carbon storage
biodiversity-whether a species, a population, a gene reser- function of all tropical forests would cost $3.7 trillion (37). But
voir, a biotope, or a biota-in isolation from its support system. note a strong qualifier: the forests supply the service by virtue
A mammal species, a butterfly community, a wetland food of their biomass, in which biodiversity appears to play a vital
web, or a forest ecosystem cannot exist except within the though not predominant role.
myriad ecological relationships and ecosystem processes 3. Hydrological Functions. Plants play a part in hydrolog-
(moisture supply, nutrient cycling, energy flow, and the like) ical cycles in addition to those cited in Item 1, by controlling
of its environs, much if not most of which makes scant if any water runoff. Thick and sturdy vegetation permits a slower and
direct utilitarian contribution to human welfare. The only more regulated runoff, allowing water supplies to make a
worthwhile approach is to conserve the lot-a strategy to be steadier and more substantive contribution to their ecosys-
followed in fortunate circumstances such as when a keystone tems, instead of quickly running off into streams and rivers-
species serve as a flagship species too. possibly resulting in flood and drought regimes downstream.
Excessive runoff causes soil erosion in catchment zones and
III. Assessment of Select Environmental Services siltation in valleyland water courses. Siltation of reservoirs
costs the global economy some $6 billion a year in lost
Environmental services are so abundant and diverse that I hydropower and irrigation water (37).
cannot do more here than look at an illustrative selection [for In the 120-km2 Bacuit Bay with its 78-km2 drainage basin on
a comprehensive treatment from an ecological standpoint, see Palawan Island in the Philippines, logging on steep slopes has
Ehrlich and Ehrlich (1), and from an economic standpoint, see increased soil erosion 235 times above that for undisturbed
Pearce and Moran (26)]. Note that while biodiversity plays a forest, with a "silt smother" effect for the Bay's coral reef and
part in all these services, it may not always play a predominant its fisheries that reduced commercial revenues by almost half
or even a primary role, even though it almost always seems to in the mid-1980s (38). The montane forest of the Rwanda
play a significant role. In Instances 1-4 (below), the key contri- Volcanoes Park, home to one of the last populations of the
bution may be supplied by biomass or some other attribute of mountain gorilla, covers only about 1% of Rwanda but acts as
biotas and ecosystems (for further elaboration of this key ques- the sponge that absorbs and metes out about 10% of agricul-
tion, see Section V below, Biodiversity and Biomass). tural water for that severely overpopulated nation (39). At the
1. Climate. Biodiversity helps to maintain the gaseous Korup Park in Cameroon, watershed functions (flood preven-
composition of the atmosphere and thus to regulate climate. It tion, protection of fisheries, and soil conservation) have a net
also affects climate by cycling vast amounts of water. A leading present value of $85 per hectare (40). Inlevied Java, siltation of
example is provided by Amazonia, which contains two-thirds of reservoirs, irrigation systems and harbors damage costs
all above-ground freshwater on Earth. At least half ofAmazonia's worth $58 million in 1987, equivalent to 0.5% of agricultural
moisture is retained within the forest ecosystem, being constantly gross domestic product (41).
transpired bya mean
plants before being precipitated back onto the Consider too the important though little recognized services
forest, with recycling time of 5.5 days (27). performed by wetlands. These services include supply of
There are other biodiversity/rainfall connections. In several freshwater for household needs, sewage treatment, cleansing
parts of the humid tropics-the Panama Canal Zone, north- of industrial wastes, habitats for commercial and sport fisher-
western Costa Rica, southwestern Ivory Coast, montane Tan- ies, recreation sites, and storm protection (42). Their economic
zania, southwestern India, northwestern Peninsular Malaysia, values can be sizeable (43). Louisiana wetlands are estimated
2766 Ecology: Myers Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 93 (1996)
to be worth $6000-16,000 per hectare with an 8% discount rate Rica's Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve generated revenues
or $22,500-42,500 per hectare with a 3% discount rate. At the of $4.5 million, or $1250 per hectare-to be compared with
lowest value, the current annual rate of loss of these wetlands is $30-100 per hectare for land outside the reserve (54). Florida's
levying costs of about $600,000 per km2 peryear, and at the largest coral reefs are estimated to be worth $1.6 billion a year in
value, levying $4.4 million (late 1980s values). The most valuable tourism revenues (55).
