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Mountainside Middle School

IB MYP Language and Literature-6 

Middle Years Programme > Grade 6 > Language and Literature > IB MYP Language and Literature-6 > Week 15 - Week 18

Unit 2B - The Power to Change (Interview)

Collabora on

Inquiry: Establishing the Purpose of the Unit

Key Concept(s) Related Concepts Global Context/Explorations

Related Concepts
Key Concepts
MYP Characters and Conflict Iden es and rela onships
Iden ty forma on; self-esteem; status; roles
Key Concepts and role models
Key Concepts
Communica on
Related Concepts
Language and literature
Language and literature
Individuals and socie es

Statement of Inquiry
Conflict is a driving force to grow, change, and reform an iden ty.

Inquiry Questions
Factual: What is conflict?

Conceptual: How can conflict cause internal/external growth or change?

Debatable: Does change reform or solidify your iden ty?

MYP Objectives State / National Standards

MYP: Language and literature (For use from September 2014/January 2015) AZ: English Language Arts (2016)
Year 1 AZ: Grade 6
Objec ve B: Organizing Reading: Literature
In order to reach the aims of studying language and literature, students should 2. Determine central ideas or themes of a text and analyze their development;
be able to: summarize the key suppor ng details and ideas.
i. employ organiza onal structures that serve the context and inten on 6.RL.2. Determine a theme or central idea of a text and how it is conveyed
ii. organize opinions and ideas in a logical manner through par cular details; provide a summary of the text dis nct from
personal opinions or judgments.
iii. use referencing and forma ng tools to create a presenta on style 3. Analyze how and why individuals, events, and ideas develop and interact
suitable to the context and inten on. over the course of a text.
Objec ve C: Producing text 6.RL.3. Describe how a par cular story’s or drama’s plot unfolds in a series
In order to reach the aims of studying language and literature, students should of episodes as well as how the characters respond or change as the plot
be able to: moves toward a resolu on.

iii. select relevant details and examples to support ideas. 5. Analyze the structure of texts, including how specific sentences, paragraphs,
and larger por ons of the text (e.g., a sec on, chapter, scene, or stanza) relate
Objec ve D: Using language
to each other and the whole.
In order to reach the aims of studying language and literature, students should 6.RL.5. Analyze how a par cular sentence, chapter, scene, or stanza fits
be able to: into the overall structure of a text and contributes to the development of
ii. write and speak in an appropriate register and style the theme, se ng, or plot.
iii. use correct grammar, syntax and punctua on 6. Assess how point of view or purpose shapes the content and style of a text.
6.RL.6. Explain how an author develops the point of view of the narrator
or speaker in a text.
Integra on of Knowledge and Ideas 7. Integrate and evaluate content
presented in diverse formats and media, including visually and quan ta vely,
as well as in words.
6.RL.7. Compare and contrast the experience of reading a story, drama, or
poem to listening to or viewing an audio, video, or live version of the text,
including contras ng what they “see” and “hear” when reading the text to
what they perceive when they
Reading: Informa onal Text
2. Determine central ideas or themes of a text and analyze their development;
summarize the key suppor ng details and ideas.
6.RI.2. Determine a central idea of a text and how it is conveyed through
par cular details; provide a summary of the text dis nct from personal
opinions or judgments.
Wri ng
3. Write narra ves to develop real or imagined experiences or events using
effec ve technique, well-chosen details, and well-structured event sequences.
6.W.3. Write narra ves to develop real or imagined experiences or events
using effec ve technique, relevant descrip ve details, and well-structured
event sequences.
5. Develop and strengthen wri ng as needed by planning, revising, edi ng,
rewri ng, or trying a new approach.
6.W.5. With some guidance and support from peers and adults, develop
and strengthen wri ng as needed by planning, revising, edi ng, rewri ng,
or trying a new approach.
6. Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish wri ng and
to interact and collaborate with others.
6.W.6.Use technology, including the internet, to type and publish wri ng
as well as to interact and collaborate with others; demonstrate sufficient
command of keyboarding skills to complete a wri ng task in a single
si ng.

Summative Assessment Summative Assessment Tasks & Statement

Outline of summative assessment task(s) including assessment criteria
of Inquiry
Embedded Assessment Relationship between summative assessment task(s) and statement of
Summa ve: Mul -media / Technology Product inquiry
G: The goal is to show your understanding of how conflict causes
Conflict is a driving force to grow, change, and reform an iden ty.
characters to reform their iden ty.
R: Newspaper reporter interviewing 3 different people who have
Students will analyze how internal and external conflict have impacted a person’s life
overcome or experienced a life-changing incident.
and how it has shaped their iden ty. Through an interview, students will learn to
A: Newspaper subscribers.
examine characteriza on in real life and record how a person has changed over me.
S: Your newspaper is spotligh ng “power to change” and features
Students will examine how conflict has been a driving force in growth, change, and
ar cles and you’re in charge of interviewing three different people
reform their iden ty.
who have overcome a life-changing incident (event); a local person, a
U.S. ci zen and someone outside of your country. Each interview
must address the par cipant’s experience and how it has reformed
their iden ty in response.
P: Write three interview-style ar cles minimum. These will be typed
but you may also include a visual.

