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UDC: 629.544:629.5.023.


Tanja SENJANOVIĆ Contribution of Transverse
Smiljko RUDAN Bulkheads to Hull Stiffness
of Large Container Ships
Preliminary communication
Ultra large container ships are rather flexible and exposed to significant wave deformations.
Therefore, the hydroelastic strength analysis is required for these types of ships. The coupling of
a beam structural model and a 3D hydrodynamic model is preferable for reasons of simplicity. In
this paper, the contribution of large number of transverse bulkheads to general hull stiffness is
analysed. The prismatic pontoon with the cross-section of a large container vessel is considered
for this purpose. The 3D FEM torsional analysis is performed with transverse bulkheads included
and excluded. The correlation analysis of the obtained deformations indicated the influence of
transverse bulkheads on the ship hull stiffness. The analysis is done by employing the torsional
theory of thin-walled girders.
Keywords: container ship, finite element method, stiffness, thin-walled girder, torsion

Doprinos poprečnih pregrada krutosti trupa velikih kontejnerskih bro-

Prethodno priopćenje
Authors’ address: Vrlo veliki kontejnerski brodovi prilično su elastični i stoga podložni velikim valnim defor-
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering macijama. Zato se danas njihova čvrstoća istražuje metodama hidroelastičnosti. Pritom se radi
and Naval Architecture, University of jednostavnosti sprežu gredni strukturni model i 3D hidrodinamički model. U ovom članku istražen
Zagreb, je doprinos velikoga broja poprečnih pregrada kontejnerskih brodova općoj krutosti trupa. Za
Zagreb, Croatia te potrebe razmatran je prizmatični ponton s poprečnim presjekom velikoga kontejnerskog
E-mail: broda. Konstruiran je 3D model konačnih elemenata i provedena je analiza uvijanja s uključenim
i isključenim poprečnim pregradama. Korelacijskom analizom deformacija za ova dva slučaja
Received (Primljeno): 2007-04-04 ustanovljen je utjecaj poprečnih pregrada na krutost brodskoga trupa. Pritom se koristila teorija
Accepted (Prihvaćeno): 2007-04-27 uvijanja tankostjenih nosača.
Open for discussion (Otvoreno za Ključne riječi: kontejnerski brod, metoda konačnih elemenata, krutost, tankostjeni nosač,
raspravu): 2009-09-30 uvijanje

1 Introduction However, due to the large number of transverse bulkheads and

to the model discontinuity, it is more practical and reasonable
Nowadays sea transport is rapidly increasing and ultra large to take into account their continuous contribution to the general
container ships are built [1]. Since they are rather flexible, their hull stiffness.
hydroelastic response becomes an imperative subject of inves- Different attempts to take the influence of transverse bulk-
tigation. In the early design stage, the coupling of a FEM beam heads into account have been made. One of the first approaches
structural model with a 3D hydrodynamic model based on the was to increase the deck thickness based on the equivalence of
radiation-diffraction theory is reasonable [2], [3]. the deformation energy of transverse bulkhead girders and the
The 1D FEM structural model is quite sophisticated since it increased deck energy [8]. Today, the usual way is to model
takes into account the bending and shear stiffness, as well as the transverse bulkheads by axial elastic springs at their joints to the
torsional and warping stiffness [4], [5]. The general hull stiffness ship hull. The spring effect is condensed in lumped bimoments
is increased due to the large number of transverse bulkheads in [9]. Furthermore, in the case of a large number of transverse
holds. There are two types of bulkheads, i.e. ordinary watertight bulkheads, the lumped bimoments might be distributed along
bulkheads and grillage ones. The distance between them is de- the hull girder [10]. The distributed bimoments are manifested
termined by the container length. as additional torque load, which depends on the variation of
Transverse bulkheads stretch within one web frame spacing the twist angle as pure torsional torque. Therefore, only the
and are quite stiff. They can be directly included in the 1D FEM torsional stiffness of the ship hull is increased due to the bulk-
model as a short beam element with a closed cross-section [6], [7]. head influence.

