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S o lv e d P a p er

AIIM S - 2008 v
Time : 3Vz H ours Max. Marks : 200

PHYSICS (c) equal to K.E. o f bullet

(d) none o f the above
1. In an electrical circuit containing L, C and R which
Side o f an equilateral triangle is /. Three point
o f the following does not denote the dimensions
masses, each o f magnitude m y are placed at the
o f frequency?
three vertices o f the triangle. Moment o f inertia
1 o f this system about one side o f the triangle as
(a) l.C (b)
VZc axis is given by
1 R 3 m l2 4
(c) (d) T (a) (b) 3 mP
RC L 4.
2 . The displacement time graph o f a particle moving (c) \ m l 2 <d) y „ P
along a straight line is drawn below. P, O and R are three coplanar
forces acting at a point and
are in equilibium.
G iv e n P = 1.9318 kg vvt
fsinS, = 0.9659], the value
o f R (in kg wt) is
(a) 0.9659 (b) 2
<c) I (d) 1/2 .
The accelerations o f the particle during the regions
OP, PO and QR are Supposetthe gravitational force varies inversely
OP as the nxh power o f distance. Then the time period
(a) - 0 j . o f a planet in circular orbit o f radius R around
(b) + 0 + the sun will be proportional to
(c) + 0 _ ("±l) («r!)
(a) R' 2 > (b) R' 1 ’
(d) - 0 - n-±
L 2
3. A particle o f mass m moves with constant speed (c) R" (d) R
along a circular path o f radius r under the action A Ge specimen is doped with Al. The concentration
o f force F. Its speed is o f acceptor atoms is ~ 1021 atoms/m3. Given that

\ — (b)
y the intrinsic concentration o f electron hole pairs
is the concentration o f electrons in the
specimen is
(c) \jF m r (d) (a) IOl7/m J (b) I0 l5/m 3
(c) 104/m 3 (d) 10:/m 3.
4. A bullet is fired from a rifle and the rifle recoils.
Kinetic energy o f rifle is A slab consists o f two layers o f different materials
(a) less than K.E. o f bullet o f th e sa m e th ic k n e s s and h a v i n g th e rm a l
(b) greater than K.E. o f bullet conductivities AT, and K2 are connected in series.
Solved P a p e r - 2008

The equivalent thermal conductivity o f the slab is (a) ^ 2 + ( 2 tt/L)2 (b) R2 + ( 2 n f 2)2
2 A', A", _ _
(c) + L u f 2) (d) R2 + (2nf)2.
<a > <b) -IK 'K 2
16. Two closed organ pipes o f length 100 cm and
«=> T ^ k 101 cm produces 16 beats in 20 sec. When each
pipe is sounded in its fundamental mode calculate
10. In Young's double slit experiment, the distance
the velocity o f sound.
between two slits is made three times then the
(a) 303 m s-1 (b) 332 m s ’1
fringe width will become
(c) 323.2 ms"1 (d) 300 ms"1.
(a) 9 times (b) 1/9 times
(c) 3times (d) 1/3 times. 17. A ce rta in gas is
taken to the five
11. A laser beam is used for carrying out surgery
states represented
because, it
by d o ts in the
(a) is highly monochromatic
graph. The plotted
(b) is highly coherent
lines are isotherms.
'(c) is highly directional
Order o f the most
(d) can be sharply focussed.
probable speed vp
12. A converging lens forms a real image i o f an object o f the molecules at these five states is
on its principal axis. A rectangular slab o f refractive (a) vt>at 3 > Vp *1 ! = Vp at 2 > ^1>at 4 = Vp at S
index fi and thickness x is introduced between J (b) vp at t > v/i ;U2 ~ vi>at 3 > v/>;il 4 " Vl>at 5
and the lens, / will move (c) v,> nL3 v/t aI2 Vp at 4 V/>nt 1 ~ V/, nt 5
(a) towards the lens (^ - l).r (d) in s u f f ic i e n t in f o rm a tio n to p r e d ic t the
(b) towards the lens by ^l~-^-j.v
18. A7, atoms o f a radioactive element emit A\ beta
(c) away from the lens by ( jj. - l).v particles per second. The decay constant o f the
element is (in s_l)
(d) away from the lens by
(a) Ay.-v; (b) AVA',
(c) i\\ (In 2 ) <d) A', (In 2)
13. The velocity o f electromagnetic radiation in a
19. Figure shows the
medium o f permittivity e0 and permeability •$
varia tio n of
given by
energy with the
(a) (b) orbit radius r of
a s a te llite in a
IEil circular motion.
(c) (d) > K e< Mark the correct
14. E le c tr ic field at c e n tr e o f a
(a) C is total energy, B kinetic energy and A is
uniformly charged semicircle o f
potential energy
radius a is
(b) A is kinetic energy, B total energy and C
(a) (b) potential energy
2 tte0« -
(c) A and B are the kinetic and potential energies
X and C the total energy o f the satellite.
(c) 2 TIE,,<7 <d) 2ttEf,<7
(d) C and A are kinetic and potential energy
15. If frequency o f R ~ L circuit i s / t h e n impedence respectively and B the total energy o f the
will be satellite.
20 . Two changes +e/and - q are (a) 1/2 (b) 2
attached to the two ends o f (c) 1/4 (d) 4.
a light rod o f length L, as
26. The ratio o f magnetic fields on the axis o f a circular
shown in figure. The system
current carrying coil o f radius a to the magnetic
is g iv e n a v e lo c ity v
field at its centre will be
perpendicular to magnetic
field B . The magnetic force on the system o f {a) ------ ~ 1/2
ttt (b) , ^ 1/2
charges and magnitude o f force on one charge I+ ~ 1+ ^ -
by the rod, are respectively a ) \ ,v
(a) zero, zero (b) zero, qvB (C) , 1 r (d ) — -L
(c) 2qvB, 0 (d) 2qvB, qvB

21. If a wire is extended to a new length I, the work '+ $) H

done is
27. Lumen is the unit o f
(a) luminous flux (b) luminosity
(a) (b) ~ V n 2
(c) illumination (d) quantity o f light.
(c) L id ( i - r y (d) 2 -—i ( i - n 2
2 I 28. A charge q is uniformly distributed on a ring of
radius /■. A sphere o f an equal radius is constructed
22. The equivalent resistance between the points X
with its centre lying on the periphery o f the ring.
and Y in the following circuit diagram will be
The flux o f electric field through the surface o f
the sphere will be
q q
W Z <b > 2 i T

<c) 3 T ■ <d> I Z
(c) 7 Q (d) 3 Q.
29. When 100 V d.c. is applied across a coil, a current
23. The intensity o f magnetic field due to an isolated o f I A flows through it. When 100 V a.c. o f
pole o f strength m/t at a point distant /• from it will 50 Hz is applied to the same coil only 0.5 A flows.
be The inductance o f the coil is
(a) m j r 1 (b) (a) 0.55 H (b) 5.5 ml-i
(c) r / n t /t (d) m jr . (c) 0.55 mH (d) 55 mH.

24. A bulb and a condenser are connected in series 30. A bulb o f 25 W, 200 V and another bulb o f
with an A.C. source. On increasing the frequency 100 W, 200 V are connected in series with a supply
o f the source its brightness will line o f 220 V. Then
(a) increase (b) decrease (a) both bulbs will glow with same brightness
(c) sometimes increase and sometimes decrease (b) both bulbs will get fused
(cl) neither increase nor decrease. (c) 25 W bulb will glow more brightly
(d) 100 W bulb will glow more brightly.
25. Two heater wires, made o f the same material and
having the same length and the same radius, are 31. Which o f the following is matched wrongly?
first connected in series and then in parallel to a (a) oil drop experiment —> Millikan
constant potential difference. If the rates o f heat (b) dual nature o f light de Brogile
produced in the two cases are Hs and //,, respectively, (c) uncertainty principle —» Heisenberg
then //, ///,, will be (d) none o f these

S olved P a p e r - 2008

32. The forbidden gap in the energy bands o f silicon 39. The magnifying power o f a compound microscope
is increase with
(a) 2.6 eV (b) 1.1 eV (a) the focal length o f objective lens is increased
(c) 0.1 eV (d) 6 eV and that o f eye lens is decreased
(b) the focal length o f eye lens is increased and
33. When white light passes through a prism, the
that o f objective lens is decreased
deviation is maximum for
(c) focal lengths o f both objects and eye-piece
(a) violet light (b) green light
are increased
(c) red light (d) yellow light
(d) focal lengths o f both objects and eye-piece
34. Which o f the following gates correspond to the are decreased.
truth table given below?
40. A thread is tied slightly loose
to a wire frame as in figure
0 0 1 and the frame is dropped into
0 1 0 a soap solution and taken
1 0 0 out. The frame is completely
1 1 0 covered with the film. When
the portion A is punctured
(a) NA ND (b) OR
with a pin, the thread
(c) XOR (d) N O R
(a) becomes concave towards A
35. Light is incident normally on a diffraction grating
(b) becomes convex towards A
through which the first diffraction is seen at 32°.
(c) either (a) or (b) depending on the size o f A
In this case the second order diffraction will be
with respect to B
(a) at 80° (b) at 64°
(d) remains in the initial position.
(c) at 48°
(d) there is no second order diffraction D irections : In th e follow ing q u estions (41-60), a
sta te m en t o f assertio n (A) is followed by a sta te m e n t
36. I f th e re w ere no a tm o s p h e re , th e av e rag e of reason (R). M a r k the co rrec t choice as :
temperature on earth surface would be (a) If both assertion and reason are true and reason is
(a) lower (b) higher the correct explanation o f assertion
(c) same (d) 0°C. (b) If both assertion and reason are true but reason is
not the correct explanation o f assertion
37. The current curve between Iogt. ~ and ■— (c) If assertion is true but reason is false
(d) If both assertion and reason are false.

(b) ioz j / r - 41. Assertion : In the relation / _L lL

(a) log,^//- where
2/ V p- ’
symbols have standard meaning, ni
represent linear mass density.
Reason : The frequency has the dimensions
(c) (d) log^/'/- o f inverse o f time.

42. Assertion : When the velocity o f projection o f a

38 . An object 5 cm tall is placed 1 in from a concave body is made n times, its time o f
spherical mirror which has a radius o f curvature flight becomes n times.
o f 20 cm. The size o f the image is Reason : Range o f projectile does not depend
(a) 0 .11 cm (b) 0.50 cm on the initial velocity o f a body.
(c) 0.55 cm (d) 0.60 cm. 43. Assertion : A needle placed carefully on the
surface of water may float, whereas energies become equal when the
a ball o f the same material will always displacement is \ ( 4 l times the
sink. amplitude.
Reason The buoyancy o f an object depends Reason In SHM, kinetic energy is zero when
both on the material and shape o f the potential energy is maximum.
53. Assertion A bird perches on a high power line
44. Assertion The colour o f the green flower seen
and nothing happens to the bird.
through red glass appears to be dark.
Reason The level o f bird is very high from
Reason Red glass transmits only red light.
the ground.
45. Assertion The alternating current lags behind
54. Assertion Stopping potential depends upon the
the c.m.f. by a phase angle o f ti/2 ,
frequency o f incident light but is
when AC flows through an inductor.
independent o f the intensity o f the
Reason The inductive reactance increases as
th e f r e q u e n c y o f AC so u r c e
decreases. Reason The maximum kinetic energy o f the
photoelectrons is proportional to
46. Assertion A spark occur between the poles of stopping potential.
a switch when the switch is opened.
Reason Current flowing in the conductor 55. Assertion Inductance coils are usually made of
produces magnetic field. thick copper wire.
Reason Induced current is more in wire
47. Assertion X-rays can penetrate through the
having less resistance.
flesh but not through the bones.
Reason The penetrating power o f X-rays 56. Assertion When radius o f circular loop carrying
depends on voltage. current is doubled, its magnetic
48. Assertion It is essential that all the tines moment becomes four times.
available in the emission spectrum Reason Magnetic moment depends on area
will a lso be a v a ila b le in the o f the loop.
absorption spectrum. 57. Assertion In the following circuit, em f is 2 V
Reason The spectrum o f hydrogen atom is and internal resistance o f the cell is
only absorption spectrum. 1 Q and R = 1 £2, then reading o f the
49. Assertion A double convex lens (j.i = 1.5) has voltmeter is 1 V.
focal length 10 cm. When the lens is
immersed in water ( jj, ~ 4/3) its focal
length becomes 77 cm.
i J ____ 1_
/ I /*) /f2
Reason V - E - !R where E = 2 V,
50. Assertion Diode lasers are used as optical
/ = 2/2 = 1 A.
sources in optical communication.
Reason Diode lasers consume less energy. 58. Assertion A domestic electrical appliance,
working on a three pin will continue
51. Assertion We cannot think o f magnetic field j
w orking even if the top pin is
configuration with three poles. i removed.
Reason A bar magnet does exert a torque on j
Reason The third pin is used only as a safety
itself due to its own field. i device.
52. Assertion : In a SHM. kinetic and potential
59. Assertion : The energy o f charged particle
Solved P a p e r - 2008

