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Flu Vaccination & Its Marketing Paradigm -

Dr. Brownstein, Carolyn Dean MD ND, and Dr. Sircus
February 5, 2018 - Flu Vaccine Fails 99% in New Cochrane Review -
"For over 20 years, I have been writing and lecturing about how the flu
vaccine fails nearly all who get it. I have written about the failure of the
flu vaccine in past blog posts and in my newsletter, Dr. Brownstein’s
Natural Way to Health.
Cochrane is a global independent network of researchers in more than
130 countries who strive to produce credible, accessible health
information that is free from commercial sponsorship and other
conflicts of (interest). They do not take Big Pharma money. Therefore,
their studies deserve attention when they are released.
On February 1, 2018, the Cochrane group released its latest findings
on the flu vaccine. [i] The scientists studied randomized, controlled
trials comparing the flu vaccine with placebo or no intervention. They
included 52 clinical trials of over 80,000 people assessing the safety
and effectiveness of flu vaccines in healthy adults. The studies were
conducted between 1969 and 2009.
The authors found that flu vaccines probably reduced influenzas in
healthy adults from 2.3% without vaccination to 0.9% with.

That means that the difference between the vaccinated and the
unvaccinated is 1.4% or 0.014. Therefore, 71 people would need to be
treated with the flu vaccine to prevent one case (1/1.4%). In other
words, the flu vaccine did nothing for 70 out of 71 who received it.
That means this study found the flu vaccine failed 99% (71/72).
There was more bad news for the flu vaccine in this study. The flu
vaccine is touted as decreasing the risk of hospitalizations from the
flu. I’m not sure how that happens since the vaccine has never been
shown to be very effective against preventing the flu. In this study they
found the risk of hospitalization in those that received the flu vaccine
declined from 14.7% to 14.1%. That is a 0.6% decline. That means
the flu vaccine fails over 99% (165/166) in preventing hospitalizations.

Furthermore, the independent researchers found the flu vaccine

“...may lead to little or no small reduction in days off work.” To make
matter worse, the flu vaccine was shown to cause an increase in fever
from 1.5% to 2.3%. Oy vey.
Why would anyone get a flu vaccine when it fails 99% who receive it?
Why would any physician prescribe a therapy, which is associated
with serious adverse effects, that fails 99% who receive it?
Why are health care workers forced to receive a flu vaccine when it is
consistently shown to fail nearly 99% who get them? And, there is not
a single well-done study showing that vaccinating health care workers
with the flu vaccine protects against the spread of flu.
Folks, the flu vaccine is a disaster. I can understand why President
Trump does not get the flu shot. I cannot understand why anyone
would allow themselves to be injected with a failed flu vaccine."

[i] Cochrane Database Syst. Rev. 2018. Feb. 1,2:CD001269[2]
I have never gotten a flu shot and I don't get the flu. Instead I induce a
sweat a couple times a week (presently with a hot bath).


March 26, 2018 - "The Failure of the Flu Vaccine" By: Carolyn Dean
"How To Build A Better Flu Vaccine[4] is the title of an article on one of
the many news sites on the Internet. My answer is – please don’t
bother. In my blog Flu Vaccines Don’t Work[5] I reported that the
effectiveness of the flu vaccine was somewhere between 4-6%! In
fact, every year the flu vaccine turns out to be less and less effective.
Insanity is defined as doing the same thing over and over and
expecting the outcome to change. How many decades have drug
company scientists tried to perfect the flu vaccine and failed every

On top of the vaccine not working, we’re also given false information.
If you Google '2017- 2018 flu season' you are hit with scary headlines
that tell you to be very afraid of the flu, to get vaccinated, and to take
antiviral medications. The fear instilled by the media who think they
are 'warning the public' is enough to make you sick because they have
no real solutions!
Other headlines claim that this season’s flu shots are less effective
than usual. I’ve found reports claiming anywhere from 17-36%
effectiveness, which is an impossibly wide margin. I think the
effectiveness is likely only 4-6% as I mentioned earlier. After all, I don’t
think all the people that get the flu have blood tests to determine which
strain it is. I don’t think they are interviewed to see if they already had
the flu shot. Are they differentiating viral flu infection from bacterial
lung infection, which can be more deadly. Also, the elderly and the
very young are going to be more susceptible to complications and
some may die. But it’s quite impossible to say that the flu vaccine
could have prevented those deaths.
Of course, my thoughts about preventing the flu turn to boosting the
structure and function of your body, including your immune system.
Instead of repeating all that information here, you can read my blog
Cold & Flu Strategies[6] to see what I recommend from my Future
Health Now Encyclopedia[7].
Carolyn Dean MD ND
The Doctor of the Future® -

November 9, 2015 -
Comment at Dr. Brownstein's Blog:

I think this is possibly the best article on this subject matter to date, Dr.

Taking the CDC’s own statement and analyzing it line by line is an

excellent example of critical thinking and the right use of mental

forces! Now if only every American could do the same kind of thinking
(what a concept)! The power of reasoning plus access to the right data
can make a difference. Thank you for sharing both these “gifts” with

May 31, 2017 -
Using Bicarbonate Against the Swine Flu[1] -

June 22, 2018 -
"Flu season is now officially over but here’s something that will affect
hospital workers in the fall. In Nov 2017 I wrote that 'Flu Vaccines
Don’t Work'[8] but in spite of them not being able to prevent the flu
'More Hospitals Requiring Influenza Vaccine for Workers.'[9] Let that
sink in for a while and then follow the lack of logic in allopathetic
medicine, which claims it practices science-based medicine.
The science behind flu vaccines not working is presented in my Nov
2017 blog. They can’t work because 'the method of culturing influenza
viruses inactivates them' and the author of that study admits that 'flu
vaccine propaganda is largely false, describing how the goal of flu
shot immunization has still not been achieved.' ..."

February 12, 2018 - "The mandate to overthrow mainstream news" by
Jon Rappoport: "Pick just one global issue—vaccination."[3]



overthrow-mainstream- news/
vaccine [5]


mpID=1648822&faf=1 -
vaccines, flu vaccine, vaccinations, flu vaccinations, flu vaccine
neurological complications, Vaccines that sicken, vaccinations that
sicken, Vaccines that weaken, vaccinations that weaken, Bicarbonate,
Failure of the Flu Vaccine, Flu Vaccines Don’t Work, flu shot, Cold &
Flu Strategies, flu vaccine safety, flu vaccine effectiveness, Flu
season, Influenza Vaccine

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