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What is missing in our lives?

Purpose, meaning a reason for living- these are all things we desire
and search for in life. Despite steps each one of us takes to find purpose and meaning in life, we
still feel empty, unfulfilled. That is because there is a spiritual emptiness in each of our
lives. We each have a hole in our heart, a spiritual vacuum deep within our soul- a “God-
shaped blank.” Possessions won’t fill this hole, nor will success. Relationships alone cannot
satisfy this emptiness, and morality, in and of itself, falls miserably short of occupying this
space. In fact, even religion cannot fill the void in our heart.
There is only one way to effectively fill that void. This way will not only help us to have a life
that is full and rich on this earth, but- more important- will give us the absolute hope of
spending eternity in the presence of God. Before we can truly appreciate this good news,
though, we need to understand the bad news, which is a serious problem we all have.
The problem: sin. The bible clearly identifies our serious problem as sin. Sin is not just an act
but the actual nature of our being. In other words, we are not sinners because we sin. Rather,
we sin because we are sinners! We are born with a nature to do wrong. King David, an Old
Testament Israelite ruler wrote, “For I was born a sinner- yes, from the moment my mother
conceived me” (Psalm 51:5) because we are born sinners, sinning comes to all of us
naturally. That is why it is futile to think that the answer to all of life’s problems comes from
“within”. According to the Bible, the problem is within! Scripture tells us, “The human heart is
the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is?”
(Jeremiah 17:9)
We are not basically good- we are basically sinful. This sinfulness spills out into everything we
do. Every problem we experience in our society today can be traced back to our refusal to live
God’s way. Clear back to the Garden of Eden, Adam made his choice, and he suffered the
consequences of it, setting the pattern that all humanity would follow. The Bible explains,
“When Adam sinned, sin entered the entire world. Adam’s sin brought death, so death spread
to everyone, for everyone sinned…. Yes, Adam’s one sin brings condemnation to everyone”
(Romans 5:12, 18).
“That’s not fair!” you may protest. Why should we suffer because of what someone else has
done? Yet, given the opportunity each one of us would have done the same thing as Adam. In
fact, not a single day passes that we do not face the same test that was set before Adam. God
has given us the freedom to choose between two separate paths: the path that leads to life and
the path that leads to death. The Bible says, “Today I have given you the choice between life
and death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice
you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live!”
(Deuteronomy 30:19)
Without a leg to stand on: Someone may say, “But I live a good life. I try to be kind and
considerate to others. I live by the Ten Commandments.” But the truth of the matter is that the
Ten Commandments, or the law as they are called in the Bible, were not given to make us good
but to show us how bad we are. The bible tells us “No one can ever be made right with God by
doing what the law commands. The law simply shows us how sinful we are” (Romans 3:20) The
purpose of the law is to make us realize how sinful we are. You might say that God’s law was
given to “shut our mouths” and show us that we desperately need his help and forgiveness for
our terminal condition as sinners. Look at the passage below to get a better understanding of
the nature and seriousness of sin.
1. We Have All Missed the Mark (Romans 3:23 says, we have all sinned. For those who claim to be
the sole exception to this eternal truth, verse ten of this chapter plainly says, “No one is righteous-
not even one” (Romans 3:10) Another word for righteous is good. The word righteous means, “One
who is as he or she ought to be” When the Bible says that no one is righteous, or good, it is not so
much referring to behavior but to inner character.
What exactly is “God’s glorious standard” that Romans 3:23 says we have failed to
meet? God’s “glorious standard” is absolute perfection. Jesus said, “But you are to be
perfect, even as your Father in heaven Is perfect” (Matthew 5:48) In other words, anyone
who is not as good as God is not acceptable to him.
One definition of sin, derived from the Greek word hamartia is to “miss the mark” As far as
the mark of perfection goes, we miss it by a mile. Although our sinful nature makes it
impossible for us to live up to God’s standard, we cannot blame sin on our nature alone. Sin
is also a deliberate act.
2. Sin is a Deliberate Act (see Ephesians 2:1-3) Another word for sin in Ephesians 2:1 is
transgressions or trespasses. This word speaks of a lapse or deviation from truth. In contrast
to simply “missing the mark” this is a deliberate action. Because sin is a deliberate action, we
cannot blame our sin on our society or our environment or our mental or physical
state. Everyone has chosen to do what was wrong. If we protest this point, “we are only
fooling ourselves and not living in the truth” (1 John 1:8)
3. The Ultimate Penalty for Sin is Death (Romans 6:23) According to the Bible, we have
offended a Holy God. We have not done this once or twice, but so many times that we are
unable to keep count. Romans 6:23 says, “the wages of sin is death…..” Wages are something
that you are paid for work rendered. In other words, you earn your wages. Because we have
repeatedly sinned, we have earned the penalty of death, which is eternal torment and
punishment in a place called hell.

Amid all this talk about sin and death, there is some good news. God has given us a way to
escape the penalty of our sin. He has made it possible for us to have a relationship with him
and enjoy the hope of eternal life without punishment.

The Solution: Jesus Christ

God understood our problem and knew that we could do nothing about it. Because God
loves us, he sent his own Son, Jesus Christ, to earth to bridge the chasm of sin that separates
us from him.

