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Lecture 4.

RLC Circuit Analysis

• Introduction

• RC Circuit Analysis

• RL Circuit Analysis

• RLC Circuit Analysis

• Parallel & Series RLC Circuits

RLC Circuit Analysis

• Introduction

• RC Circuit Analysis

• RL Circuit Analysis

• RLC Circuit Analysis

• Parallel & Series RLC Circuits

Time-Dependent Circuits


Related Concepts

• First-Order Circuits (RC & RL Circuits):

Describing equation is a 1st-order differential equation

• Second-Order Circuits (RLC Circuits):

Describing equation is a 2nd-order differential equation

• Natural Response:
For t ≥ 0, no independent source to supply energy

• Step Response:
For t ≥ 0, an independent source to supply energy
“OHM's Law” for Capacitor
“OHM's Law” for Inductor
RLC Circuit Analysis

• Introduction

• RC Circuit Analysis

• RL Circuit Analysis

• RLC Circuit Analysis

• Parallel & Series RLC Circuits

1st-Order Circuit (RC)
1st-Order Circuit (RL)
Time Constant (τ)

Attenuation = e - t /τ

• Resistor-capacitor (RC) circuits: τ= R*C, (s=Ω*F)

• Resistor-inductor (RL) circuits: τ= L/R, (s=H/Ω)
1st-Order Circuit Response Equations
• General Response Equation:

• For RC Circuits:

• For RL Circuits:

where IV, V0, and I0 are the initial values,

and FV, Vf, and If are the final values.
RC Circuit Analysis
Initial & Final Values:
V0 = 0 V
Vf = 15 V

Time Constant:
τ= RC
τ= 10KΩ*100μF
τ= 1 second

Voltage Response:
vC(t) = Vf+(V0-Vf)e-t/τ
vC(t) = 15 - 15e-t (V)
vC(7.25s) = 14.989 V
RL Circuit Analysis
Initial & Final Values:
I0 = 0 A, If = 15 A
Time Constant:
τ= L/R
τ= 1 H / 1 Ω = 1 s
Current Response:
iL(t) = If+(I0-If)e-t/τ
iL(t) = 15 - 15e-t (A)
iL(3.5s) = 14.547 A
Voltage Response:
vL(t) = 15 – R*iL(t)
vL(t) = 15e-t (V)
Complex RL Circuit Analysis

Initial & Final Values:

I0 = 5 A, If = 7.5 A

Time Constant:
τ= L/R
τ= 1 H / 2 Ω = 0.5 s

Current Response:
iL(t) = If+(I0-If)e-t/τ
iL(t) = 7.5 – 2.5e-2t (A)
Complex RC Circuit Analysis 1
Complex RC Circuit Analysis 2
Summary of 1st-Order Circuits
1. For t < 0, Determine Initial Values:
• RC Circuits: Capacitor  Open Circuit  V0
• RL Circuits: Inductor  Short Circuit  I0
2. For t ≥ 0, Determine Final Values:
• Natural Response: Vf = 0 for RC, If = 0 for RL
• Step Response: Capacitor  Open Circuit  Vf
Inductor  Short Circuit  If
3. Calculate Time Constant:
• RC Circuits: τ= RThevenin*C
• RL Circuits: τ= L/RThevenin
4. 1st-Order Circuit Response Equations:
• RC Circuits:
• RL Circuits:
RLC Circuit Analysis

• Introduction

• RC Circuit Analysis

• RL Circuit Analysis

• RLC Circuit Analysis

• Parallel & Series RLC Circuits

2nd-Order Circuit (RLC)
Neper & Resonant Frequencies
• Neper Frequency (α)
Series-Connected RLC Circuits

Parallel-Connected RLC Circuits

• Resonant Frequency (ω0)

Both Series & Parallel RLC Circuits
2nd-Order Circuit Response Equations
• If α2 > ω02, response type is overdamped:

• If α2 < ω02, response type is underdamped:

• If α2 = ω02, response type is critically damped:

where Xf is the final value of voltage or current,

A1, A2, B1, B2, D1, D2 are unknown coefficients.
Determine Final Value & Two Unknowns

• Final Value (Xf)

▪ Natural Response: Xf = 0
▪ Step Response: Xf ≠ 0
Capacitor  Open Circuit  Vf
Inductor  Short Circuit  If

• Two Unknown Coefficients

At t = 0, evaluate
▪ initial value of the response (I0 or V0)
▪ initial value of the 1st derivative of response
Then solve two equations.
Different Types of Damping
RLC Circuit Analysis

• Introduction

• RC Circuit Analysis

• RL Circuit Analysis

• RLC Circuit Analysis

• Parallel & Series RLC Circuits

Parallel RLC Circuit
Parallel RLC Circuit Analysis 1
1. t < 0: Initial Values: I0 = 0 A, V0 = 2 V
2. t ≥ 0: Final Values: If = 0 A, Vf = 0 V (Natural Response)
3. Calculate α & ω0:

4. α2 > ω02  Overdamped  Calculate s1 & s2

5. Write Response Equation:

Parallel RLC Circuit Analysis 2
6. Initial value of the response:

7. Initial value of the 1st derivative of the response:

8. Solve A1 & A2: A1 = - 0.667; A2 = 2.667.

9. Final Result:
Plot of Voltage Response vR(t)
RLC Circuit
Series RLC Circuit
Series RLC Circuit Analysis 1
1. t < 0: Initial Values: I0 = 0 A, V0 = 0 V
2. t ≥ 0: Final Values: If = 0 A, Vf = 10 V (Step Response)
3. Calculate α & ω0:

4. α2 = ω02 Critically damped  No additional

5. Write Response Equation:
Series RLC Circuit Analysis 2
6. Initial value of the response:

7. Initial value of the 1st derivative of the response:

8. Solve D1 & D2: D1 = - 25,000; D2 = -10.

9. Voltage Response Equation:

10.Final Result for iL(t):

Plot of Voltage Response vC(t)
Plot of Current Response iL(t)
Summary of 2nd-Order Circuits
1. For t < 0, Determine Initial Values:
• Capacitor  Open Circuit  Initial Voltage V0
• Inductor  Short Circuit  Initial Current I0
2. For t ≥ 0, Determine Final Values:
• Natural Response: Capacitor: Vf = 0, Inductor: If = 0
• Step Response: Capacitor  Open Circuit  Vf
Inductor  Short Circuit 
3. Calculate neper & resonant frequencies (α & ω0).
4. Compare α2 and ω02, and determine response type.
5. Solve two unknown coefficients (if necessary) using
initial values of the original and 1st derivative of the
circuit response (I0 or V0).
6 Pl g sol ed coefficients in the response eq ation

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