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S olved P aper

A IIM S - 2 0 1 1 *
[ J
Time : 3V£ Hours Max, Marks : 2 0 0

(a) jK, (b) \ v m
1. W hat is the d im ensions of m agnetic field B in
term s of C (= coulomb)/ M, L, T?
(a) [M 'L ’T ^ C ] (b) [ M W - 'C - 1] , <d > ^
(c) [M 1LqT “2£ ] (d) [ M ^ o j- ’C]
8. W h ich o f th e fo llo w in g e q u a tio n d oes n o t
2. W hat is the m echanical equ ivalent of spring represent a SH M ?
constan t k in LC oscillatin g circuit? (a) cosa)f +sintof (b) sintof - cos (Of
(c) 1 - sin 2 cof (d) sintof + cos((0f + a )
(a ) f *ȣ 9. In sim p le h a rm o n ic m o tio n , loss o f k in e tic
energy is p roportional to
c Ic (a) e x (b) .v3
3. W hat is the m om ent of inertia for a solid sphere (c) log.r (d) .*2
w.r.t. a tangent touching to its surface?
10. E m issive and absorptive pow er o f a m aterial
(a) |M R2 (b) I MR'1 at 2000 K is 8 and 10 respectively, calcu late the
o em issivity of IBB (Ideal b lack body)
(a) 0.2 (b) 0.4
(c) | M R2 (d) | M R 2
(c) 0.6 (d) 0.8
4. W ater is flow in g w ith v elocity 4 m s" 1 in a 11. Energy stored in betw een the plates o f p arallel
cylin d er of diam eter 8 cm, it is connected to a plate capacitor of area A, sep arated by d istance
pipe w ith it end tip of diam eter 2 cm, calculate d is
the velocity of w ater at this free end.
(a) 4 m s -1 (b) 8 m s" 1
(a) ■~EQE2Ad (b)
(c) 32 m s- ' (d) 64 m s_1

5. A cylind rical w ire is tw isted with an angle 0, 1 d 1 4d

w hat is torsion produced in it? (d ) 2 e £2
(C) eot
<•>£ (b) CO M agnetic energy per unit volum e is represented
(0 (d) CG3/2 B2 B2
(a) 2n0 <b> 2(*o
6. Given, co = 2 k and r ~ 2 : + 2 j . Find the linear
2B 2 B2
(c) IT (d) *7
(a) 4 ,> 4 j (b) 4 i > 4 jt
13. M utual inductance M betw een tw o con cen tric
(c) —4 1-4-4 j - 4i- 4j coils o f radii 1 m and 2 m is
If m axim um speed of a particle in SHM is given HO* V a*
by V„„ w hat is its average speed?
(a) (b)

+ Based on memory, Contributed by ; Allan Caraar Institute, Kota (Rajaslhan)

Solved P a p e r - 2011

22. A far sighted person has his near point 50 cm,

<c) (d) find the pow er of lens he should use to see at
8 10
25 cm, clearly.
14. In an interference, the intensity of two interfering (a) + 1 D (b) + 2 D
wnves are / and 4/ respectively. T hey produce (c) - 2 D (d )-lD
intensity at two points A and B with phase angle
23. For a nuclear reactor to run in critical condition
of n/2 and n respectively. T hen d ifferen ce in
the reproduction factor k should be
betw een them is
(a) =1 (b) >1
(a) I (b) 21 (c) <1 (d) »> 1
(c) 4/ (d) 51
24. W hich of the follow ing su b stan ces m ag n etic
15. In a sin gle slit d iffraction w ith X = 500 nm and susceptibility Xru is negative?
a lens of d iam eter 0.1 m m then w idth of central (a) D iam agn etic (b) P aram agnetic
m axim a, obtain on screen at a distance of 1 m (c) F errom agnetic (d) AH of these
w ill be
25. W h en o r ie n ta tio n o f d ip o le s p a r a lle l an d
(a) 5 m m (b) 1 mm
a n tip a ra lle l to m a g n e tic field is d istrib u ted
(c) 10 m m (d) 2.5 mm
unequally, then the m aterial is
16. V oltage of m odulating w ave of 5 V with 10 MHz (a) param agnetic (b) ferrom ag netic
freq u ency w as superim posed on carrier wave (c) ferrim ag netic (d) an tiferro m ag n etic
of frequency 20 M H z and voltage 20 V then the
26. S 32 a b so rb s e n e rg y and d e ca y s in to w h ich
m odu lation index is elem en t after tw o a -em issio n s?
(a) 0.25 (b) 1.25 (a) Carbon (b) A lu m inium
(c) 2.43 (d) 64.0 (c) O xygen (d) M agnesiu m
17. T h e area covered by a tran sm itting antenna of 27. Lenz law is consistent w ith con servation of
h eigh t 50 m is (a) energy (b) m ass
(a) 320rc km 2 (b) 1440 km 2 (c) charge (d) m om entum
(c) 640rc km 2 (d) 120ir km 2
28. In s e rie s LC R c irc u it, th e p h a se d iffe re n c e
18. If we assum e k in etic energy of a proton is equal betw een applied voltage and cu rrent is
to energy of the photon, the ratio of de Broglie (a) positive w hen X^. > X q
w avelength of proton to photon is proportional (b) positive w hen X c > X f_
to (c) 90° (d) 0°
(a) E (b) E" 1' 2 29. D irection o f electric field in P-N ju n ction diode
(c) E 1/2 (d) E3/2 is
19. The ratio of the m asses o f the elem ents having (a) from P -sid e to N -side
(b) from N *side to P-side
th eir n u clear rad ii 2 ferm i and 1 ferm i is
(c) random ly oriented
(a) 8 (b) 2
(d) electric field does not exist
(c) 3 (d) 4
30. W hat is your observation w hen tw o sou rces are
20. A proton travels few distance in an electric field,
em ittin g sou nd w ith freq u en cy 499 H z and
then it enters a crossed m agnetic field o f 1 T
501 Hz?
and rad iu s 0 .2 m, find the velocity o f proton,
(a) Frequency o f 500 H z is heard w ith ch ange
(a) 0.2 x 108 m s" 1 (b) 0.2 x 107 m s-1 in intensity take place tw ice.
(c) 0.2 x 106 m s" 1 (d) 2 x 107 m s-1 (b) Frequency o f 500 H z is heard w ith change
21. Two lens of focal lengths - 2 0 cm and +10 cm in intensity take place once.
(c) F re q u e n cy of 2 H z is heard w ith ch ang e
are put in com bination, find the pow er o f the
in intensity take place once.
com bination.
(d) Frequency of 2 Hz is heard w ith change in
(a) - 1 D (b) - 2 D
in ten sity take p lace tw ice.
(c) +5 D (d )+ 2 D
31 . A 0.2 kg object at rest is subjected to a force (a) Balm er series (b) Lym an series
(c) Paschen series (d) B rackett series
,(0.3/ -0.4/ ) N. W hat is the velocity after 6 s?
40. Pressure head in Bernou lli's equ ation is
(a) ( 9 / - 1 2 /) (b) (8 ? -1 6 > )
(c) ( 1 2 ? - 9/) (d) (1 6 / -8 / ) (a) - £ (b) P
8 PS
32. If m an w ere standing unsym m etrically between (c ) Pg (d) P pg
parallel cliffs, claps his hands and starts hearing
D irectio n s : In the fo llo w in g q u e stio n s (41-60), a
a series of echoes at intervals of 1 s. If speed of
statem ent o f assertion (A) is fo llow ed by a statem en t
sound in air is 340 m s _I, the d istance betw een
o f reason (R ). M ark the correct choice as :
tw o cliffs w ould be
(a) If both assertion and reason are true and reason
(a) 340 m (b) 510 m
is the correct exp lan ation o f a ssertio n .
(c) 170 m (d) 680 m
(b) I f both assertion and reason are true b u t reason
33. H alf life of a rad ioactive m aterial is 5 years, is not the correct exp lan ation o f a ssertio n .
then the percentage of it rem ained after 25 years (c) I f assertion is true b u t reason is false.
w ill be (d) I f b oth assertio n and reason are fa lse.
(a) 3.125% (b) 6.25% 41. A ssertio n : T ransverse sound w ave does not
(c) 1.25% (d) 25% occurs in gases.
34. For an ad iabatic process R e a so n : G a se s ca n n o t s u s ta in s h e a rin g
(a) AS = 0 (b) A ii = 0 strain .
(c) Q = 0 ; (d) W = 0 42. A ssertio n : W h en w h ite lig h t fa ll on th e
35. F o r c y c lic p ro c e s s w h ich o f th e fo llo w in g co m p a ct d isc, m u ltico lo u rs are
seen after reflection.
qu antity is zero?
R easo n : CD d isc behaves like a prism .
(a) AV (b ) A ii
(c) W (d) AQ 43. A ssertio n : T o ta l e n e r g y is c o n s e rv e d in
m oving a satellite to h ig h er orbit.
36. M agnetic field at a d istance a from long current
R e a so n : Sum of change in PH and KE is
carry in g w ire is proportional to
sam e in m agnitu de and op posite
1 1 in nature.
(a) - (b) - T
44. A ssertion : KE is conserved at every instant
1 1
(c )
fa (d) ,3/2
of (elastic) collision.
R easo n : No d eform ation o f m atter occu rs
37. W hen a positively charged particle enters into in elastic collision.
a uniform m agnetic field w ith uniform velocity, 45. A ssertio n : C P is alw ays g rea ter than C v in
its trajectory can be gases.
(i) a straig h t lin e (ii) a circle R easo n : Work done at constant p ressure is
(iii) a helix m ore than at constant volum e.
(a) (i) only (b) (i) or (ii)
46. A ssertion : D uring rapid pum ping o f air in
(c) (i) or (iii)
tyres, air insid e the tyre is hotter
(d) any one of (i), (ii) and (iii)
than atm osp heric air.
38. A m ong the follow ing w hich is used to control R easo n : A d iabatic process occurs at very
the rate o f reaction in nu clear fission reactions? high rate.
(a) W ater (b) H eavy water
47. A ssertio n : For nuclear reactor, it is d esirable
(c) C adm ium (d) G raph ite
to have k - 1 .
39 . T h e s e r ie s c o r r e s p o n d in g to m in im u m R easo n : Sustained chain reaction occur at
w avelength tran sition in H -atom this critical condition.
Solved P a p e r - 2011

48. A ssertio n : G a u ss 's la w c a n 't be u sed to R easo n : M agnetic monopole does not exist.
c a lc u la te e le c tric fie ld n e a r an
59. A ssertion : M agnification of a convex m irror
electric dipole.
is alw ays positive, but that of a
R easo n : E le c tr ic d ip o le d o n 't h a v e
c o n c a v e m irro r m ay b e b o th
sym m etrical charge distribution.
positive or negative.
49. A sse rtio n : P hotodiode and photovoltaic cell R easo n : It depends on the sign convention
are based on the sam e principle. chosen.
R easo n : B o th u se s a m e m e th o d of
60. A ssertio n : M agnetic force betw een tw o short
op eration s to work.
m agnets, w hen they are co-axial
50. A ssertio n : Transistor can be used as a sw itch. fo llo w s in v e rs e s q u a re law of
R e aso n : Both linear and non-linear voltage distance.
b ias d ep end ance occurs in it. R easo n : The m agnetic forces betw een two
poles do not follow inverse square
51. A ssertio n : W h en a w h ite lig h t is p a ssed law of distance.
through a lens, violet light is more
refracted than red light. CHEMISTRY
R easo n : Focal length for red light is greater
61. T he com pound w hich does not exist as hyd rate
than violet.
52. A sse rtio n : M icroscope m agnifies the im age. (a) ferrous sulphate (b) copper sulphate
R easo n : A ngular m agnification for im age (c) m agnesium sulphate
is m ore than object in m icroscope. (d) sodium chloride

