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Varianta 1

I. For each of the sentences below write a new sentence as similar as possible in
meaning to the original sentence, but using the word given. The word must not be
altered in any way.

a) He’s the soldier who received the order. (WHOM)

b) I called Ann to remind her of her promise, but she refused to help me. (WOULD)
c) People think Roy is selling secret information to the enemy. (TO)

II. Fill each of the blanks with a suitable word or phrase:

a) You … me that I failed; I already know that.

b) The break-in … until the bank manager returned to work on Monday.
c) The manager went on … the next item on the agenda.

III. Find the mistake and correct it:

a) I suggested to leave that place early in the morning.

b) You needn’t speak rudely to your boss; he’s always been nice to you.
c) Little she knew what I was going to tell her.

Translate into English:

Îi spuse că afacerea pe care voia s-o facă cu ea nu era lipsită de primejdie, deşi era o afacere
cinstită: că tatăl lui l-a sfătuit – mai mult chiar, i-a dat ordinul sever – să nu-i ascundă nici ei şi
nici unui al treilea (fiindcă, după cum are să vadă, va fi vorba şi de un al treilea) că pentru ca
afacerea să reuşească din plin e nevoie ca toţi cei implicaţi în ea să ştie dinainte ce-i aşteaptă şi
abia după aceea, după ce se vor gândi şi vor cântări totul în linişte, să răspundă dacă se angajează
sau nu. Asupra faptului cât e de cinstită afacerea, să nu existe nici o îndoială: când va afla despre
ce e vorba, nici n-o să se mai discute pe această temă, nu asta era problema. Care era însă
problema? Problema cea mai grea era găsirea acestui al treilea...

Translate into Romanian:

In the course of the day Newman received three lines from him, saying that it had been decided
that he should cross the frontier, with his adversary, and that he was to take the night express to
Geneva. He should have time, however, to dine with Newman. In the afternoon, Newman called
upon Madame de Cintre, but his visit was brief. She was as gracious and sympathetic as he had
ever found her, but she was sad, and she confessed, on Newman’s charging her with her red eyes,
that she had been crying. Valentine had been with her a couple of hours before, and his visit had
left her with a painful impression.
Varianta 2

Translate into Romanian:

Newman, after he had seated himself, began to consider what, in truth, was his errand. He had an
unusual, unexpected sense of having wandered into a strange corner of the world. He was not
given, as a general thing, to anticipating danger, to forecasting disaster, and he had had no social
tremors on this particular occasion. He was not timid and he was not impudent. He felt too kindly
toward himself to be the one, and too good-naturedly toward the rest of the world to be the other.
But his native shrewdness sometimes placed his ease of temper at its mercy; with every
disposition to take things simply, it was obliged to perceive that some things were not so simple
as others.

Translate into English:

Fata se opri aşteptând. Dar el tot nu-i răspunse. Ea însă era senină şi în glasul şi în gândurile ei,
fiindcă în clipele următoare, când el ieşi din tăcerea lui şi drept răspuns o întinse iar pe spate şi o
dezveli, ea nu se opuse, nu zise nimic, şi îl luă în braţe ca şi când el ar fi continuat să fie alături de
ea, ca şi când i-ar fi răspuns că da, aşa va face, se va strădui să-i împlinească, în cei doi ani cât
avea să-l aştepte, acel vis care era atât de frumos şi atât de aproape de ea.... Da, era aproape, îl
ţinea chiar în braţe şi dacă n-ar fi fost nici o speranţă în tot ce gândea ea, ar strânge-o el atât de
tare şi ar săruta-o atât de mult pe gură, încât îi tăia răsuflarea, şi pe ochi de era aproape s-o
orbească? ... Totuşi, nu-şi pierdu atât de tare capul încât să nu vadă, uitându-se într-o parte pe
cer, că se apropriau zorile şi că trebuia, îndată ce el avea să se desprindă de ea, să se ridice
negreşit şi să plece!

I. For each of the sentences below write a new sentence as similar as possible in meaning to the
original sentence, but using the word given. The word must not be altered in any way.

a) They aren’t likely to come with us. (WILL)

b) Only if you read the book will you have an answer to your question. (DEPENDS)
c) If the weather doesn’t clear up, I won’t go out of the house. (UNLESS)

II. Fill each of the blanks with a suitable word or phrase:

a) He said that if things got worse, they … the house and move to another.
b) Had …, you wouldn’t have agreed to his proposal so quickly.
c) You’d … that clock repaired; it hasn’t worked for a week now.

III. Find the mistake and correct it:

a) Not even once I heard her admit that she was wrong.
b) He was hearing the news on the radio when the bell rang.
c) Children under five mustn’t pay to travel by public transport.