wetlands service by far is storm protection (44). Marshlands near 8. Miscellaneous Services. Now for a brief selection of
Boston are valued at $72,000 per hectare per year solely on the some further services: The larvae of certain aquatic flies-
basis of their role in reducing flood damage (45). notably mayflies, stone flies, caddis flies, and true flies-can
Particularly important wetlands are to be found in estuaries. be used to identify point sources of chemical contaminants in
They feature rapid plant and algal growth that provides the water bodies, especially with respect to molybdenum, manga-
start of food chains for local fisheries, and they serve as nese, and copper (56). Other species, such as earthworms and
nurseries for the juvenile stages of many marine fish species. certain fish, birds, and mammals, serve as biological monitors
In the past 50 years, many U.S. estuaries have been severely of various kinds of widespread pollution. A number of wild
damaged by industrial pollution, dumping of untreated resi- plants, for instance the water hyacinth, act as first-rate depol-
dential sewage, and coastal development. The National Ma- luting agents in sewage lagoons. A few plant species can even
rine Fisheries Service estimates this damage has cost the register radiation, some of them more sensitively than a
nation more than $200 million per year just in the lost dosimeter (57).
productive value of commercial fish and sport fish (2). A number of tree species (beech, elm, oak, sycamore, willow,
4. Soil Protection. In similar style, vegetation and to some and elder) in cities serve to clean up pollution, notably sulfur
extent biodiversity protects soil cover. Soil erosion is a major dioxide (58). Trees also act as air coolants. A 20-m shade tree
problem in many parts of the world since it leads to (i) can mitigate 900,000 BTUs (1 BTU = 1060 J) of heat, worth
significant declines in soil fertility and, thus, in the productivity three tonnes of air conditioning a day at a cost of $20 in the
of croplands and pastures and (ii) sedimentation of rivers and United States (early 1980s value) (59).
other water bodies affecting downstream communities. Four- Certain animals, such as dogs, cats, horses, chimpanzees,
fifths of the world's agricultural soils are affected by erosion, and snakes, appear able to anticipate even slight earth tremors
and every year 75 billion tonnes (1 tonne = 1000 kg) of topsoil and, thus, to warn of impending earthquakes (60).
are washed or blown away, causing 80,000 km2 to be lost to Many species act as research models. The woodpecker, with
agriculture. In the past 200 years, the average topsoil depth in a neck built to withstand severe whiplash, has offered a
the United States has declined from 23 cm to 15 cm, costing blueprint for crash helmets. A species of chalcid wasp with
the American consumer around $300 per year through loss of unusual capacity for hovering has aided with the design of an
nutrients and water and with total costs to the United States improved helicopter. Squids, with nerve fibers 1000 times
of $44 billion. Worldwide costs of soil erosion are in the order larger in cross-section than human nerve fibers, supply neu-
of $400 billion per year or equivalent to half of what the world roscientists with crucial insights into the human nervous
spends on military activities (46). system.
5. Crop Pollination. About one-third of the human diet For a lengthy listing of such miscellaneous items, see Myers
depends on insect-pollinated vegetables, legumes, and fruits. (3).
Wild bees and honey bees pollinate $30 billion worth of 90 U.S.
crops annually, plus many natural plant species. On a bright IV. Ecosystem Resilience
sunny day in upstate New York, bees can pollinate as many as
one trillion blossoms. Honey bee numbers in the United States Many of the services listed above are closely associated with
have dropped by about 20% during the period from mid-1990 the phenomenon of ecosystem resilience. If this resilience
to mid-1994, due to the introduction of two alien parasitic declines, the services can generally be expected to decline, too.
mites. As a result, almond growers in California, with a crop This aspect is so important that, while it can be characterized
worth $800 million a year, have had to import bees from as far as a service (or rather, as a kind of super-service), it warrants
away as Florida and South Dakota. Pollination is a service for treatment on its own.
