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EEJ3Transactiom on Power Systems, Vd.6, No.

2,May 1991 511


L. Mili V. Phaniraj P. J. Rousseeuw

Department of Electrical Engineering Department of Statistics
" Polvtechnic Institute and State Universitv Vriie Universiteit Brussel, Pleinlaan 2
Blacksburg, VA 24061, U.S.A. " B-1050 Brussels, Belgium

Abstract - Static state estimators currently in use in power In order to bound the influence of such outliers, a second
systems are prone to masking by multiple bad data. This is family of estimators, the generalized M-estimators was
mainly because the power system regression model contains proposed [l].An early version was devised by Schweppe in the
many leverage points ; typically they have a cluster pattern. As power area [7]. The proposal dealt with the replacement of the
reported recently in the statistical literature, only high weighted residuals zw by the normalized residuals zN, when
breakdown point estimators are robust enough to cope with using M-estimators. Although this method is able to reveal the
gross errors corrupting such a model. This paper deals with one presence of a single bad leverage point, it is prone to the
such estimator, the least median of squares estimator, masking effect of multiple bad leverage points. As a result, all
developed by Rousseeuw in 1984. The robustness of this methods based on the normalized residuals [lo-131, including
method is assessed while applying it t o power systems. the rN - detection test, have a breakdown point of l / m , where
Resampling methods are developed, and simulation results for
IEEE test systems discussed. m is the number of measurements. To overcome these
weaknesses, more robust weights than the diagonal entries of
Keywords: Least median of squares state estimation, the LS residual sensitivity matrix were suggested [I].
breakdown point, leverage point, resampling method. However, the breakdown point of such methods cannot exceed
l / n , where n is the number of unknowns to be estimated, which
1 - INTRODUCTION vanishes for large systems.
Recently a third generation of robust estimators was
Static state estimation in power systems is a typical devised, called the high breakdown point estimators [2], since
nonlinear multiple regression problem. Outliers in such a model they yield the correct solution even if half the redundant
are a major concern of robust estimation theory [1,2]. This measurements are bad leverage points. This is the maximum
theory was initiated by Huber in 1964 [3], following the alarm amount of bad data that a robust estimator can deal with. For
raised by Tukey [4], among others, about the improper use of a larger number, one can no longer distinguish the good from
the Least Squares (LS) estimator. The bias of this estimator the bad data.
can be carried over all bounds by the action of a single outlier,
due to a measurement error, a parameter error or a topology
error. This estimator is said to be non-robust. On the other
hand, robust estimators are those that exhibit stable behavior
(bounded bias and variance) under deviations from the
assumptions. Several concepts proposed by Hampel 51 allow us
to analyze the stability of an estimator. One of t ese is the 6
influence function, which describes the effect of a single outlier. techniques which decrease dramatically the computing times
Another is the breakdown point, E * , which is defined as the are described; (iii) a new concept of local breakdown point is
maximum fraction of arbitrarily large outliers that an introduced , which allows the development of meter placement
estimator can handle. These concepts allow us to design new methodologies which are optimal for bad data identification.
classes of estimators for specific requirements. Up to now, three This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 deals with
"generations" of robust estimators have been devised. some robustness concepts, while Section 3 is devoted to
The first generation consists of the M-estimators (M - as leverage points in power systems. Section 4 defines the LMS
in generalized maximum likelihood ). This class was proposed estimator, and interprets it geometrically. Section 5 and 6
by Huber [3] and introduced in power systems by Merrill and present the resampling algorithm and its implementation.
Schweppe [6j and Handschin et al. [7], under the name of Finally, Section 7 illustrates the application to some IEEE test
non-quadratic criteria. It includes, as special cases, the systems.
(weighted) Least Squares (LS) estimator provided with some
along with the (weighted) Least a
outlier rejection rules based on the weighted) residuals [7 ,
bsolute Value (LA )
estimator [8]. However, all these estimators have a breakdown

The concepts proposed by Hampel [5] describe the

point of zero, since they fail to reject even a single outlier robustness of an estimator in three different and
which is a leverage point, called a bad leverage point (see complementary ways, called qualitative, local, and global
discussion of [9]). In power systems, leverage points are robust ness.
common, and occur in clusters. They are associated with short
lines (of low impedance), or injections at nodes having many 2.1 Qualitative robustness
incident lines.
An estimator is said to be qualitatively robust if small
departures from the assumptions have small effects. This is a
kind of continuity condition. In particular this implies that a
90 SI! 493-7 PiLlilS A paper recommended and approved single outlier cannot carry the bias and variance over all
by t h e ILsdh Power System E n g i n e e r i n ; Comaittee of t h e bounds.
IEEE Power Engineering S o c i e t y f o r p r e s e n t a t i o n a t t h e
I:EE/P 23 1990 Summer Meeting, Minneapolis, biinnesota, 2.2 Local robustness
July 15-19, 1990. Pianuscript submitted January 27,
1989; made a v a i l a b l e for p r i n t i n g June 20, 1990. The local robustness of an estimator at a given probability
distribution of the measurement errors is assessed through two
functions, the influence function and the change-of-variance
function. They measure the effect of a single outlier on the bias
and variance respectively. Only the influence function will be
considered here.
ISOl.000l991I E E

2.2.1. Unidimensional case 2.3 Global robustness: the breakdown point

The finite sample influence function IF(z ; p , F ) of an At this point the question that arises is to find the
maximum fraction of arbitrarily large ross errors that a robust
estimator of location ,4 at the distribution function F, estimator can deal with. A more krmal definition of the
breakdown point is as follows. Consider a sample of m good
associated with m observations { Z ~ , . . . , Z ~ - ~ z}
, is equal to the
data points, Z = { (zl,tl),...,(zm, &) }. Let 5 be the state
difference between the estimates and am am-l
, processed with vector estimated from Z. Now consider all possible corrupted
and without the observation z, and divided by the fraction of samples Z' that are obtained by replacjng any f of the good
contamination, E = l/m. Here (zl,...,z,-~) follows F and z data by arbitrarily large values, i.e. the fraction of
takes on all real values. Formally contamination E = f/m. Let 2' be the state estimate based on
Z' and bmax be the maximum bias caused by the
IF(z;am,F) = m { I . . . $2) - am&
, . . . I Zm-J}. (1)
The maximum value of IIF( is referred to as the gross error
sensitivity, 7*. If we define the bias b as just being the absolute
value of the deviation, we get
* -
b = I U, - 1 E 6 1 IF I, and bmax E E T . (2) Then the breakdown point,€*,
- . . of the estimator 2
- at the sample
Z is given by
Hence a robust estimator has generally a bounded influence E* = max { 6 = f/m ; bmax is finite}. (7)
function. Figure 1 shows the asymptotic I F (for m tending to
infinity ) of some M-estimators, including the LS and the LAV. Since robust estimators rely upon the majority of the data, and
Note that all except the LS have a bounded influence function. reject partially or totally the minority ones, the largest number
These estimators minimize a criterion of the form of bad data that any estimator can handle is equal to half the
m number of redundant observations [2], i.e. fm,=[(m-n)/2],
J(0) =.E P ( r i / q , (3) which yields
where p ( . ) is a, function of the weighted residuals. It can be €Aax= [(m-n)/2l/m, (8)
shown that their I F is proportional to d u ) = dp(u)/du. and the notation [x] denotes the integer part of x. Estimators
with a lar e value of E* are called high breakdown point
estimators [see Appendix B).

Let us first give the definition of leverage points.