228 59(2008)3, 228-238


The effect of transverse structure on the deformation of where

thin-walled girders is a challenging subject of contemporary E, G – Young’s modulus and shear modulus
investigations [11], [12], [13]. Recent literature shows that the It, Iw – torsional and warping modulus
problem is rather complex and the complicated solutions offered ψ – twist angle
there reduce the applicative advantages of the combined beam
Substitution of (2) into (1) leads to the ordinary differential
theory and the thin-walled girder theory (1D + 2D) with respect
equation of the fourth order
to the direct 3D FEM analysis. In any case, the reliability of the
1D + 2D theory has to be checked by the correlation analysis
d4 ψ d2 ψ
with 3D FEM solutions. EI w − GI t = μx . (3)
In the light of the above circumstances, especially of the needs d x4 d x2
of the ship hydroelasticity analyses, where results of dry natural
vibrations of the ship hull are required (modes, frequencies, mo- Its solution reads
dal stiffness, modal mass), a simpler solution is preferable and
more convenient. That was the motivation for the investigation ψ = A0 + A1 x + A2 chβ x + A3 shβ x + ψ p , (4)
of this challenging problem. Thus, the 3D FEM analysis of the
prismatic hold structure with and without transverse bulkheads where
is performed. The equivalence of the maximum twist angle in
GI t
the 1D and 3D models is used as a condition for determining the β= (5)
change of torsional beam stiffness. The reliability of approach EI w
is checked by the correlation for 1D and 3D warping functions
and Ai are integration constants, while ψp represents a particular
and stress distribution.
solution which depends on μx.
Let us consider the twisting of the girder shown in Figure 1,
2 Outline of the thin-walled girder theory which is loaded by torque Mt at the ends, while μx = 0. The warp-
The thin-walled girder torsional theory is developed under ing of the girder ends is suspended. In this case the twist angle
assumptions that a considered structure is of membrane type (only ψ is an anti-symmetric function and therefore A0 = A2 = 0. The
in-plane deformation occurs) and that there is no distortion of remaining constants A1 and A3 are determined by satisfying the
the cross-section (twist angle is constant along the cross-section boundary conditions
contour). dψ
x = l : T = Mt , u = u = 0, (6)
where u is the warping function (axial displacement) and u– is
the relative sectional warping due to the unit beam deformation,

/dx, defined according to the theory of thin-walled girders [15],
[16]. The final expressions for the twist angle reads

Mtl ⎡ x shβ x ⎤
ψ= − . (7)
GI t ⎣ l β l ⋅ chβ l ⎥⎦

Now, it is possible to determine sectional forces, i.e. pure

torsional and warping torques (2)

⎛ chβ x ⎞ chβ x
Tt = M t ⎜ 1 − ⎟ , Tw = M t (8)
⎝ chβ l ⎠ chβ l
Figure 1 Beam torsion
Slika 1 Uvijanje grede and warping (sectorial) bimoment

A prismatic girder exposed to torsion is shown in Figure 1. d 2ψ sh β x

Bw = EI w = −Mt . (9)
The equilibrium of sectional torque, T, and the distributed external dx 2
β ch β l
torsional load, μx, yields
Furthermore, the warping function (6) takes the form of
d T = − μ x d x. (1)
Mt ⎛ ch β x ⎞
According to the theory of thin-walled girders, the sectional u= ⎜⎝ 1 − ch β l ⎟⎠ u . (10)
torque consists of a pure torsional part and a warping contribu- GI t
tion [14]
Torques Tt and Tw are the result of shear stresses τt and τw due
to pure torsion and suspended warping, respectively. The warping
dψ d3 ψ bimoment Bw represents the work of axial normal stress σ on the
T = Tt + Tw = GI t − EI w , (2)
dx d x3 displacement u– at a cross-section, i.e.