moving in a uniform magnetic field sodium sulphide (pH2), sodium selenide (pH-,) and
does not change. sodium telluride (pH 4)?
Reason Work done by magnetic field on the (a) pH! > pH2 = pH-, = pH.,
charge is zero. (b) pH | < pH 2 < pH3 < pH.,
(c) pH[ < pH 2 > pH3 < pH.t
60. Assertion <X)Sr from the radioactive fall out from (d) pH, > phl2 > pH3 > pH.,.
a nuclear bomb ends up in the bones
64. Toluene is nitrated and the resulting product is
o f human beings through the milk
reduced with tin and hydrochloric acid. The product
c o n s u m e d by them . It c a u se s
so obtained is diazotised and then heated with
impairment o f production o f red
cuprous bromide. The reaction mixture so formed
blood cells. contains
Reason The energies p-particles emitted in (a) mixture o f o- and m-bromotoluenes
the decay o f ™Sr damage the bone (b) mixture o f o- and p-bromotoluenes
marrow. (c) mixture o f o- and /7-d ib r o m o b e n z en es
(d) mixture o f o- and / > b r o m o a n ilin es .
65. The dissociation equilibrium o f a gas AlU can be
61. Identify Z in the reaction.
represented as
2A B 2W ^ 2 + (,>
C l [Cl-, + N aO l I v. N a0[] t v The degree o f dissociation is .v and is small
compared to 1. The expression relating the degree
o f dissociation (.v) with equilibrium constant Kr
and total pressure p is
(a) (2 K{/ p Y i2 (b) K J p
(c) 2KtJp (d) (2K , J p r \

OH OH 66 . Which o f the follow ing is co n sid ered as an

X , C V \ 1OH XOONa anticancer species?
(»» (OJ ‘ +IQ H ,N V /C l Cl

OH OH (a) H ^N ^ 'X CI (b )

a /C l
(c) / P< C H , (d) x pt
Cl “ Cl Cl

67. CH3CH = CH C H 3 + CHC13 + /-BuOK -> A. A

62. Tor the reaction, 2 N 0 2 + F2 —> 2 N 0 2F, following (a) CH3C H - C H C H 3 (b) C H , C H - C H C H 3
mechanism has been provided.
S lo w ch, C
N 0 2 + F; -* N 0 2F + F
NO, + F -
* NO->F (c) CH ,CH - C H C H , Cl Cl
Thus, rate expression o f the above reaction can I I
O Bu Cl
be written as
(a) r - K [ N 0 2]2[F2] (b) r = K [ N 0 2][F2] (d) c h 3c h - £ h c h 3 .
(c) r - K [NO,] (d) r = A'[F2].
63 . What is the correct relationship between the pHs
o f isomolar solutions o f sodium oxide (pH,), 68. In which o f the following preparations o f ether,
the co n fig u ra tio n about chiral centre is not 73 . Which o f the following molecules will not show
retained? optical activity?
(a) CH-j OH + Na Cn,Br- » (a) H in11^ -^iisH H

Ci l,ONa HO
(b) CHV O H + TsCi - — --------►
(b) I I X - C M - C D (c) OH
H Oil CH-

(o) C H V C H = C H 2 + Hg(OAc)2 b\ A / h
\\/ Br
NaBH, 74. Green chemistry means such reactions which
+ Cl-I,OH (a) are related to the depletion' o f ozone layer
(b) study the reactions in plants
(d) C H V (c) produce colour during reactions
(d) reduce the use and production o f hazardous
D chemicals.
69. Toluene on treatment with C r 0 3 and (CH3C 0 ) 30
followed by hydrolysis with dii. HC1 gives 75. Identify the final product.
(a) benzatdehyde (b) benzoic acid H lC\ /H
(c) phenol CH 3 (0 /h-CPBA .
(d) phenylacetaldehyde, (ii)H,Cr 1
70. The time period to coat a metal surface o f OH
80 cm2 with 5 * KT3 cm thick layer o f silver
(a) --------- ^1111 H
(density 1.05 g c m '1) with the passage of.3 A
current through a silver nitrate solution is
(a) 115 sec (b) 125 sec H.,A H
(c) 135 sec (d) 145 sec. (b) --------------------- ^mill OH
71. Correct equation o f FreundHch isotherm is HO CH 2COCH3

(a) lo g f — j = log A +-^logc*

(c) 1-1
^--------- Zmiii

HO " H
(b) i°g(f — 1=: iogC + ~ log k (d) none o f these.
\ ) n
76. The flame colours o f metal ions are due to
(c) logf ~ log c + — logc (a) Frenkel defect (b) Schottky defect
\ J” (c) metal deficiency defect
«!> >og( - logA + v l o g c (d) metal excess defect.
i k
77. The reaction o f an o rganic c o m p o u n d w ith
72. . Which o f the following compounds is not chiral? ammonia followed by nitration o f the product gives
(a) 1-Chloropentane a powerful explosive called RDX.The organic
(b) 2-Chloropentane compound is
<c) l-Chloro-2-methyl pentane (a) phenol (b) toluene
(d) 3-Chloro-2-methyl pentane. (c) glycerine (d) formaldehyde.
Solved P a p e r - 2008

78. Cumenc process is the most important commercial (a) 1.576 x 104 (b) 1.576 x 10'
method for the manufacture o f phenol. Cumene is (c) 15.76 (d) 2.136 x 1CJ.
(a) /.vo-propyl benzene (b) ethyl benzene
(c) vinyl benzene (d) propyl benzene.
86 . The number o f S S bonds in sulphur trioxide
trimer (S^O0) is
79. Prolonged exposure o f fat or oil in moist air and (a) three (b) two
light causes bad smell (rancidity). It is due to (c) one (d) zero.
^ ) formation o f C6 - C i2 fatty acids
87. Oxidation product 1,2-cyclopentanedio! with HIO.!
(b) formation o f ketone and aldehyde
(c) both o f these causes (a) l lC - CM, - CH2 - CM2 - C - 11
(d) formation o f glycerol.

80. Acid hydrolysis o f sucrose is a

(a) p s e u d o first order reaction
(b) zero order reaction
(c) second order reaction
(c) C - CH - CH2 - CI-l2 - C = O
(d) unimolecular reaction.
on oh
81. Which o f these com pounds is synthesised by (d) none o f these.
(a) DDT (b) BMC 88 . The correct order o f dipole moment is
(c) chloroform (d) Michlers ketone. (a) CH, < NF3 < NH3< 1-1,0
(b) NF3 < CH, < NH*< H20
82. When phenol reacts with phthalic anhydride in (c) N H 3 <NFj < CH, < H20
presence o f H,SO , and heated and hot reaction
(d) H ,0 <NHj < N F 3< CH,.
mixture is poured in NaOH solution, then product
formed is 89. The root mean square speed o f the molecules of
(a) alizarin (b) methyl orange diatomic gas is u. When the temperature is doubled,
(c) fluorescein (d) phenolphthalein. the molecules dissociate into two atoms. The new
rms speed o f the atom is
83. The function o f AIC1? in Friedel-Craft's reaction
is to (a) Jlit (b) ti
(a) absorb HC1 (b) absorb water (c) 2ti (d) 4n.
(c) produce nucleophile 90. For the f o llo w in g c o n c e n tra tio n cell, to be
(d) produce electrophile. spontaneous Pl(M2)/, i atm. jHCI|Pt(H,)/J2 atm.
84. 'The correct order o f increasing [ H , 0 '] in the Which o f the following is correct?
following aqueous solutions is (a) /J, = P2 (b) i \ < P2
(c) P, > P2 (d) can't be predicted.
(a) 0.01 M H,S < 0.01 M H,SO, < 0.01 M NaCl
< 0.01 M NaNO, 91. Which one o f the following is not a surfactant?
(b) 0.01 M N a C K 0.01 M NaNO, < 0.01 M H ;S
< o . o i m h 2s o 4
(a) CH3 - ( C r i 2) , 5 - N - C H 3Br
(c) 0 . 0 1 M NaNO, < 0.01 M NaCI < 0.01 M M,S
<0.01 M H ,S 0 4 CM 3
(d) 0.01 M H2S < 0.01 M N aNO, <0.01 M N aC l (b) CH., - (CH 2),4 - CH, - NM2
< 0.01 M H,SO,. (c) CH3 - ( C H ,)Kl - C H 20 S 0 2- N a r
(d) OHC - (CH,),., - CH , - COO" N a +.
85. Percentage o f Se (at. mass = 78.4) in peroxidase
92. The standard oxidation potential £° for the half
anhydrase enzym e is 0.5% by weight, then
cell reaction are
minimum molecular mass o f peroxidase anhydrase
Zn -» Zn21 + 2 e \ £° = + 0.76V
enzyme is
Fe Fe3+ + 2<r; 'E° = + 0.41V
EM F o f the cell reaction is (b) Pyrophosphoric acid
Zn + Fe-‘ Zn:t + Fe (c) Metaphosphoric acid
(a) - 0.35 V (b) + 0.35 V (d) Orthophosphoric acid.
(c) 0.17 V (d) 1.17 V.
HNO, C l,
)3. To observe the effect o f concentration on the 99. Y . In the above
H ,S 0 4 ' FcCI,
conductivity electrolytes o f different nature were sequence K can be
taken in two vessels A and B. A contains weak (a) 3-nitrochlorobenzene
e l e c tr o l y te NM.,OH and B c o n ta in s s tro n g (b) I-nitrochlorobenzene
electrolyte NaCl. In both containers, concentration (c) 4-nitrochlorobenzene
o f resp e c tiv e elec tro ly te w as increased and (d) none o f these.
conductivity observed.
100. Which o f the following is aromatic?
(a) in A conductivity increases, in B conductivity
(b) in A condu c tiv ity dec reases, w h ile in B (b)
conductivity increases
(c) in both A and B conductivity increase
(d) in both A and B conductivity decreases. (d)

