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 rustle: make a sound like the one that leaves or sheets of paper make when they move.

The leaves on the branch rustled in the wind.

 clink: make a short high sound, like glass or metal objects hitting each other.
As she carried the tray, the glasses clinked.
 chink: make a high ringing sound, like glass or metal objects hitting each other. It also refers to the noise of coins.
They chinked their glasses and drank a toast to the couple.
 clang: make a loud, long, ringing noise like a metal hitting another metal object.
The door clanged shut and the elevator went up.
 toll: make a slow ringing sound, like large bells in a church.
Bells tolled when the Pope died.
 chime: make a ringing sound, like small bells or a clock that tells what time it is.
The clock in the living-room chimed five.
 tinkle: make a light ringing sound, like very small bells or metal objects.
A tinkling bell meant that the butler had to go immediately.
 bang: make a loud noise, when hitting something hard.
I banged on the window to get her attention.
 crunch: make a noise like something being crushed.
As we walked up to the house, leaves crunched under our feet.
 crack: make a short sudden loud noise, like a small explosion.
We could hear the thunder cracking above us.
 crash: make a sudden loud noise, like something being hit.
The thunder crashed and boomed outside.
 screech: make a loud, unpleasant, high noise, squeal.
Brakes screeched and then we heard a crash.
 roar: make a continuous loud noise.
The helicopter roared above them.
 drone: make a continuous low dull sound.
An airplane droned overhead.
 thud: hit something with a loud noise.
Waves thudded against the side of the ship.
 clatter: make a loud unpleasant noise, when hard objects are hit.
The tray slipped and clattered to the floor.
 scrape: make a rough unpleasant noise by rubbing against a hard surface.
Chairs scraped loudly when we stood up.
 creak: make a long high noise, like a wooden floor when somebody walks on it.
The stair creaked as she walked up.
The door creaked open.
 squeak: make a short high noise.
The shoes squeaked on the tiled floor.
 knock: make a sound when hitting with the knuckles.
Someone is knocking at the door.
 patter: make short quiet sounds by hitting a surface.
Rain pattered against the windows.
 buzz: make a rough continuous sound, like a bee or a fly.
We could hear saws buzzing in the wood.
 honk: make a loud noise using a horn.
The drivers honked his horn but the demonstrators didn't move.
 hoot: make a loud noise with the horn on a car. In the UK the device is called 'a hooter', in the US it's a horn.
The car behind was hooting at us.
 twang: make a ringing sound by being pulled and suddenly let go.
He twanged the guitar strings.
 boom: make a loud deep noise, as when a bomb goes off.
Bombs boomed all around the campground.
 bonk: make a sudden short deep sound, like a wooden spoon being hit against a wall or the floor.
 whine: make a long high sound because you are in pain or unhappy.
The dog was really sad; it whined all night.
 whimper: make low crying sounds.
She heard the dog whimper all night.
 hum: make musical sounds with your lips closed.
If you don't know the tune, you can just hum the tune.
 whistle: make a high musical sound by forcing out air through puckered lips.
She whistled a tune as she cleaned the kitchen.
 hiss: make a long "s" sound, like a snake.
The tires hissed on the wet road.
The audience began to hiss and boo.
 sniff: breathe air into your nose nosily.
Stop sniffing and blow your nose.
 snort: make noise by breathing air out through the nose, to show that you are annoyed or amused.
Paul snorted with laughter.
 gasp: breathe in suddenly in a way that can be heard.
The audience gasped in surprise.
 whoop: shout loudly and happily.
The players ran around the field, whooping happily.
 chant: recite or sing in a flat way or using only one tone.
That priest usually chants the liturgy.
 boo: make a noise to show dissatisfaction.
The audience started booing and he left the stage.
 moan: make a long low noise to show pain or unhappiness.
He moaned and cried in pain.
 cheer: shout to show happiness, approval or support.
The audience cheered when the team appeared.
 clap: make a short sharp noise by hitting the hands against each other, to show approval or enjoyment.
The audience began to clap as the actors appeared.
 plop: make a sound like dropping into water.
The frog plopped into the pond.
 sizzle: make a sound like bacon being fried in a pan.
The sausages started to sizzle in the pan.
 swish: make a soft sound by moving something quickly through the air.
Her ball-gown swished as she walked.
 blare: make a loud unpleasant noise.
We could hear horns blaring outside.
 rumble: make a series of short low sounds.
We could hear thunder rumbling.
 squelch: make a sucking sound, like walking in mud.
Her shoes squelched as she walked in the mud.
 rattle: make a series of short sounds, like small objects hitting each other.
The bottles rattled as he carried the crates.
 click: make a short hard sound, to show disapproval or when using the computer mouse.
His mother clicked her tongue and shut the door.
 chirp / chirrup (GB): make short high sound, like small birds make in the morning.
We woke up and heard the birds chirp.
 putter (GB): make a low sound, like a car with a low revolution engine or a motor boat.
The old car puttered by.
 cluck: make a short low sound, like chickens do.
We could hear the chickens clucking around.
 bleep: make a high electronic sound, like a pager, a mobile phone or a timer.
The timer began to bleep indicating that the eggs were cooked.
 crackle: make short sounds, like something burning in a fire.
The logs crackled on the fire.
 gurgle: make a low sound, like water flowing.
He could hear the river gurgling down in the forest.
 whoosh: a soft sound made by something moving fast through the air, or made when air is pushed out of something.
The train sped through the station with a whoosh.

