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immersionplus® © 2007, 1995, 1994 Penton Overseas, Ine. ‘Al Rights Reserved ‘ubiined & Distbuted by Penton Ovens, ne 1958 Kelogg Avene carsbad, CA82008-6581 165-431-0060» 200-748 $808 Ta 760-431-8110 wot Printed in Mexico plus. SPANISH INTRODUCTION Penton Overseas Sev eioped ImmersionPlus specifically for interme- ise and sdansed foreign language students who need extra practice in conversion. fur reat able w live in e foreign county for the immersion expeien=. You've already built s vocabulary, and studied the gramma:; Youre able to have linited coaversations. Stil, unless you regularly engage in everyday conversations in te target language, youl have dificulty Toning your Istening. comprehension, and conversational abilities, ‘Once you do develop these sls though, youl be able to use the n= guage you've studied, for school, business or pleasure. ‘mmersionPlus can help You, ImmersionPs brings the native speakers to you, providing variety of conversations between several people fom different regions where the tarpet language is spoken. Many foreign language students find that native speakers converse too rapidly to be understood — instead of hearing and comprehending the words, sidents are sill trying to translate them into English, word by word. Inevitably they get lost, and cart keep up with wha’ being sid Wich mmersionPlus, we've taken seven brief stories and divided them nwo shor dialogues each repeated thre mes: 1. Fisch mathe speakers converse at natural pace, helping you se the rythm of the language. 2, Then, the speakers repeat the dialogue at a much slower pace, so that you ean actually understand the content. 3. The third time, each pice is spoken once again atte fester, ‘ature pace. Since youve herd the sythm and undeetand the dslgue, youl find youre more able ofolow what they e saying the third ime hough ‘As youlisten to this program more and more, youl ntce thas your compeherson rows, 0 does your confidence! ‘The lening guide gives translations to compare your comprehension to what the speakers actully say. And now that ImmersfonPlas isin CCD format, You can peat the faster or slower tracks as many times as you want for complete comprehension of, and immersion in, the an- songe! With the help of ImmersionPlus, youl be abe o reach a new level of both confidenee and language ability — and youl find you ean hold your own conversing in more than one language! {© 2002, 1995, 1994 Penton Oversea, ne. ‘Ai Rights Reserve rushed & Distouted by Renton Oversee ne 1958 Kelogg avenue cob, CA 92008-6581 76041-0060 + 800-748-5908 Fe 760-431-8110 wiv Part One ‘This IMMERSION+ program consists of four sees of dialogues, each Aided into four sectons which are arranged sleraely thoughoot the rogram, This format willbe more challenging in developing your lsening {nd comprehension sills. The gist ofeach conversation is heat prior 10 ‘each ndivigual secon. Each dialogue will be hear thre ies, fs a nor nal conversational pace, next spoken slowly with clear and carl pro- ‘unciaton, and then repeated atthe nocmal pace. This booklet contin the ‘nite record text as wells the English ransatin ofthe entire program. Dialogue 1: Dining Out Teany and her hesband, Bl, have previously made plas to dine out this evening. They wil be deciding where co go and you wil then follow ‘ong rh the os thelr evening ox Dialogue 2: The Fishing Trip ‘A fatec and his mared on, Mak, are discussing the possibility of & ‘ishing rip forthe following weekend Tun na they make her plas and then jin them on their outing. ‘Wiliam and Janice have beea considering taking crise vacation Listen nas they make thelr plas, which wll also lace anes mother, and then accompany them on thei ip. Dialogue 4: Going Shopping Sylvia and ber iend, Mirella ranging to get together for sme Cats shopping. They will iat be deciding when to 9 and thea YOU wil flow along with them a they shop. WT BL ond Senn. Dialog 1: Dining Out 1 co 1:Trass24 Part I Bland hs wi, Jenny, hae planed to go ou for diner