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Taylor Brashears, Kellie Jones, Ashley Haugen, Kristianna Deblasio, Dina Spahic, Malek Saleh
University of South Florida
College of Nursing
CLABSI Statistics
◦ 41,000 CLABSI cases each year1
◦ Most costly HAI
◦ About $46,000 per case2
◦ Lengthens hospital stay by 10.4 days on average3
◦ Hospitals are not reimbursed for care provided to a patient who contracts an HAI3
◦ Vast majority of cases are preventable through proper aseptic techniques,
surveillance, and management strategies4
◦ Pathogenesis
◦ Gram positive organisms4
◦ 34.1% Coagulase-negative staphylococci, 16% Enterococci, 9.9% Staphylococcus aureus
◦ Gram negative organisms4
◦ 5.8% Klebsiella, 3.9% Enterobacter, 3.1% Psuedomonas
Proposed Change
◦ A decrease in CLABSI cases result in a decrease of forfeited money,
due to non-reimbursement, medications, supplies, surveillance,
laboratory work, and any other necessary interventions used to
treat a CLABSI patient
◦ As a result, it is proposed that specific guidelines be set forth and
followed during the insertion period and post-insertion period in
order to significantly reduce the risks and occurrences of CLABSI
Plan – Do – Study – Act
◦ Objective: Reduce the CLABSI rate
◦ Prediction: CLABSI rates will be reduced by 43%5
◦ Insertion Bundle:5
◦ Guidelines explaining interventions to be performed during the time period before insertion
leading up to the actual insertion of the central line
◦ Maintenance Bundle:5
◦ Guidelines explaining interventions to be performed after the central line has been inserted
Plan – Do – Study – Act
◦ Insertion Bundle5
◦ Wash hands before the procedure
◦ For all children aged more than 2 months, use chlorhexidine gluconate to scrub the insertion
site for 30 seconds for all areas except the groin, which should be scrubbed for 2 minutes.
Scrubbing should be followed by 30 to 60 seconds of air drying.
◦ No iodine skin prep or ointment is used at the insertion site.
◦ Prepackage or fill the insertion cart, tray, or box, including full sterile barriers.
◦ Create an insertion checklist, which empowers staff to stop a non-emergent
◦ procedure if it does not follow sterile insertion practices.
◦ Use only polyurethane or Teflon catheters
◦ Conduct insertion training for all care providers, including slides and video.
Plan – Do – Study – Act
◦ Maintenance Bundle5
◦ Assess daily whether catheter is needed.
◦ Catheter-site care
◦ No iodine ointment.
◦ Use a chlorhexidine gluconate scrub to sites for dressing changes(30-second scrub, 30-second air-dry).
◦ Change gauze dressings every 2 days unless they are soiled, dampened, or loosened.
◦ Change clear dressings every 7 days unless they are soiled, dampened, or loosened
◦ Use a prepackaged dressing-change kit or supply area.
◦ Catheter hub, cap, and tubing care
◦ Replace administration sets, including add-on devices, no more frequently than every 72 hours unless they are
soiled or suspected to be infected.
◦ Replace tubing that is used to administer blood, blood products, or lipids within 24 hours of initiating infusion.
◦ Change caps no more often than72hour s(or according to manufacturer recommendations); however, caps
should be replaced when the administration set is changed.
◦ Use the prepackaged cap-change kit, or supply area elements to be designated by the local institution.
Plan – Do – Study – Act
◦ Evaluate:
◦ Determine the number of CLABSIs that occur at the prospective hospital unit for the
implementation of the change
◦ Determine the healthcare provider’s beliefs and attitudes towards CLABSIs and the effect the
proposed change will have
◦ Educate:
◦ Teach the doctors who perform the insertion of central lines the Insertion Bundle5
◦ Evaluate understanding and willingness to comply
◦ Teach the nurses and healthcare providers who perform care of central lines the Maintenance
◦ Evaluate understanding and willingness to comply
Plan – Do – Study – Act
◦ Engagement:
◦ Develop a Leadership Team to:6
◦ Work with staff to overcome barriers
◦ Interface with frontline staff during multidisciplinary rounds, staff meetings, or educational programs
◦ Ensure that there is a culture of safety at the unit and organizational level
◦ Implement Culture of Safety6
◦ Collaboration among staff at all levels of the organization in seeking solutions to patient safety issues
◦ Recognition of the high-risk nature of an organization’s activities and the desire to maintain consistently
safe operations
◦ Blame-free environment that encourages staff to report errors or close calls
◦ Implementation of Insertion Bundle and Maintenance Bundle5
◦ Data collection, feedback, and documentation of CLABSI rates6
◦ Insertion of Central Line Checklist
◦ Daily Central Line Maintenance Checklist7
Plan – Do – Study – Act
◦ During and 3 months following implementation of the Insertion Bundle and the
Maintenance Bundle:
◦ Determine the number of CBLASIs that occur
◦ Compare with the rate before implementation
◦ Compare with the predicted reduction rate
◦ Analyze the Insertion of Central Line Checklist
◦ Determine whether or not the Insertion Bundle was completed thoroughly
◦ Analyze the Daily Central Line Maintenance Checklists
◦ Determine whether or not the Maintenance Bundle was completed thoroughly daily
◦ Analyze the cost benefits, if any, associated with implementing the bundles
◦ Based upon the results, alterations in the bundles may be made to achieve optimal success in
prevention CLABSI rates
Plan – Do – Study – Act ✔
◦ Implementation of the Insertion and Maintenance Bundle throughout the hospital
◦ Education, training, and competency assessment resources for health care personnel on
Insertion Bundle and Maintenance Bundle6
◦ Insertion of Central Line Checklist and Daily Central Line Maintenance Checklists made
readily available to all those involved with the insertion and care of central lines
◦ Necessary supplies and equipment, conveniently located or packaged in supply carts
or kits6
1. Ullman, A., Marsh, N., Mihala, G., Cooke, M., & Rickard, C. (2015). Complications of
central venous access devices: A systematic review. American Academy of Pediatrics.,
136(5). Retrieved from
2. Zimlichman, E., Henderson, D., Tamir, O., et al. (2013). Health care–associated
infections: A meta-analysis of costs and financial impact on the US health care
system. JAMA Intern Med.,173(22):2039–2046. doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2013.9763
3. Becker’s Hospital Review. (2015). How HAIS lead to direct, indirect, and unintended
hospital costs. Retrieved from
4. Haddadin Y., & Regunath H. (2018). Central line associated blood stream infections
(CLABSI). Retrieved from
References (continued)
5. The Joint Commission. (2013). CVC maintenance bundles. Retrieved from
6. The Joint Commission. (2013). Overview of factors affecting the success of
improvement initiatives. Retrieved from
7. The Joint Commission. (2013). Daily central line maintenance checklist. Retrieved from

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