94. A unit cell o f sodium chloride has four formula

u n its . T he edg e le n gth o f th e un it cell is Directions : In th e following questions (101-120), a
0 .0 5 6 4 mu. W hat is the d e n s ity o f so d iu m s ta te m e n t of assertion (A) is followed by a s ta te m e n t
chloride? of reason (R). M a r k the co rrec t choice as :
(a) 1,2 g/cm3 (b) 2,165 g/cm3 (a) If both assertion and reason are true and reason is
(c) 3.64 g/cm* (d) 4.56 g/cm3. the correct explanation o f assertion
(b) If both assertion and reason are true but reason is
95. The reaction
not the correct explanation of assertion
R -C -R ...> RCONHR + N , (c) If assertion is true but reason is false
|| H r SO, 2
<d) If both assertion and reason are false.
is called 1 0 1 . Assertion
: (C H ^ C C O Q C H j)^ and acetone can
(a) Claisen-Schmidt reaction be distinguished by the reaction with
(b) Kolbe-Schmidt reaction NaHSO.,.
(e) Schmidt reaction Reason : H S 0 3' is the n u c l e o p h il e in
(d) Kolbe's reaction. bisulphite addition.
96. W hich o f the f o llo w in g a m in e s , can give 102. Assertion : Tertiary carbonium ions are generally
N-nitrosoamine on . .~»ment with HNO:? formed more easily than primary
carbonium ions.
(b) C H ,-C H ~ C H , Reason : H y p e r c o n j u g a tio n as w ell as
I inductive effect due to additional
alkyl g r o u p s s ta b ili z e te rtia r y

carbonium ions,

103. Assertion : If H, and Cl, enclosed separately in

97. The purification o f alumina is called the same vessel exert pressure o f 100
(a) Baeyer's process (b) Bosch process and 200 mm respectively, their
(c) Castuer process (d) Hoop's process. mixture in the same vessel at the same
temperature will exert a pressure o f
98. Which acid has P - P linkage?
300 mm.
(a) Hypophosphoric acid
S olved P a p e r - 2008

Reason D alton’s law o f partial pressures acids to evolve chlorine.

states that total pressure is the sum Reason : The chlorine liberated by the action
of partial pressures. of dilute acids on bleaching powder
is called available chlorine.
104. A ssertion The quantized energy o f an electron
is largely determined by its principal 111. A ssertion : Teflon has high thermal stability and
quantum number. chemical inertness.
Reason The principal quantum number n is Reason : Teflon is a thermoplastic.
a m easure o f the most probable
112. A ssertion : In high spin situation, configuration
distance o f finding the electron
around the nucleus. o f cf ions will be
Reason : In high spin situation, pairing energy
105. Assertion According to Le-Chatelier’s principle is less than crystal field energy.
addition o f heat to an equilibrium
solid liquid results in decrease in 113. A ssertion : Copper metal gets readily corroded
the amount o f solid. in acidic aqueous solution.
Reason Reaction is endotherm ic, so on Reason : Free energy change for this process
heating forward reaction is favoured. is negative.

106. A ssertion Cyclohexanone exhibits keto-enol 114. Assertion : When a concentrated solution is
tautomerism. dilu ted by a d d in g m ore water,
Reason In cyclohexanone, one form contains molarity o f the solution remains
the keto group (C — O) while other unchanged.
contains enolic group ( - C = C ~ Reason : Product o f moles o f a solute and
Oil). volume is equal to the molarity.

107. A ssertion Phenol is more reactive than benzene 115. A ssertion : Anilinium chloride is more acidic
towards electrophilic substitution than am monium chloride.
reaction. Reason : Anilinium chloride is resonance
Reason In the c a se o f p h e n o l, the stabilised.
intermediate carbocation is more
resonance stabilised. 116. A ssertion : Pyrrole is an aromatic heterocyclic
108. Assertion Many endothermic reactions that are Reason : It has cyclic delocalised 6n electrons.
not spontaneous at room temperature
b ec o m e sp o n ta n e o u s at high 117. A ssertion : 2-Butanol on heating with HiSO,,
temperature. gives 1 -butene and 2-butene.
Reason Entropy o f the system increases with Reason : Dehydration o f 2-butanol follows
increase in temperature. Saytzeffs rule.

109. A ssertion Benzaidehyde is more reactive than 118. Assertion : SeCl4 does not have a tetrahedral
eth an a l to w a r d s n u c l e o p h ilic structure.
attack. Reason : Se in SeCl4 has two lone pairs.
Reason The overall effect o f - / and +R effect
119. A ssertion : Liquid N H ? is used for refrigeration.
o f p h e n y l g r o u p d e c r e a s e s the
Reason : Liquid N H 3 quickly vapourises.
electron density on the carbon atom
of C = O group in benzaidehyde. 120.Assertion : E thers b e h a v e as bases in the
presence o f mineral acids.
110. A ssertion Bleaching powder reacts with dilute Reason : It is due to the presence o f lone pair
o f electrons on the oxygen.
127. The main reason why antibiotics could not solve
all the problems o f bacteria mediated diseases is
121. Two opposite forces operate in the growth and
(a) insensitivity o f the individual follow ing
development o f every population. One o f them is
prolonged exposure to antibiotics
related to the ability to reproduce at a given rate.
(b) inactivation o f antibiotics by bacterial enzymes
The force opposite to it is called
(c) decreased efficiency o f the immune system
(a) fecundity
(d) the development o f mutant strains resistant
(b) environmental resistances
to antibiotics.
(c) biotic control {d) mortality.
128. Which of the following sets includes the bacterial
122. Acrosome reaction in sperm is triggered by
(a) capacitation (b) release o f lysin
(a) cholera, typhoid, mumps
(c) influx o f Na4 (d) release o f fertilizin.
(b) tetanus, tuberculosis, measles
123. What is a keystone species? (c) malaria, mumps, poliomyelitis
(a) a species which makes up only a small (d) diphtheria, leprosy, plague.
p r o p o rti o n o f th e total b io m a ss o f a
129. The binding o f antibodies to the antigens to
community, yet has a huge impact on the
produce a large insoluble complex is known as
community’s organization and survival
(a) antibody-antigen complex
(b) a common species that has plenty o f biomass,
(b) agglutination (c) immunization
yet has a fairly low impact on the community’s
(d) suppressor cell reaction.
(c) a rare species that has minimal impact on the 130. One o f the major difficulties in the biological
biomass and on other species in the community control o f insect pest is that
(d) a dominant species that constitutes a large (a) the predator develops a preference to other
proportion o f the biomass and which affects diets and may itself become a pest
many other species. (b) the predator does not always survive when
124. Which one o f the following pairs is not correctly transferred to a new environment
matched? (c) the method is less effective as compared with
(a) Sfreptomyces - Antibiotic the use o f insecticides
(b) Serralia - Drug addiction (d) the practical difficulty o f introducing the
(c) Spintlina - Single cell protein predator to specific areas.
(d) Rhizobium - Biofertilizer. 131. Cattle fed with spoilt hay of sweet clover which
125. You are required to draw blood from a patient contains dicumarol
and to keep it in a test tube for analysis o f blood (a) are healthier due to a good diet
corpuscles and plasma. You are also provided with (b) catch infections easily
the following four types o f test tubes. Which o f (c) may suffer vitamin K. deficiency and prolonged
these will you not use for the purpose? bleeding
(a) test tube containing calcium bicarbonate (d) may suffer from beri-beri due to deficiency
(b) chilled test tube o f vitamin B,.
(c) test tube containing heparin 132. Which one o f the following methods is commonly
(d) test tube containing sodium oxalate. used to maintain the genetic traits o f a given plant?
126. Smoking addiction is harmful because it produces (a) by propagating through seed germination
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, which cause (b) by p r o p a g a tin g th r o u g h v e g e ta tiv e
(a) reduction in oxygen transport multiplication
(b) increase in blood pressure (c) by generating hybrids through intergeneric
(c) cancer pollination
(d) retardation o f growth o f foetus. (d) by treating the seeds with gamma radiations.
S olved P a p e r - 2008

133. The bacteria which attack dead animals are (d) the vegetative cell has not been damaged.
(a) first link o f the food chain and are known as
One common example o f simple reflex is
primary producers
(a) tying your shoe laces while talking to another
(b) se c o n d link o f th e food cha in and are
person and not looking at them
(b) watering o f mouth at the sight o f a favourite
(c) third link o f the food chain and are tertiary
(c) climbing up a stairs in dark without stumbling
(d) the end o f food chain and are decomposers.
(d) closing o f eyes when strong light is flashed
134. Which o f the following statements is incorrect? across them.
(a) lichen, an association o f fungus and algae is
140. Select one o f the following pairs o f important
an example o f mutualism.
features distinguishing Gncium from Cycas and
(b) those epiphytes which use other plants for
Pinus and showing affinities with angiosperms.
support only and not for water or food supply
(a) Perianth and two integuments.
and are examples o f commensalism.
(b) Embryo development and apical meristem.
(c) sea-anemone on hermit-crab is an example
(c) Absence o f resin duct and leaf venation.
o f protocooperation.
(d) Presence o f vessel elements and absence o f
(d) mutualism, protoctfoperation, commensalism
cannot be included under symbiosis.
141. Injury to vagus nerve in humans is not likely to
135. How many sperms are formed from a secondary
(a) tongue movements
(a) 4 (b) 8
(b) gastrointestinal movements
(c) 2 (d) I.
(c) pancreatic secretion
136. Phytohorm ones are (d) cardiac movements.
(a) hormones regulating growth from seed to
142. Which one o f the following is a matching pair?
(a) L ubb-S harp clo sure o f AV valves at the
(b) growth regulators synthesised by plants and
beginning o f ventricular systole.
influencing physiological process
(b) Dup-Sudden opening o f semilunar valves at
(c) hormones regulating flowering
the beginning o f ventricular diastole.
(d) hormones regulating secondary growth.
(c) Pulsation o f the radial artery-Valves in the
137. Grey crescent is the area blood vessels.
(a) at the point o f entry o f sperm into ovum (d) Initiation o f the heart beat - Purkinje fibres.
(b) just opposite to the site o f entry o f sperm into j
143. A lake near a village suffered heavy mortality o f
fishes within a few days. Consider the following
(c) at the animal pole (d) at the vegetal pole.
reasons for this?
138. Even after killing the generative cell with a laser (a) lots o f urea and phosphate fertilizer were used
beam , the pollen grain o f a flo w ering plant in the vicinity.
germ inates and produces norma! pollen tube (b) the area was sprayed with DDT by an aircraft.
because (c) the lake water turned green and stinky.
(a) laser beam stimulates pollen germination and (d) phytoplankton polulations in the lake declined
pollen tube growth in itia lly th e re b y g r e a tly r e d u c in g
(b) the laser beam does not damage the region photosynthesis.
from which pollen tube emerges j
144. Which one o f the following pairs o f plant structures
(c) the contents o f killed generative cell permits j
has haploid number o f chromosomes?
germination and pollen tube growth i
(a)nucellus and antipodal cells. i (c) dust o f the air makes it dark
{b)egg nucleus and secondary nucicus. (d) none o f the above.
(c)megaspore mother ccll and antipodal cells.
150. Nicoiianci syl vesirLs flow ersonly duringlong d ays
(d)egg cell and antipodal cells.
and /V.labacum flowers only during short days. If
145. W hen a m an inha les air c o n ta in in g normal raised in the la b o ra to r y u n d e r d i f f e r e n t
concentration o f 0 2 as well as CO lie suffers from photoperiods, they can be induced to flower at the
suffocation because same time and can be cross-fertilized to produce
(a) CO reacts with 0 2 reducing its percentage j self-fertile offspring. What is the best reason for
in air ! considering N.sylvestris and N.tabacum to be
(b) haemoglobin combines with CO instead of separate species ?
0 -. and forms carboxyhaemoglobin (a) they cannot interbreed in nature
(c) CO affects diaphragm and intercostal muscles (b) they are reproductively distinct
(d) CO affects the nerves o f the lungs. (c) they are physiologically distinct
(d) they are morphologically distinct
146. A patient o f diabetes mellitus excretes glucose
in urine even when he is kept in a carbohydrate 151. Which one o f the following is the correct statement
free diet. It is because re g a rd in g the p a r ti c u la r p s y c h o tr o p i c d r u g
(a) fats are catabolised in adipose tissues to form specified?
glucose (a) morphine leads to delusions and disturbed
(b) amino acids are catabolised in kidney to form emotions.
glucose (b) barbiturates cause relaxation and temporary
(c) amino acids are discharged in blood stream euphoria.
from liver (c) h a s h ish c a u se s a l te r a t io n o f th o u g h ts ,
(d) glycogen from muscles is released in blood perceptions and hallucinations.
stream. (d) opium stimulates nervous system and causes
147. During the life-cycle, Fasciola hepatica (liver
fluke) infects its intermediate host and primary host 152. In succulent plants the stomata open in night and
at the following larval stages respectively close in day. Which among the following would
(a) redia and miracidium be best hypothesis to explain the mechanism of
(b) cercaria and redia stomatal action in night only?
(c) metacercaria and cercaria (a) C 0 2 accum ulates, reduces pH, stim ulate
(d) miracidium and metacercaria enzymes resulting in accumulation o f sugars.
(b) increase in C 0 2 concentration, conversion of
148. Enzymes, vitamins and hormones can be classified
organic acids into starch resulting in the
into a single category o f biological chemicals
increased conversion into sugars resulting in
because o f all o f these
(a) enhance oxidative metabolism
(c) low C 0 2 concentration accumulates organic
(b) are conjugated proteins
acids resulting in the increased concentration
(c) are exclusively synthesised in the body o f a
o f cell sap.
living organism as at present
(d) C 0 2 used up, in c re a s e pH r e s u lt s in
(d) help in regulating metabolism.
accumulation o f sugars.
149. Cut surfaces o f fruit and vegetables often become
153. The cells o f the quiescent centre are characterised
dark because
(a) dirty knife makes it dark
(a) having dense cytoplasm and prominent nuclei
(b) oxidation o f tannic acid in the presence o f
(b) having light cytoplasm and small nuclei
trace o f iron from the knife makes it dark
S olved P a p e r - 2008

