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Sexual behavioural change

for HIV:
Where have theories taken us?

Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS


The text was written by Rachel King

UNAIDS/99.27E (English original, June 1999)

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Sexual behavioural change
for HIV:
Where have theories taken us ?

Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS



Geneva, Switzerland

Abbreviations ........................................................................................................................... 4

Introduction.............................................................................................................................. 5

I. Theories and models of behavioural change ..................................................................... 6

(A) Focus on individuals ......................................................................................... 6
(B) Social theories and models .............................................................................. 8
(C) Structural and environmental ........................................................................... 10
(D) Constructs alone and transtheoretical models ................................................. 11

II. Key approaches to behavioural change for HIV ............................................................... 13

(A) Approaches aimed aimed at individual level behavioural change .................. 13
Information, education and communication .................................................... 13
Testing and counselling .................................................................................... 16
Conclusion ........................................................................................................ 17
(B) Community-level interventions......................................................................... 17
Social influence and social network interventions............................................ 17
Outreach interventions ..................................................................................... 19
School-based interventions .............................................................................. 19
Condom promotion and social marketing ....................................................... 20
Community organizing, empowerment and participatory action research...... 20
Policy level interventions .................................................................................. 22
Conclusion ........................................................................................................ 22

III. Examples of the impact of theory-driven interventions ................................................. 24

(A) Women ............................................................................................................. 24
Sex workers....................................................................................................... 26
Conclusion ........................................................................................................ 26
(B) Men................................................................................................................... 27
Men having sex with men (MSM) ..................................................................... 27
Heterosexual men............................................................................................. 28
Conclusion ........................................................................................................ 28
(C) Youth................................................................................................................. 28
Conclusion ........................................................................................................ 30
(D) Injecting drug users .......................................................................................... 30
Conclusions....................................................................................................... 31

IV. Challenges........................................................................................................................... 32
(A) Design/context issues....................................................................................... 32
(B) Gender.............................................................................................................. 33
(C) Changing epidemic .......................................................................................... 33
(D) Null findings ..................................................................................................... 33

V. Conclusions .......................................................................................................................... 35

References ................................................................................................................................ 37

Tables ........................................................................................................................................ 45

Table 1: Overview of most frequently used theories of human behaviour.................... 47

Table 2: Models and theories tested through research or reviews................................ 48
Table 3: Models and theories used to guide interventions ........................................... 50
Table 4: Summary of theories and models by population group .................................. 55


ARRM AIDS risk reduction model

CT Counselling and testing for HIV
HBM Health belief model
IDU Injecting drug user
ILOM Indigenous leader outreach model
MSM Men who have sex with men
PAR Participatory action research
RCT Randomized controlled trial
SCT Social cognitive theory
STD Sexually transmitted disease(s)
SW Sex worker(s)
TASO The AIDS Support Organization, Uganda
THE Tools for health and empowerment
UAI Unprotected anal intercourse

models as a great number of them have been
INTRODUCTION propelled by the urgency to do anything to
slow the epidemic, particularly in resource-
poor settings. The primary intention of this
Today, in 1999, interventions to stem the review was to look as broadly as possible at all
spread of HIV throughout the world are as interventions in order to identify what has
varied as the contexts in which we find them. worked in the enormous variety of situations
Not only is the HIV epidemic dynamic in addressed. However, this would have implied
terms of treatment options, prevention strate- analysing retroactively all prevention pro-
gies and disease progression, but sexual grammes to define their theoretical founda-
behaviour, which remains the primary target tions, which was not feasible within the scope,
of AIDS prevention efforts worldwide, is wide- time and resources of this project.
ly diverse and deeply embedded in individual
desires, social and cultural relationships, and This review thus focused primarily on the fol-
environmental and economic processes. This lowing types of reports:
makes prevention of HIV, which could be an
essentially simple task, enormously complex
• sexual behavioural change interventions
involving a multiplicity of dimensions.
for HIV explicitly mentioning their theoret-
ical approach
Either implicitly or explicitly nearly all preven- • studies testing theoretical models of
tion interventions are based on theory. Most behavioural change
rely on the assumption that giving correct
• and reviews on impact of behavioural
information about transmission and preven-
changes interventions.
tion will lead to behavioural change. Yet
research has proven numerous times that
education alone is not sufficient to induce Additional examples of developing countries
behavioural change among most individuals. projects were used to balance the observa-
Thus, second-generation interventions were tions and conclusions drawn from the above
developed based on individual psychosocial sources in order to compensate for the lack of
and cognitive approaches that educate indi- tested models in these countries.
viduals in practical skills to reduce their risk for
HIV infection (Kalichman, 1997). More recent- Most of the studies cited in this report include
ly, social researchers have come to realize that control or comparison situations and behav-
because complex health behaviours such as ioural outcomes. Reports that included only
sex take place in context, socio-cultural fac- knowledge and attitudes outcomes were
tors surrounding the individual must be con- excluded. Also included were some interven-
sidered in designing prevention interventions. tions that used constructs from a variety of
Finally, beyond the individual and his or her theories attempting to incorporate social,
immediate social relationships lie the larger environmental and cognitive elements, or
issues of structural and environmental deter- used constructs alone without testing theories
minants that also play a significant role in sex- as a whole. Unfortunately, it was difficult to
ual behaviour (Sweat, 1995). identify interventions based both on a trans-
theoretical approach and strong evaluation
The aim of this project was to associate out- components.
comes of behavioural interventions around
the world with the different models and theo- Finally, this review was organized into four
ries on which they were based. There is how- sections, including:
ever a dearth of information on tests of the
relevance of behavioural change models in • a brief overview of theoretical models of
differing contexts, especially in non-industrial- behavioural change
ized countries and in regions at later stages of
• a review of key approaches used to stem
the epidemic. Most intervention reports,
sexual transmission of HIV
whether in peer-reviewed journals or confer-
ence abstracts, often do not explicitly state • a summary of successful interventions tar-
the theoretical framework of the project. And geting specific populations at risk
in many cases, there was no explicit intent to • and a discussion of remaining challenges.
base interventions on behavioural change

efficacy beliefs, intentions and outcome
THEORIES expectations (Kalichman, 1997). Central to
AND MODELS OF HIV prevention interventions based on psy-
chological-behavioural theory is the practice
BEHAVIOURAL CHANGE of targeted risk-reduction skills. These skills
are generally passed on to individuals in a
process consisting of instruction, modeling,
This chapter is broken into 4 sections that practice and feedback (Kalichman, 1997). The
cover the most frequently used theories and psychological theories and models that have
models of behavioural change from varied been most instrumental in the design and
perspectives (see Table 1). It begins with the- development of HIV prevention interventions
ories that focus on the individual’s psycholog- are briefly described below.
ical process, such as attitudes and beliefs,
then goes into theories emphasizing social Health belief model
relationships, and ends with structural factors
in explaining human behaviour. This separa- The Health belief model, developed in the
tion is artificial as there is inevitable overlap in 1950s, holds that health behaviour is a func-
categories. It might therefore be useful, as tion of individual’s socio-demographic charac-
well, to see the theories as a continuum of teristics, knowledge and attitudes. According
models moving from the strictly individually- to this model, a person must hold the follow-
centered to the macro-level of structural and ing beliefs in order to be able to change
environmentally focused. behaviour:

(1) perceived susceptibility to a particular

health problem (“am I at risk for HIV?”)
(A) FOCUS ON INDIVIDUALS (2) perceived seriousness of the condition
As HIV transmission is propelled by behav- (“how serious is AIDS; how hard would my
ioural factors, theories about how individuals life be if I got it?”)
change their behaviour have provided the (3) belief in effectiveness of the new behav-
foundation for most HIV prevention efforts iour (“condoms are effective against HIV
worldwide. These theories have been gener- transmission”)
ally created using cognitive-attitudinal and (4) cues to action (“witnessing the death or
affective-motivational constructs (Kalichman, illness of a close friend or relative due to
1998). Nearly all the psychosocial theories AIDS”)
originated in the West but have been used for (5) perceived benefits of preventive action
AIDS internationally with mixed results. Only (“if I start using condoms, I can avoid HIV
one of the psychosocial models discussed infection”)
below, the AIDS risk reduction model, was (6) barriers to taking action (“I don’t like
developed specifically for AIDS. using condoms”).

Psychosocial models of behavioural risk can In this model, promoting action to change
be categorized into 3 major groups: those behaviour includes changing individual per-
predicting risk behaviour, those predicting sonal beliefs. Individuals weigh the benefits
behavioural change and those predicting against the perceived costs and barriers to
maintenance of safe behaviour. Models of change. For change to occur, benefits must
individual behavioural change generally focus outweigh costs. With respect to HIV, interven-
on stages that individuals pass through while tions often target perception of risk, beliefs in
trying to change behaviour. These theories severity of AIDS (“there is no cure”), beliefs in
and models generally do not consider the effectiveness of condom use and benefits of
interaction of social, cultural and environmen- condom use or delaying onset of sexual rela-
tal issues as independent of individual factors tions.
(Auerbach, 1994). Although each theory is
built on different assumptions they all state Social cognitive (or learning) theory
that behavioural changes occur by altering
potential risk-producing situations and social The premise of the social cognitive or social
relationships, risk perceptions, attitudes, self- learning theory (SCT) states that new behav-


iours are learned either by modeling the of personal intention in determining whether
behaviour of others or by direct experience. a behaviour will occur. A person’s intention is
Social learning theory focuses on the impor- a function of 2 basic determinants:
tant roles played by vicarious, symbolic, and
self-regulatory processes in psychological (1) attitude (toward the behaviour), and
functioning and looks at human behaviour as (2) ‘subjective norms’, i.e. social influence.
a continuous interaction between cognitive,
behavioural and environmental determinants ‘Normative’ beliefs play a central role in the
(Bandura, 1977). Central tenets of the social theory, and generally focus on what an indi-
cognitive theory are: vidual believes other people, especially influ-
ential people, would expect him/her to do.
• self-efficacy – the belief in the ability to
implement the necessary behaviour (“I For example, for a person to start using con-
know I can insist on condom use with my doms, his/her attitude might be “having sex
partner”) with condoms is just as good as having sex
• outcome expectancies - beliefs about out- without condoms’” and subjective norms (or
comes such as the belief that using con- the normative belief) could be “most of my
doms correctly will prevent HIV infection. peers are using condoms, they would expect
me to do so as well”. Interventions using this
Programmes built on SCT integrate informa- theory to guide activities focus on attitudes
tion and attitudinal change to enhance moti- about risk-reduction, response to social norms,
vation and reinforcement of risk reduction and intentions to change risky behaviours.
skills and self-efficacy. Specifically, activities
focus on the experience people have in talk-
ing to their partners about sex and condom
Stages of change model
use, the positive and negative beliefs about This model, developed early in the 1990s
adopting condom use, and the types of envir- specifically for smoking cessation by
onmental barriers to risk reduction. A meta- Prochaska, DiClemente and colleagues,
analysis of HIV risk-reduction interventions posits 6 stages that individuals or groups pass
that used SCT in controlled experimental tri- through when changing behaviour: pre-con-
als found that 12 published interventions with templation, contemplation, preparation,
mostly uninfected individuals all obtained action, maintenance and relapse. With
positive changes in risk behaviour, with a respect to condom use, the stages could be
medium effect size meeting or exceeding described as:
effects of other theory-based behavioural
change interventions (Greenberg, 1996). (1) has not considered using condoms (pre-
Theory of reasoned action (2) recognizes the need to use condoms
The theory of reasoned action, advanced in (3) thinking about using condoms in the next
the mid-1960s by Fishbein and Ajzen, is months (preparation)
based on the assumptions that human beings (4) using condoms consistently for less than 6
are usually quite rational and make systemat- months (action)
ic use of the information available to them. (5) using condoms consistently for 6 months
People consider the implications of their or more (maintenance)
actions in a given context at a given time (6) slipping-up with respect to condom use
before they decide to engage or not engage (relapse)
in a given behaviour, and that most actions of
social relevance are under volitional control In order for an intervention to be successful it
(Ajzen, 1980). The theory of reasoned action must target the appropriate stage of the indi-
is conceptually similar to the health belief vidual or group. For example, awareness rais-
model but adds the construct of behavioural ing between stage one and two. Groups and
intention as a determinant of health behav- individuals pass through all stages, but do not
iour. Both theories focus on perceived sus- necessarily move in a linear fashion
ceptibility, perceived benefits and constraints (Prochaska, 1992). As with previous theories,
to changing behaviour. The theory of rea- the stages of change model emphasizes the
soned action specifically focuses on the role importance of cognitive processes and uses


Bandura’s concept of self-efficacy. Movement ue to provide important guidance to inter-

between stages depends on cognitive-behav- ventions in formulating design and evaluation
ioural processes. with diverse populations in a wide variety of
settings. Theories also help in understanding
Among others (see Table 3), the CDC has study results. It is important, however, to pay
used the Stages of Change model in its AIDS particular attention to these theories across
Community Demonstration Projects for mar- cultures and genders as nearly all the individ-
ginal populations in the US and in a research ually based theories were developed in the
project aiming to change women’s sexual West with little focus on the role of gender.
behaviour with their main partners (Galavotti Although numerous studies have proven the
1998). usefulness of these theories, it has become
increasingly evident that alone they do not
entirely explain why some populations have
AIDS risk reduction model higher HIV prevalence than others nor the
The AIDS risk reduction model, developed in complex interactions between contextual fac-
1990 (Catania et al), uses constructs from the tors and individual behaviour.
health belief model, the social cognitive the-
ory and the diffusion of innovation theory (a
social model described below), to describe (B) SOCIAL THEORIES AND
the process individuals (or groups) pass
through while changing behaviour regarding
HIV risk. The model identifies 3 stages Overemphasis on individual behavioural
involved in reducing risk for HIV transmission, change with a focus on the cognitive level has
including: undermined the overall research capacity to
understand the complexity of HIV transmis-
(1) behaviour labelling sion and control. Focus only on the individual
(2) commitment to change psychological process ignores the interactive
(3) taking action. relationship of behaviour in its social, cultural,
and economic dimension thereby missing the
In the first stage, knowledge about HIV trans- possibility to fully understand crucial determi-
mission, perceived HIV susceptibility, as well nants of behaviour. Aggleton (1996) points
as aversive emotions influence how people out that, in many cases, motivations for sex
perceive AIDS. The commitment stage is are complicated, unclear and may not be
shaped by four factors: perceptions of enjoy- thought through in advance.
ment, self-efficacy, social norms and aversive
emotions. Again, in the last stage, aversive Societal norms, religious criteria, and gender-
emotions, sexual communication, help-seek- power relations infuse meaning into behav-
ing behaviour and social factors affect peo- iour, enabling positive or negative changes. A
ple’s decision-making process (Catania, main difference between individual and social
1990). models is that the latter aim at changes at the
community level. Sociological theories assert
Programmes that use the AIDS risk reduction that society is broken up into smaller subcul-
model focus on: tures and it is the members of one’s immedi-
ate surroundings, the peer group that some-
• clients’ risk assessment one most identifies with, that has the most
• influencing the decision to reduce risk significant influence on an individual’s behav-
through perceptions of enjoyment or self- iour. According to this perspective, effective
efficacy prevention efforts, especially in vulnerable
• clients’ support to enact the change communities that do not have the larger soci-
(access to condoms, social support). etal support, will depend on the development
of strategies that can enlist community mobi-
Conclusion lization to modify the norms of this peer net-
work to support positive changes in behav-
These psychosocial theories and constructs iour (Kelly, 1995). A greater interest in the
were very useful early in the epidemic to iden- context surrounding individual behaviour led
tify individual behaviours associated with to increased numbers of interventions guided
higher rates of HIV transmission. They contin- by the following theories and models.


