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Como di bassetto Clarinete contrabajo 101 studies. for bass clarinet Basset horn or Contrabass clarinet Estudios de los siglos XVIII y XIX adaptados por Pedro RUbIO. a aa 30 progressive studies for German Notation System en sistema alem4n de escritura = Musica Dipactica $b Introduccién Durante Ia segunda mit de siglo XX ol clarinete bajo ha sulrido una sorprendenetratsformacién, Hasta hace relativamente co era corsierado un insuremo seedaro, pero gcns a pioneosespeiaists como Jost Irak, Harry Sparnay 9 Elem Bok sin olviar a Erie Deipy en el mundo Ge Jae~ el insruamento x taspasado lites y ft araco la ane ee ot compositores, EI epetori ensteate en esos morenos es inmensay hy dia podemos hablar dé una atenicaemancipacion Jl fnstmento ‘Una de las carencias que encontrams en ef mundo del clarinet bao es la escasez de esudios originals. La ampli iterstura el claringe soprano, si bien en un principio es is opeign mis logic, en ls tomienzos mis que resolver problemas puede treats, Por oto lado, of repertorio eontemporiaco susceple de tir en e clarnete bo es enorme pero en detemmnadas edades fay que aproxirnse at coneautla At. como compenseto sla ninca de neestoy dls be optad por la itera de fos sighs XVIT y XIX esert.para otros insrimentos con el mismo repisitoy que en mt opinion se asemejan mds 2S sonalidd. El material ha sido, en mayor o menor medida, mificado y adapado a ls particularescaracteriseas del clare Ej. He variado tonlidades,registen, tempos, compascs ariclaciones, males afadido. modo de suse is respinaciones. El principal objetivo deste segundo libro esol estudio dl sistema alemn de escrtura, La tesitra del clarinet bajo, snilar a ta e insrumentos com el Fagor 0 el violonchelo, na favoreci et destrollo de diferenterssteras de notacon, Lamayora de Jos compostiors opan por Ia cave de Fa sms corcana alos sends que produce el instmento- los intrpete, sia easbego, preiere ee enclave de SoH clarinet bj a si y sige sno a rumen gues canes alee con ol cine Soprano y leer en una clave ferent pars cada clarinet esa dif aaa que pocos desea, De este modo han sudo los iiamadossstomesfanetsy aleman de escrtura, Busi ademas un wrcero qe aseiaremos con Igor Strsviski por ser rede los compositores mis relevates que fo hen ulilizado. El uso generaiado de fos tes sstemas hi creado cies confusi Yl Clarnetistadeberéconocetos ya que los encod indsintament en el rperorio. Lo mismo acure cone como asst y el ‘latnetecontabajo por lo que lo estudis también estan digidos a toon los que pactiquen estos insuntens. Para os que fengan el clarinet bajo haste emi Demo! grave o el clrinetecontabajo en mi bemol, he adaprad los pases) nots Tucra de roast, : Para intentaraclararcualguier duc ef primer estudio es escrito en ls res sistomas. Del segundo al décimo cad estudio esta ‘en dos: francés (A) y alemdn (B). A partir del estudio once hassel final slo en el sistem alemn. Los estudios van ganando Progresivamentedificultd y tesitura. Ast, para las notas mas agudas he sugerdo algunas digiteciones, Una tabla de pesiciones Inds exhaustiva aparece en uno de los apsnilices del Atéodo dle clarinte bajo publicada tambisn por Misiea Diddetic. Los ‘cuatro volimenes de estudis-10| en ttal- han sido concebidos como complemento de este método, Pedro Rubio Madrid, diciembre de 2005 During the second half of te twentieth century the bss clainet has surprisingly changed, Uni relatively recently it wes considered a secondary isu but tanks to specialists pioneer such at Jee Horek Hany Spancay and eas Bok witout forgeting ie Dolphy inthe Jazz world ths iastument ha spested limit and atactod the attention of the compose. The eulstingFoperory nova huge and we ean pen of ta au bration ofthis sturent One of the weaknesses that we discover inthe world ofthe bas clarinet i the shortage of original studies of this instrument. (Ow the one hand, the wide Iierature of the soprano clarinet, although a the beginning using the literature ofthe soprano clarinet is the most logical option, can initially create problems instead of solving them. On the other hand, the contemporary fepetory that ‘an be used wit the bass clarinet is enormous but within certain age groups itis necessary t approach i with caution, Therefore, and 2s a complement o cur music nowadays. 