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Measuring the Effectiveness of Computer Lab Simulations in the Science Classroom

Laura A. Miller

Bowling Green State University

Author Note

Laura A. Miller is a Masters student in the Department of Teaching and Learning at

Bowling Green State University. She is completing this paper as part of her Master’s research


Correspondence concerning this proposal should be addressed to Laura A. Miller,

Department of Teaching and Learning at Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH

43430. Email:


Measuring the Effectiveness of Computer Lab Simulations in the Science Classroom

Introduction to the Problem


The students of today were born into a fast-paced digital age and are accustomed to being

able to access information at the click of a button. If teachers do not embrace how technology

has changed how students learn, he or she will no longer be as effective as the peers that

welcome it. The use of computer simulations in science classrooms are best used to enhance

traditional science education and improve learning outcomes (Rutten, van Joolingen, & van der

Veen, 2012). It is important for research to examine if there is an increase of student

comprehension of science topics by using computer simulated labs in the classroom compared to

traditional education methodologies. If computer simulated labs are found to be beneficial to

students, then how they are implemented into the science curriculum must also be studied. It is

assumed that, if found effective, computer lab simulations will be used in future eighth grade

science classes.

Purpose of Study

The purpose of the study is to determine whether or not the use of computer lab

simulations in the eighth-grade science curriculum increases student understanding of scientific

concepts. Furthermore, implementation of computer lab simulations, independently completed

by students compared to students using the teacher’s screencast, will also suggest best practices

for future science classes. This study also examined student attitude towards the use of

screencasts versus completing the simulation activities independently.

This study is significant because the use of technology can be a powerful tool that can

transform how educators approach science education. Teachers who have embraced technology

have constructivist classrooms that provide multiple paths for students to show proficiency and

provide challenges to a student’s previous beliefs (Keengwe & Onchwari, 2009). Research also

suggests that the art and human aspect of teaching is most important, and technology is only a

tool and does not function correctly if it is not used properly (Keengwe & Onchwari, 2009).

Therefore, this study is significant for the school district to evaluate not only the use of computer

lab simulations in the classroom, but how teachers are implementing it into their lessons.

Lab simulations can be used in the classroom in a variety of ways. If the simulation is

the only factor that increases student learning, then the use of teacher-directed screencasts that

walk through the simulations are unnecessary. However, if students use screencasts to guide

them through the simulations show higher gains on assessments, then the influence of student-

teacher interaction cannot be discounted. In order to harness the full potential of lab simulations,

teachers should be trained and familiar with the product. This could carry an additional expense

that school districts would need to consider. It is important for decision makers to weigh not

only the costs of software/subscriptions and professional development, but whether

implementation strategies significantly impact student learning.

Research Questions and Hypotheses

The first research question this study addressed was: Does the use of Explore Learning

computer lab simulations in the science classroom significantly impact pretest/posttest

assessment scores of eighth-grade students of Napoleon Junior High School during the second

semester of the 2017-2018 school year? The independent variables were the use of an Explore

Learning computer lab simulation with and without teacher screencasts. These variables were

categorical. The dependent variable was the comparison of pretest and posttest assessment

scores, which were continuous. The second research question was: Does the use of teacher-

created screencasts when completing an Explore Learning lab simulation affect student

satisfaction levels? The independent variable was the teacher-created screencast, which was

categorical. The dependent variable was student satisfaction, which was qualitative.

My first hypothesis was that eighth-grade students at Napoleon Junior High that use the

Explore Learning lab simulation will have a significant effect on growth scores on a curriculum-

based assessment about a science topic than students who only receive traditional instruction

during the second semester of the 2017-2018 school year. My second hypothesis was using a

teacher-created screencast of the Explore Learning simulation will have a significant impact on

assessment scores compared to those who do not use the teacher-created screencast.