Why Jesus bridges the gap: There has never been anyone like Jesus. For starters, Jesus was
not conceived in the womb of his mother through natural means. Rather, he was
supernaturally conceived in the womb of a young virgin named Mary. Because of his
supernatural conception, Jesus who is wholly God, also became wholly human.
Though Jesus is God, he chose to lay aside the privileges of his deity to live on earth as a man.
The Bible describing the sacrifice Christ made in becoming a man, says that Jesus “gave up his
divine privileges he took the humble position of a slave and was born as a human being.
When he appeared in human form, he humbled himself in obedience to God and died a
criminal’s death on a cross” (Philippians 2:7-8) It is extremely important to note that Jesus did
not cease to be God when he came to earth. He simply laid aside his divine privileges and
walked the earth as a man. In doing so, he was personally able to experience the gamut of
human emotions, ranging from happiness to deep sorrow. He felt what it was like to be tired,
cold and hungry.
Moreover, he came to this earth with a clear objective in mind to bridge that gap between us
and God.
When the Israelites of the Old Testament sinned, they would have the high priest go into the
Temple and offer an animal sacrifice to God to atone for their sins. In a symbolic sense, this
was a way of putting one’s sins on the animal, which stood in the place of the guilty person.
The bible teaches, “Without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness of sins. (Hebrews
The sacrificial rituals carried out by the Israelites in the Old Testament foreshadowed what
Jesus would do when he came to this earth. He took the sin of the world upon himself when
he hung on the cross so many years ago.
Numerous Old Testament prophecies pointed not only to his birth and life but also to his
death, including the way in which he would die.
Jesus knew from the beginning that he had come expressly to die for the sins of humanity. He
also knew that this sacrifice would be made on a Roman Cross. He began his final journey to
the cross of Calvary at a place called Caesarea Philippi, and he often spoke of his impending
death with his disciples. Scripture records, “From then on Jesus began to tell his disciples
plainly that it was necessary for him to go to Jerusalem, and that he would suffer many
terrible things at the hands of the elders, the leading priests, and the teachers of the religious
law. He would be killed, but on the third day he would be raised from the dead.” (Matthew
He was eventually arrested on false charges after Judas Iscariot, one of his own disciples,
betrayed him. But it was no accident. If humanity was going to be put in touch with God and
have the barrier that separated them removed, something drastic had to be done. In
essence, with one hand Jesus took hold of a Holy God, and with the other hand he took hold
of the sinful human race. As crude nails were pounded into his hands, he bridged the gap for
We must not forget, however, that three days after his crucifixion, Jesus rose from the dead!
If it is true that “you can’t keep a good man down,” then it is even truer that you can’t keep
the “God-man” down.

We put Jesus on the cross:

The necessity of the death of Jesus Christ on the cross shows just how radical our situation
was as fallen people. It’s been said that you can tell the depth of a well by how much rope is
lowered. When we look at “how much pope was lowered” from heaven, we realize how
grave our situation really was.
For that reason, don’t blame the people of the day for putting Jesus on the cross. We are just
as guilty as they. In reality, it was not the Roman soldiers who put him on the cross, nor was
it the Jewish leaders: it was our sins that made it necessary for Jesus to volunteer for this
torturous and humiliating death.
1. The Greatest Demonstration of Love (Romans 5:6-8)
Jesus did not die for us while we were his friends, but while we were his enemies, opposing him by
our sinfulness. Yet, in spite of all of this, God demonstrated his love for us by dying on the cross. In
this verse, the apostle Paul explains that Jesus did not simply die for humanity as a whole, but that
he died for us as individuals. Elsewhere, Paul writes, “[Christ] loved me and gave himself for me”
(Galatians 2:20)
Whenever you are tempted to doubt God’s love for you, take a long look at the cross on
which Jesus died. Then realize that for all practical purposes, it was not nails that held him to
the cross, but love.
2. Forsaken That We Might Be Forgiven (Luke 23:32-49)
Many of us have heard this story at some point in our lives. Yet the significance behind this
heart wrenching scene is often missed or misunderstood. This was not simply some “good
teacher” being crucified for his beliefs. It was God in human form who hung on that cross,
bridging the gap between sinful people and a holy God.

Mathew’s Gospel tells us that when Jesus hung on that cross, he cried out “My God, my God,
why have you abandoned me?” (Matthew 27:46) Many Bible scholars believe that those
words marked the precise moment at which God placed the sins of the world upon his
Son. The Bible, speaking of God says, “You are of purer eyes than to behold evil, and cannot
look on wickedness” (Habakkuk 1:13 NJKV) For that reason, the holy Father had to “turn his
face” and pour out his wrath upon his own Son. On the cross, Jesus received the wages that
were due us. He was not heard that we might be heard. The ear of God was closed to Jesus
for a time that it might never be closed to us.

3. Christ, the Sole Mediator (1 Timothy 2:5-6) Why is there only one mediator who is qualified to
bridge the gap between God and people? Haven’t there been other religious leaders who
have claimed to have the way to God? Haven’t some of them also died as a result of their
While the answers to these questions may be yes, the truth is that no one of these other
leaders was fully God and fully human. That is why Jesus is uniquely qualified to deal with
sin. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except
through me” (John 14:6) Acts 4:12 tells us, “There is salvation in no one else! God has given
no other name under heaven by which we must be saved.” And most important, Jesus Christ
rose from the dead!
Though it is true that you must believe Jesus died on the cross for your sins in order to receive
eternal life and be a true Christian, there is still something else you must do.

