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For Grade 3:

1. What number is 15 less than 20?

Answer: 5

For Grade 3:

2. What is the sum of 13 + 37?

Answer: 50

For Grade 3:

3. In the number 253, what number is in the hundred’s place?

Answer: 2

For Grade 4:

1. What kind of a triangle (with two sides) having 2 equal sides?

Answer: Isosceles Triangle

For Grade 4:

2. Dennis took the Math test. He started answering at 8:20 and finished
the test at 9:10. How long did he take the test in Math?
Answer: 50 mins.

For Grade 4:

3. There are 4 boxes of cupcakes. Each box has 6 cupcakes. The

cupcakes are divided equally among 8 children. How many cupcakes
will each one receive?
Answer: 3 cupcakes

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