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Article infectious diseases

Robin English, MD*
Objectives After completing this article, readers should be able to:

1. Discuss the consequences of primary infection with varicella-zoster virus and

2. Describe the ramifications of group A Streptococcus infection.
3. Identify those in whom varicella infection is most severe.
4. Explain the treatment options for varicella.
5. Recognize how to prevent varicella.

Varicella is a common exanthematous disease that primarily affects children. In general,
clinicians are very familiar with the clinical presentation of this disease, but in the last several
years, fewer and fewer cases have been seen and diagnosed. This is due primarily to the
development of a safe and effective vaccine, which has been studied extensively. In the
future, primary care clinicians will see less of this disease, although the potential severity of
disease and associated risk of morbidity and mortality necessitate a continued awareness of
the clinical features and risk of complications. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)
and the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) of the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have set a goal for more than 90% of American
children to be immunized against varicella by the year 2010.

Chickenpox is the clinical syndrome that results from primary infection with varicella-
zoster virus (VZV), which is a herpesvirus. Herpes zoster (also called “shingles” or
“zoster”) appears after reactivation of latent VZV, which can occur at any time after a
primary infection. Disseminated zoster can occur after reactivation in immunocompro-
mised patients and consists of severe rash with systemic findings. Congenital varicella
syndrome, or varicella embryopathy, is the result of varicella infection in a woman during
the first or second trimester of pregnancy.

Varicella infection is more common during the late winter and early spring. The disease
also is more prevalent in temperate areas than in tropical climates. Prior to the development
of the vaccine, an estimated 4 million cases, with 10,000 hospitalizations and 100 deaths,
occurred in the United States each year, most frequently involving children younger than
the age of 10 years. Since then, reports of varicella infection have declined. The CDC has
encouraged states to improve surveillance for varicella, but only 14 states maintained a
continuous level of reporting from 1987 to 1997.
Varicella infection is found only in humans. The mode of transmission is person-to-
person via direct contact with infected mucosa or airborne particles from respiratory
secretions. Transplacental passage of the virus also can occur. Transmission to susceptible
household contacts is expected (approximately 90%), and secondary cases often are more
severe than index cases. Nosocomial transmission has been reported. Subclinical varicella
can occur, as indicated by many adults who have no history of the disease demonstrating
detectable antibodies to the virus. Immunity after natural varicella infection is considered

*Assistant Professor of Clinical Pediatrics, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center, New Orleans, LA.

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infectious diseases varicella

which is the reason for communica-

bility before the onset of rash. Fol-
lowing viremia, the virus becomes
latent in dorsal root ganglia cells. It
remains there until reactivation, at
which time the virus travels back to
the skin along the sensory nerve.
Reactivation likely is due to declin-
ing cell-mediated immunity, which
explains the increased incidence in
the elderly and in immunocompro-
mised patients.
The viremic phase of varicella
infection may be prolonged in indi-
viduals who are immunocom-
promised. Because cell-mediated
immunity plays a role in the termi-
nation of viremia, patients who
have this type of immunodeficiency
Figure 1. Typical varicella vesicles. are more at risk than those who
have primary humoral immunode-
ficiency. Prolonged viremia is the
The incubation period for chickenpox is 10 to reason for prolonged communicability and dissemina-
21 days, with most people being infected within 14 to tion of the virus to organs such as the heart, brain, lungs,
16 days of exposure. Communicability is highest in the and liver. Accordingly, immunocompromised children
period from 1 to 2 days prior to the appearance of the are at greater risk for developing complications such as
rash to 1 to 2 days after its onset. Healthy children may pneumonia, meningoencephalitis, and hepatitis.
be considered noncontagious after all lesions have
crusted over, although communicability may be pro- Clinical Aspects
longed in immunocompromised patients who have se- Clinical Presentation
vere infection. Susceptible children may become infected The rash of varicella often is preceded by a 24- to
with varicella after direct contact with active zoster le- 48-hour period of fever, malaise, and other systemic
sions because these lesions contain infectious virus, but symptoms. The typical exanthem begins as erythema-
not after exposure to respiratory secretions from individ- tous, pruritic macules that develop into papules and
uals who have zoster. Exposure to children who have fluid-filled vesicles. The crusting of the vesicles is the final
chickenpox is not believed to reactivate zoster. stage of the lesions before resolution, and scarring occurs
rarely. One of the most characteristic features of the
Pathogenesis exanthem is the presence of all stages of lesions simulta-
After a person is exposed to VZV, the virus undergoes neously (Fig. 1). The average number of lesions is ap-
two phases of replication during the incubation period. proximately 300 to 400, but the number can vary from
Primary replication, which begins 3 to 4 days after expo- fewer than 50 in healthy children to more than 1,000 in
sure, occurs in the oropharynx and regional lymph nodes immunocompromised children or in severe infection.
and is followed by a period of primary viremia. A second- The average length of time from the development of the
ary viremia, with intracellular replication within the re- initial lesion to the crusting of all lesions is approximately
ticuloendothelial system, occurs 10 to 21 days after 4 to 5 days.
exposure. Late in the secondary viremic phase, the virus is Neonates born to women who develop primary vari-
delivered to the skin, at which time the typical cutaneous cella infection 5 days before to 2 days after delivery are at
lesions become evident. These lesions may continue to increased risk of severe varicella infection, which may be
develop for the next 3 to 7 days as a result of infected fatal. Clinical features of perinatally acquired varicella
mononuclear cells. The virus also is carried to the respi- include severe rash, pneumonia, hepatitis, and death in
ratory mucosa toward the end of the incubation period, 20% to 30% of cases. Infants born to mothers who are