Diffusion of innovation theory Social network theory

The diffusion of innovation theory (Rogers, The Social Network Theory looks at social
1983) describes the process of how an idea is behaviour not as an individual phenomenon
disseminated throughout a community. but through relationships, and appreciates
According to the theory, there are four essen- that HIV risk behaviour, unlike many other
tial elements: the innovation, its communica- health behaviours, directly involves 2 people
tion, the social system and time. People’s (Morris, 1997). With respect to sexual rela-
exposure to a new idea, which takes place tionships, social networks focus on both the
within a social network or through the media, impact of selective mixing (ie how different
will determine the rate at which various peo- people choose who they mix with), and the
ple adopt a new behaviour. The theory posits variations in partnership patterns (length of
that people are most likely to adopt new partnership and overlap). Although the intri-
behaviours based on favorable evaluations of cacies of relations and communication within
the idea communicated to them by other the couple, the smallest unit of the social net-
members whom they respect (Kegeles, 1996). work, is critical to the understanding of HIV
Kelly explains that when the diffusion theory transmission in this model, the scope and
is applied to HIV risk reduction, normative character of one’s broader social network,
and risk behavioural changes can be initiated those who serve as reference people, and
when enough key opinion leaders adopt and who sanction behaviour, are key to compre-
endorse behavioural changes, influence oth- hending individual risk behaviour (Auerbach,
ers to do the same and eventually diffuse the 1994). In other words, social norms are best
new norm widely within peer networks. When understood at the level of social networks.
beneficial prevention beliefs are instilled and
widely held within one’s immediate social net- One application of the Sexual Network
work, individuals’ behaviour is more likely to Theory for HIV prevention is the concept of
be consistent with the perceived social norms ‘bridge populations’ that form a link
(Kelly, 1995). between high and low prevalence groups
(Morris, 1997). In Thailand, men who have
Interventions using this theory generally both commercial and non-commercial sex
investigate the best method to disperse mes- partners form an important bridge popula-
sages within a community and who are the tion, which was an integral aspect of the
leaders able to act as role models to change spread of HIV in Thailand. Programmes
community norms. using this theory to guide them would inves-

Social influence or social inocula- • the composition of important social net-

tion model works in a community
• the attitudes of the social networks
towards safer sex
This educational model is based on the con- • whether the social network provides the
cept that young people engage in behaviours necessary support to change behaviour
including early sexual activity partly because • whether particular people within the
of general societal influences, but more social network are at particularly high
specifically from their peers (Howard 1990). risk and may put many others at risk.
The model suggests exposing young people
to social pressures while teaching them to
examine and develop skills to deal with these
pressures. The model often relies on role Although few network-based interventions
models such as teenagers slightly older than have been tried, the concept has proven
programme participants to present factual complementary to individual-based theories
information, identify pressures, role-play for the design of prevention programmes by
responses to pressures, teach assertiveness focusing on the partnership as well as the
skills and discuss problem situations (Howard, larger social group. Analysis of network mix-
1990). Social influence model has been used ing provides the means to see efficiency of
to reduce smoking among young people as transmission and effective points of inter-
well. vention.


Theory of gender and power Theory for individual and social

change or empowerment model
Unlike the psychosocial theories which are
essentially gender-blind, the theory of gender This theory asserts that social change hap-
and power is a social structural theory pens through dialogue to build up a critical
addressing the wider social and environmen- perception of the social, cultural, political and
tal issues surrounding women, such as distrib- economic forces that structure reality and by
ution of power and authority, affective influ- taking action against forces that are oppres-
ences, and gender-specific norms within het- sive (Parker, 1996). In other words, empower-
erosexual relationships (Connell, 1987). Using ment should increase problem solving in a
this theory to guide intervention develop- participatory fashion, and should enable par-
ment with women in heterosexual relation- ticipants to understand the personal, social,
ships can help investigate how a woman’s economic and political forces in their lives in
commitment to a relationship and lack of order to take action to improve their situa-
power can influence her risk reduction choic- tions (Israel, 1994). Werner (1997) states that,
es (DiClemente, 1995). “empowerment is the process by which dis-
advantaged people work together to take
Programmes using the theory of gender and control of the factors that determine their
power would assess the impact of structurally health and their lives”. For this to happen he
determined gender differences on interper- explains that feelings of powerlessness, which
sonal sexual relationships (perceptions of can come from lack of skills and confidence,
socially prescribed gender relations). have to be cast off. Although empowerment
can only come from the group itself, enabling
empowerment is possible by facilitating its
determinants. The common struggle against
Social theories and models see individual gender or ethnic oppression, economic
behaviours embedded in their social and cul- exploitation, political repression or foreign
tural context. Instead of focusing on psycho- intervention is what builds necessary confi-
logical processes as the basis for sexual dence (Werner, 1997).
behaviour, it tends to be social norms, rela-
tionships and gender imbalances that create A distinction is made between personal, orga-
the meaning and determinants of behaviour nizational and community empowerment.
and behavioural change. These theories dic- Personal empowerment has to do with the
tate that efforts to effect change at the com- psychological processes and is similar to self-
munity level will have the most significant efficacy and self esteem. Organizational
impact on individuals who are contemplating empowerment encompasses both the
changes and on those who have made processes that enable individuals to increase
changes but need support to sustain those their control within the organization and the
changes. Social theories have been increas- organization to influence policies and deci-
ingly used with populations especially vulner- sions in the community. An empowered com-
able to effects of partners and peers. These munity uses the skills and resources of indi-
theories and models have been developed in viduals and organizations to meet respective
the West and few examples have tested their needs (Israel, 1994).
relevance in developing countries.
Interventions using empowerment approach-
es must consider key concepts such as beliefs
and practices that are linked to interpersonal,
(C) STRUCTURAL AND organizational and community change.
Intervention activities can address issues at
the community and organizational level such
Determinants of sexual behaviour can be as central needs the community identifies,
seen as a function not only of individual and and any history community organizing among
social but of structural and environmental fac- community members. The theory would pre-
tors as well (Caraël, 1997, Sweat, 1995, Tawil, scribe including participants in the planning
1995). These factors include civil and organi- and implementation of activities.
zational elements as well as policy and eco-
nomic issues.


Social ecological model for health economic strain in a alien culture (Caraël,
promotion 1997). In such situations, HIV concerns take a
very low priority in a risk hierarchy, and any
According to this model, patterned behaviour previous or planned efforts for the control of
is the outcome of interest and behaviour is HIV transmission are disrupted, if not
viewed as being determined by the following: destroyed.

(1) intrapersonal factors – characteristics of

the individual such as knowledge, atti-
tudes, behaviour, self-concept, skills Community level theories, models or factors
(2) interpersonal processes and primary see human behaviour as a function not only of
groups formal and informal social network the individual or his or her immediate social
and social support systems, including the relationships, but as depending on the com-
family, work group and friendships munity, organization and the political and
(3) institutional factors – social institutions economic environment as well. They are mul-
with organizational characteristics and for- tidimensional with an emphasis on linking the
mal and informal rules and regulations for individual to the surrounding larger environ-
operation mental systems. Interventions using this
(4) community factors – relationships among approach, thus, target organizations, commu-
organizations, institutions and informal nities and policy.
networks within defined boundaries
(5) public policy – local, state and national
laws and policies (McLeroy, 1988).
Intervention strategies range from skills TRANSTHEORETICAL MODELS
development at the intra-personal level to
mass media and regulatory changes at other Perception of risk construct
levels (Laver, 1998). The theory acknowledges
the importance of the interplay between the As behavioural interventions are designed to
individual and the environment, and consid- reduce higher risk behaviours, perception of
ers multi-level influences on unhealthy behav- risk is a construct in most individual psy-
iour (Choi, 1998). In this manner, the impor- chosocial behavioural models and some inter-
tance of the individual is de-emphasized in ventions use the construct without applying
the process of behavioural change. any of the models in their entirety. Increasing
perception of risk has been shown numerous
times to increase HIV protective behaviour
Socioeconomic factors (Stevens, 1998). Yet most behavioural models
Several studies have shown that economic measure risk as individually determined which
factors have a strong influence on individual might not be relevant in many contexts. Not
sexual behaviour, mostly through poverty and surprisingly, many women often perceive
underemployment. Cross-nationally, countries themselves at risk not because of their own
with the lowest standards of living are also the behaviour, but because of the past or current,
ones with the highest HIV incidence (Sweat, perceived or real behaviour of their sexual
1995; Tawil, 1995). Within both rich and poor partner. In addition, perception of risk as a
countries, poverty is associated with HIV, and predictor of future behavioural change has
HIV intensifies poverty (Sweat, 1995). further complexities in circumstances where
individuals report high perception of risk and
The proposed mechanisms for this relation- high self-reported behavioural change. This
ship are: non-cohabitation between young situation may demonstrate limited realistic
married couples which can arise from critical further behavioural change options, or feel-
economic situations forcing urban migration, ings of fatalism.
seasonal work and truck driving, sex work,
civil disturbances and war. Civil disturbance Sexual communication
and war lead to displaced and refugee popu-
lations who not only lose their social and Sexual communication has been noted in var-
familial support systems but become highly ious situations to be predictive of condom
vulnerable to HIV owing to intense social and use. Among incarcerated Latino adolescents


with high numbers of sexual partners in the

USA, it was reported that youth who commu-
nicated with their sex partners about each
others’ sexual history were significantly more
likely to use condoms (Rickman, 1994). In cen-
tral Africa condom use was more likely if
women reported discussion with their sexual
partner about STDs or condoms (van der
Straten, 1995). Sexual communication has
also been reported as a means to self-efficacy
among heterosexuals in Holland (Buunk,

Information, education and commu-
Early in the AIDS epidemic, results of popula-
tion survey research alerted public health offi- Mass and small group education
cials of the diversity of sexual behaviours and
of the need to act quickly. The first interven- As information was initially, for many, thought
tions as well as the first applications of theo- to be the key to behavioural change, HIV pre-
ries were propelled by the urgency to do any- vention programmes began with a focus on
thing to slow the alarming crisis at hand. increasing awareness about the modes of
Through popular public health channels, transmission and prevention (Cohen, 1992).
information was disseminated to populations Mass education for HIV prevention can take
at risk. many forms but is often seen as a key com-
ponent of a comprehensive AIDS prevention
Today, many of the interventions for the pre- programme (Holtgrave, 1997). Mass media,
vention of HIV transmission, rather than using for example, are directed to the general pub-
one of the behavioural theories in its entirety, lic and aim at teaching people essential facts,
have developed programmes based on one promoting healthy behaviour, quieting anxi-
or many constructs often depending on the ety about casual transmission and preventing
socio-cultural, political, or economic situation discrimination.
and on the stage of the epidemic. Drawing on
various models and modifying them to suit An analysis of the messages adopted by the
the population and context has been critical information and education programmes of
to implementation of prevention projetcs, national AIDS control programmes of 38 dif-
especially in international settings, as nearly ferent countries found that over 90% focused
all theories were developed in the West. on correcting misperceptions about AIDS.
These transtheoretical approaches are guided About 80% provided information about per-
by critical constructs such as risk perception, sonal risk assessment (Cohen, 1992). In many
social norms and sexual communication to countries, mass education provided the first
form the basis of interventions worldwide. step to national AIDS control programmes.
Many mass education efforts successfully
This section looks principally at the most com- raised AIDS awareness by informing individu-
mon approaches used to influence HIV risk als of the risks of HIV infection, and in some
reduction. Although these approaches are not cases education-based programmes were suf-
consistently or directly derived from behav- ficient to change high risk behaviours,
ioural change theories or models, they draw increase condom sales, and reduce new HIV
on the multiple constructs mentioned above. infections (Kalichman, 1997). The channels
The section is split between individual and that national AIDS control programmes have
community-level interventions, where the used for mass education include targeted
approach is described and then specific media, printed media and electronic media
examples of its use are reviewed. See Table 2 (Cohen, 1992).
for a summary of models and theories tested
by research or reviews. A review of 49 studies covering 18 countries
to identify empirical outcomes or evaluate
impact of HIV-related mass-media campaigns
in 1996 concluded that most campaigns aim-
ing at “individual-level goals of knowledge,
attitude or behavioural changes were gener-
ally successful at achieving these goals”
(Holtgrave, 1997). However, behavioural end-
points of the projects reviewed were not men-
tioned. In addition, as the author himself


pointed out, a substantial number of the pro- tion from randomized controlled trials of the-
ject reports reviewed lacked methodological ory-based skills-building programmes (see
details; they were reported in conference chapter III for impact of theory based inter-
abstracts. It is therefore difficult to conclude ventions). Several independent reviews of the
on the relative meaning of the term “success- literature as a whole found that small group
ful”, particularly in relation to behavioural out- HIV risk-reduction interventions result in
comes. meaningful changes in HIV risk behaviour
(Kalichman, 1998).
Small-group AIDS education is taking place
all over the world, advancing general knowl- One innovative approach targeting hard-to-
edge of HIV in numerous communities. Small- reach populations in the USA with information
group AIDS prevention programmes can be and counselling was a multiple session inter-
seen as having 3 main components: vention designed to be delivered over the
telephone. One reason for this method was to
• content reach populations that do not want to meet a
• context health care provider face-to–face. In an evalu-
• strategies (Kalichman, 1998). ation of the study, the researcher found sig-
nificant effects of their telephone-based
Content includes goals, objectives, and activ- counselling including a decrease in unpro-
ities. The main content areas in most small- tected intercourse from 47% to 26% of the
group intervention activities include: basic men who completed the programme
education about AIDS, sensitization to one’s (Roffman, 1997).
personal risks for HIV, instruction in individual
actions that can reduce one’s risk and explor- Another study in Uganda looking at gender
ing new ways to communication with sex part- differences and perception of risk noted that
ners. Entire interventions or research ques- participation in small-group AIDS education
tions are built on any one of these content was associated with some protective behav-
areas. iours for women with evidence of a dose
response effect. The author suggests that
The second component in small group HIV these AIDS education events may also pro-
prevention is the context. The different vide a socially sanctioned opportunity for
aspects of the intervention should be peer group interaction for women (Bunnell,
designed to fit the cultural, gender and devel- 1996).
opmental issues of participants. For example,
one investigator felt concerns of stigma and Especially in the USA, small-group AIDS pre-
sexual identity were paramount to African vention efforts have evolved since the begin-
American gay men and dedicated an entire ning of the epidemic from providing basic
session of this small-group intervention to information in community groups and sensi-
concentrate on those issues (Kalichman, tizing people to personal risk sensitization.
1998). Subsequently, interventions began instructing
people on condom use skills, eroticizing safer
The third component, strategy, is the process sex, and building safer sex communication
itself, where emphasis is placed on how the skills. Through interventions encompassing
interventions are implemented between par- these elements, many people have reduced
ticipants and group leader. Key elements to high-risk sexual behaviour, but not everyone
consider include how to foster trust, build is sensitive to small group behavioural inter-
group cohesiveness, encourage motivation ventions. For example, small-group projects
and mutual support among participants and targeting heterosexual men for HIV preven-
between participants and the facilitator tion have not shown significant intervention
(Kalichman, 1998). effects. Longer-term behavioural changes
require ongoing support and modifications in
Although evaluations of small-group interven- the larger social environment within which
tions have focused on content and facilitation these behaviours take place.
skills, all three components have been found
to be critical to the success of this approach.
The literature reports strong evidence for the
beneficial effects of small-group HIV preven-


