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AC TA O E C O L O G I CA 29 (2006) 187–195

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Original article

Ecophysiology of seed germination of wild Dahlia coccinea

(Asteraceae) in a spatially heterogeneous fire-prone habitat

Susana Vivar-Evans, Víctor L. Barradas, María E. Sánchez-Coronado,

Alicia Gamboa de Buen, Alma Orozco-Segovia *
Instituto de Ecología, UNAM, Departamento de Ecología Funcional, Apdo. Postal 70-275, Circuito Exterior S/N, Ciudad Universitaria, 04510
México, D.F., Mexico


Article history:
Dahlia coccinea grows on fire-prone xerophilous shrubland, on a lava field located in Mexi-
Received 20 May 2005
co City. Two kinds of experiments were performed to test the role of fire and environmen-
Accepted 3 October 2005
tal heterogeneity on germination. The first experiment tested the effect of environmental
Available online 19 January 2006 conditions (constant and alternating temperatures, cold stratification and light). The sec-
Keywords: ond one tested the effects of fire and high temperatures (dry and moist heat) on germina-
Ash tion. Seeds of Dahlia were indifferent to light. The seeds showed physiological dormancy,
Cold stratification which was lost by after-ripening or by gibberellins. During simulated fires, dry seeds toler-
ated high temperatures of short duration and also withstood prolonged exposure to 60 °C.
Dry heat treatment reduced the mechanical restriction for embryo growth in dormant
Gibberellic acid
seeds. Ash and prolonged exposure to moist heat inhibited germination. Exogenous gib-
Moist and dry heat
berellins reversed the deleterious effects of prolonged exposure to moist heat. The effect
Shrubland in a lava field
of cold stratification was related to the seeds’ physiological stage and to light conditions;
stratification in the dark reduced germination. Seeds of D. coccinea could tolerate, evade,
or be slightly favored by the effects of low intensity fires occurring in their habitat. Seed
responses to treatments suggest that the spatially heterogeneous lava field could provide
a wide variety of micro-sites where physiological dormancy could be broken and during
fires seeds could maintain their viability and subsequently germinate and/or develop a
seed bank.
© 2006 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.

in the 124.5 ha of the reserve (Fire Department, Universidad

1. Introduction
Nacional Autónoma de México, CORENA, 1998). It is known
that if climatic change is not reversed, the number of fires
Dahlia coccinea is a wild plant, progenitor of the cultivated or-
will increase in the future (Gill et al., 2002), in spite of this
namental varieties of this genus (Bye et al., 1999). It is abun-
fact the effect of fire in the area has not been thoroughly stu-
dant in the ecological reserve of “El Pedregal de San Angel”,
died (Martínez-Orea, 2001).
located in the southern part of Mexico City, at 2240 m a.s.l. D. coccinea was one of the most conspicuous elements
(Rzedowski and Rzedowski, 1985). Fires occur periodically in after the fire events of 1998 at the reserve of “El Pedregal de
this area, however, fire frequency increased in 1998 when “El San Angel” (Martínez-Mateos, 2001). This species could sur-
Niño” caused a serious drought and 202 fires were recorded vive and become successful after a fire event either because
its tubers and/or seeds survive as they are protected by soil,
Corresponding author. Tel.: +52 55 5622 9008; fax: +52 55 5616 1976. and/or because germination is enhanced by fire, which is a
E-mail address: common strategy among the species growing in fire-prone
(A. Orozco-Segovia).
1146-609X/$ - see front matter © 2006 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.
188 ACTA OECOLOGICA 29 (2006) 187–195

