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A Avelar, Idelber, 256

Abram, David, 43–44 Azaryahu, Maz, 10
Acosta, Alberto, 39, 44
Agassiz, Louis, 3, 101
Akerman, James R., 58, 61 B
Alberdi, Juan Batista, 99 Babini, José, 84
Aldao, Carlos A., 149 Bacon, Francis, 40
Allen, Paula Gunn, 41 Balderston, Daniel, 178n2
Alonso, Carlos, 9, 23 Balmaceda, Raúl C. Rey, 138
Alonso, Lisandro Bancroft, George, 14
Jauja, 20 Baqueano, the, 8, 45, 77, 79, 117, 254
Alves, João Luís, 197 Barbarism, 6, 31, 45, 65, 79, 83, 94,
Amaer, Sahar, 253 97, 98, 105, 107, 114, 117, 131,
Amante, Adriana, 80 161, 189, 221, 234, 251, 255. See
American Geographical Society, the, also Primitivism; Premodern, the
144–145 Barcia, Andrés González de, 58–59
Amerindian perspectivism, 42, 257. See Baron Rio Branco, 8, 17, 187, 191
also Viveiros de Castro, Eduardo Battle of Caseros, the, 82
Andermann, Jens, 136, 157, 171, Battle of Junín, the, 1, 20
178n2, 179n4, 239n5 Benton, Laura, 4, 58, 159, 258n3
Anderson, Benedict, 4 Berg, Carlos, 141–142
Anthropocene, the, 41 Bernal, Luz Fernanda Azuela, 53
Anzaldúa, Gloria, 25n13 Bernucci, Leopoldo M., 239n2
Armory, Frederic, 195 Bhabha, Homi, 11, 25n13
Arredondo, Marcos, 8, 17, 130, Bigg-Wither, Thomas P., 213
149–153, 155

© The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s) 2017 281

A.S. Madan, Lines of Geography in Latin American Narrative,
Geocriticism and Spatial Literary Studies,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-55140-1
282  Index

Boletín de la Sociedad Geográfica de Cartesianism, 44, 193

Madrid, 5, 15. See also Sociedad Cartography, 4, 30, 155, 171, 204,
Geográfica de Madrid 206, 240n9. See also Cartesianism;
Boletín del Instituto Geográfico Geographical discourse;
Argentina, 7, 16, 107, 129–130, Geography; Positivism; Science
138–139, 148. See also Instituto and da Cunha, 6–9, 17, 39, 63, 65,
Geográfico Argentino, Estanislao 130, 230
Zeballos and geocriticism, 13, 29
Bolívar, Simón, 1, 4, 8, 20, 51, 60, and Humboldt, 41, 68
62–63, 81, 161 and modern imperialism, 4, 13, 31,
Bolivian constitution of 2009, 256 38–39, 45, 57, 60, 73n20
Borges, Jorge Luis, 106, 155, 244n26 and reductionism, 13
Botting, Douglas, 69n3 and Sarmiento, 72n20, 80–84
Brickhouse, Anna, 23n7 and spatial studies, 9
Buckle, Henry Thomas, 5, 6, 17, and Strabo, 63
64, 190, 218, 220, 222–223, and the Spanish empire, 162
225–226 and Zeballos, 127, 131, 137–138,
Buenaño, Alexandre, 187 140–142, 149, 162
Buen Vivir, 45 Casa de Contratación, the, 158
Buffon, Comte de, 70n10 Castillo, Horacio, 121n19
Bunkley, Allison Williams, 114, Castillo, Luisa V de, 32
120n13 Chakrabarty, Dipesh, 256
Burmeister, Karl Hermann, 6, 64, Chihuailaf, Elicura, 255
83–84, 89, 141 Chikangana, Fredy, 255
Bushell, Sally, 10 Cicerchia, Ricardo, 90
Cleveland, Grover, 191
Cocola, Jim, 24n8
C Codazzi, Agustín, 5, 6, 64, 145
Caatingas, the, 204, 207, 210, Colón, Cristobal, 3
231–233 Columba, Ramón, 127
Cabot, Juan, 146 Columbus, Christopher, 49, 208, 215
Cabot, Sebastián, 146–147 Commercial museums, 52, 164–165.
Caldas, Francisco José de, 40 See also Geographical institutes
Campobassi, José S., 83 Comte, Auguste, 194–195, 197
Campos, Rafael Torres, 61 Conquista del Desierto, the, 6, 21–22,
Candido, Antonio, 108, 110, 199 135, 249, 251, 255
Cañizares- Esguerra, Jorge, 40, 58 Conselheiro, Antonio, 189
Capel, Horacio, 60–61, 159, 181n13 Constant, Benjamin, 195–196
Capitalism, 4, 31, 45, 57, 256. See Cortés, Hernán, 3
also Geography; Imperialism; Cosmopolitics, 257
Modernity; New World, the Costa, João Cruz, 194, 196
Capitalocene, the, 41, 47
Index   283