59(2008)3, 228-238 229


Bw = ∫ σ t u d s, (11) 4 Effect of transverse bulkheads

In order to take the influence of bulkheads into account, an-
other approach can also be applied. A ship hull consists of a large
d 2ψ number of open cross-section segments (holds) and of closed ones
σ=E u. (12) (bulkheads). For the open section, the torsional modulus It is quite
d x2
small, and therefore the warping modulus Iw plays the main role.
Thus, by substituting (12) into (11) one finds the expression In a short bulkhead area, the torsional modulus of closed section
for warping modulus in (9) I t0 is one order of magnitude higher than It, while I w0 is of the
same order as Iw. For the reason of simplicity we can consider a
I w = ∫ u 2 t d s. (13) uniform girder with the equivalent torsional modulus I t* , where
s I t < I t* < I t0 , and the equivalent warping modulus I w* equal to
Iw. In this case, the differential equation (3) takes the form of
3 Modelling of transverse bulkheads
d 4ψ d 2ψ
The length of transverse bulkheads in large container ships EI w 4
− GI t* = 0, (20)
dx d x2
is equal to one web frame spacing. They are of grillage type and
therefore quite stiff. As a result, the bulkhead influence on the where
hull warping reduction is significant. GI t* = GI t + GI b . (21)
In the torsional thin-walled girder theory, bulkheads can be
modelled by axial elastic foundation at their joint to the hull struc- GIb is the additional hull torsional stiffness due to bulkheads
ture [9], [10]. In the case of a large number of bulkheads, the line as closed cross-section segments. Parameters k and GIb, in (19)
foundation can be spread to the area foundation of the hull shell. and (21) respectively, are equivalent quantities.
The corresponding axial (tangential) surface load yields Instead of bulkhead modelling by equivalent axial elastic
dψ foundation, as it is usually done in literature, it is possible to
q =κ u =κ u , (14) determine the contribution of bulkheads by the 3D FEM analysis,
dx as it is elaborated in Section 7. Let us assume, for the time being,
where κ is the spread bulkhead stiffness and u is the warping that the end twist angles of a prismatic girder without and with
function (6). transverse bulkheads are known, ψ(l) and ψ*(l) respectively.
Axial load q causes an additional bimoment per unit length Referring to (7), one writes
on the relative sectional warping u–
Mtl ⎛ th y ⎞
ψ (l ) = ⎜ 1− (22)
GI t ⎝ y ⎟⎠
b = ∫ qu d s. (15)
Mtl ⎛ th y* ⎞
ψ * (l ) = 1 − , (23)
GI t* ⎜⎝ y* ⎟⎠
By substituting (14) into (15) one writes

b=k , (16) where
GI t
where y = βl = l (24)
EI w
k =κ ∫ u2 d s (17)
GI t*
s y* = β * l = l . (25)
is the sectional bulkhead stiffness. EI w
According to the theory presented in [9] and [10], the bulk-
head bimoment causes a distributed torque Ratios of Eqs (23) and (22) lead to the transcendental equation
for determining the unknown parameter y*
db d2 ψ
μb = =k , (18) 1 ⎛ th y* ⎞ 1 ⎛ th y ⎞ ψ * (l )
d x2 1 − = ⎜⎝ 1 − . (26)
⎜⎝ y* ⎟⎠ y 2 y ⎟⎠ ψ (l )
where relation (16) is used for b. The torque μb is the transformed Now, the new value of torsional modulus can be determined
bulkhead load and has to be equilibrated by sectional torques Tt by employing (24) and (25), i.e.
and Tw (2). Thus, by substituting (18) into (3), the differential 2
equation for girder torsion with bulkhead influence is obtained: I t* ⎛ y* ⎞
= . (27)
I t ⎜⎝ y ⎟⎠

dψ 2
EI w 4
− ( GI t + k ) 2 = 0. (19) According to (21), the contribution of bulkheads to torsional
dx dx
stiffness is 2
I b ⎛ y* ⎞
Generally, the value of k has to be calculated for a given = − 1. (28)
bulkhead structure. It is a result of flexural bulkhead stiffness. I t ⎜⎝ y ⎟⎠