Apes gibber

Bats screech

Bears growl

Bees hum and buzz

Birds chirrup, chirp, twitter, tweet, sing, whistle

Calves bleat

Camels grunt

Cats mew, purr, meow, hiss, yowl

Cattle moo, low, bawl (calf), bellow (bull)

Chicks cheep

Chickens cluck, cackle

Cocks crow

Cows low, moo

Crickets chirp, creak

Crows caw

Deers bell

Dogs bark
Dolphins click

Donkeys bray

Doves coo

Ducks quack

Eagles scream

Elephants trumpet, roar

Flies buzz, hum

Foxes bark, yelp, simper

Frogs croak

Giraffes bleat

Goats bleat

Geese cackle, quack

Grasshoppers chirp

Hamsters squeak

Hares squeak

Hens cackle, cluck

Humans whisper, whistle, cry, scream, sing, talk

Hogs grunt

Horses neigh, snort, whinny, nicker

Hummingbirds hum

Hyenas laugh, scream

Jackals howl

Kangaroos chortle

Koalas scream, bellow, wail

Lambs bleat

Larks sing, warble

Lions roar, growl

Mice squeak and squeal

Monkeys chatter, gibber, whoop, screech

Mosquitoes whine

Nightingales pipe, sing, warble

Ostriches chirp, bark, hiss, low hum

Owls hoot, scream, screech, shriek

Oxen bellow, low

Parrots talk, screech, squawk

Peacocks scream

Pigs snort, grunt, squeal, oink

Pigeons coo

Rabbits squeak, drum

Rats squeak

Ravens croak

Rhinoceros bellow

Rooster crow

Seagulls scream, squawk

Seals bark

Sheep bleat

Snakes hiss

Tigers growl, roar

Turkeys gobble

Vultures scream

Whales sing

Wolves howl, cry, yell

Zebras whinny

Animal Sound (verb)

ape gibber

ass bray

bear growl

bee buzz

bird chirp, sing

buffalo mew

bull bellow

canary sing

cat mew, purr

cock crow

cow moo, low

crow caw

deer bell

dog bark, growl

dove coo

duck quack

elephant trumpet

fly buzz

frog croak

giraffe bleat

goat bleat

goose honk

gull squawk

hare squeak

hen cluck

horse neigh

hyena laugh

lion roar

monkey chatter, gibber

mouse squeak

owl hoot

parrot talk

pig grunt, squeal, squeak

pigeon coo

sheep bleat, baa

snake hiss

sparrow chirp

tiger roar

turkey gobble

wolf howl

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