Costa, Joaquín, 5, 13, 17, 130–131, De Assis, Machado, 237

151 De Certeau, Michel, 153, 250
and commerce, 154, 158–161, De E. Taunay, Alfonso, 201
163–164 De Holanda, Sérgio Buarque, 199
and the Sociedad Geográfica de Deleuze, Gilles, 29
Madrid, 158 De Mattos, Ilmar Rohloff, 202
on Spanish backwardness, 162 De Moussy, Martin, 146
Costa Lima, Luiz, 22n4, 68 Departamento Topográfico Nacional,
Council of the Indies, the, 158 the, 85
Craib, Raymond, 15, 50, 53, 85, 154, Depetris, José, 255
171, 196 Derby, Orville, 17, 190, 200, 213
Creative destruction, 39, 41, 44, 84. Derrida, Jacques, 144
See also Capitalism; Extractivism De Vries, Scott M., 118n4
Creoles, the, 1 Díez, Beatriz S., 179n3
Cultural studies, 14. See also Di Tella, Andrés
Ecocriticism; Geocriticism; Spatial El país del Diablo, 22, 249, 255
studies Dom Pedro II, 195
and ecocriticism, 25n16 Donaghue, Denis, 10
geocentered, 14 Doyle, Laura, 253
and geography, 23n7 Driver, Felix, 4
hemispheric, 15 Duchesne Winter, Juan, 256

Da Cunha, Euclides, 6, 14, 17, 39, 63, Earth-writing, 7, 13–15, 20, 33,
65, 205 37, 139–140, 158, 243n19.
and América, 62 See also Geographical discourse,
and geographical institutions, 7, 252 Geography
and positivism, 190, 193–195 Eclecticism, 193
and the “Question de Misiones", Ecocriticism, 25n16, 38
191 Ecuadorian constitution of 2008, 256
literary tendency of, 188–189 Edney, Matthew, 4, 61
mapping of the Amazonian region Egypt, 61
by, 187–188 Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 149
Os sertões, 6, 10, 17–18, 79, 175, Empiricism, 32, 35–36, 55, 71n12,
188–189, 193, 197–199, 201– 118, 197, 255. See also Positivism;
204, 206–209, 211, 213–214, Science
218, 220, 226 Engels, Friedrich, 132
revision of Humboldt by, 209, 211, England, 160–161
213, 215, 230–231 English Royal Geographic Society,
Da Silva, Lafayette Caetano, 192 the, 82
De Andrade, Osvaldo, 230
284  Index