the response: accept God’s offer:

to know Jesus Christ personally and have your sins forgiven, you must believe that you are a
sinner separated from God and that your only hope is Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who came
and died for your sins. To stop here; however, would be to stop short of salvation. There are
two things you must now do to enter into a relationship with the God from whom you have
been separated.
1. Turn From Your Sins:
As Jesus began his public ministry, his first message was “Repent of your sins” (Mark 1:15) In
essence, Jesus was telling the people to repent- to acknowledge their sinning, change their
minds, and change the direction of their lives.
Look at it this way. In the past, we have been blinded by our sins, causing us to run from
God. As we repent, we do a “U-turn” and start running toward him. It is not enough just to
be sorry for our sins. We must also change our lifestyle, for the Bible teaches that “the kind
of sorrow God wants us to experience leads us away from sin” (2 Corinthians 7:10). In other
words, if you are really sorry for something, it will result in a change in your actions.
The apostle Paul summed up this charge succinctly when he quoted Jesus, who had said that
people must “turn from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God. Then they will
receive forgiveness for their sins and be given a place among God’s people, who are set apart
by faith in me” (Acts 26:18)
You see, there are some things only God can do and some things only you can do. Only God
can remove your sins and give you the gift of eternal life, but only you can turn from your sins
and receive Jesus as your Savior. That brings up the second thing you must do to respond to
God’s offer.
2. Believe in Jesus Christ and Receive Him Into Your Life:
Having seen the enormity of your sin and decided to turn from it, you then must believe in
and receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Becoming a Christian however, is far more
than following a creed or trying to live by certain standards. Jesus said that you must be
“born again” or more literally, “born from above.” (John 3:3) This spiritual rebirth happens
when we personally believe in Jesus Christ, receive him by inviting him into our lives, and turn
from our sins. In other words, we ask Jesus to come and take residence in our lives, making
the changes he deems necessary. A person must take this all important step in order to
become a child of God.
Notice that this offer is yours for the asking, and it is free. You don’t have to work for it,
trying to clean up your life before you make this life-changing decision. The Bible says, “The
free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 6:23)
Being a Christian also means having a relationship with the living God. In Revelation 3:20
Jesus said, “Look I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will
come in, and we will share a meal together as friends.” To better understand the meaning of
this verse, it is important to understand the culture at the time it was written. Eating
together in Bible times was a long drawn out affair. People would not sit on chairs behind
tables in a formal setting as we do, but they would sit on the floor reclining on pillows around
a low table. The relaxed atmosphere made meals a time when you would not only satisfy your
appetite but also receive gratifying serving of enjoyable table conversation. You would share
your heart and life with those who sat beside you.
Consequently, when Jesus says that he will “share a meal” with us, it implies intimacy,
closeness, and friendship. He offers this to us, but we must firs “hear him calling” us.
To hear God calling us, we must know how he speaks. One way in which God speaks to us is
described in the Bible as a “still, small voice.” This could be described in another way as that
tug you might have felt on your heart from the Holy Spirit showing you your need for
Jesus. He may even be speaking to you right now! It is at that point that you must “open the
door”. Only you can do that Jesus will not force his way in.
Receiving Jesus Christ into Your Heart:
If you are ready to turn from your sins and believe in Jesus Christ so that you can receive the
forgiveness of sin and the hope of eternal life, then take a moment to bow your head and
pray a prayer like this one right now:
God, I’m sorry for my sin. I turn from it right now. I thank you for sending Jesus Christ to die
on the cross for my sin.
Jesus, I ask you to come into my heart and life right now. Be my Lord, Savior and friend. Help
me to follow you all the days of my life as your disciple.
Thank you for forgiving and receiving me right now. Thank you that my sin is forgiven and
that I am going to heaven. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Rededicating Your Life to Jesus Christ:

Perhaps you are already a Christian but you have strayed from Jesus Christ. You have been a
prodigal son or daughter. God will forgive you right now if you will return to him. He tells us
in Scripture, “My wayward children… come back to me, and I will heal your wayward hearts”
(Jeremiah 3:22) If you would like to return to God and rededicate your life to him right now,
you may want to pray something like this:
God, I am sorry for my sin. I am sorry that I have strayed from you. I ask you to forgive me
now as I repent of my sin. I don’t what to live like a prodigal any longer.
Renew and revive me as I once again follow you as my God. Thank you for your forgiveness.
In Jesus name I pray. Amen.
Whether you prayed to make a first time commitment or a recommitment, you have made
the right decision. God has forgiven and receive you if you really meant it. Know that your
relationship with Jesus Christ will bring radical and dramatic changes in your life. Describing
this, the Bible says, “Anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is
gone, a new life has begun!” (2 Corinthians 5:17) Now this is good news! But more
importantly, God has changed your eternal destiny. Instead of fearing an eternal punishment
in a place called hell, you will spend peaceful eternity in his presence in heaven.
What God has done for you
What actually happens when Jesus Christ comes into your life? First, he saves you from your
sins and the punishment you deserve as a result of them- eternity in hell. This is called
salvation, or regeneration, and has to do with what takes place in your heart: God gives you
new life.
Second, he justifies you. Justification has to do with your standing before God and includes
the complete removal and forgiveness of your sins. Think about it! When you receive Jesus
Christ into your life, you are completely forgiven. God’s Word tells us, “Brothers, listen! We
are here to proclaim that through this man Jesus there is forgiveness for your sins! Everyone
who believes in him is declared right with God (Justified)- something the law of Moses could
never do” (Acts 13:38-39) Speaking of our sins, God says, “I will never again remember (your)
sins and lawless deeds (Hebrews 10:17) What a wonderful promise!
Justification, however, is more than just the forgiveness and removal of the guilt and
condemnation that accompany sin. While God has removed your sins and forgiven you of
them, he has also placed the perfect righteousness of Jesus Christ “into your account, ” so to
speak. You don’t have to earn it or try to achieve it. It is yours, as a gracious gift from the God
who loves you. To understand justification more fully, read the following Scripture passages
and notes below>
1. God Promises Us His Gracious Forgiveness (1 John 1:9) The word confess means “to say the
same thing as another” or “to agree with” To confess means that we are agreeing with God about
our sin. We are seeing it as he does. We know that God hates sin. Therefore, to truly confess our
sin means that we essentially feel the same way God feels about what we have done. After
committing that sin, we will be determined to put it out of our lives and never do it again. That is
true confession in the biblical sense. The reason many believers are not experiencing the
forgiveness and joy they desire is because they have not yet truly confessed! Once we have met
God’s conditions; however, we will know his gracious forgiveness. We may not “feel” forgiven, but
we are. We have his word on it.
2. God Has Balanced Our Moral and Spiritual Budget (Romans 5:1-2) When God makes us right
in his sight, he does so by placing all of the righteousness of Christ to our credit. This balances
the moral and spiritual budget for us. We now have sufficient “capital of character” to get on
with the business of living.
Up to this point, salvation has been God’s responsibility. From this point on it continues to be
his responsibility except that we are responsible for living as God desires us to. It is as if your
checking account were empty, but then someone made a $100,000 deposit. What you do
with that money is up to you.
3. God Calls Us His Children (Luke 15:11-32) This incredible story illustrates what happens when
a person turns from sin and returns to God. First, notice that the father in the story did not
give this prodigal son what he deserved- banishment. In the same way, we do not receive
from God what we deserve- punishment for sin. Second, the young man was given what he
did not deserve- the rights and privileges of full sonship. Likewise, although we are not
worthy to be called children of God, he calls us sons and daughters. In summary, he doesn’t
give us what we deserve (judgement) He gives us what we don’t deserve (forgiveness and
Speaking of sons and daughter, read on to see how God has adopted you into his family.

