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IMA Apéndice del Manual de instalación Doc. núm. S

Planos de instalación

Validez de este documento:

Núm. de serie / Núm. de máquina Firma

Planos de instalación
© Copyright 2011 Sandvik SRP AB.
Reservados todos los derechos. Se prohíbe la reproducción y la copia de cualquier parte de
este documento, sea cual fuere su formato o el medio utilizado, sin el permiso escrito de
Sandvik SRP AB. Los datos y la información de este manual pueden ser objeto de modifica-
ciones sin aviso previo. Esta publicación puede contener errores tipográficos.

Número de documento: S

Instrucciones originales
Edición: 2012-10-20
Versión: 03

Stationsplan, SE-233 81 Svedala, Suecia
Tel: +46 (0)40 409000, Fax: +46 (0)40 409260
Doc. núm. S 223.820

Apéndice A:
Planos de instalación y hojas de
Asunto: 2012-10-20

IMA Sandvik CH890:01 Planos de instalación A-1

IMA Sandvik CH890:01 Planos de instalación

A.1 Generalidades
Los siguientes planos muestran dimensiones de la máquina, posiciones y
dimensiones de conexión y de acceso. Deben respetarse todas las
dimensiones, que se expresan en milímetros con el valor en pulgadas entre

A.1.1 Planos de instalación, fichas de datos, planos

eléctricos e hidráulicos
Plano 452.6858.
El texto y los datos siguientes aparecen en el plano.
Plano / Hoja de datos Número Nota
Aspectos generales de la instalación 452.6858
A Aspectos generales de las dimensiones y peso de la 452.6733
B Plano de instalación, trituradora, accionamiento directo, 452.6734
incluyendo cargas de cimentación
C Conexiones de aceite 452.6869
D Datos técnicos de la caja Modbus Fieldbus 978.0408
E Sensores de presión 984.1504
F Instalación de sobrepresión de la trituradora 452.6919
G ASRi 2.0 - Alta resistencia 12” 194.0575
H ASRi-L3 IP20 Disposición del equipo 194.0584
I Diagrama de conductos e instrumentos 452.7761
J Diferencia de altura de la instalación 452.6535
K Radiador de aire y aceite 910.0104
L Unidad del soplador de presión de aceite, depósito de 452.3703
M Equipo eléctrico L10 452.6298
N Lubricación, depósito Hydroset 442.9472
O Equipo eléctrico L9 452.6297
P Sensor sin monitor de velocidad 458.0451
Q Kit de herramientas 452.6223
R Tranductor de potencia 923.0521

Control de velocidad S 977.026.00

D 977.001.00

Diagrama de conductos e instrumentos con electroválvula de 452.7762

Diagrama de cables con electroválvula de descarga 291.0041
Diagrama de circuitos, armario eléctrico, electroválvula de 291.0042
Diagrama de circuitos, armario eléctrico, electroválvula de 291.0045

A-2 © 2011 Sandvik SRP AB Doc. núm.S 223.820 es Ver. 03

IMA Sandvik CH890:01 Planos de instalación

A.1.2 Cargas de cimentación

Plano núm. 452.6734.
El texto y los datos siguientes aparecen en el plano.

Cargas de Carga Carga Carga dinámica Carga dinámica

cimentación estática de estática del durante la durante el arranque y
(kN) la máquina material producción normal la parada
f = 3,83 Hz
Cimientos Vz Vz H Vz H Vz
A2 210 35 15 ±20 55 ±80
A3 210 35 15 ±20 55 ±80
B1 230 35 15 ±20 55 ±80
B4 230 35 15 ±20 55 ±80
C1 35 0 4 ±6 15 ±25
C4 35 0 4 ±6 15 ±25
Vz = carga vertical, positiva, hacia abajo
H = cargas horizontales (todas las direcciones horizontales)
Volumen de roca = 10 m3, densidad = 1.800 kg/m3

Doc. núm.S 223.820 es Ver. 03 © 2011 Sandvik SRP AB A-3

IMA Sandvik CH890:01 Planos de instalación

A.1.3 Conexiones de aceite

Plano núm. 452.6869.
El texto y los datos siguientes aparecen en el plano
Conexión de la trituradora Acoplamiento
L SAE 101,6 mm (4 pulgs.) con junta tórica, 3.000 PSI
M SAE 50,8 mm (2 pulgs.) con junta tórica, 3.000 PSI
N SAE 25,4 mm (1 pulg.) con junta tórica, 3.000 PSI
P SAE 63,5 mm (2 1/2 pulgs.) con junta tórica, 3.000 PSI
Q SAE 19,05 mm (3/4 pulgs.) con junta tórica, 3.000 PSI
T SAE 25,4 mm (1 pulg.) con junta tórica, 3.000 PSI
U -
V -
Y SAE 101,6 mm (4 pulgs.) con junta tórica, 3.000 PSI
Z SAE 19,05 mm (3/4 pulgs.) con junta tórica, 3.000 PSI

Conexión del depósito Acoplamiento

L Rp 101,6 mm (4 pulgs.) (cilíndrico interno)
M G 50,8 mm (2 pulgs.) (cilíndrico interno)
N G 19,05 mm (3/4 pulg.) (cilíndrico interno)
P Rp 19,05 mm (3/4 pulg.) (cilíndrico interno)
Q G 19,05 mm (3/4 pulg.) (cilíndrico interno)
T Rp 25,4 mm (1 pulg.) (cilíndrico interno)
U G 50,8 mm (2 pulgs.) (cilíndrico interno)
V G 50,8 mm (2 pulgs.) (cilíndrico interno)
Y Rp 101,6 mm (4 pulgs.) (cilíndrico interno)
Z Rp 19,05 mm (3/4 pulg.) (cilíndrico interno)

Conexión del enfriador Acoplamiento

U SAE 50,8 mm (2 pulgs.) con junta tórica o sin ella, 3.000 PSI
V SAE 50,8 mm (2 pulgs.) con junta tórica o sin ella, 3.000 PSI

A.1.4 Sistema eléctrico

Consulte el IMA del depósito para ver las designaciones eléctricas y vea los
manuales del depósito para obtener información sobre la instalación

A-4 © 2011 Sandvik SRP AB Doc. núm.S 223.820 es Ver. 03

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Modbus Fieldbus Box Technical Data
SA:Art. nr: 978.0408-00