which there is no technological substitute (47). Resilience can be defined as the ability of ecosystems to
6. Pest Control. Around 35% of the world's crop produc- resist stresses and shocks, to absorb disturbance, and to recover
tion is lost to pests, of which there are at least 67,000 from disruptive change (many of these perturbations being due
recognized species. Only about 300 species have been targeted to human activity and especially economic activity) (19, 24, 61,
by biological controls, and of these 120 species have been 62). Or, to express the concept more formally, it connotes an
success stories. So there is much scope to draw on the vast stock equilibrium-theory idea to the effect that ecosystems with their
of natural controls "out there" in the form of predators and cybernetic mechanisms display homeostatic attributes that
parasites, plus host plant resistance (17, 48, 49). allow them to maintain function in the face of stress-induced
7. Ecotourism. Biodiversity plays a vital part in the fast- structural changes (15, 63). How far is ecosystem resilience
growing sector of ecotourism. Each year people taking nature- dependent on biodiversity? If there is indeed a directly caus-
related trips contribute to the national incomes of countries ative connection, this may turn out to be the number one
concerned a sum estimated to be at least $500 billion, perhaps service supplied by biodiversity insofar as all other services
twice as much (50, 51). Much of the enjoyment of these appear to depend on it to some degree (19, 64, 65).
ecotourists reflects the biodiversity they encounter. There is some evidence that biodiversity can make an
In the late 1970s, a single lion in Kenya's Amboseli Park important contribution to ecosystem resilience (66-68). At the
earned $27,000 per year in tourist revenues, while an elephant same time, there is much uncertainty about several associated
herd earned $610,000 per year (52). In 1994, whale watching factors (69): the range of species composition within which
in 65 countries and dependent territories attracted 5.4 million ecosystems and communities function (70); the part played by
viewers and generated tourism revenues of $504 million, with species richness (only one aspect of biodiversity) in ecosystem
annual rates of increase of more than 10% and almost 17%, attributes such as trophic structures and successional stages
respectively. A pod of 16 Bryde's whales at Ogata in Japan (62); the contribution of dominant species such as keystone
would, according to very conservative estimates, earn at least mutualists and critical-link species (71); the link between
$41 million from whale watchers over the next 15 years (and biodiversity and ecosystem scale (13); and the relationships
be left alive), whereas if killed (as a one-shot affair) they would among biodiversity, biomass, and ecosystem productivity (19)
generate only $4.3 million (53). In 1970, ecotourism in Costa (for more on this last point, see Part V below). Moreover, each
Ecology: Myers Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 93 (1996) 2767
of these factors may operate differently when an ecosystem is environmental service of semiabsolute value in the sense of
at equilibrium or in transition (62). All this means that the reducing severe risk but that it plays only a relatively significant
environmental services supplied by biodiversity may be quite role in supplying the many other services listed.
wide in scope, while localized in scale and particularized in In conclusion to this review of ecosystem resilience and of
effect (23, 72). biodiversity's part in it, recall that the issue is so beset with
There is much controversy about the biodiversity/resilience uncertainty of multiple sorts that we shall never be scientifi-
relationship. In certain circumstances, biodiversity can en- cally assured as to how far biodiversity limits can be pressed
hance ecosystem performance overall (19, 62). For instance, before unacceptable risks are encountered. Final knowledge
more diverse plant communities tend to reveal greater primary comes only with a post mortem. Note the warning of that
productivity under conditions of laboratory experiment (34, biodiversity doyen, Edward O. Wilson (80):
73); and the primary productivity of species-rich plant com- "If enough species are extinguished, will ecosystems
munities in grasslands is more resistant to, and recovers more
fully from, major stresses such as droughts (24, 74-76). Then collapse and will the extinction of most other species
there is uncertainty about threshold effects (except that they follow soon afterwards? The only answer anyone can
are specially significant). At what point of biodiversity decline give is: Possibly. By the time we find out, however, it
do ecosystems start to lose the self-organizing capacity and, might be too late. One planet, one experiment."
hence, the resilience that apparently enables them to provide
certain environmental services (67)? In terms of net primary V. Biodiversity and Biomass
productivity, evidence suggests that above a threshold number Much of Part IV has brought up a basic issue: environmental
of species, there is no gain in function (16).