(c) dividing regularly to add to the corpus Directions : In the following questions (161-180), a
(d) dividing regularly to add to tunica statem ent of assertion (A) is followed by a sta te m ent
of reason (R). M a r k the correct choice as :
154. T h e r m o c o c c u s , M e th a n o c o c c u s and
(a) I f both assertion and reason are true and reason is
Me/honobacterium exemplify
the correct explanation o f assertion
(a) bacteria whose DNA is relaxed or positively
(b) If both assertion and reason are true but reason is
supercoiled but which have a cytoskeleton
not the correct explanation o f assertion
as well as mitochondria
(c) If assertion is true but reason is false
(b) bac te ria that contain a cytoskeleton and
(d) If both assertion and reason are false.
(c) a r c h a e b a c t e r i a th a t c o n ta in s pro tein 161.A ssertion : P r o to p l a s m i c c o n t in u ity is
homologous to eukaryotic core histones maintained in perforated septum.
(d) a r c h a e b a c t e r i a that lack any h isto n e s Reason : Usually a small pore remains in the
resembling those found in eukaryotes but centre o f the septum.
•whose DNA is negatively supercoiled.
162. A ssertion : The primary protenema o f moss by
155. Ectophloic siphonostele is found in death and decay o f cells may break
(a) Ox munch and Equixeium into fragments.
(b) Marsilea and Boirychium Reason : Bach fragment gives rise to leafy
(c) Adianlum and Cucurbiiaceae gametophyte.
(d) Dicksonia and Maidenhair fern,
163.A ssertion : Cephalization is advantageous to
156. Chlorenchyma is known to develop in the an animal.
(a) cytoplasm o f Chi ore 11a Reason : It improves the appearance o f the
(b) mycelium o f a green mould such as Aspergillux animal.
(c) spore capsule o f a moss
(d) pollen tube o f Pinux 164.A ssertion : Koel does not build nest for egg
157. The distance between two genes in a chromosome Reason : Koel lays its eggs in the nest of
is measured in cross-over units which represent tailor bird.
(a) ratio o f crossing over between them
165. Assertion : Competitive inhibitor is also called
(b) percentage o f crossing over between them
as substrate analogue.
(c) number o f crossing over between them
Reason : It r e s e m b le s th e e n z y m e s in
(d) none o f these.
158. In transgenics, expression o f transgene in target
166. A ssertion : Persons suffering from haemophilia
tissue is determined by
fail to produce blood clotting factor
(a) enhancer (b) transgene
(c) promoter (d) reporter.
Reason : Prothrombin producing platelets in
159. How many genome types are present in a typical such persons are found in very low'
green plants cell? concentration.
(a) more than five (b) more than ten
167. Assertion : Hybridoma cells are shifted to a
(c) two (d) three.
medium deficient in nutrient w'hich
160. The growth curve o f bacterial population in lab cannot be synthesized by myeloma
is plotted against time. What will be the shape cells.
o f graph? Reason : This medium allows selection o f
(a) sigmoid (b) hyperbolic hybridoma cells.
(c) ascending straight line
168.A ssertion : Maize is an albuminous seed.
(d) descending straight line.
Reason Endosperm is completely absorbed 177. Assertion : Nuclear endosperm is formed by
by its growing embryo. subsequent nuclear division without
169.A ssertion wall formation.
Ciliated epithelium is present in the
inner lining o f trachea and large Reason : C ocon ut is an exam ple o f such
bronchi. endosperm, where the endosperm
Reason Ciliary movement propel the mucus remains nuclear th ro u g h o u t the
and foreign particle towards the development o f the fruit.
larynx. 178. Assertion : In mammals the female secondary
sexual characters are developed by
170. Light is one o f the important factor
A ssertion
in transpiration.
It induces stomatal opening and Reason : G o n a d o tr o p in s are se c re te d by
closing. Therefore, transpiration graafian follicle.
increases in light and decreases in
dark. 179. A ssertion : The plant biomass which serves as
171. Assertion The higher concentration o f O : in th e food o f h e r b iv o r e s and
the atm osphere is inhibitory to decomposers is said to result from
photosynthesis. the gross primary productivity.
Reason C 0 2 is the main s u b s t r a te o f Reason : Gross primary productivity is the
photosynthesis. rate o f net production o f organic
material (biomass).
172. Assertion F, particles are present in the inner
mitochondrial membrane. 180. A ssert ion : Methyl mercury is a highly persistent
Reason An electron gradient formed on the pollutant that accumulates in food
inner 'm ito c h o n d ria l m em brane, chains.
forms ATP. Reason : Mercury pollution is responsible far
173. Assertion Rhabdome is present in Pa lac won. minamata.
Reason Rhabdome has an important role in
181. The first o f the GAEL (Global Alliance for the
174. A ssertion Pituitary is attached to hypothalamus
elimination o f Leprosy) was held in
by a vein.
(a) New Delhi (b) Bombay
Reason This attachment is done through a
(c) Culcutta (d) Paris.
hypophysial portal vein.
182. Megger is an instrument to measure
175. A ssertion Rabies is acute infectious disease
(a) very low resistance
o f w arm b lo o d e d m a m m a ls
(b) insulation resistance
characterised by involvement o f
(c) inductance o f a coil
central nervous system resulting in
(d) all o f the above.
paralysis and finally death.
Reason This is caused due to neurotropic 183. Terminator technology promotes sale o f which
filterable bacteria in saliva o f rabid o f the following that is/are generated by it?
animals. (a) gransgenic fertile seed.
(b) gene modified plants.
176. Assertion M a ny p la n ts are p ro p a g a te d
(c) genetically engineered seeds fertilized in next
vegetatively even though they bear
(d) all o f these.
Reason Potatoes multiply by tubers and
apple by cutting. 184. Which among the following has become the third
Solved P a p e r - 2008

tiger reserve o f Assam? 193. When T.V. is switched on

(a) Manas Wildlife Sanctury (a) audio and video both start simultaneously
(b) Kaziranga National Park (b) audio is heard immediately but video starts
(c) Nameri National Park later because video needs some warm up time
(d) none o f these. (c) video starts immediately but audio is heard
later because sound travels at a lesser speed
185. To make the acidic soil suitable for agricultural,
than light
one o f the following material is used.
(d) it depends on the T.V. stand.
(a) lime (b) gypsum
(c) calcium superphosphate 194. The instrument o f music in which Ustad Amjad
(d) vegetable compost. Ali Khan has distinguished him self is
(a) sarod (b) violin
186. The landform which is not associated with wind
(c) sitar (d) shehnai.
erosion is
(a) sand dune (b) inselberg 195. A deep and narrow river valley with steep bank
(c) drumlin (d) mushroom rock. is called
(a) geyser (b) bluff
187. BCG vaccination is to be given to a new born
(c) delta (d) canyon.
(a) immediately after child birth 196. A ‘breath test’ used by traffic police to check
(b) within 48 hours drunken drivers uses -
(c) within seven days (a) potassium dichormate-sulphuric acid
(d) within six months. (b) potassium permanganate sulphuric acid
188. For r e p r o d u c in g so u n d , CD ( c o m p a c t disc) (c) turmeric on filter paper
audioplayer uses a (d) silica gel coated with silver nitrate
(a) quartz crystal (b) titanium needle 197. In which o f the following books is 'Knowledge
(c) laser beam is Power' written?
(d) barium titanate ceramic (a) Essay on Man (b) Paradise Lost
(c) Leviathan (d) Das Capital.
189. In a three pin electrical plug, longest pin should
be connected to 198. Who said "w here w eather accum ulates, men
(a) ground terminal (b) live terminal decay"?
(c) neutral terminal (d) any terminal. (a) Abraham Lincoln (b) Mao Tsetung
(c) Karl Marx (d) Goldsmith.
190. The new addition to the commonwealth games
20 10 is 199. Which o f the following computer viruses is named
(a) shooting (b) hockey after cherry and caffein soft drink popular with pro­
(c) w'restling (d) football. grammers ?
(a) sircam (b) code pink
191. The name o f the player who established record
(c) cods red (d) malisa
in World Cup Cricket 2007 o f making six sixes
is 200. The fourth Buddist council was held during the
(a) Sanath Jaisurya (b) Virendra Sehwag reign o f
(c) Adam Gilchrist (d) Hershelle Gibbs. (a) Ashoka
192. The lateral meaning o f the word Arya is (b) Chandragupta
(a) superior (b) learned (c) Kanishka
(c) priest (d) warrior. (d) Chandragupta Vikramaditya
For a planet, m oving in a circular o rbit o f

1. radius R, F = —
(<1) Rn
d 2x But, F - n m 2R
2 . (c): Acceleration = — —
For part OP, the acceleration is positive as the =» jH+1
R“ I T T2
velocity is increasing. Slope is increasing. For J'Z o c l^n + I
part PO, the acceleration is zero. Horizontal straight
line shows that the velocity is zero. For part QR, T ~ R 2
acceleration is negative. It is retarded motion. 8. (a) : nt) ~ 1021 atoms/m3
Velocity is decreasing as the slope decreases with fij ~ 10 !<) atoms/m3, nL. = ?
time. Hence option (c) is correct. n,nh = n~
mv 2 n/ F
r ~r
= n} = ( I 0i9)2 = I038
3. (a): Centripetal force (/•') = ------ .\ v = w — = 1017 atoms/m^.
r Vm 21
"<! 102! 10
4. (b): Momentum o f rifle = Momentum o f bullet t t 2/
fn2v2, Also ni] > m2 9. (a) : In series combination, — + -— = —
A. j K 2 Jv

I 2
-- w,v, => 4 - + 4 - = 4 => * = ■2 K ' K l
K.E. o f rifle 2 - 1 1 A', K 2 K K\ + K 2
K.E. o f bullet 1 2 XD
10. (d) : Fringe width, p :
2 m2V2
v \ nh nh From question, d* - 3d
m. nh XD
New fringe width, Pf = -^7
K.E. o f rifle is less than K.E. o f bullet.
- P' = XD - P
5. (a): Distance o f corner mass from opposite side - r 3d 3
11. (a)
-'-(if 4 12. (d) : Due to insertion o f slab, the optical path
increases by xl\i, where * is thickness o f slab.
/ “ mr2 m!2
Therefore the converging point will shift away by
6 . (c) : Using Lami's theorem, we have x- = .v| 1 - i i.
P _ R P ______ R_
sin 0 , sin 150° sinG, sin (180°-30°) 13. (a) : Velocity o f electromagnetic wave is
1.9318 kgwt _ R 1
0.9659 ~ T /I
R = ___ x — kgwt = I kgwt.
0.9659 2 b h
7. (a) : Gravitational force, Fee 14. (d) : dEsinO *-

F where k is a constant.