230 59(2008)3, 228-238


The twist angle (7) and the warping function (10) in non- An additional way to check the obtained results is to compare
dimensional form read respectively: the normal stress ratio at girder ends represented by the warping
bimoments (9)
GI t* * x shβ * x
ψ = − * (29) Bw* (l ) y th y*
Mtl l y ch y* = . (36)
Bw (l ) y* th y
GI u *
chβ x *
= 1− . (30) Actually, ratios (35) and (36) are related to the first and second
Mt u ch y* derivative of the twist angle, (6) and (9) respectively.
Referring to (8), the twisting and warping torques take the
following form: 5 Ship particulars
Tt* chβ * x Tw* chβ * x A 7800 TEU container vessel of the following main particulars
= 1− , = . (31) is considered, Figure 2.
Mt ch y* Mt ch y*
Furthermore, the twisting torque can be split into the hull part
and the bulkhead contribution
Tt* Th* Tb*
= + , (32)
Mt Mt Mt
where, proportionally to their torsional moduli (21),
Th* I T* Tb* I b Tt*
= t* t , = . (33)
M t It M t M t I t* M t
* *
Ratios I t I t and I b I t are defined by (27) and (28).
Finally, the warping bimoment (9) takes the following non-
dimensional form:
Bw* sh β * x
=− * . (34)
Mtl y ch y*
The presented approach is based on the known ratio of end
values of the twist angle for a girder without and with transverse
bulkheads. Its reliability can be checked by the known ratio of
warping functions in the middle of the girder. According to (10),
it follows that
2 1−
u (0 ) ⎛ y ⎞
ch y*
= ⎜ *⎟ . (35)
u (0 ) ⎝ y ⎠ 1 − 1 Figure 3 Midship cross-section
ch y Slika 3 Glavno rebro

Figure 2 A 7800 TEU container vessel

Slika 2 Kontejnerski brod nosivosti 7800 TEU

59(2008)3, 228-238 231


Length overall Loa = 334 m The midship cross-section is shown in Figure 3, while
Length between perpendiculars Lpp = 319 m Figure 4 shows the transverse bulkhead. Properties of the open
Breadth B = 42.8 m cross-section are determined by the STIFF program [17].
Depth H = 24.6 m
Cross-section area A = 6.394 m2
Draught T = 14.5 m
Horizontal shear area Ash = 1.015 m2
Displacement ∆ = 135530 t
Vertical shear area Asv = 1.314 m2
Vertical position of neutral line zNL = 11.66 m
Vertical position of shear -
- torsional centre zD = –13.50 m
Horizontal moment of inertia Ibh = 1899 m4
Vertical moment of inertia Ibv = 676 m4
Torsional modulus It = 14.45 m4
Warping modulus Iw = 171400 m6

Position of deformation centre, zD, is rather low due to the

open cross-section. The relative warping of cross-section, u, is
illustrated in Figure 5. Young’s modulus, shear modulus and
Poisson’s ratio are: E = 2.06 · 108 kN/m2, G = 0.7923 · 108 kN/m2,
ν= 0.3, respectively.

6 FEM models of a hull segment

Figure 4 Transverse bulkhead

Slika 4 Poprečna pregrada

Figure 5 Warping of cross-section, u–

Slika 5 Vitoperenje poprečnog presjeka, u–

Figure 6 Prismatic FEM model of a hull part

Slika 6 Prizmatični model konačnih elemenata dijela trupa

The front holds of the ship as a prismatic thin-walled girder

with the length of L = 2l = 174 m are considered. The FEM
model is generated by the software [18]. It is constructed of
four different types of superelements, and includes the total of
13 superelements, Figures 6 and 7. The shell finite elements are
used. The model is clamped at the fore end and the only warp-
ing is suspended at the aft end. The vertical distributed load
is imposed at the aft cross-section, generating the total torque
Mt = 40570 kNm, Figure 8, [19].
There are two types of transverse bulkheads within the ship
hold space, i.e. the ordinary watertight bulkheads and bulkheads
of grillage construction. Both types stretch within one web frame
spacing. The bulkhead top ends with the stool. Such a bulkhead
design makes them quite strong and therefore the general hull
stiffness is increased.