Enlightenment, the, 7, 60, 193, 194, Garfield, Simon, 67, 71n14

211 Garibotto, Verónica, 25n15
Environmentalism, 15, 31, 38, 44 Garro, Cristóbal Ricardo, 78, 85
Epistemology, 40. See also Gaucho, the, 66, 68, 79, 98–99,
Cartesianism; Eclecticism; 109–111, 114
Enlightenment, the; Empiricism; Generation of ’98, the, 150–151
Positivism; Science; Sensualism Geocriticism, 9, 252
Amerindian, 40, 42 and literary form, 9
Argentine, 133, 136–137, 149 and minor discourses, 12
Occidental, 40, 41 and ontology, 10
of Spanish cosmography, 157 formation of, 10, 16, 30
of the Global North, 205 Geographical discourse, 5, 6, 16, 46.
Eratosthenes, 54, 67 See also Earth-writing
Eschwege, Wilhelm Ludwig von, 17, and Bolívar, 60
190, 214 and da Cunha, 175, 177, 187,
Estévez, Manuel Gutiérrez, 256 189–190, 192, 196–204, 217,
Ette, Ottmar, 29, 47, 49, 70n10 219, 225
Extractivism, 13, 39, 256 and Sarmiento, 14, 65–66, 68, 77,
83, 86, 93, 98–101, 104, 110,
F and Zeballos, 9, 87, 107, 127,
Falconer, W., 24n12 129–132, 136, 138, 140–141,
Faria Fernandes, Tabatha de, 22n4 143, 146–147, 151, 167
Felice, Carlos, 142 as regulated practice, 22
Fernandes, Raúl C. Gouveia, 198 contemporary consequences of, 9,
Fifth International Geographic 60, 154, 159, 194, 255
Congress, the, 179n5 critical reorientation of, 8
Floría, Pedro Navarro, 178n2 Humboldtian origins of, 5, 15, 20,
Fonseca, Deodoro, 195 22, 32, 38, 42, 47, 64, 68n1
Fontana, Patricio, 180n8 transculturation of, 64, 72n20, 215,
Foote, Kenneth, 10 229–230
Foster, Georg, 69n1 and “word-pictures", 19
Foucault, Michel, 40, 215 Geographic institutes, 7, 12, 17,
Foundational fictions, 4, 253 161, 163, 200, 254. See also
French, Jennifer, 2 American Geographical Society,
Fréret, Nicolas, 40 the; Departamento Topográfico
Freyre, Gilberto, 199, 213, 238 Nacional, the; English Royal
Geographic Society, the; Fifth
International Geographic
G Congress, the; the Instituto
Gallegos, Rómulo, 15 Geográfico Argentino; Instituto
Gárate, Miriam V., 22n4 Geográfico e Histórico Brasileiro;
Index   285

Instituto Histórico e Geográfico Görbert, Johannes, 69n1

Brasileiro; Instituto Histórico- Graczyk, Annette, 69n1
Geográfico del Río de la Plata; Grandmontagne, Francisco, 150–151,
Instituto Nacional de Geografía 157
y Estadística; Joint Commission Guattari, Felix, 29
for the Reconnaissance of Gudynas, Eduardo, 45
the Upper Purús; Sociedad Guerra, Ciro
Científica Argentina; Sociedad Embrace of the Serpent, 21
de Geografía Comercial, the; Guimarães, Leandro Belinaso, 239n2
Sociedad Geográfica Española; Guimarães, Manoel Luis Lima
Sociedad Geográfica de Madrid; Salgado, 201
Sociedad Mexicana de Geografía
y Estadística; Societé de
Geographie, the H
Geography, 2–4, 14–17, 81, 222, Haberly, David T., 90
228, 230, 235–236. See also Harisse, Henry, 5, 146
Capitalism; Cartography; Earth- Harley, Brian, 13
writing; Geographic insti- Harley, J.B., 49, 51, 71n17, 72n19,
tutes; Imperialism; Humboldt; 156
Modernity; Strabo Hartshorne, Richard, 79, 81, 156, 236
and didacticism, 16 Harvey, David, 8, 45, 81
and empire, 4, 5, 30, 50, 54, 58–59, Hecht, Susana B., 188, 240n10,
61–62, 82 242n19
and literature, 4–14, 18, 20, 63–65, Heffernan, Mike, 145
93, 99, 110, 130, 140, 148 Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 190,
and positivism, 190 221
and Spanish cosmography, 157 and da Cunha, 206, 214, 216,
and the land/inhabitant relation, 79 240n9
cultural, 32, 252 and Grandmontagne, 150
institutionalization of, 8, 14, 78–79, and Sarmiento, 110
81, 84–85, 90, 110, 130, 150, and the New World, 70n10
157, 160, 164, 171, 190, 201, and Zeballos, 127, 141, 166
252 Helferich, Gerard, 69n3
Strabonic origins of, 54, 63 Herder, Johann Gottfried, 122n22
Globalization, 68, 258n3 Herzog, Tamar, 24n11
Godlewka, Anne, 32, 54 Hiller, Anne E., 118n4
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 2, 30, Hipparchus, 54, 56
40 Hoeg, Jerry, 25n16
Goetzmann, William, 69n2 Holanda, Lourival, 22n4
González Echevarría, Roberto, 5, 9, Homer, 18, 54
22n4, 78–79, 81, 110, 215, 238 Hsu, Hsuan L., 24n8
Myth and Archive, 78 Hudson, Brian J., 32
286  Index