Peer education In these various situations, peer educators

performed differing tasks ranging from devel-
Peer education is one approach to small- opment and distribution of IEC materials
group HIV prevention usually aimed at indi- including video clips and pamphlets, as well
vidual behaviour. The peer health educator as condom discussion and distribution to con-
approach recruits leaders in communities at versations with peers on diverse topics such
risk to be implementers of the education pro- as empowerment, health and human rights,
gramme to their peers (Sepulvede, 1992). and basic AIDS information.
Selection of peer educators is a key to the
success of a programme and often involves: Surprisingly, all of the above studies, even
though many were not randomly controlled,
• acceptance by other members of the indicated positive results. But here again,
group many of these reports were conference
• being an opinion leader, thus well abstracts lacking methodological details.
respected in the group Nevertheless, they show the astonishing
• willingness to be trained diversity of populations and contexts with
• committed to the goals of the programme which peer education is being practised
throughout the world.
Many interventions combine peer education
with other approaches such as the use of
social networks, condom social marketing In one study that randomized 40 factories in
(Roy, 1998) and outreach (Seema, 1998 & Zimbabwe into counselling and testing with
Boontan, 1998) as these approaches can be or without peer education, results reported a
complementary. Outreach work using peers 34% lower HIV incidence in peer education
has resulted in increased participation of tar- than in control group (Katzenstein, 1998). In
geted community members as well as Zambia, authors noted dramatic declines in
increased diversity of participants syphilis seropositivity in 3 test vs. 3 control
(Broadhead, 1998). sites (by 77%, 47% and 58%) after a 3-year
peer education programme that reached
417,000 men and 385,000 women (Kathuria,
The benefits of working with peers rather than
with ‘experts’ from outside the social network
are many depending upon the group at risk.
Wingood noted that peer educators may be a Two studies analysed cost-effectiveness of
more credible source of information for peer education interventions among IDUs in
women, may communicate in a more under- the USA and factory workers in Zimbabwe. In
standable language, and may serve as posi- Zimbabwe costs compared favorably to other
tive role models (Wingood, 1996). Other HIV prevention programmes (Katzenstein,
studies have suggested that when the group 1998), and the US researchers found that the
at risk is very different culturally from the peer-driven intervention cost one thirtieth as
majority, peers know the cultural risks and much as the traditional (external) intervention
most appropriate and realistic risk-reduction (Broadhead, 1998).
strategies from experience.
As any other approach however, peer educa-
The peer educator approach has been used in tion has its limits. For example, in Brazil, par-
as diverse populations as: dock workers in ticipants of a target group became health
Nigeria (Ogundare 1998), Arabian prisoners agents and lost their solidarity and support
in Italy (Vacondio, 1998), street youth in within the group, which is a key element to
Thailand (Boontan, 1998), in-school youth in successful peer education (Leite, 1998).
Armenia (Ter-Hoyakimyan, 1998) secondary Another example comes from a convenience
school students in Argentina (Bianco, 1998), sample analysis of several peer education
taxi drivers in Cameroon (Moughutou, 1998), programmes across the USA that found a
low- and middle-class general population in structural tendency for peer education pro-
Zambia (Kathuria, 1998), factory workers in grammes to employ low-income people and
Zimbabwe (Katzenstein, 1998), sex workers in treat peer educators as the most marginal
India (Seema, 1998, Roy, 1998), drug users in sector of the organization’s staff (Maskovsky,
USA (Broadhead, 1998) and traditional heal- 1998).
ers in South Africa (Green, 1994), among
many, many others.


Testing and counselling ing drug users, women) risk reduction was not
significantly associated with counselling and
testing (Higgins, 1991).
In increasing numbers people in industrialized
countries are receiving their HIV test results as
therapeutic options become available to An updated review of 35 studies conducted
more people. Research has shown many rea- by Wolitski et al. in 1997 found similar results
sons developing nations should make volun- to those of Higgins et al for some population
tary testing and counselling (VTC) accessible groups. The clearest evidence for positive
to their populations (UNAIDS, 1998). Early behavioural effects of HIV VTC has been het-
detection of the virus enables referral for clin- erosexual sero-discordant couples where HIV
ical care and psychosocial support. Ethically counselling and testing was a significant moti-
people have a right to know their serostatus vating factor to risk reduction. Studies of
in order to protect themselves and others. MSM have also indicated significant risk
And knowing their own serostatus and the reduction but it was not clearly related to their
options can motivate people to change high- testing for HIV. Yet a UNAIDS report notes
er risk behaviours (De Zoysa, 1995). In addi- that among a sample of HIV-infected homo-
tion, De Zoysa notes that HIV testing and sexual men in Norway the number of sex part-
counselling may have an important social ners decreased from an average of 4.3 a year
impact through people knowing their serosta- before to 1.6 after counselling and testing
tus sharing it with others and laying the (UNAIDS, 1998). In HIV serodiscordant cou-
groundwork for changes in social norms ples a consistent reduction in sexual risk prac-
about HIV and AIDS. A positive HIV result has tices followed HIV testing and counselling.
also encouraged some people to give per- Similarly, in most injecting drug users studies,
sonal testimonies in community fora, a conse- counselling and testing proved to be benefi-
quence that can have a powerful effect on cial in reducing dangerous sexual practices
individual attitudes, behaviours and social (Wolitski, 1997). Across populations, individu-
norms. In cultural contexts where fertility is als who learn they are HIV positive have been
highly valued, testing and counselling pro- found to be more likely to change behaviour
vides an important behavioural-change alter- than those who learn they are HIV negative.
native to consistent condom use.
More recently a randomized controlled trial in
The theoretical foundation on which interven- 3 developing countries (Kenya, Tanzania and
tions providing testing and counselling are Trinidad and Tobago) showed that couples
built principally involves the stages of change receiving counselling and testing reduced
model (De Zoysa, 1995). HIV testing and unprotected intercourse among their spous-
counselling may promote progression across es, especially among serodiscordant and
the continuum of the stages of change. For seropositive concordant couples (Coates,
example, in rural southwestern Uganda, a 1998a). However, results specifically found
setting with high HIV prevalence, the majority that VTC produced significant changes in
of respondents in a research study reported reducing high-risk sexual practices with non-
that they had already made behavioural primary partners (Coates, 1998).
changes because of AIDS, but making further
changes to protect themselves was contin- In the USA, a randomized controlled trial eval-
gent on knowing their HIV serostatus uating HIV post-test prevention counselling
(Bunnell, 1996). It has thus been suggested was conducted in 5 STD clinics comparing 3
that counselling promotes risk reduction arms: (1) HIV education including 2 sessions
through increasing perception of risk, self-effi- with brief HIV/STD messages, (2) HIV preven-
cacy and personal skills, and through reinforc- tion counselling, 2 sessions aimed at increas-
ing social norms or responsibility (De Zoysa, ing risk perception, (3) enhanced counselling,
1995). 4 sessions based on theoretical constructs of
behavioural change; self efficacy and per-
In 1991, in an extensive review of 50 testing ceived norms, over a 12-month period. They
and counselling studies in Africa, Australia, found marked changes in condom use with
Europe and North America, Higgins et al both main and other partners across arms of
found substantial risk reduction only among the study (Kamb, 1996). After 12 months,
heterosexual couples with one infected part- there were 19% fewer new STD cases in the
ner. In other groups (homosexual men, inject- brief counselling group, and 22% fewer in the


enhanced counselling group, compared with (B) COMMUNITY-LEVEL

the group that had received only educational
messages (Kamb, 1998). These findings sup-
port other studies showing benefits of client Community-level approaches grew out of the
centered counselling combined with HIV test realization that, despite the considerable risk
results. reduction through individual-level behaviour-
al change approaches, different approaches
Other, non-randomized studies in Rwanda, were needed as well. Social epidemiology,
Uganda, Kenya and Zaire reported VTC to be pointing to differences in prevalence among
a motivating factor especially for couples to different social categories within a given risk
change behaviour (Allen, 1992; Campbell, category in a community suggested interven-
1997; Choi, 1994; Alwano-Edyegu, 1996). ing along these lines (Friedman, 1997). The
The AIDS Support Organization (TASO) pro- programmes in this section encompass the
vides counselling and support services to a most widely publicized approaches to com-
variety of clients with AIDS in urban and rural munity level HIV prevention including: inter-
Uganda. In an overall evaluation of TASO, it ventions based on social influence and social
was noted that 90% of all clients had revealed networks, outreach programmes, school-
their HIV status to somebody following TASO based programmes, condom promotion and
services. In contrast, a study in the Gambia social marketing, community organizing and
showed no effect of individual post-test coun- empowerment and policy level interventions.
selling on condom use among prostitutes Each of these types of interventions either try
who already had high rates of condom use to reduce individual vulnerability to or trans-
before the intervention (Pickering, 1993). missibility of HIV, change community norms,
limit dispersal of high seroprevalence net-
Wolitski sums up by noting that “there is no works or change community organizational
question that HIV VTC can and does motivate structures making them less dangerous
behavioural change in some individuals”, but (Friedman, 1997). Changing community cul-
also that VTC alone does not always lead to tures or community norms provides motiva-
changes and does not have the same effect in tion and reinforcement for individual HIV risk
all populations and in different situations reduction. Many of the following programmes
(Wolitski, 1997). As with most other approach- use ideas from the theory of reasoned action,
es, the stage of the epidemic and surround- the diffusion of innovations model and the
ing contextual factors will contribute to the theory of social influence to mobilize peer
outcome of the intervention. In addition, the pressure or to ostracize individuals who con-
quality of the counselling provided is a key tinue high-risk practices. Policy level changes
variable in predicting the impact of the inter- such as closing of bathhouses and enforcing
vention. condom use in brothels also account for sig-
nificant impact in community risk practices.

Conclusion Social influence and social network

After years of experience with HIV prevention
and the variety of interventions aimed at indi- Based on the theories of social influence, dif-
vidual behavioural change tested in diverse fusion of innovation, reasoned action and
situations, certain characteristics of successful social cognitive theory, these interventions
programmes point to key elements of use peers and social networks to disseminate
approaches to behavioural change pro- information. Social influence interventions
grammes. These elements include: increasing identify key persons in communities who are
participants ability to communicate effective- capable of influencing others. The social cog-
ly about sex; helping participants increase nitive theory posits that trusted role models
their condom use skills; personalizing risk, are an important factor in the environment
achieving participants perception of risk and the environment has a reciprocal relation-
avoidance as an accepted social norm, pro- ship both with behaviour and the individual.
viding reinforcement and support for sustain- In the theory of reasoned action, perceptions
ing risk reduction. For individual level inter- of social norms have a critical influence on
ventions to be successful, context specific behaviour. Social norms created by opinion
information and skills are critical. leaders will ideally have a strong effect on
behaviour. Diffusion of innovation theory


asserts that changing behaviour will more Sikkema et al. tested a comparable approach
likely happen if the new behaviour is compat- with women living in urban, low-income hous-
ible with accepted social norms of a specific ing developments. The intervention included
social network, is simple to do, and has outreach, small groups and community activi-
observable outcomes (Kalichman, 1998). ties to encourage social norms supportive of
One’s social network can be a source of emo- safer-sex as well as reduction of individual
tional and instrumental support and a refer- high-risk behaviour (Kalichman, 1998).
ence that establishes social norms. Women who were identified as opinion lead-
ers participated in a 4-session skills-building
Research implemented using peer educators intervention centered on HIV prevention
to influence social networks in gay communi- knowledge and behaviour. These women
ties showed significant self-reported changes recruited other women who participated in
in safer sex practices after intervention the same intervention and the cycle contin-
(Auerbach, 1994). Encouraging results in ued until about half the women in the housing
changing social norms and safer sex behav- development were reached. At the same
iour have also been noted in a number of time, social norm-changing events were
community-level social influence interven- being implemented. Results of this random-
tions in the USA. One programme imple- ized controlled trial found that condom use
mented among men frequenting gay bars in reported by women in the intervention site
three Southern cities began by identifying increased from 29% at baseline to 41% at 3-
and recruiting opinion leaders. Project staff month follow-up (Kalichman, 1998).
then trained leaders in risk-reduction, and the
final stage involved opinion leaders in dis-
seminating prevention messages to friends The National AIDS Demonstration Research
and other members of their social networks Projects implemented in more than 60 sites in
(Kalichman 1998, Kelly, 1992). In a later study the USA to evaluate strategies among IDUs,
using the same methods, researchers used a combined research methodologies but
randomized experimental design with four focused on the social networks of IDUs as the
test and four control cities and showed a primary target group. The Indigenous Leader
decrease in population-level rates of risk Outreach Intervention Model which combines
behaviour after one year (Kelly, 1997). medical epidemiology and community
ethnography guided the project. Former IDUs
The Mpowerment project was similar to the were employed as outreach workers whose
above studies but focused on young gay men job was to identify and access the social net-
in a midsize urban community in the USA, and work, document the norms, values and situa-
included in the intervention package a public- tional factors relating to risk practices. Former
ity campaign and small group sessions con- IDUs were also responsible for delivering the
centrating on individual behavioural change HIV prevention services. After a four-year
(Kegeles, 1996). In the test city, there was a intervention, incidence of HIV decreased from
26% reduction in unprotected anal inter- 8.4 to 2.4 per 100 person years. Sex risk prac-
course compared to 3% in the control city. A tices decreased less dramatically than drug
follow-up study examined the effectiveness of risk, but went from 71% to 45% (Wiebel,
the different programme components (small 1996). The same model was tested among
groups, social events, and outreach) on post- sex workers in Indonesia with encouraging
intervention sexual risk-taking. The small results (Gordon, 1998).
groups had a large effect size, but reached
substantially fewer men than social events
and outreach. Although not as powerful, the Interpreting these results for social influence
social events and outreach were critical to the interventions indicates that multi-component,
effectiveness of the programme as sources of individual and community level that combine
recruitment to the small groups and as a cognitive-behavioural and norm-changing
means of reaching men not interested in activities can result in positive changes for
attending small groups. Authors concluded MSM and heterosexual women. Despite the
that the effectiveness of programme compo- fact that all published reports described here
nents were not independent; the synergy cre- were based on interventions in the USA, since
ated by the whole programme makes the net they are based on conversations with peers
effect of the intervention activities greater one could assume that they would be ideal for
than the sum of its parts (Kegeles, 1998a). other populations (even non-literate) as well.