The biodiversity contribution to resilience extends of course services often appear to depend not only or not so much on
to subunits of species. Populations differ in their genetic biodiversity as on biomass. When a patch of natural forest in
structure by virtue of their adaptation to environmental con- the humid tropics is eliminated in favor of a commercial pine
ditions and random chance. The genetic variability represented plantation or even a tea crop (dozens of plant species replaced
by geographically disparate populations helps assure the ability by one), the new vegetation can supply certain of the same
of an entire species to respond evolutionarily to environmental ecological functions, notably protection of soil cover and
change (13, 77, 78). If, for example, there is rapid climatic hydrologial systems (81). Similarly, it is not only biodiversity
change (as is likely to ensue through global warming), a species that enables plants to exploit energy from the sun. Photosyn-
with many populations is more likely to include members thesis can often be generated most productively (though
genetically adapted to the new conditions than a species with perhaps with less long-term stability) by a monoculture of, e.g.,
a single population. sugarcane. So it is important not to confuse biodiversity with
This behoves us to expand our purview of the mass extinc- biomass-or, for that matter, associated factors such as com-
tion crisis underway and to consider a crunch question. Sup- munity make-up and vegetation structure.
pose, as is entirely likely, that within the coming few decades Plants cycle moisture from the soil. A single rainforest tree
we lose 50% of all species and 90% of populations of surviving can, during a lifetime of 100 years, return at least 10 million
species. Which will entail the greatest repercussions for eco- liters of water to the atmosphere (1). But a succession of 12,000
system resilience in a world undergoing environmental up- corn stalks occupying 0.1 hectare (roughly the same area as
heaval of altogether unprecedented scope and scale? This is a taken up by a rainforest tree) for a few months each year
vital issue for conservation biologists-also political leaders, would, in the case of the United States and during the same
policy makers, the general public, and indeed anybody con- century, transfer 0.5 million liters per year and 50 million liters
cerned about the future habitability of the biosphere. in 100 years-though the corn would need massive inputs of
Herein too lies the question of species redundancy. This synthetic fertilizer and other agronomic inputs to do it (46).
postulates that many if not most species are not required for Similarly, a carbon sink can be maintained by a tract of
ordinary ecosystem functioning. As noted, ecosystem pro- rainforest or a plantation of eucalyptus trees-though a plan-
cesses often appear to be quite resilient to biodiversity decline: tation would probably provide less cycling of minerals and
they can keep on supplying environmental services after losing other soil nutrients, be more vulnerable to pest outbreaks, and
a good number of species and large numbers of populations supply next to nothing in the way of "genetic library" services.
(74). Plainly, then, there is much redundancy built into nature. The estimated 20,000 species of ants number somewhere
Britain has lost the bear, the wolf, and other top carnivores, between one trillion and 10 trillion individuals, with a biomass
plus many herbivores and perhaps detritivores, with little if any as much as all humankind; in certain localities they can make
apparent harm to its ecosystems (albeit thanks in many in- up 25% of the animal biomass, and in sectors of the Amazonia
stances to compensatory management such as sport hunting forest they constitute more than four times the biomass of all
and culling of deer). North America, Madagascar, and Aus- land vertebrates combined (82). We can still ask, however,
tralia have lost a large share of their vertebrate megafauna whether ants' multifarious activities could not be performed
within the recent past, yet there is scant evidence of profound more or less as well with an equal amount of biomass con-
or pervasive ecosystem decay (but see ref. 79). taining far fewer species.
It is incorrect, then, to say that each species has its essential
part to play in ecosystems, let alone that it is a mainstay of VI. Some Economic Dimensions
stability or resilience. It is also incorrect to say that we can lose
lots of species with impunity. A cut-off stage would (eventu- It is the aim of this paper to demonstrate the scope and scale
ally) arrive when there would be simply too few species to of environmental services and their values, rather than to
maintain basic ecosystem functions. Where is the "grey" zone engage in a comprehensive assessment of their values in
where biodiversity decline starts to approach the threshold of economic terms. Of course it helps to have some idea of how
irreversible ecosystem injury? Scientists have all too little idea, far the economic values are significant, and so the paper
and so they would do well to recall the rivet popping analogy presents a few illustrative instances of values in question.