hs rig il a ot ved ome fom work He and eon ee reixing fore moment whl hey dei wher go. Gultlermo: Juanita, jn bam a sara cena avers est noche? Me pae= ‘is que alia a cena coindndose cuando eats. ‘BL: Jean, werent we going out for dinar tonight? I thought J smelled dinner cooking when I caren. Juanita: Es una sopa que estoy cocinando pan matana. Seguro gus vamos a talc ety crea de cocina: Mie tsaejabes par la casa, yo estaba ‘rando de decidir donde, {Tees alguna idea amor? ennie: Tha’ some soup coking for tomorrow Sire, we're going out I'm tired of ooking. While you were driving in, Twas trying 0 decide on where to go. Any ideas, honey? CGatlermo: Ay, 20 importa, con de que no tenga que ves bie. A mf re gu el ligar de comer mariscos donde fuios hae unas semanas. Bilis Ok 1 dont care just so 1 dont have to get desied up. I liked tat ‘seafood place we went 100 fw week go, Juanita: Mi, sf, pro comimos pescado anche, gut tal algo difereme ‘st noche? Senne: Mr, yet, but we had fish ast nigh, how about something diferent tonight? Guitero: Pace st bien- Mientras 19 peasamos, voy a prepare un timgo ya mirc ine noticias deportvas el telovsdn. :Puedo prepa Bl We otay. White we're tinng about Hm going fo make a drink and wach the sports news on television, Can fix you one? anita: No, no ero, Tl vez me tome uno ene restaurant Hay un gat ‘evo el centre dei ciudad dl cu esuché hablar miearas me aegl- ban al pelo. Dicen que tiene my buena comida Kalina. Hace tempo que ‘no hems condo nad deo. Tenntes No, don thnk 80 Maybe I'l have one at the restaurant Theres ‘anew place downtown that heard about whe Iwas geting my har done [Ts supposed to have relly good Haan fod. We haven had ay ofthat Tong time. Gullermes El centro? Nos vamos a encontrar con todo el tric dels ofcings a esta hora de Ia noche. Ya he teido sficiente rico por hoy 2 pera un minuto que vandals resulta. Bilt Downtown? We' ran int ll that trafic from the ofces at this time of night. ve had enough trae for the day. Wat asta minute theyre oing to ie the scores. ‘anita: Ay. y ts resulads! ‘ennle: Ok ou and your scares! Guttermo: ;Oye, ganamos! jlncrefble! Vinimos desée bien ats jCararba! Expera a gue vea « Geratdo mafiana Hl dijo que no tenlamos ona oportunidad. Dil: Hey, we wor! Unbelievable! We came fom way back, Wow! Wai al see Harey tomorow. He said we didn have a chance, Juanita: {Se puede hablar ahora? Ett ben si hay demaviada genie en el ‘eto, vamos Is eva pizein ceca del purge, Dicen qu es muy buena, barat amb. jAbf poems tomros hasta una cervez! Jenne: Oty to tak now? Argh if downtown oo crowded, let go 10 ‘har ew pleza place near the park. Ix apposed tbe really good. and ‘heap a well. We con even get aber there! Gullermat A mime suena ben. Dirge el camino, Bil Sounds good tome. Lead the wey. F=1 MOARK aed Dar, . . Dialogue 2: The Fishing Teip cD Tracks 5.7 Part 1: A man und his mse son, Mark, ae sraging fishing i. They tue the ube’ ving room watching ball game a television, Padre: Oye, Marcos, que crees td st sobimos al Iago el sbado por Ia smatana a pescar un poco? ;Escuché que los robals estén mordiendo el snzuelo! ‘Father: Hey Mark — what do you say to rnin up ote lak on Saturday ‘moming fora litle fishing? I har the ass are ely biting! jor Hi, no extoy seguro. Teese quer ue pine las persanas et sdba- 0. ;Qué project! ‘Son Hin I'm not sre, Trl wont me to pat the shaters tis Saturday. What a project Padre: Bueno, vamos esperar aque se ache es ita y asi nos odernos encetrr mejoc saree que pundenancar equ! ‘Father: Well ets wat forthe haf © be over and then we can concentrate emer Looks ke they might score here! 3 ‘Ho: Ea bie. Yo me figuro algo mienras mira. ;Vaya, mia es! Cont, de) cae Fs era una ana separ! Son: Oiay. TU figure something ou wile we've watching. Wow look at ‘hat Ave dropped tf That wate sur score Pdr: (Con lo que le pagan a eos jugadores, es para pensr gue lo mens odsan agar bie a plot fbe derecho a sus manos! Fathers They pay those guys enouph you'd hint tha they could at east hold ono the Ball? Right io is