Huvudkontor Försäljningskontor
Beckhoff Automation AB Tel: +46 (0) 40/680 81 60 Beckhoff Automation AB Plusgiro 12 14 00-6
Stenåldersgatan 2B Tel: +46 (0) 40/680 81 61 Enebybergsvägen 10B Tel: +46 (0) 8 446 30 01 Bankgiro 5438-3682
213 76 Malmö E-mail: 182 36 Danderyd VAT SE556622510701 Styrelsens säte Täby
Modules - Technical Data
Technical data IP3112-B738-1000
Extension modules -
Digital peripheral signals according to I/O type
Analog peripheral signals according to I/O type
Configuration facilities via KS2000 or address switch
Bus nodes 69
Topology Line
Transmission Physics RS 485 (like Profibus) shielded, twisted pairs
Max. cable length 1200 m
Protocol RTU (ASCII)
Baud rate 150 to 38400 Baud (default: 9,6 kBaud)
Control voltage: 24V DC (-15%/+20%); load voltage:
Power supply connection according to I/O type
according to I/O type + current consumption of
Control voltage current consumption sensors, max. 0.5 A
Load voltage current consumption according to I/O type
Load voltage current consumption Feed: 1 x M12 socket, 5-pin
Fieldbus connection 1 x M12 socket, 5-pin, (inverse coding)
Channels/control voltage: no
between the channels: no
Electrical isolation control voltage/fieldbus: yes
Operating temperature 0°C ... +55°C
Storage temperature -25°C ... +85°C
conforms to EN 60068-2-6 / EN 60068-2-27,
Vibration / shock resistance EN 60068-2-29
EMC resistance burst / ESD conforms to EN 61000-6-2 / EN 61000-6-4
Protection class IP 65/66/67 (according EN 60529)
Installation position any
Approval CE, UL E172151

Huvudkontor Försäljningskontor
Beckhoff Automation AB Tel: +46 (0) 40/680 81 60 Beckhoff Automation AB Plusgiro 12 14 00-6
Stenåldersgatan 2B Tel: +46 (0) 40/680 81 61 Enebybergsvägen 10B Tel: +46 (0) 8 446 30 01 Bankgiro 5438-3682
213 76 Malmö E-mail: 182 36 Danderyd VAT SE556622510701 Styrelsens säte Täby
Technical Data Dimension

Huvudkontor Försäljningskontor
Beckhoff Automation AB Tel: +46 (0) 40/680 81 60 Beckhoff Automation AB Plusgiro 12 14 00-6
Stenåldersgatan 2B Tel: +46 (0) 40/680 81 61 Enebybergsvägen 10B Tel: +46 (0) 8 446 30 01 Bankgiro 5438-3682
213 76 Malmö E-mail: 182 36 Danderyd VAT SE556622510701 Styrelsens säte Täby
| Force | Pressure | Temperature | Switch

Pressure sensors for general application

with internal diaphragm
for gauge pressure and absolute pressure
Accuracy 0.25% and 0.5%

Standard output: 4 . . . 20 mA; 2-wire

or 0 . . . 5 VDC; 3-wire
or 0 . . . 10 VDC; 3-wire

Description Features
Pressure sensors for general application are top of the o Measuring ranges from 25 mbar to 2500 bar
range pressure transducers. o Finely graded selection of nominal ranges
according to EN
Their accuracy, reliability, resistance to corrosion and o Corrosion resistant, stainless steel design
mechanical load make them suitable for all pressure
o High overload protection
measuring tasks - in production, development or in the
o Highly resistant to shock and vibration
o For dynamic or static measurements

The measuring ranges, graded in accordance with EN, o Good reproducibility

range from 25 mbar to the maximum pressure range of o Simple installation
2500 bar. The case and wetted parts comprise stainless
steel and are thus resistant to chemically aggressive
Measuring Ranges
media. The pressure connection and measuring element
Gauge pressure
are welded together, making the measuring system
particularly resistant to mechanical shock or vibration. Negative -1... 0 bar to - 0.025 …0 bar
Positive 0 ... 0.025 bar to 0 ... 2500 bar
For more difficult measuring tasks (e.g. hydrostatic Absolute pressure 0 … 0.25 bar to 0 … 16 bar
column), two potentiometers enable the zero point and
measuring range to be set. Applications
Development and laboratory, process engineering,
The pressure sensors for general application meet the
plant and apparatus construction,
electronic magnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements to
EN 61 326. hydraulics and pneumatics

Models: P3276

tecsis GmbH DE 700 i

Carl-Legien Str. 40
D-63073 Offenbach / Main Sales National Sales International e-Mail: p. 1 / 4
Tel.: +49(0) 69 / 5806-0 Fax: +49(0) 69 / 5806-170 Fax: +49(0) 69 / 5806-177 Internet:
Technical data
Model P3276 Option
negative or positive gauge
Pressure type negative or positive gauge pressure absolute pressure
Output signal 4 . . . 20 mA - 2-wire other signals
0 . . . 5 VDC - 3-wire on request
0 . . . 10 VDC - 3-wire
Accuracy % of F. S. 1) 0,5 0,25 0,5 0,25 0,5 0,25
0,25% BFSL 0,13% BFSL 0,25% BFSL 0,13% BFSL 0,25% BFSL 0,13% BFSL
Ranges accord. to EN 0 . . . 0.1 bar 2) 0 ... 40 bar 0 . . . 25 bar 0 . . . 25 mbar 3)
to to to 0 . . . 40 mbar
0 ... 25 bar 0 . . . 2500 bar 0 . . . 16 bar 0 . . . 60 mbar
Sensor element piezoresistive Thin film piezoresistive
Repeatability ≤ ± 0.05% of F. S.
Stability (annual) ≤ ± 0.2% of F. S. in rated conditions
Case Stainless steel
Pressure connection 4) G 1/2 B to DIN 16 288 G 1/4 B; 1/4 NPT; 1/2 NPT
Wetted parts Stainless steel 1.4571 and 1.4542
Overload limit ≤ 16 bar 3,5 x; ≤ 600 bar 2 x; > 600 bar 1.5 x;
≥ 1600 bar 1,2 x
Electrical connection plug according to DIN EN 175301-803 form A with junction box cable outlet
round connector M12x1; 4-pin with 1 m cable
Power supply 10 . . . 30 VDC (14 . . . 30 VDC for output 0 . . . 10 V)
Power consumption current output 4 . . . 20 mA: signal currency
voltage output: 8 mA
for output (0) 4 . . . 20 mA UB − 10V
Load ≤ for output 0(4)...20 mA
> 5 kOhm for output 0 . . . 5 V
> 10 kOhm for output 0 . . . 10 V
Temp. compens. range 0 . . . 80 °C
Temperature influence
- Zero point ± 0.2% / 10 K 5)
- Measuring range ± 0.2% / 10 K
Adjustability zero point and full scale up to ± 10%
Response time ≤ 1 ms (within 10% to 90% of F. S.)
Protection type IP 65 to EN 60 529 / IEC 529 IP 67 for cable outlet
IP 67 to M12x1 connector
Emission 6) according to EN 61 326
Interference 6) according to EN 61 326
Electrical protection types polarity, overload and short-circuit protection
Temperature ranges
- Storage -40 . . .100 °C media temperature
- Medium -30 . . .100 °C -40 . . . 125 °C
- Ambient -20 . . . 80 °C
Weight approx. 0.2 kg
) Terminal point adjustment according to DIN 16 086, incl. linearity and hysteresis of F. S. = of full scale value
) 0.25% accuracy for ranges ≥0.25 bar
) For ranges < 0.1 bar: model P3275; technical data as model P3276;
wetted parts 1.4571, Si, Al and Au; only applicable for dry and non aggressive gases
) 0 . . . 2500 bar; M 16 x 1.5 female
) ≤± 0,4 %/10 K for measuring ranges 0 . . . 0.1 and 0 . . . 0.16 bar
) Declaration of conformity on request