232 59(2008)3, 228-238


Figure 10 Superelement No. 3 with a transverse bulkhead

Slika 10 Superelement br. 3 s poprečnom pregradom
Figure 7 Superelement No. 3
Slika 7 Superelement br. 3 The FEM model of the ship segment with transverse bulk-
heads and a typical superelement with the watertight bulkhead are
shown in Figures 9 and 10 respectively. The boundary conditions
and imposed load are the same as in the case of prismatic model
without transverse bulkheads.

Figure 8 Load at the aft end

Slika 8 Opterećenje kraja modela

Figure 9 Prismatic FEM model of a hull part with transverse Figure 11 Deformation and stresses of the model without trans-
bulkheads verse bulkheads, σx [N/mm2]
Slika 9 Prizmatični model konačnih elemenata dijela trupa s Slika 11 Deformacije i naprezanja modela bez poprečnih pre-
poprečnim pregradama grada, σx [N/mm2]

Figure 12 Deformation and stresses of the model with transverse

bulkheads, σx [N/mm2]
Slika 12 Deformacije i naprezanja modela s poprečnim pre-
gradama, σx [N/mm2]

59(2008)3, 228-238 233


Deformed models, without and with transverse bulkheads, ψ 3 D 0.27690 ⋅ 10 −3

are shown in Figures 11 and 12 respectively. Distortion of the = = 1.2055. (a)
cross-section is negligible as a result of a double skin cross-sec- ψ 1D 0.22969 ⋅ 10 −3
tion with very strong web frames. Due to the same reason, the Vertical position of the deformation centre in the 3D model
bending stresses are negligible in comparison to the membrane is above that of the 1D model, points D3D and D1D in Figure 13,
stresses; therefore, the structure behaves as a membrane one. Dif- respectively. The influence of transverse bulkheads on the position
ferent colours in Figures 11 and 12 denote the levels of von Mises of the deformation centre is quite weak, point D3D. The warping
membrane stress. High stress concentration in the hatch coaming of cross-section determined by the 3D analysis is rather close to
and the upper deck at the model ends confirms the well-known fact that of the 1D analysis, Figure 5. Therefore, the warping correla-
caused by the suspended warping of the cross-section, [20]. tion could be done only for one representative point of extreme
displacement value. Let us chose the joint of the bilge and the
7 Influence of transverse bulkheads inner bottom, Figure 5, where
Since the 3D FEM model behaves as a membrane structure u 3 D 1.02594 mm
without distortion of the cross-section, the obtained results are = = 0.9753. (b)
u1D 1.05192 mm
comparable to those of the 1D analysis.
Thus, the correlation of 3D and 1D analyses results is quite
good concerning warping, while the 3D FEM model is more
elastic than the 1D model from the twisting point of view. This
could be caused by the shear influence on torsion which is not
taken into account in the beam analysis, [10]. That fact might be
the subject of further investigations. However, it does not have
a significant influence on the relative bulkhead contribution to
the hull stiffness.
The twist angle ratio of the model with and without transverse
bulkheads reads
ψ 3*D 0.24876 ⋅ 10 −3
= = 0.89837. (c)
ψ 3 D 0.27690 ⋅ 10 −3
The warping ratio in the bilge point is
u 3*D 0.90013 mm
= = 0.87737. (d)
u 3 D 1.02594 mm
The axial normal stress ratio in the hatch coaming, Figures
11 and 12, yields
σ 3*D 5.93623 N / mm 2
= = 0.93365. (e)
σ 3 D 6.35805 N / mm 2
In the considered numerical example, according to (24),
y = 0.49541, while the solution of Eq. (26) gives y* = 0.7464.
The variation of torsional stiffness, Eq. (27), is I t* I t = 2.27 . It
means that the bulkhead contribution is I b I t = 1.27 .

Figure 14 Twist angle

Slika 14 Kut uvijanja

Figure 13 Rotation of the cross-section

Slika 13 Zakret poprečnog presjeka

Rotation of the model free cross-section, determined analyti-

cally by the beam theory (1D) and numerically by FEM (3D) for
the pontoon with and without transverse bulkheads, is shown in
Figure 13. The twist angle of the 3D analysis is somewhat higher
than that of the 1D analysis.