hands! Hijo: Nunca debiern haber deja ic a Canseco, No era rp, per defi. livamente pod heer atrapadas expectaculaes. Tal vez llamo Teresa ye igo que td me esis aciendo la vida posible po no poder el ssh, Pode pntar las pesinas el domingo. Son: They never should have let Canseco go. He wast fst, but he could sure make the cleus catches Maybe TN call Tere and tell her tha you're ‘hing me a bad ime about nt being able ogo om Sarda. I ould do the ‘hunters om Sunday. dre Bt ben. Yo voy te ayudo. Yo puedo evar mi Wado clés, ‘con eso si avansaranes. Tl vert mae podria temoe une pequl Imercode para el almerz. Ela también puede ayudar taniener 18 ios fuer del meio. Father: Okay. I'l come over and help you. I can bring my eleric sander tet will wally cut down onthe tne. Blaybe your mother could bring ‘over alle picnic lunch. She cam help hep the Kids out of the wa 00. jo: ;Cad vez suena mejor Vanos si tempan el sado enone ver si podaneslepar antes qu os deel ago. Haya agar bien bueno cma del unto donde se aes es peces stant pido. ‘Son: Sounds bee ll ke tine! Let get om eary start on Saturday, then, ‘and se fe can’ bat the others out cnt the lake, There’ one really good ‘spot near the point that gis fished out prety quick are: Ett bien conmigo, Qo als entones re resoges las cinco de ‘a mana? Nos podemo: paar adsuyunt Je ening en In boepederia Loe Pinos. Rather: Fine wit me. How abou picking me wp at 5o‘elock then? We can ‘Sop for breakfast onthe way up af the ld Pine re Inn ‘Ho: Perfect, Hs mejor que me vaya ahora. Se ests haciendo tarde y quero que Teresa et de buen humor cuando le diga sre niet viaje de pce. jAdemds, ese jrgo parce que no vale In pena velo de todss maners! ‘Saluda a msm de mi pe, amento no haber visto. Te veo el sade. Son: Perfect I'd beter get om home now It's geting late and I want Trt tobe ina good mood when Ul her about our fhing tip, Besides, the fame lots lite tient worth watching anyway! Sa hello to Bam for me— sory I missed her See you on Sara. 1-) WN ad Since Dialogue 3 The Ocean Cruse cD Av Trach 8-10 Part 1 William nd his wt, Janice, are planning a vacation the next sun- sre They wat wake a crue and are eusiering where when 29 fd which eis neo ak. Gullermo: Mira estos fotos. Les recog en una ageaca de vines ete ‘ln ofsing, Poderosescoger ence vaciosvijesfantsticos. ‘Wiliams Take a look at these folders. 1 got the from the travel agency across from my afice. We can chose fom some great rps. Yadira: Déjame ver! Ay, hombre, iy esog! mi favorito! Janice: Ler re? Oh bay — I've already picked my favorite! Guillermo: é5 slo el primero, debo ade, ef mas caro. Mita os ‘ato. Deben estar mt de acerdo eon ase prespucio, ‘Willa: Thar’ juste fst one ~ avd the mot expensive, might odd Laok tthe others. Ths should be more i Tne with our Budget Yedira: St, pro cuando irfamos? Si vamos en verano hace mache clory ‘en primavera uve demasiado, Janice: Yes, bur when would we g0? If we gots sumer i too hot ad in “pring there ito mcrae. Gullermo: Bueno, al vex podamos een orf, Bs realnene hermoso 9 bastante mis beso ‘Wiltam: Welk maybe we could goin umn. really prety then — and ite abit cheaper Yedira: Est bien, srt em oto. Fer, gy qué azerea de ni mam? Recoeria que ela viene a visas en cea, Senizes Okay cnt it, But what about my mother? Remember she's ‘coming ovatus Octaber Guillermo: Bueno, tal vez la poefsmos Nevar con nosotros. La pasaria muy bien! ‘Willams Well... maybe we could ae her with ws. She'd havea al? 5 ‘dla: Amar, abl en seo? {De vers? Peo esol va hacer aa ns ‘ear todavia. Amenos ue... ella pot pagar por su propio bale, SeBur0 ‘que ela o har Janice: Hone, you mean i? Really? Bu thats gong 0 mabe it even more “apie, Ut maybe te woud a for er om ee Ofer she Gullermo: Tremendo, por qué nota lamas mafana? Podemos decide « nde i desputs de que ables con Witla: Great why don you phone her tomorrow? We can decide on where ogo after yu ak wither ‘Yaar: Est ten Mama va estar tn emocionaa! Qué buena ides! Janice: Okay. Mom wil be so excited! Wha a nice ea! Guitermo: 0, yo Is eago de vez en cuando, Wiliam: Oh, i get them occasionally. 