Interventions using outreach as a strategy

Outreach interventions have been carefully tested in the USA among
diverse populations and have shown encour-
Outreach interventions are conceptualized in
aging results. This approach lends itself as
a similar manner to social influence interven-
well to hard-to-reach populations and has
tions in that they use individuals to pass on
been used in many parts of the world though
information within social networks, however
randomized controlled trials have not been
the influential person may or may not be from
reported outside the USA.
the targeted community. The outreach worker
enters the social system to instigate behav-
ioural change as an individual change agent.
Targeted communities are often hard-to- School-based interventions
reach groups such as drug users, sex partners
of drug users, sex workers as well as isolated By the early 1990s, school-based pro-
rural populations. The aims of outreach have grammes for HIV education existed in about
often been harm reduction strategies such as three quarters of industrialized countries and
providing condoms to sex workers, but not 60% of developing countries according to a
necessarily addressing sex work itself. survey of 38 countries (Cohen, 1992). Besides
interventions that simply provide basic AIDS
information in the classroom, multi-dimen-
Three large-scale research trials in the USA
sional school-based programmes generally
examined the effects of outreach delivered
include classroom skills-building sessions,
primarily to injecting drug users. The National
school-wide peer-led activities, and social
AIDS Demonstration Research Projects tar-
norm changing programmes. Promotion of
geted over 36,000 out-of treatment injecting
condom use was the theme most frequently
drug users. Results indicated that sexual prac-
adopted in programmes for youth in and out
tices were much more difficult to change than
of school (Cohen, 1992). An extensive review
sharing of drug using equipment. The pro-
of school-based interventions revealed that
jects did show reductions in sex risk practices,
no comprehensive school-based HIV-preven-
but less dramatically than for drug risk prac-
tion interventions evaluated showed signs of
tices (Wiebel, 1996).
promoting sexual acting out or hastening the
onset of sexual intercourse (UNAIDS, 1997). It
A second initiative entitled the AIDS was found that effective interventions had a
Evaluation of Street Outreach Projects sup- number of characteristics in common:
ported by the CDC was conducted in six US
cities, and showed promising outcomes as • accurate information was provided about
well as being cost-effective. Again, this pro- the risks involved in unprotected sex,
ject found drug using behaviour easier to enabling informed behavioural decision
change than sexual behaviour. A third out- making
reach project (AIDS Community
• programmes included skills building ses-
Demonstration Projects) was implemented in
sions enhancing self-efficacy for safer-sex
five US cities and had multiple target groups
negotiating practices
including: IDUs and their partners, MSM,
• components were often based on social
female sex workers, street youth and men
cognitive theory including modeling of
who have sex with men but do not identify as
safer behaviours (Kirby, 1994)
gay. The health belief model, social cognitive
theory, the theory of reasoned action and the • activities were conducted in small groups
transtheoretical stages of change model guid- or had a minimum of 14 hours of contact
ed the outreach intervention. Following for- • opportunities for youth to personalize
mative research, volunteer outreach workers information were provided
implemented the intervention, by disseminat- • social pressures to engage in sex were
ing innovative, carefully designed materials addressed with strategies for resisting
and messages. The evaluation indicated that peer pressure
the communities moved across the continu- • reinforced supportive group norms and
um of stages of change following the inter- appropriate individual values for engag-
vention. A dose-response effect was noted ing in safer behaviour were emphasized
according to exposure to the intervention • extensive training was provided for teach-
materials (Guenther-Grey, 1996, Kalichman, ers and/or peers who were to implement
1998) the training.


The element distinguishing school-based pro- which necessitates asking the consumer
grammes from other interventions for youth always and often about his or her point of
was the supportive structural aspect played view. Modifying products requires a good
by schools and teachers, and the interaction understanding of the culture of the target
between school, parents, students and com- group. Availing condoms at non-traditional
munity (Peersman, 1998, Kalichman, 1998). outlets such as truck stops, bars, and hotels is
integral to social marketing success. Flooding
these non-traditional outlets with condoms
Condom promotion and social aims not only to increase availability but also
marketing to increase social acceptability (World Bank,
It has now been proven numerous times that
correct use of condoms is an effective method Results of these programmes have shown dra-
of preventing HIV transmission. Yet, countless matic increases in condom sales in countries,
research studies have identified obstacles to such as Côte d’Ivoire, Uganda, and Malaysia
their use in settings throughout the world, where condoms were practically unavailable
including inaccessibility and partner commu- before social marketing campaigns (World
nication among other factors. Bank, 1997). After a 3-year peer-led condom
promotion programme among sex workers in
Most initial HIV prevention programmes West Bengal, India, found that condom use
included condom promotion and free distrib- rates rose from 3% to 81%, a social marketing
ution as part of a comprehensive HIV preven- campaign was launched. Six months into the
tion package. Free distribution was essential- project using peer education and community
ly aimed at introducing condoms where they participation, free distribution of condoms
were not previously available or distributing had decreased by 50% and the same amount
them to destitute populations at high risk of condoms had been sold (Banerjee, 1998).
such as sex workers and refugees. Although Social marketing programmes have also been
this approach accomplished its intended out- developed in Mexico, Dominican Republic,
come of making condoms accessible without Canada, Brazil, Vietnam, Pakistan, Zambia,
delay to large populations, the lack of sus- Botswana, Cameroon, South Africa and Haiti
tainability and reliability of free condom dis- for HIV prevention (Holtgrave, 1997, PSI,
tribution programmes commanded the intro- 1998). Evaluations have shown success in
duction of condom social marketing strate- increasing condom use especially among
gies especially aimed at certain populations. adolescents in Zambia and among married
women in small urban areas in Pakistan (PSI,
Condom social marketing, which may well be 1998).
the most developed of public health commu-
nication approaches, aims to remove the bar- Besides condom promotion, social marketing
riers to condom use by using commercial techniques have also been effective for other
marketing techniques such as advertising and HIV prevention strategies such as promotion
packaging to make the product accessible, of testing and counselling for adolescents in
affordable and attractive to all types of peo- the USA (Futterman, 1998), and the recruit-
ple. The theories underlying social marketing ment of research participants in Puerto Rico
programmes derive from many different disci- (Torres-Burges, 1998).
plines including operant conditioning and
social cognitive theories as well as economic
and marketing principles. Social marketing Community organizing, empower-
has been termed a ‘strategic planning’ ment and participatory action
approach based on the theoretical ‘principal research
of exchange’ which explains that people will
only change their behaviour to something Empowerment approaches are built on the
less pleasant (like condom use) if they per- premise that positive public health impact is
ceive an adequate benefit (Kennedy, person- fostered by recognizing the relationship
al communication). Social marketing tech- between social structure and health, and by
niques highlight the importance of adapting recognizing that lasting change is a process
the campaign to suit the characteristics of the that initiates from within a community.
population group being targeted. It dedi- Empowerment in connection with HIV in the
cates sufficient time to formative research, USA has its historical roots in public health


and community psychology (Beeker, 1998). men; the physical environment by including
From the field of education, Wallerstein access to appropriate services and materials
defined empowerment as: such as battered women’s shelters and both
male and female condoms; the structural
“Empowerment education, as developed environment such as opportunities for women
from Paulo Freire’s writings, involves peo- to change their economic status; and the pol-
ple in group efforts to identify their prob- icy/legal environment such as businesses pro-
lems, to critically assess social and histori- viding paid leave for community service and
cal roots of problems, to envision a child care (Beeker, 1998).
healthier society, and to develop strate-
gies to overcome obstacles in achieving Community participation at all levels of imple-
their goals. Through community participa- mentation is an integral aspect of community
tion, people develop new beliefs in their empowerment approaches. Interventions
ability to influence their personal and include community organizing, and participa-
social spheres. An empowering health tory action research (PAR) into their pro-
education effort therefore involves much grammes (Israel, 1994, Hiebert, 1998). A
more than improving self-esteem, self- strength of PAR resides in the ability of partic-
efficacy or other health behaviours that ipants in conjunction with committed and cre-
are independent from environmental or ative professionals to adapt methods and
community change; the targets are indi- content to diverse contexts. The positive out-
vidual, group and structural change. comes of PAR arise from its collaborative,
Empowerment embodies a broad process trust-building capacity, with direct community
that encompasses prevention as well as input that responds to emerging changes in
other goals of community connectedness, social, political and economic situations
self-development, improved quality of (Stevens, 1998). These interventions seek to
life, and social justice.” (Wallerstein, 1988) support communities to be self-determining
in their ability to integrate HIV programmes
Beeker suggests a definition of an empower- into existing community structures by assess-
ment intervention as follows: ing their own needs and priorities, defining,
implementing and evaluating their own work1.
“A community empowerment interven-
tion seeks to effect community-wide
Empowerment approaches have been used
change in health-related behaviours by
for AIDS risk reduction through numerous dif-
organizing communities to define their
ferent strategies and in countless different
health problems, to identify the determi-
settings and contexts. The literature describes
nants of those problems and to engage in
empowerment interventions directed at
effective individual and collective action
women, young gay men, youth, people with
to change those determinants.” (Beeker,
HIV and AIDS as well as many other commu-
nities at risk.
Empowerment approaches assume that
health behaviours are not completely under A CDC-funded intervention developed for
volitional control of individuals, thus are not young, pregnant women from low income
entirely isolated events, but embedded with- communities in the USA, randomly assigned
in social, cultural and economic surroundings. women to one of three arms (four sessions
AIDS prevention, 4 sessions health promo-
The impact of society’s defined gender roles tion, control). The HIV prevention arm
on protective health behaviour of women focused on enhancing women’s skills in nego-
highlights the importance of empowerment tiating condom use with their partners using
approaches, especially for HIV-vulnerable role-play and rehearsal, among other meth-
women. Beeker describes ideally what the ods. Consistent with empowerment ideals,
components of an intervention based on the content included other health matters in
community empowerment for women would addition to HIV prevention and activities were
look like. The intervention would address the developed to encourage a feeling of ‘com-
cultural environment by recognizing gender munal mindedness’ in the group. The idea
roles that define women as subordinate to was to promote mutual support in the process

1 See Israel et al., 1994 or IUCN, 1997 for complete definitions and examples of participatory action research.


of behavioural change. Results indicated that health issues (Beeker, 1998). Although tools
women in the HIV prevention group showed for measurement of single and multi-level
greater changes in intention and practice of (from personal to community level) empower-
safer sexual behaviours than women in other ment have been developed and tested, they
groups (Beeker, 1998). Comments by authors have not yet been used on a wide scale
of the report concluded that women in the (Israel, 1994).
HIV prevention group gained a sense of per-
ceived control over their lives.
Policy level interventions
An intervention using PAR among lesbian Policy level interventions are ‘enabling’
women highlighted the power of community approaches that attempt to remove structural
ownership of the project and its continuity barriers at a larger level. Many believe that
over time that provided a space for engage- AIDS interventions are moving from solely
ment and commitment where women focused investigating individual approaches to multi-
on community mores, values, and social dimensional models of community mobiliza-
expectations about sexual relating, drug use tion, empowerment and structural policy level
and HIV. The feeling of solidarity with peer interventions (Beeker 1998, Parker 1996).
educators enabled women to reduce risk
behaviours (Stevens, 1998). The earliest and some of the most effective
efforts of community level change for HIV
Empowerment can have far-reaching positive have resulted from social action. ACTUP,
health and welfare benefits. Schuler et al. formed in 1987 in New York, is responsible for
describes the impact of involving women in many successful policy initiatives for people
credit programmes on contraceptive use. She living with HIV and AIDS as well as advocating
found that, in Bangladesh, rural credit pro- for everyone’s responsibility to practise safer
grammes for women can play an important sex.
role in changing fertility norms and accelerat-
ing contraceptive use by strengthening Another widely recognized policy level inter-
women’s economic positions and fostering vention is the 100% Condom Programme in
women’s empowerment (Schuler, 1994). Thailand that mandated condom use in broth-
els and during other commercial sex encoun-
Other empowerment interventions for sex ters. Components of the programme included
workers include a project in Zambia, where a requirement that sex workers use condoms
women fish traders who often experience sex- with all clients, that condom use be moni-
ual exploitation have been supported in form- tored, that brothel owners and managers
ing economic cooperatives as a way of pro- assist in promoting condom use with uncoop-
tecting themselves against HIV. A second erative clients and that there should be sanc-
example is a programme in India where tions against brothel owners for non-compli-
women have been taught how to collectively ance (Aggleton, 1996). The programme
save sufficient savings to pay bonds binding showed a dramatic increase in self-reported
them to sex work (Aggleton, 1998, Tawil, condom use during commercial sex acts (14%
1995). to 90%), a decline in reported STD attendees
in government clinics, and a decline of HIV
Importantly, Beeker reminds us that empow- positive army conscripts (Friedman, 1997).
erment approaches do not strive to substitute Success of the programme has been attrib-
for individual psychosocial interventions, but uted to the fact that it was based on harm
to ‘widen the lens to include person-in-envi- reduction in a population at very high risk. It
ronment’ approaches. She notes that there is did not try to eliminate the brothels but
increased commitment to community partici- attempted to reduce HIV transmission within
pation, but that there remains a difficultly sur- them, and it used national policy which
mountable gap between empowerment ensured a broad and lasting effort (Friedman,
rhetoric and practice. For that gap to be 1997).
bridged, one key element is progress in oper-
ationalizing new concepts and constructs, and Conclusion
testing hypothesized relationships between,
for example, community participation and HIV prevention at the community level is an
community capacity to effectively address integral component to check further spread of


HIV. By working with communities, in contrast

to individuals, one is focusing on changing
policy, social structures, social norms and cul-
tural practices that surround individual risk
behaviours. Community level changes work-
ing at the level of changing subcultures have
potential to effect long-term maintenance of
changed behaviours, by changing the envi-
ronment surrounding individuals to support
safer behaviours. At the same time, many of
these approaches highlight the importance of
participatory methods to include and empow-
er individuals. It is important to note that
many of the interventions mentioned above
may have initially focused on one level (such
as policy, or empowering individuals), but as
the programmes developed they generally
include more target levels including changing
local cultures and subcultures (Friedman,
1997). Programmes discussed here have been
the most widely publicized approaches to
community level HIV prevention yet many
more innovative projects exist worldwide.

