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Hapri, G2G1 15 129. The Correlation between Learning Style with Learning
Motivation and Students’ Results of Learning Mathematics at Class X of State Senior
High Schools within Konawe Regency.(Supervised by H. Mursidin T., and H.
Samiruddin T).
This study aimed to analyze the correlation between: (1)learning style and
students’ results of learning mathematics at class X of state senior high schools within
Konawe regency; (2) students’ learning motivation and their results of learning
mathematics at class X of state senior high schools within Konawe regency; and (3)
learning style in conjunction with learning motivation and students’ results of learning
mathematics at class X of state senior high schools within Konawe regency.
The study employed a survey method and a correlational approach. Population
of the study was 492 students. Samples of the study were 83 students. Data were
collected by using an instrument that was developed by the researcher which was firstly
tried out empirically to determine its validity and reliability.
Results of the study showed: (1) there was a positively significant correlation
between learning style and students’ results of learning mathematics at class X of state
senior high schools within Konawe regency as indicated by the coefficient of correlation
(rx1y) 0.280 and the coefficient of determination 0.0784; (2) there was a positively
significant correlation between students’ learning motivation and their results of
learning mathematics at class X of state senior high schools within Konawe regency as
indicated by the coefficient of correlation (rx2y) 0.480 and the coefficient of
determination 0.2304; and (3) there was a positively significant correlation between
learning style in conjunction with learning motivation and students’ results of learning
mathematics at class X of state senior high schools within Konawe regency as indicated
by the coefficient of multiple correlation (Rx1x2y) 0.481 and the coefficient of
determination 0.2314.
Based on these findings, it was concluded that there was a positively significant
correlation between learning style in conjunction with learning motivation and students’
results of learning mathematics at class X of state senior high schools within Konawe
regency either partially or simultaneously.

Keywords: Learning Style, Learning Motivation, Results of Learning Mathematics

Pembimbing I

Dr. H. Mursidin, T., M.Pd

Pembimbing II Mahasiswa

Dr. H. Samiruddin T., M.Si Hapri

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