1 pe } Dialogue 4: Going Shopping CD 1: Tracks 1-13 Part 1: Two ladies ar planting a shopping tip ito towe the following Sanday. They are speaking onthe telephone and both ae busy cook ioe foc thei fis, Mirai ola, Siva? Mri: Hi Sia? Siva: 8 ‘Sylvia Yes? ial; Esta cs Minin. ¢Cémo te ba do? ‘Mire: Tis is Mirelle. How's going? Siva: ;Somamente bien 18 {Teodoro repress ya eu vine? Splvia: Just great! Youre? Ted ge back from hi trip? ‘Mirada: Os, Teodor ya egress, Yo estoy bien, pera el leg tare en a noche y de malhumor, Brot welos en avin sempre lo imcomoden. TS sabes, demasiada coma de restaurantes. Ahora mismo le eoy prepara do cena fave, Mire: Oh yes, Ted back I'm fn, but he got late at might i a ad ‘mood. Those plane rips abways ger to Mim. Too much eating ut in rest ‘ran. you know, I'm cooking his favorite dinner fr hi righ nov. 6 ‘Siva: (Home! St, yo ame es juste gual ‘Sybla:Boy! Do I kw Jini st the same. Mira: De todos motos, estaba pensando aver its qusersirdecom- ‘ras mavidetas este viernes? ‘Mitelle: Anyway, Fas wondering you wanted wo doa inte Christmas ‘shopping on Friday? Silvia: No, el vires de seguro no pedo. Fl vemes voy a leva 8 mi manda docto, lego a visar asus amige. Qu ale bad? ‘Splias No, Friday i out for aur. I'm ating my eather tothe doctor on Friday and then over tose her fends. How about Satrday? ‘Miraid: Sempre et ta eno lssfbados. Hueso — espera un segundo que el agua ests hirveado y se desborda — est bien, yaesoy de vost Seyuro, el shado es bien, pero no hata despots de almuer0. Los nos ‘van air una obadefeatoy tego que rcogedosdspuss ‘Mirele: 1's alwaye so crowded on Saturday. Well — Jus second, my ater is Baling over? — Okay, Fm back Sure, Saturday wl be oka, but ‘ov afer luck, The lds are going ta ply end then Pt have 0 pick ‘hem wp Silvia: Est bien Js ene que heer un mild de ensas en Ia mason, {QUE ta ste rsojo ala una y media? Peo tenemos qu estar de rereso a Is cuatro — acabo de recordar que hay pictica de baloney me toa ami secoger as nis, jst bien? Shida: Thar okay Jim's go milion things to doin the morning. How ‘abou my picking ou up at 1:30? Bat wl have ob back by 4:00 — just, renenberedfociball practice and i's my tur withthe carpool, okay? Mirada: 0, est bie, Peden simplemente mit por un par dé hors. {sts segura que no quires que yo rane? ‘Mireles Ob that fine. I just look around fora couple of ours Sure * yon don't want mei drive? ‘Slvi:;De ninguna manera! jNo conto en Sta manejs no estremos de vuelta asa lassi. ;Nos eros, me tengo qu ie ahora! Mis pane Josse estén quemando! ‘Sylva: No way! 1 don rast you! Ifyou driving we won get back anit ‘600. See you~ I've got to ran! My biscuits re burning! Dialogue I: Dining Out cD ie Tracks 1446 ‘Pat 2 Bland Jenny, having ecde to die at the pizza pace, ave a the uing lot entrance. They ae going o pak and get a abe. Gullermo: ZEsis segura que éste ese lugar? Parse demasiado Iujoo para una plazaia.:¥ ddnde vamos a extacionarne? Bt gar est ele! il You sre ast th place? Seems Rnd of fancy for a pice place. And were re we going to park? The place i jammed “Janta: Ahise va alguien. Ah, aladeesha Répid, estilo antes de ‘ue venga ot cao! “ennte: There's someone going ou over there. Over there, around tothe ‘ight Quick! Grab before thar other car all in Gullermo: ;Shuuu!Ynosoos que queramos evita los tpones!Ojalé no ‘engamos que esperar mucho. Quiero ira casa a ver el paige de bial. sua noche hay un dbl jepo {Bll Whew! And we were syng 1 avold rai ant! T hope theres not ‘going tobe dong walt. want to get back fo watch the bal game, I's @ oublesheadertoight. Joana: En sei, necesitaos dos elevisores, Esta nace dan una plieu- Tague goieo ver. Tal vez vaya con Barbara a verlaa su casa. Le dieos a ‘Tomis que venga a ver el partido contigo. Jennie: We relly need oy welevsion se. Theres a move on tonight ve been tying to see. Maybe I car go next dor 1 Barbara’ and wack ‘We sond Tom overt wath he ball gone with you. GGtermo:;¥ que etme todas it cerveras! De ninguns manera. Mejor