Adopted and assured

We have looked at what happens when we are regenerated (when Christ comes into our
lives) and when we are justified (when God forgives our sin and puts his righteousness in its
place) Now let us look at another incredible thing God has done for us. He has adopted us
into his family as his children. Adoption means “to be given the rights of a son.” In essence,
you have been given the full rights of sonship in the family of God as though you were born
that way. The story of the Prodigal Son Illustrates this (Luke 15: 11-31) The wayward son
thought that after leaving home, he would no longer be considered a son but would instead
be treated as a hired servant. Much to his surprise, when he made the ling journey home, his
father welcomed him and smothered him with kisses. He then gave orders to bring out the
best robe and to put a ring on his finger, signifying full rights as a son. This is exactly what God
has done for you! Take some time now to examine three Scripture passages that assure you
of your adoption into God’s family.
1. God Disciplines His Children (Hebrews 12:5-9) Recognizing you are now a child of God is not some
distant hope but a present reality. One of the ways God will remind you of this is by correcting you
and bringing you back into line like a loving father when you stray away from him.
Before we were believers, we may have felt no sense of guilt for certain things we did or did
not do. But now that we are Christians, God’s Holy Spirit shows us the way to live, which
includes correcting us. He does this not because he hates us, but because he loves us as his
own dear children. Understanding this truth should help us in the way we behave.
2. You Have An Approachable Father (Galatians 4:6)
The Aramaic word translated “dear Father” is abba, which is a word of affection that a young
child would use endearingly toward his or her father. Aa Western equivalent of that phrase
would be “papa” or “daddy”. God does not want ot be viewed as some distant, uninterested
father, but as a loving approachable father to whom you can turn at any time because you are
his child.
3. His Promises Are Not Based Upon Your Feelings (1 John 5:11-13)
There will be times as a Christian when you may not “feel” God’s presence. You may even be
tempted to doubt that he has come into your life. But 1 John 5:13 does not say “I write this
to you who believe in the Son of God so that you may feel you have eternal life.” This is
because feelings come and go. They fluctuate. Nor does the Bible say, “I write this so that
you may hope- if god is in a really good mood- that you have eternal life. “ It says, “so that
you may know…. “Eternal life is yours! Stand on God’s promise to you. You are forgiven,
justified, adopted into his family and assured of salvation. Now that is reason to rejoice!

Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every
way. -2 Thessalonians 3:16
Hear Me Saying, “Peace, be Still,” to your restless heart. Then He arose and rebuked the wind,
and said to the sea, “Peace be still!” And the wind ceased and there was a great calm. –Mark
4:39 NKJV
As you go through this day, look for tiny treasures strategically placed along the way, I lovingly
go before you and plant little pleasures to brighten your day. Those who look to him are
radiant, their faces are never covered with shame. – Psalm 34:5
Do not fear your weakness, for it is the stage on which my power and my glory perform most
brilliantly. Let all who take refuge in you be glad; Let them ever sing for joy. – Psalm 5:11
I am the firm Foundation on which you can dance and sing and celebrate My Presence. “I will
never leave you nor forsake you.” – Joshua 1:5
My power flows most freely into weak ones aware of their need for me. Faltering steps of
dependence are not lack of faith; they are links to my presence. He gives strength to the weary
and increases the power of the weak…. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not
grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. –Isaiah 40:29, 31
Nothing is wasted when it is shared with Me. I can bring beauty out of the ashes of lost
dreams. I can glean Joy out of sorrow. Peace out of adversity. Only a Friend who is also the King
of kings could accomplish this divine alchemy. Sorrowful, yet always rejoicing: poor, yet making
many rich: having nothing, and yet possessing everything. – Corinthians 6:10
Accept each day just as it comes to you. Do not waste your time and energy wishing for a
different set of circumstances. Instead, TRUST Me enough to yield to My design and purposes.
The LORD gives strength to his people: the LORD blesses his people with peace. – Psalms 29:11
Miracles are not always visible to the naked eye, but those who live by faith can see them
clearly, living by faith, rather than sight, enables you to see my glory. – We live by faith, not by
sight 2 Corinthians 5:7
If you learn to TRUST Me- really trust Me- with your whole being, Then nothing can separate
you from My Peace. Everything you ENDURE can be put to good use by allowing it to train you
in trusting Me. This is how you fail the works of evil, growing in GRACE through the very
adversity that was meant to harm you. Trust in the LORD forever, for the LORD, is the Rock
eternal. –Isaiah 26:4 (JESUS)
Remember that there is no condemnation for those who belong to Me. You have been judged
NOT GUILTY for all eternity. Trust Me, and don’t be afraid, for I am your Strength, Song and
Salvation. Therefore, there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because
through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of Life set me free from the law of sin and death. –
Romans 8:1-2
Gently bring your attention back to Me, whenever it wanders away. I look for persistence-
rather than perfection- in your walk with Me. I am like an olive tree flourishing in the house of
God; I trust in God’s unfailing love for ever and ever. –Psalm 52:8
To receive My PEACE you must change your grasping, controlling stance to one of openness and
trust, the only thing you can grasp without damaging your soul is My Hand. God is our refuge
and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. – Psalm 46:1
By GAZING at Me, you gain My Perspective on your life. This time alone with Me is ESSENTIAL
for unscrambling your THOUGHTS and smoothing out the day before you. Within your temple,
O GOD, we mediate on your UNFAILING LOVE. – Psalm 48:9
“Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid, you are worth more
than many sparrows.” –Luke 12:7 I, the LOVER of your SOUL, understand you PERFECTLY and
love you eternally.
Each moment you can choose to practice My PRESENCE or to practice the presence of
problems. “I have come as a LIGHT into the world, that whoever believes in Me should not
abide in darkness.” –John 12:46 NKJV
But since we belong to the day, let us be self-controlled, putting on FAITH and LOVE as a
breastplate, and the hope of Salvation as a Helmet. -1 Thessalonians 5:8 I am training you to
hold in your heart a dual focus: My Continual PRESENCE and the Hope of Heaven
Though I may LEAD you along PATHS that feel alien to you, trust that I know what I am doing. If
you FOLLOW Me wholeheartedly, you will discover FACETS of yourself that were previously
hidden. “What Good is it for a man to gain the whole world yet forfeit his soul?” – Mark 8:36
Every time you THANK Me, you acknowledge that I am your Lord and Provider. This is the
proper stance for a child of God: receiving with thanksgiving. Let Them give THANKS to the
LORD for HIS UNFAILING LOVE and His Wonderful Deeds for men. Let them sacrifice thank
offerings and tell of his words with songs of joy. Psalm 107:21-22
Receive My Peace as you lie down to sleep, with thankful thoughts playing a lullaby in your
mind. I will lie down and sleep in peace, for you alone O LORD, make me dwell in safety. –
Psalm 4:8
A Successful day is one in which you have stayed in touch with me, even if many things remain
undone at the end of the day. Pray continually. – 1 Thessalonians 5:17
Instead of striving for a predictable, safe lifestyle, seek to know me in greater depth and
breadth. I want to make your life a glorious adventure, but you must stop clinging to old ways.
When I am afraid, I will trust in you. In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust. I will not be
afraid. What can mortal man do to me? – Psalm 56:3-4
My Kingdom is not about earning and deserving; it is about BELIEVING and RECEIVING. “So I say
to you; ASK and it will be given to you; SEEK and you will find; KNOCK and the door will be
opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks,
the door will be opened.” – Luke 11:9-10
Whenever you are TEMPTED to grumble, come to Me and talk it out. As you open up to Me. I
will put My SONG in your heart. Do everything without complaining or arguing so that you may
become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved
generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe. – Philippians 2:14-15
My GRACE is SUFFICIENT for you, but its sufficiency is for one DAY at a time. “Therefore do not
worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of
its own.” – Matthew 6:34
Guard your thoughts diligently. Good thought-choices will keep you close to Me. Search me, O
God, and know my anxious thoughts; and see if there be any hurtful way in me, and lead me in
the everlasting way. – Psalm 139:23-24 NASB
Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know
that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. –James 1:2-3 Thank Me when things do
not go your way, becausespiritual blessings come wrapped in trials.
I long for you to trust Me enough to be fully yourself with Me. When you are real with Me, I
am able to bring out the best in you: the very gifts I have planted in your soul. “Greater love
has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends if you do what
I command… I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made
known to you.” –John 15:13-15
This is the day that I have made! As you rejoice in this day of life, it will yield up to you precious
gifts and beneficial training. You are my God, and I will give you thanks; you are my God, and I