habitats (Trabaud, 1987). The seeds of species adapted to fire fruiting the shoots die and seeds and tubers remain dor-
usually have hard seed coats (Baskin and Baskin, 1998) which mant. The climate in the area is temperate by altitude. The
can be broken by high temperatures produced during com- vegetation in the area is an open xerophilous shrubland
bustion, facilitating the entry of water and the emergence of growing on volcanic rock, where soil, moisture and tempera-
the embryo (Baskin et al., 2000). Additionally, after a fire, ture are heterogeneously distributed (Cano-Santana and
light, temperature and humidity are modified, as well as Meave, 1996). Annually, the herbaceous vegetation contri-
other factors such as the release of ethylene from ash or butes to the plant biomass 106.6–329.2 g m−2 year−1 (5400 kJ
the smoke/nitrous oxides that promote germination in some m−2 year−1). During the dry season, this mass becomes fuel
species (Tyler, 1995; Ne’eman et al., 1999; Keeley and Fother- for the periodical fires occurring in the reserve (Cano-Santa-
ingham, 2000; Van Staden et al., 2000; Adkins and Peters, na, 1994).
2001). Elsewhere, fire conditions vary depending on the en-
vironmental characteristics of the region where they occur
2.2. Germination treatments
(Odion and Davis, 2000; Gill et al., 2002). Thus, it is important
to study the influence of fire on germination in different
plant communities and species. 2.2.1. General procedures
Studies of D. coccinea are important for maintaining a pool After collection, seeds were air dried and stored in paper
of genetic variability for the cultivated Dahlia. For this it is bags under laboratory conditions at 23–25 °C and 40–50%
important to understand how sexual reproduction shapes RH. There were five replicates of 50 seeds for each treatment,
the genetic variation in natural populations, so the effects except otherwise specified. Prior to incubation, the seeds
of fire on plant and seed persistence and seedling emergence were washed with 10% sodium hypochlorite; a fungicide
and establishment are crucial for this species inhabiting a was then applied (Interguzan 30-30, Quintozeno + thiram).
fire-prone habitat. Consequently we studied the occurrence After that, seeds were germinated in plastic Petri dishes on
of fire in the natural environment and germination ecophy- 1% agar. The seeds were incubated in a growth chamber
siology of D. coccinea in response to the main environmental (125 l; Conviron, Winnipeg, Canada) at 25 °C. Seeds were
factors that seeds experience in the soil before, during and counted every 2 days until germination was completed.
after fire.
Seeds collected in 1998 were used for the majority of the ex-
periments; nevertheless, in order to synchronize the physio-
logical stage of the seeds with natural conditions, some
2. Materials and methods treatments were carried out with dormant seeds collected
in the year 2000. Table 1 indicates the seed batch used in
2.1. Species, seed collections and study area each treatment and the events that were simulated with
D. coccinea Cavanilles (Asteraceae) is a perennial herbaceous
wild plant with tuberous roots. It is distributed from North-
ern Mexico to Guatemala and Colombia (Sorensen, 1969). 2.2.2. Storage time and gibberellic acid
Though, Dahlia seeds are achenes (indehiscent fruits con- To test the presence of physiological dormancy 1-month-old
taining a seed surrounded by the pericarp) we refer to these seeds (collected in 1998) were germinated with 0 or 1000 ppm
here as seeds. Seeds were collected in October 1998 (first co- of GA3 (Sigma Chemical Co. G-7645, San Louis, MO, USA). To
hort) and in 2000 (second cohort), in the ecological reserve of test the effect of dry storage on physiological dormancy, 1-,
“El Pedregal de San Angel” (19°19’N, 99°11’W, 2240 m a.s.l.) 4-, 7- and 18-month-old seeds were germinated on agar.
where D. coccinea is very abundant, growing during the rainy Seeds collected in 2000 were germinated after 1, 2, 3 and
season and flowering and fruiting from July till October. After 4 months of dry storage.