yo voy su casa y me tome sus cervezs [Bs And have him drink all my beer! No way. I'l go to their house and dei his beer Toanta: Haz Io que quieras, pero yo no quiero dejr de ver In pelicula. Ya ‘Van dos veces que me a per. ennie: Suit yours, 1st dn want miss hs show Ive sedi etce ‘already Guilerme: Oh, no! Mia que cols hay adeatrot Bil: Ok ma, look athe line Inside! Juanita: Exta noche etd odo a mitad de precio, robablementees por 60. [Bs su especial pr inauguecsn, Jennie: Dissers are half price tonight. Thats probably why. Its their ‘rand opening special. Gutter: A mite de precio! jHabeco dicho anes! ‘Bil: Hal price! Well thar’ el you needed to sey! Dialogue 2: The Fahing rip CD te Tracks 17.19 art 2: The father and son have arved athe lake early Saturday morning, ‘They se geting tel fishing tackle and supplies out of the van anata the boat nthe Sater io: {Bueno paps, qué se nos cv esta vex? ‘Son: Well, Da, what did we forgets tne? Padres (Ni mensioes esa plaba! La dhima vex fue un desaste ata vex hice una Usa, ast que not preocupes, Lo tenemos todo, Father Dor’ even mention that word! Las time i was a dsaster. 1 made ‘als his time £0 domY worry. We've gor ial Hijo: Yo no me avevata a aposiar Si6 no olvidste nada te apuesto aque 40 De todas formas es un bonito diay yo crc que hemos llegado antes ‘equeel lag slenara dessin. Deje, dame sacar ess helader afters {No quereros qe td dees car las cervezas! Son: wouldnt bet on tt If you didnt forget someshing I bet 1 “Anyway, i's beau day and Tink that we gt here before the ake gor too crowded. Here, let me if hat cooler out. Woaldn¥ wan! you dropping the beer! adres ;Yo a 10 elo que ns va mantener dra ia Voy arevis- alas cosas es la lancha.ASepiae de sacar y uae mi sombrero que est eel siento dea fente. De ota forma mi vieja cabeza cava se via que ‘mar de seguro. Father: How that's what’ going to get us though tke day check out ‘he sti he boa. Be sure and bring my ha out ofthe frat seat My old bald head i going to bur for sure otherwise. Hijo: Est ben. .Quiéres tus gfe oscras taba? El sol va. a estar bien {tengo ald afecra. Yo creo que vey allevar mi wae de bal, Una pequet ‘ambulia despots dl almoerao se sentria may bien. ‘Son: Okay. Do ou want your dark glass to? L's ging tobe relly bight Cnt there. Thi bring my trun. Alle dip efter lanch would really fel ood, Padre: Est bien, per es jor qu agas tu bronceador contig. De otra, ‘manera te vasa quemar complet, ‘Father: Okay, bu you'd better bring your sunscren with you. You'll be burt 0a rsp oxbernis. Hijo: {Dénde est :T4 tise um poo? ‘Son: Where i? Did you bring some? 9 Padre: Ay homie, ya empezamos. Sin broceador para un df a so. Nitan ‘Squier peas ;Yo espero que nos nos hayanovidao ls emparcdade! Father: Oh boy here we o alread. No sesceen fora dayin he un. Inver eter hough about tT hope that we da forget he sandviches! “Hijo: {0 los enzsetos,o la gsoina, oe balso para os pescaos 01 que sea que se nos olvid6 la Sma ver! Deberamos hacer na sta masta ‘isa de todo y revisula ante den an sqaeraevbimos a is exmionea pan sale ‘Son: Or he fh hook, or gasoline or fish bag or whatever we forgot ast time? We should makeup a standard maser ist of everything ond check it ‘or before we even gti the van leave Padre: cx una bens en. jAhor espermos qe podemospescar suf ‘ents pescaoes como para necesiar tn Boso! Vamos a moveros.1Y& ‘edo seatr exos poses mardiendo ara! Father: Tha’ a good idea. Now le’ hope that we caich enough fish 10 ‘need bog! Let's Shove off. ca jus fel hase ok bting now? "yor jB50 mismo! Vamos a empezae Un dear a que yo sco el primer pescado. ‘Son: You gorit Ler’ get going. A buck says that I get the first fish ‘Padre: [No me guia quit ta dinero hij, pero éa vale! ‘Father hae 10 take Jour mone son, but You're on! Dialogue 3: The Ocean Cruise CD 1: Tracks 20.22 Part 2 W's October, and Janice, Wiliam and Jane's mother ae heading dove othe por to board the sip for thelr crise vacation, ‘Madre: :T4 cres que tenemos too lo que vamos necesita? Yo nunca he ‘exado en un erusero ants. Yo en realidad nos he escogid la ropa mis spropriada. ‘Mother: Do you thnk we have everthing wet need? I've never been ona ‘nase sip before, I dont realy know i've made the vgh choices on my clothes. ‘Yadira Note preocupes mamd. Estas son vacaciones, de todas manera yo ‘ray segura de qb denen suflcesizsendas a bord al como en los puer- {os donde parenos en cas de que hays lvdado alg. anlce: Don tworry Mother This isa vacation Anyway I'm sure they have Dleny of shops on Board as well asin the ports we sop ain eae you for- ‘got anything. 