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39 Renal Injury
J. Patrick Spirnak, MD, FACS

Trauma is currently the leading cause of death and mor- determination of cardiopulmonary status and the pres-
bidity in young Americans. Approximately 10 to 15% of ence of life-threatening injuries. Once hemodynamic
all patients with abdominal trauma have an associated uro- stability has been ensured and the pulmonary status sta-
logic injury. It has been estimated that 1.1% of all trauma bilized, a detailed history, physical examination, and uri-
will involve the upper urinary tract.1 Blunt urologic injury nalysis are obtained. Falls from great heights or
is the most common form of trauma seen by practicing high-speed motor vehicle accidents with associated
urologists and is responsible for 80 to 90% of all urologic deceleration-type injuries may result in renal pedicle
injuries.2 The most common causes of injury are motor injuries in the absence of hematuria.11 Individuals with
vehicle accidents, falls from heights, and direct blows to renal injuries may demonstrate costovertebral angle
the flank. The kidney is the most commonly involved (CVA) or flank tenderness, a palpable flank mass, or
organ, followed by the bladder, urethra, and ureter.3 flank ecchymosis. The presence of fractured ribs, pneu-
Although penetrating injuries account for only about 20% mothorax, or vertebral body fractures suggests the pos-
of all traumatic injuries, they represent 80 to 90% of all sibility of renal injury. Patients presenting with the
renal trauma cases that require exploration. Renal injury above findings undergo radiographic evaluation regard-
accounts for about 1 in 3,000 hospital admissions and less of the findings on urinalysis. In patients who sustain
should be suspected in anyone sustaining blunt or pene- penetrating trauma, it is helpful to determine the type of
trating trauma to the lower chest, back, or abdomen. Over weapon used. Lacerations and entrance and exit wounds
the past two decades we have seen a continued evolution are also noted. Urinalysis is obtained in all trauma vic-
in the diagnosis, evaluation, and treatment of urologic tims. It is well known that the degree of hematuria does
injuries. Urologic evaluation is no longer necessary in not correlate with the severity of renal injury.1,12 Renal
all patients sustaining blunt abdominal trauma because artery thrombosis, which may result in complete loss of
a subset of patients who are likely to have sustained a renal function, may occur in the presence of a normal
urologic injury have been well defined. Similarly, we urinalysis. Gross hematuria may occur after a mild renal
have seen continued changes in the way patients with contusion. All patients with gross hematuria require
urologic injuries are being treated.4 With improved stag- radiographic evaluation. Patients with isolated micro-
ing techniques, even patients with penetrating renal scopic hematuria determined by dipstick or by micro-
injuries are being selectively managed in a nonoperative scopic urinalysis do not require radiographic imaging.
manner.5–10 All patients with microscopic hematuria who present
with shock (systolic blood pressure < 90 mm Hg) or who
A Renal trauma should be suspected in anyone sustaining have multisystem injuries require urologic evalua-
blunt or penetrating trauma to the lower chest, back, or tion.12–15 Patients sustaining severe deceleration-type
abdomen. Emergency room evaluation includes the injuries are also evaluated.16

Renal Injury


Physical examination
A Urinalysis

Stable Unstable

Abdominal Renal artery Exploratory

B CT scan
E thrombosis Unilateral F laparotomy; IVP

Abnormal Normal

Minor renal injury Major renal injury

C D Observation
(Grades I, II) (Grades III, IV, V)