The constitutive definition of a simulation is “the imitation of the operation of a real-

world process or system over time” (Vitale, 2015). The operational definition of a simulation is a

computer-based, interactive virtual science simulation provided by Explore Learning. Explore

Learning is a subscription-based educational technology company that provides models and

simulations of scientific concepts that promotes inquiry-based learning. The constitutive

definition of screencast is “a digital video recording that captures actions taking place on a

computer display” (O’Donnell, Struve, & Keeling, 2017). The operational definition of

screencast is the recording created to accompany the Explore Learning simulation that students

used for guidance to complete the simulation independently. The constitutive definition of

curriculum-based assessment is “repeated measures from the student's curriculum to evaluate the

effectiveness of instruction and instructional changes to lead to more effective teaching methods

and improved student achievement” (Rogers, n.d.). The operational definition of a curriculum-

based assessment is a teacher-created assessment that covers the following topics: potential

energy, kinetic energy, increasing and decreasing energy. The test, which will serve as both the

pretest and posttest, was administered on laptop computers via Google Forms and includes 20

multiple choice questions. The constitutive definition of student satisfaction is “confident

acceptance of something as satisfactory, dependable, true, etc.” (Satisfcation, n.d.). The

operational definition of student satisfaction is indicating that the Explore Learning simulation

was helpful and increased confidence.

Literature Review


The impact that technology has had on day-to-day educational practices has grown

exponentially over the past decade. Many schools are requiring teachers to use technology in

order to prepare students for 21 st century careers. In order for teachers to use any given

technology effectively, opportunities for training must be provided. While all areas of academia

utilize technology, science instruction has been influenced by the use of computer simulations.

When properly utilized, teachers can expect an increase in student motivation and academic


Overview of Technology in Delivering Instruction

Teachers who have embraced technology have constructivist classrooms that provide

multiple paths for students to show proficiency and provide challenges to a student’s previous

beliefs (Keengwe & Onchwari, 2009). Simply providing the technology will not result in higher

student achievement. Research has shown that in order for technology to successfully innovate

educational practices, teachers must be properly trained with the skills and knowledge needed to

implement them (Bell & Trundle, 2008; Rutten et al., 2012; Zhang & Quintana, 2012). Teachers

must intentionally plan and differentiate instruction (Lamb, 2008). For instance, Bell and

Trundle (2008) states that instructional pedagogy is more important than simply providing

computer simulation software, and it is the teacher’s responsibility to demonstrate how the

students will use the online lab simulations to gain knowledge.

Teachers are encouraged to connect curriculum to real-world experiences. Authentic

learning promotes scientific inquiry in the classroom. Using real-time data is one way students

can mimic how scientists collect and analyze data. Ucar and Trundle (2011) investigated the

effects of inquiry-based instruction using archived online data in their empirical qualitative

research. Ucar and Trundle found that 72% gained conceptual understanding regarding ocean

tides when using real-world data. Research has also found that using technology in the

classroom creates new challenges for teachers. Zhang and Quintana (2012) and Wendt and

Rockinson-Szapkiw (2014) argue that teachers have difficulty monitoring student activity and

providing individual support in online learning environments. Their research has important

implications regarding the use of the Internet for online inquiry and scaffolding tools. In their

empirical qualitative study, Zhang and Quintana used Digital IdeaKeeper, a software tool they

designed to address the challenges that students face during online inquiry. Such challenges

include distraction, superficial engagement with the content, poor self-regulation and effective

search skills. Students who used IdeaKeeper monitored their progress and better understood their

research questions. In their research, students who used Google and paper notebooks had

fragmented activity, spent little time making sense of the content, and were often engaged in off-

task behavior.

The importance of student collaboration to gain understanding of academic concepts is

gaining ground. For many middle school students, collaboration can lead to more socializing

and off-task behaviors. Teachers should be aware of what works and what doesn’t when it comes

to integrating technology and the online classroom environment. Wendt and Rockinson-

Szapkiw (2014) conducted an empirical, quantitative investigation using a pre- and posttest

experimental design that examined the effects of online collaborative learning on middle school

students’ science literacy. Wendt and Rockinson-Szapkiw concluded that lack of immediate and

correct feedback contributed to furthering misconceptions, whereas students in the face-to-face

group could be corrected quickly. Also, verbal and nonverbal social cues could increase

retention of knowledge.

The results of these studies support Vygotsky’s social development theory, which states

that people learn through social experiences. The findings also support that face-to-face

collaboration in a learning environment are more effective than online discussion boards.