53. A sse rtio n : M ass defect in nuclear reactions 62. Iodine oxid ises sodium boroh ydrid e to give
is less than 1% (a) B2H 6 (b) sodium hyd ride
R easo n : In n u c le a r re a c tio n , ch a n g e in (c) HI (d) I3-
BE/N is generally less than 1%.
63. The w rong statem ent about fu lleren e is
54. A sse rtio n : It is very easy to d etect neutrino (a) it has 5-m em bered carbon ring
in nature. (b) it has 6-m em bered carbon ring
R easo n : It has high affinity to interact with (c) it has sp2 hybrid ization
m atter. (d) it h a s 5 -m e m b e re d rin g s m o re th a n
6 -m em bered rings
55. A sse rtio n : In th e tr a n s m is s io n o f lon g
distance radio signals, short wave 64. The w avelength of light absorbed is h ig h est in
band is used. (a) [C o(N H 3)5C1]j * (b) [C o (N H 3)s H j O ]3‘
R e a so n : In shorter wavelength, attenuation (c) [Co(N H 3)6]3* (d) [C o(en)3]3+
is very less.
65. PC13 on hyd rolysis gives fum es of
56. A ssertio n : T here is a physical significan ce of (a) H3P 0 3 + HC1 (b) H3PO 4 + HC1
m atter waves. (c) H3P 0 2 and H3P 0 3 (d) H 3P 0 2 + HC1
R easo n : Both interference and d iffraction
66. In solid ice, oxygen atom is surrounded
occurs in it.
(a) tetrahedrally by 4 hydrogen atom s
57. A ssertio n : It is d esirable to slow dow n fast (b) octahed rally by 2 oxygen and 4 hyd rogen
m o v in g n e u tr o n s to s u s ta in atom s
controlled chain reactions. (c) tetrahedrally by 2 hydrogen and 2 oxygen
R e a so n : Slow m oving neutrons efficiently atoms
collid es w ith U23S. (d) octahed rally by 6 hydrogen atom s

58. A ssertio n : M agnetic field lines are continuous 67. Predict the product of reaction of I2 w ith H20 2
and closed. in basic m edium .
(a) I~ (b) I20 3 78. W hich of the follow ing is not a ch aracteristic
(c) IOj* (d) I3- of equilibrium ?
(a) Rate is equal in both d irections.
68. First com pound of Xe synthesized was
(b) M e a s u ra b le q u a n titie s a re c o n s ta n t at
(a) [XeF]+ [XePtFs]- (b) [X e 0 2]
equilibrium .
(c) X e[PtF6] (d) 0 2[XeF6]
(c) Equilibrium occurs in reversible con d ition.
69. W hich of the follow ing is diam agnetic ? (d) Equilibrium occurs only in open vessel at
(a) [Cu(NH3)4]2t (b) [NiC!4]2- constant tem perature.
(c) [PtCl4]2- . (d) [Cu(H 20 ) 4]2+
79. W hich of the following is w rong for Bohr model?
70. W hich o f the follow ing is not hygroscopic? (a) It establishes stability of atom.
(a) CsCl (b) M gCI2 (b) It is inconsistent with Heisenberg uncertainty
(c) C aC l2 (d) UC1 principle.
71. D ecreasing order o f bond angle is (c) It explains the concept of sp ectral lines for
(n) BeCl2 > NOz > S 0 2 (b) BeCl2 > S 0 2 > N 02 hydrogen like species.
(c) SO2 > BeCI2 > N 0 2 (d) S0 2 > N0 2> BeCl2 (d) Electrons behave as particle and w ave.

72. The enthalpy of formation of C 0 2^ , N20 ^ ) 80. In the van d er W aats equation, V signifies
and N 20 4^) is -1 1 0 , -3 9 3 , +811 and 10 kj/mol (a) interm olecular attraction
respectively. For the reaction, (b) intram olecular attraction
N20 4^j + 3CO^jj —> N20 ^ + 3 C 0 2(j). AHr (kj/mol) (c) attraction betw een m olecules and w all of
is container
(a) -2 1 2 (b) +212 (d) volum e of m olecules
(c) +48 (d) - 4 8
81. For ad iabatic process, w hich is correct?
73. W h en K M n 0 4 r e a c ts w ith K B r in a lk a lin e (a) AT = 0 (b) AS = 0
medium gives brom ate ion. Then oxidation state .(c ) q= 0 (d) qp = 0
of Mn changes from +7 to
82. 25 mL, 0.2 M C a(G H )2 is neutralised by 10 mL
(a) +6 (b) +4
of 1 M HCl. Then pH of resulting solution is
(c) +3 (d) +2
(a) 1.37 (b) 9
74. How m uch am ount of C u S 0 4-5H20 is required (c) 12 (d) 7
for liberation of 2.54 g of 12 w hen titrated with
83. Schottky defect is
(a) 2.5 g (b) 4.99 g (a) vacancy of ions
(c) 2.4 g (d) 1.2 g (b) delocalization of ions
(c) interstitial vacancy o f ions
75. W h ic h o f th e fo llo w in g is in c o rre c t for (d) vacancy of only cations
(a) R eversible 84. W hich m aterial is used as a neutron m oderator?
(b) Increases w ith increase in tem perature. (a) G raph ite - (b) Cadm ium
(c) Low heat of adsorption. (c) Boron (d) U ranium
(d) Increases w ith increase in surface area.
85. W hich o f the follow ing is not a therm odynam ic
76. Sm allest w avelength occurs for function?
(a) Lym an series (b) B alm er series (a) Internal energy (b) W ork d one
(c) Paschen series (d) B rackett series (c) Enthalpy (d) Entropy

77. Ksp of C a S 0 4-5H20 is 9 * 10*-6, find the volum e 86. W hich of the follow ing is intensive property?
for 1 g of C a S 0 4 (M .w t. = 136). (a) Enthalpy (b) Entropy
(a) 2.45 litre (b) 5.1 litre (c) Specific heat (d) Volum e
(c) 4.52 litre (d) 3.2 litre
Solved P a p e r - 2 0 1 1

87, For a first order gas phase rea ctio n - (c) I-C H 2CH 2-I , c 6h 5c h 2- i , CH 3C H 2-O H
4(s) 2B (s> + c (s) (d) H O -CH 2CH2-O H , CftH5CH2-I, CH3CH2-O H
PQbe initial pressure of A and Pt the total pressure
94. Best m ethod to form arom atic iodide is
at tirrie 't'. Integrated rate equation is
(a) A r N j+ H I — > (b) RN H 2 + I2 — >
(a ) log (c) ArN 2 + KI — > (d) ArN 2 + PI3 —>
t PQ P(
2 P„ 95. M axim um decarboxylation occurs in
(b) log (a) CH 3 CO O H (b) Q H 5 C O O H
/ 3 P0 - P ,
(c) Q H 5CH2COOH (d). CH 3 C O C H 2 CO O H
(c ) log 96. The correct increasing order of reactivity for the
t 2P0 r P t
fo llo w in g m o le c u le s to w a rd s e le c tr o p h ilic
2.303 2 Pr, arom atic substitution is
(d) log
*P o -P t

88 . D ecreasing order of nucleophilicity is

(a) OH~ > N H 2 > CH 30 _ > R N H , Cl
(b) N H 2 > OH- > CH 30 _ > R N H , N 02
0) . (ii) (HI) (IV)
(c) N H 2 > CH30 ' > O H " > RN H 2
(a) I < IV < II < III (b) I < IV < III < II
(d) CH 30 " > NH2 > O H - > RN H 2 (c) I < III < II < IV (d) I < III < IV < II
89. F in d th e n u m b e r o f s te re o is o m e r s of NH NH, OH
1, 2-d ihydroxy cyclopentane.
(a) 1 (b) 2
(c)3 (d) 4

90. F in d th e h y d ro ly s is p ro d u c t w h en a OCH3 CH3 Cl

p hosp hod iester bond of nucleotide breaks. (i) (id m (iv)
(a) 3 -O H -d eo x y rib o se-5 -P 0 43_ T he correct decreasing order of pKj, is
(b) 5 -O H -d eo x y rib o se-3 -P 0 43~ (a) I > II > III > IV (b) III > IV > II > I
(c) 2 -O H -d eo x y rib o se-2 -P 0 43~ (c) II > III > IV > 1 (d) IV > II > I > III
(d) 4 -O H -d eo x y rib o se-2 -P 0 43-
98. The correct decreasing order of pK„ is
91. Find the hyd rolysis product of m altose.
(a) a-D -g lu co se + a-D -glu cose
(b) a-D -g lu co se + a-D -fru ctose
(c) a-D -g lu co se + a-D -g alactose
(d) a-D -fru ctose + a-D -g alactose
92. Isoprene is (III) (IV)
(1) <H)
(a) 3 -m eth y l-l,2 -b u ta d ien e
(b) 2 -m eth y l-l,3-b u tad ien e (a) II > IV > 1 > III (b) IV > II > III > I
(c) 3-ch Io ro-l,2-b u tad ien e (c) III > II > IV > I (d) IV > I > II > III
(d) 2 -ch loro-l,3-b u tad ien e 99. S N2 reaction readily occurs in
93 . Find the product for (a) CH3CH 2 - O - C H ,
c h 3c h 2~ o - c h 2- c h 2- o - c h 2- c 6h 5 + HI CH ,
I '
(b) CH3 - C - O - C H 3
(a) H O -CH 2CH2OH, C 6H5CH2-I, CH3CH2-I
(b) Q H sC H s-O H , CH 3CH 2- I , I-C H 2CH 2-O H CH,
(c) c h 2= c h - c h 2 - o - c h 3 R easo n Cl2 is an oxid ising agent.
(d) Ph - C H 2 - O - CH 2 - CH3
110. A ssertion Entropy is alw ays constant for a
100. T h e n u m b e r o f a - an d 7t-bonds p re sen t in closed system .
p en t-4 -en e -l-v n e is R eason Closed system is always reversible.
(a) 10, 3 (b) 4, 9
111. A ssertion Two different reactions can never
(c) 3, 10 (d) 9, 4
have sam e rate o f reaction.
D irectio n s : In th e fo llo w in g q u estio n s (101-120), a R easo n Rate of reaction alw ays depends
statem ent o f assertion (A) is follow ed by a statem ent only on frequency of collision and
o f reason (R ). M ark the correct choice as : A rrhenius factor.
(a) I f both assertion and reason are true and reason
112. A ssertion The formal oxidation no. of sulphur
is the correct exp lan ation o f assertion
in Na2S .j0 6 is 2.5.
(b) If bo th assertion and reason are true b u t reason
R eason Two S-atoms are not directly linked
is not the correct exp lan ation o f assertion
with O -atom s.
(c) I f assertio n is true b u t reason is false
(d) I f b o th assertio n and reason are false. 113. A ssertion A non volatile solute is m ixed in
a solution then elevation in boiling
101. A ssertio n : H 2S is less acidic than H2Te.
point and d epression in freezing
R easo n : Te has larger radius than S.
point both are 2 K.
102. A sse rtio n : R3P = :0 exists but R3N = 0 does not R easo n E le v a tio n in b o ilin g p o in t and
exist. depression in freezing point both
R easo n : P is m ore electronegative than N, depend on m elting point of non­
103. A ssertio n : AgCl is m ore soluble in N H 3 than volatile solute.
in water. 114. A ssertion Rate of reaction of alkyl halid e in
R ea so n : Ammonia is more polar than water. W illiam son’s synthesis reaction is
104. A ssertio n : BCC and HCP has som e packing 1 °RX > 2°R X > 3
efficiency. R easo n It is a ty p e o f b im o le c u la r
R e a so n : Both have sam e num ber of atoms substitution reaction (SN2).
per u n it ce ll and sa m e 115. A ssertion D eh y d ratio n of alcoh ols alw ays
arrangem ent. takes place in basic m edium .
105. A ssertio n : R e d u ctio n p o te n tia l o f Mn (+3 R eason OH- is a better leaving group.
to +2) is m ore positive than Fe (+3 116. A ssertion Toluene in presen ce of UV rays
to +2 ),
form s benzald ehyd e.
R easo n : Ionisation potential of Mn is m ore
R easo n D ichlorotoluene is form ed as an
than that o f Fe.
interm ediate.
106. A sse rtio n : Helium is used in diving apparatus.
R e a so n : Solubility of helium is less in blood. I 3
117. A ssertion CH 3 - C - CH 2 - Br + NaOH —>
107. A sse rtio n : A re a c tio n is s p o n ta n e o u s if
£«u = +ve.
R ea so n : For £ ce]1 = +ve, AG is alw ays -v e . I 3
CH 3 - C - C H 2 - C H 3
108. A sse rtio n : S u lp h u r is oxid ised by H 20 2 in
presence of Fe (III). OH
R eason : Fe (III) oxidises sulphur to sulphate. R easo n It follow s w ith form ation of m ore
stable carbocation. j
109. Assertion : C h lorin e undergoes dispropor-
tionation re a c tio n in a lk a lin e 118. A ssertion j3- pleated sheet structure of protein
show s m axim um extension.
m edium .
Solved P a p e r - 2011

R e a so n Interm olecular hydrogen bonding (c) colour com bination

is present in them. (d) rough skin

119. A ssertion Fructose is a reducing sugar. 126. W hat is the ch aracteristic of tapetum ?
R easo n It has a ketonic group. (a) It does not store food
(b) It is m u lti-nu cleated
120. A ssertion p -N itro p h e n o l g iv e s m ore (c) It is m u lti-layered stru cture
electrophilic substituted compound (d) It nou rishes the m egaspore
than w -m ethoxyphenol.
R easo n M e th o x y g ro u p sh o w s o n ly 127. In vehicles, cataly tic converters are used
negative /-effect. (a) to increase m ileage of vehicles
(b) to convert C 0 2 into carbonates
BIOLOGY (c) to increase the efficiency of lead m ixed
1 2 1 . W hat is the sou rce of E c o R I? (d) to convert CO to C 0 2.
(a) E scherich ia coii R I
128. C ell theory was proposed by
(b) E scherichia coli R I 13
(a) a botanist
(c) E scherichia coli R Y 13
(b) a zoologist
(d) E scherichia coli R X 13
(c) a botan ist and a zoologist
122. First clinical gene therapy was given in 1992 (d) a psychologist
to a 4 years old girl for
129. Id entify the given fig u res A, B, C, D and H.
(a) ad en in e deficien cy
(b) grow th deficien cy
(c) ad en osine d eam in ase deficien cy
(d) ad en osin e deficien cy

123. Bacteria, fungi, lower plants survive in adverse

con d ition s by
(a) d iapau se (b) suspend ed grow th
(c) m igration
(d) form ation o f thick w alled spores

124. W hat are labelled ph ases A, B and C in given

sigm oid al g row th curve?