Definition: The leverage points of a regression are those
points which are far away from the bulk of the data points
in the factor space.
Quadratic Tangent
(Skipped mean)
Quadratic constant
This definition only involves 4 but does not take zi into
account when considering a data point {zi, t}.
The latter is
Fig. 1: IF of some M-estimators. said to be a good or a bad leverage point depending upon
whether the metered value zi is valid or not.
2.2.2. Linear regression case
Consider a linear model given by z = a +
e , where x is 3.1 Leverage points in simple linear regression
the n-dimensional vector to be estimated from a set of m
measurements contained in the vector and corrupted by the The purpose is to estimate the slope a and the intercept b
error vector e; we assume here that cov(e) = I. This model is of a straight line z = a L +
obtained for instance while linearizing a nonlinear power
system model around a flat profile, V = 1.0 p.u. and 0 = 0.0 1,
are far om the others in the &axis ?see Fig.2) and have wrong
b, which fits 7 data points see
Table I , with the last 2 points bein bad leverage points. T ey
values for z ( z6 = z7 = 1.5, instead of 7.5 and 8 respectively).
rad.. Let lT=(L1, ...,Jn) denote any row of the matrix I3, each
row bein associated with a particular measurement. The +
The line fitted in the LS sense is i = 0.021 1 1.359. Table I
entries of a row are the co-ordinates of a point in an shows that neither the weighted residuals, rwi= ri/ci , (here
n-dimensional space, referred to as the factor space of the g.= 1 for i = 1,...,7) nor the normalized residuals, rNi=
regression. Let A denote the probability distribution of these
points. Hampel et al. [I] showed that the total influence r w i / m , are able to detect these two bad leverage points;
function of a regression M-estimator 2 at F , is equal to the their magnitudes are smaller than the chosen threshold, 2.5. In
product of the scalar influence function of the residuals, IR, power system terminology they are called interacting bad data.
and the vector-valued influence of position in' the factor space, In this case, the LAV and M-estimators based on weighted
E.Note that IR is identical to IF in the unidimensional case. residuals would also fail.

and where E[! 11'

is the covariance matrix of the vector 2,
~1 ? - - - = - = 7LS and M
which is assumed to have zero mean. Therefore it is apparent
that potentially influential measurements are not on1 those far
from the others in the z direction (vertical outlier1 but also
those distant in the factor space, the so-called leverage points. 0
The latter points have a high influence of position, E . T h i s 0 5 10
statement will be discussed in more detail in Section 3. Fig. 2: Graphical representation of the data.

Table I: Data and results for regression example. reference bus) from a set of 6 real power measurements. The
linear model is zi = .jl O1 + +202 +
e;, which leads to the
matrix form = €I + e, with
1 0 72 -0 88 - 1 03
1-1 1 0 -1 -1
2 0 77 -0 40 - 0 46 U=[-, 1 0 1 2-11 (15)
3 0 80 0 08 0 08
Note that the fit represents a plane, passing though the origin
4 083 ~ 055 0 61 (zero intercept). It is apparent from Fig.4a that there are no
leverage points. Now if we shorten line 1-3, by increasing its
susceptance, l/X.., say to 5 P.u., the points #3 and #6 will
15 0 55 -0 18 - 0 24 move in opposite directions, as shown in Fig. 4b. They become
isolated leverage points, with the associated rows of being
1.5 16 0 48 -0 20 - 0 29 [5 01 and [-5 -11 respectively. If measurement #6 was instead
placed at node 1, it would move in the same direction as #3.
3.2 Leverage points in power systems The coupling of these two measurements to the others tends to
vanish ; the local redundancy tends to 1. If line 2-3 is
The power system nonlinear model is given by shortened instead, the points #4 and #5 will move in the
positive and #6 in the negative e2-direction, forming cluster
z = h(x) + e , (9) patterns as shown in Fig.4~.
where is the n-dimensional state vector of voltage
magnitudes V and phase angles 0 (n = 2N - 1, N being the
number of nodes of the system) and is the m-dimensional O
#l W
measurement vector corrupted by the error vector e. The errors
ei are assumed to be independent with a known covariance
matrix & = diag (gf). Let H = &(x)/& be the Jacobian
matrix and ly = (.jll,...,+n) be the zth row of (& it -1'2€I);
Fig. 3 : 3-bus system.
defines a point in the factor space of the regression. The
outliers in this space are leverage points. The associated
measurements have a great influence (large Ip and hence IT)
on the M-estimators, including the LS and the LAV estimator.
The residuals of such measurements remain small (zero values
for the LAV) even if they are corrupted by gross errors. As a
result, they are not detected by hypothesis tests based on the 5x
weighted residuals.
2" " 4 ~

3.2.1 The residual sensitivity matrix W X

6 "1
3" 71
The normalization of the residuals by means of the
diagonal elements A12
= 1 - s.ii' (10)
where si; = ly , 4 (11)
allows to reveal the presence of a single leverage point. Indeed,
Sii of such a data point is close to 1 and hence Wii close to zero,
which makes its normalized residual rather large despite the
small size of its residual. It constitutes an improvement in this
respect. Unfortunately, it gives no protection against masking
multiple leverage points; its value stops being small in the
latter case (see Table I). It is interesting to note that Sii , the
diagonal elements of the so-called hat matrix, S = I - E,is
linearly related to the squared Mahalanobis distance [2]
Fig. 4: Factor space of the 3-bus system.
Simulation of bad leverage points: Consider the same base case
as in [Ill, namely that the true measurement values are zero
and that the standard deviations of the errors are of 0.01 P.u.,
except that here line 1-3 has a susceptance of 5 p.u.. Two bad
- . m leverage points have been introduced at measurements #3 and
and #6 with a value of -0.55 and 1.0 p.u. respectively. These data
points mask each other in both Wii and L~ values (see Table
3.2.2 Example of a 3-bus DC model 11). The identification by elimination based on rN fails to
identify both of them since it eliminates successively
Consider the 3-bus system studied in [ l l ] , and shown in measurements #4 and #5 instead. This wrong solution is found
Fig.3, for which a DC model is used. All lines are assumed to as the optimal one by the combinatorial optimization method
have zero resistance and 1.0 p.u. reactance, X... The problem is [ll] (see Fig.5), as well as by the geometric method [12] and
to estimate the two bus voltage angles 0, and 0 ( 0 = 0.0, the method proposed in [13]. Recall that the HTI method fails
2 3 as soon as all the bad data have not been selected [lo].
. ,


Table 11: Identification by elimination method. 4.2 Geometric interpretation of LMS

# I
0.90 3.42
wii 11st estim. !2nd estim. 3rd estim.
2.90 1.54
The robustness of the LMS estimator is highlighted by the
following statements [2]:
1)The LMS estimation of location is the midpoint of the
shortest half of the unidimensional observations. Here the
0.90 -3.42 -2.90 -1.54 halves are subsamples containing U = [m/2] +
1 successive
ordered observations; the shortest half is the half having the
0.36 3.27 2.1 1 -2.39 smallest distance between its extreme observations.
0.96 8.32 ---- ---_ 2)The LMS regression line lies at the middle of the
narrowest strip covering half the data (see Fig. 6).
0.74 5.70 6.75 ---_ 3)In multiple regression, the previous statements are true,
0.1 4 6.06 3.40 -2.39 except that one has hyperstrips and hyperplanes.

“t fit

ui = 0 implies the ith measurement is deleted.
ui = 1implies the ith measurement is reinstated

Fig. 5: Combinatorial optimization method. Fig. 6: Geometric interpretation of LMS.

Discussion: From the previous example we infer that leverage 4.3 Identification of the Outliers
points in power system state estimation result from
measurements of the following types: 4.3.1 Estimate of Residual S d e
1) line flows and bus injections associated with lines that
are relatively short compared to the others; Since LMS estimator fits the majority of the data, the
2) bus injections at nodes that have a large number of discordant data may be identified through the residuals. For
incident lines. that purpose, they have to be standardized by a robust
The entries of the Jacobian matrix associated with such estimate of their dispersion,
measurements become large.
As a result we may assert that any actual power system
model possesses many leverage points, often in a cluster br = c (18)
pattern. For instance, the IEEE 118-bus system has 7.2% of
lines and transformers with relatively small reactances 13 over which is a byproduct of the robust fit itself; here C is a
179 and 28% of nodes with at least 4 incident lines [33 over correction factor which will be determined later on. This scale
1181. In that case, high breakdown point estimators have to be estimate has a high breakdown point, since it neither inflates
used, as they are the only methods known to be able to cope nor deflates even when half the redundant measurements are
with multiple bad leverage points, a situation common in the bad.
adverse real-time environment of the control center.
4.3.2 Decision rule8
The outliers are identified by comparing the magnitudes
Among the various high breakdown point estimators of the standardized residuals to a given threshold, say 2.5,
recently proposed [2], only the LMS will be considered.
1 rSil = 1 rwiI /br > 2.5 . (19)
4.1 Definition
As for the coefficient C, it has to be chosen in such a way that
In the unidimensional and simple regression case (n = 1 or 2
2), the LMS estimator minimizes not the sum but the median when the errors are Gaussian, N(O,o ), Cr must tend t o CT for
of the squared (weighted) residuals, hence its name. In the increasing m. This implies the limit of C is 1.4826 [2].
multiple regression case, it minimizes Additionally, few good measurements should be rejected by the
J(x) = IW(V) ’ (16) test. Experience has shown that a good choice for C is
where C = 1.4826 (1 G).5+ (20)
v= [p]+ [ ? I , (17) To improve the poor efficiency of the LMS at the
Gaussian distribution] we may perform a standard weighted
and where r is the vth ordered squared weighted residual. least squares after having rejected the identified outliers.
Here, the weighted residuals are first squared (i.e. I;~), and 5 -ALGORITHMS

then ordered by increasing value: I&)< ...<I;(~); rw(v)