will exalt you. – Psalm 118:28
I am always before you, beckoning you on- one step at a time, neither height nor depth, nor
anything else in all creation, can separate you form my loving presence. For I am convinced
that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present not the future, nor
any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to
separate us form the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. –Romans 8:38-39
Invite Me into your thoughts by whispering My Name (Jesus). Suddenly your day brightens. In
the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait
in expectation. – Psalm 5:3
Marvel at the wonder of being able to commune with the King of the universe- any time, any
place. Never take this amazing privilege for granted! “For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” – Isaiah 55:8-9
Thank Me for the gift of My Peace, a gift of such immense proportions that you cannot fathom
its depth or breadth. Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body
you were called to peace. And be thankful. – Colossians 3:15
You will always face trouble in this life. But more importantly, you will always have Me with
you, helping you handle whatever you encounter. Approach problems with a light touch
viewing them in My revealing Light. “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have
peace. In this world you will have trouble, But take heart! I have overcome the world.” – John
Although self-sufficiency is acclaimed in the world, reliance on me produces abundant living in
My Kingdom “I am the vine you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will
bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” – John 15:5
I comprehend you in all your complexity; no detail of your life is hidden from me. I view you
through eyes of GRACE, so don’t be afraid of my intimate awareness. “No one will be able to
stand up against you all the days of your life as I was with Moses, so I will be with you, I will
never leave you nor forsake you.” –Joshua 1:5
As you live in close contact with Me, the Light of My Presence filters through you to BLESS
others. Your weakness and woundedness are openings through which the Light of the
knowledge of My Glory SHINES forth. But He said to me… My strength and power are made
perfect (fulfilled and completed) and show themselves most affective in [your] weakness. 1
Corinthians 12:9 AMP
Remember that I can FIT everything into a PATTERN for good, including the things you wish
were different. Start with where you are at this point in time and space, ACCEPTING that this is
where I intend you to be. “We are assured and know that… all things work together and are
[fitting into a plan] for good… for those who love God and are called according to [His] design
and purpose. –Romans 8:28 AMP
Rather than planning and evaluating, practice TRUSTING and THANKING Me continually. This is
a paradigm shift that will revolutionize your life. Now thanks be to God who always leads us in
triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His Knowledge in every place. – 2
Corinthians 2:14 NKJV
Be willing to follow wherever I lead. I am the light from on high that dawns upon you, to guide
your feet into the Way of Peace. The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We
have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and
truth. –John 1:14
What I search for in my children is an awaked soul that thrills to the joy of My Presence! I
created mankind to glorify and enjoy Me Forever, I provide the Joy; your part is to glorify Me by
living close to Me. I willPRAISE you, O Lord My God, with all my heart, and I will glorify your
name forevermore. – Psalm 86:12 NKJV
The intimacy I offer you is not an invitation to act as if you were my equal. Worship me as King
of kings while walking hand in hand with Me down the path of life. “Now this is eternal life:
that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.” –John 17:3
Instead of single-mindedly pursuing a goal. Talk with me about it. Let the light of My Presence
shine on this pursuit, so you can see it from My Perspective. 1 Chronicles 16:11
I am not a careless God, when I allow difficulties to come into your life, I equip you fully to
handle them. “For nothing is impossible with God.” – Luke 1:37
Spend time with Me for the pure pleasure of being in My company. I can brighten up the
dullest of gray days; I can add sparkle to the routines of daily life. Because you are My help, I
sing in the shadow of your wings. My soul clings to you; your right hand upholds me. –Psalm
As you give yourself more and more to a life of constant communion with Me, you will find that
you simply have no time for worry “Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?
Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest?” –Luke 12:25-26
Entrust your loved ones to Me. Release them into My Protective care. They are much safer
with me than in your clinging hands. The LORD replied, “My Presence will go with you, and I
will give you rest” – Exodus 33:14
Waiting, trusting, and hoping are intricately connected: like golden strands interwoven to form
a strong chain. Trusting is the central strand, because it is the response from My children that
I desire the most. GOD did this so that, by two unchangeable things in which it is impossible for
God to lie, we how have fled to take hold of the HOPE offered to us may be greatly
encouraged. We have this hope as an ANCHOR for the SOUL, firm and secure. –Hebrews 6:18-
I know the depth and breadth of your need for me, I can read the emptiness of your thoughts
when they wander away from me. Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for him. –Psalm
As the Holy Spirit controls your mind and actions more fully, you become free in Me. You are
increasingly released to become the one I created you to be. For it is God who works in you to
will and to act according to His Good Purpose. –Philippians 2:13
I am ever so near you, hovering over your shoulder, reading every thought. People think about
thoughts are fleeting and worthless, but yours are precious to Me. O LORD, you have searched
me and you know me, You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from
afar. – Psalm 139:1-2
I have prepared this day with the most tender concern and attention to detail. Instead of
approaching the day as a blank page you need to fill up, try living in a responsive mode, being
on the lookout for all that I am doing. As for God, His way is perfect; the word of the LORD is
flawless. He is a shield for all who take refuge in Him. – Psalm 18:30
Why are you in despair, O my soul? And why have you become disturbed within me? Hope in
God, for I shall again praise Him for the help of His Presence – Psalm 42:5 NASB Trouble
and distress are woven into the very fabric of this perishing world. Only My Life in you
can empower you to face this endless flow of problems with good cheer.
Anxiety wraps you up in yourself, trapping you in your own thoughts, when you look to me and
whisper my name, you break free and receive my help. I have strength for all things in Christ
Who empowers me [I am ready for anything and equal in anything through Him Who infuses
inner strength into me]. – Philippians 4:13 AMP
As you come to Me and take My yoke upon you, I fill you with My very Life. This is how I
