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Analysis of Crude Oil Electrostatic

Desalters Performance
University of Alberta
University of Masjed-Soleiman

tion and desalting. It employs chemical demulsifiers, heat, and an

Abstract electrostatic field to dehydrate the crude.
New equations covering a wide range of oil types are devel- All treaters utilize gravity to separate the phases; however, this
oped to estimate the treating rate and treating temperature for is the basic method used to remove the impurities from the crude
dual polarity electrostatic desalters and AC conventional electro- oil. It is generally necessary to apply additional treating processes
static desalters in Iranian oil fields. Production of wet crude had to speed up the separation process including: 1) chemicals to
been a growing problem that affected the quality of produced oil break the emulsion; 2) heaters to reduce the viscosity of oils; and,
in Iran. Application of the correct technology and the installation 3) coalescing processes like an electrical field to enlarge the water
of proper desalting facilities were required to solve this problem. droplets(4).
Therefore, it was decided to install electrostatic desalting plants The thermal-electric treater combines the best principles of
progressively in Iranian oil fields. By the end of 2004, more than thermal treating with electrostatic and chemical treating(5, 6). The
20 desalting plants with a total capacity of 207,000 standard application of electrical dehydrators is based on the well-known
cubic metres per day of treated crude have been installed. The principle that was developed by Dr. F.G. Cottrell almost 85 years
performance of the majority of these desalting plants have been ago. An electric field is a powerful tool to cause the dispersed drop-
tested and found satisfactory. It is expected that the rate of wet lets to rapidly collide with one another, reducing the elasticity of
crude production will increase to 366,000 standard cubic metres the interfacial film, and resulting in coalescence of the droplets.
per day in 2007. Most electrostatic treaters use an electrode section. The flow path
This study shows that a dual polarity electrostatic desalter may in an electrostatic treater is the same as a horizontal treater. The
operate at a minimum crude oil inlet temperature, resulting in only difference is that an AC or DC electrostatic field is used to
extra fuel savings and eliminating the need for a heating system promote coalescence of the water droplets. Field experience tends
in the vessel. In addition, the treating rate for a dual polarity elec- to indicate that electrostatic treaters are efficient at reducing water
trostatic desalter is more than for an AC conventional electro- content in the crude below the 0.5 to 1% basic sediment and water
static desalter. (BS&W) level. This makes them particularly attractive for de-
salting applications. However, for normal crude treating, 0.5 to 1%
BS&W is acceptable.
The production of salty wet crudes had affected the quality of
Iranian crudes and a number of wells had to be shut in for lack of The AC Conventional Electrostatic
treatment facilities(1). The water produced with crude in Iranian oil Desalter
fields contains salts in concentrations of 150,000 to 220,000 ppm.
In almost all cases, the salt is found dissolved in the water that is The AC (Alternating Current) conventional electrostatic dehy-
dispersed in the crude oil. This salt water is present in the crude in dration system is an efficient method to remove high salinity for-
the form of emulsion and its separation is not an easy task. mation water from the crude oil stream(9, 10). The treating principle
The installation of current desalting plants within the existing is almost the same as the heater treater with the exception of ap-
facilities in Iran called for considerable changes in the facilities plying an electric field for more complete dehydration. The flow
and other utility systems. These changes have been successfully pattern is an adoption of the stream flow pattern. Gas removal
carried out and the performance of the majority of the desalting is accomplished in the warmest part of the treater to prevent gas
plants have been tested and found satisfactory(1, 2). breakout in the coalescing section. Free water is separated and by-
When the produced formation water is highly saline as in the passed around the heating elements, thus minimizing the fuel con-
case of Iranian fields, then straight dehydration is not the solu- sumption. Coalescing of the small water droplets is accomplished
tion and the crude has to be desalted as well. Dehydration means by establishing a high voltage AC electrical field in the oil phase of
removing only that water which is in the crude when crude is pro- dehydrator/desalter vessels (Figure 1). The electrical field imposes
duced. The term desalting means the addition of comparatively an electrical charge on water droplets entrained in the oil stream,
fresh water to the crude. This addition of fresh water dilutes the thus causing them to oscillate as they pass through the electrodes.
original brine so that the salt content of the water that remains after Figure 2 shows a displacement of electric charges induced by an
treatment is within acceptable limits. In general, the dehydration alternating electric field on a single water droplet(4). During this os-
system can be divided into three classes: gravity, electrical, and cillation, the droplets are stretched or extended and then contracted
chemical, or a combination thereof(3). Therefore, the process ad- during reversal of the imposing AC electrical field. During this
opted in Iran for treating wet crude is a combination of dehydra- disturbance the water droplets are attracted to each other and
22 Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology
FIGURE 1: AC conventional electrode field.