DE 700 i

p. 2 / 4

plug according to DIN EN 175301-803 form A with junction box

Accuracy 0.5% Accuracy 0.25% cable outlet


max. 105


Pressure connections

G 1/2 B G 1/4 B High pressure connection

M16x1.5 female

27 27




6 5 4,8

17,5 9,5 60°

G1/4 M16 x 1,5
A-006 A-007


Screw-in aperture according to DIN 16 288

G 1/2 G 1/4 High pressure connection

M16x1.5 female
0.1 A G1/2 M16X1.5
(DIN 16288) 0.1 A
G1/4 60°
Min. 14.5


19 -0,5

13 -0,5




DE 700 i

p. 3 / 4
Electrical connection
Two-wire system

plug according to DIN EN 175301-803 MIL-plug PT 02 E-10 6P 5-pin plug

form A with junction box
UB / S+ UB / S+
UB / S+

F AB 4
3 ED C
2 5 1

0V / S-
0V / S- 0V / S-

E-001 E-035

cable outlet M12x1

UB / S+ UB / S+

4 3
1 2
0V / S- green
0V / S-

E-015 E-033

Three-wire system

plug according to DIN EN 175301-803 MIL-plug PT 02 E-10 6P 5-pin plug

form A with junction box
UB / S+ UB

S+ 4
5 1

0V / S- 0V / S-
0V / S-


cable outlet M12x1



4 3
1 2
S+ white
0V / S- green 0V / S-

E-017 E-034

Connection table for DIN plug or cable outlet

Order details
4 . . . 20 mA 0 . . . 10 VDC 1. Model
(2-wire) (3-wire) 2. Measuring range
Supply: UB+ 1 brown 1 brown 3. Output signal
Supply: 0V 2 green 2 green 4. Options
Signal: S+ --- -------- 3 white
Signal: --- -------- 2 green

Modifications reserved

DE 700 i

p. 4 / 4

 Note Description
The aggr. can be mounted horisontal and vertical.
It´s recomended to place the aggr. in a dust free area.
Total hose lenght betwen overpressure unit
"$<%# and crusher are recomended to 2-15 meters
The over pressure valve should be regulated at instalation to

be betwen 600-1020 Pa on OPT1





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Datasheet, Panel-PC

ASRi 2.0 - Heavy Duty 12”

• Completely sealed panel-PC with
stainless steel enclosure

• Rated to IP65 with watertight

and sturdy M12-connectors

• No moving parts

• Extended temperature range

• High performance Intel®

Celeron M®-processor

• Galvanically isolated RS485, RS232 and


• Durable touch sensor

The picture is showing
the wall mounted model • Very bright and clear 12.1”
industrial TFT-display

• Compact Flash-based storage

• Integrated HMI/SCADA and

complete control system solution


ASRi-OP is a completely enclosed panel-PC, By using Compact Flash storage media the
protected to IP65 which makes it dust proof unit is completely free from moving parts and
and washdown safe. It is completely passively also very tough in terms of shock, vibrations,
cooled and therefore provides a highly and rough treatment.
integrated, hardy and compact PC platform.
These characteristics means an extended
With its built-in TFT-screen and touch function operational life with a minimum of
and its very slim format, is designed to meet maintenance, since there are no mechanical
even the most demanding applications and components that can wear out.
All communication ports are galvanically
The ASRi-OP control computer requires less isolated, making the device resistant to
than 25W in full operation, which allows a electrical interference and transients that occur
completely fanless cooling solution. frequently in the demanding environments it
was designed for.
Technical data

Hardware Environment

Processor Temperature
Separate CPU card with very efficient 600MHz Operating: -20º to 50º C
Intel Celeron M processor. Upgradable / Storage: -30º tol 60º C
replaceable in the field.
Internal memory Front made of stainless steel SS2333 or
256Mb DDR SDRAM - 333MHz. (Upgradable to a aluminium, back/heatsink in anodized aluminium
maximum of 1GB) with form recovering gaskets. Wall model
completely IP65, dust proof and washdown
VGA/TFT-display safe. Panel mounted model front IP65, back
12.1" TFT-display with 800x600 pixels using IP30.
262.144 colors with a brightness of 450 cd/m .
Software controlled backlight, 10-100%. Shock- Moisture
and vibration protected with a wide temperature Made to endure external air moisture content
range of -30 - +80º C. Guaranteed industrial of 0-100%, the wall model has a build in Gore-
availability by new models being directly backwards Tex ®-membrane to evacuate water vapor and
compatible with older models. equalize pressure.

Storage system Cooling

Connector for Compact Flash wired directly to Completely passively cooled, only needs access
the IDE-bus with support for high speed DMA to freeflowing airspace around the chassis.
to transfer data with minimal processor usage.
Touch screen The product is CE-branded, fulfilling the EU LVD
Built in durable 5-wire touch screen designed and the following standards: EN 61000-6-3:
for up to 35 million operations in wet and dusty 2001, EN 55022: 1998 class A, EN 55024:1998,
environments. Serial ELO-compatible touch con- -A1: 2001, EN 61000-4-2, -3, -4, –5, -6.
troller. Mounting

Temperature control
APW - Automatic PreWarming at freezing
The product is available in either wall mounted
temperatures that preheats the unit to minimize
or panel mounted models.
mechanical stress. Internal temperature sensor
with monitoring capabilities.
Measurements and weight
Wall mounted
Software 357.5 x 290 x 70 mm (WxHxD)
Weight: 6.5 kg

Operating system Panel mounted

Size- and performance adapted Linux-distribution 350 x 290 x 88 mm (WxHxD)
for industrial usage with journalling file system Weight: 5.6 kg
to provide high data integrity and availability.