234 59(2008)3, 228-238


u * (0 )
= 0.89388. (f)
u (0 )
Discrepancy between the 1D analysis and the 3D FEM analy-
sis, value (d), is only 1.9%.
The warping bimoment shown in Figure 17 is also reduced
due to bulkheads. The 1D ratio, Eq. (36), yields
Bw* (l )
= 0.91633. (g)
Bw (l )
By comparing it to the 3D FEM stress ratio (e), a discrepancy
of -1.9% is obtained. This fact confirms quite good simulation of
the bulkhead effect in the thin-walled girder theory.
The torques distributions are shown in Figure 16. The hull
Figure 15 Deck warping twisting torque in the case with bulkheads, Th, is very close to
Slika 15 Vitoperenje palube the pure twisting torque without bulkheads, Tt. The warping
torque Tw is now reduced in comparison to Tw due to the bulkhead
contribution, Tb.
The influence of the increased value of torsional stiffness on
vibrations can, for instance, be analysed in the case of uncoupled
natural vibration of a free thin-walled girder with suspended
boundary cross-section warping. The corresponding formula for
natural frequencies derived in Appendix reads, (A16)
nπ GI t ⎛ nπ ⎞ EI w
ωn = 1+ ⎜ ⎟ , n = 0, 1, 2 ... (37)
L Jt0
⎝ L ⎠ GI t
The following relation between natural frequencies of a hull
segment with and without transverse bulkheads exists:
⎛ 2 y* ⎞
1+ ⎜
Figure 16 Twisting and warping torques ω n* ⎝ nπ ⎟⎠
Slika 16 Torzijski momenti uvijanja i vitoperenja = . (38)
ωn ⎛ 2y ⎞

1+ ⎜ ⎟
⎝ nπ ⎠

For the first natural frequencies of elastic modes one finds

ω 1* ω 1 = 1.05594. Thus, a 127% torsional stiffness increase due
to bulkheads results in a 5.6% increase in the first frequency [M3]
in the considered case. It is evident from (38) that the variation
of higher mode natural frequencies is decreased.

8 Bending stiffness analysis

8.1 Horizontal bending
Horizontal bending is analysed by the FEM model adapted
for this purpose. The model aft end is entirely free and loaded
Figure 17 Warping bimoment by distributed loads, as shown in Figure 18. The vertical load
Slika 17 Bimoment vitoperenja generates a torque of Mt = 40570 kNm, while the total horizontal
force Fy, acting about the deformation centre, equilibrates it. In
The girder displacements and sectional forces are determined this way, the girder is only exposed to horizontal bending.
for both cases, i.e. without and with transverse bulkheads, and In the cases of the model without and with transverse
are shown in Figures 14, 15, 16 and 17 in non-dimensional bulkheads, the horizontal force of pure bending takes values
form. The corresponding formulae from Sections 2 and 4 are of Fy = 1500 kN and Fy* = 1565 kN, respectively. The cor-
used. The twist angle ψ is reduced according to given values of responding maximum deflections yield δy = 19.8654 mm and
the 3D FEM analysis, Figure 14. The warping of the cross-sec- δy* = 20.4069 mm, Figures 19 and 20. Thus, the moment of inertia
tion u is also reduced, Figure 15. Its variation defined by the 1D of the cross-section of the reinforced model can be expressed by
analysis, Eq. (35) is that of the model without bulkheads:

59(2008)3, 228-238 235


δ y / Fy
I z* = I = 1.01565 I z . (h)
δ y* / Fy* z
The correction is rather small, approximately 1.56% and its
influence on vibration is almost negligible. Stress concentration
in the bilge area at the fixed model end due to bending is evident,
Figures 19 and 20.
Since pure torque Mt and horizontal forces Fy and Fy* for the
model without and with transverse bulkheads are known, it is
possible to determine the vertical position of the deformation
h Mt h M
zD = − , zD* = − *t , (i)
2 Fy 2 Fy
Figure 18 Load at the model free aft end in the case of horizontal
bending where h is the double bottom height. The obtained results are
Slika 18 Opterećenje horizontalnog savijanja na slobodnom compared with those of pure torsion determined in Section 7,
stražnjem kraju modela in Table 1. The 3D FEM analyses show that the torsional centre
and the shear centre are not the same points. In the thin-walled
girder theory these two centres are not distinguished, and the
unique deformation centre is determined. Probably, the suspended
warping in the 3D FEM torsional analysis has some influence on
the vertical position of the torsional centre. We can see that the
transverse bulkheads also influence the position of the torsional
and shear centres.