However, personal learning styles vary and the online format could be more beneficial. For

example, a student that is afraid to volunteer answers in the physical classroom might show

leadership qualities online. Wendt and Rockinson-Szapkiw (2014) suggest that teachers take

into consideration the differences between implementing science collaborative activities online

versus face-to-face. Activities that do not need immediate feedback for success would fare better

than those that do. A teacher also must make his or her presence known and monitor learning as

it progresses in order to correct misconceptions. When teachers were provided quality

professional development that addressed how to effectively use technology, including classroom

management strategies, an increase in conceptual knowledge and student motivation was

expected (Zhang & Quintana, 2012).

Overview of Lab Simulations in Delivering Science Instruction

Rutten, van Joolingen, and van der Veen (2012) conducted a qualitative study about how

the use of computer simulations are best used to enhance traditional education and improve

learning outcomes. Rutten et al. concluded that current research publications indicate that

computer simulations used as enhancements, or as a replacement of traditional instructional

methods, report positive results. Research also supports the notion that an increase in student

motivation and attitude towards learning and posttest scores occurs when compared to groups not

participating in the computer simulation groups (Bell & Trundle, 2008; Rutten et al., 2012). Bell

and Trundle (2008) also conducted a study that compared three instructional interventions given

by teachers who had received proper training in the planetarium software, Starry Night™. Their

study aimed to assess the impact of computer simulations when learning about the lunar cycle.

The results of the investigation yielded that every group was equally able to use their moon

phase data to achieve the desired conceptual change.

Zhang (2014) investigated the use of the PhET website, which is one of the most well-

known and a free source of online science simulations. The website was created by the

University of Colorado at Boulder by the Physics Education Technology project (PhET), and

their goal is to improve science education through the use of interactive simulations. Zhang

researched the profiles of Internet users who use science simulation websites, such as PhET, and

states that her study is the first to use Internet search trend data and Web analytics tools to assess

the use of online science resources and how it relates to socioeconomic status and academic

achievement. Zhang concluded that the digital divide is reinforced and that high performing

elementary and middle school students are more likely to use science simulations to further their

understanding of academic content.

Outcomes of Using Technology in Delivering Science Instruction

Rutten et al. (2012) found that computer simulations were more efficient ways of learning

and increased time on-task. Students that are able to use observational data only from a

computer simulation has important implications for classroom practices (Bell & Trundle, 2008).

In Bell and Trundle’s (2008) study, the computer simulation software reduced the instructional

time needed to achieve success from nine weeks to four. Computer simulations were also helpful

when used as pre-laboratory activities. Students were better prepared to participate and

comprehend their real-life scientific data compared to groups who did not use a computer

simulation beforehand. The research also reported that there is a large learning effect when

computer simulations are used for visualizing invisible or unobservable scientific phenomenon

(Bell & Trundle, 2008; Rutten et al., 2012). Rutten et al. (2012) showed that effects of well-

designed simulation-based science instruction could be potentially high. The way the information

from the simulation is presented and used, what additional information is added by the instructor,

and presentation timing are considerations when using computer simulations for instructional


Lamb (2014) conducted a study that sought to identify the student profile where the use

of online lab simulation software increases success. Lamb argues that the results of the study

indicate that online lab simulations are powerful tools and generate positive gains in a student

population that often experiences marginal success in the traditional academic environment.

Online lab simulations allow students multiple opportunities to interact and control their learning

environment which positively influenced the high allostatic load student profile. These computer

simulations created a low-risk and soft-failure learning environment that allowed students to

practice and experience mastery. However, when using technology, teachers must also provide

continuous student support in order to reap the gains of technology (Wendt & Rockinson-

Szapkiw, 2014).


The modern classroom is equipped with a variety of technology. Lab simulations provide

visualizations of scientific phenomena invisible to the naked eye, such as molecular motion.

These virtual experiments provide a safe learning environment were variables can be

manipulated without fear of physical harm or reprimands after multiple failures. While

traditional lab experiments have hands-on appeal, there is a growing body of research that

supports the idea that computer simulations can improve content understanding and student

engagement (Bell & Trundle, 2008; Rutten et al., 2012; Ucar & Trundle, 2011).