2 is the The computation of the LMS estimates is not
straightforward. This is a difficulty common to all high
uth largest of these quantities. It can be shown that the breakdown point estimators. The procedures described here are
breakdown point of the LMS is [2]. This claim is extensions of the combinatorial search technique proposed in
supported by its geometrical property. [2] to nonlinear models.
The combinatorial procedure repeatedly selects samples of
size n for which the system is observable. For each selected

sample, the nonlinear system is solved by the Newton-Raphson X/R ratio is large. In that case, we alternately solve for each
method, and the weighted residuals determined, and ordered by sample the following iterative equations
increasing squared values. The LMS estimates are found by
minimizing the objective function among the selected samples. a E,, A8 = zp - h,(B,V), (22)
In principle the combinatorial search should include):( P HQV A V = z Q - h Q (OV) (23)
-'- '
samples, which leads t o infeasible computational times even for
small systems. However as suggested in [2], one could consider where (I and /3 are relaxation factors and where H,, and H
only a certain number k of random selections, such that the are the square Jacobian submatrices associated with the n
probability P that at least one sample is not contaminated is drawn measurements contained in gp and zQ. Both submatrices
nearly 1 (typically 0.95). The expression of P in terms of k can
be found as follows. Let E denote the assumed fraction of gross are assessed at the flat voltage profile (V = 1 p.u. and 6' = 0
errors, among the m observations. If m is large, then E is just rad.) and branch series resistances are neglected in computing
the probability of drawing one bad data. Thus the probability E,, . Moreover power measurements (Pi, Pij, Qi, Qij) are
of selecting n good data is ( l - ~ )and ~ the probability of divided by the corresponding voltage magnitudes Vi. The
selecting k contaminated samples of size n is (1- (1 - E ) ~ ) ~ . procedure is similar to that proposed in [16] for computing the
Hence fast decoupled load flow. Since the Jacobian submatrices are
constant, they can be factorized in off-line and stored in a
P = 1 - (1 - (1 - E)")k, (21) compact form on a disk memory. How the factorization is
performed will be explained in the sequel. Note that the same
and for a given P, n and E , k can be found, the minimum sample set may be used as long as the topology of the system is
number of samples that must be considered. In practice, it is not modified. Hence in on-line, only forward and backward
desirable to have not just one good sample but several ones, substitutions for solving eqs. (22) and (23) are executed and
which can be obtained by drawing a number of samples larger the sample which minimizes the vth ordered squared residual is
than k, say 2k. found. This element is localized without ordering the residuals.
If we want to be protected against f bad data among m Roughly speaking, the algorithm proceeds by performing
measurements, we choose E = f/m. For instance, if we have m permutations between the vth positioned residual and the other
= 247 measurements for estimating n = 117 variables, and we ones until it becomes larger than the lower ranked elements
want to be protected against f = 5 bad data, we choose E = and smaller than the larger ranked ones.
5/247 = 0.02. For P = 0.95, relation (21) gives k = 31 and we When the system model is well decoupled ( large X/R ), a
draw 2k = 62 samples (see Table 111). further simplification can be made. It consists of computing
Remark In power systems, a non-negligible fraction of first the LMS solution for 6' by applying eq. (22) to all the
measurements are known zero injections. Since these samples with V set to 1 p.u. and then the LMS solution for V.
pseudo-measurements have exact values, they have to be The latter is obtained from eq. (23) with 8 set to the computed
incorporated in any drawn sample. As a result, their number LMS solution. Since here 6'and V are processed separately from
has to be subtracted from the number n of unknowns when each other, we may draw independently 2k samples for the real
computing k from (21). and reactive measurements, where k is given by eq. (21) with n
set to N-1 and N , respectively. This leads to a substantial
Table 111: Number of samDles for P = 0.95. decrease in the required number of samples that have to be
selected. It is this decoupled version that has been
I n I m l f I E l k 1 2 k I
implemented and tested. Simulation results show that good
aavergence characteristics of the iterative equations (22) and
13 34 2 0.059 5 10 I
23) are obtained when appropriate values (between 0 and 1)
or the relaxation factors are used.

29 56 3 0.054 14 28 Remark: Note that this algorithm lends itself well to an

implementation on parallel computer system. Indeed, under
VAX Fortran, parallel DO loops can be implemented by having
117 247 5 ~ 0.020 31 62 each processor handle a subset of the loop variable values. Each
value corresponds to a particular sample. More details and
6 - IMPLEMENTATION computing times are given in Appendix D.

When the fraction of contamination does not exceed a few 6.2 Off-line procedures
percent, the number of samples that has to be drawn remains
reasonable for medium size systems. However, it becomes 6.2.1 Factorization of the Jacobian submatrim
prohibitive for very large systems since k grows exponentially
with n for a fixed E. To circumvent this difficulty, we may The proposed (off-line) algorithm consists of the following
resort to several techniques. One of them is the implementation steps:
on parallel processing; this method will be explored later on.
Another possibility is to make use of the hierarchical state Step 1: Draw a sample for which the system is observable. The
estimation method [14. The idea is to decompose the system procedure will be described in the next section.
into smaller parts an apply the LMS estimator to each of
them. The issue is to find good decomposition schemes for bad Step 2: Reorder the rows of the associated square Jacobian
data identification. This approach is currently under submatrices, Ilp, and HQv, so that the diagonal entries have
investigation and will not be considered further. Here, we will nonzero values. This can be achieved by first ordering the rows
investigate instead a technique known as the fast decoupled by increasing number of nonzero entries, and then placing (if
state estimation [15]. It allows us to perform a task division possible) each of them at a position so that one of its nonzero
between on-line and off-line procedures, as we will see in the elements moves on the diagonal, the element associated with
following. This technique should be implemented in the column with fewest nonzero entries. For instance, a row
conjunction with one or both methods previously mentioned for
large systems.
with two nonzero entries, say the zth row with elements and
.Lk, has to be placed at the jth row if the jth column has fewer
6.1 Fast decoupled state estimation nonzero entries than the kth column; it has to be placed at the
kth row otherwise. Experience shows that this suboptimal
In power system it is desirable to perform a fast decoupled ordering scheme almost always succeeds in producing all
LMS state estimation whenever it is possible, viz. whenever the diagonal elements with nonzero values.