A B C (a) M arginal A xile Free Parietal Basal
(a) Stationary Log Lag central
(b) Lag Stationary Log (b) M arginal P arietal Free A xile Basal
(c) Log Lag Stationary central
(d) Lag Log Stationary (c) M arginal A xile Parietal Free B asal
125. M o n a rch b u tte rfly e sc a p e s fro m p re d a to rs (d) M arg in al A xile P arietal Basal Free
by central
(a) fo u l sm ell (b) b itter taste
130. Given figure show s (d) tran sp ort m olecules along con centration
gradient of cell wall.
133. In a 50 gm living tissue, w hat w ould be the
Complementary am ount of w ater?
cells (a) 15 - 25 gm (b) 25 - 30 gm
(c) 35 - 45 gm (d) 70 - 90 gm
Cork cambium
134. PS-II occurs only in
(a) strom a (b) g ran al thylakoid s
(c) strom al lam ella (d) m atrix
cortex 135. After glycolysis, fate of glucose in m itochondrial
m atrix is
(a) structure of lenticel (a) oxid ation (b) reduction
(b) h y d a th o d e s h o w in g g a s e o u s v a p o u r (c) oxid ative d ecarboxylation
exchange (d) hyd rolysis
(c) fungus reproducing by spore formation 136. C leistogam y is lead ing ov er an th esis b ecau se
(d) algae reproducing by spore formation. (a) pollination agent is not requ ired
(b) it assures h eterozygosity
131. In the given d iagram A and B represent
(c) it favours insect pollination
(d) it allow s xenogam y.
Atm ospheric N 2
137. W hich of the follow ing statem en ts is co rrect?
1 i n (a) Photorespiration is useful process.
U in lo gicn l In d u s tria l hlectricnl a (b) C , plants are m ore efficient than C 3 plants.
N-> fixation N ? fixation N i fixation
(c) C 3 plants are m ore efficient than C.t plants.
* ' ' (d) Photorespiration is absent in C 3 plants but
N H 3— ► NO2*— ► NO3 present in C4 plants.
S oil ’N ’ Pool
138. W hich of the follow ing statem en ts is incorrect
f reg ard in g ferm entation ?
B Uptake
(a) P ropionibacterium is used to ferm en t the
I I cheese.
D e c a y in g biom nss
(b) The puffed-up appearance of dough is due
to the production of C 0 2 gas.
(c) Ferm entation in m uscle produces ethanol.
(d) Toddy is m ade by ferm entin g sap from
(a) M in eralisation D em in eralisation 139. W hich o f the follow ing statem ents is correct ?
(b) A m m onification D en itrification (a) A sp erg illu s n ig er is used for p ro d u cin g
(c) D en itrificatio n A m m onification cyclosporin A.
(d) D en itrification M in eralisation (b) A ctivated slu d g e is d igested by aerob ic
bacteria to produce m arsh gas.
132. In active tran sp ort, carrier proteins are used, (c) Fleming, Chain & Florey were awarded with
w h ich use energy in the form of ATP, to Nobel Prize for discovering penicillin.
(a) transport m olecules against concentration (d) BOD is am ount of oxygen produced by
g rad ient of cell wall. bacteria on decom position.
(b) tran sp ort m olecules along concentration
. grad ient of cell m em brane. 140. W hich o f the follow ing elem ents is p resen t in
(c) transport m olecules against concentration very less qu antity in the body ?
gradient of cell m em brane. (a) K (b) Ca
(c) M g (d) Cu
S olved P a p e r - 2011

141. W h ich o f th e fo llo w in g is b e st m eth o d of (d) T e m p la te w ith p o la r ity 5 ' —» 3 ' h a s

germ p lasm conservation ? continuous DNA replication.

(ci) herbariu m (b) botanical garden
147. W hich of the follow ing statem en ts is correct ?
(c) seed bank (d) zoological park
1. Common cold - Droplet Infection.
142. W hich one o f the follow ing op tions is a correct 2. Typhoid - Contam inated food & water.
m atch of ph enom enon and its explanation ? 3. AID S - Shaking hands.
(a) Reverse Transcription PCR - Many copies 4. Ringworm - Using infected towels.
of a DNA sequence. (a) 1 and 2 (b) 3 and 4
(b) C entral dogma - RNA -> DNA -> Protein (c) 1 and 3 (d) 1,2 and 4
148. W hich o f the follow ing statem ents is correct ?
(c) RNA silencing - Use of ds-RN A to stop the
(a) L io n and le o p a rd sh o w c o n v e r g e n t
expression of ss-RN A.
(d) Transcription - Process of formation of RNA
(b) C r y p tic c a m o u fla g e is s e e n in B isto n
& proteins.
be tularin.
143. W hich of the follow ing is not a ch aracteristic (c) N a tu ra l s e le c tio n is r e s p o n s ib le fo r
of m eiosis? extinction of dinosaurs.
(a) It involves two stages of DNA replication (d) Homo habilis and Homo ercctus are closely
one before m eiosis-I and another before related.
m eiosis-II
149. Tendon and lig am en t are exam p le of
(b) It involves recom bination and crossing over
(a) d ense regular conn ective tissue
(c) Sister chromatids separate during anaphase*!!
(b) dense irreg u lar connective tissu e
(d) N u c le a r m e m b ra n e d isa p p e a rs d u rin g
(c) loose conn ective tissue
(d) specialised connective tissue
144. W hich of the follow ing is correct ?
150. K ingdom A nim alia is ch aracterised by
(a) H e n k in g d is c o v e re d th e sm a ll Y-
(a) direct dependence on autotrophs
chrom osom e
(b) indirect dependence on autotrophs
(b) D r o s o p h ila a lso sh o w s X X -X Y sex
(c) absence of chlorophyll
determ ination like human
(d) absence of cell wall.
(c) Birds have ZZ-ZW sex determination, w here
fem ales are ZZ & m ales are ZW 151. If m edulla oblongata is d estroyed then w hich
(d) G r a s s h o p p e r s sh o w X X -X Y sex o f the follow ing fu nctions w ill be effected ?
determ ination. (a) No therm oregulation
(b) No vision
145. W hich statem ent is correct regarding m osses ? (c) No mem ory
(a) T h ey hav e d o m in a n t and in d ep en d en t (d) No response w hen pricked w ith needle
(b) T h e ir a n th e ro z o id s r e q u ir e w a te r for 152. W hich of the follow ing statem en ts is correct?
fertilization. (a) Monkey, apes and hum ans exhibit estrous
(c) Their archegonia produce m any eggs, cycle.
(d) Their antherozoids are m ultiflagellated. (b) Urine is pale yellow and slightly alkaline.
(c) Lots of enzym es are present in bile juice.
146. W hich of the follow ing statem ents is correct ? (d) O vulation in hum ans is spontaneous.
(a) C atalytic converter can separate particulate
m a tte r of d ia m e te r less th an 153. W hich of the fo llo w in g e v id e n ce s d o es not
2.5 m icrom eters. favour the L am arckian concept of in h eritan ce
(b) Histones are acidic in nature that forms core of acquired characters?
for DNA packaging. (a) absence o f limbs in snakes
(b) m elanization in peppered moth
(c) Lactobacillus is not present in dough used in
(c) presence of webbed toes in aquatic birds
idli form ation.
(d) lack of pigm ent in cave-dw elling anim als
' 1
154. W hich of the follow ing is a correct m atch? 160. Skeletal m uscles appear striated due to presence
(a) Frog - External ears of two characteristic proteins in alternating dark
(b) Earthw orm - M uscular gizzard, typhlosole. and light bands. W hich of the follow ing is a
(c) H um an - Fat globule, 10 pairs of cranial c o rre ct m atch o f th e p ro te in w ith its lig h t
nerves. refractive property and colour?
(d) Cockroach - Chilopoda Protein C olour Property
155. W hich of the following is an incorrect statement? (a) Myosin Light A nisotropic
(b) Actin Dark A nisotropic
(a) B lood g rou p 'O ' p erson have A and B
antigens on RBCs. (c) Myosin Dark Isotropic
(b) E o s in o p h ils r e s is t in fe c tio n s and a re (d) Actin Light Isotropic
associated with allergic infection. D irections : In the fo llo w in g q u estio n s (161-180), a
(c) RBC's contain carbonic anhydrase. statem ent o f assertion (A) is fo llow ed b y a statem en t
(d) T w a v e o f n o rm a l E C G r e p r e s e n t of o f reason (R). M ark the correct choice as :
depolarization of ventricle. (a) I f both assertion and reason are true and reason
156. W hich one of the follow ing is correct regarding is the correct exp lan ation o f assertio n
the excretion ? <b) I f both assertion and reason are true b u t reason
(a) Large am ount of water from renal filtrate is is not the correct exp lan ation o f assertion
reabsorbed in D C T and a less am ount is (c) I f assertion is true b u t reason is false
reabsorbed by PCT <d) I f b oth assertion and reason are fa lse.
(b) The descending limb of loop of Henle is 161. Assertion : Enzymes lower down the activation
com pletely im perm eable to salts. energy of the reactant m olecule to
(c) M alpighian corpuscle is found in medulla m ake its tran sition into produ ct
region of kidney. easier.
(d) The colour of urine is pale yellow and is Reason : E n z y m e s a re h ig h ly s u b s tr a te
slightly alkaline in nature. specific catalysts.
157. In a ssiste d re p ro d u ctiv e te ch n o lo g y w h ere 162. A ssertion : Water that enters into a plant cell
gam etes have b een fertilized in vitro, w h ich of through diffusion m akes it turgid.
th e fo llo w in g is p r a c tic a b le fo r e m b ry o R eason : Entry of water into the cell through
tran sp lan tation in Fallop ian tu be? diffusion develops wall pressure
(a) only em bryo up to 8 blastom eres if zygote inside the cell.
is not transplanted.
(b) only zygote is transplanted not embryo 163. Assertion : M o v e m e n t o f m a te r ia ls in s id e
(c) either em bryo or zygote with 8 blastom ere phloem is bidirectional i.e. it can be
phase transplanted. both upwards or downwards.
(d) m o ru lla w ith 8 -2 4 c e lle d s ta g e is Reason : M o v e m e n t oT m o le c u le s in sid e
transplanted in Fallopian tube. xylem is unidirectional i.e. always
158. W hich of the follow ing featu res can be said to
be a true defining feature of living beings without 164. Assertion : Protons or hydrogen ions produced
any exception ? by photolysis of water accumulate
(a) they can digest their food. in the lum en of thylakoids.
(b) all of them can reproduce. Reason : Photolysis of water takes place in
(c) they can regenerate. inner m em brane of thylakoid.
(d) they can respond to external stim uli 165. Assertion : P la n t g ro w th as a w h o le is
159. T he op ening betw een the rig h t atrium and the indefinite.
rig h t v entricle is guarded by the valve nam ed Reason : P la n ts re ta in th e c a p a c ity of
(a) bicu sp id valve (b) tricuspid valve co n tin u o u s g ro w th th ro u g h o u t
(c) m itral valve (d) sem ilu n ar valve their life.
Solved P a p e r - 2011

166. A ssertion : Am ount of organic biodegradable 174. Assertion : Glycerides are im portant nutrients
co m p o u n d s p re sen t in w ater is for body.
measured by the BOD of that water. Reason : G ly cerid es are h y d ro ly sed into
R eason : D u rin g b io d e g ra d a tio n of glycerol and fatty acids w hich are
biodegradable organic compounds, further absorbed in intestine by the
oxygen is released by bacteria. formation of chylomicron.

