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• Individual Stunts
• Dual Stunts
• Group Stunts
What is a Stunt?
Stunts are activities in the forms
of play that test one’s self on
flexibility, agility, balance,
coordination, strength and
Stunts can also be activities that
serve as conditioning exercises
and can also be introductions to
some gymnastic skills and
tumbling skills.
Types of Stunts

• Individual Stunts
- these are stunts performed by only one
• Dual Stunts
- these are stunts performed by two.
• Group Stunts
- these are stunts performed by three or
more persons.
Individual Stunts
1. Turk Stand
- In cross sitting position; arms in front
of the body clasping the elbow, stand
without breaking the hand clasp and
the leg cross. Do this several times.

2. Rocking Chair
- In tuck sitting position,
roll on back until
the buttocks are up. Return
to tuck sitting position.
Do this several times.
3. Prone Rocking
- Grasp the ankles in rear with the
hands, arch back, head up. Rock
forward and backward.

4. Ankle Hold Walk

- Hold the ankle with hands,
legs relatively
straight. Walk
5. Coffee Grinder
- Form a side arm support,
walk on feet to go around a
circle. Do this right and left.

6. Egg Roll or Tuck Roll Sideward

- From a tuck lying position,
roll sideward without
breaking the tuck position.
7. Log Roll
- From a supine lying
position, hands clasped
overhead, roll sideward
right or left with the body,
arms and legs relatively straight.

8. Human Ball
- From a frog sitting position,
the feet so that the arms are
between the knees. In tuck
position, roll on the right side
continue on the back to the left
side and come up to your original
9. Jump to Full Turn (Jumping Jack)
- From a half-knee bend, jump in air then at the same
time turn in air as the body is suspended. End facing the
same direction.
10. Dog Walk
- In a four-base support, buttocks
up, walk alternately right, left with
the hands and feet.

11. Lame Dog Walk

- Place hands in front on the floor, buttocks up and
one leg extended in air. Move both hands forward, then
hop supporting foot close to the hands. Repeat the
movement several times.
12. Frog Kick
- From a squat position, hands on the floor in front of
the knees, push with the feet so that the buttocks are
lifted in rear. The weight of the body should be on the
13. Frog Jump
- From a squat position, hands on the floor, jump
forward as far as you can; end in the squat position.
14. Inch Worm
- From a front arm support, walk on feet toward the
hands with the knee straight – 8 cts. Then walk with
the hands forward – 8 cts. to front arm support.
15. Crab Walk
- From a bridge stand position, walk on hands and feet
alternately towards the head.
Dual Stunts
• Chinese Get-up/Kip Up
1 Lie flat on your back.
2. Pull your legs up to your chest
3. Put your hands flat on the ground, next to your ears.
4. Roll back so that all of your weight is on your shoulders.
5. Kick your legs up directly into the air.
6. Push hard with your hands as soon as you feel your
momentum shifting upwards. Then land in a squat.
• Wheelbarrow
1. Lie flat facing the floor.
2. Let your partner hold the lower part of your legs
from in between.
3. Then let him/her lift up your legs.
• Double Feet Walk
1. Partner should have the same weight and height.
2. Face each other with arms closed.
3. Step one foot on top of your partner’s foot.
4. Partner walks one foot forward and the other
5. Walk maintaining original position.
• Get Up Back-to-Back
1. Partner should have the same height.
2. Sit down back-to-back.
3. Hook each other’s arm then be in a long sitting
4. Stand up carefully with the same position.
• Knee Stand
1. Partner stands in stride position,
about shoulder width apart, with knees
slightly bent. He squats down and places
his head between the legs of the other partner.
2. Partner places his hands on other partner’s
shoulders, while the other partner rises up so
that partner is sitting on his shoulders.
3. Partner places his feet on the other
partner’s thighs. Meanwhile, the other
partner leans backward for balance, removing
his head from between the partner’s legs and
grasps the upper thighs of the partner who
raises his arms sideward for balance.
Maintain the position.
• Knee and Shoulder Stand
1. The base performer lies on his back, knees bent, feet flat on the floor,

and arms up ready to support the shoulder of the top performer.

2. Top performer stands on the floor, in front of the knees of the base
performer. He places his hands on his partner’s knees, leans
forward so his shoulders are supported by the hands
of the base performer.
3. As soon as the top performer’s shoulders are held in a
fixed position, he begins to raise his legs until they are in a
vertical position.
4. Top performer should keep his arms straight and his head up so he can

look directly into the base performer’s eyes.