Surface treatment
BIOS Most parts are painted with a polymer based
Reprogrammable 4Mbit flash that uses powder coating. The front parts are in Gris 400
FirstBIOS™ BIOS-software from Phoenix. Sable color, the panel mounted models back
Integrated function for start irregardless of details are painted RAL9007, while the wall
battery status. mounted models back is anodized black.
Block diagram

Connections Connectors

Ethernet / LAN 1 & 2 Below(left to right)

Independent Ethernet-connections of 10/100 RS232 5-pin M12 female A-code
Mbit and 10 Mbit respectively. ASRi-bus 4-pin M12 male A-code
ASRi-bus 4-pin M12 female A-code
CAN-bus LAN1 4-pin M12 female D-code
Galvanicallly isolated 2-wire connection with LAN2 4-pin M12 female D-code
separately isolated +5V bus feed. CAN 4-pin M12 female A-code
Power 5-pin M12 male B-code
RS485 (ASRi-bus)
Galvanically isolated 2-wire connector with Side connection (behind service lid)
separately powered +24V bus feed. USB 2.0 1 x A-type

RS232 (Comli) Internal connectors

Galvanically isolated 5-wire connector enabling USB 2.0 4 x A-type (3 x available)
a backwards compatibility with WinPlus. Keyboard PS/2 MiniDIN female
Mouse PS/2 MiniDIN female
One externally accessible 480Mbps USB2.0
port for service and maintenance access.

Power supply
2 x 24 VDC ± 10%. Overvoltage and transient
control circuitry with overcurrent and polarity
protection eliminates connection errors and
Power usage: 1.0A at 24 V
Dimensions and mounting schematics
Wall mounted Panel mounted

Ordering information

Wall mounted version 194.0575-00

Panel mounted version 194.0575-90

Please observe that these products can only be ordered through Sandvik SRP

Equipment Tag No:
Equipment Name: HYDROCONE CH890/895


Plant SRP Model Range Part No. Output Contact Manufacturer
Tag No. Tag No. rating
-TT5 Temp. transmitter Spider bearing temperature TRPF PT100 923.0473-00 Inor Crusher

-PT1 Press. transmitter Over-press. air pressure (crusher) PBMN G1/2 0-25mbar 984.1632-00 4-20mA Baumer Crusher

-B1N Position sensor Mainshaft position EDS-630-SR-I 630 mm 984.0476-00 4-20mA Micro Epsilon ASRi
-U1N Power transducer Drive motor power draw P200-054 923.0383-00 4-20mA Tillquist ASRi

-SS1 Pulse sensor Speed monitor SIH-3010-BPKG 984.0217-00 IFM-Electronic Crusher

-LT2 Level transmitter Level in feed hopper Vegapuls 67 0-15m 984.1487-00 4-20mA Vega -L11+ crusher

452.7761-001 Sensor list CH890/CH895

OT4 Oil Flow Gauge (Main lubr.)
PCV1 Pilot Operated Valve (Hydroset valve)
PG3 Pressure Gauge (blocked filter - Pinoin Lubr.)
PI1 Pressure Gauge (Hydroset)
PI2 Pressure Gauge (Main Lubr.)
PI3 Pressure Gauge (Pinion Lubr.)
PT2 Pressure Transmitter (Main Lubr.)
PT3 Pressure Transmitter (Pinion Lubr)
PT4 Pressure Transmitter (Main Lubr.)
PV1 Pressure Relief Valve (Hydroset Valve)
PV2 Pressure Relief Valve (Hydroset Valve)
PV3 Pressure Relief Valve (Hydroset)
PV4 Pressure Relief Valve (Main Lubr.)
SC1 Oil Return Screen (Main Lubr.)
SF1 Suction Filter (Main Lubr.)
SM Speed Monitor (Crusher)
TI1 Oil temp. Indicator (Main Lubr.)
TT1 Temp. Transmitter (Main Lubr.)
TT3 Temp. Transmitter (Main Lubr.)
TT4 Temp. Transmitter (Main Lubr.)
TT5 Temp. Transmitter (Crusher - Spider Bearing)
U1N Power consumer transmitter (Crusher Motor-ASRi)
V3 Cut-Off Valve (Pinion Lubr. Pump Drainage)
V4 Cut-Off Valve (Hydroset Pump Drainage)
V5 Cut-Off Valve (Hydroset Pump)
V6 Cut-Off Valve (Oil Cooler)
V7 Cut-Off Valve (Oil Cooler)

Skapad av -Kbu Godkänd Kontr. Av -Xzn Revisionsnr Rev.Datum

Created by Approved Checked by Revision No 00.00 Rev.Date 2007-11-19

Piping & Instrument Diagram Date 2007-11-19
BOM A4 452.4380
CH870, CH880 Page 2 (2)
Height difference in the return line

For the oil to flow freely in the return line there must be a minimum height difference between crusher
and oil tank. The required height difference depends on the pressure build-up created by the piping and

The table below shows how to calculate the minimum height difference.

Minimum height difference in mm

1500 cSt (cold start), DN 100 (4”) new/clean stainless steel pipes
Specified flow: 170 lit/min 200 lit/min 280 lit/min
Per meter pipe 180 mm 210 mm 290 mm
90˚ bend R=1xD 270 mm 310 mm 440 mm
90˚ bend R=2xD 140 mm 170 mm 240 mm
90˚ sharp turn 1240 mm 1460 mm 2040 mm

NOTE! The minimum height difference is directly proportional to oil viscosity, so at 750 cSt viscosity
the numbers in the table above should be reduced by 50%.

The specified flow is 280 lit/min, and the return line consists of:

15 meters DN 100 (4”) piping 15 x 290 = 4350 mm

4 x 90˚ bends R=1xD 4 x 440 = + 1760 mm
1 x 90˚ sharp turn 1 x 2040 = + 2040 mm
Minimum height difference needed = 8150 mm

By replacing all bends with 90° R=2xD and shortening the pipe length with 1
meter, the minimum height difference will decrease to 5260 mm.