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infected before 5 days prior to de-

livery have less severe disease be-
cause of the transplacental transfer
of VZV-specific maternal immuno-
globulin G.
Congenital varicella syndrome
results when a mother is infected
within the first 20 weeks of gesta-
tion. “Zigzag” skin scarring and
limb atrophy are characteristic find-
ings of this embryopathy. Brain ab-
normalities, including hydrocepha-
lus and microcephaly, and eye
abnormalities, such as cataracts and
chorioretinitis, also may occur.

The most common complication of
varicella is secondary bacterial in-
fection, usually with Streptococcus Figure 2. Secondary infection in patient who has varicella. Photo courtesy of Joseph
pyogenes or S aureus (Fig 2). S pyo- Zenel, MD.
genes, or group A Streptococcus
(GAS), is emerging as an increas-
ingly common pathogen in patients who have varicella, most common causes of postviral cerebellar ataxia and
and it may cause severe invasive disease. A multicenter postviral transverse myelitis.
study published in 2001 found that the risk of invasive
GAS infection was somewhat increased in nonwhite chil-
dren in low-income households, in persons exposed at Herpes Zoster
home, and in persons who had a long duration of fever. Zoster, or “shingles,” is characterized by vesicles clus-
Several case reports and studies have suggested a causal tered in a dermatomal distribution. The initial presenting
relationship between the use of nonsteroidal anti- symptom frequently is pain at the future site of the
inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and the development of lesions, which usually arise within a few days. Pruritus
necrotizing GAS infections, but the previously noted also may occur. The most common sites for the develop-
multicenter study found no clear causal association. Par- ment of zoster lesions are those supplied by the trigem-
ents were more likely to administer anti-inflammatory inal nerve and the thoracic ganglia. New lesions occur
and antipyretic medications to children who had more over 2 to 3 days, then begin to crust over the next week.
severe varicella disease, and it is known that severe vari- Most lesions resolve within 2 weeks. Immunocompro-
cella disease can predispose a patient to invasive GAS mised persons may experience a prolonged course or
disease. Thus, the association between NSAID use and develop disseminated zoster, which is characterized by a
GAS infection may be due to these confounding vari- severe, varicelliform rash with systemic findings such as
ables. pneumonitis, hepatitis, and disseminated intravascular
Other invasive complications of varicella infection coagulation. The development of herpes zoster in chil-
include pneumonitis, meningoencephalitis, hepatitis, dren does not necessarily imply an occult malignancy or
arthritis, and glomerulonephritis. These complications other immunodeficiency.
are more common in children who are immunocompro- The most common complication of herpes zoster is
mised, especially those who have T-cell defects, leuke- postherpetic neuralgia, which is defined as pain that lasts
mia, or lymphoma. Hemorrhagic varicella is a severe longer than 1 month. This is uncommon in children and
form of the disease that also is found more commonly in occurs most often in persons older than 50 years of age.
immunocompromised patients. Hemorrhagic varicella Immunocompromised patients also have an increased
carries a 70% mortality risk. Varicella also is one of the risk of this complication.