Step 3: Factorize E,, and HQv after having performed a Table 1V: Computing times (in sec. on VAX 8800).
Tinney's scheme 2 optimal ordering for matrices with
asymmetric sparsity structure and possible zero diagonal
elements (171.
14 - bus
In order to be able to handle small changes in the topology
of the system, we propose to (i) draw all the 2k samples from
the largest set of measurements associated with the greatest
30-bus 1 1.98 1 0.18 1 7.0
size of the system and (ii) factorize and store the corresponding
Jacobian matrices. In the event of the loss or the reconnection I 1 8 -bus 5.12 1.41 92.4
of a piece of equipment, the samples containing the associated
measurements have to be simply disregarded or reinstated,
respectively, and the Jacobian submatrices partially interacting bad data performed on the IEEE 118-, 30- and
refactorized whenever it is necessary. This partial 14-bus systems. Only the line resistances of the 14-bus system
refactorization can be performed through either sparse vector were decreased (such that X/R is about 10) in order to satisfy
method or compensation technique as suggested in [NI. Large the decoupled assumption. This system along with the chosen
changes in the topology can be handled similarly, except that a meter configuration is shown in Fig. 7. It comprises 23 pairs of
number of samples larger than 2k has to be drawn in order to power flows (FLP and FLQ), 11 pairs of power injections (INP
have more extra samples, additional to k. and INQ) and 5 voltage magnitudes (V). This yields a real and
reactive global redundancy of 34/13 = 2.6 and of 39 14 = 2.8
Remark In order to take advantage of the overlapping between respectively. The measurements have been corrupted by noise
the samples, we can (i) draw and memorize all the samples with zero mean and a standard deviation of 0.5 MW. For the
beforehand, (ii) order them so that the differences between real power measurements, the maximum number of bad data
successive samples are minimized, (iii) perform full that can be identified is =,f [(34-13)/2] = 10, which gives a
factorizations followed by a series of refactorizations; a full maximum global breakdown point of E;== 10/34 = 0.29. If
factorization have t o be performed only when the fill-in we assume that only 5 bad data may occur, i.e. = 0.15, then
becomes too large.
48 samples have to be drawn when applying the resampling
method. For this system, the algorithm for solving the
6.2.2 Observability analysis nonlinear load flow equations converges in 10 iterations on the
The probability of selecting a sample which leads to a
topolo 'cally observable system with its linearized model '4 b
a r o u n f the flat voltage profile (191 may be dramatically 1
increased by proceeding as follows: first we group the
measurements into n subsets, each of them contains those
measurements which are function of the same state variable (a
phase angle or a voltage magnitude for the real or the reactive
power measurements, respectively); then we select randomly a
measurement among each subset. These subsets will be called
fundamental sets in subsequent sections. The method is based
on the following
Theorem: A necessary condition that the system is
observable for a drawn sample is that each fundamental
set contains at least one selected measurement. Fig. 7: IEEE 14-bus system.
A proof of this theorem is given in Appendix A. Case 1: Interacting bad leverage points: Two bad leverage
Another improvement is to use simple and fast topological points have been introduced (see Table V). These are the real
tests which allow to identify a large number of unobservable power measurements INP 4 and FLP 5 4 associated with the
cases. For example, one has to reject any drawn sample line 4-5, which has a rather low line impedance 0.013 + j
containing real (reactive) power flow measurements situated on 0.042 P.u.) compared to the others ( 0.1 + j 0.2 p.u{. Although
(i) both ends of a line, (ii) all the lines incident to a node whose the gross errors are conforming, the LMS estimator successfully
real (reactive) power injection measurement was drawn, (iii) all
the lines of a loop. Also one has to reject any reactive sample reject them. The estimate of the residual scale is hr = 0.8 MW.
which contains no voltage magnitude. Concerning the The final retained sample includes 8 real power flows on lines
remaining unobservable cases, they have to be identified by a 1-2, 5-1, 4-3, 7-8, 9 4 , 10-9, 14-9, 13-12, and 5 real power
test which ensures a necessary and sufficient condition for injections on nodes 2, 6, 7, 11, 13. They are all good data and
observability. Several methods can be used. The implemented LMS assigns them zero residuals.
technique consists of checking the absolute values of the pivot Case 2: Local breakdown: Two gross errors have been ap lied
elements obtained in the course of the (re)factorization of the to the real power injection on node 7 and 8 (see Table VIP. In
Jacobian submatrices [ Z O ] . that case the resampling method based on LMS breaks down
7 - SIMULATION RESULTS since the optimal sample contains one of them, the
measurement INP 7. This result seems to contradict the claim
7.1 Computing times that this method could handle 5 bad data. But this is only a
global number that does not reflect the local situation. Indeed,
A software program which implements LMS nonlinear there are only 4 measurements (INP 7, INP 8, FLP 7-8, FLP
regression has been developed and tested on several IEEE 8-7) for the estimation of the phase angle at node 8. This yields
systems. Computing times for solving eqs.(22) and (23) along
with the LMS criterion are reported in Table IV; the numbers
a maximum number of [(4-1)/2 = 1 bad data that can be
always rejected by LMS. Hence, t e maximum local breakdown
point in this area is €** = 1/4 = 0.25. Now, the only way to
of drawn samples are those indicated in Table I11 as 2k. The increase the local breakdown points of a system is to add more
number of iterations per sample is fixed at 10. measurements locally. This is a meter placement issue. The
optimal meter placement for a given number of measurements
7.2 Examples of bad data analysis would be the one that maximizes the smallest local breakdown
point. Note that similar problems have been considered by
The LMS estimator has been applied to cases of Hampel in [l]and [21].

Table V: LMS estimation results for case 1. conclusion is that shorter lines have to be provided with
enough measurements in order to increase their local
Measured True ri 'Si redundancy. Indeed they tend to be isolated in the factor space,
Meas. and weakly coupled with the surrounding measurements.
Value Value
Future research will focus on the investi ation of (i
system decomposition schemes which will mafe the LM
estimator applicable to large-scale systems and (ii) meter
24.6 -0.05 placement methodologies which are optimal for bad data
FLP 2-4 24.3 -0.02 identification.
FLP 1-5 23.3 23.1 -0.23 -0.58
FLP 5-2 -13.1 -13.3 -0.05 -0.13 APPENDIX A: Proof of the Theorem
Let us assume that the condition is not satisfied. This
means that there exists at least one fundamental set, and hence
one state variable, for which no measurement was drawn.
FLP 4-7 3.8 3.7 0.32 0.80 Therefore we cannot assign any measurement to the incident
FLP 8-7 10.2 10.0 -0.30 -0.75 branches to the node associated with this state variable. As a
-13.7 0.98 2.45 result, no spanning tree of full rank can be found; the system is
FLP 9-7 -1 3.4 unobservable [19].
FLP 9-10 -1 0.9 -1 0.7 -0.59 1.48
FLP 6-11 23.5 23.3 -0.03 0.08 APPENDIX B: Breakdown point of some estimators of
FLP 13-6 -25.8 -25.6 0.24 0.60
FLP 10-11 -1 9.9 -1 9.8 0.03 0.08 Consider a sample {zl,...,zm} of m observations. The
FLP 13-14 15.6 16.0 -0.05 0.13 breakdown point of the LS estimate computed from this
INP 1 69.4 69.5 -0.63 1.58 sample, which is the arithmetic mean given by Z =
(zl+...+zm)/m, is zero because it is sufficient to replace a

INP 8 10.3 10.0 -0.20 0.50 single observation by a large value to make very large. On s
INP 10 -9.1 -9.0 0.43 1.08 the other hand, the LAV estimate, which is the sample median
equal to the vth ordered observation, with v = [m/2]+1,
INP 12 -6.5 -6.1 0.92 2.30 possesses the best possible breakdown point, -
INP 14 -1 4.7 -1 4.9 0.61 1.53 [(m-l)/2]/m. Indeed, we have to replace at least half of the
FLP 1-2 46.5 46.4 0.00 0.00 observations by outlying values in order to be certain that the
middle observation is among them. Note that here the outliers
FLP 5-1 -23.4 -23.1 0.00 0.00 are chosen in the least favorable way, that is, all on the same
FLP 4-3 17.3 17.6 0.00 0.00 side of the original sample. This maximum fraction of outliers
can also be handled by the LMS estimate, which is the
FLP 7-8 -1 0.5 -1 0.0 0.00 0.00 midpoint of the shortest half of the sample. The shortest half is
FLP 9-4 -4.2 -4.1 0.00 0.00 the subset containing v ordered observations with the smallest
FLP 10-9 10.4 10.8 0.00 0.00 of the differences z(VI- z(l)''(v+I)- z(2) * '(m)- '(m-v+l)' 9 . ' 1

FLP 14-9 0.6 0.9 0.00 0.00 where z is the vth ordered observation.
( v)
FLP 13-12 -3.2 -3.9 0.00 0.00
APPENDIX C: Flow-charts of the resampling procedures
INP 2 28.0 28.3 0.00 0.00

80.2 78.8 0.00 0.00 START

INP 7 0.4 0.0 0.00 0.00 K=O

INP 1 1 -3.6 -3.5 0.00 0.00
Draw a sample by
INP 13 -1 3.1 -1 3.5 0.00 0.00 r- ~

l selectingone
K = l
-~ 1 measurement from
each fundamental set
Table VI: LMS estimation results for case 2. Compute the state
estimate for
1 1

Meas. True Value Estimate i

ri I rsi __________~____-
this sample

- Was the
Compute the

INP 7 I 0.0 1 -40.0 1 -40.0 10.00 0.00


1 thissample

L- ~

A Find the vth

INP 8 15.1 ~ 50.0 50.0 0.65 0.88 squared residual
~~ ~


An algorithm for solving LMS in nonlinear systems has

been proposed. The solutions are found through resampling
methods based on linear approximations. These methods are
IK=K,+l 1
very suitable for parallel processing. The robustness of the LMS
estimator has been verified on several test systems and ~

illustrated on the IEEE 14-bus system. Find the minimum

value of the
The concept of leverage points sheds new light on the
meter placement issue as well as on the concepts of local ~~
objective function < STOP 3
redundancy and local breakdown point. A preliminary Online Procedure. Offline Procedure.