FIGURE 3: Electrode configurations in dual polarity treater(11).

FIGURE 2: Induced dipole by alternating electric field on a water

droplet in oil(4).

eventually colloid and coalesce into droplets of sufficient size to

migrate and settle by gravity.

FIGURE 4: Electrostatic fields in dual polarity treater(11).

The Dual Polarity Electrostatic Desalter
This treater consists of a pressure vessel with a heating/degassing It is often necessary to adjust more than one of these process pa-
section and firetubes, an oil overflow box, and a coalescing section rameters when adjusting the system for optimum performance.
(Figures 3 and 4(11). In place of the conventional Alternating Cur-
rent (AC) electrical system, the dual polarity treater uses a system Oil Flow Rate
with both AC and DC fields. The crude oil emulsion enters the
dual polarity treater and flows downward over a hood baffle. The Desalting plants have to meet the standard for crude oil salt con-
hood baffle helps to separate free water immediately and bypass tents, which in the case of the National Iranian Oil Company is
it around the heating elements. Efficient, uniform heating is as- 29 grams salt per cubic metre of oil (13 ppm). So it is important
sured by stream flow distribution of the fluid around the firetubes. to adjust the rate of salty crude that enters the different electro-
Heating in the oil constant phase reduces the scaling and coking of static desalters—AC conventional or dual polarity desalters—to
the firetubes. Oil emulsion is heated sequentially as it flows up the meet the petroleum standards. If the flow rate exceeds the optimum
firetubes, with the entrained gas and water being removed at the rate then salt content of crude oil will be higher than the required
earliest possible moment in the heating process. Larger water drop- standards. The field data has confirmed an optimum oil flux for
lets, which thermodynamically are more stable, coalesce and sepa- different electrostatic desalters that are used in Iranian oil fields. If
rate. The more stable emulsions containing smaller water droplets oil throughput is increased above the optimum flow capacity of the
are directed to the coalescing section. These droplets are subjected desalting system, a loss in desalting efficiency can be expected.
to the AC/DC electrostatic fields, and prompted to minimize their
surface area compared with their original parents’ droplets, while Wash Water Injection Rate, Type, and
maximizing volume through coalescence and settling to the bottom
of the vessel by gravity.
The principle in which the wash water operates is that when the
water-in-oil emulsion flowed through an excess amount of internal
Desalting System Parameters phase (water), the droplets of internal phase (water droplets) will
tend to join and coalesce with the excess of internal phase, which
Here are the major factors that affect how efficiently the system will then be removed from the system in later stages of the process.
can remove salt crude oil: As the wash water injection rate increased from the minimum rate
1. Oil flow rate; to the maximum rate, the amount of salt remaining in the treated
2. Wash water injection rate/type/temperature; oil generally will decrease. For efficient salt removal, wash water
3. Mixing intensity; shall be injected at the optimum rate. It is desirable to use hot water
4. Demulsifier type and amount; in order to minimize the loss of operating temperature. Non-scaling
5. Process temperature; fresh water is recommended for use as wash water. Hard water is to
6. Process pressure; and, be avoided for refinery applications. For a production unit desalter,
7. Desalting voltage. wash water (available raw water) has to be deaerated in a cold gas
May 2006, Volume 44, No. 5 23
stripper; the remaining oxygen shall be removed by oxygen scav-
enger up to 0.01 mg/kg to prevent corrosion.