choose to live in the world and accomplish My purposes. This is also how I bless you with Joy
unspeakable and full of Glory. –Matthew 11:28-29
My peace is such an all-encompassing gift that it is independent of all circumstances. Though
you lose everything else, if you gain My Peace you are rich indeed. You will keep in perfect
peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you. –Isaiah 26:3
Let Me be your positive focus. When you look to Me, knowing Me as God with you, you
experience Joy. Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart. –
Psalm 37:4
I love you regardless of how well you are performing. Bring your performance anxiety to Me,
and receive in its place My Unfailing Love. The LORD appeared to us in the past, saying: “I have
loved you with an everlasting love, I have drawn you with loving-kindness.” – JEREMIAH 31:3
When you are weary and everything seems to be going wrong, you can still utter these four
words: “I trust You, Jesus.” By doing so, you release matters into My control, and you fall back
into the security of My everlasting arms. “you will seek Me and find me when you seek me with
all your heart.” –Jeremiah 29:13
I hate it when My children grumble, casually despising My sovereignty. Thankfulness is a
safeguard against this deadly sin. Furthermore, a grateful attitude becomes a grid through
which you perceive life. Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let
us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe. –Hebrews 12:28-29
Bearing your circumstances bravely- even thanking Me for them- is one of the highest forms of
praise. This sacrifice of thanksgiving rings golden-toned bells of Joy throughout heavenly
realms. On earth, also, your patient sufferings sends out ripples of good tidings in ever-
widening circles. In him our hearts rejoice fore we trust in his holy name –Psalm 33:21
Pause before responding to people or situations, giving My Spririt space to act through you. Do
you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you., whom you have
received from God? You are not your own. -1 Corinthians 6:19
I am everywhere at every time, ceaselessly working on your behalf. That is why your best
coping strategies are trusting Me and living close to Me. “Do not fear , for I am with you, do not
anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely I will help you. Surely,
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. –Isaiah 4:10 NASB
Your awareness of your constant need for Me is your greatest strength. Your neediness,
properly handled, is a link to My Presence. In the day of my trouble I will call to you, for you
will answer me. –Psalm 56:7
In union with Me you are complete. In closeness to Me, you are transformed more and more
into the one I designed you to be. Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is,
there is freedom. And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory, are being
transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory. -2 Corinthians 3:17-18
When you spend time with Me, I restore your sense of direction, I enable you to do less but
accomplish more. Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed. –Proverbs
Seek to please Me above all else. Let that goal be your focal point as you go through this day.
“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as
well.” –Matthew 6:33
I am nearer than you dare believe, closer than the air you breathe. If My children could only
recognize My Presence, they would never feel lonely again. God made him who had no sin to
be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God. – Corinthians 5:21
I want you to be all mine. I am weaning you form other dependencies, your security rests in Me
alone, not in other people, not in circumstances. In his heart a man plans his course, but the
Lord determines his steps. –Proverbs 16:9
The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let him who hears say, “Come!” Whoever is thirsty,
let him come, and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life. –Revelations
22:17 Come to Me, Come to Me, Come to Me, This is My continual invitation to you,
proclaimed in holy whispers.
Openness to My Presence gives you glimpses of Heaven while you still reside on earth. Blessed
are those who have learned to acclaim you, who walk in the light of your presence, O Lord. –
Psalm 89:15
Trust Me in the midst of a messy day. Your inner calm- your Peace in My Presence- need not be
shaken by what is going on around you. “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give you. I do not
give to you as the whole gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” –John
Be willing to go out on a limb with me, if that is where I AM leading you, it is the safest place to
be. Those who know your name will trust in you, for you, LORD, have never forsaken those
who seek you. –Psalm 3:16
A thankful attitude opens windows to heaven. Spiritual blessings fall freely onto you through
those openings into eternity. Praise be to the God and Father of our LORD Jesus Christ who has
blessed us in the heavenly realms with ever spiritual blessing in Christ. – Ephesians 1:3
You are my lamp, O Lord, the Lord turns my darkness into light. 2 Samuel 22:29 When you seek
Me instead of the world’s idols, you experience My Joy and Peace.
My light shines most brightly through believers who trust Me in the dark. That kind of trust is
supernatural: a production of my indwelling spirit. Even in darkness light dawns for the upright,
for the gracious and compassionate and righteous man…. He will have no fear of bad news: his
heart is steadfast, trusting the LORD. –Psalm 112:4-7
The ultimate protection against sinking during life’s storms is devoting time to develop your
friendship with Me. The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him,
it is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the LORD. –Lamentations 3:25-26
Remember that your relationship with me is saturated in grace. Therefore, nothing you do or
don’t do can separate you from My Presence. For it is by grace you have been saved through
faith- and this is not from yourself, it is the gift of God. –Ephesians 2:8
Glorifying and enjoying Me is a higher priority than maintaining a tidy, structured life. Give up
your striving to keep everything under control- an impossible task and a waste of precious
energy. But let all who take refuge in you be glad, let them ever sing for joy, spread your
protection over them. That those who love your name may rejoice in you. –Psalm 5:11
Make Me your focal point as you move through this day. Just as a spinning ballerina must keep
returning her eyes to a given point, to maintain her balance, so you must keep returning your
focus to Me. This then is how we know that we belong to the truth, and how we set our hearts
at rest in his presence whenever our hearts condemn us. For God is greater than our hearts,
and he know everything. – 1 John 3:19-20
My deep desire is that you learn to depend on me in every situation. I move heaven and earth
to accomplish this purpose, but you must collaborate with me in this training. Finally be strong
in the Lord and in his mighty power –Ephesians 6:10
Quiet your mind in My Presence. Then you will be able to Hear Me bestowing the Resurrection
blessing: “Peace be with you.” “And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” –