APPENDIX D: Parallel processing implementation [ll] A. Monticelli, F. F. Wu and M. Yen, "Multiple Bad Data
Identification for State Estimation by Combinatorial
This appendix describes the implementation and Optimization", IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery,
performance of the resampling method in parallel processing on Vol. PWRD-1, N0.3, July 1986, pp. 3f1-369.
the 2 processor VAX 8800 computer. For this method, each [12] K. A. Clements and P. W. Davis, Multiple Bad Data
sample can be processed independently from the other ones. In Detectability and Identifiability: A Geometric Approach",
general, the net CPU time required using the multi-processor IEEE Transactions on Power Deliveru, Vol. PWRD-1,

algorithm is slightly higher than if the algorithm were N0.3, July 1986, pp. 355-360.
implemented on a single processor ; this is due t o the increased [13] I. W. Slutsker, "Bad Data Identification in Power System
overhead in handling several processors. The elapsed time State Estimation Based on Measurement ComDensation
however decreases sharply ; in the ideal case by a factor equal and Linear Residual Calculation", ZEEE Transactions on
to the number of processors. Table VI1 shows the results for Power Systems, Vo1.4, No.1, Feb. 1989, pp. 53-60.
the IEEE 30-bus system, in which the number of samples is 90, 141 Th. Van Cutsem and M. Ribbens-Pavella, "Critical
i.e 45 per processor. The corresponding single processor figures Survey of Hierarchical Methods for State Estimation of
are also included for the sake of comparison. It can be seen that Electric Power Systems", IEEE Transactions on Power
the use of parallel processing reduced the elapsed time for Apparatus and Systems, Vol. PAS-102, No.10, Oct. 1983,
computing the LMS for all 90 samples by 38%. pp. 3415-3424.
151 A. Garcia, A. Monticelli and P. Abreu, "Fast Decoupled
Table VII: Computing times in sec. for parallel processing. State Estimation and Bad Data Processing", IEEE
Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol.
PAS-98, No.5, Sept./Oct. 1979, pp. 1645-1652.
161 B. Stott and 0. AlsaG, "Fast Decoupled Load Flow",
IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems,
Single Processor Vol. PAS-93, No.3, May/June 1974, pp. 859-867.
[17] W. F. Tinney, W. L. Powell and J. W. Walker,
Two Processors 31.3 "Programming of Sparsity-Directed Ordering Schemes",
Proceedings of the PSCC Conference, 1975.
[18] S. M. Chan and V. Brandwajn, "Partial Matrix
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Refactorization", IEEE Transactions on Power Systems,
Vol. PWRS-1, No.1, Feb. 1986, pp. 193-200.
The authors would like to thank Drs. F. Hampel, E. Ronchetti, [19] G. R. Krumpholz, K. A. Clements and P. W. Davis,
W. Stahel and A. Marazzi for interesting discussions, and Dr. "Power System Observability: a Practical Algorithm
A. G. Phadke for the use of the computer facilities at the Using Network Topology", IEEE Transactions on Power
Power Systems Laboratory, Virginia Tech. The authors would Apparatus and Systems, Vol. PAS-99, No.4, July/Aug.
like also to acknowledge the constructive comments of the 1980, pp. 1534-1542.
[20] A. Monticelli and F. F. Wu, "Network Observability",
renewers. IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems,
Vol. PAS-104, N0.5, May 1985, pp. 1035-1048.
REFERENCES [21] F. R. Hampel, "Some Problems in Statistics", Proceedings
of the First World Congress of the Bernoulli Society for
F. R. Hampel, E. W. Ronchetti, P. J. Kousseeuw and W. Mathematical Statistics and Probability, Tashkent USSR,
A. Stahel, Robust Statistics: the Approach based on Sept. 8-14, 1986.
Infrzlence Functions, John Wiley, 1986.
P. J. Rousseeuw and A. M. Leroy, Robust Regression and BIOGRAPHY
Outlier Detection, iohn Wiley, 1987.
P. J. Huber, Robust Estimation of a Location L. Mili (S'83, M'87) received the B.S.
Parameter". Annals of Mathematical Statistics. Vo1.35, degree from the Swiss Federal
1964, pp. 73-101. Institute of Technology, Lausanne, in
J. W. Tukey, "A Survey of Samplin from Contaminated 1976, the M.S. degree from the
Distributions". in I. Olkin (ed.8. Contributions to University of Tunis in 1983, and the
Probability and Statistics, Stanfor'd U'niversity Press, 1960, Ph.D. degree from the University of
pp. 448485. LiGge, Belgium, in 1987. He is
F. R. Hampel, "The Influence Curve and its Role in presently an Assistant Professor of
Robust Estimation", Journal of the American Statistical Electrical Engineering at Virginia
Association, vo1.69, 1974, pp. 383-393. Tech.
H. M. Merrill and F. C. Schweppe, "Bad Data
Suppression in Power System State Estimation", IEEE V. Phaniraj (5'82) received the B.Tech
Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol. degree in Electrical Power Engineering
PAS-90, N0.6, Nov./Dec. 1971, pp. 2718-2725. from the Indian Institute of
E. Handschin, F. C. Schweppe, J. Kohlas and A. Fiechter, Technology, Madras, in 1984 and the
"Bad Data Analysis for Power System State Estimation", M.S. degree in Electrical Engineering
IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, from Virginia Tech. in 1986. Presently,
Vol. PAS-94, No.2, March/April 1975, pp. 329-337. he is completing his Ph.D. at Virginia
M. R. Irving, R. C. Owen and M. Sterling, "Power System Tech.. He is a member of Phi Kappa
State Estimation using Linear Programming", Proceedings Phi, and Mensa.
of the ZEE, Vo1.125, No.9, Sept. 1978, pp. 879-885.
D. M. FalcHo and S.M. de Assis, "Linear Programming P. J. Rousseeuw is Professor of
State Estimation: Error Analysis and Gross Error Statistics at the Vrije Universiteit
Identification". IEEE Transactions on Power Swtems, Brussel, Belgium. A former member of
Vo1.3, No.3, August 1988, pp. 809-815. the Mathematical Sciences Research
[lo] L. Mili, Th. Van Cutsem and M. Ribbens-Pavella, "Bad Institute in Berkeley, Dr. Rousseeuw
Data Identification Methods in Power System State performed his Ph.D research at the
Estimation - A Comparative Study IEEE Transactionv Swiss Federal Institute of Technology,
on Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol. PAS-104, Nov. Zurich, Switzerland.
1985, pp. 3037-3049.

Discussion Finally, the authors briefly mention the issue of meter placement (p.
6). This seems to me to deserve much larger comment. Statistical design
of experiment, i.e. carefully consideration of which measurements to take
S. Morgenthaler (Swiss Federal Inst. of Technology, Lausanne (Switzer-
in order to have a good basis for identifying parameters, would be a way
land)): This paper introduces a new criterion for the identification of the
to avoid some of the difficulties addressed by the LMS method.
state of a power system. A crucial difficulty addressed by this new
objective function is the presence of bad leverage data. In principle, the Reference
proposed method can withstand a maximum amount of bad observations.
It has, however, three drawbacks, (1) it is computationally complex, (2) it Cook, R. I). and Weisberg, S. (1982): Residuals and Influence in
is statistically inefficient, and (3) it does not lend itself to perform Regression. Chapman and Hall, London.
inferences. Clerc Birod, A. and Morgenthaler, S. (1989): “A Close Look at the Hat
When parameter identification, rather than prediction and inference, is Matrix”, Technical Report, No. 6, Swiss Federal Institute of Technol-
the goal of a regression analysis, the last two points are often less ogy, DMA, Lausanne (Switzerland).
important. In such cases, a high breakdown point is in my opinion of
greater value than statistical efficiency. In estimating the state of a power Manuscript received July 24, 1990.
system, the approach of the authors is, therefore, justified.
The first criticism seems more serious, until one realizes that the
problem the authors implicitly solve, namely the detection of multiple
outliers in multidimensional data, is of combinatorial proportions. Presum- A. A. El-Keib (The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa): The authors are
ably, there does not exist a computationally cheap, general solution. Take to be commended for their excellent paper which is characteristic of their
for example the design matrix proven abilities. The main drawback of WLS approach to solve the state
estimation problem is its inability to identify multiple interacting bad data
H T = 1
2 3 especially when associated with short lines. The search for a robust
alternative approach, is therefore, very well justified. The authors are
requested to comment on the following:
which contains a pair of outlying rows. This matrix is discussed at the top
1) The method seem to posses a solution time which grows exponen-
tially with the system size which makes it, in its present form, impractical
to use on large scale power systems.
2) How much sensitive are results form the proposed approach to
‘ 63 -63 45 -54 -117 9 ‘ inaccuracy of measurement standard deviations?
-63 63 -45 54 117 -9 3) How does the method behaves when the global redundancy is about 2
-L 45 -45 200 -5 -50 - 195

and when the bad data is present in an area of local redundancy?
Once again, I congratulate the authors for a very interesting paper.
423 -54 54 -5 53 107
-117 117 -50 107 224 - 57
Manuscript received July 24, 1990
~ 9 -9 -195 -48 -57 243 ,

residual adiustment weights. In our case these values are 0.15, 0.