Humanism, 8, 30, 34, 81, 167, 254 and Bolívar, 60, 62

Humboldt, Alexander von, 2, 3, 5–7, and geographical knowledge, 8
9, 11, 13, 15–17, 19, 23–24, and Humboldt, 20, 36, 37, 39, 40,
29–31, 56–57, 63, 65–66, 68, 43, 55, 69, 70n6, 70n10
70n6, 145, 190, 209, 241n11 and Sarmiento, 99, 107
and América, 62 and Zeballos, 107, 127, 155, 159,
and anthropocentrism, 41–43 220
and Elisée Reclus, 2–3 knowledges of, 7, 118n1
and error, 35, 37–38, 49 Instituto Geográfico Argentino, the,
and geographical discourse, 5, 20, 16, 53, 77, 84, 87, 106, 129, 137
50 Instituto Geográfico e Histórico
and Gudynas, 45 Brasileiro, 192
and institutions, 52 Instituto Histórico e Geográfico
and orality, 44, 54 Brasileiro, 53
and Simón Bolívar, 51, 62 Instituto Histórico-Geográfico del Río
and Strabo, 44, 53–56 de la Plata, 87
and transculturation, 64 Instituto Nacional de Geografía y
Aspects of Nature, 31 Estadística, 87
Cosmos, 11, 19, 31–37, 46, 52, 55
Examen Critique, 49
legacy of, 33, 64, 202 J
on fluvial networks, 29 Jagunço, the, 66, 68, 189, 205–208,
Personal Narrative, 32–33, 41–43, 212, 229
45, 95 Jameson, Fredric, 68, 252
Physical Tableau of the Canary James, Preson, 81
Islands, 49 Jamioy, Hugo, 255
Political Essay on the Kingdom of Jenkins, Alice, 38
New Spain, 15, 59, 77 Jitrik, Noé, 80
studies of, 12, 38 Johnson, Adriana Michéle Campos,
Views of the Cordilleras, 70 239n3
Humboldt, Wilhelm von, 41 Joint Commission for the
Reconnaissance of the Upper
Purús, 187
I José Paranhos, Baron of Rio Branco See
Identity politics, 8 Baron Rio Branco
Imperialism, 4, 13, 31, 38, 39, 45, 57, Júnior, José Isodoro Martins, 174
60, 73n20
Iñárritu, Alejandro González
The Revenant, 21, 256 K
Indexicality, 52, 70n9 Kant, Immanuel, 43
Indigenous, 258 Katra, William H., 122n22
Indigenous subjects, 21, 30, 70, Kenosian, David, 43
71n17, 72n18, 72n20, 118, Knowledge/conquest dialectic, the,
251–253, 255, 258n2 12, 39, 83
Index   287