167. A ssertion : In angiosperms, transport of food 175. A ssertion : Blood in cockroach is colou rless
and w ater is m ore efficient than haem olym ph with no respiratory
gym nosperm s and pteridophytes. pigment.
R eason : In a n g io s p e rm s lo n g itu d in a lly Reason : R e sp ira tio n in cock roach occu rs
a rra n g e d s ie v e e le m e n ts an d through diffusion in haem olym ph.
vessels with perforated end walls
176. A ssertion : Blood g ro u p 'O 'h av e an ti-A & an ti-
are present.
B antibodies.
168. A ssertion : In some species of asteraceae and R eason : It does not have any antigens.
poaceae seeds are formed without
177. A ssertion : S .A . n o d e in d u c e s e x c ita to r y
impulses in heart.
R eason : F o rm a tio n o f fru it w ith o u t
R eason : S.A. node is self excitatory.
fertilization is called parthenocarpy.
178. Assertion : O rgan of Corti rests on tectorial
169. A ssertion : A lg a l b lo o m s a re fo rm ed in
nutrient-less water.
R eason : Algal blooms in water turn it unfit Reason : It helps to maintain equilibrium of
for hum an consumption, but cause body.
enormous growth of fish.
179. A ssertion : C o rp u s lu teu m is p ro d u ced by
170. A ssertion : A m a n g ro v e tre e g ro w in g in G raafian follicle after ovulation.
marshy place has pneumatophores. R eason : It s e c r e te s e stro g e n w h ic h is
R eason : P n eu m a to p h o res h elp in b etter necessary to m aintain pregnancy.
anchorage to marshy soil.
180. Assertion : Sp o rozoites o f m a la ria l p a ra site
171. A ssertion : A geneticist crossed two plants, he enter in the hum an body due to
g o t 50% ta ll and 50% d w a rf b itin g o f fre s h ly b o rn fe m a le
progenies. Anopheles mosquito, w hose mother
R eason : It follows M endelian law as one of was a carrier of m alarial parasite.
th e p a re n t p la n t m ig h t b e R eason : M ale and fem ale gam etocytes of
heterozygous. m alarial parasites are formed in the
hum an intestine.
172. Assertion : N o w -a -d a y s a m n io ce n te sis is
R easo n : A m n io c e n te s is g iv e s th e
inform ation of any abnormality in 181. W hich river derives its nam e from Sanskrit word
th e fo e tu s an d m an y o th e r "Lavanavari"?
complications regarding pregnancy (a) Luni (b) Kosi
can be detected. (c) Sabarm ati (d) Kaveri

173. Assertion : A gene from Bacillus thuringiensis is 182. W hich river's nam e m eans "co ntaining reed ”?
incorporated in plant genom e to (a) Gangad (b) Betwa
increase their yield. (c) N arm ada (d) Luni
R easo n : Bacillus thuringiensis has Bt toxin 183. First Ind ian w om an g ran d m aster in chess is
prod u cing gene, w hich k ills the (a) Saheli D har
larva of insects. (b) B h ag y ash ree T hip se
(c) V ijaylakshm i Pandit (a) Dr. R ad hakrishn an
(d) A m rit Knur (b) R. G opalachari
(c) Sard ar Patel
184. Two letters printed on first postal stam p of India
(d) Dr. Bhim Rao A m bed kar
(a) Jai hind (b) Jai kisan 193. W ith w h ich of th e fo llo w in g r e lig io n s ,
(c) Jai b h arat (d) V ande m atram "K aram ap p a” is related ?
(a) Jain ism (b) Buddhism
185. W h ich o f th e fo llo w in g is ca lle d 'F lo a tin g
(c) H induism (d) C h ristin ism
san ctu ary of In d ia'?
(a) K eibul Lam jao (b) M anas 194. W hich of the follow ing authors is not born in
(c) K aziran g a (d) B haratpu r Ind ia?
(a) Rudyard K ipling (b) Ruskin Bond
186. "Ind ia w ins freed om ” this book w as w ritten by
(c) G orge O rw ell (d) V.S, N aipal
(a) Jaw ah ar Lai N ehru(b) M au lana Azad
(c) S ard ar Patel (d) Rajendra -Prasad 195. W hich of the follow ing actress won the b est
actress award 3 tim es co n secu tiv ely ?
187. W hich fru it is often called ’’love apple" ?
(a) R ekha (b) Jaya B achchan
(a) P ineap p le (b) O range
(c) Sm ita Patil (d) Shabana A zm i
(c) Tom ato (d) Papaya
196. W hich w om an w on the Sahitya Kala A cadem y
188. W h ic h c o u n try w as firs t to a d o p t fa m ily
award first tim e?
planning p ro g ram m e?
(a) Arnrita Pritam (b) Sarojini N aidu
(a) India (b) China
(c) K am la M ehta (d) G eeta Das
(c) USA (d) Indonesia
197. To w hich gharana " Kishori A m onkar "’ belongs
189. A fter w hom the atom ic energy program m e is
to ?
com m issioned in India?
(a) K irana (b) Jaip u r-A ttriv i
(a) S.N . Bose (b) C.V, R am an
(c) Lucknow (d) G w alior
(c) H .G. K hurana (d) H.J. Bhabha
198. W ho is th e a u th o r o f th e b ook "S id d h a n t
190. A fter the death of w hich prim e m inister did
Sh irom an i"?
G uljarilal Nanda joined as acting PM for second
(a) B haskaracharya - II
tim e?
(b) B h askaracharya * I
(a) Indira G andhi
(c) A ryabhatt (d) R am anu jan
(b) Jaw ah ar Lai N ehru
(c) Lai B ah ad u r Shastri 199. W h ich o f th e fo llo w in g h a s in tro d u c e d
(d) C h aran Singh tran scend en tal m ed itation ?
(a) R ajneesh O sho
191. W hom did Jaw ah ar Lai N ehru called father of
(b) Sw am i C hinm iyanand
In d ian revo lu tio n ?
(c) V ivekanand
(a) Bal G ang ad har T ilak
(d) M aharishi M ahesh Yogi
(b) V ipin C h andra Pal
(c) D hondo K eshave Karve 200. W hich of the follow ing an im al’s body secretion
(d) M au lana A bdul K alam A zad is oily red, com m only know n as "Sw eat blood"?
(a) R hinoceros (b) H ippopotam us
192. A m ong these, who had been the last governor
(c) Cow (d) T ig er
general of In d ia?

(b) : The average velocity in sim p le harm onic

m otion is given by

1. (b) : B = lM LT ~ - = [ m l ° t _2a _1] —V

qv [A T J [L T ' n 1,1
But [/4] = [C T "1] 8. ( c ) : (a) (coso)f + simof) is a period ic fu nction. It
IB] = can also be -written as
2. ( b ) : The mechanical equivalent of spring constant , V2
= —7=r sin (of + — cos (of
1 V2 V2
in LC oscillatin g circuit is, k =
sin (of -f s in —cos u>/
= n/2 ^cos^-si
______________________Tangent 4
(b>: / 'i \ \
= V2 sin^(ci \/2 sin| a)f + ~ + 2 k

= V2 sii (0

This represent a sim ple harm onic function w ith

The m om ent of inertia for a solid sphere along
its d iam eter is period ~ and ph ase - j.
(b) simof - costof is a period ic function. It can
d ia m e te r “ 5 MR2
be w ritten as
M om ent of inertia about a tangent touching to
n . %
its surface, = 7 2 sin cof cos -7 - cos (Of sin —
4 4
^Inngenl “ ^clianu‘!cr **" MR
(u s in g th e o re m o f p a ra lle l axes) 71
co J 4
= ~ M R 2 + MR2 = ~ M R 2 This represent a sim ple harm onic fu nction w ith
5 0

4. (d) : H ere, v-^ = 4 m s~}, ^4^ = Jirj = 16k x 10-4 m 2 period ■ '
A 2 ~ n r 2 = n x 10”1 m 2
(c) f{/) = 1 ~ sin 2 cof
U sing, A\Vl ~ A 2v 2
T his is a non period ic function.
A ,vx 16 t i x 10“4 x 4 „ _s (d) F(t) = sintof + cos((of + a )
v - ----------------- .-----= 64 m s
^2 n x 10 also represent a sim ple harm onic function.
V elocity of w ater at free end, v2 = 64 m s" 1 9. ( d ) : In sim ple harm onic m otion, loss of k in etic
5. (b) : Th e torsion produced in w ire is directly energy is proportional to the square of am plitude
of oscillation.
p roportional to the tw ist
i.e., loss of kin etic energy « ,v2
i.e, t « 0
or t = CO, w h e re C is re s to rin g co u p le p er u n it 10. (d) : The ratio of em issive pow er to absorptive
tw ist. pow er is the sam e for all su rfaces at the sam e
tem perature and is equal to the em issivity for
6. (c) : H ere, m ~ 2 k a perfectly black body at that tem peratu re.
r = 2 1+ 2 ; i’
i.e., e
Linear velocity, v = to x r a
Here, e = 8, a ~ 10
= 2 k x (2 i+ 2 j)
e = - = ~ = 0.8
- - 4 i+ 4 j a 10
11 . ( a ) : E nergy stored in capacitor of capacitance C 19. (a) : H ere = 2 fm, R2 ~ 1 fm
1 9 The radius o f nu cleus is, R oc A 1/3
w ith voltage V is, U - —CV
but C = ^ - , V ~ E d A, h i H ?r-
w h ere A is the area of capacitor plate and d is 20 . (a) : G iven, B - 1 T , r = 0.2 m
the d istan ce o f sep aration and £ is the electric mv
field. qB
1 0 . 2 x l . 6 x l 0 -19 x l
U- E2d 2 = ^ e 0E 2Ad v=
2 d 2 0 i.e , 0.2 x 1 0 8 m s "1
1 .6 x 10“27
12. (a)
21 . (c) : Here fa ~ - 20 cm, f 2 = + 10 cm
13. (b) : Here, r } ~ 1 m, r1 = 2 m Focal length o f com bination is,
}A07Cr? i _ _ jL_ + J i_ _ _ i i
M utual inductance, M = —r - —
2r2 F kn + h ' -2 0 + 10
I - J _ F ~ 20 cm
2x2 4 F * 20
Pow er of the com bination,
14. (c) : R esu ltant intensity,
D 100 100
/ = /j + /2 + 2 ^ / 2 cos <j> p = - _ _ = +5D

H ere, I, -
= 4/,<j>1 = — and $ 2 = it 22 . F
< b ): H ere u ~
25 cm, = - 5 0 cm

At A intensity, We have +—
f ■u v
lA = l + + * - r-51T
c o s—
• — 1 =1 1 —
t.e, or /, = 50 cm
A t B intensity, - / 25 50 J
Power o f lens he should use,
;b = j + 4I + 2n/4Fcosh - 5J - 4I - I
D 100 _ 100
T herefore, d ifference betw een intensities is + 2D
j A _ j B » 5 / ~ / = 41 / " 50

15. (c) 23. (a) : At k = 1, the chain reaction w ill be stead y

or su sta in e d and th e s iz e o f th e fis sio n a b le
16. (a) : G iven, Am = 5 V, /I, = 20 V
m aterial used is said to be the critical size.
A „, 5
.\ M odulation index, n = —— = — = 0.25 24. ( a ) : Susceptibility %m *s sm all and n egative for
A: diam agnetic substances.
17. (c) : H ere, /; 3 50 m
25. (c) : T he o rie n ta tio n o f d ip o les p a ra llel and
A rea covered = 7id 2 = rt x 2hR (y d 1 = 2hR )
a n tip a ra lle l to m a g n e tic field is d istrib u te d
w here R - 6.4 x 106 m (radius of earth)
unequally in ferrim ag n etic m aterials.
area covered « n x 2hR = rt x 2 x 50 x 6.4 x 106
= 640rc x 106 m 2 = 640tt km 2 26. (d) : The a-em ission of S32 is as follow s :
16S32 -> 14Si28 + 2H e4
18. (c) : For photon, 'kp = — u Si28 12M g24 + 2H e4
So after the em ission of tw o a -p a rticle i2M g24 is
Here, £ is energy o f photon.
form ed.
For proton, Xp — 27. ( a ) : Lenz's law is accordance w ith th e p rin cip le
H ere, m and K be m ass and kin etic energy of o f conservation o f energy.
proton respectively. 28. ( a ) : In series LC R circuit, the phase angle <}> is
given by
• 1/2
^ = -j2 m K (■.■ £ - K Given)
XP c
Solutions 2011

