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1. Write a story entitled,"The decision that saved my life.

Answer 1.
2. "Jamila turned and walked away. I knew then that I had lost a friend." Write a story in
which this sentence plays an important part.
Answer 1. Answer 2.
3. Write either a story OR a description entitled, "The village where nobody lives
4. Write a story which leads up to the following ending: "To this day, people passing
through Coconut Grove still stop to ask for Waspie."
5. Write a story entitled: "The Dream That Came True."

6. Write a story which includes the following sentence:

"That's no excuse for fighting," said the Principal.
7. Write a story in which you include the following sentence:
"That was the strangest thing that ever happened in our
8. Write a story entitled, "The light on the hill."
9. Write a story entitled: "The contest".
10.Write a story which begins with the following sentence:
"Small Boy was lazy, really lazy. Everybody knew that one
day he'd pay for it. "
12.Write a story entitled: "A Success Story."

NB: CXC suggests spending no more than 30 minutes to answer the persuasive essay
question on Paper 2 of the English A exam. They also suggest 250 - 300 words as the
length of the persuasive essay.
1. Write an article to the local newspaper expressing your
concern about the high rate of traffic accidents in your
country. Suggest three measures which would help to
reduce this high rate of accidents.

2. Write an article for your school magazine about three
major problems in your school and state how you would
solve each one.
3. You are on a committee planning the celebrations to mark
the anniversary of your school. You have heard that some
of your classmates plan to boycott the celebrations, and
you have been asked to make a speech to persuade them
to take part. Write out your speech.
4. Your school council has asked for nominations for the
"Teacher of the Year award. Write a letter to the council
in which you suggest someone from your school, giving
strong arguments to support your choice.

5. Write an article for a school magazine in which you
present strong arguments either for or against the topic:
"School should be abolished."
6. In many households today, both parents
go out to work. What do you consider to
be the major advantages and
disadvantages of this practice?
7. A local firm is offering to help a student
prepare for a career of his or her choice.
Write a convincing letter to this firm
stating why you deserve to be chosen.
8. Write an article for your local newspaper

"Winning isn't everything; it's how you

play the game."
9. Write an article for your school magazine
presenting strong
arguments EITHER for OR against the
view that parents should be the ones to
decide which career their children should
10. A big international hotel chain has made a
proposal to establish one of its hotels in
your country. It wants to bring in its own
food supplies.
Write a letter to the Press objecting to
this proposal.
11. Write an article for a school magazine in
which you present strong
argumentseither for or against the topic:
"Television does more harm than good."
12. Many young people today are quick to
leave home and start life on their own.
You are a young person who does not
agree with this.

Write a letter for the Youth Magazine of

your community arguing against this
13. "Students should not be allowed to use
cell phones in school."

Write an
essay EITHER supporting OR opposing
this view.

35 marks

14. "Pop music and dance on display in the

Caribbean today are corrupting the youth
and making them irresponsible."

Write an essay giving your views on this


35 marks

15. The Minister of Education in your territory

believes that there are too many official
holidays each year and the school year
should be longer so that
student performance might improve.

As a student leader in your school, write a

letter to the Minister of Education giving
your views on this statement.

35 marks

16. Skilled Caricom professionals should be

allowed to work in any Caricom territory
they chose.

Write an essay giving your views on the

above statement.

35 marks
17. "Governments in the Caribbean should
not allow their qualified teachers to be
enticed away to work in schools in Britain
and the United States."

Write an
argument EITHER supporting OR opposing
this view.

1 Write either a story or a description entitled: "The village where

nobody lives anymore".
(35 marks)
2It is you last day at secondary school.
Describe the thoughts that pass through your mind as you
reflect EITHERon your school days OR on the next stage of your life.
(35 marks)
3As she walked down the main street of the village where her
grandparents lived she felt like she was in another country.
Describe what she saw and her thoughts and feelings.
(35 marks)
4Describe a hurricane you have experienced.
(35 marks)
5The climbers reached the top of the cliff as the sun was setting. They
looked out over the town to one side and the water to the other. The
whole scene appeared strikingly beautiful in the late evening sunlight.
Describe the view as seen by the climbers.
6As the astronauts landed they saw before them an unimaginable sight.

Describe what the astronauts saw.

(35 marks)

7Tamara fell off to sleep witht he events of the day still fresh in her mind. She slipped
quickly into dreamland.

Describe Tamara's dream.

(35 marks)

8Today was the day that we were going to play against BV High School. This would
decide once and for all who was the better team.

Describe the scene just before the match started including the attitudes of both
teams and those of the spectators.

(35 marks)

9 When the sun came up they came slowly out of the cave. The walls of rock to the
right and the left were not high but they focussed their eyes straight ahead first.

Describe what they saw.

(35 marks)

10We set out on the hike to Cassareep and we did not bargain for the terrible

Describe the places along the route and the ways in which the weather affected
the hike.

23."I had thought about going on to college or university," said the

student, "but I'm not sure that's a good idea because these
days so many qualified university graduates cannot find jobs."
Write an argument EITHER for OR against going to college or
35 marks
24.Write an argument EITHER for OR against the recommendation
that parents should exercise greater control over their children's
television viewing.
35 marks
25."We are wasting time and effort trying to save our environment in the
Caribbean. We are too small to reverse the effects of pollution created by
the huge industrialised nations."
Write a letter to the local newspaper giving your views on the above
35 marks
26."It is time to put an end to the myths of Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy etc.
How can we expect a generation of children raised on lies and deception
to become upright and honest citizens."
Write a response to this view for a school debate.
35 marks
27."A good command of English is no longer a guarantee of financial or
social success in the Caribbean."
Write an argument EITHER supporting OR opposing this statement.

33."Buy local" is a very misguided slogan in today's "global village". Write an

essay giving your views on this statement.

34.Speaker A: "All children should participate in physical education in schools

to improve their health."

Speaker B: "It is my right to be whatever size I want to be. No one should

insist that I exercise. "

Write your views in support of EITHER Speaker A OR Speaker B.

35 marks
35.If some countries have weapons of mass destruction, then all countries should be
allowed to have them.

Write an essay giving your views on this statement.

35 marks

36.All students in all classes in all high schools should have at least one period per week
for Home Economics.

Write an essay EITHER supporting OR opposing this view.

35 marks

37.Caribbean countries would be better served by having women prime ministers.

Write an essay EITHER supporting OR opposing this view.

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