IV, Use the most logical form of the verbs in brackets:

This was the funeral party and, while it (be) quiet, it was not quite subdued. After a few beers –
only the night before he (swear) he never (touch) the stuff again, but in the cold afternoon light
the previous evening (seem) impossibly long ago – Louis thought (pass) on a few little funerary
anecdotes his uncle Carl (tell) him.
Varianta 3

Translate into English:

Dar se pare că sînt femei şi bărbaţi care au semnele lor după care cunosc pe nevasta vinovată.
Acestora nu le trebuia nici o dovadă. Le era de ajuns să se uite la Veronica – femeia se
schimbase! Se ţinea mai dreaptă, părea că mai crescuse, păşea apăsat, hotărîtă şi să se uite drept în
ochii omului. Privirile ei se măriseră şi ardeau în flăcări negre. Mai înainte umbla deseori cu
capul plecat, privea cu sfială în ochii omului, ca şi cînd s-ar fi simţit vinovată că ascultase de
părinţi, că l-a părăsit pe cel iubit şi s-a măritat, din interes, cu Ion Roşu. Acum se desprindea din
întrega ei fiinţă o mîndrie mare. Părea că vrea să întreacă pe toată lumea. Şi se făcuse mai
frumoasă, mai sprintenă, mai harnică.

Translate into Romanian:

Isabel, who knew little of the sorts of artillery to which young women are exposed, flattered
herself that such contradictions would never be noted in her own conduct. Her life should always
be in harmony with the most pleasing impression she should produce; she would be what she
appeared, and she would appear to be what she was. Sometimes she went so far as to wish that
she might find herself some day in a difficult position, so that she should have the pleasure of
being as heroic as the occasion demanded. It was one of her theories that Isabel Archer was very
fortunate in being independent. She never called it the state of solitude, much less of singleness.

I. Fill in the blanks with a suitable tense:

After an ice-cold shower, Pym (think) carefully about which suit to put on. He (see) M. at
nine o’clock that morning, and he (want) to make a good impression. Glancing at himself in the
mirror, he (notice) that he (put) on weight recently. He (have) to pay more attention to his diet in
the future. An hour later, as he (drive) through the rush-hour traffic on his way to meet M., Pym
carefully (consider) the contents of the files.

II. Rewrite the following sentences using a modal verb:

I don’t think she was sleeping when you called her.
It was unnecessary for him to have got so angry yesterday; it was only a joke after all.
It was his duty to take care of his mother.

III. Complete the sentences beginning as shown, without changing the meaning of the sentences
printed before:
a) I suppose he’s had a lot of experience in management.
He… .
b) They saw her enter the restaurant.
She … .
c) But for your encouragement, she wouldn’t have passed the test.
If … .

IV. Find the mistake and correct it:

a) Anthropologists study the various people of the world.
b) She’s afraid to lose her job because of the financial crisis.
Varianta 4

Translate into English:

Afară soarele dispăru dintr-o dată şi începu un fel de taifun care cutremură casa o jumătate de oră
Se auzeau căzând fructele din pom pe peluzele de iarbă şi o ploaie bezmetică invadă salonul.
Intra pieziş prin ferestrele deschise, vîntul zgâlţâia obloanele, totul părea o nebunie bruscă a
- Ce spuneam, ieri, zise cu glasul ei de soprană senora Carolina de Gomez Arzapalo, a început
sezonul ploilor…
Vorbele aveau ceva religios în ele. Femeia privi lung, ca şi cum atunci ar fi văzut pentru prima
oară covorul de Cuenca care se aşternea la picioarele ei, şi pe urmă despică un ananas cu un cuţit.
Folosea instrumental cu o atenţie mare, ca şi când ar fi săvârşit un adevărat ceremonial. Senor
Juan Diaz Sonora continua să vorbească despre o viitoare fiesta brava, când voi vedea eu ce
înseamnă cu adevărat o corridă …

Translate into Romanian:

It had occurred to Ralph that, in the conditions, Isabel’s parting with her friend might be of a
slightly embarrassed nature, and he went down to the door of the hotel in advance of his cousin,
who, after a slight delay, followed with the traces of an unaccepted remonstrance, as he thought,
in her eyes. The two made the journey to Gardencourt in almost unbroken silence, and the servant
who met them at the station had no better news to give them of Mr. Touchett – a fact which
caused Ralph to congratulate himself afresh on sir Matthew Hope’s having promised to come
down in the five o’clock train and spend the night. Mrs. Touchett, he learned on reaching home,
had been constantly with the old man.

Fill in the blanks with the correct tense:

By the time the firemen (arrive), the house (be) ablaze from top to bottom, but it (be) clear that if
someone (give) the alarm earlier, they might (stand) a chance of (save) the building.

Find the mistake and correct it:

My neighbours make enough noise to rise the dead.

I’ve only known Lucy for a week, but she seems rather nice.
It’s only 9.30. He might have already arrived.

Rewrite each sentence using the word in capitals:

I was so sleepy that I couldn’t stay awake. TOO

She didn’t want the police to recognize her so she wore a disguise. PREVENT
Isn’t he a rude man! WHAT

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