Solutions 2008

Electric field intensity at O due to small elemental C total energy, B the P.E.
length dl o f charged ring, 20. (b) : Net charge on system = 0
I \d l 1 XadQ /. Net force on system = 0.
dE =
4 nec 4itz
Now consider one charge : T ~ qvB .
1 X
4he0 a Y = f± *
Net electric field at centre O is 2 1 . (c) : A/
E - jW£sin 0 = j -—sin 0r/0 YA
47IE« a p ------- a / = k - A i
[-cosO j Force extension
ff the extension is .v, work done in extending by dx
2 rcef,i7 dW = kx dx W - -A * .r 2
15. (a) : Impedance o f RL circuit is

z =Jr2+ xj i f at is w = ~ k (r-ir
where X/ = toL = 2 n f L
1 YA . 2
Z = p t 2 + { 2f L ) 2 . i.e. work done is ) .
2 I
16. ( c ) : Frequency o f fundamental mode o f vibrations
o f l sl closed organ pipe,

u ! = 4^ = 4 x i do ^
Frequency o f fundamental mode o f vibrations of
2 ml closed organ pipe,
v v
u, = (ii)
41-, 4x101

From question, u, - u 2

i’ v 16
4 x100 4x101 20
V 1 1 _ 16
4 ' J 00 10!. 20 v—
1 0 1 -1 0 0 I 16 r x_ L = l i
101 j 20 4 101 20
16x101x4 RXy = I ? * ! - = 5 f i .
10 + 10
323.2 m/s.
23. (a) : The magnetic intensity due to an isolatec
17. (a) : Stages 1 and 2 are at the same temperature.
Also stages 4 and 5 are at same temperature. mP
pole o f strength m/f at a distance (r) - —j-
As Vp is more at higher temperature and same at all
stages at equal temperature. 24. ( a ) : With increase in frequency, reactance o f LC
••• 'V, > »>, - Vp,
/s "> f!>-
rA -= * r$- circuit will increase. As a result, voltage increases
So, brightness will increase.
18. (b) : ~ — = \ N A', = XA'( 25. (c) : When heater wires are connected in series
then equivalent resistance,
19. (c) : Kinetic energy is +ve (A)
jtotal energyl < jP.E.j K = *i + RZ = 2R ( v /?, - R 2)

X , 2 = (200)2 - ( I 0 0 )2 - 300 X 100
Rate o f heat produced,
V-y =» X , = ^3x(100)2 = IOOt/3
" ' = 27? (i) =* a>i = 100 & =t> 2 nuL = 100V3
« i« 2
„ _ _R R => 2 x rcx50x /, = 100-/3
In second case, 'V ~ ft + ft ~ jR
=> lOOx sii = 10073
or R
Rr ~ R
V 3 _ 73
V2 /, = L ~ 0.55 I I.
Rate o f heat produced, M/t = ™ n 3.14
30. (c) : Resistance o f 25 W, 200 V bulb

Dividing (i) by (ii), we get Resistance o f 100 W, 200 V bulb
Hs (J/ 2 12R) v2 R I (200)2
Hp (2K 2 / R) 2/? 2K2 4‘ Q.
26. (a) Clearly, R x > R2. //, >
25 W bulb will glow more brightly.
27. (a) : Lumen is the S.I. unit o f luminous flux.
31. (d)

32. (b) : The forbidden gap in the energy band o f Si
= 1.1 eV.
33. (a) : Since the wavelength o f violet light is the
28. (c):
smallest, therefore maximum deviation will occur
for violet light.
Charge on ring q, centre o f ring = O 34. (d) : By truth table, >'= A + B. Therefore it is a
Centre o f sphere = O' NOR gate operation.
<1 35. (d) : Angle o f first order diffraction (0,) = 32°.
Linear charge density o f ring, A.-
2 tla We know that the angle o f diffraction for the nth
Charge on arc A B o f ring, order (0„) is given by d sin 0„ = n \ .
1 „ 2 71 For first order diffraction we get
q.w = X (arc A B ) = — -a ^
d sin 32° = 1 x X or, X ~ d sin 32°.
<!ah = <7/3 Now for second order diffraction,
i.e., charged enclosed by sphere = qi"h d sin 02 = 2 x \ or, d sin 02 = 2 x d sin 32°
Flux coming out o f sphere = q/3e0. or sin 02 - 2 x sin 32° = 2 * 0.529 = 1.06.
29. (a) : For dc, V = JR (R is resistance o f inductor) Since the sine o f any angle cannot be greater than
100 = I x R => R = 100 Q. I, therefore there is no second order diffraction.
36. (a)
For ac, Z = ^ R 2 + x j
37. (a) : We know that J = AY1e~hrr
v V = IZ
= A e-m
Taking log both side, we get
100 = 0.5 ^(100)2 + x 2 -h/T
lo^ J T = loS A A - e

J O O - ^ d O O ^ + . V /2
logc p - = I°S, • ' I "
Solutions 2008

Comparing with y = mx + C 46. (b)

we get correct option (a). 47. (b) : Hardness penetrating power o f X-ray depends
38. (c) : /?0 = 5 cm, /?,- = ? upon accelerating voltage applied across X-ray tube.
// = —100 cm, R = - 2 0 cm. / = - 1 0 cm Characteristic X-ray relate to the material o f target.
Usim> mirror formula, X-ray can’t pass through matter o f heavier element
1 ._JL like bones (which contain phosphorus and calcium)
iV + 1u 4 j V 100 10 but can pass through matter o f lighter element as
J ____ 1_ 1- 10 ^ 9 flesh (which contain oxygen, hydrogen and carbon)
100 10 100 100
48. (d) : Emission transitions can take place between
100 cm.
any higher energy level and any energy level below
it while absorption transitions start from the lowest
!l = — => energy level only and may end at any higher energy
}b u 5 cm 100
/,. = 5/9 = o.55 cm. level. Hence number o f absorptions transitions
between two given energy level. Hence number of
39. (b) : Magnifying power o f compound microscope absorptions transitions between two given energy
levels is always less than the number o f emission
M = —

fv J f, transitions between the same two levels.

40. (c)
41. (b) : From, / = ,/2
T [MLT~2] Ri
4/2/ 2 LT L
linear mass density. /
42. (c) : As time o f flight,
2 ?/ sin 0 2(/m )sin9
T~ T = nT 0.13x2 20

But range
/ 20 0.26
/ = 76.92 cm.
//2 s i ii 29 s i n 20
R R = = n 'R . 50. (b)
8 8
51. (d) : It is quite clear that magnetic poles always
43. (c) : A needle placed carefully on the surface of
exists in pairs. Since, one can imagine magnetic
water may float due to surface tension as upward
field configuration with three poles. When north
force due to surface tension balances the weight o f
poles or south poles o f two mangets arc glued
the needle. But these upward force due to surface
to g e th e r. T h ey p r o v id e a th r e e po le field
tension are very small as compared to weight o f ball.
configuration. It is also know that a bar magnet does
Also the weight o f liquid displaced by the ball
not exert a torque on itself due to own its field.
immersed in liquid is less than the weight o f the ball,
hence ball sinks into the liquid.
52. ( b ) : When the displacement o f a particle executing
44. (a) : Green flower emit all folour except green and
SHM is y, then its
the emitted colours are dominated by red colour. So
flower appear black.
K.E. ~ ^-wco2( a 2 - y 2) and
45. ( c ) : Assertion is correct but reason is false because
inductance reactance A", ~ 2nfL. So, higher frequency 1 2 ">
RE. ~ —n m y ~ .
greater inductance reactance.

Tor A'. E. ~ P. E. or 2y 2 ™a2 o r , y ~ o l - j 2 . Since total H:Te acidity goes on increasing on going down
energy remains constant through out the motion, the group as bond length increases on increasing
which is E~- K.E. + PE. So, when P.E. is maximum size o f central atom. So, pH., < pH j < pH2
then K.E. is zero and vice versa. Overall order is pH, > pH 2 > pH? > pH.,
53. (c) : Eiectric shock is due to the electric current 64. (b) :
flowing through a living body. When the bird perches CH, CH. CH,
on a single high power line, no current passes through
its body because its body is at equipotential surface
i.e., there is no potential difference. While when
man touches the same line, standing bare foot on
ground the electrical circuit is completed through
the ground. The hands o f man are at high potential
and his feets are at low potential. Hence large amount
o f current flows through the body o f the man and
person therefore gets a fatal shock.
54. (b) : Stopping potential is a measure o f maximum
k in e tic e n e rg y o f e m itte d p h o to e le c tr o n
(el =K ) and A'11W
Xdepends upon the frequency
o f incident light but is independent o f intensity.
55. (a)
56. (a) : Magnetic moment, M = nlA
57. (a) : V - E ■ l(R + r)
58. (a)
59. (d) : The force on a charged particle moving in a
uniform magnetic field always acts in direction
perpendicular to the direction o f motion o f the
charge. As work done by magnetic field on the charge
is zero. FS cosO], so the energy o f the charged
particle does not change.
60. (a)

65. (d ): 2 4B2(k) ± 2 A B lK)+ B 2(Ki
Cl 10 Initial 2 0 0
61. <b) : A' is O w h ic h u n d e rg o e s Equilibrium I— 2.V „v
Moles at equilibrium = 2(1 ~ .r) + 2„y -+* x
Cannizzaro’s reaction to give Z. - 2 ~ 2x + 2x + x — x + 2 .
62. (b) : Slowest step o f mechanism decides the rate 2x
expression. Thus rate ~ A '[ N 0 2j[F2]. [P,\n\ [Pn7] { 7 T 2 XP) [ 2 r x Xp
63 . (d) : I N a.O + H , 0 2NaOH [P.-w.) 2{\~x)
-------------- X p
II Na,S + H:0 -> 2NaOH + H2S x+2
III N a ; S e •+ H20 -» 2NaOH + H2Se 4.r
IV Na,Te + H20 -* 2NaOH + H2Te = x + 2 X p = 4*~ x P y 1
I w'ill have the highest pH. Among H2S, H2Se, 4(1-A ')3 2 4
S olutions 2008


(as 1 ~ Jf w 1, 2 + jt w 2) 69. (a) : f Q ' C r03
(CM3C 0 ) 20

66. (a) : Cisplatin is effective in curing cancer 70. (b) : Weight o f Ag required = V * d
H 3N \ /C l
= 80 x 5 x 10- 3 x 1.05 = 0.42
^Cl IV =
67. (b) :lt is a method o f preparation o f cycloalkanes. 108x3xf
0.42 = ( = 125 sec.
CHj - CH = CH — CH3 + CHCl3 {CH^ C - ° K»
71. (a) : The empirical relation,
I 3
v/2.( ™ = kcu", put forward by Freundiich is known
C R - CH — CH — CH. + CH,— C — OH + KC1
> \ / 3 1 ,
as Freundlich's adsorption isotherm. Taking log on
/ C\ CH> both sides
Cl Cl
log f ™ | = log k + ~ log c
68. (b) \m ) n
H3C ■ OH + Na -> H ,C 72. (a) : CH, - CH, - CH, - CH2 - C - H
l-ch!oropcntane Cl
H absence o f asymmetric carbon atom.
> H3C OCH3 73. (c) : As it has plane o f symetry
-B r-
D ::h 3
retention o f
configuration 11 OH

1 1 ......... “OH
H,C OH + TsC! OTs Cl U
H,C — I— CH = C H 2 + Hg(OAc)2 + CH3OH
> H 3C CH,
addition D H
retention 76. ( d ) : This defect arises when a compound has excess
metal ion. If a negative ion is absent from its lattice
site leaving a hole occupied by electron. The holes
H,C > H3C — J— o c c u p ie d by e le c tro n s are ca lle d
D F- centres. Greater the number o f F-centres greater
retention is the intensity o f colour.
77. (b) : Trinitrotoluene (TNT) with ammonium nitrate CH^
is extensively employed as blasting explosive. H - , C - C - C I +AICI3