Table 1 – Summary of treatments, environmental conditions and physiological stages of the seeds when the treatments
were applied

Year of seed Season Treatments Seed Seed age

collection physiological (months)
1998 Dry with random Autumn Seed dissemination Dormant seeds 0–3
rains Seeds sown in the field
Winter and spring Wet and dry stratification (5 °C) Partial dormancy 4–7
Moist heat , GA3
Fire simulations
Rainy Summer Field germination 9–10

2000 Rainy Autumn Ash and stratification effect Dormant seeds ≥1

Dry, with random Spring Dry heat
ACTA OECOLOGICA 29 (2006) 187–195 189

2.2.3. Cold stratification and 10 g (L1), 32 g (L2), or 58 g (L3) of dry litter. Rocks, soil and
To overcome physiological dormancy, we simulated the win- litter were uniformly distributed in the containers. The litter
ter–spring soil conditions for the natural habitat—flat exten- quantities were similar to those found in the field (Table 2).
sions, cavities (pockets, indentations and others) or cre- Three hundred seeds were distributed between the litter and
vasses in a rough substrate—and exposed seeds to the light the soil layer. The litter was ignited during the dry season
and temperature conditions experienced before fires. Dry (T ≈ 26 °C, RH = 30%, wind speed = 1.5–3.0 m s−1) with a lit
seeds and seeds imbibed on agar remained at 5 °C for 28 days match placed at one end of the container. Temperature dur-
in light and dark conditions inside a refrigerator (RC-600-N, ing the fires was recorded with six thermocouples (type E
American Refrigeration Products, Mexico) illuminated with chromel–constantan, Cole Parmer, Vernon Hills, IL, USA) lo-
four fluorescent lamps (40 W). Time exposure to cold tem- cated at seed level and connected to a data logger (21X,
perature was based on the total time at ≤ 5 °C in the reserve Campbell Scientific, Inc., Logan, UT, USA). Temperatures
recorded with a data logger along the period 1998–1999 using were monitored until the containers reached room tempera-
a temperature–humidity probe (HMP35C, Campbell Scientific, ture. After the fire, the seeds were removed and three repli-
Inc., Logan, UT, USA). After pretreatment, all seeds were in- cations of 50 seeds per fire treatment were sown on agar.
cubated at 25 °C. Since soil disturbance in the area is very Seeds that were not exposed to fire were the control.
infrequent, seeds are commonly stratified in the same light
environment where they will germinate in the rainy season. 2.2.6. Germination in the field
Therefore seeds were stratified and germinated in the same In order to test the germination capacity in the field during
light regime. Controls consisted of untreated seeds germi- the rainy season, 50 seeds were sown in each one of 12 cloth
nated under conditions of light and darkness. pots filled with soil sterilized for 20 min in a microwave
oven. Cloth pots (8 cm in diameter × 5 cm in height) were
2.2.4. Moist heat covered with a nylon mesh to restrict the entry of any other
To simulate the high fire-induced temperatures experienced seeds. Each pot was set inside a wire cage (25 cm
within rock cavities and crevasses were soil is moist all year length × 25 cm width × 10 cm height, 0.2 cm2 opening) to pro-
long, seeds were placed in each of three volumes: 10, 50 and tect seeds from predators. The pots were randomly placed in
100 ml; V1, V2 and V3, respectively; of boiling water (96 °C at the field in December 1998 in 12 sites (one pot per site) differ-
2240 m a.s.l.) which took varying lengths of time to return to ing in light conditions and rock exposure, which represented
room temperature, therefore providing different periods of the environments where D. coccinea grows (shaded by rocks
time of heat exposure to the seeds. When the seeds and the or trees and in open places). Germination in the pots was re-
thermocouple were placed in water, the temperature fell to corded periodically. Soil temperatures were considered an in-
89 °C. Temperature course was measured until the water dicator of the differences between micro-environmental con-
cooled down to room temperature (24 °C). Temperature was ditions, thus temperature was recorded in each of the 12
recorded with a thermocouple (T copper–constantan, Cole sites with micro-data loggers (model H01-001-01, HOBO, On-
Parmer, Vernon Hills, IL, USA) connected to a data logger set Computer Corporation, Pocasset, MA, USA).
(21X, Campbell Scientific, Inc., UT, USA). Control seeds were
not immersed in hot water. In order to test the interaction 2.2.7. Ash and cold stratification
between seed physiological stage and moist heat, after treat- To break physiological dormancy and simultaneously to eval-
ments, seeds were sown in agar with 0 or 1500 ppm of GA3. uate the effect of ash on germination, seeds collected in year
2000 were sown on agar in the following conditions: 1) cov-
2.2.5. Simulated fires ered with ash, 2) covered with ash during cold stratification
Soil and litter were collected to simulate the natural condi- and 3) cold stratified seeds, later covered with ash, 4) only
tions at the reserve. To determine the quantity of litter on cold stratified seeds, or 5) without any other treatment (con-
the soil surface of the area, the 10 representative microhabi- trol). Ash was added at 2.3 g to the germination substrate.
tats in the Pedregal were sampled. Litter was dried in an Ash was obtained from burning litter from the reserve. Un-
oven at 60 °C for 24 h. The soil was sieved and dried at treated control seeds and only-stratified seeds were covered
80 °C for 48 h. Fires were carried out in six aluminum con- with wet filter paper to simulate the humid conditions cre-
tainers 18 × 6.5 × 7.5 cm in height (117 cm2 and 877.5 cm3, ated by the cinder. Control seeds were sown when the cold-
surface and volume, respectively). Each container was filled stratification treatments were over and all seeds were placed
with 242 g of volcanic rock, 92 g (S1) or 223 g (S2) of dry soil, in incubators.