0.13, 0.53, and 0.57. None of the observation is picked out by this E. Ronchetti (Faculty of Economic & Social Sciences, University of
method of adjustment. The reason is, of course, that the observations Geneva, Switzerland): The authors should be commended for their
should be analyzed in pairs rather than individually. interesting paper on the application of the least median of squares (LMS)
If one wants to analyze the leverage potential of pairs, one has to estimator in power systems. One of the main conclusions of the 1989
calculate the maximal eigenvalue of all 2 x 2 submatrices (Cook & Summer Program on “Diagnostics, Robustness and Computational Statis-
Weisberg, 1982, p. 141). The couple (3, 6) corresponds to the submatrix tics” at the Institute of Mathematics and Its Applications in Minneapolis
was that robust statistics has now reached a stage where it can (and
should) be applied to real and complex problems in various fields. The
present paper is a good example in this direction.
Because of lack of time and space, I will limit my discussion to the
with largest eigenvalue of 0.99. This value is very close to 1, indicating following two points.
the outlyingness of the pair (3, 6). None of the other pairwise leverages 1) The LMS estimator is an excellent diagnostic tool which can be used
are comparable in size. successfully to identify outliers. Unfortunately, it has poor efficiency at the
To find the leverage points in this example, it was sufficient to calculate Gaussian model. To solve this problem the authors propose a hard
the (6/2) = 15 eigenvalues associated with all 2 X 2 submatrices. But rejection rule, i.e. first reject the outliers which have been identified by
what if we had a group of 10 outliers among 120 observations? Now, the the LMS estimator and then perform a standard weighted least squares
computational burden becomes heavy, Note, however, that the matrix analysis (section 4.3.2).
H ( H T H ) - ’ H 7does contains a hint that we should look at the pair (3, 6), I would strongly advocate smooth rejection by means of few iterations
since the off-diagonal value at position (3, 6) is relatively large in absolute from the LMS of a M-estimator with a smooth redescending \k--function
value (Clerc-BCrod & Morgenthaler, 1989). or a bounded-influence estimator [A]. This procedure has several advan-
If we pursue the strategy of first identifqing leverage points, we need an tages:
additional procedure to separate the good leverage points from the bad
it keeps the high breakdown property of the LMS;
ones. This can often be achieved be leaving out the observations corre-
it guarantees an optimal tradeoff between efficiency and stability of the
sponding to all leverage points in fitting the regression equation. Large
variance (bounded change-of-variance function) [B];
residuals from such a fit would indicate badness. The LMS method, on the
it produces an estimator which is robust against small fluctuations like
other hand, gives a less complete analysis than this two stage procedure.
rounding and grouping effects (bounded local-shift-sensitivity);
Essentially, it detects bad observations, whether they occur at leverage
it mitigates the relative instability of the LMS in the presence of few bad
points or not. Good leverage points, however, are not found.
data points.
These remarks show that alternative methods aimed at ( I ) detecting
leverage points and (2) identifying bad data, can be devised. But, they are 2) I agree with the authors that the notion of local breakdown point is
likely to be computationally as complex-if not more so-as the method appropriate in this situation where one should take into account the
proposed in the paper. In cases, however, where additional information redundancy of the system. A similar case in the statistical analysis is the
about leverage points is available, one should make use of it. The authors model with factorial designs; see [A] chapter 8.
state that measurements of line flows and bus injections associated
with short lines and measurements of bus injections at nodes having References
many incident lines give rise to leverage points (p. 4). This suggests that
a two stage strategy could be effective in estimating the state of power [A] F. R. Hampel, E. Ronchetti, P. J. Rousseeuw, W. A. Stahel,
systems, because one already has an idea about which groups of observa- Robust Statistics: The Approach Based on Influence Functions,
tions might potentially be influential, John Wiley, 1986.
[Bl E. Ronchetti, P. J. Rousseeuw, “Change of Variance Sensitivities in TABLE 1. Asymptotic maximum biases of LMS and S-estimates.
Regression Analysis”, Zeitschrift fur W ’keitstheorie und Ver- EPSILON 0.05 0 .IO 0.15 0.20
wandte Gebiete, Vol. 68, 1985, pp. 503-519. LMS 0.53 0.83 1.14 1.52
Manuscript received July 17, 1990. S-Estimate 0.57 0.88 1.22 1.65

by symmetry E( I;) = 1/ j . Therefore,

V. J. Yohai (Department of Mathematics, University of Buenos Aires,
Avenida Libertador 5256, Piso 7, Buenos Aires, Argentina) and R. H.
Zamar (Department of Statistics, University of British Columbia, 2021
West Mall, Vancouver, BC, Canada): The authors should be commended
for their very interesting adaptation of recently developed robust statistical
methods for estimation of power systems.
We certainly agree with the principles and methods applied by the
authors and would like to add a few observations. Huber, P. J. (1981) “Robust Statistics”, Wiley, N. York.
We emphasize the fact that b,,, = mmax( e ) in equation (6) is a function Martin, R. D., Yohasi, V. J. and Zamar, R. H. (1990) “Min-max bias
of the fraction of contamination e. The plot of bmax(e) versus e, called robust regression”, Ann. of Statist., 17, 1608-1630.
maximum bias curve, is carrier of both the local and the global robust- Rousseeuw, P. J. and Yohai, V. J. (1984) “Robust regression by means
ness properties of the estimate. In fact, the gross error sensitivity is the of S-estimators”, in Robust and Nonlinear Time Series Analysis, J.
derivative at zero of b,,,(e) and E* is its singularity at infinity. This curve Frank, W. Hardle, R. D. Martin (Eds), Lecture Notes in Statistics 26,
Springer Verlag, N. York, pp 256-272.
also conveys the robustness behavior of the estimates for fractions of
Yoahi, V. J. and Zamar, R. H. (1990) “Residual admissible regression
contamination smaller than the breakdown point. Martin et al. (1990) estimates: A minimax result”, Tech. Rep. No 97, Department of
show that under regularity conditions on the “good” part of the data one
Statistics, University of British Columbia.
can obtain a large sample approximate for b,,(e). For instance, if the
good part of the data follows a Gaussian regression model and if the
number of observations is large, then the maximum bias of the least Manuscript received August 9, 1990.
median of squares estimate (LMS) is well approximated by

b:JE) =
+[(1.5 - ~ ) / 2 ( 1-
+[(1.5 - 2 ~ ) / 2 ( 1- e)]
] -1.
I. W. Slutsker, N. Vempati, Empros Systems International, Plymouth,
Minnesota, W. F. Tinney, Consultant, Portland, Oregon: The authors are
congratulated on a development of the least median of squares estimation
Yohai and Zamar (1990) show that the LMS has a remarkable property: it method, a new technique for power system state estimation.
The LMS method is a robust bad data identification technique used prior
nearly minimizes the maximum bias curve on the class of all the estimates
to performing a state estimator solution. While its identification capabili-
which depend only on the regression residuals. Another robust estimate
ties appear to be good, its computational burden may be quite high. The
which also has nearly optimal robustness properties is the S-estimate of
number of samples required to be processed by the LMS algorithm for a
regression (see Rousseeuw and Yohai, 1984) based on the integrated
real-life network will be large and the need to perf0.m a solution for every
Tukey’s loss function
sample may extend the execution time well beyond the range accepted by