78‘ <»> : O —OH CH-,

H ’C^ c h / C H - h 3c - i - c h 3

— i— 5

Cumene Phenol
+ (CH.O 2CO
79. (c) : On long storage in contact with air and
moisture, oils and fats develop unpleasant smell.
This process is known as ranicidification. It is due
C(CH ,)?
(a) Enzymatic hydrolysis - producing bad smelling
Q l + AICI3 + HC1
lower fatty acids.
(b) Oxidation o f unsaturated acids - producing
84. (c) : H ;S 0 4 is strong acid having pH < 7. N a N 0 :
aldehydes and ketones.
on hydrolysis gives alkaline solution o f pH > 7.
80. (a) : It is an example o f pseudo unimolecular NaCl is neutral and H2S is weak acid.
reaction where molecularity> 2 but order o f reaction
85. ( a ) : The enzyme must contain at least-one atom o f
is one.
Rate = k [Sugar] [H20 ]
y 0.5 g o f Se is present in 100 g o f enzyme
In the reaction, water is present in excess and its
concentration is taken to be constant, thus the 78.4 g o f Se will be present in
reaction becomes independent o f [H20 ] and is = 1.576 x lO^g o f enzymes
pseudo first order.
81. (a): a ,0

2C6H5CI + CI^CCHO■■■■■**% > CI-,0 - H

86. (d) X
XS S= 0 C yclic, trim cr

\ = / o/ / V 0 ^ o
82. (d) : Phenol couples with phthalic anhydride in OH
-H ,0
presence of conc. H2SO^ to form phenoiphthalein o
87. (a) * n >
which is used as an indicator : OH
O 0 -H!04
> O H-(CH 2^ C H O
To cuase oxidative cleavage o f bonds carrying
groups prone to undergo oxidation. One mole of
reagent is required to cleave one bond.
88. ( a ) : In H20 , electronegativity difference is highest.
So, dipole moment is highest in this. CH., is a
symmetrical tetrahedral structure and its dipole
moment is zero.

99. (c) : u =
83. (d) :
Solutions 2008

If T = 27’ and M - A//2, then ?/j =
M il ’ I
R2NNO + H20
^=V4=2. Dialkyl nitrosoamine
97. ( a ) : Baeyer's process = Bauxite ore is roasted as to
90. (c) : Pt (H2) P, atm. j Pt(H2) P2 atm.
convert FeO into Fc2Ot
For spontaneous reaction, should be positive
so P | > P2 Roasted ore -f- NaOH —°c > NaAIO-,
80 atm
0.059, I] ii>±2Lg!?> Al (OH).,
^ccll "
2 ft
Also, if l \ > P2 oxidation occurs at L.H.S. electrode ___________ l j ia0H
and reduction occurs at R.H.S. electrode. 98. (a) : Hypophosphoric acid is
(b) : Molecule is simply amine in nature. 0 O
92. (b) : £ % = 0.76 - 0.41 = 0.35 V. H O -P -P -O H
1 I
93. ( d ) : Solution which contains large number o f ions HO OH
compared to another solution o f same concentration Pyrophosphoric acid
at the same temperature has more conductance and OH OH
t 1
is said to be stronger electrolyte. The one which 0 < — P - O - P —* 0
has relatively small number o f ions is called weak I I
electrolyte, if concentration o f respective electrolyte Metasphoric acid
w as in c re ase d , the eq u iv a le n t c o n d u c ta n c e j HOv y 0 x / 0 11
decreased in each case, but rapid decrease in P I>
equivalent conductance is seen in weak electrolyte.
n \i Orthophosphoric acid
94. (I>): Density 0
,'Y x a 3
4 x58.5 H O -P -O H
_ _ = 2.17 g / c m \ 1
6.023 x 10“J x (5.64 x 10 ) OH
99. (a) : (UNO;, + H2S 0 4) will g e n e r a te N O 0
95. (c) :
O OH (nitronium ion) which will give nitrobenzene,
II ..+ 1 - + __ as - N O i is deactivating and m eta directing
R - C - RR ~ C ~ R 11 - N - N_=eN>
4 OH so, product formed will be 3-nitrochlorobenzene.

R -C -R
100 . (c) : It follows Huckel's rule o f ( 4 n + 2)n
/ \ e electrons. I f w(e keep /; - 0
H~N - N=N
the total num ber o f n electrons will be 2 .

So, follows the arom aticity rule w hereas

R -C -N H R
II options (a), (b), (d) have 4it electrons.
101 . ( b ) : HSOy is a bulky nucleophile, hence, cannot
attack on sterically hindered ketones.
11,0 - 1r .
R - C = N - R— R - C = N R ^ - > R - C=NR
102. (a) : G reater the num ber o f H -atom s present
OH on the carbon atoms a to unsaturation the m ore
reso n a tin g form s are. p o ssib le due to
96. ( c ) : Secondary' amines form nitrosoamines which j hyperconjugation and thus greater is the stability
are yellow oily liquids insoluble in water. s o f carb onium ion.
c h 3 CH-.H it is a thermoplastic.
il ‘
H -.C -C ® <- H ,C -C
/ I
(9-equivalent Ibnns) U 2.
103. (3) :H 2 and CU react chemically. Hence Dalton’s
law is not applicable. Dalton's law states that “at
a given temperature, the total pressure exerted by
two or more non-reacting gases occupying a (/-orbital splitting in an
octahedral crystal field
definite volume is equal to the sum o f the partial
In high spin situation, A<, < P, in d 5 configuration,
pressures o f the component gases.”
4th and 5,h electron are added to rather than t2r
2; So configuration o f cF ion will be /■!, e2y.
104. (a) : £ =
trh 2
where n = principal quantum number which has 113. (d) : Non-oxidising acids (HC1 and dil. H2SO.,) do
only integral value, it follows that total energy is not have any effect on copper. However they
quantized. dissolve the metal in presence o f air. As it is a non-
spontaneous process so, AG can not be -ve.
105. ( a ) : Solid + heat ^ liquid. So on heating forward
reaction is favoured and amount o f solid will 114. (d) : Molarity equation is written as
jV/| f'j = M 2V2 thus if the V2 changes M 2 also
106. (si) : C y c lo h e x a n o n e ex ists in tw o readily
interconvertible different structures leading to Molarity = ------- moles o f solute-------
volume o f solution in litre
dynamic equilibrium known as tautomerism.
115. (c) : Aniline is weaker base than ammonium
0 OH chlordie. In NH4CI or aliphatic amines, then non-
bonding electron pair o f N is localised and is fully
available for coordination with a proton.
keto enol C6H5N H 3
107. (c) : - OH gro up show s + M effect and is an (stronger acid) (weakcr-conjugate base)

activating group, m o reove r the arenium ion o f On the other hand, in aniline and other aromatic
phenolic substitution is more stable. a m in e s , th e n o n - b o n d in g e l e c tro n p a ir is
Oil ^:OH OH delocalised into benzene ring by resonance.

^ r

108. (b) : The factor 7AS" increases with increase in

109. (a) :
110 . (b) : The reaction involved is
CaOCU + H2S 0 4 CaSO,i + H20 + Cl2
The available chlorine may be defined as the % o f But anilinium ion is less resonance stabilised than
chlorine liberated when one mole o f bleaching aniline
powder (127 g) is treated with excess o f dilute
h 2so.,.
111. (b) : Due to presence o f strong C-F bonds teflon > n o other resonating
has high thermal stability and chemical intertness. structure possible.
As, it softens on heating and can be remoulded. So,
Solutions 2008

116. (a) partial or total release o f the acrosomal enzymes.

117. ( a ) : Saytzeffs rule : The alkene formed in greatest Calcium in flux may a c tiv a te p h o s p h o lip a s e
resulting in accumulation o f unsaturated fatty acids
amount is the one that corresponds to removal o f
and fusiogenic iysophospholipids contributing to
the hydrogen from the (3-carbon having the fewest
acrosome reaction.
hydrogen substituent.
In case o f 2° and 3° ale. Saytzeffs rule is followed 123. ( a ) : Keystone species are those species which has
significant and disproportionately large influence
H3C - C \ i 2 - CM ~ Cl 13 H3C C H = C H - CH3
on the community structure and characteristics. It
0 11 + m2o has often considerably low abundance and biomass
118 . ( c ) : SeCl.! possesses see-saw geometry, which can as compared to dominant species. Removal o f such
be regarded as a distorted trigonal bipyramidal species causes serious disruption in structure and
structure, having one lone pair o f electrons in the function o f community.
basal position o f the trigonal bipyramid. See-saw 124. (b) : Setratio marcescens is considered a harmful
c p o n e b y a f S d l ^ molecules arises due to the s p \ l human pathogen which has been known to cause
hybridisation o f the central atom. The distortion in urinary tract infections, wound infections, and
shape is due to the presence o f one lone pair of pneumonia. Serratio bacteria also have many
electrons. antibiotic resistance properties which may become
important if the incidence o f Serratia infections
119. (a) : Liq. NH^ has high heat o f vaporisation
dramatically increases.
(327 cal/g). So, it takes up lots o f heat and helps
in cooling. So, it is used in ice-plants. 125. (c) : Clotting o f collected blood can be prevented
120. (a) : Due to the presence o f lone pair o f electrons
- coating test tubes with silicon (which produce
on oxygen atom, ethers behave as base and form
non wettable surface similar in its smoothness to
stable oxonium salts with mineral acids. endothelial lining o f blood vessels).
C ,H S- O - CJ-I<4 MCI -> C ,HS- O - C J i Cl - adding chelating agents (includes trisodium
II citrate, sodium oxalate and sodium EDTA) which
Diethyl oxonium remove calcium which is important for blood
coagulation, and prevent blood clotting.
BIOLOGY - adding Heparin, most powerful anticoagulant
w h ich acts in d ire ctly by a c tiv a tin g p la sm a
121. (b) : The environmental factors which can check
antithrombin III. Heparin is effective both in vivo
the grow th o f population size constitute the
and in vitro. Whereas the option a, b and d are
environmental resistance. These include predators,
effective in vitro.
food, water, nesting sites, similar competitors, etc. Heparinized blood is not suitable for blood counts
All living things tend to reproduce until the point (as it alters the shape o f RBC’s and W B C’s which
at which their environment becomes a limiting affects blood te stin g ), Fragility te stin g and
factor. No population, human or otherwise, can complement fixation tests. Hence (c) is the correct
grow indefinitely; eventually, some biotic or abiotic answer.
variable will begin to limit population growth.
126. ( c ) : Cancer is caused by cells dividing repeatedly
122 (c) : The activated spermatozoan on reaching the out o f control. They cease to respond to the normal
egg plasma membrane, undergoes a number of signals around them and form unspecialised masses
changes in its acrosomal region. All these changes o f cells called tumours. Lung cancer usually starts
are collectively described under acrosome reaction. in the epithelium o f the bronchioles, so-called
Acrosome reaction is calcium-dependent involving bronchial carcinom a. It then usually spreads
massive uptake o f calcium and sodium with an throughout the lungs. It is caused almost exclusively
efflux o f hydrogen generating high pH and osmotic by smoking. Tobacco smoke contains chemicals
pressure, producing negative surface charge, and responsible for lung cancer. The most important o f
these are polycyclic hydrocarbons which are i could outweigh all benefits. For example, when the
converted in the body to carcinogens. mongoose was introduced in Hawaii in order to
B e sid e s, c a rb o n m o n o x id e c o m b in es with control the rat population, it preyed on the endemic
haemoglobin and reduces oxygen transport by about birds o f Hawaii, especially their eggs, more often
15% in smokers and nicotine increases blood than it ate the rats. As most of the birds feed on
pressure, heart rate and constriction of blood vessels. insect and keep insect p o p u la tio n low. T he
127. (cl): A major problem in the treatment o f bacterial mangoose who destroy birds acts as secondary pest.
mediated diseases is that many bacteria have been 131. (c): Dicumarol is an anticoagulant found in spoilts
found to show resistance to antibiotics. The sw eet clo v e r c a u se s h e m o rr h a g e and o th e r
emergence ofantibiotic-resistant bacteria is closely symptoms o f bleeding disorder by disrupting
linked to the extent that antibiotics are used in vitamin K metabolism and preventing the activation
humans and items o f human diet. Resistant strains o f prothrombin and certain other clotting factors
may appear rapidly or slowly, according to the by the liver.
amount or type o f antibiotic used. Bacteria occur 132. (b ) : T he p r o p a g a tio n th r o u g h v e g e ta tiv e
in such large numbers that there is a high chance of multiplication is used to maintain the genetic traits
a mutant individual eventually appearing in the of a given plant. It gives rise to genetically uniform
population. As soon as it does, use of the antibiotic population or clone. In case o f plants propagated
to which it is resistant will give it a selective through seeds, variations creep in due to chance
advantage over non-resistant types and it will segregation o f genes during meiosis and their
multiply and eventually become the dominant type. chance combination during fertilization.
Antibiotics may also be destroyed by enzymes inside
133. ( d ) : Bacteria attacking the dead animals represent
the cells being targetted. A w ell-know n and
the end o f the food chain and are decomposers.
important example is the group o f enzymes known
These are the organisms that obtain energy from
as penicillinases which hydrolyses and destroys
chemical breakdown o f organisms. They secrete
penicillins and cephalosporins.
enzymes onto dead matter and then absorb the
128. ( d ) : Diptheria, leprosy and plague are the bacterial breakdown products. Bacteria are specialised to
diseases o f humans. Diptheria is a serious air-borne breakdown organic materials that arc difficult for
contagious disease. It is caused by Cornyhacterium other organisms to digest. They also fulfil U vital
t/ipiheriae which is a Gram-positive bacterium. It role in the ecosystem, returning the constituents o f
is in h a led th ro u g h d ro p le ts and rea ches to organic matter to the environment in inorganic
respiratory tract and infects it. Leprosy or Hansen's forms so that they can again be assimilated by
disease is a contact disease, caused by bacterium producers.
Mycobacterium leprae. It degenerates the tissues
134. (d) : Symbiosis means "living together". It is a
and deforms the body organs. Plague is a disease
beneficial coaction between two (or more) different
caused by bacterium Yersinia peslis or Pas feu re!la
species in which one or both the species are
benefited and neither species is harmed. Symbiotic
129. ( h ) : Binding o f antibodies to the antigens produces r e la tio n s h ip s are m a n if e s te d th ro u g h
a large insoluble complex known as agglutination. commensalism, protocooperation and mutualism
It is a specific reaction, i.e., a particular antigen will
and are widespread in nature. Commensalism is
only clump in the presence o f its specific antibody.
an association or relationship between two different
Each antibody has two antigen binding sites. It organism s in w hich one is always b enefited
com bines with two antigens, causing them to w h ile the o th e r is n e ith e r b e n e f ite d n or
agglutinate. harmed. This relationship may be permanent or
130. (a) : The predator develops a preference to other temporary and the benefit derived from the other
diets and can give unforeseen negative results that organism may consist o f protection, transportation,
Solutions 2008

