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The Liberty Construction didn’t adopt the concept of social

system in which there employee Alvarez and Federico didn’t work
together to make a complete work or task. The company lack of
building relationship that connect employee that helps ultimately
contribute to a larger institution. As what we observed in the case,
alvarez felt disappointed because of degrading his privileges as a
regular employee. If the company adopts the social system concept, it
attempts to unify employee by providing standard and correct
procedure in the design task and seniority of the employee. In fact,
they have team play attitudes. Social system can be difficult to
understand depending on the context in which they are being applied.
In the broadest sense, you can think of social systems as a way of
breaking down a larger group, such as an entire society, and
categorizing them to understand how their interactions combine to
create a functional whole. Building employee’s ability and
relationship that matters most.


This principle tells about equal treatment or characterized by

absence of change. There are two types of equilibrium that we can
apply on the case; static equilibrium, position of rest characterized
by absence of change. In other case, all employees were speaking on
same language, which mean no seniority no special treatment with same
privileges. The second was dynamic equilibrium, disturbed by changing
the conditions but remain in equilibrium. Alvarez felt disrespect by
Federico because he was already a regular employee at that time and
he thought that his privilege will be taken instead of having it but
only given to temporary employee.

PSYCHOLOGICAL CONTRACT (role, status and status symbols)

The employer failed to give formal written contract for his

employee alvarez which defines the detailed practicality of the work
to be done, the scope and level of responsibilities as an employed
backhoe operator on the said company. If alvarez signed the said
contract, meaning he fully understand it. Relationship may be
hypothesized to evolve between Alvarez and Federico.


Organizational Development is a field of research, theory, and
practice dedicated to expanding the knowledge and effectiveness of
people to accomplish more successful organizational change and
performance. It is a process of continuous diagnosis, action
planning, implementation and evaluation, with the goal of
transferring knowledge and skills to organizations to improve their
capacity for solving problems and managing future change.

Organizational Development emerged out of human relations

studies from the where psychologists realized that organizational
structures and processes influence worker behavior and motivation.
More recently, work on Organizational Development has expanded to
focus on aligning organizations with their rapidly changing and
complex environments through organizational learning, knowledge
management and transformation of organizational norms and values.
There are key concepts of organizational theory that we need to be
considered. Say for instance, mood or unique "personality" of an
organization or company. Attitudes and beliefs about organizational
practices create organizational climate and influence members'
collective behavior. Climate features and characteristics may be
associated with employee satisfaction, stress, service quality and
outcomes and successful implementation of new programs. Climate
features and characteristics include: Leadership, openness of
communication, participative management, role clarity, and conflict
resolution, leader support and leader control. We would question
whether most organizational participants, particularly in programs
involving some version of sensitivity trainings, are adequately
informed about the nature or consequences of these activities. In
Liberty Construction Company’s case in which one employee had been
through on organizational development, employer must first conduct
informative seminar regarding organizational development at least
those who had attend the seminar would have been in a position to
anticipate what they were getting into. Our observation, many
employees have only the vaguest notion of what organizational
development means at the time they agree to or are persuaded to
participate, even after some discussion. Thus, the organizational
development principle in one way or another solicits an act of faith
in his own skills or the good intentions of management, engages in an
exercise of power (“the boss wants you to join in this, just like
what happen to Federico appointed by the employer”), or practices a
kind of seduction, telling the employee enough to draw him in but not
enough to frighten him away. It must be needed by the company to have
a proper informed consent. The guidelines or before the employee will
be employed, he must read and clearly understand specially
organizational development progressed. It is also the right of the
employee to be well educated of the company policy and
responsibilities. The formal agreement made by company must also
specified that anytime the contract/responsibilities of every
employee provisionary or regular employee is subject to change prior
without any notice or in other term “owner’s discretion”.

There are no easy solutions to the problem of informed consent,

either here or in other areas of applied science. Nevertheless,
offered by tentative guidelines. Say for instance, serious attention
should be devoted to a more accurate “labeling” of organizational
development services, including both its ingredients and the possibly
harmful effects of particular interventions. In the case of Federico
and Alvarez, there employer missed out to inform his employees
regarding their level of responsibilities. No proper procedure in
which the cause of misunderstanding that leads to conflict. Secondly,
both informed consent and voluntary participation are more likely
when targets of change have had a voice in the decision about whether
organizational development should be undertaken. While it may be
difficult to say “no” to a session ultimately proposed by the boss,
the early expression can give the employee greater confidence in
holding back. Lastly, advance and direct participation is less
important or more difficult to achieve. In other words, they can be
market tested for employee response. Once the organizational
development takes place, reaction are on balance, neutral or
negative, in that case the management could decide not to extend the
process or even eliminate or disregard it. Whether or not an employee
is adequately informed thru organizational development consent about
the nature and the effects of organizational development, he can be
coerced into participating. In the case of Liberty Construction
Company, participant Alvarez was not really able to make a free
choice about whether or not to follow the employer decision to make
Federico a second backhoe operator. Even the employer wanted to
appoint Federico to be the second backhoe operator, but it was
admitted that there was coercion in the situation. Coercion means of
forcing another party to act an involuntary manner by use of
intimidation or threats or some other form of pressure or force. It
involves a set of various types of forceful actions that violate the
free will of an individual to induce a desired response. That case
happens to Alvarez because of the absence of organizational
development consent. Alvarez refused to follow the decision of the
employer. Conflicts arise resulting of separation of two parties,
one in favor of Alvarez and the other in favor of Federico. In
result, Alvarez decided to resign even if he is a regular employee in
the said company.

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