The research reviewed supports the use of computer lab simulations in the science

classroom (Bell & Trundle, 2008; Rutten et al., 2012; Ucar & Trundle 2011). In all cases, the

use of simulations increased conceptual knowledge. The research also highlights the importance

of teacher preparation in regards to understanding how to use simulations effectively (Zhang &

Quintana, 2012). Schools cannot just purchase the technology, but must provide quality

professional development in order to maximize student success. Not only do teachers need

support, but the research showed that teachers must provide support and scaffolding in order for

students to gain conceptual knowledge. Like teachers, students can’t be given a software and

expect to know how to use it effectively. With proper scaffolding, students can create goals and

self-monitor their learning as they progress. When students are properly prepared, stress is

reduced and motivation should increase.

Literacy in science is important for students to excel. Computer simulations are powerful

tools, but students must be able to read about and articulate content knowledge. Therefore, one

should not expect that lab simulations alone will transform science education. Students need to

learn how to conduct research in efficient and effective ways, and the knowledge gained need to

be applied when using lab simulations. Teachers should provide tools that help students

organize their work so that more time and effort can be spent on the task at hand (Wendt &

Rockinson-Szapkiw, 2014; Zhang & Quintana, 2012).

Master’s Project

During the 2017-2018 school year, a subscription to Explore Learning science

simulations was purchased for my eighth-grade classroom’s use at Napoleon Junior High School.

After several months of guiding students as a class, I gradually made the simulations

independent work. Some students excelled while others struggled. Throughout my coursework

at Bowling Green State University, I developed the idea to create screencasts guiding students

through the simulations. The intention was to have these as a supplemental for absent students

or for students that needed extra help.

The Ohio Educational Learning Standards cover three branches of science: Earth,

Physical and Life. For my Master’s project, I chose a total of 15 simulations from Explore

Learning’s library of science simulations. The screencasts include myself discussing the

background, vocabulary, and warm-up activity in detail. For the activities that follow, I read the

instructions and questions and expect the student to complete them on his or her own. The figure

below shows the titles of the Gizmo simulations used in the project.

Explore Learning Science Simulations

Earth Physical Life
Plate Tectonics Measuring Motion Cell Division
Building Pangaea Force and Fan Carts Inheritance
Earthquakes 1 – Recording Weight and Mass Rainfall and Bird Beaks
River Erosion Magnetism Natural Selection
Reading Topographic Maps Charge Launcher Mouse Genetics (One Trait)
Figure 1. Master’s project simulation titles

The research and coursework completed throughout my Master’s program indicated that

the use of technology in the classroom improves academic performance and student satisfaction.

Research has shown that technology alone does not yield results. Therefore, the screencasts are

meant to enhance the science simulations by providing a more personalized experience for the

students. In addition, students who struggle with reading and comprehension benefit from this

accommodation since all instructions are read and the video can be watched repeatedly as




The design for this study was practical action research because the goal was to improve

educational practices within the eighth-grade science classroom at Napoleon Junior High School

in Napoleon, Ohio. The research examined whether students who received instruction with lab

simulations, with and without screencasts, had statistically different pretest and posttest scores on

curriculum-based assessments over energy compared to students who did not receive the lab

simulations intervention. Data gathered from this weak experimental, pretest-posttest design

cannot be generalized to the population. Additionally, students who used the Explore Learning

simulation were asked to complete a survey regarding their experience in order to examine

satisfaction levels. The researcher carried out the intervention, collected data, and analyzed the

data in order to determine the effectiveness of using computer simulations and screencasts.