NOTE! Place bends as far from the crusher as possible since they create a relatively high pressure

Skapad av kru Godkänd Kontr. Av Revisionsnr Rev.Datum

Created by Approved Checked by Revision No 00.00 Rev.Date 2010-11-04

Date 2010-11-04
Installation height difference A4 452.6535-001
Installation height difference Page 1 (1)
4x 8 15 80


300 20 260

4 6 1 290.0054-906 Electrical equipment TIMS ETHERNET

5 1 290.0054-905 Electrical equipment TIMS RS485
4 1 290.0054-904 Electrical equipment TIMS MODBUS
6 3 1 290.0054-903 Electrical equipment TIMS DEVICENET
This drawing and all the enclosures belong to us. They must not be copied

given to a third party or used for manufacturing purposes without our per-
mission. As to infringements hereof, legal action will be taken with the

2 1 290.0054-902 Electrical equipment TIMS CanOpen

or duplicated - neither in original, nor in modified form - shown to or

1 1 290.0054-901 Electrical equipment TIMS PROFIBUS

(Skarpa kanter brytes / Sharp edges broken)
Item No. Part No. Description Material Standard Weight
Pos. Nr. 452.6298-901 Art. Nr. Benämning Material Standard Vikt
Om ej annat angivits gäller / Unless otherwise specified
Smältsvets.konstr / Welded constructions Svetsklasser enligt / Weld classes acc. to
Konstr/Designed Ritad/Drawn Beredd/Planned Kontr./Checked Godk./Approved Skala/Scale Vyplacering
SS-EN ISO 13920-B (SA 1121,200) SS-ISO 5817 (SA 1184,095) Vikt (kg)
M-gängor/M-threads U-gängor/U-threads Gjutgods/Castings mor kbu 1:5 E
Proj. method
Weight (Kg)
ISO 965-6H/6g (SA 1161,130) SMS 1718-2A/2B (SA 1161,150) ISO 8062-CT12 (SA 1121,300)
support of the existing law.

Generella toleranser för linjära mått och vinkelmått/General tolerances for linear and angular dimensions
(m) Medel (c) Grov (v) Mycket grov Toleransklass
(m) Medium
Basmått / Basic dimension :
(c) Coarse (v) Very coarse
Tolerance class
Date 2010-08-20 No.
Bearb. med spånavskiljande verktyg (gõller ej sågning) ISO 2768-1-m SS-ISO 2768-1-c
Electrical equipment L10 Alt. No.

Nr. Ant. Ändring
2010-08-23 mor
Datum Införd
Machined with cutting tools (does not include sawing)
Bearb. med icke spÕnavskiljande verktyg (inkluderar sågning)
Machined with non-cutting tools (includes sawing)
(SA 1121,100)
ISO 2768-1-v
(SA 1121,100)
(SA 1121,100)
SS-ISO 2768-1-v
(SA 1121,100)
Rev. No. Modification Date Changed Approved
För brutna kanter och vinkelmått
For broken edges and angular dimensions
SS-ISO 2768-1-c
(SA 1121,100)
A3 Blad
Sheet 1
of 1

4 1 290.0053-904 Electrical equipment 2 pump 690V L9

3 1 290.0053-903 Electrical equipment 1 pump 690V L9

This drawing and all the enclosures belong to us. They must not be copied

given to a third party or used for manufacturing purposes without our per-
mission. As to infringements hereof, legal action will be taken with the

2 1 290.0053-902 Electrical equipment 2 pump 380-575V L9

or duplicated - neither in original, nor in modified form - shown to or

1 1 290.0053-901 Electrical equipment 1 pump 380-575V L9

(Skarpa kanter brytes / Sharp edges broken)
Item No. Part No. Description Material Standard Weight
Pos. Nr. 452.6297-901 Art. Nr. Benämning Material Standard Vikt
Om ej annat angivits gäller / Unless otherwise specified
Smältsvets.konstr / Welded constructions Svetsklasser enligt / Weld classes acc. to
Konstr/Designed Ritad/Drawn Beredd/Planned Kontr./Checked Godk./Approved Skala/Scale Vyplacering
SS-EN ISO 13920-B (SA 1121,200) SS-ISO 5817 (SA 1184,095) Vikt (kg)
M-gängor/M-threads U-gängor/U-threads Gjutgods/Castings mor jpn mor 1:5 E
Proj. method
Weight (Kg)
ISO 965-6H/6g (SA 1161,130) SMS 1718-2A/2B (SA 1161,150) ISO 8062-CT12 (SA 1121,300)
support of the existing law.

Generella toleranser för linjära mått och vinkelmått/General tolerances for linear and angular dimensions
(m) Medel (c) Grov (v) Mycket grov Toleransklass
(m) Medium (c) Coarse (v) Very coarse Tolerance class Datum
Date 2010-08-20 No.
00 2010-08-23 mor mor Basmått / Basic dimension : <4000mm >4000mm

Bearb. med spånavskiljande verktyg (gõller ej sågning) ISO 2768-1-m SS-ISO 2768-1-c
Electrical equipment L9 Alt. No.

Nr. Ant.
Dimensions removed.
Machined with cutting tools (does not include sawing)
Bearb. med icke spÕnavskiljande verktyg (inkluderar sågning)
Machined with non-cutting tools (includes sawing)
(SA 1121,100)
ISO 2768-1-v
(SA 1121,100)
(SA 1121,100)
SS-ISO 2768-1-v
(SA 1121,100)
Rev. No. Modification Date Changed Approved
För brutna kanter och vinkelmått
For broken edges and angular dimensions
SS-ISO 2768-1-c
(SA 1121,100)
A3 Blad
Sheet 1
of 1

% I    

C#D B# 7#



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, 1!2
" ( 
2 36 1 904.0585-00 Air bleeder hose
35 3 452.0452-001 Lifting tool
34 1 923.0422-00 Feeler gauge 0.05-1 mm
33 5 442.0800-91 Chunk of lead As.
32 1 920.0032-00 Socket screw key 5/8"
31 1 920.0035-00 Socket screw key 5 mm

3 4 30 1 920.0037-00 Socket screw key 8 mm

29 1 920.0038-00 Socket screw key 10 mm
28 1 920.0040-00 Socket screw key 14 mm
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 27 1 920.0042-00 Socket screw key 19 mm
26 1 920.0245-00 Tool Combination Wrench NV 16
25 1 920.0244-00 Combination Wrench 18
24 1 920.0022-00 Combination Wrench 24
6 23 1 920.0134-00 Combination Wrench 30