Finally, development of methods for imple-

mentation and evaluation of community-level
programmes has not been operationalized on
a broad spectrum. Assessing effectiveness of
these programmes introduces a number of
challenging issues such as measuring commu-
nity level changes using the community as the
level of analysis rather than the individual.
Additionally, identifying elements of the inter-
vention to measure, thus defining new com-
munity level indicators and obtaining large
enough sample sizes to detect significance
add new challenges to community level eval-
uation. This makes design of such pro-
grammes and the ability to carry them out
possibly more complex than individual-based

group, community-wide, media, HIV coun-
EXAMPLES OF THE selling and testing, individual counselling,
IMPACT OF THEORY- classroom education and laboratory experi-
ment. Community-wide (12 out of 14) and
DRIVEN INTERVEN- small group interventions (13 out of 19) were
TIONS more likely to show significant results.
Interestingly, Ickovics’ review noted that high-
er intensity (5 or more sessions) were less
effective than low-intensity small-group pro-
grammes for women. Authors suggested this
Theoretic models that have proven useful in may reflect the more resistant population tar-
explaining and predicting changes in HIV- geted. Several international programmes
related sexual behaviour provide guidance in incorporated peer-led diffusion of innovations
the design and implementation of prevention approaches and all reported statistically sig-
programmes (Wingood, 1996). Reviews of nificant increases in condom use (6 studies
theory-driven interventions have noted that out of 6). According to this review, less effec-
these interventions emphasize both intraper- tive interventions for women overall were
sonal and interpersonal factors, provide skills individual counselling (0 out of 4) and HIV
training, try to modify social norms and are testing and counselling (3 out of 6) as primary
thus more effective at reducing risk behaviour prevention. Testing and counselling and indi-
among participants (DiClemente, 1995). (See vidual counselling, however, have shown
Table 3.) effectiveness as secondary prevention with
serodiscordant couples (Ickovics, 1998).
This section summarizes positive outcomes of
theory-based interventions by specific popu- A review of randomized controlled trials in the
lation groups, including women, men, and USA conducted by Wingood and DiClemente
youth. Although injecting drug users fit into found that all effective interventions for
any of the above categories, we have placed women had a number of identifiable charac-
them in their own group as interventions tar- teristics. In contrast to the review by Ickovics,
get them specifically. the four studies mentioned were guided by
the social cognitive theory (a theory based on
(A) WOMEN the individual, taking into account environ-
mental and behavioural factors, which places
A review of 51 reports through 1997 on stud- a strong emphasis on self-efficacy) provided
ies worldwide noted the lack of interventions skills in condom use and sexual communica-
identifying the mechanisms of preventive tion and emphasized support for continued
effects and theoretical frameworks upon maintenance of safer sexual behaviour. In
which interventions are built (Ickovics, 1998). addition, all effective interventions were peer-
This review found differences in effectiveness led and addressed gender-related influences
between target populations and between dif- such as gender-based power imbalances
ferent types of interventions. Interventions within the relationship (Wingood, 1996).
targeting sex workers were the most likely to
find increased condom use, decreased inci- Generally, successful skills training interven-
dence of STDs, and reduction in unprotected tions for women consider cultural factors and
intercourse (9 out of 10 studies). Effectiveness attempt to personalize messages (Kalichman,
for other groups at risk was more varied: 13 1997). Targeting women in the USA, and ado-
out of 18 studies of African-American or lescents in the USA and Holland with behav-
Latino descent women were effective, as were ioural skills enhancement programmes have
3 out of 10 studies for IDUs, 1 out of 3 for produced positive effects (Kalichman, 1997).
partners of IDUs, 2 out of 3 for STD clinic Studies among women in the USA have gen-
patients, 4 out of 7 for US college students, erally included four to five sessions and
and 6 out of 14 studies for mixed gender demonstrated positive outcomes with medi-
community groups (Ickovics, 1998). um-sized effects. Condom use has increased
up to double the rate at baseline. Specific
Ickovics et al. identified seven types of inter- components of behavioural skills enhance-
ventions tried among women globally: small ment that have been tested comprised of: risk


education and sensitization, condom use and advantaged, women in the USA and found
safer sex skills training, and sexual communi- that 6 variables representing the four impor-
cation skills training (Kalichman, 1998). tant constructs of the model were associated
Kalichman notes that behavioural skills with consistent condom use (Kline, 1994). The
enhancement training has not been tested strongest predictor of condom use was per-
experimentally outside the USA, so it is ceived self-efficacy in influencing the partner’s
unclear to what extent it would benefit sexual behaviour, yet no significant relation-
women in other countries. ship between condom use and general self-
efficacy was detected. The two other partner-
An intervention among women in a New York related variables associated with condom use
City housing project was based on the diffu- were his seronegativity and his not wanting
sion of innovation theory in combination with more children. The respondents’ reproductive
community mobilization. Women were intentions were not significantly associated
recruited, organized and trained to help with condom use. The three variables that
develop role model stories for the project were negatively related to condom use were:
newsletters. These women were also expect- having a conflictual relationship with primary
ed to initiate discussions with their peers partner, believing that condoms reduce sexu-
regarding HIV prevention. Information was al pleasure; and the use of drugs or alcohol in
diffused rapidly and seemed to promote dis- the previous four weeks.
cussion and condom use among the housing
project women. Reported condom use of With regards to the health belief model,
female sex partners within the housing pro- among heterosexual adults in Holland barriers
ject for IDUs rose from 15% to 45% to condom use, such as reduced pleasure of
(Friedman, 1997). sex, were predictive but cues to action were
not related to condom use intentions (Buunk,
The theory of gender and power provided a 1998). The perception that most others in the
model for the design of a successful gender- reference group would engage in condom
appropriate social skills intervention for use with new sexual partners was an impor-
African American women in San Francisco. tant predictor of condom use intentions and
The intervention addressed how to success- emphasizes the importance of the social envi-
fully negotiate safer sex and improve partner ronment with respect to AIDS protective
norms favorable to consistent condom use in behaviour.
comparison to a control group that received
similar training in a delayed fashion. The Again internationally, an intervention guided
results showed significantly greater consistent by the social cognitive theory and community
condom use, greater sexual self-control, health promotion implemented in North-east-
greater sexual assertiveness, and increased ern Thailand targeting village women was
partners’ adoption of norms supporting con- evaluated using surveys, focus group discus-
sistent condom use in the intervention group sions and village meetings. Elicitation
(DiClemente, 1995). research identified the importance of includ-
ing entire villages in the intervention rather
The stages of change model was used to than women alone. The evaluation found that
guide a 6-month longitudinal study among eight of the nine outcome goals were
women in drug treatment, housing shelters, achieved with significant increases in married
and hospital clinics in the USA, and showed women taking the initiative in reducing the
that women exposed to individual stage-tai- risk posed to them by the sexual activities of
lored counselling were twice as likely to their husbands (Elkins, 1997). Specific mea-
report consistent condom use with main part- sures taken by women included negotiating
ner ‘at last sex contact’ as women receiving condom use with their husbands, and telling
free on-site reproductive health counselling their husbands not to visit prostitutes. Men
and services (Galavotti 1998). The stage- surveyed, however, did not change their con-
based counselling also proved useful at pre- dom use behaviour (Elkins, 1997).
venting relapse from consistent use further
along in the process of change. One of the rare studies designed to identify
the independent effects of intervention com-
One study assessed the AIDS Risk Reduction ponents on behavioural outcomes was con-
Model (ARRM) with HIV-positive, largely dis- ducted among African American women from


an inner city US community. Women were ran- and indicated that the four groups of women
domly assigned to one of the following: (1) had different levels of knowledge about AIDS,
sexual communication skills training, (2) self- different socioeconomic levels, different num-
management skills training, (3) combination bers of clients and different self-efficacy.
of sexual communication and self-manage- Beliefs about the benefits of condoms were
ment skills training, (4) HIV education and risk highly predictive of condom use in 3 of the 4
sensitization. The study found that all four groups. In the group with lower knowledge
intervention conditions increased AIDS about AIDS, perceived susceptibility to other
knowledge and intentions to reduce risk STDs, rather than HIV, was related to condom
behaviours. Communication skills training use. Self-efficacy was highly predictive of con-
produced higher rates of risk-reduction dis- dom use in 3 out of 4 of the groups of sex
cussions, but combined skills training and workers. In the fourth group self-efficacy was
sexual communication resulted in the lowest already high as this group of sex workers do
rates of unprotected sexual intercourse at fol- not rely on pimps and contact clients inde-
low-up. Authors concluded that a combina- pendently. Authors highlight that sex work is
tion of behavioural skills training and commu- a complex business that includes multiple
nication is the most effective for reducing risk sub-populations and distinct settings (Ford,
among vulnerable women in the USA 1998). These diverse realities must be consid-
(Kalichman, 1998). ered in intervention design and implementa-

Sex workers
Among the numerous studies involving sex
workers, only two will be highlighted here. A Interventions targeting women have lagged
year-long intervention targeting sex workers, behind those of men historically. Women
brothel owners and clients in Thailand used were left out of prevention efforts early in the
multiple small group sessions with peer edu- AIDS epidemic especially in Europe and the
cators who were experienced women and US. Today, considering gender, relationship
were called ‘superstars’. The ‘model brothel’ and contextual issues as central to decisions
aspect of the programme worked with owners regarding sexual behaviour were universally
to enforce mandatory condom use by sex important for the success of the interventions
workers, and clients were educated to use discussed above. Thus using gender-driven
condoms. Volunteers were trained to pose as theory across cultures might prove useful as
clients to test sex workers’ condom negotia- sexual encounters in some situations can be
tion skills. Results indicated that sex workers imposed and gender roles as well as cultural
increased their refusal of sex without a con- values and norms sometimes define, or at the
dom rate from 42% before the intervention to least, influence sexual behaviour (Amaro,
92% following the programme. The authors 1995). One international review found that
concluded that this multifaceted approach peer-led community interventions guided by
specifically focusing in sex workers, and the diffusion of innovation theory were more
acknowledging the importance of working successful overall than individual level inter-
with clients and owners was critical to their ventions. Skills training especially in condom
success (Visrutaratna, 1995). use and sexual communication, and percep-
tion of risk were important variables among
A second study that mentioned the theoreti- women in US studies. As with other popula-
cal background and its usefulness for sex tions, interventions facilitated by peers were
workers noted the utility of health belief often more successful than those using a facil-
model and social cognitive theory. One study itator from outside the target group as peers
guided by these two models worked with four can often target more appropriate, context
groups of female sex workers in Indonesia specific methods for risk reduction.
and found that both increases in knowledge
and condom use were significantly related to Only one study, guided by the AIDS risk
the number of intervention sessions the reduction model, reviewed here looked
women attended (Ford, 1998). Results reflect- specifically at HIV-infected women and found
ed the different social context of sexual that factors related to her sexual partner were
behaviour of the four groups of sex workers more influential than many personal variables.


Interventions with female sex workers often rates of unprotected intercourse, with the
used the health belief model and the social strongest effects among Chinese and Filipino-
cognitive theory with significant results in American men (Choi, 1996).
diverse settings worldwide. Successful pro-
grammes often realized the importance of In a third study using group intervention
including brothel owners and clients in their approach among African American men,
activities, thus considering the wider environ- components included: (1) discussions on
mental factors associated with the behaviour- being Black and gay or bisexual, building
al practices involved. The sex worker study social support, and large-group discussion of
conducted in Indonesia highlighted the AIDS misperceptions among Black men, (2)
importance of considering diversity among enhancing positive feelings about safer sex,
what is often generically termed a ‘sex work- practice of condom application skills, devel-
er’ population. By using a theory driven inter- oping plans to use condoms, and (3) dealing
vention, investigators were able to identify with issues of partner resistance, analysing
critical differences in predictive constructs one’s own hurdles to staying safer, problem-
between different sex worker groups. solving safer-sex alternatives, role play exer-
cises, maintenance of safer sex, and estab-
lishing social norms for safer sex. Participants
(B) MEN were randomly assigned to either a single
session, a triple session or a wait-list control
group. Results indicated that men in the
Men having sex with men (MSM) triple-session intervention group significantly
reduced unprotected anal intercourse after 12
A recent review of interventions with gay men
months of follow-up (Peterson, 1996).
found that studies generally fall into 3 types:
individually based, small-group and commu-
Controlled studies with men who have sex
nity-level (Kegeles, 1998). At the individual
with men (MSM) have indicated several char-
level, the review noted one unique study that
acteristics that have enabled men to change
randomly assigned men to one of 3 groups:
behaviour and maintain safer sex:
(1) standard group that analysed HIV-preven-
tion posters, (2) self-justification group that
was asked to recall, as vividly as possible, an • eroticizing safer sex materials
occasion where they had unsafe sex and then • brief training on establishing and main-
justify according to a pre-determined scale, taining safer sex relationships
and (3) control group received no interven- • how to negotiate safer sex
tion. After 2 months, the self-justification • training on how to reduce stress
group was significantly less likely to report • intensive group counselling (Auerbach,
unsafe sex than the other 2 groups (Gold, 1994)
Behavioural skills-enhancement interventions
One randomized controlled HIV-prevention targeting MSM in diverse cultural settings
study in the USA using the small-group have consistently demonstrated increased
approach, used a 12-week intervention with 3 condom use during anal intercourse, with the
booster sessions among 104 men random- greatest changes occurring with non-primary
ized to either receive, (1) the HIV risk-reduc- partners (Kalichman, 1997).
tion intervention or (2) a waiting list control
group. The four main areas covered in the The diffusion theory has been shown to be
intervention were HIV risk education, behav- effective in changing sexual behaviour of men
ioural skills training, sexual assertiveness train- who have sex with men of different studies in
ing and lifestyle changes for relapse preven- the USA (Kelly, 1991, 1992, Kegeles, 1996).
tion. The intervention group showed signifi- The model was tested in 3 small southern cities
cant reductions in rates of unprotected anal and results indicated systematic reduction in
intercourse and increased rates of condom the population’s high-risk behaviour with 15%
use immediately after the intervention, but to 29% reductions from baseline levels (Kelly,
40% relapsed 16 months later (Kelly, 1991). 1992). Kegeles et al. used the diffusion theory
Similar intervention components were tested to design an intervention to address determi-
among ethnic minority men and were found nants of high risk sex in young gay men in the
effective in reducing numbers of partners and USA. The authors identified natural channels of


communication to highlight sexual risk behav- too optimistic as applying aging results to a
iour among the concerns of young gay men dynamic epidemic may not continue to give
and to find alcohol and drug-free alternative intended results (Kalichman, 1998). Our
environments for them (Coates, 1996). While responses should be evolving as fast as the
comparison communities made no significant epidemic changes. More recently innovative
changes, intervention communities showed programmes have started aiming at the com-
significant changes in unprotected anal inter- munity level rather than the individual.
course with primary and non-primary partners Interventions based on the diffusion of inno-
(Kegeles 1996). vations theory have shown community level
change with gay men in the USA. Most stud-
Heterosexual men ies highlight that safer sex is easier with one’s
non-primary partner than with one’s primary
Within specific populations such as STD clinic partner.
attendees, self-efficacy was used to predict
risk reduction in two different studies in the Choi points out the limited utility in strictly
USA. Unfortunately, there is a dearth of infor- individually-based theories for specific groups
mation on behavioural interventions tested at risk such as Asian-Pacific Islander men who
among heterosexual men. Kalichman notes have strong cultural demands and community
that the behavioural interventions that have stigma against homosexuality. Without con-
been tested in randomized controlled trials sidering these powerful contextual influences
have not been effective in reducing high-risk on behaviour, interventions cannot expect
sexual behaviour (Kalichman, 1997). In one significant results. Peterson describes how
randomized controlled trial conducted issues of being an African American MSM
among inner-city African American men a were directly addressed in their intervention
cognitive-behavioural skills-building interven- along with social support and condom skills.
tion was compared with an AIDS educational As with other population groups, the inter-
intervention. No significant differences vention must be tailored to suit its population
between groups was noted for AIDS related group, that is the group itself should be able
knowledge, intention to use condoms or con- to express its needs and priorities for the pro-
dom use. Yet, there were some important gramme to be successful.
lessons learned from this study. Greater
importance should be placed on relevant
Despite the impressive results with gay men
issues for the specific population. In a popu-
in diverse settings, there are few positive find-
lation with multiple competing risk practices,
ings with heterosexual men in the industrial-
a social service programme that can provide
ized world. As this group was not seen as vul-
AIDS education along with drug treatment
nerable early in the epidemic, interventions
and job services may be more effective. The
concentrated on MSM and IDU populations.
other two issues raised by this study were: the
STD patients, however have been targeted
format of small group discussions was not
with mixed results. Two studies in the USA,
well received by all men in the study and that
guided by the social cognitive theory found
cognitive-behavioural skills training pro-
increased condom use and one in the UK
grammes for HIV risk reduction should not be
found no effect on behaviour. In developing
assumed to fit all vulnerable populations
countries, approaches such as testing and
(Kalichman, 1997). Possible reasons suggest-
counselling have proven successful at moti-
ed by Kalichman were that heterosexual men
vating behavioural change among heterosex-
may lack a sense of vulnerability for HIV as
ual men. Specific population groups, such as
they were not identified as engaging in high-
farm workers in Zimbabwe were targeted with
risk behaviours for HIV as portrayed early in
an intervention guided by the social ecologi-
the epidemic in the USA (Kalichman, 1998).
cal model for health promotion.