Kutsinzki, Vera M., 31, 37, 47, 70n10 Mendoza, Carlos Abreu, 244n27,
Merleau-Ponty, Maurice, 44
L Millán, Elizabeth, 6, 32
Lacoste, Pablo, 135 Millionth Map of Hispanic America,
Lafer, Celso, 187 the, 144–145
Latin American studies, 32 Miscegenation, 215, 229
Leask, Nigel, 68n1 Modernity, 132, 201, 205, 251–254,
Lefebvre, Henri, 12, 156, 211 256
Leguizamón, Martiniano, 147–148 and extractivism, 39
Lemos, Miguel, 195 and modern technologies, 22
Lestringant, Frank, 147 Humboldt’s paradigm of, 29, 43,
Levi-Strauss, Claude, 144 45, 60
Liais, Emmanuel, 196 post-Eurocentric rethinking of, 253
Lienlaf, Leonel, 255 Moholy-Nagy, Laszlo, 20
Lima, Luiz Costa, 23, 68, 240n6 Moneta, Pompeyo, 77, 85
Lipp, Solomon, 79 Montaldo, Graciela, 9, 90
Lisbon, 46, 48 Montt, Manuel, 106
Llanos, the, 112, 113, 124n28 Moore, Jason W., 41, 47
Lloyd, David, 251 Moreno, Carlos, 118n3
Lobo, Pelágio Alvarez, 239n4 Moreno, Francisco P., 84
Loefgren, Albert, 200 Moretti, Franco, 10
Lorentz, Paul, 89 Atlas of the European Novel,
Lund, Joshua, 108 1800–1900, 10
Moslund, Sten Pultz, 11
Mundy, Barbara, 73n20
M Muñiz, Francisco Javier, 119n10
Madan, Aarti S., 239n2 Mutis, José Celestino, 40
Madrid, 46, 48, 61, 89, 160
Maher, Susan Naramore, 25n14
Malinowski, Bronislaw, 72n20, 229 N
Mansilla, Lucio, 258n2 Napoloenic campaigns, the, 53
Marcone, Jorge, 5, 39 Napp, Richard, 90, 102
Martin, Geoffrey, 3 Nationalism, 99, 102, 115, 170, 175,
Martins, Charles Frederic, 3 189, 215, 253
Martius, Carl Friedrich Philip von, 17 and maps, 59
Marx, Karl, 41 and the gaucho, 94
Mayhew, Robert John, 82 the discourse of, 14, 159
McNee, Malcolm, 256 Neocolonialism, 164, 190
Medina, José Toribio, 142–143 Neoliberalism, 21, 254
Mendes, Cândido, 240n9 New World, the, 3, 30, 57–59, 69n1,
Mendes, Raimundo Teixeira, 195 70n10, 131, 140, 145, 158
and the Old World, 6, 7, 140, 157
288  Index

Nicolau, Juan Carlos, 82 Primitivism, 13, 35, 251

Nouzeilles, Gabriela, 9 Ptolemy, 24n12, 56
Novela de la tierra, 9 Pulquillanca, Eliana, 255