Based on the results, the researcher will in turn develop an action plan for future instructional



Napoleon Junior High School is a rural junior/senior high school that serves students in

grades 7-12. The school was given a performance index grade of “C” on the 2016-2017 Ohio

Department of Education report card. The average class size in the junior high (grades 7-8) is

approximately 140 students, and 180 students in the senior high (grades 9-12). The eighth-grade

students during the 2016-2017 school year did not meet the state passage rate of 80% on the

mathematics (38.8%), English language arts (43.0%), or science (78.4%) Ohio achievement

tests. The current data for the graduation rate of students who successfully finished high school

with a diploma in 4-5 years is 92.8%. The student population of the junior/senior high school in

2016-2017 is mostly white/non-Hispanic (85.6%), followed by Hispanic (1.6%), black/non-

Hispanic (1.1%), and Asian or Pacific Islander (0.7%). Approximately 15% of the student

population were identified as students with disabilities, while 37.4% were identified as students

at an economic disadvantage in 2016-2017. The school has been identified by the U.S.

Department of Education as a low-income school for the 2017-2018 school year.

A purposive sample of 148 eighth-grade students, ages 13-14 years-old, participated in

this study. The sample is mostly white/non-Hispanic (83%) and female (56%). Fourteen percent

of the sample have individualized educational plans (IEPs). The sample utilized the

predetermined, six-period class rosters to establish three groups. Period one included 28

students, period two had 22 students, period three had 25 students, period four had 24 students,

period five had 21 students, and period six had 28 students. Period five was identified as a co-

taught class and all students are on an IEP in addition to a special education teacher that assisted

the group.


To measure the independent variable, student attendance records and the teacher’s lesson

plans indicated the dates the groups received interventions. Anecdotal records of teacher

observations were also reviewed for patterns in student behavior during each class period. To

measure the dependent variable, a researcher-created, curriculum-based pretest and posttest


assessment over the topic of potential and kinetic energy was utilized to measure student gains

(See Appendix A). Both pretest and posttests took approximately 20 minutes to complete. All

classes were given the tests on the same day. The tests were administered using Google Forms,

and were automatically scored upon submission. The curriculum-based assessment had 20

multiple choice questions that covered the following topics: potential energy, kinetic energy,

increasing and decreasing energy. Sample questions include: An object's potential energy will

increase with ____. This type of energy is caused by motion. You have two objects with

different masses about to fall from the same height. Which one will have the greatest potential


To analyze student satisfaction level, a four question, multiple choice Google Form,

survey was administered to the two groups that completed the Explore Learning science

simulation (See Appendix B). The survey asked questions such as: Did you find the Gizmo

helpful? Do you feel you better understood the concepts because of the Gizmo? Were you

confident in your answers?


The participants in the study had been using the science simulation service since the

beginning of the 2017-2018 school year, so there was no need to brief stakeholders. The six

classes of eighth-grade students were divided into three groups as follows: two classes received

screencasts to use while independently completing the simulation, two classes completed the

simulation independently without screencasts, and two classes received traditional instruction

(business as usual) without the simulation. All students took the pretest at the beginning of the

class period on the same day using their school-issued laptops. The test was administered by the

researcher using the online Google Forms platform. Students were not shown the correct

answers, what questions they missed, or their score to lessen the threat of internal validity. The

lesson plans indicated that it would take two class periods (approximately 90 minutes) to

complete the lab simulation intervention. Only the researcher had access to the scores of the

participants via an Excel document stored on Google Drive. During this time, students in the

traditional instruction groups received reinforcement activities in lieu of the lab simulation.

Groups that used the Explore Learning simulation completed the satisfaction survey upon

finishing. Following completion of the energy unit, all groups took a posttest, which was the

same as the pretest, except the questions and answer choices were randomized. The posttest was

administered on the same day at the beginning of the class period by the researcher using Google

Forms. Once again, students use their school-issued laptops and were not made aware of the

correct answers, questions missed, or their scores. Any student who was absent for the pretest or

posttest was removed from the results. The pretest and posttest data was analyzed by the

researcher by comparing the differences in scores. Groups that showed higher gains will support

the intervention used, and the method would be considered for implementation in future science

lessons in the eighth-grade curriculum.


The average of pretest and posttest scores of the curriculum-based assessment for each

group were compared. All groups reported positive average gains of +4 to +5 points. Results in

this section are presented by research question.

Group Number of students Average Pretest Score Average Posttest Score

No Simulation 48 11/20 16/20
Simulation Only 50 11/20 16/20
Simulation + Screencast 39 10/20 14/20
Figure 2. Comparison of pretest and posttest score by categorical variable

RQ1: Does the use of Explore Learning computer lab simulations in the science classroom

significantly impact pretest/posttest assessment scores of eighth-grade students of Napoleon

Junior High school during the second semester of the 2017-2018 school year?

