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( (

Bergen-Belsen ​was a Anne used to have a ​cat​ called

concentration camp that Anne Moortje who she left behind in
( Frank and her sister Margot her old house because she had
went to and they died there to go into hiding (
Anne ​Frank will go down as the before it was liberated by a
most famous Jewish victim of the couple of months
Holocaust as she kept a diary for (
two years of hiding from the Nazis
Dd Ee Ff

( Edith​ Frank, Anne Frank’s
Anne Frank always ​feared​ the
mother, stayed with her two
Anne received a ​diary​ for her German police to find her and her
daughters in Aachen while her
thirteenth birthday where she wrote family.
husband went to the
about the horrors of war and the Netherlands to set up his
everyday problems of being a business (
Gg Hh Ii


The Franks were ​isolated​ from

the rest of the world while they
( were hiding because if they were
identified, they were going to be
( Hitler​ was the one who started sent to concentration camps
the Holocaust; he believed that (
G is for ​Gestapo​ who were the Germans should have enough
secret police of the Nazis. They living space and that only
captured the Franks after they got people of German or Aryan
an anonymous tip of their location blood should live in Germany
( (

Jj Kk Ll


Anne receives a diary for her Anne’s diary was her ​leisure​ as
thirteenth birthday; she refers she always expressed her
to it as ​kitty i​n her entries feelings and emotions in it. She
( also felt that way because she
never felt close with her family.

Anne Frank and her family were

Jews ​who were hunted down and
sent to concentration camps during
the Holocaust.

Mm Nn Oo

Anne and her family went to
( the ​Netherlands​ because they
Otto​ Frank, Anne and Margot’s
wanted to escape persecution
Miep​ Gies hid Anne, her family, and father, planned to move into his
by the Nazis (
four other Jews in an annex above business attic and the only one
Anne's father's business premises out if his family to survive the war
during the war (
Pp Qq Rr

Anne used to spend most of her
time ​reading​ books where she
At the Secret Annex, the
( learned a lot about what was
Franks, Mr. Dussel, and Van going on around her in the world
Daan’s had to be ​quite​ at eight (
Peter​ Van Pel moved to the Secret
in the morning till six in the
Annex and he was the only one who
evening so they won't get
made Anne feel wanted as she had
a crush on him (

Ss Tt Uu


The ​Secret​ Annex was the Franks’ (
hiding place where they lived for 2
T is for ​typhus w
​ hich was the
years till they got caught by the Üntermensch​ (a person who is
disease that spread in the worth less than others. Literal
gestapo (
Bergen-Belsen concentration translation “under person.”
camp killing Anne and her
sister Margot (
Vv Ww Xx


The ​Van Pels​ hid with the Franks in (

the Secret Annex and their cover
name was Van Daan Otto Frank served in the
( German army during ​World
War One​, which means that the (
Nazis were the ones who
started hating Jews as there Hitler had ​xenophobia​ which is
was no conflict before the dislike of people from other
Nazis took power ( ethnicities or cultures. Hitler was
responsible for initiating use of
anti-Semitism and other racism in
political discourse in Germany as
he led the holocaust (
Yy Zz


The Jews started the ​zionist

movement after what
happened to them during the
( Holocaust. The movement
supported the re-establishment
The ​yellow star​ was a badge that of a Jewish homeland in the
the Jews had to wear so they can territory defined as the historic
be identified wherever they go Land of Israel
( (

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