1 have chosen the literature of the eighteenth and ninsteenth century which Ws Written for others instruments withthe same register which T may opin are mre similar to the personally ofthe bass clarinet ‘The material hes been, to a greater or leser extent, modified and adapted tothe paticlar features of the bass clasinet. have ‘changed tonalites, registers, tempos, time signatures, bas, articulations and dynamics and added, a» suggestion, he brethings ‘The principal sm ofthis second ook i the study ofthe German Notation System The compass of the as clint imart that of instruments such 3s the Bassoon or celo- has favoured the development of diferent notation systems. The majorly OF composers opt forthe bass clef, which is clase tothe sounds thatthe instrument produces; meanwhile performers tend (o preter the treble cle. The bas clarinet has been and stil isan instrument that clarinetist altemate with the soprano clarinet bu eading 4 ifferent clef for each instrument i an additional complicstion tha few players are happy with, Asa eonsequence, {Wo systems ‘were develope called the French and German systems. Moreover tind one exists that we wil relate to Igor Stssinshy as he as on ofthe most mportant compass who used The commoa use ofthe tre system has generated some confusion and clarinestists have fo know them well as they will find them in the repertory, The same thing happens With the basset horn nd the ‘contrabass clarinet, Therefore the studies are also useful for those who play these instruments 1 have adapted the passages an the notes ou of regisier for those players who lave he Low E-flat bas clase othe E-fat contrabass carinet ‘To clarify any possible doubt, he fst study has been write inthe dee systems. From the second sty to te tenth, they appee in French sytem (A) ad the German Syste (B) From the ekevenh 10 the lst sty. they rein German Ste on ‘The studies aay gain in complenity and compass. So foe te highest notes [have sugyeted some Magen A. move éxautve fingering chart eepear in one ofthe pend ofthe Mtiod for Bs Clare, as pblsted by Mies Diets ‘Thetoursolume stiles on ttl bave been cnet ed es compleént ofthis neo. Pedro Rubio Sodas PUBLICIDAD A. Sistema francés de eseritura: El mis sad Se eseribe en clave de Sel suena una novena scaveala ota exert, BB. Sistema aleman de eseritura: Se eseribe en clave de Fay de Sol, Suena una segunda grive'a Ta nota excita, El Clasnatista debe saber que en este sistema la clave de Sol se tea una octava alta fa ota que lee . Sistema usado por Stravinski, entre otros: Mev los dlos sistemas. es detir.caundo aparece la chive de Fa suena tuna segunda mayor a To escrito y cwanda sparece Ta de Sol luna “ovens. Lo” encontramos. en partiiras come Lit Consagracitn lela Prinanvra. Petrus (versa de 1911) El pjaro de fuego (version balled), Adagio 1A aaa f 1B P—— f = P Adagio 1c e P——— f > P——— Ff — AA. Frunch Notation System: Ics the most commonly used. I is ‘he treble lef and it sourdls 2 ninth fower tothe writen 1B. German Notation System: fs written inthe bassfreble elt and sounds a second lower to the writen note, The clarinetist has to know that in this systern the treble clef is played an ctave higher than the note tha is read, C. Notation system used by Stravinsky. among others: Ie consists of a mixture of the previgus two, which means that major second (0 the writen note is played shen the bass clef appears. and a ninth in tho ease of the treble clef. We fing tin Score lke The Rite of Spring. Petrus (1911 version) and The Firehind Baller. JULIUS WEISSENBORN (1837 - 1888), FRIEDRICH DOTZAUER (1783 - 1860) Allegra Allegro simite FRIEDRICH DOTZAUER (1783 - 1860) Allegro simile ————— A. SAMIE Moderato, A. SAMIE Moderato — EDUARDO COMPTA ‘Tempo di Vals (1835-1882)

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