8 22 1 920.0135-00 Combination Wrench 36

21 1 920.0131-00 Combination Wrench 46

7 20 1 920.0243-00 Tool Combination Wrench 55

5 9 19 1 920.0238-00 Slugging Wrench 46
18 1 920.0109-00 Slugging wrench 55
17 1 920.0110-00 Slugging wrench 65
16 2 899.0512-00 Lifting eye bolt VRS-F-M8 Swivel
19 18 17
15 3 899.0507-00 Lifting eye bolt VRS-F-M10 Swivel
14 3 899.0508-00 Lifting eye bolt VRS-F-M12 Swivel
13 4 899.0509-00 Lifting eye bolt VRS-F-M16 Swivel

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 12 3 899.0510-00 Lifting eye bolt VRS-F-M20 Swivel

11 3 899.0511-00 Lifting eye bolt VRS-F-M30 Swivel
10 1 899.0515-00 Lifting eye bolt VWBG 35 M80x120
9 3 845.0013-00 Nut M6M M30 8 FZB ISO 4032
8 3 843.1529-00 Lowering rod
7 1 442.7284-90 Lowering rod
33 36 6 1 452.6180-901 Piston retainer As.
5 1 442.9446-00 Lifting tool
4 1 442.9444-00 Lifting tool bottomshell bushing
This drawing and all the enclosures belong to us. They must not be copied

given to a third party or used for manufacturing purposes without our per-
mission. As to infringements hereof, legal action will be taken with the

3 1 442.9443-00 Lifting tool eccentric bushing

or duplicated - neither in original, nor in modified form - shown to or

2 1 452.6267-001 Tool list

(Skarpa kanter brytes / Sharp edges broken) 1 1 442.9476-00 Tool Box
TOLERANSER/TOLERANCES Item No. Part No. Description
34 35 Om ej annat angivits gäller / Unless otherwise specified
Smältsvets.konstr / Welded constructions Svetsklasser enligt / Weld classes acc. to
Pos. Nr.
Art. Nr.
Ritad/Drawn Beredd/Planned
Kontr./Checked Godk./Approved Skala/Scale Vyplacering
SS-EN ISO 13920-B (SA 1121,200) SS-ISO 5817 (SA 1184,095) Vikt (kg)
ISO 965-6H/6g (SA 1161,130)
SMS 1718-2A/2B (SA 1161,150)
ISO 8062-CT12 (SA 1121,300)
kru lhn kru 1:20 E
Proj. method
Weight (Kg)
support of the existing law.

Generella toleranser för linjära mått och vinkelmått/General tolerances for linear and angular dimensions
(m) Medel (c) Grov (v) Mycket grov Toleransklass
(m) Medium (c) Coarse (v) Very coarse Tolerance class Datum
Date 2010-06-22 No.
00 2010-07-21 kru kru Basmått / Basic dimension : <4000mm >4000mm

Bearb. med spånavskiljande verktyg (gõller ej sågning) ISO 2768-1-m SS-ISO 2768-1-c
Tool kit No.

Nr. Ant.
899.0515 was 899.0504
Machined with cutting tools (does not include sawing)
Bearb. med icke spÕnavskiljande verktyg (inkluderar sågning)
Machined with non-cutting tools (includes sawing)
(SA 1121,100)
ISO 2768-1-v
(SA 1121,100)
(SA 1121,100)
SS-ISO 2768-1-v
(SA 1121,100)
Rev. No. Modification Date Changed Approved
För brutna kanter och vinkelmått
For broken edges and angular dimensions
SS-ISO 2768-1-c
(SA 1121,100)
A3 Blad
Sheet 1
of 1
Power transducer P430-054-MBR
The measuring transducer P430 is used for measuring
active power of balanced three-phase systems. The
Transducer is constructed according to standard IEC
60688 (Electrical measuring transducers for converting
A.C. electrical quantities into D.C. electrical quantities).
The transducer is connected to the mains directly or via
measuring transformers.
It has galvanic separation between in- and output and
power supply. Universal power supply 85-250 V AC/DC
The transducer are directly clipped on DIN-bars TS35.
Connected to selfopening terminals, wire max. 6 mm .

Technical data - Type P430

Voltage 110 V (923.0520-00) or
400 V(923.0521-00)

Consumption Uin x 1 mA, VA per phase

Current 5A
Consumption <0,05 VA per phase
Frequency 50 -60 Hz
Overload Current 2 x Iin continuously
10 x Ii n during 15 s, 40 x Ii n during 1 s
but 200 A max.
Voltage 1,5 x U in continuously, 2 x U in
during 10 s

Serial ASRI-Bus (Mod-bus)

Analog 4-20 mA Input

Load max 15 V
Limitation <30 mA
Ripple <1% p.p.

Class 0,5 according to IEC60688
Linearity error <0,1%
Response time 0-90% <100 ms
Temperature influence <0,05% / 10°C
Temperature range -25…+60 °C operation
-40…+70 °C storage
Test voltage
Input 3.7 kV, 50 Hz, 1 min
Output 2.2 kV
Power supply 85-250 V AC/DC, 3 VA
Weight 0.6 kg

General standards for measuring transducers IEC60688
EMC emission EN50081-2
immunity EN 50082-2
Safety IEC61010-1, IEC1010-1
Tillquist Elteknik AB
PO Box 1120 SE-164 22 KIS TA Sweden
Tel: +46 8 594 632 00 Fax: +46 8 751 36 95
E-mail: info
S 977.025.00 en



Pulse Evaluation System S 977.025.00 en 1 (10)
Speed Monitor DD2001

Content Page

1. Programmable Pulse Evaluation System 2

2. Applications 2
3. Comprehensive displays 3
4. 6 output functions 3
5. Hysteresis 3
6. Timer functions 3
7. Output reset function 4
8. Various operating modes 4
9. Programming 5
10. Time-out 5
11. Setting of the parameter values 5
12. Display and Operation 6
13. Topography of the programming parameters 7
14. Parameters to be set 8
15. Technical data 9

S 977.026.00 en Programming pulse evaluation system, Speed Monitor
D 977.001.00 en Data Sheet, Inductive sensor
Pulse Evaluation System S 977.025.00 en 2 (10)
Speed Monitor DD2001

1. Programmable pulse evaluation system Monitor FR-1, type DD2001

· Versatile pulse evaluation system for DIN rail mounting

processor-controlled pulse processing with short reaction
· LCD-display, 7/14-segment actual value display/switch
point is programmable in Hz or rpm (pulses/min)
· 2 adjustable switch points
· monitoring range 1 ... 60,000 pulses/min or 0.1 ... 1,000.0
· 6 switch functions for each output selectable via front
· combined relay/transistor output per switch point
· scaleable analog output
· additional functions such as start-up delay, switching delay
time, single pulsed time and output reset function can be
individually programmed
· test function
· locking against unintentional change of the parameters

2. Applications

This evaluation unit goes beyond the simple overspeed/underspeed and stand still monitors.
The FR-1 MONITOR allows you to work in both rpm and Hz, with the extra benefits listed

· Monitoring for errors such as

- Overspeed
- Underspeed, blocking, overload, jam
· Monitoring for operating status such as
- Max. rpm reached
- Min. rpm reached
· Monitoring frequency ranges by means of the window function.

