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The percentage of biomass contribution in Indonesia

The development of renewable energy resources included Biomass in Indonesia still low, it
is very fundamental to provide the energy availability in the future. Biomass has important role
to provide our energy necessary.

Increased consumption of fossil fuels led to an increase in emissions that in turn will lead
to global warming significantly affect the pattern of life and human life. Thus, the use of
renewable energy, in this case the bioenergy needs to be developed.

The use of biomass for electricity (bioelectricity) in Indonesia is still very rare. Some of
them have been developed by PT. Ajiubaya at a fraction Sampit regency, East Kalimantan, with
a capacity of 4-6 MW, as well as some installation Bioner-1 (biomass gasification are connected
to the diesel engine can be used for generating power, pumping and grinding machines)
developed by PT. Boma Bisma Indra with a capacity of about 18 kW is also used in some areas
in Kalimantan, Sumatra and North Sulawesi.

Some industrial companies, both public and private have also initiated the use of biofuels
for generating electricity, mechanical energy and heat energy. Utami (1997) in Boer et al
reported that Indonesia has had about 50 units with a capacity of between 15-100 gasificator kW
/ unit or a total capacity of about 2,200 kW. In addition, approximately 200 units of biogas
(produced from biomass via anaerobic fermentation process) has also been used in some rural
areas with a capacity of 4-15 m3.

There are still many areas that have not enjoyed a state or private power, and optimal
utilization of biomass is not a huge prospect in the implementation of bioenergy.

The rest of the wood utilization are potential sources for biomass power generation.
Untapped biomass is largely sourced from the rest of the logging, conversion of forest land, as
well as from people's plantations. Rachman reported that the remaining logging of natural forests
around 46%, ie 8% of cowpea, 20% of the logs were damaged and leftover branches to 10 cm in
diameter by 18%. Based on log production from the annual average natural forests by 22 million
m3 only, it can be calculated that the amount of biomass left in the field without any utilization.
For example, according to Triono (1999) in Rachman the number of remaining logging in Jambi
the 1995/96-1998/99 period reached 110,000 to 350,000 m3 per year.

In addition to the residual biomass from forests, residues from forest biomass crops also
has great potential as an energy source, which can be integrated with program utilization-based
socio-economic activities of other forest communities. In its implementation, the development of
bio-energy program in the area around the forest besides contributing in increasing the level and
quality of life are generally low income, it can also be an effective means of communication for
the purpose of sustainable forest management.

Heriansyah and Kanazawa reported that the biomass residues from forest harvesting
activities end at the plant amounts to 20% for the dijarangi plantations and 35% of the
plantations without thinning. The amount does not include the biomass of branches and twigs, or
residual biomass from thinning activities. Another report in the Boer et al. states that the
production of biomass plantations is 8-25 ton / ha / year.

With a lot of residual forest biomass is very large, then the implementation of biomass
energy has great prospects. In addition, the utilization of biomass into energy can also reduce
both CO2 emissions due to the decomposition of respiration and of the possibility of fire, and
contribute greatly to the reduction of fossil fuel use is increasingly scarce and expensive.

In 2005 our government notes that the contribution of biomass in Indonesia just 0.61 % out
of all energy required or equal to 302.4 MW. Furthermore our government has plan that our
biomass energy contribution in 2025 will increase as 810 MW just for electricity usage. In table
1.2, it will be showed our government target for the usage of renewable energy.
And then the figure below will show our biomass potential energy distribution in Indonesia.
To make build a biomass energy, there are several ways, they are :

Biomass can come from several botanical resources, in table 2 will be showed to us several
resources which can be made for biomass energy.

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