0 Guitermo: (Con tds as malta que evans en este caro mds vale que tengamos todo To que necesito! Yo espero que el barca no se buna cuando lo shordemo Willams Woh ar many sulleases as we have inthis car we beter have ‘everthing We ned! I hope the ship doesnY sink when we board! Yadira: 0, Guillermo, t siimprepensas que yo empaco de mist Janice: Ob, Wiliam you aways think J pack 10 rach CGutlermo: No es que t empaques de mis, cai, e slo quer no das nad ars Willa no that you pack oo much dear ust that you dn’ eave anything behind! ‘Yodira: Bueno sos que me gus estar prepada par cualquier cose. enlee: Well as ike wo be prepared for anything Madre Ios oles ‘Mother: Oh. look, there's our ship! Is foots so much larger than inthe troche mira, ah esé nuestro barcot Se ve mucho mds grande que en Yadira: ;Vaya, no slo es un hotel ote, es un centro vacacions owe! Jenlees Wo imo fut a lating hotel, «floating resort! ‘Madre Esto va serum emocionns;No puso esperar subir bordo! Mather: This i going ro be such un can wat get onboard! GGoallermos Ahora, Yasir, sca los boletosy ls dicecones para poder sabia bora Willa: Now, Janie, get out the sickets and the directions so we can ge on boar. ‘Yar: (0, dade os puse? Hen. Déjame pensar, estaba tan preocupada on cero todo y hacer las ispeclones de ima hora alrededor dela ‘exsa que #0 puedo recordar, bm. denice: Ok where did | ps them? Ham. Let me think — 1 was so worried ‘about locking everthing up and making he last mate checks eround the howe Lean’ quite remember — hr. Gullermo: Yad, piensa! Wits Tank Janice! ‘Yea: Ab aga si! aguante. para que estvirn ala aso! Janie: Aly here they are! Inthe glove compariment ~ s0 thes would be ‘handy? “Maire: , por Dis, Yara! jNos asustaste! ‘Mother: Oh gornes, Janie! You gave ws such sare! Yadira: No se preocupen, todo et agut.¥ parece que no iigimos re to hacia el lugar de exist. Yes all Guillem, jasto adelante? Janie: Nor 10 wor. eveyting’s here. And if ToksHke we're heading "ial 0 our check plac, se hee, Wiliam, just ahead? Gaitlermos;Seguro que i Albis slads del mar. Esto vaaserest- endo! Wildn: Sure do? AM, the salty ean ar This is going tobe great! Dialogue 4: Going Shopping, CD 1: Tracks 23.25 Part 2: I's now Satrlay sero and Sylva has come by to pick up ‘Mirlleto got the mall odo sme Chestmas shopping. ‘Sivi: Hota Mirsids, ets tit? ‘Sylva: Hi Mire, ead ogo? “Miraida: Ya cas, dame enconrar mi lista. La puse en un gar seguro lejos de paquets oes curiososy aora no la puedo encootra! Mire: Aros, let me js find my lt. prin sae place away from curious ite eyes and now Fea ind it Silvin: Bueno, wats de recordar lo que estabas haciendo In ima vex que Shia: Welly 1 ak about what you were doing the las ime you were aking noes, ‘Miraida: Hira, creo queen la cocina. 40, aquest en mi ibro de cocina feta dee degen nse stacy ia, Mee Hn inthe chen ink Ok ere ny oor cotbook =o chance fr anyone ele 10 lookin there! I'm ready noe les go! ‘Stivia: Bueoo, es mejc que vayamos de camino, Eacontrar estacionaien- to, enum sfbado en le tare cn est paca dela, va ser una pesadla. Srlves Great. We really need 1 be on or way: Parking wll be anighmare ‘on a Saturday afternoon a this tne of yar 2 rad: Desputs de todo, estoy content de qu tl naejs. Yo simplemente ‘no tenga mucha soene encarta elonamieno en eos cers comer: ‘aes tn concurs. Tod esa gente de compra arinsndo sn mumbo tata do decors donde ve exaionren —me dire ‘Mirelte: Im gad you're desing after alm att no ver ack finding ‘a god parking place at hese