The first decade of interventions with MSM
noted substantial risk reduction with behav- (C) YOUTH
ioural theory driven interventions including
identifiable characteristics such as eroticizing Globally, most young people have begun sex-
safe sex, and improving sexual communica- ual intercourse by the age of 18 or 19 and at
tion. Kalichman noted that we should not be least half by the age of 16 (UNAIDS, 1998). In


the USA about half of all adolescents are esti- teenagers in the US to identify peer and social
mated to be sexually active and this percent- pressures that encourage negative health
age increases to over 80% in some minority behaviours, to present factual information,
groups (Reitman, 1996). Young people teach assertiveness and discuss problem situ-
between the ages of 15 and 24 make up the ations. Evaluation results of the programme
majority of new HIV infections. Most of them that included 536 students from a low-income
live in the developing world, but industrial- population in Atlanta showed that among stu-
ized countries also face severe problems. dents who had not had sexual intercourse,
USAID has estimated that by the year 2010 those who participated in the programme
there will be a total of 41 million orphans who were significantly more likely to continue to
have lost their mother or both parents due to postpone sexual activity through the end of
HIV/AIDS worldwide (UNAIDS, 1998a). the ninth grade than were similar students
who did not participate (Howard, 1990). A
Intervention research with young people second carefully implemented intervention
shows that the success of the approach guided by social influence theory among US
depends heavily on the youth’s level of sexu- middle school students resulted in null find-
al experience. Intensive sex education among ings. The authors note inadequate communi-
youth that have never had sex has been effec- ty and family-level intervention, possible dilu-
tive in delaying onset of intercourse among tion of the messages and perhaps over satu-
high school students. ration of students with the programme’s
health messages by the 8th grade (Moberg,
A comprehensive international review of 110 1998).
outcome evaluations with youth (Peersman,
1998) found that effective programmes: In addition one study assessing the use of the
health belief model to predict condom use
• focused on understanding social and/or among university students in Nigeria found
media influences on sexual behaviour to that the major health belief model variables,
be able to strengthen group norms including perceived benefits of condom use,
against unprotected sex perceived barriers to condom use and cues to
• listened to what young people think and action, together with AIDS knowledge and
believe to ensure acceptable and appro- male gender, significantly predicted condom
priate programmes use (Edem, 1998).
• included modeling and practice of com-
munication or negotiation skills Reitman et al. suggest that behavioural con-
• integrated pregnancy and STD preven- structs need to target specific behaviours.
tion with HIV programmes Their study, guided by the health belief model
• focused especially on disadvantaged and the theory of reasoned action, among
youth, providing access to resources African American adolescents found that
and/or services to address their basic addressing condom use, reduction of the
needs (health care, legal aid). number of partners, or the frequency of sexu-
al intercourse all related to different risk reduc-
This review also suggested that, although a tion strategies. The adolescents’ positive atti-
clear pattern and full understanding are lack- tude toward condoms emerged as the single
ing, social learning theories have a greater strongest correlate of actual condom use.
potential than other theoretical frameworks in
changing youth behaviour. Other cross-sec- Although multiple-session interventions have
tional surveys found that the theory of rea- shown effectiveness, one project targeting
soned action and the health belief model as African American adolescents demonstrated
well as the social learning theory can help that a single-session workshop focusing on
understand behaviour of young people. All cognitive behavioural skills training produced
successful, theory-based interventions have significant increases in HIV-related knowl-
included skills training in addition to informa- edge, reductions in risk promoting beliefs,
tion and motivational components for young and lower frequencies of high-risk sexual
people (Reitman, 1996). behaviours (Jemmott, 1992).

Howard and McCabe showed success of the One of the few studies that tested theoretical
social influence theory using slightly older constructs in a manner that could delineate


mediators of change was a single-session In a recent review of 19 interventions primari-

intervention among US college students to ly in the USA targeting injecting drug users
promote STD prevention. Researchers used (IDU), authors found that interventions com-
regression analyses to show that changes in prised of:
perceived benefits of condom use, accep-
tance of sexuality, sexual control, attitudes • individual counselling
toward condoms, and self-efficacy for con-
• HIV testing and counselling
dom use were linked to behavioural inten-
tions to use condoms. The authors concluded • group interventions
that the mechanisms for change in their inter- • street outreach
vention were affective attitudes toward con- • social interventions (Gibson, 1998).
doms and condom users, as well as self-effi-
cacy for condom use (Kalichman, 1998). In controlled studies, greater impact on
behaviour was shown through intense and
Conclusion sustained interventions compared with their
comparison conditions. In addition, partici-
Together, the results of these studies suggest pants in successful interventions appeared to
that constructs subsumed in behavioural the- be more stable and better motivated than
ory have greatly enhanced our understanding their counterparts who were a more hetero-
of risk behaviour among youth in varied set- geneous group at different stages of behav-
tings and situations. The social influences the- ioural change. The latter finding suggests that
ory was also useful in one study but a second future interventions should target subgroups
study using the same theory showed null find- according to risk (Gibson, 1998). As substan-
ings. Skills training, attitudes, norms and self- tial to dramatic behavioural change resulted
efficacy have all proven effective in predicting from both test and comparison groups in
behavioural change among young people. In many studies, authors concluded that partici-
intervention research, these constructs have pating in evaluation research may itself have
also been useful in mediating actual risk been a valuable intervention and the impact
behaviours. Results have shown that young of behavioural assessments was deemed par-
people who have already initiated sexual rela- tially responsible for this finding. One recom-
tions must be treated very differently than mendation of this review was to consider a
those who have not, and that interventions social change approach to HIV prevention in
have to as well target specific behaviours IDUs in order to influence social norms
rather than risk reduction in general. Although towards safer behaviour.
we noted one study in Nigeria, most theory-
based research and intervention has been Globally, it has been noted that IDUs need
conducted in the USA. Without further specific information targeting both the indi-
research, these results may be difficult to vidual needs of the IDUs and the social/cul-
apply in settings outside the USA. Reitman tural context of injecting drug use (Case,
correctly concludes that condom use is a 1992). The support of specific health and
behaviour that might be especially sensitive social services is critical, for if an IDU has been
to situational or contextual variations espe- motivated by a prevention message to seek
cially among diverse populations such as the treatment or use condoms, the service must
youth. be more readily available than drugs. Among
16 countries surveyed in 1992, the success in
reaching IDUs varied widely with France
(D) INJECTING DRUG USERS reaching less than 5% of that population and
Sweden and Australia reporting over 90% of
Drug addiction is a major risk factor for HIV IDU population reached. The gaps identified
infection in about 80 countries worldwide in IDU prevention programmes centre around
(Gibson, 1998). Behaviours associated with not addressing the social construction of
drug use that are risk factors for HIV transmis- addiction including poverty and social
sion are sharing of drug injection equipment inequities that are strong predictors of HIV
and unprotected sex with an infected partner. infection. If programmes only focus on harm
As this report is focusing on sexual transmis- reduction without approaching the larger
sion, the sharing of drug injection equipment issues, success will remain limited (Case,
will not be discussed. 1992).


A recent study in Puerto Rico randomly

assigned 1004 IDUs to one of two interven-
tions, either a NIDA-developed standard
intervention or the standard plus an enhanced
intervention. The enhanced intervention con-
sisted in a client-centred approach focusing
on the individual’s perception of risk, continu-
ous risk evaluation and motivation to change
as well as environmental resources (such as
availability of condoms and access to ser-
vices). The stages of change model guided
the intervention and was used to track indi-
vidual’s passage through a behavioural
change process. Participants of the enhanced
intervention were found twice as likely as par-
ticipants in the control group to use condoms
during vaginal sex and 11 times as likely to
use condoms during anal sex regardless of
HIV serostatus. Increase in condom use was
more pronounced among HIV and other STD-
positive subjects, and with casual more than
steady partners (Robles, 1998).

In contrast to what was commonly thought
about IDU populations, reviews have noted
substantial risk reduction among drug users
especially as a result of sustained interven-
tions. Reports on drug users generally
emphasize drug use risk rather than sexual
risk, but those reports that consider both have
noted that sexual risk reduction is much more
difficult to achieve than drug use risk.
However, a review in 1998 stated that nearly
all studies that assessed sexual practices
found significant reductions in the number of
sexual partners reported by subjects and/or
increased use of condoms (Gibson, 1998).
Numerous studies have identified drug and
alcohol intoxication as associated with high
risk sexual behaviour, thus highlighting the
importance of understanding and addressing
the social construction of drug use. The
stages of change model has been useful at
guiding interventions with drug users. As with
all of the above population groups, IDUs as
well are an extremely diverse community, that
should be seen and addressed in its complex-
ity. Thus, interventions should target sub-
groups and consider the social construction
of addiction to be effective.

Table 4 summarizes the theories and models

that have been applied to different popula-
tion groups.

The range of outcome measures encountered
CHALLENGES in doing a review such as this one, makes
‘success’ difficult to define. Many interven-
tions oriented by theory rely on reported
changes in behaviour as their behavioural
outcome measure. Some however were satis-
fied with ‘intentions’ to change as intentions
(A) DESIGN/CONTEXT ISSUES often predict behaviour. Others use markers
such as changes in rates of STD infection, or
HIV infection. All of these outcomes were
Design treated as valid in this report, but were noted
for the reader to distinguish the differences.
Interventions based on theory have a better
chance of success and theory can make it eas-
One of the greatest limitations of interven-
ier to understand why an intervention was or
tions and studies assessing these interven-
was not successful. Despite their contribu-
tions was short follow-up time. Lack of follow-
tions to the understanding of the psychologi-
up time can undermine an intervention by not
cal processes individuals go through while
allowing positive feedback, not waiting for
attempting to change behaviour, the limita-
possible changes in social and cultural norms,
tions of the psychological theories of behav-
and not taking maintenance of behavioural
ioural change have been well described in the
change into consideration.
literature (Auerbach 1994). Most of these
models are based on behaviours that are
under intentional and volitional control, ignor- Targeting
ing the fact that sexual behaviour involves
two people, is often impulsive and is influ- There has been much discussion around the
enced by sociocultural, contextual as well as issue of targeting AIDS interventions. From an
personal and subconscious factors that may epidemiological perspective it has been
be difficult to influence. Numerous studies argued that to have an impact on the sexual
have identified alcohol and drug intoxication transmission of HIV, interventions need to
as influencing sexual behaviour highlighting reach those most at risk of acquiring or trans-
the importance of understanding the social mitting the infection especially early in the
context around sexual behaviour. epidemic (Sepulveda, 1992). In information
and education campaigns, many suggest that
In a comprehensive review of behavioural messages are more effective when they can
interventions for HIV/AIDS prevention, be directed toward a specific target popula-
Oakley et al. found that the most popular tion as the language and approach ought to
type of intervention was giving information. fit specific needs and solutions appropriate
The review looked at 68 separate outcome for different communities (Cohen, 1992).
evaluations among young people and adults, Recent simulation studies have also argued
and suggests that sound and effective inter- that targeting interventions to priority groups
ventions are most likely to be skills-based would be an efficient and effective approach
interventions provided by peers or clinical for HIV prevention in developing countries
psychologists in community settings using (Morris, 1997). For example, when addressing
interviews or role plays and targeting behav- specific groups such as youth, it has been
iour or combined behaviour and knowledge shown that interventions must look at those
outcomes (Oakley, 1995). who have initiated sex as a different group
from those who have not, to be effective. The
The range of study designs is important to danger arises, when the epidemic spreads
note. Randomized controlled trials were not into the general population, targeting most at
considered exclusively for this report, as these risk populations is no longer sufficient to
conditions are almost inevitably only found in reduce transmission. Another concern with
the industrialized world. In order for this regards to targeting to reduce transmission is
report to consider countries with the highest how to define the target group, by occupa-
prevalence, the least amount of resources and tion, age group, geography (Morris, 1997).
some of the most innovative responses the Identifying populations at risk and targeting
criteria remained broad. too quickly can miss important vulnerable


groups, such as male sex workers in Asia (Amaro, 1995). Wingood suggests a transition
(Ford, 1995). Targeting populations that are that will use gender-specific theories for
more vulnerable should not be seen as sin- research and programme development for
gling them out and therefore increasing stig- women and HIV (Wingood, 1995).
ma. Working with priority groups is still impor-
tant at any stage of the epidemic, but should The same arguments apply with regards to sex
be combined with other activities to reach a workers in particular. de Zalduando empha-
broader population equally at risk. sizes that the women within the broad catego-
ry of sex workers represent an exceedingly
Targeting according to risk of transmission is diverse group with varied life histories and
one aspect, but a second issue is how much conditions. Without considering the actual sit-
of the limited resources to place on primary uations within which these women live and
prevention and how much on secondary pre- work, it is impossible to envisage the services
vention. Some studies address specifically tar- or supports needed by this vast range of range
geting prevention efforts at already infected people. She advocates the use of enthno-
individuals. graphic methods to understand key norms,
sexual situations and interactions from the
women’s point of view (de Zalduando, 1990).