• Handstand
1. Let your partner stand in front of you at first to catch your legs
and hold you straight.
2. Stand straight up and lift your hands above your head.
3. Kick one leg in front of you and take a large step forward with
that leg as far as it feels comfortable to you.
4. Lean forward while keeping your body straight and keep straight.
5. When you feel most of your weight on your hands, attempt to
keep the force of your weight around the base of your fingers.
Group Stunts
• Needle (For Flyers)
1. Pull your scorpion
2. Extend your scorpion until yours arms are straight.
3. Take your left hand then bring it a few inches down on your
4. Take your right hand and repeat the process of bringing
your hand down a few inches.
5. Continue to repeat the process of bringing your hands down
until your leg is completely straight.
• Scorpion (For Flyers)
1. Stand up straight then grab the outer side of your back
foot with the hand from that same side.
2. Start pushing up with your back foot.
3. Turn the elbow of the pulling hand outwards as your foot
moves higher then push your leg higher.
4. Grab your back leg with your other hand and aim it higher.
5. Keep practicing and stretch when you’re finished.
Scorpion Needle
• Heel Stretch (For Flyers)
1. Stand with your feet together and legs straight.
2. Put your other arm in a "High-V“
3. Always keep your body straight and base leg straight and
• Bow and Arrow (For Flyers)
1. Keep the leg you're not going up on straight
2. Lift your other leg up to a heel stretch then keep your leg
to the side.
3. Bring your other hand and point your other arm.
Heel Stretch Bow and Arrow
• Arabesque (For Flyers)
1.Stretch your back and your front splits beforehand. You
can do Sphinx stretch for your back and front splits for your
hip flexors to loosen up your muscles.
2. Practice the arabesque on the ground and have someone
spot you. Have them place their right hand on your stomach and
their left under your leg, then pull up into position. This will give
you the feeling of where your placement needs to be.
3.When your pull your arabesque, you should feel a pinch in
your back. If not then you are not pulling it high enough.
4.Make sure your leg is Straight and lifted parallel to the
ground. It makes a visual difference.
5.If your arabesque is falling forward, it probably is due to
your hip being too low. Lift up on it as you lift your leg and it will
place you into position.
6.Place your weight on inside of your standing foot . Chest
and chin up.
7. Make sure your T motion is slightly in front of you so you
can balance, see your motion, and it’s visually appealing. If your T
is directly out to the side or behind, it will look awkward like
your arms are actually behind you. Toe pointed .
• Full Elevator or Full Extensions
The two bases will stand facing each other, there hands
cupped for the flyer's foot. The flyer will place her hands on
the bases shoulders, standing up-right so that she can fully push
off their shoulders into their hands. The back-spot will stand
behind the flyer with her hands on the flyer's hips/waist area.
The flyer will prep, tucking her knees to her chest, keeping her
back straight, and place her feet in the base's hands. The bases
will then push with their legs and straighten their arms above
their heads, locking out their elbows. The flyer will "ride" their
push into the position, and then hit her motion. The back-spot
has to follow the flyer's legs up as high as she can, grabbing the
flyer's ankles, or the base's wrists.
• Liberties
One legged stunts are preformed differently than two
legged. The flyer stands with one leg up, prepped to be
grabbed. The main base will grab the heel and toe of that
foot. The secondary base grabs the middle of the flyer's
foot, and underneath the hand that has the flyer's toe-for a
little extra push. The back-spot will squat below the flyer,
placing one hand on her rear, and one on her ankle. The bases
need to remember to push through their legs and not from
their backs. On a pre-determined count everyone will dip, the
bases pushing through their legs and straightening their
arms. The flyer will hit her desired motion with her free
flying foot, and the spot will push up through the flyer's
bottom and hold on to her ankle to keep it steady. The bases
lock out their elbows and stand "kissably close". All other one
legged stunts are preformed in this fashion.
• Suicide
-They are performed mostly the same way that you would a
heel stretch, lib or scorpion. The flyer must have excellent
balance to perform the stunt which is to jump and rotate in the
air. They are illegal in high school levels, and can only be
preformed by colleges.
• Pyramid
1. Have three stunt groups in the bottom with at least two
bases, one backspot and one flyer.
2. Have the flyers jump in and the bases lift her up.
3. When all the flyers are up, have the side flyers turn and
the middle flyer go back down.
4. Wait a little and have the middle flyer jump up hard.
5. To get down, have all the flyers cradle.
Submitted by:
Shanel Ariem
Submitted to:
Mrs. Kathryn Raymundo Vivas

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