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Drug name Classification Dosage Mechanism of action Indication Contraindication Adverse effect Nursing

Clopidogrel Belongs to the Clopidogrel 75 Clopidogrel selectively Prophylaxis of Active Haematoma, -Ensure that
class of platelet mg Tablet Oral inhibits adenosine thromboembolic pathological epistaxis, patients are
aggregation OD diphosphate (ADP) disorders bleeding diarrhoea, aware of the
inhibitors from binding to its Acute coronary (e.g. peptic ulcer dyspepsia, importance of
platelet P2Y12 receptor syndromeST- or intracranial abdominal pain, informing health
and subsequent elevation MI haemorrhage) bruising, bleeding care
activation of at puncture site. professionals,
glycoprotein GPIIb/IIIa Rarely, Stevens- including doctors
complex thus reducing Johnson and dentists, that
platelet aggregation. syndrome, they are taking
erythema clopidogrel
Pharmacokinetics: multiforme, serum before starting
Absorption: Rapidly but sickness, any other
incompletely absorbed interstitial treatment.
from the GI tract pneumonitis,
(approx 50%). lichen planus,
Time to peak plasma myalgia. - Advise patients
concentration: Approx Potentially that excessive
30-60 min. Fatal: Intracranial intake of alcohol
Distribution: Plasma bleeding, GI and should be
protein binding: 98% retroperitoneal avoided with this
(parent drug); 94% haemorrhage, medication.
(carboxylic acid blood dyscrasias,
derivative). thrombotic
Metabolism: Undergoes thrombocytopenic - Ensure that
extensive hepatic purpura. patients know
metabolism via they should
esterase-mediated report any signs
hydrolysis to inactive of increased
carboxylic acid
derivative and by
CYP450-mediated bleeding and
(primarily CYP2C19 bruising.
isoenzyme) oxidation to
active thiol metabolite.
Excretion: Via urine -discourage use
(approx 50%); of NSAID,
faeces(approx 46%) including PTC
both as metabolites preparation,
and unchanged drug. during the
therapy because
of potential for
Drug name Classification Dosage Mechanism of action Indication Contraindication Adverse effect Nursing
Digoxin digitalis Digoxin .25mg Digoxin is a cardiac Heart failure; Digitalis toxicity, Extra beats, - Monitor apical
glycosides tab OD glycoside which has Supraventricular ventricular anorexia, nausea pulse for 1 full min
positive inotropic arrhythmias tachycardia/fibrillat and vomiting. before
activity characterized ion, obstructive Diarrhoea in
by an increase in the cardiomyopathy. elderly, confusion,
force of myocardial Arrhythmias due to dizziness, Withhold dose and
contraction. It also accessory drowsiness, notify health care
reduces the pathways (e.g. restlessness, professional if pulse
conductivity of the Wolff-Parkinson- nervousness, rate is <60 bpm in
heart through the White syndrome). agitation and an adult, <70 bpm
atrioventricular (AV) amnesia, visual in a child, or <90
node. Digoxin also disturbances,
bpm in an infant.
exerts direct action on gynaecomastia,
vascular smooth local irritation Also notify health
muscle and indirect (IM/SC inj), rapid care professional
effects mediated IV admin may lead promptly of any
primarily by the to vasocostriction significant changes
autonomic nervous and transient in rate, rhythm, or
system and an hypertension. quality of pulse.
increase in vagal Potentially -Monitor BP
activity. Fatal: Cardiac
periodically in
arrhythmias in
Pharmacokinetics: combination with patients receiving
Absorption: Absorption heart block. IV digoxin.
from the GI tract is -Monitor ECG
variable. throughout IV
Distribution: Widely administration and
distributed in tissues, 6 hr after each
including the heart, dose. Notify health
brain, erythrocytes,
care professional if
and skeletal muscle.
20-30% bound to bradycardia or new
plasma proteins. arrhythmias occur.
-Observe IV site for
redness or
extravasation can
lead to tissue
-Monitor intake and
output ratios and
daily weights.
Assess for
peripheral edema,
and auscultate
lungs for
throughout therapy.
-Observe for signs
and symptoms of
toxicity. In adults
and older
children, the first
signs of toxicity
usually include
abdominal pain,
anorexia, nausea,
vomiting, visual
bradycardia, and
other arrhythmias.
-If signs of toxicity
occur and are not
discontinuation of
-Treatment of life-
arrhythmias may
administration of
digoxin immune
Fab (Digibind),
which binds to the
digitalis glycoside
molecule in the
blood and is
excreted by the
Drug name Classification Dosage Mechanism of Indication Contraindication Adverse effect Nursing
action Responsibility
Atorvastatin antihyperlipide Atorvasta Atorvastatin Mixed dyslipidaemia, Active liver Headache, - Assess for the
mic tin 40mg competitively inhibits Heterozygous familial disease or flatulence, mentioned
tablet OD HMG-CoA reductase, hypercholesterolaemia, unexplained constipation, contraindications
the enzyme that Nonfamilialhypercholesterola persistent dyspepsia, to this drug (e.g.
catalyses the emia elevations of nausea, hypersensitivity,
conversion of HMG- serum diarrhoea, acute liver disease,
CoA to mevalonate. transaminases. vomiting, pregnancy etc.) to
This results in the Concomitant use anorexia. Pain in prevent potential
induction of the LDL w/ ciclosporin, extremity, adverse effects.
receptors and gemfibrozil, musculoskeletal -Conduct thorough
stimulation of LDL telaprevir, and physical
catabolism, leading to tipranavir. pharyngolaryngea assessment before
lowered LDL- Pregnancy and l; myopathy, beginning drug
cholesterol levels. lactation. muscle spasms, therapy to establish
myalgia, baseline status,
arthralgia, determine effectivity
nasopharyngitis, of therapy, and
insomnia, UTI. evaluate potential
Increased serum adverse effects.
aminotransferase, -Obtain baseline
glycosylated status for
haemoglobin and weight while noting
fasting serum recent
glucose levels. manifestations that
Potentially increases or
Fatal: Severe decreases to
rhabdomyolysis determine patient’s
w/ acute renal fluid status.
failure. Hepatitis, -Assess closely
pancreatitis. patient’s heart rate
Rarely, Stevens- and blood
Johnson pressure to identify
syndrome, cardiovascular
anaphylaxis, toxic changes that may
epidermal warrant change in
necrolysis. drug dose.
-Assess bowel
patterns to
determine possibility
of developing
constipation and
resultant fecal
-Notify prescriber
immediately and
expect to withhold
atorvastatin therapy
if patient develops
an acute condition
suggestive of a
(Unexplained muscle
pain, tenderness or
weakness, especially
if accompanied by
elevated CPK level,
fever or malaise).