Bilateral injury
Solitary kidney

Observation G Renal exploration Observation

G Unstable

SECTION 5 Genitourinary Trauma

B Computed tomography (CT) is the most accurate imag- tion less than 1 cm without urinary extravasation. Grade
ing study available to evaluate and stage the extent of III: greater than a 1 cm laceration extending into the
renal trauma.17,18 CT scanners are readily available in all renal parenchyma without collection-system rupture or
trauma centers. The study is noninvasive and has extravasation. Grade IV: a renal parenchymal laceration
replaced intravenous pyelography (IVP) and renal arte- extending through the corticomedullary junction and
riography as the gold standard in identifying and staging into the collecting system (Figure 39-2). (Urinary
renal injuries. CT clearly defines parenchymal lacera- extravasation may or may not be present.) A Grade IV
tions, hematomas, and the presence of urinary extrava- vascular injury consists of a main renal artery or vein
sation; it also allows accurate assessment for the injury with contained hemorrhage. Grade V: complete-
presence of other associated injuries.19 CT is also highly ly shattered kidney with multiple lacerations through the
accurate in identifying arterial injuries (Figure 39-1).20,21 renal parenchyma or avulsion of the renal hilum with a
The presence of the cortical rim sign signifies an acute- devascularized kidney.
ly devascularized kidney with persistent capsular perfu-
sion and is diagnostic of a renal artery thrombosis. The C Eighty-five to 90% of all renal trauma will be classified
use of three-dimensional CT has been reported to be a as either Grade I or Grade II renal injuries. These
noninvasive technique to accurately diagnose renal patients are best treated with observation. Patients with
artery injuries. It provides image quality similar to that gross hematuria are hospitalized and placed on bed rest
provided with angiography and may someday replace until the urine becomes grossly clear. Complications are
angiography as the imaging study of choice in patients rare.
with suspected renal artery trauma.22 Current helical CT
scanners have been shown to occasionally under- D Treatment of major renal trauma is controversial.
estimate the full extent of the injury. Modern-day scan- Opinion is divided between those who favor immediate
ners obtain images before intravenous contrast is operative intervention and those who favor observation
excreted into the collecting system. To avoid understag- with exploration reserved for instances where compli-
ing, it has been recommended that either a repeat scan be cations arise or hemodynamic instability develops.26–30
performed after completing the initial study or the initial Patients at risk for the development of complications
scan be delayed for 5 to 20 minutes after contrast injec- include those with urinary extravasation and/or devital-
tion.23,24 The purpose of the CT scan is to not only iden- ized renal segments. Advancements in endourologic
tify the presence of a renal injury but also to help and percutaneous techniques have lessened the morbid-
classify the extent of the injury using a system estab- ity of these complications. Retroperitoneal urine collec-
lished by the Organ Injury Scaling Committee of the tions and persistent urinary extravasation may be
American Association for the Surgery of Trauma.25 This successfully managed endourologically with stents
system classifies the renal injury into five groups. Grade and/or drainage tubes negating the need for renal explo-
I: contusion and nonexpanding subcapsular hematoma ration in the majority of patients.31 In our experience,
without laceration. Grade I injuries comprise 75 to 80% no patient who has initially stabilized has required sur-
of all renal injuries. Grade II: nonexpanding perirenal gical exploration for complications related to nonoper-
hematoma confined to the retroperitoneum or a lacera- ative management. We have found that patients with
persistent hemodynamic instability require prompt sur-

Figure 39-1 Trauma CT scan showing classic findings of left Figure 39-2 Trauma CT scan showing a Grade IV renal injury.
renal artery thrombosis. Note the abrupt cut-off of the left renal Note the large right pleural hematoma and the presence of uri-
artery and nonfunction of the left kidney. nary extravasation.

Renal Injury

gical intervention and are usually found to have either

avulsion of the renal pedicle or a shattered kidney asso-
ciated with major vascular injuries (Figure 39-3).

All stable patients with major renal trauma are treat-

ed nonoperatively. Patients with gross hematuria are
kept on bed rest until the urine clears. Vital signs and
serial hematocrits are obtained. Broad-spectrum antibi-
otics are prescribed. Once the urine clears, the patient is
allowed to ambulate. If the urine remains clear for 24
hours, the patient is discharged. A follow-up CT scan is
obtained in 4 to 6 weeks. Complications are rare, and
surgical exploration is reserved for those patients who
manifest hemodynamic instability in spite of aggressive
resuscitative efforts.

E Traumatic renal artery thrombosis is an uncommon

complication of blunt abdominal trauma and should be
suspected in any patient presenting with severe deceler-
ation-type injury. Since the initial description by von
Recklinghausen in 1861, approximately 200 cases of
traumatic renal artery occlusion have been reported in
the literature.32–35 Traumatic renal artery thrombosis
results from excessive stretching of the renal artery with
subsequent tearing of the inelastic renal intima and
occlusion of the renal artery. When the condition is
bilateral, immediate surgical exploration and attempted
revascularization are warranted (Figure 39-4). Treatment
of unilateral renal artery thrombosis is controversial.
Advocates of surgical exploration believe renal func- Figure 39-4 Renal arteriogram showing the classic findings of
tion can be preserved by prompt revascularization; bilateral renal artery thrombosis. Note the bilateral cut-off of the
however, in fact, renal function is rarely preserved and renal arteries.
nephrectomy usually results. Recently, successful trans-
luminal angioplasty with stent placement has been
described as an alternative to open revascularization formed if hypertension develops. It is our recommenda-
techniques.36 Advocates of the nonoperative approach tion that all patients with either a solitary kidney or
believe that adequate renal function can rarely be bilateral injuries undergo prompt surgical exploration
restored and that elective nephrectomy can be per- and attempted revascularization. Patients with unilater-
al injuries are observed with nephrectomy performed if
hypertension develops.33–35

F Unstable patients require emergent laparotomy. Once

the patient has been stabilized and life-threatening
injuries have been repaired, an emergent single-shot
excretory urogram is obtained on the operating table. A
high-dose bolus infusion of 2 mL/kg of radiographic
contrast is injected. A simple, plain abdominal radi-
ograph is obtained 10 minutes after injection.
Additional delayed studies may be obtained as deemed
necessary.37 One goal of the trauma IVP is to determine
the presence or absence of two functioning kidneys.

G Patients with an expanding or pulsatile hematoma,

absence of a nephrogram on the intraoperative IVP,
(Figure 39-5) or a gunshot wound to the kidney undergo
renal exploration. Scott and Selzman, in 1966, first
Figure 39-3 Pathologic appearance of a shattered kidney. described the technique of preliminary vascular control

SECTION 5 Genitourinary Trauma

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