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Thalía Paredes Rodríguez.

8 de Agosto del 2017.

Ingles III

Number the sentences to show the correct order. After that, write the sentences in
the correct paragraph format (SAMPLE 2) adding main idea, three supporting ideas,
details and a concluding sentence.

a)Measure the temperature of the sand.

b) Then fill the cup one third full of sand.

c) Measure the temperature of the sand again.

d) Shake the sand inside the cup for one minute.

e) The following experiment demonstrates kinetic energy.

f) At the end, you will discover that the sand is warmer.

g) Start with a large paper cup with a lid, some sand, and a thermometer.

Sentences in order:
1) The following experiment demonstrates kinetic energy.

2) Start with a large paper cup with a lid, some sand, and a thermometer.

3) Then fill the cup one third full of sand.

4) Measure the temperature of the sand.

5) Shake the sand inside the cup for one minute.

6) Measure the temperature of the sand again.

7) At the end, you will discover that the sand is warmer.

Thalía Paredes Rodríguez.
8 de Agosto del 2017.
Ingles III

Demonstration of the kinetic energy.

In the world we have many types of energy’s, in the following experiment

demonstrates kinetic energy. First we are going to start with a large paper cup with a lid,

some sand, and a thermometer, these things are easy and cheap to find.

Later of that we have to fill the cup one third full of sand and star to measure the

temperature of the sand to check later the differences that could affect when we do

another thing with the experiment.

We can observe that if we shake the sand inside the cup for one minute and later

of that we are going to measure the temperature of the sand again, and check the

changes that appear in the temperature. At the end, you will discover that the sand is


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