(1). Similarly pertinent is the notion that redundancy itself may More revealing, however, is an indication-however pre-
well have a functional value for ecosystems, as a kind of liminary and exploratory-of the economic values overall
"nature's insurance"-a benefit that generally becomes oper- implicit in the environmental services supplied by some par-
ative only within extended time frames (23, 24, 68). To this ticular ecosystem or region. Note, then, that the annual value
extent, we may eventually find that biodiversity contributes an of nonmarketed environmental services provided primarily by
2768 Ecology: Myers Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 93 (1996)
wetlands, forests, and agricultural areas in the state of Georgia many more can be established in an increasingly crowded
have been estimated to be worth $2.6 billion in 1982 dollars-a world. For another thing, one-third of protected areas in the
sum to be compared with the annual value of the state's tropics (the most vital zone from the biodiversity standpoint)
marketed agricultural products, $2.8 billion, and marketed are already being encroached upon by expanding agriculture,
timber products, $4.5 billion (83). In the state of Oregon, and this trend is likely to accelerate given the burgeoning
environmental services in the form of amenity alone are numbers of land-hungry peasants. For still another and yet
estimated to be worth at least $500 per citizen per year (84). more significant thing, several of the best managed parks and
On a larger scale, consider the cost of Biosphere 2, being the reserves are being overtaken by acid rain; similarly, no pro-
man-made technosphere in the Arizona desert that (margin- tected area can ever be shielded from UV-B radiation and
ally) regulated life-support systems for eight Biospherians over global warming. Within a few decades, indeed, there may be no
2 years: about $150 million, or $9 million per person per year. more protected areas [to cite McNeely (86)]:
These same services are provided to the rest of us by natural
processes, at no cost. But if we were charged at the rate levied "either because they have been over-taken by land-
by Biosphere 2, the total bill for all Earthospherians would hungry peasants or grandscale pollution, or because we
come to $3 quintillion for the current generation alone (85). have finally found a way to manage all our landscapes
that the needs of biodiversity are taken care of auto-
VII. Conclusion matically."
First, this paper demonstrates that (i) the environmental This all means that biodiversity can ultimately be saved only
services of biodiversity are certainly significant, probably much by saving the biosphere as well. Thus the following things must
more so than the direct benefits of biodiversity in the form of be undertaken on all kinds of other good grounds: stem acid
material goods; and (ii) all too little is known about the nature, rain, push back the deserts, replant the forests, restore topsoil,
scope, and scale of these services, whether in environmental or reverse ozone-layer depletion, stabilize climate, etc. (also of
economic senses. This places a premium on research to course halt population growth, reduce overconsumption, cut
increase our understanding-a challenge made all the more back on global inequities, etc.). In this writer's view, it is far
pressing by the expansion of the human niche and all that more important to focus on ways to meet these imperatives
entails for progressively increasing pressures on biodiversity's than to engage in finer-grain assessment of environmental
habitats and life-support systems. services.
It might not be of much profit, however, to engage in more,
and more detailed, documentation of the services, even though Emphatic thanks to David Duthie and Stuart Pimm for their
no more than a start on gathering data and other forms of unusually helpful comments on an early draft of this paper. This article
information has been made. The critical track ahead lies not so has been written with funding through the Pew Fellows Programme.
much with knowledge as with understanding. A far greater
analysis of basic key questions is needed, such as: how does 1. Ehrlich, P. R. & Ehrlich, A. H. (1992) Ambio 21, 219-226.
biodiversity generate environmental services; how much biodi- 2. McNeely, J. A. (1988) Economics and Biological Conservation:
versity is needed to do the job; and how far does the relation- Developing and Using Economic Incentives to Conserve Biological
ship depend on local circumstances, especially site conditions Resources (Int. Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural
(which may change over time)? On top of these questions and Resources, Gland, Switzerland).
others already recognized, there are surely other vital ques- 3. Myers, N. (1983) A Wealth of Wild Species (Westview, Boulder,
tions that have not even been identified and defined. CO).
4. Oldfield, M. L. (1989) The Value of Conserving Genetic Resources
Herein lies the biggest challenge of all, to determine a
comprehensive answer to the point posed at the start of this (Sinauer, Sunderland, MA).
5. Westman, W. E. (1977) Science 197, 960-964.
article, What is biodiversity good for? At present rates of 6. Bishop, R. C. (1987) in Valuing Wildlife: Economic and Social
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