P(X) =
1 A[-.
c2 2
6c4 ’
-1 1x1 5 c
the industry today.
This raises the issue of tradeoff between the accuracy of an estimator
and consequences of the prolonged execution time. The time required for
the estimator to remove bad data and obtain a solution constitutes a delay
between the SCADA snapshot of the power system telemetry and the
availability of the estimate to security and optimization applications as well
with tuning constant c = 1.54. This estimate minimizes (in e ) the M-scale as to power system dispatchers. The estimate corresponds to the system
of the regression residuals state represented in the snapshot and not to the state when the estimator
solution becomes available. During the estimator solution, the power
r i ( e )= y , - e ’ x i .
system parameters move away from their SCADA snapshot values, there-
The M-scale of the numbers r l ( 0 ) ,. . . , r,(@ is defined (see Huber 1981) fore, even an accurate estimator solution may not accurately represent
by the equation exactly the present state of the system. This phenomenon is referred to as
the aging of the estimator solution. The longer it takes to obtain the state
estimate, the older it will be, the farther it will deviate from the actual
state of the power system. If the solution takes a significant amount of
time, the resultant estimate, even if perfect from the standpoint of the
As shown on Table 1, the S-estimate based on Tukey’s function is slightly original data snapshot, can be thought of as contaminated by the gross
less robust than the LMS. However, unlike the LMS which rate of measurement errors due to aging, as far as the receiving applications are
convergence is n1/3,this estimate is asymptotically normal with the usual concerned. The accuracy of the otherwise robust identification algorithm
rate of convergence n1j2.Therefore, this alternative to the LMS might be in the on-line environment may, therefore, be compromised by its long
preferred in situations when statistical inference beyond point estimation is execution time. In some cases, it may be preferable to perform a less
needed (e.g. confidence intervals and testing). accurate but faster identification and possibly miss some less visible bad
This estimate can be computed by simply replacing the step find the U‘* data rather than correctly identify and remove all bad data only to find out
square residual, in the Online Procedure described in Appendix C of the the system conditions have changed so much during the computation that
paper, by the step find the M-estimate of scale for this residuals. the estimate is erroneous.
Evidently, the computation of the smoother M-scale requires more com- The conflict between the need to perform accurate bad data identifica-
puting time than that of the U‘* residual. However, the number of times tion and the requirement to keep the estimator solution time bounded have
that the M-scale needs to be computed can be drastically reduced by the become especially important in recent years with the growing demand for
following scheme: Given the current minimum of the M-scale, SI-’ say, a superfast estimation by the EMS industry. Some users request that the
use the j‘* set of residuals to calculate the left hand side of equation (1) state estimation be fast enough to allow the estimation of each SCADA
with s replaced by s J - l . If this number is larger than 1/2, simply take scan. This scan rate estimation will have to be performed in 4 to 10
s’ = SI-’ and draw the next sample. Otherwise, sJ must be obtained by seconds. It will become an integral part of the SCADA subsystem, where
solving the non-linear equation (1). Let k be the total number of samples. state estimation truly belongs, performing filtering of telemetered data. No
We will show now that the expected number of times that the non-linear unfiltered raw telemetry will be used either for display purposes or by
equation (1) must be actually solved is approximately equal to log( k ) . In applications from that point on.
fact, let r, = 1 if the M-scale needs to be computed for the j r h sample The scan rate estimation will possibly request new solution, identifica-
(i.e. if the scale for the j‘* set of residuals is the minimum one). Clearly, tion and observability processing approaches. The changes in the measure-
the number of times that the M-scale must be computed is 7 = U: andr, ment vector and network and measurement topology are often so minor,
given the short interval between scans, that full reestimation may be distribution). However, the underlying system model upon
wasteful. Instead, the estimation problem can be formulated incrementally which the measurements are based is assumed correct.
and solved via adaptive localization techniques. Even then the computa- This may not be the case. For example, an incorrect
tional load will be substantial and it will be quite a challenge to fit the assumption o r indication about the status of a given line
estimation along with the associated pre- and postprocessing in such a being in service is not dealt with. Yet, from the practical
short time interval. The emerging hardware platforms, however, appear to point of view, correct status indication of lines is more
make it possible. The scan rate estimation also does not have to have a important to system security than the specific value of
high breakdown point, since no measurement will be allowed to enter the individual flows on lines or voltages at buses. Some major
estimation process if it deviates significantly from its estimate in the system outages can be blamed at least partly on incorrect
previous scan, thus effectively blocking gross errors from entering the assumptions on the part of operators about the status of
process and simplifying the identification. lines. This discusser proposed some years ago a method for
The LMS estimation in its present form will unlikely be suitable for detecting status errors on unmonitored lines, based on the
on-line use. At the same time its identification robustness will make it a observation of two or more state estimates under different
useful tool for off-line analysis as well as for the initial estimator imple- system conditions [A2]. Has the author considered whether
mentation in the field when the amount and magnitude of modeling and this method or a similar one might be compatible with the
measurement errors are significant. proposed approach? Would the author be willing to
We encourage the authors in their quest to speed up LMS. Obtaining speculate on how the proposed approach might be used to
faster power flow type solutions is one possibility. The sample problems detect topology errors in the system?
for LMS are simplified because of the absence of PV/PQ switching and [ A l l R. Nucera and M. Gilles, "Observability Analysis: A
control adjustments. Each solution should be started from an approximate New Topological Approach", presented at the 1990
state estimate. Special sparsity techniques can help with the changing IEEEPES Summer Mceting, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
topologies of the samples. For the special case of a spanning tree of active [A21 F. L. Alvarado, "Determination of External System
and reactive flow measurements, the problem can be formulated in terms Topology Errors," IEEE Transactions on Power
of complex currents and solved directly without iterations. Perhaps this Apparatus and Systems, Vol. PAS-100, November 1981.
idea can be extended to other cases. The effects of leveraged points will pp. 4553-4561.
tend to remain localized and this property can be exploited. Highly
accurate sample solutions should not be necessary. There appear to be a Manuscript received August 8 , 1990,
number of promising ways to speed up LMS.
Once again, the authors are to be congratulated on a new development L. Mili, V. Phaniraj, and P. J. Ronsseeuw: We thank the
in the field of the power system state estimation. Their response to our discussers for their interest in our paper, and very much
comments will be awaited with great interest. appreciate their thoughtful comments which provide further
Manuscript received August 6, 1990. insight into the state estimation method presented. First, we
will discuss one issue which was raised by most of the
discussers, namely the computational performance of LMS, and
then a separate response to each discusser will be given.
Fernando L. Alvarado (The University of Wisconsin, We agree that the proposed method based on resampling
Madison, Wisconsin): The author is to be highly is not suitable for real time application to large power systems.
commended for an extremely enlightening and well Currently, we are attempting to solve this problem by
written paper. This reviewer believes that this paper decomposing the system into several subsystems and applying
alone will change forever the way in which we think LMS to each of them. This approach is feasible since for high
about bad data detection in state estimation. breakdown estimators, the loss of information due to splitting
This discusser believes that this paper represents a first the network is confined to the fundamental sets associated with
step in a fertile new field. An apparent shorcoming of the the boundary buses. This property does not hold for
proposed approach is computational. The computational M-estimators, such as WLS estimator followed by some outlier
problems are different from the problems encountered rejection rules based on the residuals, LAV estimator, Huber
during ordinary least squares state estimation. The estimator, etc. Two decomposition schemes are being
computational difficulties of the proposed approach are investigated. The first scheme consists of decomposing the
combinatorial in nature. In fact, a simplistic view of the system into subsystems in advance, and applying LMS to each
general approach proposed by the author is to regard the of them. The LMS is then applied to the whole system, while
solution of the problem as that of solving nothing more retaining all those measurements previously identified as good
than solving a number of randomly chosen "unusual" but which do not belong to the fundamental sets associated
power flow problems, and determining the best among with the boundary buses. The second scheme applies LMS to
these. Let n be the number of state variables (and successively larger nested subsystems; after each stage the
consequently also the number of power flow equations), boundaries of the subsystem are expanded, until the entire
and let m be the number of independent measurements. state has been estimated. Preliminary results from both
The a p p a r e n t number of distinct power flow problems that schemes are promising. We hope to achieve a linear growth of
can be chosen from among a set of redundant data is, as the number of samples with the system size, rather than the
mentioned in the paper, (T). However, most of these
present exponential relationship.
Now we will respond to each discusser separately.
choices do not meet the necessary observability criteria, as
the paper notes. Merging the ideas of this paper with ideas
for rapid determination of topological observability as Drs. Yohai and Zamar:
presented in [ A l l makes a lot of sense. Could the author
comment on this notion? Drs. Yohai and Zamar point out that the LMS is nearly a
A second comment is a clarification for the reader: if minimax bias-robust estimator in the sense it nearly minimizes
all that is chosen from among the measurements are the maximum possible bias over a large class of estimators.
branch measurements, there is no power flow to solve. This property is required for building a reliable data base for
The problem can be solved trivially, without the need for power system security monitoring and analysis. In addition,
iteration and factorization usually associated with the they make a case for a refined variant of LMS called an
powcr flow. It is only nodal injection mcasurements S-estimator, and propose a clever implementation of it which
(pseudo-measurements or zero-injection nodes) that result does not consume much more computation time than LMS, at
in the need for "simultaneous solutions" of any kind. least when using a sequential computer. They also state that
The third comment is perhaps the most important: bad the proposed S-estimator is more efficient from the viewpoint
data detection is misleading. Bad data in the sense used in of statistical inference. This property is an advantage in power
this paper (and in most other papcrs on state estimation systems, since it allows us to calculate confidence intervals of
for that matter) refers only to the possibility of the state estimates. This is necessary for short-term load
measurement errors being bad (not fitting a normal forecasting to be performed based on state estimation results.
This point has also been addressed in the paper by proposing
an LMS followed by a least squares estimator after a hard
rejection of the identified outliers. Additionally, this improves
the statistical efficiency at the Gaussian distribution.
Dr. Ronchetti:
Dr. Ronchetti favors a slight1 different way of
improving statistical efficiency. He p r d r s to compute LMS
first, then followed by a few iterations of a fast GM-estimator.
The GM-estimators bound the influence of the leverage points
through weighting factors, each factor being equal to the
reciprocal of a robust distance of the associated measurement
point in the factor space. These distances can be computed
off-line and hence do not increase the on-line computational
burden. Such a scheme is presently under development by
making use of the minimum volume ellipsoid estimator
implemented through a projection technique [Bl]. This
combination is likely to perform equally well as the estimator
endorsed by Yohai and Zamar, but comparative studies have

