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FMLR LoRaWAN™ App Quick Start Guide

1 Content
This document gives a quick introduction on how to start App development with the
Miromico FMLR LoRa™ and LoRaWAN™ modules and sensor devices. A setup using the
free Eclipse based System Workbench for STM32 is given from chapter 3. To update the
firmware using a given hex file refer to chapter 2.
More information about FMLR modules and sensor products can be found on the Miromico

2 Firmware update using FLASHER-STM32

STM32 Flash loader demonstrator (FLASHER-STM32) is a tool running on Windows provided
by STMicroelectronics to flash firmware throught the STM32 system memory bootloader.

2.1 Flashing
Connect the module’s serial port 1 (USART1_TX, USART1_RX and GND) to a USB-Serial
Reset the module while pulling BOOT0 to 3V, to bring it to bootloader mode.
Start FLASHER-STM32, which is named Demonstrator GUI by STMicroelectronics, for
unknown reasons and connect to the module. You should only change the COM port.
When asked choose Target → STM32L1_Cat2-128K.
When asked to choose the file to download to the device, make sure to leave erase
necessary pages ticked, because our controller don’t support the global erase command.
This leads to crash of the FLASHER-STM32 tool.

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3 Development Setup

3.1 Hardware

3.1.1 FMLR LoRa Modules

Illustration 1: Some animals from the happy Zoo of FMLR High Performance Modules and

Due to the tiny size of the FMLR of the FMLR LoRa modules there is no on board connector
for debugging or firmware update.
Instead there are test points on the back of the module to program the module in
For development and debugging purposes, the module has to be contacted either on the
SWD interface (debugging and firmware update) or on the USART1 which is supported by
the on chip boot loader (firmware update only).

Illustration 2: Pinout of different FMLR Modules

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3.1.2 Breakout Board
To easily connect the module first development, we offer the FMLR break out board. This
board gives access to all module pins in a 2.54 mm pitch (100mil) to put it in a bread board
or a similar setup. The breakout board also offers a 10 pin Tag-Connect (TC1050-IDC-NL)
port to connect a debugger or an UART interface.
There is also a micor USB connector which connects to the USB port of the MCU and can
provide system power using an LDO converter on the break out board.
RESET and BOOT0 buttons can be used to trigger the on-chip bootloader to update the
firmware using USART1 of the controller.

Illustration 3: FMLR Breakout board with Tag-Connect debug connector

3.1.3 FMLR Sensor Devices

All sensor devices sold as development kits offer the same module pin break out and 10 pin
Tag-connect port as found on the break out board.

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3.2 Software

3.2.1 System Workbench for STM32

The free Eclipse based System Workbench for STM32 (SW4STM32) is used for development.
It can be downloaded from Openstm32 website.

3.2.2 In-Circuit Programmer / Debugger

To program the STM32L151 on the FMLR module any ARM programmer that supports SWD
can be used. We have tested ST-Link/V2 and SEGGER J-Link. The ST-Link/V2 ($20) is
supported out of the box by System Workbench for STM32.
The programmer has to be connected either directly onto the module pins or by using a 10
pin Tag-Connect (TC1050-IDC-NL) debug connector with the retaining clip. We also offer an
interface board to connect a standard 20 pin ARM header to the Tag-Connect connector.
If you use a recent SEGGER J-Link together with a Tag-Connect and our interface board, the
USART1 of the microcontroller connects to the virtual COM port of the J-Link device. To
power the module over our interface board by FTDI the positions of the Jumper 1 and 2 (Pin
2, 3 connected by both Jumpers) are depicted on illustration 7. If you want to power the
module by SEGGER J-Link, Jumper 1 needs to connect pin 2, 3 and Jumper 2 needs to
connect pin 1, 2. Using a ST-LINK with our interface board Jumper 1 has to link pin 1, 2 and
the position of Jumper 2 does not matter.

Illustration 7: Interface board to connect a standard

20 pin ARM header to the Tag-Connect connector

4 V1.07 12.05.2017 SEGGER J-Link Tools
If you want to use the SEGGER J-Link instead the J-Link Tools have to be installed. Details
can be found on How to install the SEGGER J-Link?
• Download and install J-Link software & documentation pack for Windows
• Install GNU ARM Eclipse Plug-ins
◦ If you receive “fatal alert: handshake_failure”:
▪ Install Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction
Policy Files
▪ Read the README.txt file and replace two JAR files in the JRE folder
▪ Try to install the plug-ins again
▪ Further information can be found here

3.3 LoRaWAN Stack

The LoRaWAN stack provided by Miromico for the FMLR modules are based on ST I-CUBE-
LRWAN. Get the official Miromico LoRaWAN stack from bitbucket:
cd /your/working/dir
git clone .

This will clone the repository into your current working directory. In SW4STM32 navigate to
File > Import…
Set the root directory to Projects\Multi\Applications\LoRa\MultiSensorHub within your
working directory and select the projectes to import (e.g. FMLR-MultiSensorHub).
Click “Finish” to import the project into your workspace. You are now ready to build and run
your application on the target hardware.

3.4 Start a Debug Session by SEGGER J-Link

Go through the instructions starting from chapter “J-link Plug-in usage” on J-Link
debugging Eclipse plug-in.
• Make sure that the Device name is filled in the Debugger tab of the Debug
• The major errors are treated in the chapter “Troubleshooting” on J-Link debugging
Eclipse plug-in

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