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infectious diseases varicella

Acyclovir Dosing for Varicella and Zoster

Table 1. acyclovir is not routinely recom-
mended for healthy children
Infections younger than 12 years of age be-
cause the disease generally has a
Infection Dosing
benign, self-limited course. How-
Varicella—immunocompetent 80 mg/kg per day PO divided qid for 5 d ever, studies have shown a moder-
patient Maximum dose, 3,200 mg/d ate decrease in the severity of symp-
Varicella—immunocompromised 30 mg/kg per day IV divided tid for 7 to 10 d
patient (<1 y of age) toms if acyclovir is used within
1,500 mg/M per day IV divided tid for 7 to 24 hours of the onset of the rash.
10 d (>1 y of age) Oral acyclovir may be consid-
Zoster—immunocompetent and 30 mg/kg per day IV divided tid for 7 to 10 d ered for those at risk for more se-
immunocompromised (<1 y of age)/1,500 mg/M2 per day vere infection, including children
patients divided tid for 10 d (>1 y of age)
OR older than age 12 years, persons
4 g/d PO in 5 divided doses for 5 to 7 d who have chronic disease, and per-
(>12 y of age) sons who are taking chronic aspirin
or corticosteroid therapy. If oral
acyclovir is used, it should be initi-
Diagnosis ated early in the course of the exanthem (see Table 1 for
The clinical appearances of primary varicella and herpes recommended doses).
zoster infections are so characteristic that laboratory test- Intravenous acyclovir should be used for immuno-
ing often is not necessary. However, several diagnostic compromised patients who have varicella-zoster infec-
tests are available if the diagnosis is in question. A Tzanck tion and should be initiated within 24 hours of the onset
smear performed on a vesicle scraping shows multinucle- of the rash (Table 1). In general, acyclovir is a safe
ated giant cells, but it does not distinguish between medication, although adverse effects such as nausea,
varicella zoster and herpes simplex. Viral culture and diarrhea, and renal toxicity have been reported. Patients
direct fluorescent antigen (DFA) performed on a vesicle who have renal dysfunction should receive reduced
scraping can differentiate between the two; the DFA is doses. Intravenous foscarnet is available for the treatment
more rapid and sensitive than the culture. The virus is of acyclovir-resistant infections. Because renal toxicity
isolated best from vesicle scrapings during the first 3 to and electrolyte abnormalities are the most important
4 days of the rash. A polymerase chain reaction per- complications of foscarnet therapy, serum creatinine and
formed on vesicle fluid often can identify and help to electrolyte levels should be monitored closely.
differentiate wild type varicella from vaccine-induced Currently, acyclovir is the treatment of choice for
varicella. herpes zoster infections in both immunocompromised
Immunity to varicella zoster may be determined in and immunocompetent children (see Table 1 for dos-
immunocompetent persons by a significant increase in ing). Famcicyclovir and valacyclovir are effective treat-
serum antibody (immunoglobulin G) to varicella. Latex ments for zoster infections in adults, although these
agglutination is more sensitive than enzyme immunoas- medications have not been studied adequately for use in
say in determining immunity, including vaccine-induced the pediatric population.
immunity. These tests are less reliable in immunocom-
promised individuals. Postexposure Prophylaxis
Varicella vaccine and varicella-zoster immune globulin
Management (VZIG) are both available for the prevention of disease in
Treatment susceptible persons exposed to VZV. Significant expo-
The treatment of primary varicella-zoster infection is sure includes household contacts, close play or hospital
supportive, including antipyretics and antihistamines or contacts, newborns born to mothers who develop vari-
oatmeal baths to control fever and itching. Because of the cella 5 days prior to or 2 days after delivery, and those
risk of Reye syndrome, aspirin should be avoided. As who have direct contact with active zoster lesions. Sus-
mentioned previously, case reports have supported the ceptibility should be determined by the history of previ-
avoidance of NSAIDs as well, although the association ous disease, keeping in mind that 70% to 90% of adults
between the use of these agents and the development of who do not have a reliable history of varicella are im-
invasive GAS infection has not been proven. The use of mune. For immunocompetent persons, serologic testing