Table 2 – Quantity of litter commonly found on the soil in the reserve of “El Pedregal de San Angel” before the fires and its
equivalent in ash after fires (N = 10). In the three last columns are indicated the three levels of litter (L) and the ash used in
the fire or ash treatments described in methods; and its equivalent per area unit

(g m−2) Field conditions Laboratory condition

Mean (± S.D.) Range Treatment Material used per Equivalent in g m–2
treatment (g)
Litter 1546.16 ± 1611.56 395.21–5041.44 L1 10 854.7
L2 32 2735.04
L3 58 4957.26
Ash 265.93 ± 277.18 44.91–867.13 Ash 2.3 457.57
190 ACTA OECOLOGICA 29 (2006) 187–195

Water potential and pH were measured in both a sample month-old seeds, and was not synchronous. A 4-month
of the ash mixed with distilled water (1:2, w/v, ash to water; after-ripening sufficed to reach full germination; neverthe-
Ne’eman et al., 1999) as well as in a sample of the ash mixed less, 4- and 7-month-old seeds required more than 42 days
with 1% agar (2.3:40, w/v), using a Dew point microvoltmeter for full germination (Fig. 1a), whereas, maximum germina-
HR-33T-R in a C52 thermocouple psychrometer chamber tion of 18-month-old seeds occurred in only 6 days. Gibberel-
(Wescor, Inc., Logan, UT, USA), and a pH meter (Hanna In- lins significantly increased germination in 1-month-old
struments, HI9219, Ann Arbor, MI, USA). seeds (Fig. 1a, b; t = 1.92, P = 0.04). Immediately after collec-
tion, the two cohorts from 1998 and 2000 did not differ in
2.2.8. Dry heat germination capacity. Germination success increased with
To know the effect on germination of the high temperatures storage for the 1998 cohort, while decreasing for the 2000 co-
occurring during the dry season in the Pedregal, seeds col- hort (Fig. 1a, c). In contrast, the cohort from 2000 showed an
lected in year 2000 were left for 180 h in an oven at 60 °C. inverse relation between storage time and germination capa-
Exposure time was calculated as the time ≥ 60 °C recorded city (y = 57.67 + [–0.57x3], R2 = 0.96), which was reduced signif-
in the reserve with the data logger. After treatment, seeds icantly at 4 months (Fig. 1c, H = 8.91, P = 0.03), whereas the
were sown on agar and germinated. cohort collected in 1998 at the same age reached maximum
germination capacity (Fig. 1a). In similar way to 1-month-old
2.3. Data analysis seeds of this batch, seeds collected in 2000 had an asynchro-
nous germination.
All germination data were arcsine transformed. Statistical
tests were applied depending on homogeneity of variances
3.1.2. Cold stratification
(Bartlett’s test). When variances were homogeneous, data
Exposure to 5 °C did not affect the germination capacity at
were compared by one- or two-way ANOVA tests and multi-
25 °C (Fig. 2) (H = 2.93, P = 0.71). But stratification of seeds im-
ple comparisons were done with Tukey’s test; alternatively
bibed in darkness resulted in a lower germination and a wide
Student’s t-test was used. When variances were not homoge-
heterogeneity in seed response (Fig. 2). In addition, depend-
neous, Kruskal–Wallis or Mann–Whitney’s tests were used
ing on light conditions, stratification affected germination
(Statgraphics, ver. 5.0, Statistical Graphics Co., Rockville, MD,
USA). Cumulative germination was fitted to exponential sig- velocity. When dry or imbibed seeds were both exposed to
moid curves (y = a/[1+b(–cx)]). All fittings were made with a cold and germinated in the dark, germination was very slow;
computer program (Table Curve 2D, ver 5, 2000AISN Software, time to reach 80% germination increased.
Inc., Chicago, IL, USA).
3.1.3. Moist heat
Seeds immersed in V3 did not germinate. Seeds immersed in
3. Results V2 germinated slower than control seeds and the germina-
tion capacity was reduced significantly (Table 3, Fig. 3). Gib-
3.1. Seeds collected in year 1998 berellins had no significant main effect on germination but
the interaction between gibberellin treatment and moist heat
3.1.1. Storage time and gibberellic acid was significant, with gibberellin treatment increasing the
Storage time had a positive effect on germination (Fig. 1; germination capacity of seeds in the V2 treatment. Germina-
H = 9.11, P = 0.02). Germination was significantly lower in 1- tion was not affected by the other treatments.

Fig. 1 – Mean cumulative germination (± S.D.) at 25 °C of D. coccinea seeds. Seeds collected in 1998 (a) were germinated after
different storage times; one (○), 4 (▽), 7 (□) and 18 months (Δ). One-month-old seeds were also germinated with GA3
1000 ppm (b). Seeds collected in 2000 (c) were germinated after 1 (○), 2 (●), 3 (■) and 4 months (▼) of storage. Small letters
indicate significant differences among storage treatments; capital letters indicate significant differences between
gibberellins treatments.
ACTA OECOLOGICA 29 (2006) 187–195 191

Fig. 2 – Mean germination (± S.D.) percentage at 25 °C of D. coccinea seeds collected in 1998; control (a) and cold stratified
were germinated in light (○) or in darkness (●). Seeds were exposed to the stratification (5 °C for 28 days) in a dry (b) or
imbibed state (c); the seeds were exposed to the same light conditions during this treatment and during germination.
Small letters indicate significant differences among treatments.