When the switch functions and the switch points are allotted accordingly it is possible to
monitor a maximum rpm being reached, as well as underspeed of a drive by means of only
one unit. It is also possible to monitor two rpms of a pole-changing motor with the
possibility to ignore the lower switch point if both set points are in the same operating
function (i.e. overspeed, high switch point in underspeed function).

The scaleable analog output provides a 0/4 ... 20mA signal which allows a registration or
external display of rpm or of machine cycles.
Pulse Evaluation System S 977.025.00 en 3 (10)
Speed Monitor DD2001

3. Comprehensive displays

· In the run mode the 7/14-segment display indicates the actual value in Hz or rpm (=
pulses/min) together with the symbol ("Hz" or "rpm").
· In the programming mode the 7/14-segment display indicates the set para meter value
and the parameter short form (e.g. "1000 SP1" for: switch point 1 at 1000 rpm).
· In addition abbreviations are displayed. They indicate the active signal input (CHI ) and
the active operating mode ( RUN = run mode, PRG = programming mode, TST = test
KEY = programming by means of button locked
· LEDs signal the input pulses and the switching status of the outputs.

4. 6 output functions
There are 6 switching functions available for each output channel:

· Relay is energised (transistor output closed) when the actual value drops below the
switch point (status message "min. rpm")
· Relay is de-energised (transistor output open) when the actual value drops below the
switch point (error message "underspeed" / "blocked")
· Relay is energised (transistor output closed) when the switch point is exceeded
(status message "rpm reached")
· Relay is de-energised (transistor output open) when the switch point is exceeded
(error message "overspeed")
· Relay is energised (transistor output closed) when the actual value is within a set pulse
(safe range)
· Relay is de-energised (transistor output open) when the actual value is within a set pulse

5. Hysteresis
The interval between switch-on point and switch-off point is freely definable in the range
0.1 ... 1000.0% of the switch point.

6. Timer functions
· Adjustable output delay time (0.0 ... 1000.0s)
· Adjustable single pulse time of the output (0.0 ... 1000.0s) (single shot)
· Adjustable start-up delay (0.0 ... 1000.0s).
Pulse Evaluation System S 977.025.00 en 4 (10)
Speed Monitor DD2001

7. Output reset function

Latched output function with external reset or reset via front button.

8. Various operating modes

· Run mode:
Standard working mode of the monitor. It is active after application of the operating
· Display mode:
The individual parameters are displayed showing the stored values.
· Programming mode:
Mode for changing the parameter values.
· Test mode:
Verification of the operating functions selected before installation.
· Key mode:
Locks the programming mode in order to avoid unintentional changes of the parameter
Pulse Evaluation System S 977.025.00 en 5 (10)
Speed Monitor DD2001

9. Programming
The following steps have to be Press briefly several times until The unit is in the display
taken for programming: the requested parameter range mode, the parameter
is displayed. level
1. Changing into the display- (here 1) is displayed.

mode ( -button)
2. Selecting the parameter to be
The parameter value and the
changed (é or ê-button) Press either one of the abbreviation are displayed
buttons until the requested (here: 1,000 rpm for switch
3. Changing into the parameter is displayed point).
mode ( -button)
4. Setting the parameter-value The abbreviation starts flashing
(é or ê-button) Press once briefly. and the short form PRG appears
(=unit is in the programming
5. Acknowledgement mode).

( -button)
6. Changing into the run mode
( -button) or selecting the The new parameter value is
Press either one of the buttons displayed (here 6,000 rpm
until the requested parameter for switch point 1).
next parameters value is displayed. *
(é or ê-button)

10. Time-out: Abbreviation and ”PRG” are

Press and keep pressed until flashing briefly; after lelease
the abbreviation stops flashing of the button ”PRG” disappears
If no key is pressed for 15s the (=acknowledgement). ** (=unit is in the display mode).
monitor goes back into the run
mode with unchanged values.

The actual value is

Press for approximately 3 displayed
s. (=unit is in the run mode).

Press either one of the The current parameter value

buttons and the short form are displayed.
until the requested Continue according to step 3.

11. *Setting of the parameter values:

1. Press a button and keep it pressed. The smallest decade becomes active and counts to
”0”; then the next decade, etc.
2. As soon as the button is released the active decade starts flashing.
3. Set the value of the active decade by pressing the arrow button for a short time. Then the
previous decade is flashing and can be set.
Set all decades in this way and continue with step 5.

** If the button is released before the abbreviation stops flashing, the unit goes back into
the run mode with unchanged parameters.
Pulse Evaluation System S 977.025.00 en 6 (10)
Speed Monitor DD2001

12. Display and Operation

1 Display (7/14-Segment)
l a: short form for displaying the
operating mode and the input channel
1b: display of the actual values and
the parameter values (5 digits)
1c: display of the parameters (abbreviation)
and the symbol of the actual value
(3 positions, i.e. mA, Hz and rpm)

2 LED: signals the input pulses

3 Setting buttons
choosing the actual value display,
selecting the parameters,
setting the parameter values

4 Programming button/reset button

selecting the mode, acknowledging
the parameter value

5 LEDs: signalling the switching status of the

LED ON = output is switched
LED flashing quickly=output is latched
LED flashing slowly=output delay time active

6 Panel for labelling

7 Connection terminals
Pulse Evaluation System S 977.025.00 en 7 (10)
Speed Monitor DD2001

13. Topography of the

programming parameters

This is how to navigate

through the parameters
Pulse Evaluation System S 977.025.00 en 8 (10)
Speed Monitor DD2001