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is reliable but not necessary. Immunocompromised per- Immunocompromised patients who have zoster and
sons demonstrate unreliable results. immunocompetent patients who have disseminated zos-
Varicella vaccine has been shown to prevent or modify ter should be placed on airborne and contact precautions
the disease course if administered to healthy susceptible for the entire duration of the illness. Contact precautions
children within 3 days (and possibly 5 days) of exposure. are recommended for immunocompetent persons who
If the susceptible child is in the prodromal phase of have localized zoster until all lesions are crusted over.
varicella disease, vaccine administration does not increase Immunocompetent children who have uncompli-
the risk of developing more severe disease or vaccine- cated varicella infection may return to school when all
associated adverse effects. The vaccine also is safe for lesions are crusted over. Immunocompromised children
persons who have immunity from a previous subclinical and other children who have prolonged or complicated
infection. courses should not return to school until the rash has
VZIG is effective in preventing disease if administered resolved. Children and adult child care workers who have
within 4 days of exposure to varicella; maximum effec- zoster may return to school or work if all lesions can be
tiveness is achieved if it is administered as soon as possible covered.
after exposure is recognized. VZIG is administered intra- Susceptible exposed hospital and child care staff
muscularly, and the most common adverse effect is pain should be excused from patient or child contact from 8 to
at the injection site. Patients who receive monthly intra- 21 days after exposure to an infected person. If exposure
venous immune globulin (IVIG) do not require VZIG if to an infected person does not result in disease in suscep-
the last IVIG infusion was administered up to 3 weeks tible personnel, immunization with the vaccine is recom-
before exposure. In the case of significant exposure, mended.
VZIG should be given to suscep-
tible immunocompromised chil-
dren and adolescents, susceptible
healthy adults, susceptible preg-
nant women, and newborns
whose mothers developed vari-
cella 5 days before to 2 days after
Intravenous acyclovir should
be used for immunocompromised patients
delivery. Hospitalized preterm in- who have varicella-zoster infection and
fants who are younger than
should be initiated within 24 hours of the
28 weeks’ gestation should re-
ceive VZIG after exposure, re- onset of the rash.
gardless of maternal immune sta-
tus; those older than 28 weeks’
gestation should receive it if the mother lacks a reliable Prevention
history or serologic evidence of immunity. Bone marrow The varicella vaccine, which was licensed for use in March
transplant recipients should be given VZIG after expo- 1995, is a live-attenuated preparation of the wild Oka
sure, regardless of prior history of varicella. The duration strain of varicella. The AAP and ACIP recommended its
of protection from varicella after VZIG administration is routine use in susceptible children older than 12 months
unknown. of age shortly after its licensure. After evaluation of the
safety and efficacy of the vaccine, these groups continue
Isolation to support this recommendation.
Airborne and contact precautions should be initiated for Despite these recommendations, many children re-
hospitalized patients who have varicella for at least 5 days main unimmunized against varicella. The AAP Commit-
after the onset of the rash and maintained until all vesicles tee on Infectious Diseases has identified possible barriers
are crusted. Exposed susceptible patients should be kept to universal immunization, including the misconception
on airborne and contact precautions from 8 to 21 days that varicella is always a mild disease, concern over vac-
after onset of the rash in the index case. These precau- cine safety, and concern about waning immunity. Many
tions also should be practiced for neonates born to pediatricians are not recommending the varicella vaccine
mothers who had varicella until the infants are 21 days of routinely, and only a few states require proof of disease or
age. Patients who receive VZIG should be isolated for a vaccination before the child enters school or child care.
total of 28 days. One study conducted in an urban environment showed