36. ( a ) : The expression for m agnetic field is case of

tan ({>= * L “ XC
a long current carryin g wire is B =
W hen XL > Xc, tan<J) is positive. Therefore the 2 tuj
p hase d ifferen ce is positive.
i.e, B ocl
29. (b) : The d irection of electric field is from N-
sid e to P -sid e in PN ju nction diode. 37. (d)
30. (a) : H ere, = 499 H z, u 2 = 501 Hz 38. (c) : In n u clear reactor, to con trol th e ch ain
•u, + v 2 _ 499 + 501 reaction from becom ing violent, rods of boron
Frequency heard .=. .
2 2 or cadm ium called control rods are inserted in
= 500 Hz the holes of reactor core.
Since the d ifference in intensity is 2, change in 39. ( b ) : Lyman series is obtained w hen an electron
intensity take place twice. jum ps to the first orbit - 1 ) from any outer
31. (a) : H ere, m = 0.2 kg, u - 0 orbit (» 2 ~ 2, 3, 4...)
1 1
F = (0 .3 / -0 .4 /) RZ 2
‘1 11*22 J
For H, Z = 1 and R is the R ydberg's constan t
, F _ (0 .3 / - 0 .4 ;) _ f 3 a « R = 1.097 x 107 m "1 . In this series, the shortest
m 0.2 V2 7 w avelength or the lim it o f this series
From v = u + (il (For fZj = 1 and ?i2 = °°) is nearly = 911A
40. (b) : B ernoulli's equ ation is
t5 = 0 + [^|/_2 ; j x 6 = 9 / -1 2 /
P + pgh + -~pu2 = a constant,
32. (b) : Let x be distance of person from one cliff
and y be d istance of person from 2 nd cliff. Let P , 1 v2
o r ----- h /j + —— = constant,
y>x, ■ PS 2 g
x + x = v x ti = 340 x 1 = 340 P
Here, ~ is called p ressure head.
x = 170 m
y +y =v x = 340 x 2 = 680 41. (b ) : In g a s e s , so u n d w a v es a re a lw a y s
y = 340 m. lo n g itu d in a l b e ca u se , g a s e s c a n n o t s u s ta in
D istan ce betw een two cliffs shearing strain.
= a- + i/ = 170 + 340 = 510 m
42. ( a ) : The CD acts like a prism because the narrow
33. (a) : H ere, t ~ 25 years, T m - 5 years grooves are so close to each other that you cannot
t 25 see the sep aration. But, w hite light fail on the
N um ber of h a lf lives, n = —— = —- = 5
1/2 5 CD w ill be separated by multicolours by grooves.
Percentage of radio active material remained after 43. (c) : Total energy is given by
25 years is = xlOO E=—
w here R is the radius o f orbit.
100 = 3.125% 44. (d) : K inetic energy is not conserved at every
instant of elastic collision becau se there w ill be
34. ( a ) : For an ad iabatic process, change in entropy friction and d eform ation losses o f energy.
o f the system is zero,
45. ( a ) : W hen we heat the gas at constant volum e,
i.e, AS = 0
the heat is supplied to raise the tem p eratu re of
35. (b) : A s in tern al energy is a state variable and gas only. W hen w e h eat the gas at co n sta n t
final state coincides w ith the initial state in cyclic p re ssu re , the vo lu m e o f the g a s a p a rt from
process, AU ~ 0 te m p e ra tu re o f th e gas rise s. W hen th e g as
e x p a n d s , it d o e s so m e e x te r n a l w o rk fo r 57. ( c ) : The average energy of a neutron produced
increasing the volum e. So in this case, the heat in fission of U 235 is 2 MeV. These neutrons unless
is supplied . slo w ed d ow n w ill e sc a p e fro m th e r e a c to r
(a) to raise the tem perature of the gas. w ithout interacting w ith uranium nuclei, unless
(b) to do the m echanical w ork for expansion. a large am ount of fission able m aterial is used
As a result m ore am ount of heat is required to for sustaining the chain reaction. W hat w e needs
increase the tem perature of the gas through the to do is to slow dow n the fast neutrons by elastic
sam e am ount when the pressure is kept constant. s c a tte r in g w ith lig h t n u c le i. C h a d w ic k 's
Hence Cj> is alw ays greater than the value of Cy- experim ent show ed that in an elastic collision
46. (a) w ith hydrogen neutron alm ost com e to rest.

47. ( a ) : M u ltiplication factor (k ) is a m easure of the 58- (a)

g ro w th ra te of n e u tro n s in the reacto r. For 59. (b) : The sign of m agnification depend on the
k ~ 1; the op eration of the reaction is said to be sign convention, chosen. A ccording to the new
c ritic a l c o n d itio n at w h ich su sta in e d ch a in C artesian sign conventions, m agnification for a
reaction occurs. If k becom es greater than the convex m irror is positive because im age form ed
re a c tio n ra te an d re a c to r p o w e r in c re a s e s by a convex m irror is alw ays virtu al and erect.
exponentially. A concave mirror can form virtual or erect images
48. (a) : G au ss's law is ap p licab le for any closed and also real, inverted im ages. In the latter case,
su rface. G auss's law is m ost useful in situation its m agnification becom es negative. The reason
w here the charge distribution has spherical or though correct does not explain the assertio n
cylindrical sym m etry or is distributed uniformly properly.
over the plane. W hereas electric dipole is a system 60. (d) : It does not follow inverse squ are law of
o f tw o e q u a l an d o p p o s ite p o in t c h a rg e s d istance. The assertion is false. The reason is
sep arated by a very sm all and finite distance. also false.
50. (b ) : T h e tra n sisto r can be used as a sw itch,
am p lifier and oscillator. 61. ( d ) ; Ferrous sulphate —> F e S 0 4-7H20
Copper sulphate —> C u S 0 4-5H20
51. (a) *. W hen w h ite lig h t is passed through a lens,
M agnesium sulphate —> M g S 0 4-7H20
v iolet lig h t is m ore refra cted th an red light
Sodium chloride —» NaCl
because w avelength of violet is less than red light
and therefore focal length for red light is greater 62. ( a ) ; The oxidation of sodium borohydride with
than violet. iodine in diglym e gives diborane.

52. ( a ) : M icroscope is an optical instrum ent w hich 2N aBH 4 + I2 .pislyme> B2H6 + 2N aI + H 2

form s a m agnified im age of a sm all nearby object 63. (d ): Fullerene consists of 12 five-membered rings
and thus, in creases the visual angle subtended a n d 20 s ix -m e m b e re d rin g s . So it h a s fiv e
by the im age at the eye so that the object is seen m em bered rings less than six m em bered rings.
to b e b ig g e r and d istin ct. T h e re fo re an g u lar 64. (a) : A s in com plex [C o(N H 3)5C I j2+ u n p aired
m agnification for im age is m ore than object. electrons are present, so it requires less energy
53. (a) for excitatio n . Thu s, the w av elen g th of lig h t
54. (d) absorbed will be highest (i.e., E « 1A ).

55. (a) : The sky w aves are the radio w aves used 65. ( a ) : Phosphorus trichloride reacts violently with
for very long distance radio com m unication at w ater form ing phosphorous acid.
m edium and high frequencies (i.e., shortw ave PC13 + 3H O H — > H3P 0 3 + 3HC1
band). In shorter wavelength, attenuation is very 66. (a) : X-ray studies have show n that in ice, four
less. hyd rogen atom s tetrah ed rally surrou nd each
56. (a) oxygen atoms.
Solutions 2011

73. (b) : 2 M n 0 4~ + B r + H ,0 ----- >
2M nO ; + BrO -f + 20H ~
74. (b) : 2C u S0.,-5H 20 + 4KI ----- >
Cu2l2 + 2K 2S 0 4 + l2 + 10H 20
254 g
M olecular w eight of 2 C u S 0 4-5H20
';o ;
H H [2(63.5 + 32 + 64) + 10(18)] g = 499 g
T e lrn h e d a rra n ge m en t of w ater 254 g of I2 is liberated by 499 g C u S 0 4-5H20
2.54 g of I2 will be liberated by x g C u S 0 4-5H20
67. (a) : I2(S) + + 20H ^
2I~(o,,j + 2H 20 (;) + 0 2(s) 499
x s — x 2.54 = 4.99 g
254 . &
68. (c) : X eP tF6 was first real com pound of any of
the noble gases. 75. ( b ) : Since, the adsorption process is exotherm ic,
the physical adsorption occurs readily at low
69. (c) : [C u (N H 3)4]2+
tem p eratu re and d ecrea se s w ith in cre a se in
m m h u t tem perature (Le-C hatelier's principle).

<i;}r 76. ( a ) : Series —> Lyman, Balm er, Paschen, Brackett,

No. of unpaired electrons = 1 Pfund
So, [C u (N H 3)4)2+ is param agnetic. I n cre a sin g w a v e le n g lh ^

[N iCl4]2- : % 11 % 1 1 77. (a) : CaSO< w ; = ^ C a1’^ } + SO<2-(<tI„

KtJI = S2 = 9 x 10-6
No. of unpaired electrons = 2
S - 3 x 10“3 mol L-1
So, [N iCl4]2~ is param agnetic.
Solubility in g litre"1 = m olecular m ass * S

t % % X X X = 136 x 3 x 1 0 '3 = 408 x 10"3 g L"1

llSf? 408 x 10-3 g of C a S 0 4 present in 1 litre
No. of unpaired electrons = 0 1
1 g of C a S 0 4 present is — - 2 .4 5 litre.
So, [PtCl4]2~ is diam agnetic. b 408x10 3
fC u(H 20)<] 111 % % 1 78. ( d ) : Equilibrium state can only be achieved if a
reversible reaction is carried out in a closed space.
79. ( d ) : (a) It successfully explained the stability of
No. of unpaired electrons = 1
So, [Cu(H20 ) 4]2+ is param agnetic.
(b) It is not in ag reem en t w'ith H eisen b erg 's
70. (a) : CsC l is not hygroscopic in natu re w hile
uncertainty principle.
MgCl^, CaCI2 and LiCl are hygroscopic in nature. (c) It does not explain the spectra of multi-electron
71. (a) : Com pound : B eC l2 > N 0 2 > S 0 2 atoms.
A n g le : 180° > 132° > 119.5° (d) It does not explain de Broglie concept of the
72. (d) : N20 4(s) + 3CO^j ----- > N^O^ + 3 C 0 2^ dual character of matter.

AH, =I H en! o f fo rm atio n o f p ro d u cts

80. (a) : In van der W aal's equation, a signifies the
interm olecitlar force of attraction.
AH rwtl0n - [AH; N20 + 3 x A tyCO rf - . 81. (c) : For adiabatic process, no exchange of heat
(A H / N A + 3 x AHyCO] takes place between the system and surroundings.
AH r =[+811 + 3 (-3 9 3 )] - [10 + 3 (-1 1 0 )] i.e. q = 0.
= [811 - 1179] - [-320] = -3 6 8 + 320 82. (d ): Num ber of m illim oles of base (i.e., Ca(O H )2)
= - 48 kj/mol = NjV-j =-2 * M } x V, = 2 x 0.2 x 25 - 10
N um ber o f m illim oles of acid {i.e., HC1) = N2V2 90. (a)
= 10 x 1 = 10
91. ( a ) : C )2H22O n + H20 — C6H 120 6 + C 6H 1S0 6
As, no. of m illim oles of acid ~ no. of m illim oles
M n ltosc m allase G lu co se G lu co se
of base
Acid is com pletely neutralised by base forming 92. (b) : Isoprene is a m onom er of natural rubber.
a neutral solution. H2C = C - C H = C H ,
pH of the resulting solution = 7. 2 i 2
83 . ( a ) : In Schottky defect, som e of the lattice points
2 -m e(h y l-l,3-bn tn d iene
are unoccupied (vacancies or holes). The num ber
of m issing cations and anions is the sam e, thus 93. (a) : P re s e n c e o f e x ce ss of H I fa v o u rs S N1
crystal rem ains neutral. m echanism .
So, form ation of products is controlled by the
84. (a) : N eutron m oderators slow dow n the speed
sta b ility of th e c a rb o ca tio n re su ltin g in the
of neutrons by collisions. They do not absorb
cleavage of C - O bond in protonated ether.
neutrons, e.g. w ater and graphite.
T h u s th e p ro d u c t fo r g iv e n e q u a tio n a re
85. (b) : T herm od ynam ic functions are : Internal C 6H ,C H 2I, CH 3C H 2I, H O C H 2 - C H 2OH.
energy, enthalpy, entropy, pressu re, volum e,
94. (c)
tem perature, free energy, num ber of moles.
95. (d) : CH 3CO C H 2CO O H is a p-keto acid. Thus
86 . (c) : Intensive property : Specific heat
decarboxylation is maxim um in a carboxylic acid
Extensive property : Enthalpy, entropy, volume,
containing an electron w ithd raw ing group such
87. (b) : A as ">CO or - COOH at the @-carbon atom w ith
Initial : P0 0 0
respect to the - CO O H group.
96* ( b ) : G reater is the electron density on arom atic
Total pressure at time (t) - P 0 - P + 2P + P = P,
ring, greater is the reactivity towards electrophilic
=* P, = P0 + 2P
arom atic substitution.
P -P
P/ - P o ~ 2P =* P ^ - 1----- 2- 97. (d) : Substituent with strong +R effect, +/ effect
and w eaker ~I effect increases the basicity. Hence
, 2.303, 2.303 [0
k = — ~ lo g log p Kh decreases. Also, alkylam ines are stronger
Pn ~ P t P t-P p bases than arylam ines. So, the order is (d).
pn -\
98. ( a ) : W eaker acids have higher pKa. - O CH 3 at
2.303 2 Pn 2.303 2P0 meta-position exerts only - I effect, hence increases
log log
2Pq - P{ + Pq the acidity.
, ^o ~~ Pf J
~I effect order : ~ N 0 2 > - O CH 3 > - Cl.
88. (c) : If the nucleophilic atoms are in the sam e
~ CH 3 has +1 effect.
row of the p erio d ic table, n u cle o p h ilicity is
So order is (a).
approxim ately in order of basicity. So, the order
is NH2- > CH 30 - > OH " > RN H 2. 99. (a)