Old World, the, 6, 7, 16, 117, 157, Quiroga, Horacio, 15
Olmedo, José Joaquín, 1–3, 20, 62,
105 R
Ordnance Survey of Great Britain, 53 Raimondi, Antonio, 144, 145
Ortiz, Fernando, 64, 72n20, 229–230 Rama, Ángel, 64, 72n20
Otherness, 12, 253 Ramaswamy, Sumathi, 73n20
Ramírez Márquez, Alister, 5
Ramos, Julio, 79, 254
P Rancière, Jacques, 86
Padrón, Ricardo, 72n17, 157–158 Rangel, Alberto, 199–201
Palacio, Germán, 118n4 Rangelova, Radost, 24n7
Panofsky, Erwin, 24n9 Reclus, Elisée, 2–5, 20
Pearson, Alastair, 145 Regeneración, the, 159, 162
Peixoto, Floriano, 195 Regionalismo, 9
Peláez, Ricardo R., 85, 89 Renaissance, the, 157
Pérez Rosales, Vicente, 8, 99 Revista de geografía comercial,
Piglia, Ricardo, 79, 81, 106 159–160, 163, 166
Pissis, Aimie, 146 Revista do Instituto Histórico e
Place-names, 48–50, 58, 59, 87 Geográfico de São Paulo, 239n4
Platt, Raye Roberts, 144 Rhoden, Laura Barbas, 25n16
Plural subjectivities, 8, 9, 14, 22, 130, Risco, Eduardo Barredo, 53
151, 156, 238, 253 Ritter, Carl, 32
Poetics, 9, 64, 68, 79, 81, 110–111, Rivera, José Eustacio, 15, 236
158, 253 Rivera-Barnes, Beatriz, 25n16
Portuondo, María, 157–159 Roca, Julio, 135–137
Positivism, 55, 71, 161, 190, 193– Rodenas, Adriana Méndez, 69n1,
197, 199 69n5
Post-Eurocentrism, 14, 45, 253, 256, Rodríguez, Fermín, 118n2, 178n2,
258 179n4
Postmodernity, 256 Rogers, Charlotte, 9
Poulantazas, Nicos, 156 Roman, Claudia, 180n8
Pratt, Mary Louise, 5, 15, 32, 39, Romanticism, 30, 32
70n10, 72n20, 90, 250, 251 Rosales, Vicente Pérez, 79, 101–102
Premodern, the, 31, 44, 63, 254 Rosas, Juan Manuel, 82, 94, 122
Prieto, Eric, 90, 256 Royal Geographic Society, the, 53
Index   289

Rupke, Nicolaas, 69n3 revision of Humboldt by, 13,

Ryan, Marie-Laure, 10 62–64, 93, 95, 101, 106, 107
Schilling, Derek, 9
Schulz, Guillermo, 118n6
S Schwarcz, Lilia, 200
Sachs, Aaron, 15, 39 Schwarz, Roberto, 21, 65, 230
Safier, Neil, 43, 48, 50 Science, 9, 167, 195, 198, 201, 208.
Said, Edward, 60 See also Cartesianism; Empiricism;
Orientalism, 60 the Enlightenment; Geographical
Salgado, Juliano Ribeiro discourse; Modernity; Positivism
The Salt of the Earth, 21, 42, 256 and da Cunha, 193, 196–198,
Salgado, Sebastião, 21, 42, 256 200–203, 211, 212, 218, 220
Sampaio, Teodoro, 196 and geographic institutes, 200
Samper, José María, 15 and Romanticism, 30
Sánchez, Santiago Javier, 140 and Sarmiento, 66, 68, 77–82, 95
Sarmiento, Domingo Faustino, 6–7, and Spanish cosmography, 157
17, 39, 45, 63, 65, 124, 142, and the arts, 39, 40, 52, 56, 140
179n4 and Zeballos, 107, 127, 130, 142
and América, 62 as statecraft, 158
and didactic geography, 16, 55, 78, hegemonic discourse of, 9, 78
97, 114, 116, 136, 170 Humbolditan, 30–33, 44, 49, 52,
and diplomacy, 89 69n2
and territorial demarcation, 86, 87, Seelstrang y A.Tourmente, Arthur von,
169 118n5
and European and immigration, Sensualism, 193
105, 114, 116, 132 Serres, Michel, 25n13
and marketable geography, 105, Shakespeare, William, 245n30
117, 134–136 Sociedad Científica Argentina, 77, 83,
and the disciplining of geography, 84, 87, 89, 129
81 Sociedad de Geografía Comercial, the,
and the national subject, 66, 110, 13, 17, 131, 160, 166, 181n14
223 Sociedad Geográfica de Madrid, 60,
and Zeballos, 79, 127 61, 89, 158, 159, 163. See also
audience of, 114 Boletín de la Sociedad Geográfica
Campaña en el ejército grande, 96 de Madrid
dialectics of, 93, 97, 117 Sociedad Geográfica Española, 164
ecocritical studies of, 118n14 Sociedad Mexicana de Geografía y
Facundo, 6, 14, 16, 23, 65, 82, 89, Estadística, 53
90, 94–98, 102, 106, 107, 118, Societé de Geographie, the, 53
176, 181 Sociology, 195
poetics of, 110, 111 Solano, Joseph, 49
Solís, Juan Díaz de, 142, 143
290  Index