Table 3 – Results of two-way ANOVA carried out to test significant inverse linear relation (y = –0.88x + 117.27, R2
the effect of moist heat treatment and gibberellins on the = 0.93, P < 0.05) between the germination percentages and
germination response of D. coccinea seeds (collected in the mean temperature produced by the fires (mean tempera-
1998). Degrees of freedom (df), F values and significance ture from the beginning of fire until temperature reached
level (P) are given room temperature again). However, this trend was caused
Parameter Source of variation df F P only by S2L2 and S2L3 (Table 4). In these two treatments ger-
Germination Moist heat treatment 3,39 153.68 0.0001 mination was significantly lower than in the others, and fire
(%) GA3 1,39 1.78 0.19 had the longest residence time at high temperature.
Moist heat treatment * 3,39 3.78 0.02
3.1.5. Field germination
Mean temperature in the field was 17.6 ± 3.9 °C, varying
3.1.4. Simulated fires among the 12 sites from 14.5 to 26.8 °C. Rains began in the
Temperatures experienced by seeds varied across litter and middle of June (Fig. 4a) and germination began 1 week later
soil treatments, with higher temperatures with more soil (Fig. 6c). Germination finished in July (Fig. 4b). 72.5 ± 17.4% of
and more litter (Table 4). Less germination was observed for seeds germinated and the regression analysis did not show a
seeds that had experienced temperatures higher than 100 °C relation between germination and the mean, minimal or
for a long time (Table 4, F6, 20 = 23.54, P = 0.0001). There was a maximal temperature of the microsites (P > 0.05).

Fig. 3 – Mean germination (± S.D.) percentage at 25 °C of D. coccinea seeds collected in 1998. Seeds were germinated without
(open symbols) and with GA3 1500 ppm (solid symbols) after exposure to one of three different volumes of boiling water. In
V1 (square) water reached room temperature in 11 min, and water mean temperature was 24 °C, in V2 (triangle) these
values were 28 min and 32 °C, and in V3 (inverted triangle), 63 min and 40 °C; respectively. Control seeds did not
experience the exposure to boiling water (circles). Small letters indicate significant differences among treatments.
192 ACTA OECOLOGICA 29 (2006) 187–195

Table 4 – Germination percentages (± S.D.), at 25 °C, of D. coccinea seeds collected in 1998, after exposure to simulated fires
in containers with 242 g of volcanic rock and different quantities of soil and litter. Ti = initial temperature (23.7 ± 0.16).
Small letters indicate significant differences among treatments

Treatment Fire temperature Residence (min) Time to reach Ti Germination

Soil (g) Litter (g) Mean (°C) Maximum (°C) > 100 °C (min) (%)
92 10 (S1L1) 27.6 ± 5.7 45 0 38 94 ± 3.6 c
32 (S1L2) 36.2 ± 21.6 156 3 90 91.3 ± 7.2 c
58 (S1L3) 31.6 ± 8.2 57 0 56 88.7 ± 4.5 c
223 10 (S2L1) 32.4 ± 14.6 112 1 38 92 ± 6.5 c
32 (S2L2) 78.5 ± 34.3 124 36 162 52 ± 4.7 b
58 (S2L3) 109 ± 70.1 230 52 178 15.3 ± 8.5 a
Control 88.7 ± 8.3 c

Table 5 – Germination percentages (± S.D.), at 25 °C, of

D. coccinea seeds collected in 2000 after exposure to ash
(2.3 g), and/or cold stratification (5 °C for 28 days). Small
letters indicate significant differences among treatments

Pretreatment Germination Germination (%)

Stratified Covered with wet fil- 42.4 ± 26.9 ab
ter paper
Stratified and Covered with ash 0
covered with ash
Stratified Covered with ash 9.2 ± 18.4 a
None Covered with ash 6.4 ± 12.8 a
None (control) Covered with wet fil- 57.6 ± 6.4 b
ter paper