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infectious diseases varicella

that parents are significantly influenced by their pediatri- Table 2. Dosing for Varicella Vaccine
cian’s views on vaccination against varicella. This sug-
gests that improved efforts to educate community pedi- Age Dosing
atricians on the safety and efficacy of the vaccine are
12 to 18 mo 0.5 mL SC/IM—single dose
necessary to achieve universal vaccination. 19 mo to 13 y 0.5 mL SC/IM—single dose (at any
A safety surveillance of the varicella vaccine evaluated time)
adverse events reported to the United States Vaccine 13 y to adulthood 0.5 mL SC/IM—2 doses, 4 to
Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) from March 8 weeks apart
1995 to July 1998. More than 6,500 cases of adverse
events were reported during this time, which is a rate of
67.5 per 100,000 doses sold. Of these, the most com- nation. This study determined that the antibody persis-
mon were rash, possible vaccine failure, and injection site tence rate over the 6 years was 99%, with breakthrough
reactions. Rashes, most often vesicular, accounted for events occurring in 0.2% to 2.3% of children per year.
more than 50% of the reports. Of the specimens tested, Breakthrough cases were generally mild. Children who
wild-type varicella was found in 61% (with symptoms have high levels of varicella antibody after vaccination
occurring approximately 1 week after immunization), appear to be at decreased risk for developing break-
and the Oka strain was identified in 31% (with symptoms through infection. Studies performed to date have sup-
occurring an average of 4 weeks after immunization). ported the evidence that most vaccinees have long-term
Possible vaccine failure was reported in approximately persistence of antibodies to VZV. Further studies are
20%, and many of these were reported following subse- necessary to determine the role, if any, of booster doses
quent negative serologic tests. Injection site reactions of the varicella vaccine in providing lifelong immunity.
occurred in 8.7% of patients and usually occurred within The varicella vaccine should be administered to all
1 week of vaccination. healthy susceptible children older than 1 year of age. The
More serious but rare adverse events have been re- AAP and ACIP also recommend its use up to 3 days after
ported, including pneumonia, hepatitis, erythema multi- exposure to varicella (see Table 2 for dosing and admin-
forme and Stevens-Johnson syndrome, thrombocytope- istration). Contraindications to vaccination include con-
nia, anaphylaxis, and neurologic events, such as seizures current moderate-to-severe febrile illness, chronic high-
and neuropathies. In most of these events, no evidence dose steroid use (2 mg/kg per day for ⱖ14 d), preg-
linked administration of the vaccine to the development nancy, and a history of anaphylaxis with any component
of symptoms. In addition, evidence of wild-type virus was of the vaccine, including gelatin and neomycin. In addi-
found in many patients who had both mild and serious tion, the vaccine should not be administered routinely to
adverse events, highlighting the importance of the contin- children who have cell-mediated immunodeficiencies, leu-
ued presence of wild-type virus in the community. kemia, lymphoma, or other bone marrow malignancies.
Herpes zoster has been reported after vaccine admin- One exception to the contraindications is the child
istration, but it is much less frequent than zoster occur- who has acute lymphoblastic leukemia, has been in re-
ring after natural varicella and often is associated with the mission for at least 1 year, and has reasonable lymphocyte
isolation of wild-type virus, suggesting infection prior to and platelet counts. In these patients, immunization has
vaccination. Transmission of vaccine-associated virus is been shown to be safe and effective, although approval
extremely rare and occurs only if a rash develops in the by institutional review boards currently is required for its
vaccinee. The risk of developing disease after this type of use. Another exception is the child who has human
exposure is so rare that the routine use of VZIG or immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection and is asymp-
acyclovir as prophylaxis is not recommended, even in tomatic or mildly symptomatic. A recently published
immunocompromised patients. study demonstrated that such HIV-infected children
In addition to being safe, the varicella vaccine has who received two doses of vaccine had seroconversion
been found to be efficacious. Numerous studies have rates of 60%, with adverse effects similar to those seen in
been performed since its licensure, and the evidence immunocompetent children.
suggests that the vaccine is approximately 85% to 90% Household contacts of immunocompromised indi-
effective in preventing all forms of the disease and 95% to viduals may receive the vaccine, but they should avoid
100% effective in preventing moderate-to-severe disease. direct contact with the immunocompromised person if a
Recently, a study of more than 1,100 healthy children rash develops after vaccination. Immunodeficiency
evaluated the persistence of antibody 6 years after vacci- should be excluded before vaccination in a person whose