Mixing Intensity
Mixing intensity refers to the degree of oil and water mixing
that is achieved in a mixing valve due to the pressure drop across
the valve. The greater the pressure drop, the greater the mixing in-
tensity. Undermixing or overmixing can occur. Undermixing (an
insufficient pressure drop) results in insufficient salt removal and
low water carryover. Overmixing (too great pressure drop) can also
occur. Too great a pressure drop at the mixer can result in a tight
water-in-oil emulsion, which cannot be broken readily by the elec- FIGURE 5: Effect of applied electric field on water droplet in oil(4).
tric field in the desalter. Indications that overmixing is occurring
include unusually low voltage at the electrode zone and a higher obtain optimum performance of the desalter. Whatever the actual
than normal carryover of water into the treated oil. mechanism of electrostatic coalescing, the electrical field causes
the droplets to move about rapidly in random directions, which
Demulsifier Type and Amount increases the collision frequency of the dispersed-phase droplets.
When droplets collide with proper velocity, coalescence occurs.
The scientific basis for chemical resolution processes has not The greater the voltage gradient, the greater the magnitude of co-
been well defined and there is no simple designation of specific alescence. However, there is a limitation to the size at which the
chemicals to treat specific emulsions. This is mainly because of droplets may coalesce for a given field strength and a maximum
the variation in crude oil composition, water phase composition, voltage that can be applied to a given system. Experimental data
phase/volume ratio of the two liquids in any emulsion, and the oc- show that at some voltage gradient, the water droplet can be pulled
casional presence of other materials such as fine silt and various apart and a tighter emulsion can be the result. A full-line drawing
formation particles. There are, however, certain types of demulsi- in Figure 5 represents the effect of an applied field upon adjacent
fier that tend to produce a consistent behaviour in many water-in- water droplets separated by a distance equal to a few radii(4). Also,
oil emulsions. The action of an emulsifier mainly depends on how the broken-line drawing and the photo in Figure 5 shows a large
effectively it is dispersed into the emulsion and how fast it can droplet dispersing toward smaller stable droplets. For this reason,
reach the individual droplet’s surface. Once it reaches the inter- electrostatic treaters normally are equipped with an adjustable
face, it works by flocculation and coalescence of the droplets and/ voltage gradient and optimum voltage can be achieved through
or by wetting the fine solid particles that usually acts as emulsion field experience.
stabilizing agents. A change in demulsifier rate or type may make
precipitation more effective for the crude being treated. Either too
little or too much demulsifier added to the untreated crude may
increase the amount of salt in the treated oil. If for any reason the New Equations for Optimum Treating
type of demulsifier chemical is changed, then chemical flow rates The dehydration system in Iranian oil fields employs chemical
must be recalculated. demulsifiers, heat, and an electrostatic field to dehydrate the crude.
Time and gravity are the two key factors involved in the process
Process Temperature and are directly related to treating rate and treating temperature.
Heating of crude oil influences the treating process in several For optimum dehydration, all the techniques must be applied in a
ways. It reduces the viscosity of the oil, resulting in greater force systematic manner that will conserve energy, minimize costs, and
during collision of water droplets; it increases the free falling ve- accomplish the task as quickly and efficiently as possible.
locity of water droplets into less viscous oil; and it enhances the In order to calculate the treating rate (cubic metres oil per day
gravity separation process by increasing the difference in densi- per square metres) and treating temperature (° C) for both de-
ties. However, it may reduce the volume and the gravity of pro- salters, the oil specific gravity is required. The best-fitting curve,
duced oil. Treating temperatures normally range from 55 to 100° with a minimal deviation from all field data, can be obtained by
C. In treating heavy crudes, the temperature may be as high as 167° the method of least squares for the two main features of electro-
C. The system operating temperature should be maintained within static desalters, the AC conventional and dual polarity electrostatic
the range for which the system is designed. A loss in desalting ef- desalters.
ficiency may be experienced outside this range. In other words, if The treating rate, q, and treating temperature, T, for the AC con-
the desalter plant experiences a higher than normal system temper- ventional electrostatic desalter are:
ature which causes “gassing” to occur in the vessel, desalting ef-
ficiency may be reduced. If the operating temperature is too low, q = 6, 277.2 γ2o − 12, 406 γo + 6,150.4 .................................................. (1)
emulsion resolution will not be as complete. Operation tempera-
ture should be above the melting point of the asphaltenes.

Process Pressure T = 13.089 γ2o + 429.54 γo − 326.38 ..................................................... (2)

The backpressure valve for the system will normally be set to
maintain a pressure at the vessel which is at least 140 kPa above For the dual polarity electrostatic desalter, the treating rate, q,
the vapour pressure of the oil and water mixture in the vessel. and treating temperature, T, are:
This prevents the oil and water from vapourizing, expanding, and
forming gas in the vessel. If system backpressure decreases for any
reason, gassing may occur in the vessel. Symptoms of excessive q = 6, 026.4 γ2o − 12, 303γo + 6, 283.9 ................................................... (3)
gassing are excessive water in the treated oil and poor salt removal.
The normal operating values for system backpressure should pre-
vent gassing.
T = 382.38 γ2o − 219.05γo − 49.288 ................................................... (4)
Desalting Voltage
Production unit desalters are sometimes designed for vari- Figure 6 shows the required desalting temperature for AC
able desalting voltage. In this case, this parameter can be used to conventional and dual polarity electrostatic desalters. Figure 7
24 Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology

Treating Temperature (° C)
AC conventional Practical data
100 Dual polarity

Treating Rate (m3/day.m2)

240 Equation results

40 160
0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95 1.00
Oil Specific Gravity

FIGURE 6: Treating temperature for AC conventional and dual
polarity electrostatic desalters.
0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95 1.00

Oil Specific Gravity

330 FIGURE 9: AC conventional treating rate practical data and new
Treating Rate (m3/day.m2)

300 AC conventional equation results.

270 Dual polarity
180 120
150 Practical data
120 Equation results

Treating Temperature (° C)
30 80
0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95 1.00
Oil Specific Gravity

FIGURE 7: Treating rate for AC conventional and dual polarity

electrostatic desalters. 20

0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95 1.00
Practical data
Oil Specific Gravity
Equation results FIGURE 10: Dual polarity treating temperature practical data and
Treating Temperature (° C)

new equation results.

Practical data
Treating Rate (m3/day.m2)

Equation results

40 250


0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95 1.00 100

Oil Specific Gravity

FIGURE 8: AC conventional treating temperature practical data
and new equation results. 0
0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95 1.00

demonstrates the higher treating rate for dual polarity electrostatic Oil Specific Gravity
desalters compared with AC conventional electrostatic desalters. FIGURE 11: Dual polarity treating rate practical data and new
Figures 8, 9, 10, and 11 show the comparison of these new equa- equation results.
tion results with practical data in different types of desalters for dif-
ferent crude types. Now we can compare the rate of fuel gas consumption for two
main types of desalters. For example, in the case of Marun’s oil
field desalting plants, the operational conditions and the crude oil
properties are as follows:
Preheat Energy Requirement • qo = 8,745 m3/day;
Required energy to heat the wet crude oil entering the desalter is • Oil specific gravity = 0.855;
calculated by the following formula: • Water specific gravity = 1.15;
• Inlet temperature = 44.5° C;
Q = 53.09 ⎡⎣( 0.5γo qo ) + ( γw qw )⎤⎦ ∆T
• Inlet to AC conventional = 65° C; and,
......................................................... (5) • Inlet to dual polarity = 58.9° C
May 2006, Volume 44, No. 5 25

Preheater Load (kW)