Students in all groups showed positive gains when comparing pretest and posttest scores.

The data was analyzed using a t test for independent samples with a significance level of .05 for

each group. The results indicated that the use of Explore Learning computer lab simulations in

the science classroom did have a significant impact on pretest/posttest scores; t(94) = -9.377, p=

<0.001, two-tailed: t(98) = -8.242, p= <0.001, two-tailed: t(76) = -5.304, p= <0.001, two-tailed.

Group T-Stat Degree of Freedom P-value

No Simulation -9.376511 94 <0.001
Simulation Only -8.2423576 98 <0.001
Simulation + Screencast -5.3042207 76 <0.001
Figure 3. Statistical significance of pretest and posttest scores

The second hypothesis of this research question examined whether or not the teacher-

created screencast of the Explore Learning simulation had a significant effect on student

assessment scores compared to those who did not use the teacher-created screencasts. The data

from the posttests were analyzed using a t test for independent the categorical variable, and was

tested at the significance level of .05. The results in Figure 3 indicate that screencasts for lab

simulations did significantly impact eighth grade student scores when compared to students who

completed the lab simulation without the screencast at Napoleon Junior High School;

t(87)=3.212, p=0.0018, two-tailed.

Sample Difference Standard Error Degree of Freedom T-Stat P-value

1.9394872 0. 60376488 87 3.2123219 0.0018
Figure 4. Statistical significance of posttest scores

RQ2: Does the use of teacher-created screencasts when completing an Explore Learning

lab simulation affect student satisfaction levels?


Upon completion of the simulation experience, students in these groups were asked to

complete a short survey asking their opinion about the usefulness of the simulations. The

questions were meant to be direct and provided multiple choice answers. The reasoning behind

this design is to address student fatigue, which is likely to occur after a vigorous academic


All class periods who used the simulation reported that the simulation was helpful and

increased their understanding of concepts. The class periods who did not use the teacher-created

screencast reported that they would not use a screencast to complete the simulation if it were

offered in the future. This is a very different response from the class periods who did use the

teacher-created screencast. Eighty-two percent of these students indicated that they would prefer

using the screencasts if offered compared to the 29% of students who indicated they would use a

screencast from the group who completed the simulation without the screencast.

Figure 5. Survey responses from groups that did not use the teacher-created screencast

Figure 6. Survey responses from groups that used the teacher-created screencast

Analyzing both the quantitative and qualitative data gave the researcher a better insight of

the results of the study. When examining the pretest/posttest scores, all groups showed similar

positive gains (range +4 to +5). Even though the statistical tests indicated significance, one

could also argue that every strategy used in the study increased student knowledge. What is

most compelling are the qualitative survey results compiled with observations made by the

teacher during implementation of the simulations (See Appendix C). Not only did the students

report high levels of satisfaction while using the simulation, the teacher noted higher levels of

student engagement and the students asked more questions compared to the classes who did not

use the screencast. The teacher noted that the students who completed the simulation without the

screencast finished the assignment faster and quickly became off-task, whereas the classes that

used the screencast took more time and did not have the extra time to engage in off-task



Teachers use a variety of strategies to reach the diverse set of students in his/her

classroom, and technology is becoming an increasingly popular method due to its everyday

presence in society. It is no surprise that education has adopted technology in the classroom, as

its main goal is to prepare students for life beyond the classroom. Previous research has

supported the use of technology as a successful teaching tool. This study found that the effective

use of technology in the science classroom can yield positive academic results and increase

student satisfaction levels in the 8th grade students of Napoleon Junior High School.

More than ever, administrators are pushing for the use of student data to determine how a

teacher instructs their students. Administrators have seen the importance of the presence of

technology and have invested in devices for students. There are many technology-based services

that are free or low-cost that a teacher can use. Because Explore Learning simulations are an

online service that comes at a considerable cost, the results of this study can be used to request

that the service be continued in the future.