3.2.2. Dry heat

Dry heat increased germination capacity from 21.6 ± 14.2% to
47.6 ± 35%, but the Mann–Whitney’s tests did not indicate
significant differences due to the heterogeneity in seed re-
sponse (U = 17, P = 0.4). Time to reach full germination was
reduced from 40 to 25 days. Regardless of the treatment
used, maximal germination was low in relation to seeds col-
Fig. 4 – (a) Daily precipitation during June and (b) July of lected during 1998.
1999. (c) Mean cumulative germination (± S.D.) of D. coccinea
(seed batch collected in 1998) occurred in the field, during
the rainy season of 1999. (d) Precipitation and mean (– –),
4. Discussion
minimum (—), and maximum (·····) temperature in the
Pedregal de San Ángel in a 20-year period (Sánchez-Huerta,
D. coccinea seeds had physiological attributes that may be im-
1990). The arrow indicates the beginning of germination in
portant in understanding its population biology in a hetero-
the field.
geneous environment subject to frequent fires. Fire was not
required for germination, although heat increased the germi-
nation capacity of dormant seeds. Conversely, cold stratifica-
tion in the dark may favor the formation of a seed bank.
D. coccinea seeds were indifferent to light and showed pri-
3.2. Seeds collected in the year 2000 mary dormancy, expressed as low and slow germination that
took more than 2 months to complete. For seeds collected in
3.2.1. Ash and stratification 1998, after-ripening sufficed to overcome dormancy and in-
The germination capacity of non-stratified and stratified creased gradually germination rate and synchrony but this
seeds was drastically reduced when ash was added to the was not observed for seeds collected in 2000. In D. rudis Sor
substrate during the germination period (Table 5, H = 11.3, (Acosta-Bautista, 1999) and in other Asteraceae species, phy-
P < 0.01). Exposure to ash during cold-stratification prevented siological dormancy is also gradually eliminated by after-ri-
total germination. Stratification itself reduced the germina- pening (Corbineau et al., 1990; Seiler, 1998). In the field, phy-
tion capacity and increased heterogeneity in seed response. siological dormancy prevented germination during the rains
Water potential of ash paste was –1.1 MPa while that of the occurring in the cold-dry season. Seeds gradually lost dor-
mixture of ash and agar was of –0.9 MPa, the pH was 10.45 mancy over the winter–spring and then they were ready to
and 9.66, respectively. germinate rapidly with the onset of summer rains.
ACTA OECOLOGICA 29 (2006) 187–195 193