eroded shopping mall Al kote shoppers vandering ard tying to remember where they parked — it 0 di racing ‘Stvia: Sco tenemos gue ser pacientes. Con toda esa gene de compas andy saliendo todo el da, lo mis seguro encontraremos un ben lit. Shlies Welt just have be paint. ith shoppers coming and goin all ‘dy, a god spo will probably open op “Miraida: Bueno, ag estamos. :¥tanbign todos los dem! ‘Melle: Wel here we are, And wi everyone ese! Siva: Es bien, w mir de se lado y yo busco deste. Con dos pres de jos encontaemes un gar Spla: Oey. you tok on ha side and I'l keep check on thi de, Wh moses of eer wel finda place. Mirada: {0, mira para all! Justo en la entrada! (Répido, Siva, ala (Ob, tok at that! Righ bythe entrance. Quick, Sybi, on the ‘Stvia: Buen tbs, Mid! Viste que iil foe eso. sto sta para com ‘rar poco shor Syria: Good work Mirile! See how easy that wat I'm ready fora ite hopping now. ‘Mirada: Yo tambifn Vamos! Mirelle: Me wo. Let's go! Dialogue t: Dining Out CD 1: Tracks 26.28 ‘Pat 3 Bland Jenny have asved atthe restaurant an are now seated at ‘ube discussing the mens and the service, Juana: Este es un mena bien impreslonante. Yo noo que son la itd de estas conn, pero apuesto que todas engordsn “Tennis Toat's prety impresive mere. {dont know what haf ofthese ‘ings ee, bu 1 bet they're al faring. Guillermo: Lo ms seguro, Tones de ques en todo. jhe tao ‘ea paca quella lev ll Exo sfclente para nosotros dos. Me pre- uate si nonoros podremsdivdimas una. El ques no est supvesto & star en mi cit Dil: Probably Tons of cheese on eventing. Look atthe sizeof ha pio {he brought over there! Thats enough for both of ws. 1 wonder if we can Split one? Cheese in suppored to be on my det. Juanita: Buen, yo te conozco. Te puesto & que te I comes completa Tambien comes poste. Prosi qilaresdividr una, esta bien conmigo. Me paesen ego cara de todas mane, Jennie: Wel, How you, bet youl ath whole hing and have dessert too. Bu if you want to split ne, thats ine wth me, They seem kind of expensive anya. Gullermo: Yo, per hoy extn a medio precio, sf que noes ta ma ‘Me gustaria que una de ess meseras pasta por aq, vamos estar aqut toda ia noche Qué erica temble. Toda no tienen su acto en ond, [Bl Poy ut hey’ ath pric tonights nat to ta. I wish one those waireses would come around, were going tobe hee al! nigh. Terbe sevice. They don have ter at together ye. Juanita: Eso et verdad, Ninos han tid agus ocubienos, Ni tan siquera fewvlaas, Por que no vas habla con el gree, al vez el pueda con feuir qu algun pase por agu.'Y también nos seuron en la soci de fuer! Mira hacia I, todos estan frando. 7M vale que Is comida tea buena! “Tennles That's for sure, They basen ese bro sliver or water Not even ‘aplins, Why don you go check with he manager abe econ get someone to come over here, And ey purus is he mong sein too! Lok right over there they're all snaking he fod bener be good! GGuilermo: Mejor que buena. Nitan squlera veo al gerete Lo ms eg300| debe esta en In gosia tratando de atelar este eared. ¢Mira, por que Inejor no nos vam de aqul? Nos podemos comer Ia sopa que prepare para miuanayentonces mafia panos en elu por su berbacoay baile eos vieres en I che. Dil Better than good. I dant ven see the manager. He' probably out in ‘the chem eying get hls mess staighiened out. Hey, why don' we get 4 ‘aut of here? Me could hove that soup you were cooking for tamorrow and then tomer we cou stop atthe cub for tr Friday night barbebeue tnd dance. Juanita: Yo creo que ines razon. Esto es imgesibe! Venonos Sennles I ik you're right Ths impossible! Lets go. Dialogue 2: The Fishing Trip cp 2 Traeks 13 ‘Part 3: Out on the ake, the eater and the fishing ore great. As Dud ads soter fs othe day's ete Padre: jAyay! No es may aren que quedemos tan cansados po os muchos pees gue han merdido!;Qué da més been! Father: When! It's not tbo ofl we get worn out from so many isk bt What grea dey ‘jo: Eso dig yo, wuslmente ene lgo est leno de botesapiads como serinas en nt sn embargo hoy ex] wenerose lugar para nosotros solos, ‘Son: Pil say — hs Take usualy fled with boat jammed together tke ardins incon, yet fo. almost have the place ourzelves dre: Yo creo qv tenga que omar un desanso para un poset almusr- to, Me ba dspetad un apetito vor. aier: Iti Ince tae a red or alle arch, Ive worked ap quite ‘an appetite. Hijo: Tenes run, tl un emparedado? Son: You're right how about a sandwich? ‘Pare: Si, una been cervera fy deseansr un poco. Hmm, iparee que los empartdados no estaban bien empacaes! Father: Yeh & ance cool beer and ist est aD! — Una, ook ke the “andwiches were packed 0 ell! os :Tenen algo malo? ‘Son: Whar’ wrong with chen? acre: jArghh, el hile se deri y se Mlb dentro del envase de los emparedados! Father: Ah the ice melted and eked inthe sandwich coniiner LHJot Oh, ino me digas eso! Estoy habiento como un oxo) Vamos a er 1 podemos encontrar ua par gue slo estén an poco rojas nada ms Sons Oh don tha! 'm hungry axa bear! Ler see we can fad a cow ple tha are ont slighty soe 5 dire: Yo no voy pei que un poeo de agua en mi emparedado are Jn un da excelente. Agu tenes! Falher: nino ging tet le waer in my sandwich ral a wonder dy. Here yo go! jo: Gries. Sone Thanks Padre: Hl lina est perestosledad y clio, pero no may clos, ‘Father: This weather’ perfect — sunny and warm, bat not 00 hot ijor St, yo sf. No pulimos haber pedido un dla mejor, slo un mejor almoerza, ‘Son: Yeh know, We could have ordered wp a Beer day — just beter lunch dre Yo he probadoerparedadospeoms..yen las en qu los pects no cataban an sguier monendo. Father: Ive tasted wore sandwiches — and on days when the lsh weren) ven biting ‘jo ten realidad no me puedo queer, yacasi estamos en miesto limite ‘Son: Ye, I realy cant complain — we're almost at our lint now. ‘Padre: jY hemos pescado algunos robles de buen tamafo! Father: And we've caught some nic-sized bas! ‘Hijo: Yo of. Apents puedo esperar a pesar los mos, ‘Son: Iw. can hardly alto welgh mie in Pde: /Esto est emperando a sonar come una de est “historias de pesca” ‘oe nadie cree! Pathe: Tiss begining 10 sound lke one of howe “fh stories" no one eleva! Dialogue 3: Tae Ocean Crue D2: Tracks +6 Part 3: Willa, Janice andJaice'sooter are of on tei cruise Janice’ rater i excited and bappy tobe along. This i ber fist erie, bu being ‘very outgoing, she's having a wondecfl ine. Madre: O, Yair tno vasa creer 1o que pass esta tarde. ‘Mother Ok anic, you wor elev what happened this aeraon. ‘Yair: Qué pass? ‘Mare: Bueno, ono esta encanidora pareja que juega alas caasy me fnvilaron a rounimme con ellos despats de contexts noche par jogs tn se. ‘Mother: Well. met this lovely coupe who pla bridge and they've invited ‘met Join them ora game afer dnner ths evening. ‘adlra: Marui, rami st ben ,Quién va sel unto jugador? Janice: Wonder, mums. Tha’ realy grea. Who’ going tbe he fourth? Mate: {£1 cuano? Bueno, 10 sabes, yo solamente lo conoef por un ‘momento, per ellos djron que es muy buen jugador. “Mother Th four? Wel you know. jus met Ri fora momen, but they Said thar he's avery good bridge player ‘Yadlra: Y de seguo, viejo y feo. Janice: And, of course, and wy. “Madre: Yair’ Els un hombre mayor my ama ‘Mather: Janice! He's a very nce, elderygenteman Gallo: ;Mrm, ar me suena a romance de cruseo! Witam: Bm, sounds ikea chipboard romance mel ‘Madre: in serio, Guillermo! Td eres peor que Yatin. {Que quieres que hg que me la pase seta en una sila sabre eubiera tropa Bajo una ‘man jgande sobre cubierta doe da? ‘Mother: Really Willan! You'e worse thas Janice, Wha do you want me to do? Li around in my deck chair with a blanket over me or play sul Doard al day? Yadira: No, mai, seguro que m0 anlce: No, mura of courte not “Madre: Usedes dos bn estado ntundoyUendoa mont tbas de vela cerca ‘elas nas too el emp Y por vista pasndola uy ben. ‘Mother: You ovo have been swimming and going of windsurfing near the ‘sands al of he ine? And having a wonderful time i eer. Guilerma: Eso ex de seguro! ‘Witam: We sre are! “Madre: Bueno yo yan0 esto coma para eas cosas, pero neces ago de

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