While all groups in the study showed similar results in their pretest/posttest scores

regardless of using the simulation or screencast, it is important to take into account student

satisfaction levels. Students who used screencasts reported that they would use them in the

future. Screencast use did not have drastically higher posttest scores, but students were more

engaged and satisfied with their experience.

Screencasts have the potential to dramatically impact special education students. In the

study, one class period was comprised of all special education students. This class was included

in the group that used the screencast to guide their simulation experience. Historically, their

assessment scores throughout the school year were much lower compared to the regular

education classes. Including these students in the study could have also skewed the posttest

results of this group. However, the screencasts met every student’s individualized education plan

by giving each student the ability to work at their own pace, rewind to repeat information, and

have information be presented orally and visually. Further studies could compare only a

population of special education students and the impact of screencast guidance.


The first limitation for this study is that it is an action research design, therefore results

cannot be generalized to a wider population. Secondly, data-collector bias is a threat to validity

because the researcher is the data collector. There was a subject characteristic threat to the study

due to the fact that one class period was made up of all special education students, whereas other

class periods did not have students on IEPs. One stipulation in all of the students’ IEPs is that all

testing must be read aloud by the teacher. Other classes did not have the option of having the

test read aloud. A mortality threat was also a limitation due to fact that students were absent

over the course of the study, which reduced the number of participants in the groups.


Bell, R. L., & Trundle, K. C. (2008). The use of a computer simulation to promote scientific

conceptions of moon phases. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 45(3), 346-372.


O’Donnell, C., Struve, L., & Keeling, R. (2017). Enhancing instruction. Retrieved


Keengwe, J., & Onchwari, G. (2009). Technology and Early Childhood Education: A

Technology Integration Professional Development Model for Practicing Teachers. Early

Childhood Education Journal, 37(3), 209-218. doi:10.1007/s10643-009-0341-0

Lamb, R. (2014). Examination of allostasis and online laboratory simulations in a middle school

science classroom. Computers in Human Behavior, 39, 224-234.


O’Donnell, C., Struve, S., & Keeling, R. (n.d.) Screencasting. Retrieved from

Rogers, D. C. (n.d.). Curriculum based assessment/measurement. Retrieved from

Rutten, N., Joolingen, v., Wouter R, & Veen, van der, Jan T. (2012). The learning effects of

computer simulations in science education. Computers & Education, 58(1), 136-153.


Satisfaction. (n.d.) In Dictionary online. Retrieved from


Ucar, S., & Trundle, K. C. (2011). Conducting guided inquiry in science classes using authentic,

archived, web-based data. Computers & Education, 57(2), 1571-1582.


Vitale, D. (2015). Simulation. Retrieved from

Wendt, J. L., & Rockinson‐Szapkiw, A. (2014). The effect of online collaboration on middle

school student science misconceptions as an aspect of science literacy. Journal of

Research in Science Teaching, 51(9), 1103-1118. doi:10.1002/tea.21169

Zhang, M., & Quintana, C. (2012). Scaffolding strategies for supporting middle school students’

online inquiry processes. Computers & Education, 58(1), 181-196.


Zhang, M. (2014). Who are interested in online science simulations? tracking a trend of digital

divide in internet use. Computers & Education, 76, 205-214.


Appendix A
Google Form: Potential and Kinetic Energy Pre-Test/Posttest Questions

Appendix B
Google Form: Gizmo Student Surveys

Appendix C
Researcher/Teacher Anecdotal Records

Control Group Observations

• Students are completing assignment on their own with minimal off task behaviors
• All finish assignment before end of period with only a few finishing very early
• Students seem engaged and motivated to finish work

Gizmo Only Observations

• Students understand what is expected and begin working right away
• Very few questions are asked throughout the classes
• No technical issues
• Several students seem to rush through the simulation so they can be finished
• More off task behavior compared to control and screencast groups

Gizmo + Screencast Observations

• Several students have issues viewing video on their laptop which delayed starting
• Some students could access the video on their phones
• Special education class asked the most questions about what they were working on
• Many special education students commented that they liked using the tutorial
• Students seemed more engaged and the pace of work was much slower compared to the
Gizmo only group

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