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family history includes hereditary immunodeficiency. Diseases. 25th ed. Elk Grove Village, Ill: American Academy of
Administration of the vaccine should be postponed until Pediatrics; 2000:624 – 628
Committee on Infectious Diseases. Varicella vaccine update. Pedi-
3 to 11 months after the administration of IVIG, de-
atrics. 2000;105:136 –141
pending on the dose of IVIG used. IVIG should be
Lesko SM, O’Brien KL, Schwartz B, Vezina R, Mitchell A. Invasive
withheld until 2 weeks after the varicella vaccine is given. group A streptococcal infection and nonsteroidal antiinflamma-
tory drug use among children with primary varicella. Pediatrics.
Summary 2001;107:1108 –1115
Varicella infection is generally a benign, self-limited dis- Levin MJ, Gershon AA, Weinberg A, et al. Immunization of HIV-
ease, but serious complications can occur, especially in infected children with varicella vaccine. J Pediatr. 2001;139:
immunocompromised children, neonates, and adults.
Skull SA, Wang EEL. Varicella vaccination – a critical review of the
Ongoing education on the risks of infection and the
evidence. Arch Dis Child. 2001;85:83–90
benefits of vaccination is necessary to minimize the inci- Taylor JA, Newman RD. Parental attitudes toward varicella vacci-
dence as well as the morbidity and mortality of this nation. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2000;154:302–306
disease. Vessey SJR, Chan CY, Kuter BJ, et al. Childhood vaccination
against varicella: persistence of antibody, duration of protection,
and vaccine efficacy. J Pediatr. 2001;139:297–304
Suggested Reading Wise RP, Salive ME, Braun MM, et al. Postlicensure safety
American Academy of Pediatrics. Varicella-zoster virus. In: Picker- surveillance for varicella vaccine. JAMA. 2000;284:1271–
ing LK, ed. 2000 Red Book: Report of the Committee on Infectious 1279

378 Pediatrics in Review Vol.24 No.11 November 2003

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infectious diseases varicella

PIR Quiz
Quiz also available online at

6. A previously well 13-year-old boy develops fever and a papulovesicular and pustular rash over his trunk.
Assuming that this represents acute varicella-zoster infection, you would expect:
A. Acetylsalicylic acid to be a reasonable choice for fever management.
B. Appreciable benefit from varicella-zoster immune globulin.
C. Low risk of severe disease.
D. Occasional animal-to-human transmission.
E. Persistent infection of primary sensory neurons.

7. A healthy 12-year-old girl who had chickenpox 6 years ago develops a linear, pruritic, and vesicular
eruption on her left chest. You diagnose herpes zoster. In this situation, the most appropriate next step is
A. Initiate a thorough evaluation for occult malignancy.
B. Institute airborne and contact isolation until all lesions are crusted over.
C. Prescribe a course of oral acyclovir.
D. Recommend a prophylactic topical antibiotic.
E. Recommend home schooling until all lesions are crusted over.

8. A previously well 6-year-old girl develops chickenpox. The complication for which she is most at risk is:
A. Glomerulonephritis.
B. Hemorrhagic varicella.
C. Invasive group A streptococcal disease.
D. Pneumococcal meningitis.
E. Varicella pneumonia.

9. A woman develops chickenpox 3 days before delivery. The labor and delivery prove uneventful. The baby
girl is term, appropriate for gestational age, and appears healthy. In this situation, benefit/risk analysis
mandates the administration of:
A. Intramuscular varicella-zoster immune globulin.
B. Intravenous foscarnet.
C. Only observation.
D. Oral acyclovir.
E. Subcutaneous varicella vaccine.

10. You are asked to discuss the varicella vaccine with a group of residents. Of the following, the most
appropriate statement to include in your discussion is that:
A. Postexposure varicella vaccine does not prevent or modify disease.
B. Pre-exposure varicella vaccine reliably prevents severe disease.
C. Transmission of varicella vaccine virus is a common event.
D. Vaccine-induced antibody falls to nonprotective levels in most children within 6 years.
E. Varicella vaccine causes severe reactions in individuals who have developed immunity after exposure to
the wild virus.

Pediatrics in Review Vol.24 No.11 November 2003 379

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Robin English
Pediatrics in Review 2003;24;372
DOI: 10.1542/pir.24-11-372

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Pediatrics in Review 2003;24;372
DOI: 10.1542/pir.24-11-372

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