89. (c) : Sym m etrical m olecule 100. (a) : P en t-4-en e-l-y n e

1 2 3 4 5

CH ~ C - CH 2 - CH — CH 2
No. of c-b on d s - 4 (C - C) + 6 (C - H) - 10
HO : OH No. of n-bonds - 1 (C — C) + 2 ( C ~ C ) = 3
N um ber of chiral carbon atoms ~ 2 (even) 101. ( b ) : As the size of the atom M in H 2M increases,
-l the strength of the H - M bond decreases.
N um ber o f stereoisom ers = 2 ” 1 + 2 2
102. (c ): The electronegativity of N (3.0) is much higher
,2-1 22 = 2 * -2 ° = 2+1 = 3 than P (2.1).
Solutions 2011

103. (c) : Solubility of AgCl (at 25°C) in H zO 110. (d ): For a closed system , the entropy can increase,
« 0.0020 g AgCl per litre of H 20 decrease or rem ain constant.
Solubility of AgCl in NH3 (at 25°C) Closed system can be reversible or irreversible.
= 14.00 g AgCl dissolved per kg of NH3 111. (d) : Two different reactions can have sam e rate
A m m onia is less polar than water, as oxygen is of reaction. Rate of reaction depends upon m any
m ore electronegative than nitrogen. factors like nature and concentration of reactants,
104. (d) : BCC has 68% and HCP has 74% packing tem perature, catalyst, energy factors, orientation
efficiency. factor, etc.
BCC - 2 atom s per unit cell, HCP - 4 atoms per O O
+ - ||+ 5 0 0 11+5 _ +
unit cell 112. (a) : NaO - S - S - S - S - ONa
In BCC, particles are present at corners and one II II
0 O
particle is present at the centre w ithin the body Form al oxidation num ber of sulphur
of the unit cell. In HCP, the packing gives a 2x5+2x0 n_
hexagonal pattern. 4
105. (c) : M n2* = [Ar] 3rf5, M n3* = [Ar] 3d4 113. (d) : Elevation in boiling point (AT(,) = Kh * m
Fe2* « [Ar] 3d6, Fe3* « [Ar] 3d5 D epression in freezing point (A7^) = K j * m.
Thus, M n2* has m ore stable configuration than E levation in b oilin g p oint and d ep ression in
M n3* w hile Fe3* has m ore stable configuration freezing point are colligative properties i.e., they
th a n F e 2*. H e n ce , re d u c tio n p o te n tia l for depend only on the num ber of particles of the
solute. Value of K tl and Ky are different, so ATb
M n3*/Mn2* couple is more positive than Fe3*/Fe2\
and ATy are also different.
106. ( a ) : A m ixture of 2% 0 2 and 98% He is used in
114. (a) : W illia m so n 's s y n th e s is o c cu rs by S N2
diving apparatus w hich gives the sam e partial
m echanism and prim ary alkyl halides are m ost
pressure of 0 2 as in norm al air at 1 atm. Due to
reactive in S N2 reactions.
high partial pressure and greater solubility, N2
gets dissolved in blood and form bubbles (bends 115. ( d ) : D ehydration of alcohols can be carried out
or decompression sickness). Hence, N2 is replaced either w ith protonic acids such as conc. H 2S 0 4,
H 3P 0 4 or c a ta ly s ts su ch as a n h y d ro u s z in c
by helium which is much less soluble in biological
chloride or alum ina.
116. (d) : O xidation of toluene using C r 0 3 in acetic
107. ( a ) : For a redox reaction to be spontaneous, the
anhydride or C r 0 2C l2 in CC14 or CS2 and then
EM F of the cell must be positive.
h y d ro ly s is g iv e s b e n z a ld e h y d e . N o su ch
As, -A G = nFE Kii
interm ediate is form ed.
Therefore, for £ ccl|= +ve, AG is alw ays negative.
108. ( a ) : H20 2 oxidises sulphur to sulphate in presence 1 SmI
117. (a) : CH3 - C - CH2 - Br + NaOH
of Fe3+ ions.
C H ,3
109. (b) : CU + 2N aO H (dil.)
1° nlkyI halide
N aCl + N aOCl + H20
3C12 + 6N aO H (conc.) hcal > I 3
-> CH3 - C - C H 2 - C H 3
5 NaCl + N aC 103 + 3H 20
C hlorine undergoes the sim ultaneous oxidation- 3° a lk y l carbocation

reduction. Chlorine is sim ultaneously reduced | ,OH“

to chloride ion (Cl-) and is oxidised to either ClO~ CH ,
or C 1 0 3~ ion. H alogens (e.£. Cl) have a strong I 3
CH3 - C - C H 2 -C H 3
tendency to accept electrons, so they act as strong
oxidising agents. OH
2 -m e th y lb u ta n o l -2
N eopentyl brom ide being prim ary alkyl halide consideration time on one hand and grow th rate
does not undergo S N2 reaction but proceeds via on the other hand, a ’S' shaped curve is obtained.
SN1 path because of steric hindrance caused by' It is called "grand period of growth". This total
the bulky nature of tertiary butyl group. growth period is divided into three stages.
(1) Initial lag phase
118. ( b ) : In ^-pleated sheet structure, the polypeptide
(2) M iddle log phase
ch a in s a re h eld to g eth e r by in te rm o le cu la r
(3) Final stationary phase.
H-bonds. Extension and contraction of |3-pleated
sheet structure of protein depends on the size 125. (b) : M onarch butterfly escapes from predators
of R. b eca u se o f its b itte r ta ste. V icero y b u tte rfly
(Basilarchia archippus) mimics m onarch butterfly
119. (b) : A ll those ca rb o h y d ra tes w h ich contain
to escape from predators.
ald ehyd ic or ketonic group in the hem iacetal or
126. ( b ) : Tapetum is the innerm ost one cell thick layer
hem iketal form and reduce Tollen’s or Fehling’s
of microsporangium wall. The cells of this layer
s o lu tio n s a re re d u cin g s u g a rs . A ll
are radially enlarged and store food. Tine cells are
m onosaccharides are reducing sugars (w hether
m u ltin u cleated and p ro v id e n o u rish m e n t to
aldoses or ketoses).
developing microspores or pollen grains.
Fructose is a m onosaccharide with keto group.
127. (d ): Catalytic converters have platinum-palladium
120. ( d ) : In p-nitrophenol, ~ N 0 2 group has - 1 effect,
and rhodium m etals as catalyst. It converts more
as a result of w hich electron density decreases
h a rm fu l ca rb o n m o n o x id e an d u n b u rn t
on the benzene ring, hence reactivity towards
hydrocarbons into less harm ful carbon dioxide
e le ctro p h ilic su b stitu tion d ecreases. M ethoxy and water.
group shows both +R (due to lone pair of electrons
128. (c) : C ell theory w as proposed by a G erm an
on O ) an d -1 e ffe c t (d u e to g r e a te r
botanist M.J. Schleiden and another Germ an, a
electronegativity of O).
zoologist T.S. Schwann in 1839.
- O CH 3 at THcfrt-position show s only - f effect but
lesser than ~I effect of - N 0 2 group. 129. (c) : These are different arrangem ents o f ovule
attachm ent to inner surface of ovary wall, (A )
BIOLOGY represents m arginal, (B) rep resen ts axile, (C)
represents parietal, (D) represents free central, (E)
121. (c) : Eco R I is type II restriction endonuclease
represents basal placentation.
enzym e extracted from Eco R Y 13 bacteria. It can
recognize and cleave S'-GAATTC-S' palindromic 130. ( a ) : The figure shows structure of lenticel which
sequence and is w idely used in biotechnology facilitates gaseous exchange and transp iration
experim ents. These are aerating pores in the bark of w oody
trees. These are surrounded by loosely arranged
122. ( c ) : Gene therapy is a procedure of introducing
th in w alled co m p le m e n ta ry c e lls e n c lo s in g
copies of a healthy gene to replace defective gene
intercellular spaces for gaseous exchange
responsible for disease developm ent. The first
clinical gene transfer took place on 22ntl M ay 1992 131. (c ): In given diagram (A) represents denitrification
for correction of adenosine deam inase (ADA) and (B) represents ammonification. Denitrification
is conversion of nitrates into nitrogen gas by some
enzym e deficiency.
m icroorganism s e.g.. Pseudom onas den itrificans,
123. (d) : Bacteria, fungi and lower plants survive in
Thiobacillus denitrificans, M icrococcus denitrificans.
adverse conditions through form ation of thick
Ammonification is conversion of dead remains of
w alled s p o re s . A lg a e fo rm re stin g sp o re or
living organisms into amm onia with the help of
akinetes which are thick walled spores and store
m icroorganism s like Bacillus ramosits, B. vulgaris,
food material. In fungi, thick walled perennating
B. mesentericus etc.
spores called chlamydospores are formed. Bacteria
form end osp ores w hich is probably the m ost 132. ( c ) : In active transport, carrier proteins w hich are
resistant living thing known. They may remain located at membrane, use energy in the form of
alive in boiling water for more than 2 hours. ATP to transport molecules against concentration
gradient of cell m em brane. Transportation rate
124. (d ) : W h e n a g ra p h is p lo tte d ta k in g in to
Solutions 2011

