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Endodontic and Periodontal


I-Ping Chen

Dept. of Oral Health and Diagnostic Sciences

School of Dental Medicine
You should learn…

ü  Intercommunication between pulp and periodontium

ü  Classification of endo-perio lesions

ü  Diagnosis of endo-perio lesions

ü  Treatment of endo-perio lesions

You should learn…

ü  Intercommunication between pulp and periodontium

ü  Classification of endo-perio lesions

ü  Diagnosis of endo-perio lesions

ü  Treatment of endo-perio lesions

Intercommunication: pulp and periodontium

ü  Apical foramen

ü  Lateral canals
ü  Dentinal tubules (when cementum is denuded)
ü  Palatogingival grooves (4.4% lateral incisors)
" " " "Withers et al., 1981
ü  Perforation; vertical root fracture

Courtesy of Dr. Safavi W.Hess 1917

Incidence of furcation canals

Incidence Techniques References

45% Sectioned teeth Rubach & Mitchell 1965

Max. molars 59% Dissecting Lowman et al., 1973

Mand. molars 55% microscope
76% Radiopaque dye Burch & Hulen 1974

46% Hematoxylin dye Vertucci & Williams 1974

23% Radiopaque dye Kirkhan 1975

Max. molars 28% Safranin dye Gutman 1978

Mand. molars 27%
Pathway of Pulp
Influences: Pulpal pathology à Periodontium

Microorganisms à pulpitis à pulpal necrosis à apical periodontitis à

à  periodontal pocket formation/bone loss
Influences: Periodontal pathology à Pulp

Periodontal inflammation à bacterial toxins to accessory canals

/apical foramen/dentinal tubules à pulpitis/pulp necrosis

More support: inflamed/necrotic pulp à periodontium

Controversial: periodontal disease/treatment à pulp
You should learn…

ü  Intercommunication between pulp and periodontium

ü  Classification of endo-perio lesions

ü  Diagnosis of endo-perio lesions

ü  Treatment of endo-perio lesions

Classification of endo-perio lesions
Primary endodontic lesions
Primary periodontal lesions

Pathway of Pulp
You should learn…

ü  Intercommunication between pulp and periodontium

ü  Classification of endo-perio lesions

ü  Diagnosis of endo-perio lesions

ü  Treatment of endo-perio lesions

Clinical diagnostic tests

ü  Dental history

ü  Etiology
o  restoration, deep cavity, trauma, plaque
ü  Clinical tests
o  Pulp vitality, palpation, percussion
o  Probing
o  Sinus tract: GP tracing
o  Location of gingival abscess
ü  Radiographs
Differential diagnosis

Pulpal Periodontal
Dental history Pulp infection Periodontal infection

Pulp vitality (-) (+)

Etiology Cavity/restoration Plaque/calculus

Probing Narrow, single Wide, multiple

Radiographs Localized Generalized

Bone loss Apically Coronally

Periapical Radiolucent Not often related

Pathway of Pulp
Diagnostic cases

#19 #3
Vital pulp Previously RCT treated
Multiple deep pockets No deep pocket depth
Angular bony defect Periapical radiolucency (MB root)
Coronal radiolucency Throbbing, localized pain
Coronal abscess
Shallow restoration
Diagnostic cases

Previously RCT treated
Spontaneous pain
Percussion, palpation pain
Periapical abscess
Probing depth < 3mm
Diagnostic cases

Abscess on and off
Previously RCT treated
5mm pocket depths (ML, L, DL surfaces)
Palpation and percussion pain
Diagnostic cases

Sinus tract with pus discharge between #18 and #19
Deep restoration
In general, no deep pockets except #19 B, DB surface (5mm)
Non-vital pulp, no pain
Gingiva had mild inflammation
You should learn…

ü  Intercommunication between pulp and periodontium

ü  Classification of endo-perio lesions

ü  Diagnosis of endo-perio lesions

ü  Treatment of endo-perio lesions


ü  Primary endodontic lesions à endo. tx

ü  Primary periodontal lesions à perio. tx
ü  Endo-perio combined lesions
•  Endo. Treatment first
•  Periodontal treatment
•  Prognosis depends on the removal of the individual
etiologic factors
Treatment alternatives

ü  Resection
•  Eliminate the diseased roots
•  Hemisection/root amputation
ü  Regenerative approaches
•  Restoring the biologic structures
•  Bone replacement grafts/ GTR
ü  Extraction
Take-home message

ü  Close interrelationship between pulp and periodontium

ü  The major pathways are
•  Apical foramina, lateral canals and dentinal tubules
ü  Diagnosis requires a number of diagnostic tests
ü  Successful treatment depends on a correct diagnosis
ü  Combined lesions will require both endo and perio tx
ü  Alternative treatment
•  Root resection and regenerative techniques

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