Spanish-American War, the, 17, 84 Uriarte, Javier, 241n14

Spanish cosmography, 157 Utilitarianism, 193
Sparke, Matthew, 8
Spatial studies, 9, 23n7, 252, 253. See
also geocriticism V
Statecraft, 6, 10, 12, 13, 15, 53, 86 Vico, Giambattista, 7, 13, 15–16, 31,
Statistics, 15, 35, 53, 60, 86, 99, 159, 40, 64, 66, 67, 111, 117, 210
166 Viveiros de Castro, Eduardo, 42, 257
Stelzner, Alfred, 89 Volcanism, 2
Strabo, 7, 57, 64, 106, 254 Vollman, William
and Homer, 24 Imperial, 3, 13, 17–19, 20, 241n15,
and Humboldt, 19, 22, 29, 31, 38, 250
48–51, 55 von Martius, Carl Friedrich Philip,
and Sarmiento, 100 190, 201, 214
and Zeballos, 127, 144
Geographica, 13, 47, 48
Surallés, Alexandre, 256 W
Walls, Laura Dassow, 15, 24n8,
32–33, 39, 43
T Wappäus, Johann Eduard, 99–100,
Tally, Robert, 9, 29, 252 213
Terra, Helmut de, 42, 69n3 Warburton, William, 40
Territory, 12, 25n13, 44, 58, 68, War of Canudos, the, 189, 211
71n15 Wells, James W., 213
Thoreau, Henry David, 14 Wenders, Wim
Tocqueville, Alexis de, 91–93, The Salt of the Earth, 21, 42, 256
120n13, 213 Westphal, Bertrand, 9, 12, 18, 252
Topopoetics, 12 Geocriticism: Real and Fictional
Treaty of Tordesillas, the, 4, 7, 17, 46, Spaces, 25n13, 29
48, 191, 238, 252 White, Hayden, 66
Turnbull, David, 52, 70n9 Whitman, Walt, 44, 237
Wilke, Sabine, 38, 49
Winichakul, Thongchai, 73n20
U Wittenberg, Hermann, 241n15
Unamuno, Miguel de, 151 Wulf, Andrea
Unanué, Hipólito, 40 The Invention of Nature, 33
Universal history, 17, 30, 38, 143, Wylie, Leslie, 9
176, 228
Index   291

Z and European immigration, 105,

Zea, Leopoldo, 141, 161, 193 114, 116, 132, 140
Zeballos, Estanislao, 6–7, 9, 16, 17, and geographical institutions, 7
39, 63, 65, 68, 87, 107, 127, La rejión de trigo, 130, 141
134–137, 141–143, 151, 178n2, literary reputation of, 107
181n15 prefiguration by Sarmiento of, 64
and América, 62 and the “Question de Misiones”,
“Apuntaciones para una bibliografía 191
argentina”, 16, 130, 169 satire of, 127, 129
Conquista de quince mil leguas, 18, Zilly, Berthold, 22n4
86, 87, 127, 129, 130, 135, Zimmer, Zac, 118n4
Di Tella on, 249, 251, 254–255,

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