living space and food. P rotocooperation is a into 2 male gametes. Thus even after killing the
r e la tio n sh ip betw e en tw o sp e cie s, w hich is generative cell with a laser beam, the pollen grain
favourable but not obligatory to both. Mutualism is produces normal pollen tube because the vegetative
a relationship between two or more individuals of cell has not been damaged.
different species in which all are benefited by one 139. (d) : Simple or unconditional reflexes are present
another. in an individual right from birth. They are specific,
135. (c) : At sexual maturity, the undifferentiated predictable, purposeful and have survival value,
primordial germ cells divide several times by mitosis e.g. breast feeding and swallowing in newly born
to produce a large number o f spermatogonia. Each babies and blinking o f eyes are exam ples o f
spermatogonium actively grows to a larger primary unconditioned reflexes, (a), (b) and (c) are the
s p e rm a to c y te . Each prim a ry s p e rm a to c y te examples o f conditional reflexes and are not
u n d e r g o e s tw o s u c c e ssiv e d iv is io n s, called present at birth but develop later in life through
maturation divisions. The first maturation division learning habit.
is reductional or meiotic. Hence, the primary 140. ( d ) : Unlike Cycas and Finns, Gneium shows the
spermatocyte divides into two haploid daughter cells occurrence o f vessel elements and the absence o f
called secondary spermatocytes. Both secondary archegonia. Archegonia are altogether absent in the
spermatocytes now undergo second maturation female gametophyte and vessels occur in the xylem
division which is an ordinary mitotic division to along with the tracheids in the secondary wood.
form, four haploid spermatids. Thus each secondary Thus Gnetum shows affinities with angiosperms.
spermatocyte gives rise to two spermatids that Besides it resembles angiosperms in several other
undergo transform ation to form tw o sperms. aspects like presence oftetrasporic embryo sac, free
Overall, both secondary spermatocytes give rise to n u c le a r d iv is io n s in the e m b ry o sac, tw o
four sperms. cotyledonous embryo etc.
136. (b) : Growth regulators are organic substances, 141. ( a ) : Vagus nerve arises from the side o f medulla
other than nutrients, which in low concentration oblongata. It innerv ates the larynx, trachea,
regulate growth, differentiation and development oesophagus, stomach, lungs, heart and intestines.
by p r o m o tin g or in h ib itin g the sam e. It is a mixed nerve. It controls the visceral
Phytohormones are growth regulators produced sensations and visceral movements, i.e., heart beat,
naturally in plants and translocated to another r e sp ir a to ry m o v e m e n ts , p e r is t a ls is , so u n d
region for regulating one or more physiological prod u ctio n , etc. M ovem en t o f the to n g u e is
reactions when present in low concentration. controlled by hypoglossal nerve as it innervates the
Phytohormone can have a promoting or inhibiting muscles o f the tongue.
effect on a process.
142. (a) : Lubb (first sound, systolic sound) is the first
137. ( b ) : Grey crescent is the area just opposite to me I heart sound which is low pitched, not very loud, o f
site of entry o f sperm into ovum. It marks the future j long duration (about 0.15 seconds) and is produced
dorsal side o f the embryo. j partly due to closure o f atrio-ventricular valves
138. (cl) : During the post-pollination development, j ( tricu sp id and b ic u s p id ) and partly by the
germination o f pollen grain takes place. The pollen contraction o f the muscles in the ventricles.
grain absorbs water and nutrients on the stigma 143. ( a ) : Part o f feitilizers added to crop fields are passed
from the stigmatic secretion through its germ pores. down to water bodies during rains through surface
The tube or vegetative ceil enlarges and comes out run-off. Presence o f extra nutrients brings about
o f the pollen grain through one o f the germ pores dense gro w th o f pla n t and anim al life. The
or g e rm in a l furrow s to form a pollen tube, j phe n o m e n o n is ca lle d e u t r o p h i c a t io n .
Generative cell does not produces pollen tube j Eutrophication leads to organic loading, depletion
instead it passes into the pollen tube and divides ! o f oxygen, death o f animals and fouling o f water.
144. {(1): The egg cell is one o f the haploid cell of egg intestine and liberates the larva.
apparatus present in the micropylar end o f embryo 148. (d) : Enzymes are protein that, in small amounts,
sac in seeded plants. It is also called oosphere and speed up the rate of a biological reactions and help
represents the single female gamete o f the embryo in regulating metabolism.
sac. Antipodal cells are the haploid cells, usually Hormones are also metabolic regulator and help
three in number, present in embryo sac at the in stim u la tio n or in hibition o f one or more
opposite end o f micropyle. Their function is physiological processes.
unknown and at fertilization, they may disintegrate Vitamines are accessory food factors which are
or multiply and enlarge. r eq u ired in sm a ll q u a n t ity for c o n t r o l l i n g
145. ( b ) : Affinity o f carbon monoxide for haemoglobin metabolism and body functioning.
is 200 times more than oxygen. At 0.5 partial 149. (b)
pressure, CO combines with 50% o f haemoglobin. 150. ( n ) : The process by which N, is reduced to NH4+
It produces a relatively stable compound called is called nitrogen fixation. Nitrogenase enzyme
carboxy-haemoglobin. This causes low supply of catalyzes this reduction. It is only carried out by
oxygen to the body which is characterised by prokaryotic microorganisms. Principal N,-fixers
headache, dizziness, nausea, etc. include certain free living c y a n o b a c te ria in
symbiotic associations with fungi in lichens or with
146. (a) : A patient o f diabetes mellitus is unable to
ferns, mosses, and liverworts, and by bacteria or
produce or fail to utilize insulin hormone. Thus,
other microbes associated symbiotically with roots,
he is unable to store glucose in the form o f
especially those o f legumes. About 15 percent o f
glycogen. Hence, he started to excrete glucose in
the nearly 20,00 0 s p e c ie s in the fab a c e a e
the urine. A patient is kept in carbohydrate free
(Leguminosae) family have been examined for N,
diet yet he excretes glocose in urine becuase high
fixation, and approximately 90 percent o f these have
level o f glucose not only depends on dietary
root nodules in which fixation occurs. So without
c a r b o h y d r a te s b ut also on g ly c o g e n o ly s is active nitrogenase enzyme there will be no N,
( d e g r a d a tio n o f g ly c o g e n in liver) and fixation in legumes.
gluconeogenesis (breakdown of fats into glucose
151. (c) : Hallucination means apparent perception of
in adipose tissues and coversion o f muscle lactate
external objects or sounds not actually present. It
into glucose via cori cycle).
is caused by psychedelic drugs or hallicinogens.
147. (tl) : Life cycle o f F.hepatica is complete and The hallucinogens act mainly on CNS (central
completed in two hosts. Primary host, in which the nervous system) and greatly alter one's thoughts,
adult fluke lives, is sheep. While the intermediate feelings and perceptions. Hashish is the example
host, in which numerous larval stages are passed, o f hallucinogen,
is a snail {Lynmaea, Planar bis, etc.). This type of 152. ( b ) : In CAM plants stomata open at night. In these
life cycle, involving two different kinds o f hosts, is plants night acidification occurs, i.e., malic acid is
termed digenetic. sy nthesised durin g night due to in c o m p le te
Miracidium larva is the larval stage involved in life oxidation o f carbohydrates.
cycle. When suitable conditions become available, In night, 2 C ,H ,,0 (i + 3 0 , ~-> 3C ,H ,p , + 3 H ,0
the encapsulated embryo, in 4-15 days, differentiates (malic acid)
into a miracidium larva. It hatches out and swims I
in water. Metacercaria develops into adult fluke only leads to opening o f stomata
inside its definitive host or sheep. The latter gets At n ig h t m a lic acid fo rm e d in g uard ce lls
infection by grazing on leaves and grass blades to d iss o cia tes into H* and m alate ions. K ‘ ion
which the cysts are attached. Metacercaria survives exchange from subsidiary cells with H+ ions. Thus
action o f host’s gastric juice as its cyst is insoluble due to accumulation o f K+ ions osmotic pressure
in it. Cyst wall finally dissolves in proximal part o f j o f guard cells increases, endosmosis occurs and
Solutions 2008