yet to be performed.
We agree that Dr. Hampel raised the problem of local
breakdown in the factorial design, but to our knowledge, it is
the first time that the concept of local breakdown point has -20 !*
been introduced in the regression context. In particular, Ref.
[B2] showed that for sparse regression models, the maximum
number of outliers that an estimator can withstand locally
cannot exceed [(mi - 1)/2[ where mi is the size of the -30
t I
3 6 9 2
corrupted fundamental set. Therefore, the up er bound of the
maximum local breakdown point is of [(mi - ly/2]/mi .
Fig. B1: Plot of standardized LMS residuals versus robust
Lh. Morgenthder: distances.

Dr. Morgenthaler stresses the need to distin uish resulting wei hts reflect (at least roughly) the relative
between good and bad leverage points. Recently, a grapfucal accuracy of &e measurement points . However, as far as
display has been proposed for this purpose [Bl]. A plot of the statistical efficiency is concerned, the weights have a greater
standardized LMS residuals versus robust Mahalanobis effect on the second stage of estimation such as the
distances (as described above) for the example reported in GM-estimators suggested by Dr. Ronchetti.
Section 7 in the paper is shown in Fig. B1. The plane is divided Concerning the issue of performance of LMS when the
into four regions, labeled A, B, C, and D. Region A represents global redundancy is low (less than 2), the LMS retains high
good measurements that are not leverage points, and is where breakdown capabilities. This has been illustrated in Section 7,
the majority of the data is usually located. Region B contains where the IEEE 30-bus example has a global redundancy of
good measurements that are leverage points. These 56/29 = 1.9, and the IEEE 118-bus system has 245/117 = 2.1.
measurements greatly contribute to the statistical efficiency of A more important issue is the local breakdown point, which
an M-estimator. Regions C and D contain measurements dominates over global breakdown point in sparse regression
which are vertical outliers non-leverage point) and bad models as shown in case 2 of Section 7.
leverage points, respectively. Ai-estimators are able to handle
bad data situated in region C up to a fraction of l / n of the Dr. Alvarado:
total number of the measurements, whereas bad data in region
D cause breakdown of all M-estimators independent of their Dr. Alvarado raised several interesting points. First,
number. regarding the rapid observability test, we agree that the
We feel that the method described above is better suited al orithm proposed by Nucera and Gilles [AI) will be of great
to power system applications than the two stage procedure h$p, especially for a totally on-line LMS implementation.
proposed by Dr. Morgenthaler. The elimination of the Other approaches are also under investigation which combine
identified leverage points can make the system unobservable both the advantage of a topological and a numerical
and weaken the already low local redundancy. The robustness observability analysis.
of the advocated leverage point identification method needs to Concerning the situation where only power flows are
be investigated in the context of large sparse regression models. selected, we agree that noniterative procedure can be used
Regardin the issue of optimal meter placement, it has which leads to a computational speed-up. We are presently
been found inlB2,B3] that for sparse regression models, the integratin such a feature in our scheme. However, in the
local breakdown point is more relevant than the global one. example of Section 7, it turns out that none of the 48 samples
Therefore, the problem of meter placement for protection used contains only flows.
against bad data reduces to that of increasing the local We do not agree that our paper considers only
breakdown points, i.e. increasing the fundamental set size measurement errors as bad data. Whatever the cause of the
across the system. This is a typical combinatorial optimization errors, they will all translate into outliers in the measurements,
problem. An algorithm which finds a meter placement and therefore our paper considers only measurement errors.
optimized for high breakdown while retaining a high local One major source of errors are model approximations such as
redundancy for the leverage points (to have a good statistical the assumption of the power system being balanced and
efficiency) is under development and will be described in a represented by a positive sequence one-line diagram. Other
forthcoming paper. sources of errors include parameter errors, topology errors, and
measurement errors. All these errors appear to the state
Lh. El-Keib: estimator as outlying measurements. Consequently, outlier
identification should come first. Then a second step of the
Dr. El-Keib inquires about the sensitivity of LMS to investigation should tell us whether the identified outliers are
inaccuracies in the measurement standard deviations. This is due to random events, or to an underlying systematic cause,
not a major concern in bad data identification as long as the such as bad calibration, meter device failures or topology
errors. In the event of a fault in the status of a line, all the previously. The LMS can be used both in tracking mode as
measurements on power flows and power injections associated explained above and in a hierarchical state estimation
with this line will become outliers with respect to the power methodology.
system model. In that case, the sensible action would be to Another development that is relevant is the use of high
carry out a new state estimation in the system, with a change speed phasor measurement system [B6]. By reducing the time
in the status of the line as suggested in [B4,B5]. The outliers in skew between measurements, one source of errors is eliminated,
the measurement caused by a topology error are of a multiple thus improving the state estimate. The availability of
interacting and conforming type. This combination of outliers measurements on voltage and current phasors makes the power
cannot be handled by a bad data identification procedure based system model linear and therefore, speeds-up the state
on the normalized least squares residuals. Here, even the estimation algorithm.
presence of topology errors may not be detected. On the other
hand, given sufficient local redundancy, estimation based on We again thank the discussers for adding to the value of
the LMS would always identify such errors and hence a second our paper with their valuable questions and comments.
step of checking for topology error could be initiated.
Concerning the external system, we agree that topology REFERENCES
errors is an important issue. The discusser suggests a method
[A21 which assumes that the state estimates for the internal [Bl] P. J. Rousseeuw, and B. C. van Zomeren, "Unmasking
system are good. This can be guaranteed by the use of a high Multivariate Outliers and Leverage Points", Journal of
breakdown estimator. the American Statistical Association, Vol. 85, No. 411,
Sept. 1990, pp. 633-651.
[B2] L. Mili, V. Phaniraj, and P. J. Rousseeuw, "Robust
Drs. Slutsker, Vempati, and Tinney: Estimation Theory for Bad Data Diagnostics in Electric
Power Systems", In Advances in Control and Dynamic
We believe that a reliable data base for such applications Systems, C. T. Leondes (ed.), Academic Press, Vol. 37,
as security and economic optimization is the single most 1990.
important outcome of the state estimation function. The [B3] L. Mili, V. Phaniraj, and P. J. Rousseeuw, "High
reliability of this data base should not be compromised by Breakdown Point Estimation in Electric Power
consideration of computing time. High breakdown estimators Systems", ZEEE International Symposium on Circuit and
are the only known method of providing a data base free of Systems, New Orleans, May 8-11, 1990, pp. 1843-1846.
errors and hence we believe effort must be focused on [B4] K. A. Clements, and P. W. Davis, "Detection and
improving their speed while retaining their robustness Identification of Topology Errors in Electric Power
properties. Systems", IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 3,
We fully agree with the discussers that state estimation NO. 4, NOV.1988, pp. 1748-1753.
should be an integral part of the SCADA system, and we [B5] F. F. Wu, and W-H. E. Liu, "Detection of Topology
believe that the LMS can be used in such a context. To achieve Errors by State Estimation", ZEEE Transactions on
this, the LMS must be made faster. The discussers suggest PowerSystems, Vol. 4, No. 1, Feb. 1989, pp. 176-183.
several possible ways such as the exploitation of special [B6] A. G. Phadke, J. S . Thorp, and K. J. Karimi, "State
sparsity techniques and starting the estimation from an Estimation with Phasor Measurements", ZEEE
approximate solution. In addition, only a few portions of the Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. PWRS-1, No. 1,
system will change between scans. Therefore, the LMS can be Feb. 1986, pp. 233-241.
applied t o only those small subsystems, with no loss of
information except on the boundary buses as described Manuscript received October 12, 1990.

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