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Holy week… for many of us it’s a time for reflection and an encounter with God but… we really take

this time for that? According to CNN Christianism is the second religion with mayor expansion after
the Islam with the 31.4% of the global population. In Latin America, almost the 90% believes in Crist,
and even when Bolivia is a secular state, follows the traditions and holidays of the Cristian’s because
it has the mayor percentage of the population (92%).

We live in a time where there is so much bad news and it is almost impossible to think and believe
in a positive way. In a world where you need to pass over the people to be “someone” in life, the
religion and believes are left aside and the only important thing is your personal desires. Our social
life teaches us or show us that you only can be important if you are selfish and ambitious, but…
religion, in this case Christianism teach you how to be a good person that not only thinks in yourself
but also in the others and how your life can be a way to help them and to honor God.

For me, Holy week is a time when you can reach yourself, a moment where the only important thing
is your personal relationship with God. Every day I wake up and I start my day in a very mechanic
way, I don’t have time for anything else but is in this time of the year that I start to think what I am
doing with my life. I want a live with purpose and that purpose is what God want me to do. I am in
this world because of him and somedays I don’t realize that everything I have and everything I am
is because of him and because he wants me there or doing that specific thing. Every day I wake up I
see it as a gift of God. The family I have, the people around me, my pets, the fresh air and all the
things that surround me, are a gif from God, for me everyday is a miracle.

Holy week is a time where you can find that relationship with God, now you can tell me: I only can
find God in this week? No, we can do it each day of the year but…. This is the perfect environment
because it helps you to remember how big is the love that God has for us that he sends his only Son
to save us from sin. Thank to Jesus we now have a love relationship with his father and we can be
in heaven with them. Jesus gave us a second chance to do the things in the right way but for me
anyway, it is a matter of faith. Faith brings into the now the things that we only hope for in the
future. We walk by faith in these things, and not merely by the sight of current setbacks, challenges,
or even failures.

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