In contrast, the cohort from 2000 lost germination capa- degradation (Lovegrove et al., 1998; Jones et al., 1998). Thus
city with time, due to secondary dormancy that was over- a loss in membrane integrity, as a result of heat shock could
come in a fraction of the seed population by dry heat. In this reduce the interaction among the elements involved in this
cohort, stratification reduced germination and increased the pathway. Therefore, it is possible that in heat-treated seeds
spread in germination, which could indicate a deleterious ef- exogenous gibberellins increased the efficiency of the first
fect. However, in the other cohort (1998) germination syn- step of this process. On the other hand, it has been reported
chrony and rate increased slightly when imbibed seeds were that smoke stimulates germination in a similar way as gib-
cold-stratified in light. Although, seeds are indifferent to berellins (Keeley and Fotheringham, 1998; Van Staden et al.,
light, during stratification light conditions became relevant 2000), thus, during fires, smoke could also play an important
for subsequent germination. In the dark, stratification re- role in repairing cells damaged by high temperatures. This
duced germination capacity or reduced germination rate interesting trait requires further study (J.E. Keeley, personal
and increased germination variability. In some Asteraceae, communication).
cold stratification does not affect primary dormancy or re- The effect of fire on germination of D. coccinea was not de-
duce germination (Corbineau et al., 1990), but in Dahlia the leterious in all cases; germination was only reduced in the
effect of cold stratification was related to the physiological two containers where fires reached temperatures over
stage of the seed batch, to seed hydration and to light condi- 100 °C and residence time was long. Conversely, these tem-
tions during stratification, as in other plants (Borghetti et al., peratures at shorter duration were not inhibitory. Similar re-
1989; Derkx and Karssen, 1993). sults have been reported in other studies (Keeley et al., 1985,
Seeds exposed simultaneously to cold and light probably Tarrega et al., 1992; Nuñez and Calvo, 2000). During natural
will have a high germination in the rainy season; whereas a fires temperature is not uniform in space and time; it de-
fraction of seeds that remains in darkness may have a higher pends on the type, amount and distribution of litter, soil
probability to form a permanent seed bank. Moreover, seeds depth and wind. Consequently, “fire regime” has a relevant
from different seed batches may contribute differentially to role in the ecological outcome (Gill et al., 2002); in the Pedre-
the seed bank due to variation in the intensity of dormancy gal, the environmental heterogeneity is determining for fire
among cohorts. The seed bank of D. coccinea tends to be tran- regime, simultaneously may provide potential refuges for
sient, due to rapid and concerted germination occurring at seeds determining differential survival of seeds (Tyler, 1995;
the beginning of the rainy season; as in Pistacia lentiscus Pugnaire and Lozano, 1997; Odion and Davis, 2000). Thus,
(García-Fayos and Verdú, 1988). Thus, any mechanism that surviving seeds of Dahlia could survive and take advantage
favors the permanence of D. coccinea in the seed bank and of the openings for seedling establishment created by the fire
