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Variables are used to dynamically insert text into Below are some of the most commonly used methods

hods Launch has useful functions built into the platform

site tags (like an eVar or event). Variables are in JavaScript. that help QA tags. The code below can be used in
wrapped in %...% syntax. functions or typed directly into your console.

JavaScript Regular Expressions enable debug mode (useful to QA rules)

declare regex variable var RegEx = /pattern/mod
use selected element %this.[attribute]% hide browsing activity from Launch
use child element %target.[attribute]% modifier function localStorage.setItem('hide_activity',true);
/g global matching
Dynamically insert the title and inner HTML for:
/i case insensitive cross-browser compatible console.log()
<a title="link" href="/"><p>Hello!</p></a>
/s single line mode'text to display'); //Log
title %this.title% /m multi line mode _satellite.logger.log('text to display'); // Another log
Output link _satellite.logger.warn('text to display'); //Warning
JavaScript Selectors _satellite.logger.error('text to display'); //Error
inner HTML %target.innerHTML%
Output Hello! Note: Messages from _satellite.logger are only
get element by id getElementById('id')
get elements by class getElementsByClassName('') viewable in Debug mode.
Other example uses:
get elements by tag getElementsByTagName('a')
href %this.href% get the date of the last library build
class %this.className% _satellite.buildInfo.buildDate;
alt %this.alt%
JavaScript Logic Tests
src %this.src%
inner text %this.@text%
if statement switch statement
inner text w/trim %this.@cleanText%
if(i<0){some action} switch(i){
custom attribute %this.getAttribute(name)%
else if(i<1){some action} case n: Regular Expressions (RegEx) is a method of
else{some action} some action; matching that can be used within Launch (and
Other useful variables:
break; JavaScript and others) to select groups of text.
URL pathname %URI%
for…next loop default:
URL hostname %hostname%
for(i=0;i<10;i++){some some action;
URL protocol %protocol% Core Patterns
action} }
pattern function
Data Elements are an alternative way of setting a . match any character
variable. These are most useful when you use * 0 or more of previous expression
value(s) across multiple rules. + 1 or more of previous expression
? 0 or 1 of previous expression
using data elements in a rule Below are some common jQuery methods. If ^ start of string
%Element Name% available, consider using Sizzle as a selector. $ end of string
| “OR” match on both sides
set a data element prefixes targeting suffixes {…} explicit quantifier notation
_satellite.setVar("Element Name",value); $(this) .parents() .text() […] explicit character set match
$('#id') .children() .html() [^…] NOT one of the characters in set
get a data element $('.class') .siblings() .val() (…) logical grouping of expression parts
_satellite.getVar("Element Name"); $('div') .find() .attr() \ precedes characters above; makes
$('div.class') special character literal
Note: Each time you call a data element, Launch
tries to reset the value. If you need to store a Examples
value more permanently, use cookies (below). selectors function
$("div img") select all img within div pattern function
$("div>img") only direct img children [abc] matches a or b or c
Cookies store values that allow you to set and recall $("a[title='equals']") anchor title equals string [a-z] match any letter from a-z (lowercase)
without reevaluating (unlike Data Elements). $("a[title!='noequal']") title doesn’t equal string [A-Z] match letter from A-Z (uppercase)
$("a:first") select 1st anchor element [0-9] matches any number from 0-9
set a cookie {3} matches 3 of preceding expression
$("ul:last li:last") select last ul of last li
_satellite.cookie.set(name,value) {3.9} matches 3-9 of preceding expression
$("ul li:first-child") first li of every ul
_satellite.cookie.set(name,value,{expires: days}) {3,} matches 3 or more
$("[id*='contains']") id contains string
$("[class$='ends']") class ends with string
read a cookie
$("[id^='begins']") id begins with string
$(":checked") selects all checked boxes @jimalytics
$(":selected") selects active inputs
remove a cookie

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