Notes: Crea ng a website to resemble a news source, students

submit by crea ng an ar cle page, reviewing the ar cles that others
have wri en

Students generate DOK ques ons for interview that are relevant and
encouraging to allow the interviewee to expand on ideas with a clear
story being told. Clear storyline--where did they start, what was the
journey, and then how did they change by the end. Then watching an
interview and crea ng a prac ce ar cle based on the informa on.

Approaches to Learning
Approaches to Learning
Skill Category: Communica on
Skill Clusters:
I. Communica on skills
Exchanging thoughts, messages and informa on effec vely through interac on
Give and receive meaningful feedback
Use a variety of speaking techniques to communicate with a variety of audiences
Use appropriate forms of wri ng for different purposes and audiences
Use a variety of media to communicate with a range of audiences
Share ideas with mul ple audiences using a variety of digital environments and media
Reading, wri ng and using language to gather and communicate informa on
Make inferences and draw conclusions
Write for different purposes
Paraphrase accurately and concisely
Organize and depict informa on logically
Structure informa on in summaries, essays and reports pre-publica on
Skill Category: Self Management
Skill Clusters:
III. Organiza on skills
Managing me and tasks effec vely
Plan short- and long-term assignments; meet deadlines
Bring necessary equipment and supplies to class
Keep an organized and logical system of informa on files/notebooks
Use appropriate strategies for organizing complex informa on
Skill Clusters:
V. Reflec on skills
(Re-)considering the process of learning; choosing and using ATL skills
Consider content – What did I learn about today? – What don’t I yet understand? – What ques ons do I have now?
Focus on the process of crea ng by imita ng the work of others
Consider ethical, cultural and environmental implica ons
Keep a journal to record reflec ons
Skill Category: Thinking
Skill Clusters:
VIII. Cri cal thinking skills
Analysing and evalua ng issues and ideas
Prac se observing carefully in order to recognize problems
Gather and organize relevant informa on to formulate an argument
Recognize unstated assump ons and bias
Revise understanding based on new informa on and evidence
Consider ideas from mul ple perspec ves
Iden fy obstacles and challenges
Skill Clusters:
IX. Crea ve thinking skills
Genera ng novel ideas and considering new perspec ves
Use brainstorming and visual diagrams to generate new ideas and inquiries
Action: Teaching and Learning Through Inquiry

Central Ideas/Content
factual knowledge (facts, topics, terminology, etc)

Internal and External
Cita on
Primary Source
Iden ty
Reform(a on)

conceptual knowledge (disciplinary “big ideas”- classifica ons, principles, generaliza ons, models, theories): (It is helpful to phrase these ideas in sentence form.)

Experiences and interpersonal rela onships change our iden ty.

Following the wri ng process helps the writer cra an effec ve piece of wri ng.
Cri cal reflec on of your own work helps students grow as writers and deepens their understanding of what they read.
Characters perspec ves change based on their experiences and rela onships.
People o en learn life lessons as they reflect on their past.

procedural knowledge (Subject-specific skills, techniques, methods, procedures)

Annota on of text
Developing a variety of interview-style ques ons
Wri ng out informa on into an appropriate ar cle-style (semi-narra ve)
Using evidence to support their ideas and correctly ci ng their source

Learning Process

Learning Experiences & Formative Assessment Di erentiation

Teaching Strategies Forma ve assessments Differen a on

Week 1-Week 2 Students will develop open-ended ques ons Co-opera ve sea ng
Students will have finished reading, Walk Two Moons, that will encourage their interviewee to provide Think-pair-share
and analyze how specific characters grew and changed relevant details of their life’s journey. Scaffolded ques oning to develop analysis and
from the beginning to the end of the book because of Create a prac ce ar cle that follows forma ng understanding
the conflicts they encountered. guidelines and expresses relevant informa on
Students will be examining sample ar cles and and cita on (peer edi ng). Summa ve Assessment
interviews to look for forma ng and structure of each.
Students who need more of a
Students will analyze different texts and media that
challenge will get a longer
exemplify a character growing/changing through
paragraph count requirement.
conflicts that emerge.
Students who need a bit of help
Students will evaluate interviews to analyze format and
with wri ng will get a shortened
paragraph count requirement.
Students will receive lessons on genera ng ques ons
Students who need help using
that are appropriate from the beginning of an
technology can use a template to
interview, middle, and end.
help them with their forma ng
Students will watch an interview and prac ce taking
for the ar cle.
notes and annota ons that would support them in
Students will be able to
wri ng an interview
personalize their ar cle page
through google sites, which allows
Week 3-Week 4
students who want to be
Students will be developing and conduc ng their
challenged in technology to be
crea ve.
Students will be organizing their informa on, wri ng
out their ar cle, and publishing it on an online
pla orm.
Students will conduct interview in a professional
Students will organize their interview notes into a
narra ve that shows a clear story progression that
includes a beginning, middle and end.
Students will create appropriate ques ons to use in the
beginning, middle, and end of their interview.

“The Secret Lion” h ps:// (Short Story on Character
h ps://studentrepor ons/ - (Interview Mini Lesson)

Re ection: Considering the Planning, Process and Impact of the Inquiry

Prior to teaching the unit During teaching After Teaching the Unit
Students will complete the book, Walk Two Moons,
and analyze character progression based on the
conflicts they encountered.
Teacher will prepare interven ons and extension work
for students who are not progressing and those who
are able to go deeper.

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