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World Mission Outreach

To proclaim the Gospel; equip the next generation; mobilize the church throughout the world

February 2011

Dear Partner and Kingdom builder,

Shalom from Jerusalem in our Lord Jesus, The Messiah. We are seeing end time prophecies being fulfilled before
our eyes. Praying is always a priority, and to obey Jesus’ commission to preach His Gospel is a responsibility given
by Him (Matthew 28:19; Acts 1:8). The peace mankind is looking for is only found at the cross and through the
resurrection of Jesus.
One year ago, we preached the Gospel to a group of Masai people in Tanzania. Many
came to Jesus and now follow up has taken place by the local church. The Greek team
that came with us last year raised money to build the Masai a church. We praise God!
We were told that hundreds and hundreds of Israelis go hiking to Mount Kilimanjaro. We
hosted a lunch for 60 pastors in Moshi to introduce the vision, how to reach Jewish
people with the Gospel. Pastors loved the vision and gave us their invitation to lead this
outreach through the local churches. January 2011 our team went to equip the
churches on Jewish evangelism as a life style, and to prepare them for the future
Kilimanjaro Jewish evangelistic outreach. The Lord gave us the right team of teachers and translators on this trip.

Pastor Piniel was our host and organized all the meetings. He is a committed believer in
Jesus, and a man of integrity. He was also our translator. Pastor Emmanuel also joined
our team and was a great blessing. Although we worked hard, there are still many
churches to equip in our next visit. Usually there were 3 to 4 congregations out of 6
different denominations coming together at one location. What a joy to see all the pastors
again whom we got to know the year before and to see their commitment to reach the
Jewish people with the Gospel of Jesus. Africans are hungry for the Word of God. Each
night we taught for 3 hours, with many questions after the seminars. Africans are great
prayer intercessors. Many told us that they have been praying for Israel and the Jews. They were blessed to learn
about the upcoming Jewish evangelistic outreach in their own country. They sense it such a privilege for God’s honor
and glory to share The Son of God to Jews in their homeland. What an example this is for other countries around the
world that host Israeli travelers or have Jews living among them.

One day we taught in a little Masai village in the rural area of the savannah. The church
was under a big tree. The shade of the tree was the roof, surrounded by a fence made out
of thorn branches and bushes. These precious brothers and sisters committed to pray for
the Jewish outreach. They dream to build a church building since the dust turns into mud in
the rainy season. Pray to Jesus to provide for them please. If you would like to help build a
church for $5000 let us know, gladly we will pass those funds to them as we did last year in
Southern Tanzania.
From the tree church we went to another meeting. Since roads are bad or there are no
roads, we drove through fields to get to next church. We arrived 2 hours late, and the people were waiting. Africans
are so patient. They did not leave or complain, and despite being late, the church was filled with people hungry to
hear God’s Word. We were so humbled.

In another location on a different date, the church had many unsaved guests, and the Lord
put in my heart not to equip the believers, but to preach the Gospel and many adults and
young kids came forward to commit their lives to Jesus, what a harvest! The church now is
giving the follow up.
We were so blessed by all the Lord did on this trip. He has given us such favor. Thank you
for being a part of what the Lord is doing. We would like to share some important information
and an opportunity for us all that will help WMO to extend His Kingdom through this
matchless Gospel of Jesus to both Jews and Gentiles (Romans 1:16) through evangelistic
projects/outreaches in Israel and around the world. One of our friends and long-term donors issued a matching gift
challenge. He is willing to donate up to $28,000. When doubled, this will be $56,000! We thank you for your monthly
giving. If you are led to donate in addition towards this matching fund please indicate this with your gift.
We need your help. The best investment in the economy of God’s kingdom is to put the funds behind the Gospel to
reach people personally.
Also, for those who have IRAs, the new U.S. legislation passed at the end of 2010 is another opportunity for you to
extend His Kingdom to the world. If you are 70 ½ years or older, you can donate up to $100,000 from now through
December 31, 2011 to a charity without having to pay taxes. The gift must be distributed from your IRA to you and
then sent to the charity and the check must be made out to the charity. This new law means that you can give
essentially 25-30% more to WMO since you do not have to pay any taxes on the IRA disbursement. This gift can
satisfy the required minimal distribution. You would not be eligible to claim this as a deduction, but you do not have to
report the gift as income. Naturally, check with your local tax advisor for complete details and to see if this applies to
you. We trust Jesus that many friends will step forward and maximize this opportunity of this generous matching gift
and IRA. Please keep in mind that as we partner together, we reach the world even more for our Lord Jesus until He
returns. It is a commitment to Him and an eternal investment. We thank God for you. May the Lord bless you and
your family.

Partnering together,
Henry and Darlene

TESTIMONY TIME: Fruits of the branch of the Vine – John 15

My name is Emmanuel Mwasunga. I am from Tanzania and a team member of WMO. I
was born in a Christian family. My grandfather, with whom I mostly grew up, was an
evangelist, teacher and preacher and planted churches. He trained me to be a leader for
the Sunday school.
However, I was Christian by name only until I was around 30 years old. I had heard the
message of Jesus many times and loved to read the Bible but had not understood that I
needed salvation. One night in a dream God spoke to me and I finally understood what it
was all about, I came to believe in Jesus and was filled with the Holy Spirit. From reading my Bible, I always knew
that Israel is God’s chosen people. I loved this country and prayed a lot for the Jews, the land and the people. At this
time when I came to faith, I had a job with the government. After my salvation, the Lord spoke to me about going into
fulltime ministry as an evangelist and preacher. It took me several years until I was willing and able to follow and
commit to this calling.
In 1987 I married my wife, Debora. We have four children: Dina (23), Edmund (18), and twins Christina and Dorothy
(13). In 1994 by the grace of God I answered His call and quit my job and went into fulltime ministry.

I met Darlene and Henry in the year 2000 at the Billy Graham Evangelistic conference in Amsterdam. My church and
I prayed for six years for them to come to my country. By the grace of God, Henry came in 2006 and since that time
we have a growing mission work of WMO here in Tanzania. Henry and Darlene have been coming every year with
teams and have visited many churches sharing their vision, supporting orphans with food and Bibles and leading
many to the Lord.
Henry found out that many Jews (Israelis) come to Tanzania to climb Mt Kilimanjaro. So we started praying for a
Jewish Campaign in Kilimanjaro. Through being a part of WMO, my dream to serve in fulltime ministry in God’s
Kingdom and fulfill my calling has come true. I am very happy, and have great joy and peace in my heart when I
minister. The dream to reach Jews and Gentiles with the Gospel of Jesus became reality through WMO. Since I
joined, I have grown a lot spiritually. I have come to know many evangelists and people who serve the Lord; bishops,
pastors, leaders. My dream of working inter-denominationally and with teams from the Nations has come true
through WMO. All Glory to God! ~Emmanuel

Prayer requests: All support for tax receipts send to:

-We pray for you and all partners to be in Jesus World Mission Outreach
-For Holy Spirit anointing to shine Jesus Boeckmann & Associates, CPA
-Favor with the Government of Israel and Nations 220 Lalo Street, Suite 2A
-Liberia West Africa Feb 12 to 21: Evangelistic outreach/Mission conference Kahului, Hawaii 96732
-Hawaii April 14-30 - Messiah in Passover teaching /equipping the churches
-Israel Jewish outreach- May 29 to June 10 - international team
-Wisdom for our school All other correspondence send to:
-The Lord to meet all support to keep us on the field World Mission Outreach
P.O. Box 10664
You can also visit our website at Lahaina, Hawaii 96761

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