AC conventional 1. BAHADORI, A. and ZEIDANI, K., Crude Oil Electrostatic Desalters;
20,000 Dual polarity
9th Iranian Chemical Engineering Congress proceedings, University
15,000 of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran, pp. 454.23-454.25, No-
vember 2004.
10,000 2. BAHADORI, A., Process Engineering Data Base Handout; National
5,000 Iranian South Oil Company (NISOC), July 2003.
3. ARNOLD, K. and STEWART, M., Surface Production Operations;
0 Vol. 1, Gulf Publishing Company, Houston, TX, 1998.
0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95 1.00
Oil Specific Gravity Surface Operations in Petroleum Production; Vol. 1, Elsevier Science
Publishers B.V., Oxford, UK, 1987.
FIGURE 12: Preheater load for different crude oils and 5. CUMMINGS, C.B. and ENGELMAN, C.E., The Theory and Eco-
electrostatic desalters. nomics of Electrostatic Treaters; paper 18850, presented at the SPE
Production Operations Symposium, Oklahoma City, OK, March 13
– 14, 1989.
Assuming that the free water has been separated from the emul- 6. CHAWLA, M.L., Field Desalting of Wet Crude; paper 15711, pre-
sion and the remaining amount of water is less than 10% of the oil, sented at the Middle East Oil Show, Bahrain, March 7 – 10, 1987.
then the calculated duties are 4,719 and 3,312 kilo Watts for the AC 7. HARPUR, I.G., WAYTH, N.J., BAILEY, A.G., THEW, M.T., WIL-
conventional electrostatic and dual polarity electrostatic desalters, LIAMS, T.J., and URDAHL, O., Destabilisation of Water-in-Oil
respectively. Figure 12 shows the reduction of required energy to Emulsions Under the Influence of an A.C. Electrical Field: Exper-
preheat the crude oil for dual polarity electrostatic desalters in a imental Assessment of Performance; Journal of Electrostatics, Vol.
case at which the inlet temperature is 38.9° C and the crude oil rate 40-41, pp. 135-140, June 1997.
is 8,745 m3/day. 8. ATTEN, P., Electrocoalescence of Water Droplets in an Insulating
Liquid; Journal of Electrostatics, Vol. 30, pp. 259-269, May 1993.
9. HUGHES, J.F. and PAVEY, I.D., Electrostatic Emulsification;
Journal of Electrostatics, Vol. 10, pp. 45-55, May 1981.
Conclusions 10. MESSENGER, J.U., Emulsion Control Using Electrical Stability Po-
tential; Journal of Petroleum Technology, pp. 1229-1231, October
1. New equations covering a wide range of oil types are devel- 1965.
11. NATCO Group Literature; Oil Dehydration, Oil Desalting: Crude
oped to estimate the treating rate and treating temperature
Oil Treating,
for dual polarity electrostatic desalters and AC conventional
electrostatic desalters.
Provenance—Original Petroleum Society manuscript, Analysis of Crude
2. The dual polarity electrostatic desalter is designed to operate Oil Electrostatic Desalters Performance (2005-093TN), first presented
at temperatures 6° C to 10° C lower than a conventional elec- at the 6th Canadian International Petroleum Conference (the 56th Annual
trostatic desalter, and up to 34° C cooler than ordinary heater Technical Meeting of the Petroleum Society), June 7 - 9, 2005, in Calgary,
treater. Alberta. Abstract submitted for review December 9, 2004; editorial com-
3. It is concluded that the dual polarity desalters are more eco- ments sent to the author(s) October 26, 2005; revised manuscript received
November 28, 2005; paper approved for pre-press November 28, 2005;
nomically beneficial because: final approval April 6, 2006.
• It provides for more complete dehydration. As a result,
it can process at higher viscosities, which means less heat
is required to lower the viscosity of the oil at processing Authors’ Biographies
conditions; Khalil Zeidani is a Ph.D. candidate in pe-
• It may operate at the minimum crude oil inlet tempera- troleum engineering at the University of Al-
ture, resulting in additional fuel savings and eliminating berta, Edmonton, Canada. He received his
the need for a heating system in the vessel. It achieves a 7° M.Eng. in reservoir engineering from the
C reduction in temperature (Figure 6); University of Calgary in 2002 and his B.Sc.
• Its treating rate is higher than the AC conventional electro- degree in chemical engineering from the
static desalter (Figure 7); and, Petroleum University of Technology of Iran
• It provides considerable savings in fuel costs for any in 1998. He also holds a diploma in con-
gravity of crude oil. Figure 12 reveals the reduction in pre- trol instrument services (C.I.S.) from the
heater load for the dual polarity compared with the AC National Iranian Oil Company’s (N.I.O.C.)
conventional electrostatic desalter. Technical School. Previously, he worked
four years as a C.I.S. technologist and three years as a process en-
gineer for the N.I.O.C. His research interests include emulsion
flow through porous media, multi-phase flow in fractures, thermal
Acknowledgements recovery methods, and process design.
The authors would like to acknowledge the Department of Pe-
troleum Engineering at the National Iranian South Oil Company Alireza Bahadori is a process engineer
(NISOC) for giving permission to publish this work. with the National Iranian South Oil Com-
pany in Ahwaz City, Iran. His expertise
includes artificial lift design, production
NOMENCLATURE optimization, and facilities engineering.
q = treating rate, m3/(day.m2) Bahadori has a diploma in control instru-
ment services (C.I.S.) from the National
qo = oil flow rate, m3/day Iranian Oil Company’s (N.I.O.C.) Tech-
qw = water flow rate, m3/day nical School (1991), a B.Sc. in chemical
ao = oil specific gravity, dimensionless engineering from the Petroleum University
aw = water specific gravity, dimensionless of Technology, Abadan, Iran (1998), and an
M.Sc. in chemical engineering from the University of Shiraz, Iran
T = treating temperature, ° C
(2000). He is a member of the Iranian Petroleum Institute and the
Q = heat input, kW Iranian Association of Chemical Engineers. Bahadori is the author
¨T = temperature difference, ° C or co-author of 12 conference and journal technical papers.
26 Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology

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