A significant number of studies have shown

that gender influences HIV risk behaviour
(Auerbach, 1994, Amaro, 1995). As Ulin (1992) As the HIV epidemic and the responses to the
notes when referring specifically to women HIV epidemic evolve, people’s experience
who are poor and dependent on their male accumulates predicting the need to update
sexual partners, reducing the risk of HIV trans- theoretical models and response. Since the
mission often means changing the balance of development of anti-retroviral therapies,
power in the relationship and could mean fail- some studies have assessed preventive
ure in their roles as women which are inextri- behaviour in relation to attitudes regarding
cably linked to their fertility. Many women are combination therapies (Remien, 1998). In
torn between the value of motherhood and Uganda, where the epidemic has matured rel-
the risk of HIV for either them or their child. ative to many communities in the world, the
The fear of their partner’s violence has also need to incorporate temporal dimensions
been shown to predict whether women use into measurements of sexual behaviour and
condoms (Gomez, 1993). In Uganda, stark perceived risk is clear (Bunnell, 1996). The
gender differences were shown in perceptions impact of an epidemic where over 50% of the
of risk, women being more likely to perceive population in a community knows more than
risk than men (Bunnell, 1996). The sexual dou- 30 people who have died of the disease is
ble standard that sanctions many partners for profound. Measuring perceived risk should
men while restricting female sexuality has delineate risk due to past and present behav-
engendered confusing HIV prevention mes- iour as interventions must target these risks
sages, such as reducing numbers of partners differently. In a more mature epidemic
where this may not be protective. Data glob- Bunnell suggests “a theoretical framework
ally affirm that, not only are many women which recognizes that perceptions of risk and
monogamous already, but it is unsafe for them sexual behaviour are not always individually
to assume they are safe in their monogamous determined, that gender and context are crit-
situation (Heise, 1995). Especially in high ical determinants of individual control over
prevalence communities rates of discordance behaviour, that fear plays different roles at dif-
among married couples can be between 15% ferent stages of an epidemic and that lay
and 20% (Allen, 1992, Serwadda, 1995). communities can understand and utilize risk
Amaro notes that there is a growing body of information” (Bunnell, 1996).
knowledge that HIV among women has to be
seen within the larger context (Amaro, 1995).
She suggests strategies such as participatory (D) NULL FINDINGS
education that stress longer-term goals
assessing root causes of gender differences Few studies report on null findings but those
including disempowerment and poverty that do are critical to complement our under-


standing of the relationships between con-

text, population group, approach, interven-
tion and theoretical background. In some
populations behavioural skills training has
failed to produce significant differences com-
pared to control conditions. For example,
non-impact has been shown with inner city
African American men and STD clinic patients
in the USA (Branson, 1996). Other reports of
null findings include a randomized controlled
trial among STD patients in the UK. The inter-
vention was guided by the social cognitive
theory and results indicated little difference in
self reported behavioural change. It is sug-
gested that community as well as individual
interventions should address the environment
in which risk behaviours take place (James,
1996, 1998). Two interventions that showed
little effect were among youth. One was a
brief programme based on constructs from
the SCT and the theory of reasoned action.
Authors suggested a longer intervention that
addresses the multiple problems of this group
that was drawn from a detention center and
STD clinic (Gillmore, 1997). The second was
based on the theory of social influence
among middle-school students. Authors
noted that inadequate community and family-
level interventions, possible dilution of mes-
sages and over saturation of students with
health messages by the 8th grade may have
been responsible for the lack of positive
results (Moberg, 1998).

approaches, despite showing great potential,
CONCLUSIONS have not yet been operationalized on a large
scale. At this stage programmes should
emphasize trans-theoretical approaches that
combine individual level constructs with com-
Safer sexual behaviour remains the single munity-level projects that focus on subcultur-
most effective method of preventing HIV al norm changing. Community organizing can
infection. Although tremendous challenges have the powerful affect of imparting a uni-
still plague public health and the social sci- fied sense of purpose and new beliefs in the
ences globally regarding AIDS prevention, possibility of change (Stevens, 1998).
much has been learned as well. It has become
clear that effective HIV risk reduction inter- An important element highlighted by a review
ventions extend beyond basic information by Oakley and Darrow was that the quality of
giving and help: sensitize people to personal evaluations was highly variable and often
risk, improve couples sexual communication, inadequate, which makes it difficult to con-
increase individual’s condom use skills, the clude generalizable lessons about what works
perception of lower risk practices as an where from the heterogeneous literature. On
accepted social norm, and help people the positive side, it is now possible to report
receive support and reinforcement for their that prospective experimental studies and
efforts at changing (Kelly, 1995). These princi- long term follow-up in many different settings
ples form the foundation of successful HIV are feasible (Oakley, 1998).
prevention strategies, but differences in indi-
vidual, social, cultural and economic condi- Despite the many advances in the field and
tions dictate different design and implemen- many changes in behaviour observed, popu-
tation of programmes. Even if the principles lations at highest risk have not received their
underlying programmes are the same, tailor- share of the attention and resources allocated
ing to specific groups in specific settings will to AIDS interventions globally. The countries
make programmes look very different (Kelly, with the highest prevalences of HIV are those
1998). Not only should programmes be mod- with the least resources and strained medical
ified to fit certain cultural settings, but within and social support systems. These countries
cultural groups individuals may be at very dif- with rapidly changing epidemics do not have
ferent stages of readiness to change and suc- the means alone to develop randomized con-
cessful interventions should take individual trolled trials to test behavioural interventions,
differences into consideration as well. yet they are the communities needing the
interventions the most urgently. Most theory-
Changes in behaviour, such as dramatic driven intervention research has been con-
increase in condom use, in very diverse popu- ducted in industrialized countries with very
lation groups have taken place and some con- different epidemics to those in developing
clusions can be drawn. As Ulin suggests, when countries. It is therefore critical to test models
interventions have enabled the participants and approaches across cultural, economic
themselves to take part in mobilizing and set- and social situations.
ting goals themselves, efforts have been high-
ly successful (Ulin, 1992). Highlights have Following the findings of the importance of
included the normative changes gay men in social norms and sexual communication for
many US cities and sex workers in Thailand various groups including youth, MSM and
have made within their communities. heterosexuals, authors recommend communi-
ty level interventions aiming at strengthening
Another important point stressed by this the perception that others also practice safe
broad overview of approaches to behavioural sex (Buunk, 1998). Gender and power imbal-
change is the need to see different levels HIV ances were also noted in many studies point-
prevention initiatives as complementary. ing to the necessity to build gender con-
Individual approaches have shown impact, structs into theories, models and interven-
but to stem transmission on a larger scale for tions (Buunk, 1998).
longer term maintenance of changed behav-
iour, community and structural level pro- Recommendations for interventions aimed at
grammes are a critical complement. These women include greater emphasis on gender-


related influences of behaviour. Studies in the

USA and in Africa emphasize that self-protec-
tion, especially for vulnerable women may be
affected by abusive partners, economic fac-
tors, and norms within sexual relationships
(Wingood 1996, Bunnell, 1996, van der
Straten, 1998). These recommendations
apply to many different situations. In both
West and Central Africa it has been noted
that the ability to discuss sex and contracep-
tion with sexual partners as well as the imbal-
ance of gender relations have a potentially
significant impact on the capacity to enact
changes in sexual behaviour (Edem, 1998,
van der Straten, 1995). As Bunnell states,
sharp differences in perceptions of risk
between males and females in Uganda reflect
underlying differences in societal power- the
case in multiple settings around the world. To
address women’s needs for HIV prevention
especially in developing countries, the devel-
opment of female-controlled methods needs
greater emphasis as well as a wider approach
to HIV prevention that considers the social
position of women.

In an epidemic where changes are occurring

rapidly at the level of the virus, treatment con-
text and within populations at risk multi-dimen-
tional interventions based on theories and
models which address individual as well as
contextual and sociocultural variables such as
gender, class and ethnicity, and their influence
on sexual behaviour are urgently needed.


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Table 1 Overview of most frequently used theories of human behaviour......................... 47

Table 2 Models as theories tested through research or reviews ....................................... 48

Table 3 Models and theories used to guide interventions................................................ 50

Table 4 Summary of theories and models by population group....................................... 55

Level Theory or Model Behavioural Determinants Examples of Programme Application
Individual Health Belief Model Perceived susceptibility Increase level of risk perception
Level Perceived severity Influence beliefs of severity
Perceived benefits & barriers Assess and influence beliefs about benefits/ barriers of changing behaviour
Cues to action
Theory of Reasoned Attitudes Assess and influence attitudes
Action* Subjective norms Assess and influence norms in the social group
Behavioral intentions Assess and influence behavioural intentions
Social Cognitive Theory Outcome expectancies Sexual communication, need for social support to reinforce behaviour change
Social Learning Theory Self-efficacy Modeling of safer behaviours
Stages of Change Precontemplative Assess and influence outcome expectations and norms, perceived risk
Contemplative Assess and influence self-efficacy, intention
Preparation Assess and influence self-efficacy, intentions and outcome expectations
Action Assess and influence outcome expectations and norms
Maintenance Assess and influence norms, self-efficacy
AIDS Risk Reduction Labelling Assess and influence risk perception, aversive emotions and knowledge
Model Commitment Assess & influence perceptions of enjoyment, self-efficacy & risk reduction
Enactment & maintenance Assess and influence communication, informal networking, formal help-seeking

Social & Diffusion of Innovation Change agent Who are the influential people in the community
community Communication channels Most effective means to spread information including community leaders
level Context Assess type of social networks in community
Social Influences Context of social interactions Equip young people with social skills including peer pressure resistance skills
Social norms Assess and influence social norms
Social rewards & punishments
Social Network Theory Social networks Assess composition of social network
Social support Assess, build up social support
Theory of Gender & Power Social sexual norms & power dynamics Address social structure of gender relations
Empowerment Community organization Assess community priorities
Community building Assess key activities of the community and facilitate alliance building
Social Ecological Model Intra-personal (knowledge, Increase in knowledge, skills development, influence risk perception
for Health Promotion attitudes, perception of risk)
Social, organizational, cultural Community organizing, mass media
(social networks)
Political factors (regulation) Advocacy
Socioeconomic & Policy Advocacy; Community organizing
Environmental Factors Resources; Living conditions Social services
Access to prevention Increasing access to prevention (condoms)

*A more recent theory, theory of planned behavior is an update of the theory of reasoned action. It was developed by one of the authors of the theory of reasoned action to account for behaviors
that are subject to forces beyond the individual’s control.
Author, Model/Theory/Construct Target group (n), Research Methodology Results
Year country

Edem, 1998 Health belief model University students Self-administered questionnaire dis- Three variables (condom benefit beliefs, cues to action, condom barrier beliefs)
(395), Nigeria tributed in classroom setting. were significantly correlated to intentions to use condoms and past condom use.

Ford, 1995 Health belief model Male sex workers Individual survey interviews including For tourists, factors related to condom use were condom beliefs, self-efficacy,
(80) & clients (100), questions on AIDS/STD knowledge, susceptibility of STD infection, and STD knowledge. For sex workers factors
Indonesia sexual behavior and psychosocial related condom use were condom beliefs and self-efficacy.
measures related to risk taking.

Ford, 1998 Health belief model + Social Indonesia –Female Testing of 2 behavior change models ‘Results reflect social context of sexual behaviour’. Where knowledge of HIV is
cognitive theory sex workers in 4 different groups of SW, in differ- low, susceptibility to STDs and pregnancy related to condom use. Self-efficacy
ent socioeconomic settings and belief that condoms can increase pleasure were related to condom use.
In a more independent group self-efficacy not related, but susceptibility to HIV
related to condom use.
In higher priced group, condom use related to beliefs about AIDS prevention
and pleasure as well as self-efficacy.

Buunk, 1998 Health belief model, Heterosexual men Heterosexual adult females and males A limited number of well described variables can explain variance in intention to
Protection Motivation Theory, and women at risk interviewed for predictors of intention use condoms: self efficacy, anticipated regret and descriptive social norms
Anticipated regret, Social (711), Holland to use condoms with new partners (belief that most others in the reference group would use condoms with new

norms sexual partners)

Reitman, 1996 Health belief model, Theory of African- American Interviews Adolescent’s positive attitude toward condoms was strongest correlate of con-
reasoned action, Social cogni- youth (312), USA dom use, and lower self-efficacy was most strongly related to high-risk sexual
tive theory practices.

O’Leary, 1992 Social cognitive theory College students, Survey on 4 college campuses Stronger perceptions of self-efficacy to engage in safer behavior, expecting
USA (923) fewer negative outcomes of condom use, and less frequency of sex in conjunc-
tion with alcohol or other drug use significantly predicted safer sexual behaviour.

Nemoto, 1998 Social cognitive theory Asian community Interviews of Chinese, Filipino, and Self-efficacy to practice safer sex was significantly associated with condom use in
Self-efficacy (254), USA Vietnamese adults identified in needle past 6 months. Cultural ideas such as shame and fatalism influenced condom
exchange, jail, night clubs, and bars use and self-efficacy.

Alary, 1998 Theory of reasoned action, Seronegative MSM Interviews and self-administered ques- Psychosocial variables associated with incident high risk sex were lower per-
Theory of planned behavior, (2000), Canada tionnaire every 6 months ceived behavioural control and perception of higher risk linked other sexual
Social learning theory practices

Rotheram- Cognitive-behavioral Youth, USA Review of cognitive-behavioral inter- Significant reductions in risk behavioral with cognitive-behavioural interventions.
Borus, 1998 ventions for seropositive youth

Gregson, 1998 Knowledge; Perception of risk Women (1294), Women of childbearing age were Effective behavioural change associated with greater knowledge, experience and
Zimbabwe interviewed personal risk perception, but obstructed by low female autonomy, marital status
and economic status, alcohol consumption, labor migration.
Author, Model/Theory/Construct Target group (n), Research Methodology Results
Year country

Newcomb, 1998 Implicit cognition Men and women Participants completed a confidential Memory association variable predicted unprotected sex, but poly-drug use was
(579), USA questionnaire on a variety of health the strongest and most consistent predictor of the sexual behaviours.
behaviors and predictors.

PSI, Condom social marketing* Women & men Comparison of survey in 1990 with Findings suggest that condom marketing, promotion and distribution activities
1998 (806), Zambia survey in 1996. have been responsible for an increase in the use of condoms in Lusaka.

Levy, 1998 Perceived self-efficacy, Prevention agen- Evaluation survey. Increase in the number of people who hang out with others who use condoms
Perceived community norms cies for under- (community norms)
Behavioral intention towards served populations Increase in number of people who used condoms the last time they had sex
safer sex (youth, IDU), (behaviour)
USA Increase in number of people who feel confident that they can tell their sex part-
ners that they want to use a condom (self-efficacy)

Godin, 1996 Theory of planned behavior Seropositive gay Cohort study, 6 month follow-up visits. The best predictor of intention to use condoms (and of reported condom use)
men (96), Canada Face to face interviews. and of having sex without anal intercourse was perceived behavioural control.

Jemmott, 1992 Theory of planned behavior Adolescents (179), Confidential self-administered ques- Attitudes and subjective norms predicted intentions to use condoms and per-

USA tionnaire. ceived behavioural control significantly added to the correlation.

Lurie, 1995 Socio-economic factors Sex workers (600), Cross sectional study of prevalence of Compared to those with a higher socioeconomic status (SES), sex workers with a
Brazil antibodies to HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B, lower SES worked longer hours and had more clients. Sex workers with lower
behavioral factors and socio-economic SES were more likely than those with higher SES to be infected with HIV, syphilis
factors. and hepatitis B.

Kline, AIDS risk reduction model HIV-infected HIV infected women from New Jersey Factors influencing condom use:
1994 women (215), USA medical and social service agencies ➢ High perceived self-efficacy to influence partner
interviewed. ➢ Partner HIV-negative
➢ Partner doesn’t want more children
Negatively influencing condom use:
➢ Conflicts with partner
➢ Use of drugs and/or alcohol
➢ Belief condoms reduce sexual pleasure

Rickman, 1994 Sexual communication Incarcerated Latino Sexually active adolescents detained High numbers of lifetime sexual partners, low rates of condom use.
adolescents (2132), in Los Angeles county juvenile hall Respondents who communicated with their sex partners about each others’ sex-
USA were interviewed regarding their sex- ual history were significantly more likely to use condoms.
ual communication history and con-
dom use.

*Theories behind social marketing come from many different backgrounds including the commercial marketing, ‘4 Ps’ (making the Product appealing, the Price acceptable, the Placement conve-
nient, and the Promotion tailored to a particular audience), operant conditioning and social cognitive theories.
Author, Target group (n), country Model/Theory/ Research Methodology Results
Year* Construct

DiClemente African American women (128), SCT & Theory of Community based intervention includ- Increased consistent condom use, greater sexual communication & increased
1995 USA Gender and Power ing 5, 2 hour group sessions led by partners’ adoption of norms supporting condom use.
peer educator focusing on gender and
ethnic pride, knowledge, skills &

King, 1995 Women (586), Rwanda Structural Participants were provided with family Access to and information about hormonal contraceptives increased use &
planning services and methods reduced attrition among both HIV+ and HIV- women in the study.