Matthew 28:20
If you try to carry tomorrow’s trouble today, you will stagger under the load and eventually fall
flat. You must discipline yourself to live within the boundaries of today. But encourage one
another daily, as long as it is called Today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s
deceitfulness. –Hebrews 3:13
A life lived close to me will never be dull or predictable. Expect each day to contain surprises!
This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it. –Psalm 118:24 NKJV
Taste and see that I AM good. The more intimately you experience Me, the more convinced
you become of my goodness. Taste and see that the Lord is good. Blessed is the man who
takes refuge in Him. –Psalm 34:8
Trust is like a staff you can lean on as you journey uphill with me if you trust in me consistently,
the staff will bear as much of your weight as needed. Leon on, trust in, and be confident in the
Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding. –
Proverbs 3:5 AMP
The peace I give you transcends your intellect. When most of your mental energy goes into
efforts to figure things out, you are unable to receive this glorious gift. Now may the Lord of
peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you. – 2
Thessalonians 3:16
Don not let any set of circumstances intimidate you. The more challenging your day, the more
of My Power I place at your disposal. Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always. –
Psalm 105:4
The more aware you are of My Presence, the safer you feel. This is not some sort of escape
from reality; it is tuning in to ultimate reality. Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love,
that we many sing for joy and be glad all our days. –Psalm 90:14
Talk with Me about everything, letting the Light of My Presence shine on your hopes and
plans. For with you is the Fountain of Life, in your light we see light. –Psalm 36:9
Come to Me when you are hurting and I will share your pain, come to Me when you are Joyful,
and I will share your joy- multiplying it many times over. Shout for Joy, O Heavens; rejoice, O
earth, burst into song, O mountains! For the LORD comforts his people and will have
compassion on his afflicted ones. –Isaiah 49:13
Remember that you live in a fallen world; an abnormal world tainted by sin. Much frustration
and failure result from your seeking perfection in this life. Delight yourself in the Lord and he
will give you the desires of your heart. –Psalm 37:4
Because you are human, you will always have ups and downs in your life experience, But the
promise of My Presence limits how far down you can go. The Lord your God is with you, he is
mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice
over you with singing. –Zephaniah 3:17
The secret of being thankful is learning to see everything from my perspective, my world is your
classroom, my word is a lamp to your feet and a light for your path. The heavens declare the
glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork. –Psalm 19:1 NKJV
Liberations can be liberating. When your strongest desire is living close to Me. “Be still before
the LORD, all mankind, because he has roused himself from his holy dwelling.” –Zechariah 2:13
Marvel at the beauty of a life intertwined with My Presence, Rejoice as we journey together in
intimate communion. Enjoy the adventure of finding yourself through losing yourself to Me.
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, the old has gone, the new has come! -
2Corintinians 5:17
The true question is not whether you can cope with whatever happens but whether you and I
together can handle anything that occurs. It is this You-and-I-together factor that gives you
confidence to face the day cheerfully. O God, you are my God, earnestly I seek you. –Psalms
I guarantee you will always have problems in your life, but they must not become your
focus. When you feel yourself sinking in the sea of circumstances, cry out: “Help me, Jesus!”
and I will draw you back to Me. A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick He will
not stuff out, in faithfulness He will bring forth justice –Isaiah 42;3
I have designed you to need me moment by moment, as your awareness of your neediness
increases, so does your realization of my abundant sufficiency. Let us then approach the throne
of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of
need. –Hebrews 4:16
Bring Me the sacrifice of thanksgiving. Take nothing for granted, not even the rising of the
sun. I will offer to You the sacrifice of thanksgiving, and will call upon the name of the LORD. –
Psalm 116:17 NKJV
Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails. –Proverbs 19:21
Walk with Me in holy trust, responding to My initiatives rather than trying to make things fit
your plans.
Come to Me with a teachable spirit, eager to be changed. A close walk with Me is a life of
continual newness. You have said, “Seek my face.” My heart says to you, “Your face, LORD, do
I seek.” –Psalm 27:8 ESv
Do not fear My Will, for through it I accomplish what is best for you, take a deep breath, and
dive into the depths of absolute trust in Me. In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice, in the
morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation. –Psalm 5:3
While you wait in My Presence, I do My best work within you, transforming you by the
renewing of your mind. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be
transformed by the renewing of your mind. –Romans 12:2
When you walk through a day with childlike delight, savoring every blessing you proclaim your
trust in Me, your ever-present Shepherd. But let all who take refuge in you be glad, let them
ever sing for Joy. –Psalm 5:11
Human weakness, consecrated to me, is like a magnet- drawing My Power into your
weakness. “The Lord, the Lord, is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation.” With
joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation. –Isaiah 12:2-3
I have awakened in your heart a strong desire to know Me. This longing originated in Me,
though it now burns brightly in you. Finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble,
whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable- if anything is
excellent or praiseworthy- think about such things. Philippians 4:8
Anxious thoughts meander about and crisscross in your brain. But trusting Me brings you
directly into My Presence. “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry
about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” –Matthew 6:34
Listen to Me even while you are listening to other people. As they open their souls to your
scrutiny, you are on holy ground. You need the help of My Spirit to respond
appropriately. “Whoever believes in me, as the scripture has said, streams of living water will
flow from within him.” –John 7:38
In a world of unrelenting change, I AM (Jesus) the one who never changes. I AM (Jesus) the
alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end, find in me the stability for which you have
yearned. “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you
will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” – John 16:33
“I (JESUS) am making everything new.” –Revelations 21:5
Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way.
-2 Thessalonians 3:16

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