Parameters to be set
Parameter Parameter value Preset
DIM Dimension selection of the operating mode 0 = rpm (pulses/min) 0
either Hz or rpm/(speed monitoring) 1 = Hz
NC1 Number of cams which are detected by the Value range 1 - 999 1
sensor per revolution
FO1 Function output/switching function for 1 = Output ON if the actual value 2
FO2 output 1,2 drops below SP* 3
*output ON - relay is energised/transistor 2 = output OFF if the actual value
output is closed drops below SP*
**output OFF - relay is de-energised/ 3 = Output ON if SP is exceeded
transistor output is open 4 = Output OFF if SP is exceeded
5 = Output ON when the actual
value is within the set pulse range
6= Output OFF when the actual
value is within the set pulse range
SP1 Switch point value at which the output Value range: 0.1---1000.0 Hz, 100
SP2 changes its switching status 1---60000 rpm 1000
HY1 Hysteresis for switch point 1,2: Difference Value range: 0.0---1000.0% of the 5.0
HY2 between switch-on point and switch-off value for SP
DT1 Delay time for output 1,2: Delays the output Value range: 0.0---1000.0 s 0.0
DT2 operation by a preselected time if the switch
point is reached. If the delay time has not
elapsed and the pulse frequency returns to
its nominal operating range, the DT is reset
to zero.
FT1 Pulsed (fleeting) time for output 1,2: Value range: 0.0---1000.0 s 0.0
FT2 The output changes its switching status if
the switch point is reached for a preselected
time (i.e. single shot).
ST1 Start-up delay time for output 1,2: Value range: 0.0---1000.0 s 0.0
ST2 During the start-up delay the output is in the
safe range (= no error). The time starts when
the operating voltage is applied or via the
function "external release"/reset.
SO1 Store output/latched function for output 1,2: 0 = latched function not active 0.0
SO2 The output is latched when the switch point 1 = latched function via front reset
is reached. The output status can only 2 = latched function via front reset
change once a reset has been actuated. and external reset
Resetting of the output is by means of the
front reset button,external reset or interrupt
of supply voltage.
AO3 Analog offset; allows the selection of the Value range: 0.0---20mA 4
current for zero Hz - either 0 or 4mA (typ.:0mA/4mA)
FA3 Final value analog: Selects the value of the Value range: 0.1--1000.0 Hz, 1000
input frequency at which the value 20mA is 1---60000 rpm
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Speed Monitor DD2001

Technical data
Application µP-controlled evaluation system for pulse sequences
with comprehensive parameter setting
Setting ranges (Hz/pulses/min) 0.1---1000.0 1---60000
Nominal voltage AC (V) 230
Nominal voltage DC (V) 24
Voltage tolerance (1%) ± 10
Power consumption (VA) Approximately 5
Auxiliary supply for sensors 24V DC, 15 mA maximum
Max. input frequency (kHz) 5 (corresponding to 0.1 ms min pulse length, pulse/space
ratio 1:1
Housing For rail mounting, plastics
Protection housing IP 50
Protection terminals IP 20
Connection 21 dual chamber terminals 2 x 2.5 mm2
Operating temperature (°C) -20---+60
Storage temperature (°C) -25---+80
Possible parameter settings
Basic setting Number of cams, switching function, analog limit value
Functions Output solid/pulsed, latch function, front reset
Preset values Switch point, hysteresis
Times Start-up delay time, switching delay time
Accuracy (%) = 1 in the setting range
Sensors 2-/3 wires, pnp-/npn-switching, NAMUR sensors Typ.
24 V DC; ext. Switching voltage for transistor outputs
Reset/Release Reset via 24 V DC active, to re-start the delay, remove
the link between 24 V DC and terminals 17 or 18
Relay 1 change-over contact each
Switching voltage (V) Maximum 250 AC
Switching current (A) Maximum 8 AC
Switching power (VA) 1250
Transistor pnp, external supply at terminal 3
Switching voltage (V) typ 24 DC
Switching current (mA) Maximum 15 mA DC
Analog output
Range (mA) 0/4---20
Limit value (mA) 20.5
Load (W) Maximum 500
Accuracy (% of the final value) 1
Input pulses LED yellow
Outputs LEDs green; lit if relay is energised/transistor closed
Functions, actual values, parameter LCD display, 7/14 segment
Pulse Evaluation System S 977.025.00 en 10 (10)
Speed Monitor DD2001

Standards/Guidelines EN 61010. 1993 + A2 1995

EMC 89 / 336 /EEC, EN 50081-1 / EN 5082-2
Overvoltage category II, degree of soiling 2


230 V AC

Equipment Tag No:
Equipment Name: HYDROCONE CH890/CH895 with electric dump valve


Plant SRP Model Range Part No. Output Contact Manufacturer
Tag No. Tag No. rating
-TT5 Temp. transmitter Spider bearing temperature TRPF PT100 923.0473-00 Inor Crusher

-PT1 Press. transmitter Over-press. air pressure (crusher) PBMN G1/2 0-25mbar 984.1632-00 4-20mA Baumer Crusher

-B1N Position sensor Mainshaft position EDS-630-SR-I 630 mm 984.0476-00 4-20mA Micro Epsilon ASRi
-U1N Power transducer Drive motor power draw P200-054 923.0383-00 4-20mA Tillquist ASRi

-SS1 Pulse sensor Speed monitor SIH-3010-BPKG 984.0217-00 IFM-Electronic Crusher

-LT2 Level transmitter Level in feed hopper Vegapuls 67 0-15m 984.1487-00 4-20mA Vega -L11+ crusher
-PT5 Press. transmitter Electric dump valve HA2 MBS 8250 250 Bar 0-250bar 984.1678-00 4-20mA Danfoss Crusher
-TT7 Temp. transmitter Electric dump valve HA2 ETS 7246-A-000 -20ºC +100 ºC 923.0566-00 4-20mA Hydac Crusher

452.7762-001 Sensor list CH890/CH895 with electric dump valve

Sandvik SRP AB SE-233 81 Svedala, Sweden

Sandvik SRP AB SE-233 81 Svedala, Sweden

Sandvik SRP AB SE-233 81 Svedala, Sweden

Sandvik SRP AB SE-233 81 Svedala, Sweden

Sandvik SRP AB SE-233 81 Svedala, Sweden

Sandvik SRP AB SE-233 81 Svedala, Sweden

Sandvik SRP AB SE-233 81 Svedala, Sweden

Sandvik SRP AB SE-233 81 Svedala, Sweden

Sandvik SRP AB SE-233 81 Svedala, Sweden

Sandvik SRP AB SE-233 81 Svedala, Sweden

Sandvik SRP AB SE-233 81 Svedala, Sweden

Sandvik SRP AB SE-233 81 Svedala, Sweden

Sandvik SRP AB SE-233 81 Svedala, Sweden

Sandvik SRP AB SE-233 81 Svedala, Sweden

Sandvik SRP AB SE-233 81 Svedala, Sweden

Sandvik SRP AB SE-233 81 Svedala, Sweden

Sandvik SRP AB SE-233 81 Svedala, Sweden

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