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net Exercise

1) Use string, integer and date variables to create an ASPX file to display your name,
age and date of birth.
2) Perform operations Add, Subtract, division and multiplication (Take Two Textbox,
Four Button and one Label for output.)
3) Perform operations Add, Subtract, division and multiplication (Take Two Textbox,
Four Button and one Label for output.) Using Command Event.
4) Take One Dropdown List, ListBox and add five List items Using Wizard.
5) Take One Dropdown List, ListBox and add five List items In Page Load Event.
6) Bind a Dropdown list to an array containing five colors, then create a submit button
that displays a line of text in the selected color when clicked.
7) Take RadioButtonList, CheckBoxList and Add Five items using Wizard and Page
Load Event. Print Checked or Selected Items of Both in single Label.
8) Create an array containing your 5 favorite singers. Then concatenate the elements of your
array into one string, and after the opening sentence "My 5 favorite singers are:", display
them in a clear way using the <asp:label> control.
9) Write an ASP.NET page that returns the Windows name of your computer and the URL of
the page that you are visiting.
10) Write a function that generates a random integer between two integers passed as
parameters. Build an ASP.NET page which allows you to enter the lower and upper limits,
and generates a set of random numbers in that range.
11) Create a very basic virtual telephone using an ASPX file that displays a textbox and a
button named "Call". Configure your ASPX file so that when you type a telephone number
into your textbox and press "Call", you are:
i) Presented with a message confirming the number you are calling
 II) presented with another button called "Disconnect" that, when pressed, returns
you to your opening page leaving you ready to type another number

12) Create an ASP.NET page that contains textboxes in which a user can enter his name,
address and telephone number. Using cookies, display this information on a separate
ASP.NET page.
13) Create an ASP.NET page that contains textboxes in which a user can enter his name,
address and telephone number. Using Session, display this information on a separate
ASP.NET page.
14) Create an ASP.NET page that contains textboxes in which a user can enter his name,
address and telephone number. Using Application variable, display this information on a
separate ASP.NET page.
15) Create an ASP.NET page that contains textboxes in which a user can enter his name,
address and telephone number. Using QueryString display this information on a separate
ASP.NET page.

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