guard cells become turgid due to which stomata c h lo ro p la s ts in them . T hey are c a p a b le o f
opens. The malic acid at day time breaks into C 0 2 photosynthesis. A spore capsule o f moss can
and pyruvic acid thus increasing the concentration perform photosynthesis because o f the presence of
o f C 0 2 in mesophyll cells. This is utilised in Calvin chlorenchyma cells in them.
cycle to form sugar which is finally converted into 157. (b) : The physical distance between two genes
starch. determines both the strength o f the linkage and the
153. (b) : In the apices o f some roots, (e.g., Zea mays, frequency o f the crossing over between two genes.
maize), there is a central region o f cells which The strength o f the linkage increases with the
normally does not divide. This central inactive closeness o f the two genes. On the other hand the
region was called quiescent centre by F.A.L. Clowes frequency o f crossing over increases with the
(1959, 1961). The cells o f this region have lesser increase in the physical distance between the two
amounts o f RNA and DNA so they have small genes.
nuclei. These cells also have a lower rate o f protein 158. ( d ) : The plants, in which a functional foreign gene
synthesis. Mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum has been incorporated by any biotechnological
are less developed. The cells o f the quiescent centre methods that generally is not present in plant, are
are usually inactive. However, if already existing called transgenic plants. When plant cell are
meristematic cells are injured or become inactive transformed by any o f the transformation methods
due to any other reason, the cells o f quiescent centre it is necessary to isolate the transformed cells/tissue.
become active. There are certain selectable marker genes present
154. (d ) : T h e r m o c o c c u s , M e th a n o c o c c u s and in vectors that facilitate the selection process. In
Methanobacteriwn exemplify archaebacteria that transformed cells the selectable marker genes or are
lack any histones resem bling those found in introduced through vector. There is a number of
e u k a r y o te s b ut w h o s e D NA is n e g a tiv e ly marker genes which are commonly described as
supercoiled. Archaebacteria do not have a nucleus, reporter genes screenable genes. Some o f the
the genetic material floats freely in the cytoplasm. reporter genes which are most commonly used in
They consist o f ribosomal RNA. DNA contains a plant transformation are : cat, gus, lux, nptll., etc.
single, circular molecule, which is compact and 159. ( c ) : Since a typical green plant is diploid, therefore
tightly wound. No protein is associated with DNA. it has two sets o f chromosomes. So the number of
The archaebacterial cell may contain plasmids, genome will be two, because genome is the entire
which are small, circular pieces o f DNA and have set o f gene carried by a gamete or present in the
a highly negatively supercoiled DNA. haploid cell o f a particular organism.
155. ( a ) : Stele is a column containing vascular tissues 160. ( b ) : Under continuous supply o f food and space in
which is surrounded by pericycle and separated the laboratory conditions the bacterial population
from ground tissue by endodermis. grows exponentially and shows a J-shaped curve,
Siphonosleie is medullated protostele or protostele thus the curve would be hyperbolic.
with a central non-vascuiar pith. Leaf gaps are
absent. Siphonostele is o f two types :
In E c t o p h lo ic s ip h o n o s te le , ce n tra l pith is
s u rro u n d e d su c ce ssiv e ly by xylem, phloem ,
p e r ic y c le and e n d o d e r m is . In a m p h ip h lo ic
siphonostele there is a central pith and xylem is ------- ► tim e
surrounded on either side by phloem, pericycle and Such p opu la tio n s ultim ately crash when the
e n d o d e r m is . It is f o u n d in O sn m n d a and population size grows beyond carrying capacity.
lufttiselum. 161. ( a ) : In all the septate fungi except basidiomycetes
156. ( c ) : Chlorenchymaorassimilatory parenchyma are (dolipore septum), the septa are seldom complete.
p a re n c h y m a to u s cells that possess ab u ndant They are perforated and contain plasmodesmata
or sm all central pores. Septal pores allo w ! deficient in nutrient which cannot be synthesized
protoplasmic continuity between adjacent cells, j by myeloma cells so that myleoma cells could be
This is useful for quick translocation o f nutrients j removed or hybridoma cells could be purified.
lo all part o f the body, mobilisation o f reserve j The unfused myleoma cells die while hybridoma
materials from older parts to younger parts and j cells survive. The hybridoma cells are allowed to
from vegetative hyphae to reproductive hyphae. j multiply separately.
162. ( a ) : The haploid spores on germination gives rise j 168. (c) : Any seed which contains endosperm or
(o alga-like filamentous branched portion called [ perisperm at maturity is called albuminous or
primary protonema. This protonema develops buds, I endospermic seed i.e., food reserve o f the seed
from which leafy gametophyte arises. Sometimes j is stored in endosperm or perisperm, e.g. rubber,
this primary protonema breaks up into small ! coconut, castor bean, maize and other cereals.
fragments accidentally and these fragments give j Seed that does not have endosperm at maturity
rise to leafy gametophores. and in which cotyledons absorb food reserve from
163. ( c ) : Cephalization is the concentration o f nervous endosperm during development and act as storage
tissues and sense organs in or towards the anterior organs is called exalbuminous or non-endospermic
end forming a distinct head. It provides greater seed, e.g., mustard, groundnut, bean, pea etc.
prominence and domination o f the head over the 169. (b) : Trachea and large bronchi are lined by
rest o f the body. It does not improve the appearance pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium
o f the animal. bearing g landular cells (m uco us gland). The
secretion o f mucous glands keeps the walls o f
164. (c) : Koel is a nest parasite and does not build a
trachea and large bronchi moist and traps dust
nest o f its own. It simply lays its eggs in a crow's
particles which enter with the air. The vibratile
nest so that the eggs and young ones, are looked
cilia o f the epithelium then carry the mucous
after by the foster parents.
containing dust particles upto the larynx where
165. (c) : Competitive inhibition is the inhibition of
they can be spitted out.
enzyme activity by the presence o f a chemical that
170. ( a ) : Light has got no direct effect on the rate o f
competes with the substrate for binding to the
transpiration but indirectly it affects the rate in
active site o f the enzyme. The inhibitor chemical
two ways firstly by controlling the stomatal opening
is called su b stra te ana logue or com petitive
and secondly by affecting the temperature. With
inhibitor. It resembles the substrate in structure
the increase in the light intensity the rate o f
and gets bound up to the active site o f the enzyme
transpiration increases because the stomata get
without getting transformed by the latter.
opened and the temperature increases. The rate
166. ( c ) : Haemophilia, also called bleeder's disease is
o f transpiration increases markedly in light and
a X-linked recessive disorder. The person which
decreases in dark. There is a close relationship
contains the recessive gene for haemophilia lacks
between the opening o f stomata and presence o f
a normal clotting substance (thromboplastin) in
blood. So minor injuries cause continuous bleeding
and ultimate death ofthe person due to hemorrhages. 171. (b) : Oxygen accum ulation causes substantial
Haemophilia is o f two types : type A characterized in h ib itio n o f p h o to s y n t h e s is . B oth ox y g en
by lack o f anti-haemophilic globulin (factor VIII) | evolution and C 0 2 assimilation were reduced in
and type B characterized by a defect in plasma j the presence o f atmospheric oxygen. Oxygen
thromboplastic component (factor IX). j causes a direct and indeed competitive inhibition
Prothrombin is an inactive plasma protein and is j o f Ribulose diphosphate carboxylase. As a result
produced by liver. It helps in blood clotting. It is glycolate synthesis is enhanced and leads to begin
not produced by platelets. photorespiration. Carbon dioxide being one o f
the raw m a te r ia ls for p h o to s y n t h e s is , its
167. (a) : The hybridoma cells are shifted to a medium
S olutions 2008

concentration affects the rate o f photosynthesis ae sth e tic ally im p o rta n t p lants. P o tato e s are
markedly, Because o f its very low concentration produced by tubers and not by seeds. Stem tubers
in atmosphere (0.03 per cent only) it acts as a are found in potato and artichoke. They have buds
limiting factor in natural photosynthesis. in the region o f nodes or eyes for vegetative
172. (c) : Oxysomes or F0 - F, particles are present | m u ltip lic a t io n . R o o t c u t tin g s are used in
on the inner mitochondrial membrane. The Ft head- j propagation o f lemon, apple, orange, blackberry
piece o f oxysome functions as ATP-synthetase etc.
which synthesises ATP from ADPand ip (inorganic 177. (c) : In nuclear endosperm , first and further
phosphate) using energy from proton gradient or divisions o f primary endosperm nucleus are not
ATP synthetase becomes active in ATP formation followed by cytokinesis or wall formation and
only when there is a proton gradient having high thus these free nuclear divisions lead to formation
concentration o f protons on F0 side (base) as o f a large number o f free nuclei in embryo sac.
compared to F, side (head piece) o f F()-~ F, particles At maturity, centripetal wall formation may occur
or oxysomes. to make the tissue partly cellular. Endosperm o f
173. ( c ) : Inner ends o f cone cel Is lie upon an elongated, coconut is unique in sense that it is both nuclear
spindle shaped rod, the rhabdome. Rhabdome is and cellular. Here the primary endosperm nucleus
secreted and surrounded by a group o f seven undergoes a number o f free nuclear divisions.
elongated retinal cells. Rhabdome and retinal cells When the fruit is about 50 mm long the embryo
together form the recepior region o f eye. | sac remains filled with a watery fluid or milk
c on taining free nuclei and fine cy to p lasm ic
174. ( d ) : Pituitary gland or hypophysis is situated in
particles. At a later stage when the fruit becomes
a depression, the sella turcica o f sphenoid bone
about 100 mm in length the liquid shows in addition
o f the sk u ll. It is d ire c tly a tta c h e d to the
to free nuclei, several cells each enclosing variable
hyp o th a lam u s by a stalk, the infundibulum .
number o f nuclei. Thus coconut has multicellular
Hypophysial portal veins carry blood containing
endosperm (called coconut meat) in the outer part
n e u ro h o r m o n e s (re le a sin g factors) from the
and free nuclear as well as vacuolate endosperm
hypothalamus to the anterior pituitary.
(called coconut milk) in the centre.
! 75. ( c ) : Rabies (hydrophobia) is an acute viral disease
178. ( d ) : The female secondary sexual characters are
o f the central nervous system that affects all warm­
developed by estrogens. Estrogens are steroid
blooded animals and is usually transmitted to
hormones secreted by growing ovarian follicles.
humans by a bite from an infected dog. Symptoms
It includes estradiol, estriol and estrone. This
appear after an incubation period ranging from
hormone is responsible for the development o f
10 days to over a year and include malaise, fever,
female secondary sexual and accessory characters.
difficulty in breathing, salivation, periods o f intense
In humans it is also formed in the adrenal cortex,
excitement, and painful muscle spasms o f the throat
testis and foetoplacental unit.
induced by swallowing. In the later stages o f the
G o nad o tro p h ic ho rm ones (LH and FSH) arc
disease the mere sight o f water induces convulsions
secreted by the anterior lobe o f pitiiitary gland.
and paralysis, death occurs within 4-5 days.
LH is responsible for ovulation and transforms
176. (a) : T h e m o st c o m m o n form o f as e x u a l graafian follicle into corpus luteum and FSH
r e p r o d u c ti o n in p la n ts is ca lle d v eg e ta tiv e stimulates spermatogenesis and maturation o f
propagation. It is the formation o f new plants graafian follicle and secretion o f estrogen in
from vegetative units (propagules) such as buds, ovaries.
tubers, rhizomes, roots, stem, leaf etc. Besides j
179. (d) : Net primary productivity is the available
the natural methods o f vegetative propagation,
biomass for the consum ption to heterotrophs
there are a number o f techniques for artificial j
(herbivores and decomposers). The rate o f biomass
v eg e ta tiv e p ro p ag a tio n o f ec onom ically and i
production is called productivity. It has two aspects, accumulates in the body o f organisms inhabiting
gro ss prim a ry p ro d u ctiv ity and net prim ary in the water. Eating poisoned animals causcs
productivity. The rate o f total production o f organic deformity known as minamata disease which is
matter during photosynthesis is known as gross characterized by diarrhoea, impairment o f various
primary productivity. Its considerable amount is senses, numbness o f lips, blurring o f vision, mental
utilised by plants in respiration. The organic matter dearrangement and death.
synthesised by plants (GPP) minus the rate o f
respiration and other loss represents the net primary
productivity. 181. (a) 182. (b) 183. (c) 184. (b) 185. (c)
180. (b) : Mercury is an important toxic pollutant. 186. (c) 187. (d) 188. (c) 189. (a) 190. (c)
It is changed to water soluble dimethyl mercury 191. (d) 192. (a) 193. (b) 194. (a) 195. (d)
w h ic h u n d e r g o e s b io m a g n if ic a tio n , i.e., 196. (a) 197. (a) 198. (d) 199. (c) 200. (c)

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