Elkins, 1997 Village women (600) & SCT and communi- Intervention was village-based includ- Eight of the nine outcome goals were achieved with married women taking initia-
men (479), Thailand ty health promo- ing training, motivational audio-drama, tive in reducing risk posed to them by the sex activities of their husbands.
tion posters and village meetings.
Evaluation consisted of: KAP surveys,
focus group discussions and village

Galavotti, 1998 1289 at risk & 322 HIV-positive Stages of change Behavior change counselling interven- Women exposed twice as likely to report condom use with main partner at last

women tion delivered by trained peer para- sex and always use of condoms
USA professional counselors based on
stage-tailored individual counselling

Stevens, 1998 Lesbian and bisexual women PAR & Collective consciousness-raising quali- Outcomes suggest that the project supported changes to reduce risk, assisted
(3665) Peer education tative field interviewing & individual- participants in the realm of partner negotiations, and began to change communi-
ized HIV-prevention education in an ty conventions about sexual expectations and practices.
intense 2 year intervention

Sex Workers

Fox, 1993 Female sex workers (134), NS- information SWs attending STD clinics given week- Statistically significant increase in mean condom use from 64% to 70% of client
Honduras and accessibility of ly talks and free condoms contacts. Recommend targeting clients.

Asamoah-Adu, Female sex workers (107), peer education & SW followed over 4 year study. Reported condom use increased dramatically in first 6 months. Relapse occurred
1994 Ghana condom promo- Intervention included peer education after 3 years. Recommend targeting clients.
tion and condom promotion.

Opare, 1994 Female sex workers (30), Ghana NS –audiovisual Education conducted through SW Condom use rose from 10% to 100 % as sex workers identified very high percep-
aids to influence opinion leaders; video, discussion and tion of risk.
attitudes & condom demonstration conducted.
Author, Target group (n), country Model/Theory/ Research Methodology Results
Year Construct

Visrutaratna, Female sex workers (500) broth- Perception of risk, A year-long intervention. Small group Sex workers increased their refusal of sex without a condom from 42% to 92% fol-
1995 el owners & clients, Thailand condom negotia- sessions with SW & peer educators. lowing the programme.
tion, policy Brothels required condom use through
owners & education of clients.
Specially trained volunteers posed as
clients to test SW negotiation skills.

Williams, 1995 Female sex workers Nigeria NS - health educa- Health education using film, peer edu- Sex workers and clients knowledge about AIDS and STDs increased. Condom
tion, condom pro- cators distribute educational materials, use among sex workers and clients increased between baseline and follow-up.
motion & STD ser- condom promotion with free distribu-
vices tion and later cost recovery & compre-
hensive, client oriented STD services.

Chan, 1996 Female sex workers, Singapore Behavioral (sexual Condom negotiation, support from Significant improvement in negotiation skill, in always refusing sex without a con-
(128) communication) peers and brothel owners and health dom and significant decrease in gonorrhea rates in intervention vs. control group

Ford, 1996 Female sex workers (300) & Health belief 3 session series to: increase knowl- Knowledge and condom use increased significantly between baseline and follow-
clients (300), Indonesia model & Social edge, perceived susceptibility and up for both SW (from 18-75%) and (29-62%) and clients of SW in both interven-
cognitive theory skills related to condom use and part- tion sites.
ner negotiation among SW. Increase

knowledge among clients and pimps

using outreach workers.

Basu, 1998 Female sex workers PAR- – though not Involving sex workers in research Accurate sensitive data collected
India stated explicitly Rapport-building activity

Kelly, 1998 Female sex workers PAR – though not Involving sex workers in research Regardless of method used, must involve participants in research
Viet Nam stated explicitly

Gordon, 1998 Female sex workers Indonesia ILOM model Works on changing norms; sharing Mobilizes the community and changes culture
(500) behavioral values

Howard, 1990 low income youth Social influence 5 classroom periods led by teenagers By end of 8th grade students in the programme were five times less likely to have
USA (536) slightly older than participants present- begun sex than similar students who were not in the programme. There was a
ing factual information, identifying stronger influence on girls than boys. The programme was not effective for stu-
pressures, role-playing responses to dents who had already initiated sex.
pressures, teaching assertiveness and
discussing problem situations

Jemmott, 1992 African American adolescents, Social Cognitive Intervention included a pre and a Participation in the programme was associated with increased AIDS knowledge
(109), USA Theory post-test + factual information, out- and intentions and self-efficacy to use condoms.
come expectancies about condom use
and self-efficacy training.
TABLE 3: continued…
Author, Target group (n), country Model/Theory/ Research Methodology Results
Year Construct

Walter, 1993 Youth (72% Black or Hispanic) Health belief School based, teacher delivered 6-ses- Significant effects in intervention vs. control group in: knowledge, beliefs, self-effi-
(1316), USA model, Social cog- sion intervention. cacy, and risk behavior scores (no. partners, consistency of condom use, high risk
nitive theory, and partners, diagnosis of other STD)
a model of Social

Ré, 1996, 1998 Youth (389), Argentina NS – participatory Peer education workshops and com- Peer educators were positive role models and were able to translate messages as
methods munity project ‘peer gender specialists’; adolescents had low risk perception overall.

Gillmore, 1997 Youth in detention and at STD Social cognitive Testing of 3 behavioral interventions: Few differences among conditions; skill based intervention not sufficient to induce
clinic (396), USA theory & Theory of • comic book consistent condom use in heterosexually active high risk adolescents. Authors
reasoned action • videotape suggest longer intervention addressing multiple problems.
• group skills training that empha-
sizes negotiating skills for condom

Moberg, 1998 Youth (2483), USA Social influence Middle school students assigned to Null findings despite careful implementation of school-based component.
either of 3 conditions using blocked Authors note, inadequate community and family-level interventions, possible dilu-
randomization: age appropriate, inten- tion of message, & over saturation of students with health messages by 8th grade.
sive and control

Kelly, 1992 MSM Diffusion theory Sequential stepwise lagged design, in Intervention produced systematic reductions of 15% to 29% from baseline in the
USA 3 cities, opinion leaders were contract- population’s high-risk behaviour with same pattern of effects sequentially
ed to have conversations with peers to replicated in all 3 cities.
endorse actively and visibly the impor-
tance and acceptability of behavioral
change as well as to convey strategies
for change implementation.

Kegeles, 1996 Young MSM (300), USA Diffusion theory Implemented in 2 small communities Significant (27%) reductions in proportions of young gay men engaging in unpro-
with 1 control group, used natural tected anal intercourse with all men, but higher among secondary partners than
channels of communication to create boyfriends.
alcohol and drug-free alternatives and
to place HIV risk among the concerns
of young gay men.

Kelly, 1996 MSM (1/3 ethnic minority) (429), Cognitive-behav- Participants were randomly assigned to Greatest reduction and greatest maintenance of risk behaviour change among
USA ioral + mainte- one of 4 1-day interventions: cognitive- men in cognitive-behavioural group with discussion and problem-solving about
nance behavioural risk reduction & relapse personal relationship issues.
prevention, cognitive-behavioural risk
reduction & personal relationships or
the same 2 with 3 months of follow-up
telephone and group boosters.
TABLE 3: continued…
Author, Target group (n), country Model/Theory/ Research Methodology Results
Year Construct

Injecting Drug Users

Lawrence 1994 Drug-dependent youth (19), Cognitive- Substance dependent adolescents in Subjects showed increased knowledge about AIDS, better attitudes about pre-
USA behavioral residential treatment - received a 5 vention, greater internal and lower external locus of control scores, increased self-
session HIV risk reduction intervention efficacy, and higher perception of vulnerability.
that provided HIV education, social
competency skills and problem solving

Wiebel, IDU (641), USA ILOM model Ex-addicts deliver HIV-prevention ser- Observed incidence of HIV infection decreased from 8.4 to 2.4 per 100 person
1996 vices targeting IDU social networks in years. Sex risk behaviour decreased but much less dramatically than drug risk
community settings behavior.

Fishbein, 1996 IDUs, female sex partners of Stages of change Small media intervention materials Significant interactions indicating greater increases in intervention than compari-
IDU, SW, MSM who don’t gay were developed for each specific pop- son areas were found with respect to condom use with non-main partners, and
identify ulation focusing on key theoretical similar but non-significant effect with respect to condom use with main partners.
USA behaviour change variables as well as

Robles, 1998 Drug users (80% male) (1004), Stages of change Enhanced intervention took place out- Use of condoms during vaginal sex increased from 26.4% to 36.9%. Significant
Puerto Rico side of office, included 8, 45 minute predictors of condom use: HIV-positive, STD diagnosis, and participation in

sessions using ‘motivational interview- enhanced program. Effect stronger with non-primary partners.
ing’ drawing on individual’s perception
of risk, motivation to change, continu-
ous risk evaluation, negotiation and
communication skills, Community and
environmental resources were consid-

STD Clients
James, 1996 STD patients (492), UK Social cognitive RCT – 3 groups (group A, group B, Group A were significantly more likely than group C to carry condoms, no differ-
theory group C) ence between A & B or B & C. Intervention had no effect on self-reported behav-
• A - counselling intervention + iour.
leaflet + condoms
• B - leaflet + condoms
• C - no intervention

Kamb, 1996, Heterosexual STD patients SCT+ Theory of RCT – of 3 strategies: (1) educational Decrease in rates of STDs in: brief counselling (19%), enhanced counselling (22%)
1998 (4328), USA reasoned action messages, (2) brief counselling, (3) vs. information only
self-efficacy and enhanced counselling (greater number
perceived norms of counselling sessions) with steps
toward risk reduction beliefs, attitudes
and behavioural intentions, skills train-
ing to increase self-efficacy
TABLE 3: continued…
Author, Target group (n), country Model/Theory/ Research Methodology Results
Year Construct

O’Leary, 1998 STD & health agency patients, Social cognitive 7 SCT interventions (1) randomized Elements of SCT (self-efficacy, condom use skills, expectations of partner reac-
USA (3706) theory same-sex groups including information tion) were significantly different between intervention and control group.
video with question and answer peri-
od, or (2) informational comparison

Minority Groups

Wallerstein 1988 Hispanic, Native American, Empowerment Visits to hospital and detention center, Statistically significant self reported perception of riskiness of drinking, driving and
Anglo, USA peer education strategies & training, drug use
social learning, resistance to peer
pressure, life skills competencies and
decision-making about alternative
choices, analysis of media that influ-
ence consumption.

Kalichman,1997 Inner-city African American het- Theory of RCT of a 4 session cognitive behav- Both interventions significantly increased AIDS-related knowledge, intentions to
erosexual men (81) Reasoned Action ioral skills training intervention in com- change HIV risk behaviors, and reduced unprotected vaginal intercourse. There
parison with an HIV education control were no significant differences between groups on any of the measures at post-
condition. intervention or follow-up assessments.


Svenson, 1996 University students (37,000), Diffusion theory, HIV-STD prevention approach based Consistent condom use with new sex partners was significantly higher among pro-
Sweden community organi- on community organization and action, ject-contacted students than controls, perceived safer sex social norms.
zation target group empowerment and use
of opinion leaders as peer educators

Otto-Salaj, Seriously mentally ill patients (89 Cognitive-behav- Random assignment to one of 2, 7 Compared to comparison group, participants in HIV risk-reduction intervention
1998 men & 103 women), USA ioral (self-efficacy, session, skills building (assertiveness, reported increases in both frequency and percent of condom use in vaginal inter-
personal risk negotiation to resist coercion to course occasions, self-esteem, positive condom attitudes and risk reduction
assessment) engage in high-risk behaviour and to behavioural intentions. Risk reduction higher in females than males.
initiate communication with partners
about condom use or other safer sex
practices), self-management of risk
behaviours, reinforcement of safer

Hiebert, 1998 Canada Participatory Participants defining needs and figur- Participants took control of project
action research ing out how to meet those needs

Henry, 1998 Community leaders and govern- Structural Government + religion + business; Government’s first comprehensive national policy on HIV/AIDS in 1997 through
mental officials, Kenya changes making changes at the policy level years of research, dialogue and consensus-building.

* = indicates year of publication NS = theory not stated in the report RCT = randomized control trial SCT = social cognitive theory
Population Group Theory/Model Comments

Heterosexual Women Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) Psychological theories such as SCT provided guidance to interventions (especially in the USA), suggesting skills training and
strategies to modify perceived peer or partner normative beliefs about risk-taking. Skills training included talking with
partners about sex and condom use and practicing condom use skills.
Theory of Gender and Power Among African American women in the USA, this model helped guide an intervention based on improving partner norms
and increasing sexual communication skills.
Diffusion of Innovations with This model was used effectively in among low income women in the USA
Community Mobilization
Stages of Change Stages of Change model was used to guide interventions in the USA. In the US study among women in drug treatment,
investigators found stage tailored counselling more effective than standard
AIDS Risk Reduction Model Authors noted that in this US-based study the strongest predictors of increasing condom use were partner-related variables
Perception of Risk This construct has been used in studies with women in Africa and predicted condom use especially in low HIV prevalence settings.
Sex Workers The HBM and SCT used together Different constructs were useful for different sub-populations, but self-efficacy and the benefits of condoms were predictive
of reducing risk among many groups in Indonesia.
ILOM This model emphasizing changing cultural norms and mobilizing the community, was used in Indonesia.

Diffusion of Innovations This model was used effectively in community interventions with women internationally
Homosexual Men AIDS Risk Reduction Model This model was useful in guiding an intervention among African American men to address self-identity, social support, sexua
communication and behavioural commitment.
Diffusion Theory The diffusion theory has been useful in guiding effective interventions with gay men in the USA in a few different studies.
HBM, SCT & Theory of reasoned A combined behavioral model was used with Asian and Pacific Islander men in the USA and found greater than 50%
Action (TRA) combined reduction in unprotected anal intercourse in Chinese and Filipino men.
TRA & SCT combined Using constructs from both models, perceived behavioral control was most predictive for gay men in Montreal.
Heterosexual Men Social Cognitive Theory Elements such as self-efficacy, and condom use skills improved following an intervention.
SCT & TRA combined Self-efficacy & perceived norms were useful to predict decreases in STDs among men STD clinic attendees
Youth Social Cognitive Theory Interventions guided by SCT have increased self-efficacy and increased condom use in diverse youth populations in the USA
Health Belief Model Perceived benefits to condoms, perceived barriers and cues to action were predictive of condom use among university
students in Nigeria
HBM & TRA combined Attitudes towards condoms - a strong predictor of condom use among African American adolescents
Social Influence This model has been particularly useful among youth in the USA who have not yet had sexual intercourse
Stages of Change An intervention guided by this model in Puerto Rico found increases in condom use among drug users
IDUs ILOM Model This outreach model has shown reductions in sex risk practices, but greater reductions in drug risk practices
Notes :
The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) is the leading advocate for global
action on HIV/AIDS. It brings together seven UN agencies in a common effort to fight the epidemic:
the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP),
the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations International Drug Control
Programme (UNDCP), the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
(UNESCO), the World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Bank.

UNAIDS both mobilizes the responses to the epidemic of its seven cosponsoring organizations and
supplements these efforts with special initiatives. Its purpose is to lead and assist an expansion of
the international response to HIV on all fronts: medical, public health, social, economic, cultural,
political and human rights. UNAIDS works with a broad range of partners – governmental and NGO,
business, scientific and lay – to share knowledge, skills and best practice across boundaries.

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Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS



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