Drug name Classification Dosage Mechanism of action Indication Contraindication Adverse effect Nursing Responsibility
Citicoline Nootropics Citicolin The extensive damage Parkinson's disease; Pregnant or Citicoline has a very -Citicoline may be taken
&Neurotonics/ e 1gm caused by stroke Cerebrovascular breast-feeding. low toxicity profile. with or without food. Take it
Neurotrophics IV Q12 requires repair and disorders; Head Clinically, doses of with or between meals.
regeneration of axons injury 2000 mg per day -The supplement should
and synapses of have been observed not be taken in the late
neurons, so new and approved. Minor afternoon or at night
membrane production transient adverse because it can cause
is essential. The effects are rare and difficulty sleeping.
primary mechanism by most commonly -Women who are pregnant
which citicoline is include stomach or trying to become
believed to have a pain and diarrhea. pregnant should consult
therapeutic effect in with their doctor before
stroke is its ability to taking the supplements.
increase the synthesis Not enough is known about
of phosphatidylcholine, the use of Citicoline during
the primary neuronal pregnancy and breast-
membrane component. feeding. Stay on the safe
It also enhances side and avoid use.
acetylcholine synthesis -Special attention should
and might thus be paid for administration in
ameliorate symptoms the neonate, premature
caused by the stroke- and children.
induced loss of -Contact the physician
cholinergic neurons. immediately
if allergic reaction such as
Stimulating the hives, rash, or itching,
synthesis of SAMe, swelling in your face or
which aids in hands, mouth or throat,
membrane stabilization chest tightness or trouble
and reduces levels breathing are experienced.
of arachidonic acid. -Citicoline therapy should
This is especially be started within 24 hours
important after of a stroke. The physician
an ischemia, will prescribe the correct
when arachidonic dosage and the length of
acid levels are time it should be taken for a
elevated. medical condition.
Drug name Classification Dosage Mechanism of Indication Contraindication Adverse effect Nursing
action Responsibility
Penicillin Anti-inffective Penicillin Interferes with Severe Concentrations CNS:Lethargy, Before
Antibiotic 500mg tab bacterial cell wall infections - Allergies to hallucinations, - Assess for
OD synthesis during caused by penicillins, seizures hypersensitivity
active sensitive cephalosporins, or GI:Glossitis, to drug.
multiplication, organisms other stomatitis, gastritis, - Assess for any
causing cell wall (streptococci) allergens sore mouth, furry
death and - URTI caused Precaution tongue, black
resultant by - Renal disorders to
³hairy´ tongue,
bactericidal sensitive - Pregnancy the drug.
nausea, vomiting,
activity streptococci - Lactation - Educate about
diarrhea, abdominal
against - Treatment of Drug interaction side effects of
pain, bloody
susceptible syphilis, bejel, Drug to drug drug.
bacteria. congenital - Decreased After
syphilis, effectiveness
pseudomembranous - Monitor client
pinta, yaws with tetracyclines for at least 30
colitis, nonspecific
- Prophylaxis - Inactivation of minutes.
of parenteral - Arrange for
rheumatic fever aminoglycosides regular follow-
(amikacin, up,
gentamicin,kanamycin, including blood
thrombocytopenia, tests, to
leukopenia, evaluate
Drug to food
- none reported neutropenia, effects.
prolonged bleeding - Instruct to
itme report difficulty
Rash, fever,
rashes, severe
anaphylaxis pain at
Local:Pain, injection site,
mouth sores,
phlebitis, bleeding or
thrombosis bruising.
- Instruct to take
medication as

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