Table 1 Vertical position of the deformation centre, zD [m]

Tablica 1 Vertikalni položaj središta deformacije, zD [m]

Without bulkheads With bulkheads

Torsional centre,
-10.60 -10.25
3D FEM twisting
Shear centre,
-12.52 -11.96
3D FEM bending
Deformation centre,
Figure 19 Horizontal bending of the model without transverse 2D strip theory
bulkheads, σvM [N/mm2]
Slika 19 Horizontalno savijanje modela bez poprečnih pregrada,
σvM [N/mm2]
8.2 Vertical bending
A similar FEM analysis is performed for the investigation of
Figure 20 Horizontal bending of the model with transverse bulk-
heads, σvM [N/mm2]
vertical bending stiffness. The total vertical force, imposed at the
Slika 20 Horizontalno savijanje modela s poprečnim pregrad- free model end, is Fv = 2000 kN. The corresponding deflection at
ama, σvM [N/mm2] the same place, in the case of the model without and with trans-
verse bulkheads, yields δz = -28.3706 mm and δz* = -28.1697 mm,
respectively. Thus, for the corrected vertical moment of inertia
of the cross-section one finds:
I y* = I = 1.00713 I y . (j)
δ z* y
It is obvious that the influence of transverse bulkheads on the
vertical stiffness is even lower than on the horizontal stiffness.

9 Conclusion
Hydroelastic analysis of large container vessels becomes an
actual problem. For the reason of simplicity, a beam model of
hull girder is coupled with a 3D hydrodynamic model. Instead
of calculating the transverse bulkhead stiffness, the contribution
of bulkheads to the global stiffness of the ship hull is determined
by the 3D FEM analysis of a prismatic ship-like pontoon. This

236 59(2008)3, 228-238


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is rather small and may be neglected. Walled Structures 42(2004), p. 255-277.
However, some discrepancies between the thin-walled girder [14] SENJANOVIĆ, I., FAN, Y.: “A higher-order torsional beam theory”,
theory and the 3D FEM still exist. In the analysed numerical Engineering Modelling, 10(1997)1-4, p. 25-40.
example of a ship hull segment, the twist angle determined by [15] SENJANOVIĆ, I., FAN, Y.: “A higher-order theory of thin-walled
the beam analysis is significantly smaller than that obtained by girders with application to ship structures”, Computers & Structures,
43(1992)1, p. 31-52,
the 3D FEM analysis. Even the twist angle of the beam without
[16] SENJANOVIĆ, I., FAN, Y.: “A finite element formulation of ship cross-
bulkheads is still lower than that of the 3D FEM model reinforced sectional stiffness parameters”, Brodogradnja, 41(1993)1, p. 27-36.
by bulkheads. Also, there are some discrepancies of the shear [17] ...: “STIFF, User’s Manual”, FSB, Zagreb, 1990.
centre position between the 1D and 3D models without bulk- [18] ...: “SESAM, User’s Manual”, Det Norske Veritas, Høvik, 2003.
heads. On the other hand, agreement between the cross-section [19] SENJANOVIĆ, T.: “Utjecaj skladišne konstrukcije na krutost trupa
warping is excellent. This problem will be the subject of further kontejnerskih brodova”, Diplomski rad, FSB, Zagreb, 2007.
investigation. [20] SENJANOVIĆ, I., FAN, Y.: “Pontoon torsional strength analysis
Most of present papers dealing with problems of thin-walled related to ships with large deck openings”, Journal of Ship Research,
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[21] SENJANOVIĆ, I., ĆATIPOVIĆ, I., TOMAŠEVIĆ, S.: “Coupled flexu-
walled girder theory. The validation of results should be based ral and torsional vibrations of ship-like structures”, (in preparation).
on the correlation analysis with 3D FEM models which simu-
late the structure behaviour in a more realistic way. Also, some
model tests and full scale measurements are very valuable for
this purpose. Torsional beam vibrations