reaches m axim um when all carrier proteins are m olybdenum , etc.) are required in very sm all
being used or are saturated. These proteins are amounts to our body.
v e ry s p e c ific to c e rta in su b sta n ce s and are
141 ( c ) : Endangered plants m ay be preserved in part
sensitive to inhibitors.
through seed bank or germ plasm bank. The term
133. (c) : W ater is th e m o st a b u n d a n t c h e m ic a l seed b a n k s o m e tim e s re fe rs to a cry o g e n ic
com pound in living organism . In a cell, water laboratory facility in which the seeds of certain
occupies 70 -9 0 % of the cellular mass. So, in 50
species can be preserved for up to a century or
gm of living tissue 3 5 -4 5 gm of water would be
more without losing their fertility. It can also be
used to refer to a special type of arboretum where
134. (b ) : P h o to s y s te m II m o stly o c c u rs in th e seeds are harvested and the crop is rotated. For
appressed regions of granal thylakoids.
plants that preserved in seed banks, the
135. (a) : A fter g ly co ly sis, p y ru vate form s acety l only other option for preserving germ plasm is
Co-A w hich undergoes oxidation to form C 0 2 in vitro storage, where cuttings of plants are kept
and H 20 through K rebs’ cycle in m itochondrial under strict conditions in glass tubes and vessels.
■ m atrix.
142. (a) R everse T ra n scrip tio n P o ly m erase C h ain
136. ( a ) : C leistogam ous flow ers do not open at all. In
R eaction (RT-PC R) is a variant of P olym erase
such flow ers, the anthers and stigm a lie close to
C hain R eaction (PCR), a laboratory technique
each other. A nthers when dehisce in the flower
commonly used in molecular biology to generate
bud s, pollen g rain s com e in contact w ith the
m any cop ies o f a D N A se q u e n ce , a p ro cess
stigm a to effect pollination Thus, cleistogam ous
termed "am p lification". In RT-PCR, however, an
flow ers are autogam ous as there is no chance of RN A stra n d is first re v e rse tra n scrib e d into
cro ss-p o llin a tio n . So, no p o llin ation agent is its D N A com p lem en t (co m p lem en ta ry D N A ,
required in these flowers. or cD N A ) u sin g th e e n z y m e re v e rs e
137. (b) : C4 plants are m ore efficient than C , plants tr a n s c r ip ta s e , an d th e r e s u ltin g cD N A is
because they have little photorespiration while am plified using trad itional PCR or R eal-T im e
in C3 plants m ore than h alf of photosynthetic PCR. Reverse transcription PCR (RT-PCR)is not
carbon get lost in photorespiration. C 4 plants are to be confused with Real-Tim e Polym erase Chain
m ore efficient in picking up C 0 2, even in low C 0 2 Reaction (Q-PCR/qRT-PCR),RNA silencing (also
concentration because of high affinity of C 0 2 with called as p o st-tra n scrip tio n a l gen e sile n cin g
PEP (phosphoenol pyruvic acid). PTGS) refers to a fam ily of gene silencing effects
138. ( c ) : Ferm entation in m uscle produces lactic acid. by w hich the expression of one or m ore genes is
In our bodies certain m u scle cells, called fast dow n regulated or entirely suppressed by the
tw itch m uscles, have less capability for storing introduction of an antisense (single strand ed)
and using oxygen than other muscles. W hen we RNA m olecule. T ranscription is the process of
run, these m uscles run short of oxygen, the fast c r e a tin g a c o m p le m e n ta ry R N A c o p y o f a
tw itc h m u s c le s b e g in u s in g la c tic acid sequence of DNA.
ferm entation. This allows the m uscle to continue 143. (a) : Chrom osom e replication occurs once but
to function by producing ATP by glycolysis. m eiosis has tw o M -phases each w ith its pwn
139. ( c ) : A spergillus m ger is used for com m ercial and k a r y o k in e s is an d c y to k in e s is . A s a r e s u lt
indu strial production of certain chem icals like chrom osom e num ber is halved. The transition
p e rio d b e tw e e n M -p h a se I (m e io s is I) and
c itr ic a cid . A ctiv a ted slu d g e is d ig e ste d by
M -phase U (m eiosis II) is short and w ithout DNA
anaerobic bacteria to produce marsh gas. BOD is
replication. It is called interkinesis.
am o u n t o f o x y g e n re q u ired by b a c te r ia for
decom position. 144. (b ) : H e rm a n n H e n k in g d is c o v e re d th e
X chromosome while studying insects in the early
140. (d) : Trace elem ents or m icroelem ents (e.g. iron,
1890s. The sex chromosom es in birds are opposite
io d in e , z in c , m a n g a n e s e , c o b a lt, co p p er,
of th a t i n ’ h u m an s. H um an m a le s a re
heterogam etic (XY), fem ales are hom ogam etic fibres show a regular or irregular pattern and are
(XX), in birds m ales are hom ogam etic (ZZ) and called dense regular and dense irregular tissues,
fem ales are heterogam etic (ZW ). The "W " is the in th e d en se re g u la r co n n ectiv e tissu e s, the
sex determ ining chrom osom e ju st as the Y in collagen fibres are present in rows betw een m any
hum ans. A bird w ith a W is alw ays a fem ale. In parallel bundles of fibres. Tendons, w hich attach
grasshoppers, there is no Y chrom osom e, so a skeletal m uscles to bones and ligam ents w hich
g r a s s h o p p e r w ith o n e X ch ro m o so m e attach one bone to another are exam ples of this
(sym bolized as XO) is norm ally a male, w hile a tissue.
g rasshopp er w ith two X chrom osom es (XX) is 150. (d) : The main criteria for classification used by
norm ally a fem ale. W h itta k e r in c lu d e s c e ll s tr u c tu r e , th a llu s
145. (b) : In m osses the sporophytes (i.e. the diploid organization, mode of nutrition, reproduction and
phylogenetic relationships. So, the absence of cell
b od y ) are sh o rt-liv e d and d ep en d en t on the
w one of the m ain characteristics of anim al
gam etophyte. In the presence of water, sperms
from the antheridia swim to the archegonia and
fertilization occurs, leading to the production of 151. (d) : M edulla oblongata is part of the vertebrate
a diploid sporophyte. The sperm of m osses is brain stem, derived from the hindbrain, that is
biflagellate, i.e. they have two flagella that aid in continuous with the spinal cord. Its function is to
propulsion. Since the sperm s must swim to the re g u la te th e re fle x re s p o n s e s c o n tr o llin g
respiration, heart beat, blood pressure, and other
archegonium , fertilization cannot occur without
involuntary processes. It gives rise to m any of the
cranial nerves.
146. (a ) : According to Central Pollution Control Board
152. (d) : G re a t a p e s , h u m a n s g o e s th r o u g h a
(CPCB), particulate size 2.5 m icrom eters or less
m en stru al cycle w h ile m onkey goes throu gh
in diam eter (PM 2.5) are responsible for causing
estrous cycle. Urine is light yellow colored watery
the greatest harm to hum an health. These fine
fluid w hich is slightly acidic. Bile ju ice does not
particulates can be inhaled deep into the lungs
contain any digestive enzym es.
and ca n ca u se b r e a th in g and r e s p ir a to ry
153. ( b ) : Industrial m elanism is an adaptation w here
sym ptom s, such as irritation, inflammations and
the moths living in the industrial areas developed
dam age to the lungs and prem ature deaths.
m elanin pigments to match their body to the soot-
147. (d ): Common cold can take place from one person
covered surroundings. The phenomenon provides
to other as it is a com m unicable in nature. A
an excellent exam ple of operation of selection in
healthy person can get infected by being in close
natural conditions.
vicinity of infected person when he/she sneezes,
In d u strial m elan ism , th erefore, p resen ts an
coughs, as the droplets generated by sneeze and
excellent exam ple of natural selection (proposed
cough contain infecting agents. Typhoid occurs
by D arw in), but it is not the exam ple of acquired
by the intake of contaminated water & food. W hile
characters proposed by Lam arck.
ringw orm is one of the skin disease which can
In caves, due to absence of light, the body of the
transfer from one person to other by the use of
anim al lacks pigm entation, e.g. P roteus anguinus.
infected towel & handkerchief. AIDS (Acquired
Im m uno deficiency) does not occur or transfer by In pythons and related snakes rudimentary pelvic
shaking hands. girdle and traces of hind lim b are present. They
form sm all clawed projections externally, but
148. (b) : The peppered moth (Biston betularia) is a
internally there are vestiges of an ilium , femur,
tem perate species of night-flying moth. Peppered
tibia and a claw. In aquatic birds and flying
m oth evolution is often used by educators as an
frog, the feet are w ebbed w h ich sustain it in the
exam ple of natural selection. Peppered moths are
prolonged leaps to w hich it is ad apted.
c r y p tic a lly c a m o u fla g e d a g a in s t th e ir
backgrounds when they rest on the tree trunk. 154. ( b ) : Frogs do not have external ears. Instead, they
149. ( a ) : Fibres and fibroblasts are com pactly packed have an eardrum of sorts, called a tym panum ,
in the d ense connective tissues. O rientation of w hich is just behind each eye. Typhlosole are
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internal folds of the intestine or intestinal inner 158. (d ) : T h e m o st o b v io u s an d te c h n ic a lly