seed burial may be relevant for the population maintenance (Auld and Bradstock, 1996).
in a fire-prone habitat. In this study ashes including small pieces of charred
In D. coccinea the pericarp could be an obstacle for radicle wood inhibited germination in contrast to previously re-
protrusion, but when the embryo was mature and vigorous ported favorable effects (Keeley, 1987). Probably the quantity
(after 7–18 months) seeds germinated fast and synchro- of ash added to the germination substrate made that its ba-
nously. With physiological dormancy gibberellins also favor sic pH and/or the low water potential drastically inhibit ger-
breaking of the seed covering by embryos (Baskin and Baskin, mination of D. coccinea (Ne’eman et al., 1999; González-Raba-
1998). After exposure to 60 °C for 80 h germination increased, nal and Casal, 1995). In the Pedregal ash remains
but temporal spread in germination suggests heterogeneity accumulated in most of the cavities where the litter was
in the seed covers or the in intensity of dormancy in the seed burned or is accumulated in them by the action of wind;
population. In the Pedregal the longest exposure to heat oc- however, it may be washed or diluted by water during preci-
curs during the dry season. At noon, temperature runs up to pitations, favoring germination when the rainy season is
60 °C on the rocks or up to 59 °C under 5 cm of soil (Olvera- well established.
Carrillo, 2001). These temperatures can increase germination
of species adapted to fire (Bradstock and Auld, 1995; Pugnaire
and Lozano, 1997; Hanley and Fenner, 1998). Additionally, 5. Conclusions
every day or during fires, the seeds staying in the moist soil
of rock crevasses and cavities are exposed to brief periods of D. coccinea is a species adapted to a seasonal temperate cli-
moist heat, which may not affect the germination of mate mediated by altitude and to a spatially heterogeneous
D. coccinea. However, relatively long exposure to moist heat habitat; both determine the “fire regime” and extreme daily
(63 min) during severe fires could prevent germination. Con- temperature fluctuations. This changing habitat, in space
trasting effects of moist and dry heat on germination have and time, could favor the expression and maintaining of the
been previously reported (Cushwa et al., 1967; Baskin et al., seed physiological diversity and the genetic variability in this
1998). species (Spicer and Gaston, 1999). In D. coccinea dormancy
Moist heat could have damaged the seeds and/or induced prevented germination during the random winter–spring
secondary dormancy (Baskin and Baskin, 1998; Corbineau et rains. During this period seeds overcome physiological dor-
al., 2002). In these seeds gibberellins could have broken sec- mancy and low temperatures may accelerate or inhibit ger-
ondary dormancy and/or compensated the effect of moist mination increasing opportunities for seed bank formation,
heat of intermediate duration (28 min). Gibberellins bind to depending on light conditions and/or the seed physiological
a receptor in the cell membrane as a first step of the signal stage during stratification. On the other hand, seeds can tol-
transduction pathway involved in the stimulation of starch erate, evade or be slightly favored by the effect of fires that
194 ACTA OECOLOGICA 29 (2006) 187–195

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thank the Editor Jacqui Shykoff and two anonymous re-
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