Acknowledgement The differential equation of uncoupled torsional beam vibra-

tions can be written as an extension of the static equation (3),
The authors would like to express their gratitude to Prof. [4], [21]
Radoslav Pavazza from the Faculty of Electroengineering,
Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of ∂4 ψ ∂2 ψ 0 ∂ ψ
EI w − GI + J = μ x (t ), (A1)
∂ x4 ∂ x2 ∂t2
t t
Split, for his useful consulting during the investigation of this
challenging problem.
where the twist angle ψ and the distributed torque μx are time
dependent quantities. The symbol J t0 denotes the polar mass
moment of inertia. Natural vibrations are harmonic and Eq. (A1)
[1] Proceedings of International Conference on Design & Operation of is reduced to the homogeneous form
Container Ships, RINA, London, 2006.
E.: “Some aspects of hydroelastic issues in the design of ultra large EI w 4
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container ships”, The 22nd International Workshop on Water Waves and
dx d x2
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quadratic characteristic equation:
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European Shipbuilding, No. 5/6 (1972), p.67-89. GI t 2 ω 2 J t0
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GI t J t0 EI w
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1991. 2 EI w (GI t )2

59(2008)3, 228-238 237


For a nontrivial solution, determinants of (A11) and (A12)

GI t J t0 EI w have to be zero. That leads to the frequency equations
η= 1 + 4ω 2 − 1. (A7)
2 EI w (GI t )2
γ η(γ 2 + η 2 ) sh γ l sin η l = 0 (A13)
Thus, the solution of (A2) takes the following form:
γ η(γ 2 + η 2 ) ch γ l cos η l = 0 (A14)
ψ = A1 sh γ x + A2 ch γ x + A3 sin η x + A4 cos η x.(A8)
with the same eigenvalue formula for the symmetric (n = 0, 2…)
Let us consider vibrations of a free beam with suspended and anti-symmetric (n = 1, 3…) modes
warping at its ends. The corresponding boundary conditions

read ηl = , n = 0, 1, 2 ... (A15)
x = ± l : T = 0, u = 0 (A9) Taking (A15) into account, one finds the following expression
for natural frequencies of torsional vibrations from (A7)
that leads to
dψ d3 ψ nπ GI t ⎛ nπ ⎞ EI w
x = ±l : = 0, = 0. ωn = 1+ ⎜ ⎟ , n = 0, 1, 2 ... (A16)
(A10) 2l J t0 ⎝ 2l ⎠ GI t
dx d x3
Integration constants A2 and A4, and A1 and A3 are determined
In the case of symmetric modes, A1 = A3 = 0, while for anti-
from (A11) and (A12), respectively. Symmetric and anti-sym-
symmetric modes A2 = A4 = 0. The corresponding eigenvalue
metric natural modes according to (A8) yield
problems yield
ψ n = ηn sin ηn l ⋅ ch γ n x + γ n sh γ n l ⋅ cos ηn x, n = 0, 2 ... (A17)
⎡ γ sh γ l −η sin η l ⎤ ⎧ A2 ⎫
⎢γ 3 sh γ l η 3 sin η l ⎥ ⎨ A ⎬ = {0} (A11)
ψ n = ηn cos ηn l ⋅ sh γ n x − γ n ch γ n l ⋅ sin ηn x, n = 1, 3 ... (A18)
⎣ ⎦⎩ 4⎭

⎡ γ ch γ l η cos η l ⎤ ⎧ A1 ⎫ In case n = 0, the natural frequency ω0 =0, Eq. (A16), and

⎢γ 3 ch γ l −η 3 cos η l ⎥ ⎨ A ⎬ = {0} . (A12) the natural mode ψ0 = 1, Eq. (A17), that is related to the rigid
⎣ ⎦⎩ 3⎭ body rotation.

238 59(2008)3, 228-238

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