w all. T yp h losole occu rs in b ivalve m ollusks, com plicated feature of all living organism s is
lam preys and some annelids and echinoderms. their a b ility to sen se th eir su rro u n d in g s or
The gizzard, also referred to as the ventriculus, environm ent and respond to these environm ental
gastric mill, and gigerium, is an organ found in stim uli w hich could be physical, chem ical or
the digestive tract of som e anim als, including biological. All organism s, from the prokaryotes
birds, reptiles, earthw orm s and som e fish. This to the most com plex eukaryotes can sense and
specialized organ constructed of thick, muscular respond to environm ental cues eg. Photoperiod
walls is used for grinding up food; often rocks are affects reproduction in seasonal breeders, both
instrum ental in this process. In certain insects and plants and anim als. C onsciousness therefore,
m ollusks, the gizzard features chitinous plates or b e c o m e s th e d e fin in g p ro p e rty o f liv in g
teeth. Hum ans have 12 pairs of cranial nerves. organism s. There are m any organism s w hich do
C ockroach belongs to class insecta of phylum not reprodu ce e.g. m ule. Thus, rep rod u ction
arthropoda. cannot be an all-inclusive defining characteristic
155. ( d ) : The T wave represents the repolarization (or o f living organism s. H ow ever no n on -liv in g
re c o v e ry ) of th e v e n tr ic le s . T h e end o f th e object is capable of reproducing or replicating
T-w ave m arks the end of systole. The P-wave by itself.
r e p r e s e n ts th e e le c tr ic a l e x c ita tio n (or 159. ( b ) : The opening betw een the right atrium and
depolarisation) of the atria, w hich leads to the right ventricle is guarded by a valve form ed of
contraction of both the atria. The Q RS complex
three m uscular flaps or cusps, the tricuspid valve.
represents the depolarisation of the ventricles,
160. ( d ) : Each actin (thin) filam ent is a polym erised
which initiates the ventricular contraction.
protein m ade up of two 'F ' (fibrous) actin strands
156. (b) : In descending limb of loop of Henle, the
helically wound to each other. Each 'F ' actin is a
w ater is reabsorbed from filtrate flow ing in it
polym er of m onom eric 'G ' (globular) actins. It is
due to increasing osm olarity of interstitial fluid.
light in colour & show s isotropic property
Sodium and other solutes are not reabsorbed
here. The filtrate becom es hypertonic to blood 161. (b) : Enzym es are highly substrate sp ecific i.e.
p la s m a . A ll n e p h ro n s h a v e th e ir re n a l they catalyze the reaction of a particular substrate
M a lp h ig ia n c o r p u s c le s in th e c o rte x . only. They facilitate occurrence of a reaction and
Cortical nephrons have their loop of Henle in transition of reactant into product. A chem ical
the renal m edulla near its junction with the renal reaction S —> P (w here S is the substrate and P
cortex, w hile the loop of H enle of juxtam edullary the product or products) w ill take place w hen a
nephrons is located deep in the renal m edulla; certain number of S m olecules at any given instant
they are called ju xta m ed u lla ry b eca u se their possess enough energy to attain an activated
renal corpuscle is located near the m edulla (but condition called the 'transition state’. The enzym e
still in the cortex). co m b in es tra n sie n tly w ith th e s u b s tra te to
157. (a) : In in vitro fertilizatio n (IV F -fertilizatio n produce a transient state having a low er energy
outside the body in alm ost sim ilar conditions as of activation than that of substrate alone. This
that in the body) follow ed by embryo transfer results in acceleration of the reaction. O nce the
(E T ), ova fro m the w ife/donor (fem a le) and products are form ed, the enzym e (or catalyst) is
sp erm s fro m th e hu sband / don or (m ale) are free or regenerated to com bine w ith another
collected and are induced to form zygote under m olecule of the substrate and repeat the process.
s im u la te d co n d itio n s in th e laboratory. The 162. (c) : C ell's turgidity is due to turgor pressure.
.z y g o te o r e a r ly e m b ry o s (w ith u p to 8 Turgor pressure is the pressure w hich develops
blastom eres) could then be transferred into the in the confined part of an osm otic system due to
F a llo p ia n tu be (Z IF T -Z y g ote Intra F allo p ian osm otic entry of w ater into it. It is also called
T r a n s fe r ) an d e m b ry o s w ith m o re th a n 8 hydrostatic pressure or pressure potential. The
blastom eres, into the uterus (lUT-Intra Uterine force exerted by the cell wall over the protoplast
Transfer), to com plete its further developm ent. is called wall pressure. N orm ally w all pressure
is equal and opposite to turgor pressure except d egraded by d ecom posers) p o llu tants in w ater
w hen the cell becom es flaccid. are m easured by BO D . BO D ( b iolog ical oxygen
163. ( b ) : Long distance bulk m ovem ent of substances d em and) is the oxygen dem anded or requ ired
th at o ccu rs th rou g h co n d u ctin g or v a scu la r by bacteria and other d ecom posers to oxid ise
tissu es of plants is called tran slocation. There p ollutants.
are tw o v ascu lar tissu es, xylem and phloem . 167. (a) : V essels are m uch elongated tubes w h ich
Xylem translocation is m ainly from roots to aerial are closed at eith er end and are form ed by the
parts. It passes w ater w ith m ineral salts, som e union of several short, w ide and thickened cells
o r g a n ic n itr o g e n an d h o rm o n e s i.e. called vessel elem en ts. T he end w alls of vessel
u n id ire c tio n a l. P h lo em tra n slo c a te s o rg a n ic elements are transverse or oblique. They are often
substances and inorganic solutes first from leaves com pletely d issolved . T h e cond ition is called
to all other parts of the plant and storage organs. sim p le p erfo ration plate. In a few cases the end
S to rag e org ans re-exp ort organic nu trients to w alls rem ain intact and possess several pores
those parts w h ich requ ire the sam e as new ly in reticulate, scalariform or forminate forms. Such
form ed leaves and fruits i.e. it is bid irectional. an end w all is called m u ltip le perforation plate.
164. ( b ) : T he first step in photosynthesis is the light- Sieve tubes are elongated tu bu lar cond u ctin g
driven oxidation (splitting or photolysis) of water. channels of phloem formed of several cells called
It provides the electrons for the photosynthetic sieve tube elem ents or m em bers or sieve tube
electron tran sp ort chain s as well as protons for cells. Sieve tube m em bers are placed end to end.
the establish m en t of a proton gradient. It occurs Th e end w alls are g enerally b ulged out. T hey
on the lum enal sid e of the thylakoid m em brane. m ay be tran sverse or oblique. T hey have m any
D uring photolysis, w ater is oxidised to oxygen, sm all pores or sieve pits. D ue to the p resen ce
p rotons and electro n s. Protons accu m ulate in of sieve pits the end w alls are com m only called
the lum en. sieve plates. In som e cases the end w alls of sieve
165. ( a ) : U nlike anim als, plants do not stop grow ing elem ents possess m ore than one porous area.
after reaching m aturity. T hey continu e to grow Such an end wall is called com pound sieve plate.
and bear new roots, leaves, branches, flow ers, G ym nosperm s & pterid ophytes lack these two
etc. W hile roots, stem s and their branches have vascular structures i.e. vessels and sieve elements.
in d e fin ite g ro w th , oth er o rg a n s lik e leav es, In a n g io sp erm s p re sen ce of v e ssels & siev e
flo w ers and fru its sh ow lim ited or d e fin ite elements, in addition to all other vascu lar tissues
g row th. T h ey appear and fall off period ically m ake their food & water transport m ore efficient.
and so m e tim e s rep eated ly . In low er p lan ts, 168. (b) : Form ation of seeds w ithout fertilization is
g row th is d iffu sed as every cell can divide and called apom ixis. It leads to clonal reproduction
en larg e. H ig h er plants possess sp ecific areas in which all offsprings are by and large genetically
w hich take p art in the form ation of new cells. identical to the parent. The egg contains a full
Th ese areas are called m eristem s. M eristem s are com plem ent of genes and does not need to fuse
of three ty p e s - apical, in tercalary and lateral. w ith a sperm to produce a zygote. Apom ixis
Cells of the m eristem atic region have the capacity provides for the perpetuation of traits favourable
to divide and self perpetuate. They produce cells to individual survival but elim inates the longer-
w h ich lose the capacity to d iv id e and enter G 0 term e v o lu tio n a ry a d v a n ta g e o f b ip a re n ta l
phase for u n d erg o in g d ifferen tiation to form inheritance. In asteraceae, various genera and
p a rticu la r tissu es and o rg an s. The m eristem individual sp ecies of the ord er asterales are
w hich is consum ed in the form ation of an organ know n to reproduce by apom ixis (the setting of
is called d eterm in ate m eristem . The m eristem seeds w ithout fertilization), either com pletely or
w hich continu es its activity throughout life of in addition to norm al sexual m eans. In poaceae
the plant is called in d eterm inate m eristem . It a b o u t 35 g e n e r a p ro d u c e s e e d s w ith o u t
is the reason behind indefinite grow th of plants. fertilization. On the other hand, parthenocarpy
166. (c) : O rg a n ic b io d e g ra d a b le (i.e. they can be is developm ent of fruits w ithout fertilization. The
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fruit resem bles a norm ally produced fruit but is K lin e fe lte r 's sy n d ro m e , e tc.) and m e ta b o lic
seedless, e.g. pineapple, banana, cucumber, grape, disorders (phenylketonuria, sickle cell anaem ia,
orange, grapefruit etc. etc.) of the foetus. But n ow -a-d ay s instead of
positive uses of am niocentesis it is being used
169. ( d ) : A lgal bloom s are a result of eutrophication.
fo r fe m a le fo e tic id e . S e x o f th e fo e tu s is
E u trop h ication involves change in b iolog ical
determ ined using am niocen tesis and then if it
productivity and nutrient content of a waterbody.
turns out to been a fem ale one, foetus is aborted.
E utrophication literally m e a n s'w ell nourished
T h at is w hy am n iocentesis has been banned in
or en rich ed ’. E utrophication becom e excessive,
w hen abnorm ally high am ount of nutrients from
173. (a) : B acillus thu rin gien sis is a bacterium found
s e w a g e , fe r tiliz e r s , a n im a l w a s ta g e and
in soil w orldw ide. Several strains can infect and
d e te rg e n t, en te r s tre a m s and la k es cau sin g
kill insects. Due to this property, through genetic
excessive grow th or bloom s of m icroorganism s.
e n g in e e rin g , g e n e co d in g fo r in s e c tic id e is
T h ey are harm fu l for both hum ans and aq u atic
incorporated into plant genom e. P lant h aving
organism s. Eutrophication results in higher BOD
this gene are insect resistan t thus high yield in g
and reduced d issolved oxygen in w ater body.
e.g. Bt cotton is usu ally resistan t to bollw orm
It causes death of fish and other aquatic anim als.
d is e a s e o f co tto n . It is th e firs t g e n e tic a lly
170. (c) : M an g rov es w h ich form shallow littoral m odified crop of Ind ia. T h is produces its ow n
forests near sea shores areas are halophytes. in s e c tic id e , a s it c o n ta in a g e n e fro m so il
M a n g r o v e g ro w in p h y s io lo g ic a lly dry bacteriu m B acillus thu rin gien sis.
en viron m en t (w ater is available in plenty but
174. (c) : G ly c e rid e s , m a in ly trig ly c e rid e s a re a
in the form of strong salt solution). These plants
principle form of fats present in our food. During
d evelop shallow rootin gs due to w ater logged
d ig e s tio n , fa ts a re d ig e s te d to fo rm
en v iron m en t w here oxygen scarcity prevails.
m onoglycerid es and free fatty acids. They first
To ensure proper aeration in root system , plants
becom e d issolved in the central lipid portions
produ ce resp iratory roots or pneum atophores
of bile m icelles w hich are solu b le in chym e. In
w h ich a re n e g a tiv e ly g e o tr o p ic p e g -lik e
this form, the monoglycerides and free fatty acids
p rojections above ground w ith num erous pores
are carried to the surfaces of the m icrov illi of
or len ticels for gaseous exchange.
the intestinal cell brush border and then penetrate
171. (a) : It can be exp lained as follow s into the in terio r of the ep ith elial cells, w hich is
Tt x tt possible becau se the lipids are also solu b le in
Parents Heterozygous tall Homozygous dwarf
the epith elial cell m em brane. T his leaves the
b ile m icelles still in the chym e, w h ere they
fu nction again and to h elp absorb still m ore
m on oglycerid es and fatty acids.
Gametes T A fter entering the ep ith elial cell, the fatty acids
and m onoglycerid es are taken up by the c e ll’s
sm ooth end op lasm ic reticulum ; here they are
m ainly used to form new trig ly cerid es that are
Tl s u b s e q u e n tly re le a s e d in th e fo rm of
Progeny Tall chylom icrons through the base of the e p ith elial
cell, to flow upward through the thoracic lym ph
or 50% tall, 50% d w arf progeny.
duct and empty into the circulating blood. Thus,
172. ( b ) : A m niocentesis is a foetal sex determ ination chy lom icron s help in tran sp o rt of g ly cerid es
and d iso rd er test based on the chrom osom al through blood circulation to various body parts.
p attern in the am niotic fluid surrou nding the i
175 (c) : The colou rless blood or h aem oly m p h o f
developing em bryo. The am niotic fluid contains
cockroach has a clear plasm a and nu m erou s
cells from foetus sk in and respiratory tract.
w h ite c o rp u s c le s called , h a e m o c y te s . B ein g
These cells are cultured and are used to determine
devoid of any respiratory p igm ent, it does not
chrom osom al abnorm alities (Down's syndrom e,
serve for gaseous exchange. Its plasm a contains
about 70% water. Rest of it is com posed of amino tecto ria l m em b ra n e. E q u ilib riu m of b o d y is
acids, u ric acid , p roteins, sugars, fats, and salts m aintained with the help of sem icircu lar canals,
of sodium , potassium , calcium and m agnesium . utricle and saccu le o f intern al ear.
T ra n s p o rta tio n o f th e s e m a te ria ls b e tw e e n 179. ( b ) : A fter ovulation, the em pty G raafian follicle
d ifferen t parts o f body is the m ain function of con tain s a blood clot w h ich is called corpus
h a e m o ly m p h . In all te rre s tria l in s e c ts , lik e haem orrh agic. Its granu losa cells con tinu e to
cockroach, every tissue of body is in direct contact p roliferate, develop yellow caroten e pigm ent
w ith atm o sp h eric air for gaseous exchange. A or lutein and get converted into lutein cells. This
c o m p lic a te d s y s te m o f n u m e ro u s sh in y , converts the ruptured follicle into yellow body
tra n sp a ren t and b ranched air tubes or trach eae called corpus luteum . It becom es a tem porary
is found for this purpose in the haemocoel cavity. endocrine gland secreting progesterone with small
A tm ospheric air enters into and escapes out from quantity of estrogen, in absence of fertilization,
this system through ten pairs of slit-like apertures after few days, corpus luteum u ltim ately stops
called stig m ata or sp iracles, located on lateral activity, loses yellow colour, begins to degenerate,
sid-es of body. then it is called corpus albicans. If fertilizatio n
176. ( b ) ; A BO blood groups are d eterm ined by the o c c u rs a n d fo e tu s is im p la n te d in th e
gen^ / (isoag g lu tin in ). T h ere are three alleles, e n d o m e triu m , th e tro p h o b la s t c e lls o f th e
I'\ I r’ and 1° of this gene. P roteins produced by developing placen ta secrete a horm one hu m an
the I A and 1st alleles are called A antigen and B chorionic gonad otrophin (hC G ). T h is horm one,
an tig en . P eop le w ith blood group A have the A like LH, m aintain s the corp u s luteum and the
a n tig e n on th e s u r fa c e o f th e ir R B C s, and secretion o f p rogesteron e and estrad iol by it.
an tibo d ies ag ain st antigen B in their plasm a. T hese two horm ones check the break d ow n of
Persons w ith blood group B have B antigen on th e end om etriu m o f the u teru s. T h u s corpus
th eir RBCs, and antibodies ag ain st A antigen luteum helps to m ain tain pregnancy.
in their plasma. Individuals with AB blood group 180. ( b ) : A h ealthy person acq u ires infection w hen
have both antigen A and antigen B on their RBCs, a female A tiopheks mosquito, containing infective
and no an tibo d ies for eith er o f the antigens in stag es of parasite (sporozoites) in its saliv ary
th eir plasm a. Type O individ uals are w ithout glands, bites him for su ck in g his blood . T h e
A and B a n tig e n s on th e ir R B C s, b u t h av e m o sq u ito p u n c tu r e s th e h o s t's s k in by its
antibodies for both these antigens in their plasma. proboscis and first introd u ces som e saliva into
blood stream . A lon g w ith saliva, th ousand s of
177. ( b ) : S in u -au ricu lar node or S-A node is located
sporozoites contained therein are also inoculated.
in the wall of the right auricle below the opening
S p o ro z o ites re p re sen t the in fectiv e fo rm s of
of the su p erior vena cava. The S-A node has
parasite. These are sm all spindle-shaped, slightly
unique property of self excitation, w hich enables
c u rv e d or s ic k le -s h a p e d , an d u n in u c le a te
it to a c t th e "p a c e m a k e r " o f th e h e a rt. It
organism s, m easu rin g ll-1 2 n m in length and
sp on tan eo u sly in itiates a w ave of contraction
0.5-1 p.m in w id th. A fter infection sp orozoites
w h ich sp read s over both the au ricles m ore or
en te r liv er cells h e re a fte r a few d iv is io n s ,
less sim ultaneously along the m uscle fibres that m icro m eta cry p to m ero z o ite s a re form ed that
fan out from the pacem aker. en ter R B C s and gam etocytes are form ed here
178. (d) : T h e o rg a n o f C o rti lie s on th e b a s ila r in R B C s.
m e m b ra n e . It c o n ta in s a s e r ie s of
electrom echanically sensitive cells i.e. hair cells.
They are the receptive end organs that generate 181. (a) 182. (b) 183. (c) 184. (a) 185. (a)
nerve im pulses in response to sound vibrations. 186. (b) 187. (c) 188. (a) 189. (d) 190. (c)
T hu s, organ of Corti is actu ally the organ that 191. (a) 192. (b) 193. (b) 194. (d) 195. (d)
p erceiv es sou nd . M inute h airs project upw ard 196. (a) 197. (b), 198. (a) 199. (d) 200. (b)
from hair cell and they are em bedded in the

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